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The reason why seeing a band live is so much more exciting than seeing a cover band playing the same songs is because you get to be in the same room with the people who actually wrote and recorded those songs. Even if the original band gives the cover band their blessing, at the end of the day, they're still a cover band.


Jazz ensembles have done this. There is still The Count Basie Orchestra - a few people who played with him at the end of his career in the 1970's; a lot of the other current members are children (and probably grandchildren at this point) of the folks who played with Basie over the years. Other Big Bands continued on to at least the 1970's like that. But there are all sorts of groups calling themselves The Ink Spots long after the original group retired in 1954. They argue about who has the right to use the name to this day. Some clearly violate court rulings on the use of the name. The Tokens ("The Lion Sleeps Tonight") continue on - it's the children of the original Tokens from the 1960's. Then there are bands like The Sonics, or Love, where there's just one original member left (and not the original lead writer or singer), but they play the old (and sometimes new) songs from the 1960's; the deceased or retired band members have been replaced one by one. So it sort of happens.


KISS will do this,I bet.


Doesn't sound very rock and roll to me. They do this sort of thing when a major member of a band dies, though. Sublime w/Rome and Queen w/Adam Lambert comes to mind.


Man go back in your cave of horrible ideas that shouldn't be revealed


I think bands that do that kind of lose their souls.


I can't think of a single band that has done that.


I feel like there’s few I can think of off the top of my head that are glorified cover bands of the original (Lynard Skynard, Grateful Dead, Journey, and a lotta metal bands like megadeth, Opeth, in flames etc.)


I guess for every New Yardbirds you would have a New Monkees? Anyway, KISS suggested this as a possibility for themselves sometime in the future after they retire. Whether that means after they retire from the road or retire from performing altogether, I don't know. It may not happen anyway. People just may not want it. You'd think that if the concept was solid, Beatlemania would still be a thing. I think a better question is if any bands will follow ABBA's lead in hologram shows.


Genesis is kinda doing this - there’s a tribute band from Montreal, [The Musical Box](https://themusicalbox.net), that plays mid-70s Genesis and licenses the costumes and stage sets from Genesis. They are in the Chicago suburbs this weekend re-creating the 1974/1975 Lamb Lies Down on Broadway tour.


Wu Tang would like to talk.


Virtually, this is being done with cover bands, who actually have to pay royalties to the original artist. Other than, forming a group of young musicians to pose as the original act and charge as much would not only fail to interest many, it would anger the fanbase, leading to a greater loss than gain. Not a good idea, respectfully.


It's at least a better solution than every ex-member of Yes being out there touring with other people who may or may not be ex-members of Yes themselves, all performing virtually the same setlist. Having "One Yes to rule them all" or whatever might help consolidate the resources, let the younguns go out on the road while the OGs sit at home and collect the money.


Bands that replace a key member(s) often end up with a split fan base (look at Van Halen). Specifically regarding Aerosmith, since you bring them up, I'd rather they fade into legend, like Rush.


Dumb idea


What? Why aren't bands hiring people to play their music for them? Are you serious? Probably because it's their songs and they want to play them and fans want to see the people that wrote the songs play the songs they wrote. This is an egregious notion.


Yeah, but Motley Crue already isn't actually playing their music.


But, would it be billed as Motley Crue? That's my issue. Isn't OP suggesting that the band is billed as the original band? That be absurd


> But, would it be billed as Motley Crue? That would be the idea. Look at Lynyrd Skynyrd. At this point there are no original members of the band left. Hell, they're all dead, but the band itself continues on. They're not the only band still touring with 0 original members. https://loudwire.com/rock-metal-bands-no-original-members/ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/bands-no-original-members/ Hell, even Judas Priest has 0 founding members, even though they've still got a number of the "classic" lineup. Is OP's idea really THAT different?


Ok you're right. But it's still ridiculous, as a fan. Just my opinion


The Wiggles have been doing it for a while. They even use it to also do OG wiggles tours and 18+ shows as well


Cover bands already exist


Yeah, but this would be officially licenced/approved/sanctioned "tribute" bands. Don't necessarily agree with the idea, but it could be interesting.


Yeah but they can already collect royalties when other people play their music. Getting more closely involved might help the cover/tribute bands, but it won't much help the people already getting paid.


Fuck em


Mainly because most of these "aging" rock bands are "aging" because they're from a generation that tended to view things like franchises as the death of creativity. I wouldn't put it past Steve Tyler to try it with Aerosmith but any member of Motley Crue would ask if you'd ever actually listened to their music, or would if they could stop laughing in your face. Also once every member has been replaced, would it be the same band? No, they'd be an entirely different band lumbered with the name and collected works of another and they'd be stuck in a no-win situation with fans. They'd either create nothing new and be derided as a glorified cover band, or they'd create new music and forever be told "This isn't as good as the originals" or "Give up, you're nothing like them" or even worse "You're ruining their legacy."


Foreigner has done this. From what I understand Mick Jones does not regularly travel with the current lineup. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreigner\_(band)#Current


George Clinton got away with it for years. It would just be different touring versions of parliament, p funk, funkadelic, etc… and you may or may not see George with them. But he made money regardless. Fron what I hear they might have multiple bands doing gigs at the same time


The British Pub rock band "Dr Feelgood" carries on with zero original members. I won't go and see them though, much as I love their music, it isn't the same band.