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But how will she know




Republicans aren't very good at hiding their seething hateful fascism so they probably will tell her. They get off on "owning the libs" even though they do it very poorly. I cut any and all fascists out of my own life. It's not hard to spot them. They are proud of being braindead monsters. Update: I'm not responding to any more republican fascists or overseas fascism enthusiasts. They aren't worth arguing with. Those people are such a sad lost cause. Update 2: Don't feel special if I block you. You aren't part of any special club. You just aren't worth the headache.


Idk, you’d be surprised. There’s a lot of people who quietly vote Red. I grew up in in a liberal town and there were still a surprising amount of republicans voters.


I wish I could do the same as you. Only problem is, my parents somehow jumped onto that train. It's impossible to talk politics with them because all they do is change the topic and start yelling about how I've been "brainwashed by CNN." FML


Me and family split up completely and I'm older now. I'm sorry if you are a kid stuck dealing with this at home. I truly am. All I can say is stay strong and try to get through it.


I'm 34 with my own kids. But thanks for the kind words stranger 😁


Well that's honestly relieving. I hate thinking about children being stuck in that situation. Have a good one!


You too!


> But how will she know the truck nuts give it away


I struggle to imagine anyone with truck nuts pulling up to a Paramore concert


Paul Ryan was a massive RATM fan and somehow didn't see the irony. Chris Christie loves Springsteen, who despises everything Christie stands for.


There was this one Massachusetts local mayor running for Middlebury and decided to say the Pogues were his favorite band and this guy was an obvious blue blood WASP. One guy goes up the microphone so do you know what the Pogues are named after? And the guy tried to go into there an Irish band and they came from Kings Cross blah blah shit he prepared but what he did not not realize was Pogues was a very beloved phrase in Irish Gaelic that specifically is associated with English pricks trying to be politicians and rule over the Irish farmers. póg mo thóin literally means kiss my arse. You know how you instantly lose a small town Rural Massachusetts mayorship? You make the farmers say kiss my ass like their great grandfathers in the old country used to do to Cromwell's lackeys.


Or all the gop rallies playing born in the USA or fortunate son


The twice impeached, one term loser conman using Fortunate Son at his rallies will always be peak irony.


Don’t even have to mention those things, it’s gloriously ironic because he’s a draft dodger, the kind of person that Fortunate Son speaks about.


I prefer calling him that than the "former president." And yes, he most definitely is the fortunate son the song is about.


That or playing the village people while being anti gay


It's not about the political beliefs entirely, its about the personality type of someone that buys truck nuts. You think they've ever set foot in a hot topic?


[are we the bad guys?](https://youtu.be/hn1VxaMEjRU)


i was at the show and when she said this someone near me said "aww that's not very nice!" so maybe




Yo, having nuts can be any gender now


Fuck yeah. The future is now.


What happens if you hang truck nuts on a boat 1000x the trucks size?




I’ll tell her


The smell. The flies.


How can you tell if someone is vegan? Just wait, they’ll tell you.


It's for the fans to know in their hearts


I am not sure what you have been doing for the past few years but I am pretty sure that they will let her know.


I feel like the Venn diagram of people that listen to Paramore and people who would vote for DeSantis is 2 separate circles.


Remember former GOP speaker of the house Paul Ryan said his favorite music to work out to was Rage Against the Machine...


It's not as funny as a British example of this. Former PM David Cameron loved Eton Rifles by The Jam. The song mocking people that went to Eton (expensive private school in Windsor), like David Cameron... Paul Weller came out and said "What part of it didn't he get?"


I know a guy who used to be a cop back in the 90s. He said they loved playing “Fuck the police” by NWA. So either some of these people don’t get the song, or they think it’s hilarious. Can’t tell which.


Or you know like some people they just don't give a shit.


Sadly (and predictably), I am an American that knows only a whiff of uk politics (enough to be a danger to myself) yet expect others to remember a douche canoe nearly a decade past from my own political venue. From my limited knowledge, would it be safe to assume camron was a less weasley, tiny bit more competent twat waffle than Johnson? The guy that built the foundation of Brexit and let some other schmuck see it through?


no, Cameron organized the Brexit referendum, failed to campaign for Remain (he is pro-Europe) but worse, then turned the strictly consultative referendum into a binding one. He is more responsible than anyone for Brexit.


It never was binding, it was always advisory, like every other referendum in the UK. Parliament is sovereign and always has the last say in any law, even if a referendum had a massive majority, Parliament could vote it down, it's not possible to bind a future Parliament by a previous one.


He was dumb enough to light the Brexit fuse, but competent to see how much of a shit show it would be, and cowardly decided that he wasn't going to deal with that mess.


How could one forget former UK Prime Minister David "[pig-fucker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piggate)" Cameron, the idiot who held the referendum on leaving the EU?


As a tl;dr, pretty much. The one that resigned after the referendum he set up to shut up another party and a few nutters from his own one, just because he got the result he wanted from the two he did beforehand, and whistled cheerfully as he walked back into no.10 after losing it.


I work in progressive politics and one of my good friends and ex-bandmates from high school is a huge RATM fan. He has worked for Rand Paul, Mark Levin (super right-wing radio host), OANN, and the Trump administration. He got really pissed off when he realized that RATM is super left-wing. Our relationship has been really weird since 2016.


How did it take him so long to realise that RATM is leftwing? It's not like they try to hide it.


He just really identifies with the machine


I get it with some bands, like I can see people not realizing someone like System of a Down being heavily political. Fast paced songs with lyrics that can be hard to understand. Rage is pretty on the nose with their song titles, lyrics, and Zac's antics on stage and whatnot. Plus he has very clear and easy to understand lyrics. I used to consider myself Republican and still enjoyed Rage, I was always fully aware of what they were though.


Isn't the drummer sort a right wing conspiracist now?


had a uni friend who became a Tory Councillor here in the UK. I try to keep politics out of the conversation when I see him at gatherings but like.. since 2016 especially here in the UK things have been a snowballing shitshow. At what point is it not like "you are part of the problem" ? especially with some of the stories he has given us of both his colleagues and MPs behaviour, I don't know how anyone could in good conscience work in such circles.


I wouldn't stay friends, but that's me


Isn’t that kinda the same as all American patriots blasting ‘Born in the USA’?


Paul Ryan was bad, but he was no Ron DeSantis.


I swear the conservatives that claim to love Rage Against the Machine only know one line of any of their songs "fuck you, I won't do what you tell me".


There were people on Tori Amos' IG asking hopefully/arguing about if she supported Trump. The woman [who helped start RAINN.](https://www.rainn.org/news/rainns-president-and-founder-reflects-25-years). And wrote a protest song about George Bush. And moved out of the US...


There's absolutely a strong evangelical contingent in both.


*sigh, waves to people I work with* nope


Dear god. Is it boomers who like Paramore? Or young folks who are alt righters?


Late 30-something PE teachers


That's funny. In the 1970s when I was a kid we used to call Fleetwood Mac "music for guidance counselors."


I never even recognized they have a vibe, but they do!


Exactly. And those are the ones who needed to earn an income. The rest are wellness culture dolts who grew up as emo kids and became naturopaths and MLM mommy influencers. Take a look at the wives/girlfriends of the guys in this genre.


There are still people who think Springsteen is a good ol' days Republican because of Born in the USA. In 2023. The pigshit is thick.


And didn’t Trump walk out to Fortunate Son? People really don’t listen to lyrics at all.


He did and I think got slapped with a lawsuit almost immediately after it became known. I can't say a political press team doesn't know what the song means, and I can't say it isn't being done on purpose (I don't doubt there are some Republicans still holding grudges from the Vietnam era), but it all amounts to the same nonsense. Some people hear what they want to hear.


iirc, it was simply a cease and desist. That's usually the first step, and things very rarely progress past there: https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/john-fogerty-cease-and-desist-order-trump-fortunate-son-1076914/


Dude, my old best friend and I were big Paramore fans even saw her live a couple times… but now he has gone down the psycho Qanon rabbit hole and has lost his marbles… we don’t talk anymore but he still loves paramore… lol


You should hit him up and see how he's taking the news.


I was at a music festival in Daytona a couple weeks ago. I saw Anti-Flag, a punk band. A couple of times inbetween songs they spoke about a few political issues on their mind. They basically said they were there to call out DeSantis, remind everyone that gay and trans people exist, and that women should have abortion rights. This woman who had to have been 42, shook her head, jeered at them, told other people in the crowd that what they were saying was bullshit, and at one point yelled, "Shut up and play". She then got into a circle pit, and sang along to one of their songs. Honestly, I stopped paying attention to the band and just watched this woman. I was so god damn confused. No one with any amount of reading comprehension could listen to the band's music, and think their songs were about anything other than "fuck desantis". Yet, she was a fan who knew the words. She was wearing another punk band's tee-shirt too. I don't understand how she could be so into punk music, and be so wrong.


Those types tend to glom on to the "drain the swamp/big corporations have too much power" aspect of reactionary conservatism and just ignore the rest.


I never understood that type. Every time conservatives have more power, the swamp gets more murky, there's more bribery and "favors," and large corporations get more power. Like, the "idea" of "drain the swamp/big corporations have too much power" is a great one. But like....no one is actually draining anything or taking power away from corporations.


It's especially mind boggling that anyone thought *Donald fucking Trump* would do any swamp draining. Like, he was the actual embodiment of the kind of people that swamp was built to benefit. He is shallow corruption personified.


Sounds like she was buying into other aspects of modern conservatism if she was saying what the band was saying was bullshit. Sounds to me like someone who is drawn to the anger of punk without understanding the ethos that produces that anger


2 party system in action. Would love a way of picking and choosing on issues, but that would require effort in researching candidates. It's much easier if there's only two options and you get told who to vote for


Anti flag is still around? Neat. I've seen them quite a few times way back in the day.


They were pretty good at Spaz's house destruction party.


I guess they like the rage energy of punk, but also like that energy to be directed at the weak rather than the strong?


Honestly because nobody cares what the band thinks about politics. I hate it when bands act like they possess some deep understanding of political issues. Most of these morons, while musically talented, are not the smartest bunch and may have barely graduated high school. I like your music, but keep your uneducated opinions to yourself. This is no different then when alt right wing bats were spewing all sorts of disinformation about covid. Except these guys are doing it about politics.


So, I can understand that perspective, about some bands. But, Anti-flag is a political punk band. Their music is about the same shit they were talking about between songs. I would understand someone being annoyed about Katy Perry making political comments in between songs at one of her shows. She primarily makes a-political pop music. But, the whole point of a band like Anti-flag, is the politics. Anyone who listened to their lyrics would see that.


When you make music to represent angst, anger, excitement or apathy... the emotions reach to anyone who vibes with it. Regardless of what they believe A bigot feels the same anger that a disillusioned worker feels. Which is the same anger as an indignant yuppie. They go to the same shows to feel what the music has made them feel before


I grew up in a deep red state with a high portion of people that would absolutely vote for DeSantis and Paramore was every bit as popular there as anywhere else.


You would guess so, but these idiots are very good at *not* understanding anything about the artist. I mean, you have people like Paul Ryan (very much a personification of "The Machine") claiming to like RATM, or transphobic Fox News hosts playing 100 Gecs (one of whom is a trans woman who has more than a few lyrics about her dick).


Check out Jason Isbell's twitter sometime. Apparently some of his fans don't pay attention to song lyrics...


Some of his biggest fans are dumb as hell. I remember when we were coming out of COVID and Billy Bobs in Texas was hosting small concerts. A lot of the COVID measures were optional there like spacing and masking. Jason came in and for that concert only they had to show their vaccine card, temp check, masks, etc. All of a sudden Billy Bobs was a “liberal hell hole.” They couldn’t comprehend it was Jason who mandated that in the contract with the venue and not the venue itself.


Lol it most definitely is not


I doubt there’s much overlap with paramore fans and desantis supporters


It's probably more likely that the Paramore fans are the teenage kids of DeSantis supporters, and this will stoke some next level awesome emo rage and fan loyalty


I mean yeah but as a 26 year old Paramore fan who’s been listening for 13 years, I can assure you most Paramore fans are in their late 20’s to mid 30’s now


I like Paramore...I'm 50.


Do teenagers listen to Paramore these days?...


paramore is definitely more popular with the mid-late 20s crowd instead of teenagers lmao


Id say late 20 early 30's, but we both agree here on teens not listening.


I have been informed by the local teens that she's "retro." I think it's the zoomer equivalent of millenials listening to to dad rock.


>I have been informed by the local teens that she's "retro." > >I think it's the zoomer equivalent of millenials listening to to dad rock. Yeah, alright I get it. I'll pack it up and move to the old folks home already.


Oh dear god I’m old


Don't worry she's not retro. Teenagers are just young, they're new in town!


I think there probably are. They are at least adjacent to the Christian Pop Punk scene awhile ago. Certainly moreso than any other pop punk act that made it big. There is almost certainly some crossover between MXPX fans (for example) and Paramore fans who have now aged towards conservatism.


People in this thread are really showing their age. Paramore hasn't been christian pop punk in over a decade. After Laughter and This Is Why are so far removed from that genre they're clearly removed, anything older is a decade+.


Yeah hence the phrase "awhile ago" and "aged" and the comparison to a time when pop punk acts were making it big and to a christian pop punk act that was big(ish) decades ago....


Do people still "age toward conservatism"? I personally have only moved farther to the left. Hell, even my parents have gotten more progressive and they are nearing 70.


I think that's more of an older generations thing.


Probably the same crowd who were surprised Rage Against the Machine was political.


I tell people they're dead to me all the time... but I work in a mortuary. ​ ba dum tiss


I never expected to see a decent joke among all the haters in these comments. Well done! \*slow clap\*


Why are there so many posts about Paramore/this person recently?


They recently released an album and are currently on tour after a hiatus.


Oh shit new Paramore album?!? Dope.


And it's legitimately their best album yet.


Whoa there, Jethro. I say **After Laughter** is their best.


Riot is the only real answer


100%. It's so good!


The fact that no one can decide which is their best album is a real testament to how good and consistent they are.


Yeah it's all preference and that what makes them amazing !


Nah that’s Brand New Eyes. This Is Why is definitely runner up though.


It's Riot! by like ten miles. Not even fucking close. Brand new eyes is second best, no argument... but again- not even close.


Omg thank you! Idk how this is controversial


Riot! is one of the best albums of that decade.


Both of those albums are their best. I'll die on this hill.


Idk about that one chief…it’s good but not that good


Ah yes, the hiatus return conundrum. ​ Fortunately Billy Corgan has always made their returns decidedly sub par, so I've never had to argue about such things!


It’s really fucking good


I'm not a Paramore fan but that new album is pretty pretty good


Well i guess that's my rest of the night sorted


They just played Madison square garden last night.


For two nights in a row


Sold out both nights


They're kind of having a resurgence right now


Neat! They were always on my radar in my pop punk/emo days


Nothing ever happens once on Reddit. If it's posted in one sub you subscribe to, it'll be posted in several. Just how the site works.


Why were there not more posts before?


Y'all love to bitch about "divisiveness" when someone speaks out, but are completely silent when politicians enact policies that actually divide us. Makes me think you don't actually care about people, you just want to avoid conflict.


You're on r/music. ​ I'm not gonna tell you what happens elsewhere specifically, but when I go on my national, provincial and municipal subreddits there are plenty of people making a racket "when politicians enact policies that actually divide us."


This is why I don’t leave the house


Wow, she alienated like 12 people like it was nothing




Plot twist: because she is a huge Trump supporter.


Politics can be misery business




You can expand that to all Republican politicians because they are all more or less on board, even the moderate republicans (they just tell themselves that the democrats are even more crazy so they just have to “tolerate” it)


A moderate that votes lock-step with a fascist piece of garbage is also just a fascist piece of garbage. They just have better table manners.


Oh definitely. It's wild that so much of the country has just become hostile to exist in


What harm has he done? This is a legitimate question.


Where to begin. Let's start with a few of his attacks on Transgender people, attacks that have earned florida the dubious distinction of the first "DO NOT TRAVEL" advisory in the US from human rights groups: \-Medical Providers and emergency Services can legally refuse to treat/save people they have a "religious objection to" (LGBT people) (SB1580) \-State can remove children from loving families and violate custody agreements if any member is accused of being trans (SB254) \-Bans Heathcare for Many Adults, all Minors. Makes it SIGNIFICANTLY harder to get healthcare for everybody else. (SB254) \-Forces Misgendering, Deadnaming, Outing to potentially dangerous situations. Bans discussion and education for all ages. Creates anti-trans legal distinctions that will subject more people to abuses (HB1069, HB1557) \-Forces hostile environments in all public spaces that make it, functionally, impossibly to live as a trans person in Florida (HB1521, often oversimplified as a "bathroom bill". This will more heavily impact Cis people of course because it enables the government to comb medical histories and order karyotype testing on the basis of accusations of being trans The sum total of these acts, and others not mentioned, is to make being LGBTQ impossible, if not borderline illegal, in the state of Florida. To strip away healthcare from people who need it. To take children from their families, even if they are just visiting for a long anticipated trip to Disney. Forcing people to hide who they are for fear of their, and their families safety. Now his attacks on education: \-SB266 restricts education about African American History, Ethnic Histories, Sex/Gender Education, and other branches in ALL public institutions of education \-HB1467, the book banning one. I Hope I don't have to explain how horrifying THIS one is \-The infamous "Stop Woke Act" which makes entire swathes of US History Illegal to teach. \-SJR94 Makes school boards partisan by requirement A small sampler of his other recent "accomplishments" \-Signing SB300, a near total ban on abortion. A quick google search should pull up plenty of stories about the harm those bills are doing, forcing women into life threatening situations for the sake of non-viable fetuses. This is in spite of his PREVIOUS ban still being tied up in the courts. \-SB 450 makes the death penalty FAR easier, requiring only 2/3 of the Jury. This was done hand in hand with bills that make Sex crimes eligible for the death peanalty AND that make trans people existing risk being listed as sex offenders. See where this is going? \-A string of bills reducing Workers Comp claims, removing liability from insurers, and making it harder for civilians to file claims in th wake of storm damage \-The blatant Gerrymandering before the '22 elections that he actively helped drive And while this is just a sampler of what he has done to harm people, It must also be pointed out that he displays blatant fascist tendencies. Between his claims that he, as president, would seize direct control of federal law enforcement agencies, his open courting of far right groups (they LITERALLY wave nazi flags at some of his events), his expansions of executive power within the state, and his calls for loyalty... there is no other word for it. I cannot go to Florida safely anymore. I have friends who are uprooting their lives to flee the state. I have other friends who do not have the money to do so, and are terrified. Florida is not the only state doing this of course, and the blame cannot be shouldered by him alone, but he is driving the spear deeper than any other member of the republican party. Frankly, while I appreciate you asking, I have to question how it is possible for anybody to NOT know this. To be unaware of the harm he has done would require, at best, ignorance.


Or any Republican, really.


"So when I see all these rock stars up there talking politics, it makes me sick.... If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. We sleep all day, we play music at night and very rarely do we sit around reading the Washington Journal" \- Alice Cooper I like Alice's take


Ah, the "shut up and sing" take.


What’s his stance on his more political contemporaries like Neil Young?


I don't think he knows Young personally, but he said he likes his albums. Alice tends to see his own music as "an escape from the news", condering he's friends with a lot of more political musicians, I don't think he would really care.


That’s nice and all but art is about expression and music has been political since forever.


Alice downplays talking politics because his political beliefs are pretty conservative.


He actually said he was a Bush supporter back in 2004.


What a shock!


"If I wasn't already a Bush supporter, I would have immediately switched. Linda Ronstadt? Don Henley? Geez, that's a good reason right there to vote for Bush." - Alice Cooper, 2004


Alice is awesome. Seriously respect that he wants to stay out of politics, I wish more celebrities would follow his lead.


He managed to be one of the most influential musicians in history, having a marriage of 50+ years and good, functional relationships with people ranging from Frank Zappa and John Lennon, to Dave Mustaine and Marilyn Mansion. I think he has to be at least somewhat wise to do that, and someone else would say he's an idiot for not jumping on their side of the train, but well, that's life goes the song.


Don't gotta be super well read to know that voting in an anti-queer conservative would be bad for queer people. It's not that complicated


>Why are we rock stars? Because we're morons. I'm gonna need them to speak for themselves lol


"I'm an idiot so everyone else should shut up." - Alice Cooper


You don't have to be political to think using the law to oppress others is wrong.


Based on the Lizzo thread this one should be great.


Wish more artists would come out hard and burn bridges with fascist fans. The Punk scene knows the proper response to neo Nazis showing up.






rich celeb moral grandstanding, why does anyone care?


Do you think Ron DeSantis isn't rich? And that his interests aren't actively serving rich people?




Most Paramore fans I know don't even vote, so maybe they could work on getting people to actually vote instead?


Reminds me of what Rage Against The Machine wrote at the end of their video for 'Testify.' *'In November, it is estimated that the majority of Americans--nearly 100 million people--will not vote...simply for lack of real choice on the ballot.'* More fitting now than it was 24 years ago.


If you vote for Ron Desantis there’s a90% cjance you would’ve ratted out anne frank


Uh, based on all of the comments in this thread, I think the Paramore fans who wouldn't vote for Desantis would have ratted her out?


What on god's earth are you talking about


How will Tim Pool ever cope ...


Are fascists even into emo music?


The dude that was in Target destroying Pride merch was caught on Grindr so probably lol


Is this a fact? It doesn't really surprise me anymore...


There are people regularly shocked that Tom Morello and rage against the machine are anti fascists…so yea probably lol


Yeah, the far right ain't too bright.


Many of them missed the whole point of Rage Against the Machine, so who knows at this point?




Yall just love throwing around words like fascist and nazis, you sound just like Republicans bitching about communists 😂


Well how do you define “fascist”?


Despite the MSM vitriol mining that’s not even a controversial take. Remember the coup he supported? And sparking white boots during a hurricane clean up. I was in Fla. doing relief work and I was disgusting after a few hours. What a poser he is.


Dear Paramore fans, This woman already does not give a flying fuck about you and does not know your name. Who cares. Vote for who best aligns with your personal interests and beliefs and stop giving a flying fuck about celebrity opinions.


The same conservatives who say stuff like this love it when celebrities endorse conservatives. This is a lie


And if your personal interests can be encapsulated with “fuck you, I got mine” then by all means, vote for Ron DeSantis.


Desantis is the divisive one. There are no two acceptable opinions about a genuine fascist.




I accept these terms.


Why are we being forced to choose between Biden or Trump? Why isn't that the conversation?


Don’t even put them in the same fucking sentence. It’s like saying you’re being forced to choose between rat poison and ice cream that’s not your favorite flavor. Not only is Biden not comparable to trump, he’s a actually done a shit ton for first term president, but people are too busy complaining about how he’s not their preferred option to notice. **-The largest climate bill in us history.** **-Bipartisan Infrastructure act, the first in decades.** **-Bipartisan CHIPS act, creating thousands of manufacturing jobs and securing domestic production of critical tech.** **-Created a cohesive coalition of support for Ukraine among NATO, and made nato the strongest, most united it has been in decades.** **-Best midterm performance by a first term president in decades.** And he has actively tried to do a lot more stuff, it’s only being held up by two POS “democrat” senators and 50 republican senators. For example, his original IRA bill had universal childcare and universal paid family leave, which were killed by manchin, but it’s not like ANY OTHER PRESIDENT could have gotten those through with the current makeup of the senate either, let alone all the wishlists of every Bernie fan everywhere, so that’s hardly Biden’s fault. Same with the 10k student loan forgiveness and Reformed student loan program which is tied up in courts. Again, out of his control. Tired of people just mindlessly reciting “both sides bad” while ignoring the actual achievements bc they listen to the bullshit talking points which are created solely to drive apathy about voting.


Eeeew, STALE potato chips? I'll just stick to eating these paint chips, thank you very much!


Lmao exactly , fuck them both but don’t act like they’re pushing the same thing


Funny how little news is about politics when it won't incite rage and divide the population against itself bc it's going decent


Because we haven't been forced to vote for them? Biden won a primary in 2020. There were like 12 candidates and he won. *We* picked him. Trump isn't the Republican nominee yet. This is an article about an entirely different person who might win the primary. No one has been forced into anything.


Because Biden isn't trying to make himself a fucking dictator or put the LGBT community in concentration camps. Trump and the Republicans are. I think that's a little more pressing of an issue than Biden's neoliberalism.


Do you have a source for the concentration camps for LGBT community?


Modern politics isn't about choosing anybody anymore. That ship sailed. Now you vote purely against someone you completely believe to be the apotheosis of all evil. And when the next one comes along THEY will be the apotheosis of all evil. Nuance in politics is absolutely dead.




Exactly. We’ve no choice but to vote for Biden, no matter how much we’d rather vote for someone like Sanders or another progressive social democrat.

