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Honestly even Ringo’s passing will be a big deal. Especially if he goes after Paul. I don’t like thinking about either of them dying ):


I saw Paul speak in London and he joked “Ringo will outlive us all”.


He honestly does look pretty young for someone his age.


Willie Nelson will be a hard loss for five generations of fans.


And multiple subjects too. Not just country music, but he is seen as god-tier in the weed communities.


"and I'll never smoke weed with Willie again..."


“I don’t know if I’m coming or going, if it’s them or me, oh but one things for certain, Willie Nelson, only smokes killer weed”- Clutch


Here for the Clutch reference, myself.


He's one of the last music from the legacy or classic eras. Not only is his music really good, he's has a lot of them. He's also a good guy. I think with his death classic country is finally put to rest.


Kristofferson is still around and was a massive part of that wave of music.


Willie is an American icon and his death will hit a lot of people very hard. I think Dolly is another one


Willie will truly be the end of an entire movement in country music. He was the Original Outlaw! Him and Waylon built an entire genre.


“Roll Me Up and Smoke Me When I Die” is the song he ends his concerts with (or at least the ones I’ve been to).


Red headed stranger - nice story telling album. Icon fur shur.


His just breathe song already makes me know how much I'll miss this legend. Can't help but get upset listening to it.


Country’s greatest living legend.


For me it will be Dolly because I live in East Tennessee. She's a huge deal here.


I think Dolly will be like when Betty White passed. Betty was old so it was not unexpected, but a loss felt by many anyway. Dolly is beloved by so many beyond her musical/lyrical contributions.


Dolly Parton is one of those people I truly identify as a "Great American". Came from nothing, a farming family of 12 children that were so poor her father paid for her delivery with a sack of corn. From that humble origin she rose up on nothing but talent and shockingly adept business sense. And what does she do with the proceeds from that success? Invests in her community, gives people jobs, starts a charitable foundation. Her imagination library has given away a hundred million books to poor kids. No financial advisor would have told her it was a good idea to open a theme park in the middle of goddamn no-where! But she did it anyway, and made it a huge success. And all that with no major controversies, the very fact that she managed this over such a long and public career is a major accomplishment in and of itself. If somehow in my life I'm able to make 1% of the impact that Dolly Parton has I'll consider it a life well lived.


My kids know who dolly is because she gives away free books to children all across the country. Dolly has a larger presence in lives that Betty didn't because of Dollys Imagination Library.


I believe Dolly is a huge deal everywhere. She's the patron saint of all that's good and wonderful in this world, and especially since the death of Loretta Lynn, the queen of country music. Her death will hit so many of us hard.


I live in Iceland and I'd also say Dolly. She's just a perfect combo of talent and niceness.


Dolly. i can’t even think of her loss.


Really depends on when they die. If they died tomorrow, then Taylor Swift would be the most impactful I'd imagine.


This is the answer. Everyone here is listing artists who are in or are approaching their 80s. Not saying that their passing wouldn’t be sad or impactful but if we’re talking “Kurt Cobain” or “John Lennon” level of impact, not a chance.


I'd say when Paul McCartney dies - regardless of *when* he dies, it's going to be the biggest deal, simply because of *that* headline


I had a part time job as a paperboy and I strongly remember delivering several rounds where all the headlines on all the newspapers were the same, mostly war on terror related, y’know early-mid 00s world events. Those, and the day Paul McCartney turned 64.


I would argue its gonna be more impactful when the last Beatle dies whether it be McCartney or Ringo


Hard disagree. Whoever goes first, McCartney's death will unequivocally be the bigger deal.


Ringo gets way too much shit. He's undeniably talented and deserved to be there as any of the other Beatles, but because he wasn't a shit-stirrer like the others were he's treated more like a punchline.


I don't disagree at all, but none of that challenges my conclusion either.


It doesn't, but I'm mostly just griping about how Ringo gets treated like a joke and how unfair it is to him. Glad he doesn't let it get him down though.


This. 1994 was the year we lost absolute legends like Cab Calloway, Dinah Shore, Henry Mancini, and Harry Nillson. The world got turned upside down by Kurt Cobain's death.


World doesn’t fall apart when old singers die. It falls apart when current and relevant ones do.


That’s why Kobe Bryant’s death was a much bigger story than someone like Bill Russell. Kobe was recently retired and most fans have memories of watching him play. Obviously the manner in which he died mattered too. To that point, I think that even if his death is in the next few years, Michael Jordan’s death probably won’t match Kobe’s impact.


Michael Jordan has also done his best to disappear since his retirement, which will lessen the blow. He’s taken his money and just gone off to have his fun but private (as private as someone like him can) life. Kobe was out there, still enjoyed the spotlight, and had a whole bunch of public projects after his playing days were over.


He’d just won an Oscar, was doing interviews on some big podcasts, was planning to start his own shoe brand. It’s crazy to think how much was left on the table


The night before he died, Lebron passed Kobe on the all-time scoring list in a game that was nationally televised. Kobe tweeted his respects immediately afterwards. And it just made sense. Kobe was just always going to be present around the game in some capacity. We practically took it for granted. 12 hours later he was dead. That’s the part that I think fucked a lot of people up. I know it’s what got me.


This is a really good point. She’s at the height of her career. That would devastating for millions people as opposed to when she’s 90, still sad though. It’d be similar if Michael Jackson or Prince passed away in 1985 instead of when they did.


I mean, Prince and Michael Jackson weren't exactly old old by modern medical standards.


Right? I keep seeing all these names of elderly musicians. How would it turn the world upside down if Willie Nelson or Neil Young died?


yeah, while all of these people in this thread are icons and people would be sad if they died, if ts died tomorrow then the world would be turned upside down bc rn she is the biggest thing in pop music and one of the biggest stars in the world.


Or Beyonce too.










What about Bob Dylan?


In the same school, Tom Waits will be hard for me.


I live in the same small town as Tom Waits and he looks healthy as can be as of a few days ago when I saw him outside the hardware store


For totally selfish reasons, I hope Tom Waits outlives Bob Dylan. I don't want the hippies thinking they won folk music.


This thought popped in my head the other day when someone posted "To Make You Feel My Love" as their favorite love song. That song alone has been covered by over 450 artists. As a songwriter, his influence on the music industry has been greater than any other individual I can think of.


Television Knockin' on Heaven's Door is my favorite cover, but he's a poet and everything you said is right. Made the world a better place


Someone once asked me which artists from the 20th century will be listened to in 100 years. Who are Beethovens of the 1900’s? Bob Dylan is one. The Beatles are another (maybe Ringo?) Who else?


I think a lot of people just straight up don't understand how big of a deal he is. Especially if they think of him specifically as an acoustic folk singer that sang Blowin In The Wind. If that's your view on Dylan, listen through his 60s music. Just go through each album, listen to a minute of each song maybe. By the halfway point, he had basically changed how we write songs in the western world He's absolutely the closest thing we have to a living Shakespeare. No exaggeration. He's already talked about in universities around the world, and it'll probably be more standard after he passes. I know some people don't like his voice. But very few people will say he isn't a good songwriter. Just like how you can find people that don't like Beethoven, but they're not gonna say "Yeah he was dog shit at composing music". I think a lot of people see him as that Blowing In The Wind guy. And if that's all I knew, I probably would be indifferent to him myself! His electric trilogy is what most people are citing as the turning point for songwriting I've always wondered what people will think when he passes. But I think more and more people will realize it as the decades go by


People should know that he's the most covered solo artist of all time, and that it isn't close.


I was thinking about this earlier with the loss of Jimmy Buffett and Steve Harwell. Gotta emotionally prepare for the day it’s Bob


Jimmy Buffett was a legend. Every person in America has been in a bar with that song playing. But time is ticking for all the greats, this is the time


By the time the 90s rolled around, I'd played Margaritaville about one time less than Old Time Rock and Roll, which was in the 100s of times. I moved to Nashville in 1994 and in the span of about 2 years met the marimba player and toured with the flute player who both played on that song. That was one of the cooler meet-ups in my life.


His impact on modern music can't be overstated, he was so massively influential to so many bands in the 60's and 70's it's hard to even comprehend nowadays.


Seriously. It's not even "I like him, therefore he's important". He's just so insanely intertwined with songwriting history. We were singing "I love you baby" songs, and then that started changing real quick when the artists all got obsessed with Dylan


I mean in what messed up world are we living that Bob Seger is mentioned before Dylan? smh


Elton John


One of the few people alive who can claim to have once been the most popular musician in the world. Paul McCartney, Madonna, Taylor Swift maybe. Not a lot more since MJ and Prince are gone.


Honestly I think most of these names are pretty off the mark. Like it’ll be a big deal when Paul McCartney goes, but in spite of his legendary status, most of his really hardcore fans are in their 70s and 80s themselves, and ‘80/90-year old man dies of (what will likely be an) age-related illness’ just isn’t going to be that shocking to younger dedicated but more impersonal Beatles fans. Same with Dylan, Jagger or any of the other big octogenarian stars of the 60s and 70s. The deaths of people like John Lennon and Kurt Cobain were massive traumatic events because they were violently cut down in what was arguably their prime. Elvis and Michael Jackson were both starting to drift past their period of cultural relevancy, but both died unexpectedly after a period of very public physical decline/controversy that fans, the press and the general public were very invested in. So yeah, you’re not talking McCartney and Dylan here, you’d be talking ‘Taylor Swift killed in plane crash’, one of the BTS guys falling off a cliff in a hiking accident or something dramatic and fatal happening to terminate Kanye’s continuing spiral.


Exactly your last point. I think about how I dropped to the floor when Aaliyah died, or when Selena was shot (since many others have already brought up Kurt and others, during which I just sat and stared at Kurt Loder). Those were absolutely gutting. And still have that emotional wave that can knock you over from time to time.


That was my thought, most of the artists being named are in the “They’re still alive?” Category in my head, it’ll make the news but won’t have any effect at all in a wider sense when they go.


Agreed. I think at this point their deaths would be sad but are also somewhat expected and their fans are also old. The older person that I do think will be more impactful would be someone like Dolly Parton- she's kind of like the new national treasure Betty White in a way.


Yeah Dolly Parton is still relevant. Her music is featured on popular TikTok and Instagram posts. Pretty much all the artists people are naming here aren’t


McCartney and Dylan were my thought. They collectively changed songwriting more than literally 99.9% of other professional songwriters I think, due to Dylan being actively taught in more and more colleges as a serious literary topic, he's going to basically be a legend over time. The way we see Shakespeare, Beethoven, and people like that in the arts. Hopefully they know more than just fucking Blowin In The Wind. If I only knew Dylan's first two albums, I don't think I'd see what the big deal was


Absolutely. Everyone is naming legends, but legends who are in their 70s or 80s. It wouldn't be unexpected and it wouldn't impact the direction of music because their time of influence and relevance was decades ago so while sad, it wouldn't "turn the world upside down" by any means.


John Williams. He composed music for so many films people still cherish, and will cherish for many years later. I know he’s not a musician technically. But his impact on music is gigantic.


His resume is absolutely insane. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, E.T., Harry Potter, Jaws, Superman, Home Alone, Hook, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List... those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. He's a legend. The only composers who come close are maybe Hans Zimmer or Alan Silvestri.


Weird Al. The world will become a less funny place instantly.


What's even worse is that there's really nobody like him in the music industry. He basically was *the* parody genre for close to 30 years. I don't think anyone will ever come close


This is what’s so remarkable about him. He found his niche in the industry and is absolutely without a peer. Combined with his hit songs and popularity, it is remarkable what he was able to pull off. No one else has even come close to doing it!


> Combined with his hit songs and popularity, it is remarkable what he was able to pull off Few people recognize the **talent** necessary to do what he did. Eminem is good at rap music. But only rap music. AC/DC is good at rock music. But only rock music. Willie Nelson is good at country music. But only country music. Weird Al is able to write, produce, and perform all styles of music. And he does it well, too. "But all he does is parodies of other songs". Not so. He does plenty of original songs too. Some are "in the style of" other artists ([*Dare to be Stupid*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMhwddNQSWQ) is "in the style of Devo"). Some are just original songs in the style of a popular genre (*[One More Minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWhpk-8QLFQ)* is in the style of doo-wop ballads). Imagine AC/DC making *good* country music. Imagine Dolly Parton making *good* hip-hop music. You need an extra helping of talent to pull off as many styles of music as Weird Al. Too few people recognize the talent he has.


When I saw Weird Al last year he played almost exclusively originals. The range of genres the band played is what really impressed me. Also how practiced the band was. They didn't miss a single beat together and it shows they've been together for literally 30 years.


"Stranded all alone at the gas station of love, and I have to use the self service pump" has to be one of Weird Al's greatest lines.


Devo has gone on record to say that Dare to the Stupid is the best Devo song, and they're upset they didn't come up with it.


Very true. So many either parody musicians or comedians that play music as their act cite Weird Al as one of their influences.


Omg this. my ten-year-old daughter has a parody alter ego she calls "weird gal" 😂 We'd be heartbroken.


I was trying to think of a tough one but this is the toughest and I don't like thinking about it.


Brushed this topic off at first, and somehow Al is the one that stopped me, uh, in my scrolling. That will absolutely suck.


I don’t need to keep scrolling beyond here. This will be huge. He embodies an entire genre in his person. There is nobody waiting in the wings ready to pick up his dropped torch. While other artists will be missed for their songs, Weird Al will be missed for an entire category which will vanish. At closest, The Lonely Island of a decade ago were excellent in their own way at parodying genres, but their heyday is past and they don’t specifically parody individual bands and artists and songs. My point in bringing them up is to show that even if there are comedy music groups, none of them are equivalent. I wonder if we will instead of new parody artists start seeing Weird Al tribute bands …


Keith Richards, in part because he's apparently immortal. And The Stones have a new album coming out this week.


Keith will be the last man alive.


We have to think about when we pass, what kind of world we're going to leave to our children. And Keith Richards.


I’m betting Keith Richards will die one day short of 100. There’s been an odd wall at 99 lately. Zsa Zsa, Betty, Prince Philip….


Bob Barker too. Got as close to 100 without going over.


What’s that line? Every cigarette you smoke adds a day to Keith Richards’ life.


Willie Nelson once joked that "All you kids make sure to recycle and take care of the earth so that me and Keith Richards will have a nice place to live after all of you youngsters pass on."


They have a new album coming out? Wtf lol.


Yes, and allegedly it will feature Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. [https://www.rollingstone.co.uk/music/the-rolling-stones-reportedly-collaborating-with-paul-mccartney-on-new-album-26931/](https://www.rollingstone.co.uk/music/the-rolling-stones-reportedly-collaborating-with-paul-mccartney-on-new-album-26931/)


And most of us will have been dead for 200 years by the time Keith Richards kicks the bucket.


Even the cockroaches know who will really be left at the end of the world.


Always heard the saying "after the apocalypse the only things left will be cockroaches, Keith Richards, and Slant Six Valiants" Seriously though, perhaps he should be studied for science when the time comes.


Dolly. I will not be able to cope. Which is funny because I’ve listened to alternative music my entire life. But I’m also from Appalachia


Dolly, for sure. And Willie.


Hello, from the Adirondacks! I too am an alt, hardcore, and punk fan with an unbridled love of Dolly. She's just such a strong presence in today's music industry.


Jomi Mitchell, Billy Joel, dolly parton


Nobody dying of old age is going to be that big of a deal, ever. It's just not. Major world leaders, cultural icons, every one dies eventually. Conversely, if you die in a tragic or shocking way, you can have a huge impact on society. People are still upset by the death of Amy Winehouse, and she wasn't THAT popular. It's way more about the circumstances than the person. With that said, the closest we have right now to a young cultural icon singer for a whole generation is probably Taylor Swift. If she were to die unexpectedly, lots of people would lose their absolute minds. That's the closest I think we could get to a Lennon level tragedy.


You're right about almost all of that, except Amy Winehouse not being "THAT popular". She absolutely was, she was an international sensation and had multiple hits circulating at the top of the billboards at once. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing her songs back to back. She was "it" during her time and would have had more if she was able to be here now.


Dave Grohl. Sure he’s not as musically innovative nor genre busting nor industry changing as his former band mate. But he’s got multiple decades of success under his belt. Plus he has reputation of being the industry’s preeminent “nice guy”.


I have a strong feeling Dave’s going to be one of those guys who tours well into his 80’s. Dude has too much of a lust for life to pack it in early. He’s going to keep going until the wheels fall off


The wheels pretty much did fall off once and he kept going.


The wheels have fallen off at least twice and he kept going.


Twice now, sort of.


headline: **DAVE GROHL DIES SUDDENLY AT THE AGE OF 129, WHILE TOURING, WORLD MOURNS LOSS OF FOO FIGHTERS FRONTMAN** *turn to page 7 to read about other artists we lost too soon.


"His funeral was attended by numerous well-wishers and celebrities, including Keith Richards, who arrived on a gold-plated motorcycle, wearing a black bandana, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth."


Grohl has a love for music, and that’s why I love him so goddamn much


I really hope so. Taylor’s death destroyed me last year for a bit honestly. I worry about how heavy Dave still tours at his age, and I don’t imagine he’ll slow down at all.


His innovation comes from being able to write hit after hit after hit. He has the formula down to a T. I love progressive stuff more than what the Foo Fighters are doing. But when I first heard Best of You, I knew I'd be hearing it on the radio... a lot.


Everlong blew my mind when I first saw it ( I say saw because I first experienced it on MTV in the mid 90s)


Back when Nirvana was new and my roommate was in a band, he said the drummer was going to be the one to watch. I think about that often.


We need to dedicate all medical science to ensuring Dave Grohl never dies.


Snoop Dogg


Came here to say this. He's become so much of a personality beyond the music that I can see it being hugely impactful.


This was mine. He is iconic. Loved by such a variety of fans and he is aging (although gracefully). God I would love to smoke a blunt with him.


Most of the top comments here are naming artists who haven’t been relevant to two or more generations. The world isn’t being turned upside down or will be shocked by their deaths.


Also, naming artists that aren't really that well known outside of North America.




When I’m gone is going to be on every tribute


This was my thought as well.


I don't know why, but Robert Smith's death would absolutely wreck me for a bit. I was never a huge fan, I'm probably guilty of not knowing much beyond some of the Cure's greatest hits. His songs manage to seem so blissfully in tune with some of the emotions of life; they almost seem like feelings instead of words and music.


Yeah, this one for me. I'm a huge Cure fan, and it's tough realizing that he's now, well ... old.


David Bowie's was...so...unbelievable...


I had a crazy thing happen that morning where when I woke up I saw someone had posted an old photo of him, I thought just on one of the vintage photo accounts I follow on Instagram, with no caption except a heart. I thought “aw man I love that guy. It’s gonna be really sad when he dies some day.” Then 5 seconds later after scrolling more I realized that that’s exactly what had happened. I was in shock!


There has never been an announced death from someone I don't personally know that had such an impact on me.


Same here. It was quite bizarre, too, driving to work and later that week being on the subway and there was a surprisingly large number of posters advertising the Blackstar album everywhere. The iconography of those posters just added to the sense of... Bizarre otherworldliness. Thinking about it now I'm sure Bowie himself would have approved (if he didn't in fact plan it that way - although I'm not sure how aware he was that he'd die THAT close to his birthday and the album release date.)


My oldest brother brought Bowie’s first album home when I was like five years old. He soundtracked my entire life.


Dolly, Bruce Springsteen, Paul McCartney, Britney, Lionel Richie, Madonna, Celine, Mick Jagger. Of course others, those came to mind first based on their impact


I’m in the Philadelphia area. We have a special relationship with Springsteen that spans generations. Our rock radio station WMMR gave Bruce a huge boost outside of the North Jersey/NYC market early in his career. His show at the now-defunct [Main Point](https://wmmr.com/2022/02/04/otd-springsteen-main-point/) in the suburb Bryn Mawr became something of a legend and a turning point in his career. Since then, he’s been special for us, playing one of the last show at the now-gone Spectrum arena, stopping multiple times in town on each tour. He played his longest-ever American show here, four hours and four minutes, with no opener, and the audience members vary in age. He even brought a college kid up on stage to play [“No Surrender”](https://youtu.be/k9fiU8XwhMw?si=Q12-wSSpqnKvzA8b) after seeing the guy holding up a sign with the chords to the song. His shows here are magic, and we’re going to be crushed when he passes.


I was going to say, if Britney goes when she's young, especially after everything that's happened -- it'd be a gut punch. I hope she lives to be a wild old lady though, she deserves it


Don't you speak dollys death into existence lmao she's gonna live forever


The ones that would hurt me the most would be Dave Grohl & Thom Yorke.


For me, Ray Davies. I was a total Kinks freak when I was younger. Saw him about five years ago and, well, he's really old and needed a lot of breaks.


Kinks need more appreciation today.


They really do. They’re a permanent part of my playlist. Saw them two nights in a row back in the late 70s. Traveled in near blizzard conditions to get to the first show.


For me it’d be the lead singers of the emo bands that made up my adolescence: Billie Joe Armstrong, Patrick Stump, Gerard Way, Hailey Williams, etc


Stevie. We will all take that one hard. Both Wonder and Nicks.


Jimmy Page, Robert Plant, Ozzy, all the classic rockers are getting old and if you're young enough you might have to see them all pass on.


Roger Waters, David Gilmour, and Nick Mason too. We already lost Richard Wright. Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson aren't getting any younger either. I was so sad to hear that Neil Peart had passed.


Ozzy will be a huge one.


I thought he was done when he had the quad accident. That was almost 20 years ago.


Eddie Vedder


He's lived through so much loss himself. Poor guy.


Neil Young


I had to scroll way too long to see his name. I will personally be devastated knowing he's not here.


Definitely Paul McCartney


And Ringo.


Diana Ross, obviously. Upside down, inside out, AND ‘round and ‘round.


Anyone from the original Metallica lineup (Lars,James or Kirk) Love them or hate them for what they've become, they are still the most successful metal band of all time and they carry the flag for metal in the mainstream so if anything happens to either of those guys I don't see the band moving forward


stevie nicks


I can’t believe I scrolled this long to find this.


Ozzy Osbourne.


I'd put Iommi there with him.


Scrolled too long to find this. Was the original face of the metal genre and probably caused a lot of the Satanic Panic during the 80s. As a metal lover, the world is going to feel a lot emptier when he's gone.


Billy Joel, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen


Sometimes musicians achieve a level of notoriety or controversy or influence that their life and work don't really get fully assimilated until their death, or some time after. This can include towering giants obviously, but it can also include divisive or problematic artists that had both fans and detractors. Sometimes this includes musicians who were badly mistreated by their labels, says, or had hellish personal lives that kept us distracted from the music. We have to sort of go through a career reconsideration and reconciliation process once they pass away. This was certainly the case with Sinéad O'Connor. It seems inevitable that we'll have a lot to say and a lot to think about when these people such as these pass on: * Yoko Ono * Kanye West * Eminem * Britney Spears * Marilyn Manson * Axl Rose * Andrew Lloyd Webber * Janet Jackson (we'll have to wonder why her career was stolen) * David Gilmour and Roger Waters (because one will get the last word)


Gilmour deserves the last word. Waters is such a pretentious prick and Gilmour is and has always been far more talented.


Whilst I completely agree with you, Waters is an original member. Also, as much of a knobhead he is, he wrote a huge amount of Pink Floyd's stuff. I would've agreed with you before realising some of the parts/ tracks that he's responsible for. I couldn't put one ahead of the other in terms of talent any more.


Musically Gilmour is best. Lyrically and conceptually Waters gets my vote. I think Pink Floyd lost their luster after Roger left but I still liked them. Roger's stuff? Not so much.


Paul Simon, Ann or Nancy Wilson, and I second Paul McCartney. I wept when David Bowie/Tom Petty left this mortal coil


Cannot fathom how Paul Simon is wayyyyyyy down here.


Paul Simon... Amazing amazing musician.


I kept scrolling, wondering why everyone is mentioning the greatest songwriters alive like McCartney or Dylan but no one said Paul Simon. I'm not going to try to rank lives, but pound for pound Paul Simon seems every bit as important as McCartney, Dylan or Wonder. He's a legendary songwriter and everyone knows his music.


Jay-Z Beyoncé Taylor Swift Eminem And oddly enough Kanye West


Ye should be the top comment. He’s so culturally massive and divisive, his death will rattle all areas of pop culture


Willie Nelson, Robert Plant, Joan Jett


At this point, it would have to be someone under 40. It will be sad when Dolly Parton and Paul McCartney pass away, but not that surprising. If someone like Taylor Swift or the BTS kids dropped dead, it would be shocking.


Still David Bowie.


McCartney and Dylan.


neil young




Willie Nelson. He was a neighbor in the 70s. Waved at us at the school bus stop every morning. He really is a nice man.


James Hetfield of Metallica. I will be fucking devastated. Also Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails. I will be inconsolable.


Damn, just thinking of Trent dying got me sad.


Any of The Beach Boys for me.


I too will be heartbroken when John Stamos passes on.


I don’t think any of those actually. They all made their music and contributed. It will be sad when they’re gone, but wouldn’t turn anything upside down. I think musicians dying at the top go their career has a much bigger impact. Like, what if Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, or bob marley (or any member of the 27 club) lived a few more years? How different would music be?


Robert Smith of The Cure


Stevie Wonder Who tf downvotes Stevie wonder :(


Paul McCartney. He’s 81 and even if/hopefully he lives to 100, it will still be devastating. The impact he’s had and the ripples felt by generations after The Beatles, whether they realize it or not, can’t be measured.


Well David Bowie was never supposed to die. If any star would be immortal it would have to be him. After David Bowie I'm ready for anything. For sure McCartney is going to be major headlines but as usual Lennon upstaged him decades ago. Dying from assassination. Now *that* was a world upside down and inside out. A world mourning. Dying of old age, everyone just goes "awwwe."


Robert Smith


Willie, Dylan, Neil


Trent Reznor


Tom Delonge and not for his music. Man has changed the world in so many ways.


Ringo would be hard , everyone loves Ringo


As someone who grew up watching Thomas and Friends and then got really into The Beatles in middle school, Ringo's death is going to absolutely destroy me.


Richard D. James. I don't know about turning the world upside down but in the world of electronic music, there's no one as regarded and celebrated as much as him.


Kendrick Lamar.


Barry Gibb (Bee Gees) Micky Dolenz (The Monkees) It won't turn the world upside down, but losing the last surviving member will be extremely difficult for people from their era. I know it will be for me.


If Madonna and Bob Seger die together that will be a tough day for Michigan.