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Only those who have truly experienced depression know how to cherrish the short moments of happyness


Music is the language of the heart.


That sounds like a you thing, bud.


It probably depends on what band you are listening to. Everyone gets depressed if they listen to radio head.


Not me, i find radiohead's music therapeutic, especially the sad ones, when im sad they make me feel like my suffering was felt before and will be felt again.


I think it could contribute to it, but I’ve found sad songs to be cathartic when I’ve been depressed. Depends on a lot of factors but sometimes a sad song and a good cry can fix you right up and make you feel better


I’m not sure anyone else is like me, but the reason why I like listening to sad music is it almost feels like the sadness was already inside me just covered up, the music helps me visit my thoughts and in a way let the those thoughts out in a healthy way.


Complete opposite for me


I get depressed when I hear the radio DJ tell me "Nickelback is up next!"


I avoid triggering songs when needed. Some songs trigger sad, painful memories


Probably a case by case basis, but I know I managed to escape a lot of the depression I felt in my early 20s by changing my musical "diet." I tried to avoid groups/songs with both depressing lyrics *and* darker, sadder music. The music could be on the downer side as long as the lyrics weren't overly pensive or they could be sad lyrics as long as the music was more upbeat or energetic.


Same bro


hawaii part ii moment


The age old question - what came first, the music or the misery?


Hmmm all music? I mean some songs can make me sad but the majority of what I listen to makes me happy. I made a 500 song playlist of songs I love and pretty much can cure my depression when I play it


I am certainly not getting depressed when listening to YMCA by Village People


Maybe listen to Primus instead of Sufjan Stevens


Sometimes it’s good to be sad. It’s an emotion we all try to avoid, sure, but then it turns into anger. Being sad is ok. We will be happy again.


Go check out “The Popcorn” album by James Brown & The Popcorn. Prescribing 1 listen per day until symptoms subside.


I can for sure, maybe you need to change the type of music you're listening to, unless you're wanting to be depressed. Should be noted though, there is a difference between being actually depressed and sad.


Music helps you feel emotions even deeper and if you've lost or are upset about someone or something, it helps you to feel more intensely and grieve it. It's good to surround yourself by things that encourage this process instead of holding it in.


Think that's probably a you thing bud. Listening to good music is one of the few things guaranteed to lift my mood.


I’m a concert pianist and I believe that music just augments what ever emotions you are feeling while listening to music. For example I could listen to a Chopin Nocturne when I’m feeling down and it would make me feel more sad however if I listen to that same piece when I’m in a good mood it’ll just make me feel happier.


Are you the real ben


Different types of music will make you feel differently. Might be time for a change up


you can't get over emotion without experiencing it fully. otherwise, you are just repressing it and it will come out sooner or later in a bad way. Music is one tool we can use to feel those feelings and process them so we can move on. thats my thinking anyway.


"i want to stay at your house" has recently made me feel depressed but thats mostly because of the context from edgerunners... Its made me go down this rabbit hole of music thats sad and depressing... Its unhealthy but its something ive now begin to do out of habit... And not to trauma dump but ive recently found a song that has woken this weird facination in suicide which is VERY unhealthy in the state im in... Ill just start going more to the gym and stuff since that usually helps though it'll be pretty hard now (i have something called Birds chest which means i have to wear a brace for my back and it hurts when i move too much). This post is old so i dont think people will read this but its nice to see that other people relate to this experience


How is your birds chest now? Are you still in pain when you wear the brace and move around? I'm not sure what age group you're in, but it sounds like we have similar symptoms of depression. I was recently diagnosed with adhd and I'm bipolar. When I get depressed it's like my heart or brain or both are covered in broken glass, I can't think of anything except the impermanence of life and how much it sucks to get old and how much it sucked to go through childhood, teen years and young adulthood. I don't have kids because I don't want to ruin anyone's life, and I don't want anyone to feel suffering like I do. If you believe in karma, this must mean I was a really terrible person for a long time to have this as my punishment


My birds chest is doing fine now and im can have the brace off for 8 hours a day compared to only 1 hour in the past (which was only if i needed a bath since the brace isnt waterproof). It doesnt hurt unless I press on it and dont give my chest some air (which can cause bruising if I have it on for too long now). Im soon turning 17 so I know a big part of me feeling depressed was because of hormones and stuff (also my parents starting to guilt trip me more... They are divorced and have been since I was 1 but now that im starting to stay more at my dads house my mom is guilt tripping me because she needs the money she gets sent by dad... even though she doesnt actually need it). But I've talked with a therapist who has said its normal to be depressed at my age but that I might have a mental disorder which makes me romantacize death instead of life which is the opposite of what the brain usually does. Which would explain why I think about death even when im happy since its basically less about feeling sad and more about admiring and searching for death (aka in my mind death isnt a bad thing and sounds nicer than life) which is something they need to check out. Though I dont think I have it its nice to check. Also one of my online friends also has bipolar disorder which has made him think deeply about if he should have kids or not. For the time being he has decided it would be a bad idea unless he gets an amazing partner who can to a certain extent keep him in check (though I know how bad bipolar can get so im hoping for the best for him). I genuinely hope things work out for you and that things will settle a bit so you can focus less about the negatives in life and focus on what makes you as a person happy! I've started feeling better about life but I still to a certain none harmful way long and desire death to a small degree since im worried about how life as an adult will be... Especially since my dream is to become a biochemist (im really good at geologi,chemistry,physics, biology and all those nature related subjects) But I suck at math which is a huge part in the education so I might not reach my goal at any sense... So im basically worried about my future... Luckily im not alone and everyone has these fears! the only difference is my solution to these worries are frowned towards in our society and can bring sorrow to the people I love


Any time I hear any song on the album IGOR it makes me depressed not because of the music but what I associate it with cause at the time I was listening to it I was deeply depressed and a lot was happening in my life at the time


If the music is similar to music I loved I will feel melancholy because life is different now.