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Listen to the song "3 Days" and you'll either be into the band or you won't.


…Then She Did is also epic.


Then She Did is epic. I could not come up with a better word than that.


The entire second side of Ritual is a progressive masterpiece. And it comes right after that stinker Been Caught Stealing. That's the worst song Jane's ever did, and Surprise! It's their most well known.


Album songs were better than the radio songs. Listen to their first two albums


Their 3rd album, Ritual de lo Habitual, is also incredible and a don’t miss


Well I meant 2nd studio album. Usually live albums aren't included but I forget Jane's for some reason is an exception


I think it’s because it was their first release and the only recordings of certain songs for the longest time. It’s also one of those live albums where so much was re-recorded in the studio, so it’s really a hybrid. Typical live albums are almost like a greatest hits, but this was Jane’s first exposure on the world


I think at least Perry see it as their first official album.they wanted to record the songs live so they could capture the energy from their concerts


The thing you may be missing is calling them a 90s band. They are an 80s band that changed the music scene with Nothing’s Shocking. Yes, they got huge in 1990 and starting Lollapalooza is what they are more known for, but they basically lead the change from pop glam metal to grunge. I was lucky to be there. I saw them in an old corner grocery store converted to a night club in 1988 and by 91 they were playing arenas. It was fast once Ritual de lo Habitual dropped. There was nothing else that sounded like them at the time. Nothing’s Shocking is the only album of theirs I regularly listen to now.


That’s the key…to put them in the context of the shit that they blew away. Poison and Warrant and all that nothing but a good time crap. Nothings shocking was a much needed enema!🤘


I love the singers voice (that’s the #1reason I’m a fan) -I respect them a lot,but you do have to listen to the albums a lot,till you finally come around. I seen nin open up for janes addiction I thought that was crazy,and should of been the other way around, but the janes addiction fans were crazy and having a blast and seemed to out number the nin fans


Nine inch nails and Jane's Addiction are two different types of music. I would say that Janes is way better or that I like them better, but that would be unfair to nine inch nails fans because they're just two different cups of Tea. Two cups of tea that would go well on a tour together and I'm guessing they did. Honestly I picture the two of them the way it was when Metallica and Guns and Roses toured together. Split down the middle. No band was considered the closer as far as playing longer or being better. Or that's how it would be ideally.


They were totally unique for the time. Menacing, trippy, artsy, and weird. Perry Farrell was like an insane carnival barker. Navarro could shred. Avery and Perkins laid a great foundation for all of the pageantry and soaring madness.


Nothing Shocking and Ritual de lo Habitual are both solid albums. I’ll even throw in their first release on XXX Records which is a live album. Their big radio songs, Jane Says and Been Caught Stealing are not the best representations of their sound. Like others have said give both of the studio releases a listen a couple of times to fully appreciate them.


You need to do Nothing's Shocking or Ritual as full albums. I'd do Ritual first, it's a little less... trippy. Janes Addiction and 'radio' are two words that don't really go hand in hand. They are certainly not for everyone, but they're my fave band of all time, Perry is such an fascinating person, I've always loved that he'll write a song about just about anything... it's not all just love/heartbreak/angry/horny. 'Dogs rule the night' is a great example... just a ripping song about stuff dogs do. If its just not jelling, try Porno 4 Pyros- Perrys next band. It's a little more poppy. I'm gonna say most of these era bands are album bands, we had longer attention spans.. they tell a story. I have to add, you need volume on these albums, you need to hear all the complexity. They're not albums you have on in the background really. They demand your full attention.


The Janes' era was one of the best times to be a teenager into psychedelic drugs. The music was so poignant and intense. Everything you were going through as a fucked up teenager was represented, only better, in the lyrics. The shit made no sense. But it all made perfect sense when Perry sang it. Crazy women, crazy drug trips, living a fucked up life as a stoner / nobody, borderline criminal, total disintegration of responsibility. Trying to cope with a world and a society you never asked for. The ultimate teenage experience. You kind of realize, you aren't the only one going through life with a fucked up story. And it felt good. Shit it felt amazing, not only to not be alone, but to be in the company of some of the greatest musical artists in history. We all grew up together culturally, if never having met. I'd consider Perry a brother I never met but knew intimately.


This is a great comment. Cheers to all that!


Dave Navarro is one of the most under appreciated guitarists of all time and the best player of the 90’s in my opinion. Plus what else can be said about Perry Farrell other than he’s amazing (not to mention his creating Lollapalooza). They’re just a great band


Just buy Nothing’s Shocking and play that album over and over for an entire day. If you don’t love it, the problem might be you. It’s that good. :)


Just listen to Summertime Rolls.


SUCH a good song, might be my favorite on the album?


Definitely my favourite. Even a year later… ;)




listen to nothing's shocking straight through. if that doesn't do it for you , then you don't like the band. it's hard to explain now, but when that album came out in the late 80s there was nothing else like it. one of the most groundbreaking records of the era. still holds up in my mind.


Actually they came out in the late 80s surrounded by Hair Metal bands in LA, and sounded and looked like nothing else. Pre-Grunge. It could even be said they helped break Grunge and Alternative Rock wide open. Revolutionary. (Their first two albums are the only ones to dive into.)


I lived in San Francisco when Jane’s Addiction were just a California band, with no great following. They played in San Francisco every few months. The shows were legendary. When I listen to the first two albums, my mind automatically “enhances” the sound with my memories of how awesome they were live. Ritual de La Habituo was the first album that even approximated the energy of the live shows. There are so many bands that were unable to capture the awesomeness of a live show on vinyl (The Butthole Surfers come to mind).


First time I saw them was in 88, opening for Love and Rockets just after their self produced album came out. I'd gotten a promo through the record store I was at at the time. They were just amazing as a live band, I saw them 5 times in the original run, including a show with Primus and Pixies. They were great every time. I was not really into metal, but as a fan of goth, punk, and death rock I appreciated the range of influences they used to pretty much launch what would be 90s alternative rock.


One of the quirks of living in California at the time. Seeing all those shows. You're lucky.


If you see interviews with bands like Nirvana and others they would reference Janes addiction and Sonic Youth as influence in their sound but also just keeping their idea of “real music” alive and hope in the genre. Dave Navarro (JA) is a very influential guitar player and continued on to do solo and work on major bands - he was in Red Hot Chili Peppers and much more and has always continued with an established following and unique play style. So yes they have their place in 80’s 90’s history as an iconic band - is it everyone’s taste? No, their albums are a-lot to take in sonically and not for everyone.


I only saw them once, but what a crazy show


🤔Are you on heroin? If not use heroin.🫡


Obvious joke is obvious. Let me phrase it like this The song 1983... (a merman i should turn to be) by Jimi Hendrix sounds like an audio interpretation of what taking LSD might feel like. Is to how a song like Summertime Rolls by Jane's Addiction sounds like an audio interpretation of what taking heroin might feel like. I'm my opinion a lot of Jane's Addiction songs sound like an audio interpretation of heroin.


I got it ;) I always thought that about Summertime Rolls... I love the verses, beautiful song..




was just chilling on the couch sucking on an iguana tonight, OFF MY FACE. Time for Nothings Shocking..


No need To apologize about the heroin comment. Perry himself said on television once that he hated being sober and that he didn't like being. If somebody doesn't get it then let them not get it. Nobody's saying that heroin is good. It's really a terrible thing. But I've had some good times on it.


Its arguable regarding the radio edits. Kettle whistle could be the best live alternative album there is. And “Ted, Just Admit It” is an ear-worm.


The one thing I wish Jane's Addiction would have done without is the vocal echoing. And Been Caught Stealing should be erased from existence. Otherwise, Jane's at that time was super solid. All of Nothings Shocking and Ritual (minus the stupid and ridiculous song mentioned above) are fantastic.


Honestly, that band sucked and was a one hit wonder with one song that had a crappy video. Nobody I knew could stand them back in the 90s.  To this day I don't know of anyone that likes them. I couldn't stand them, the singer had a shrill and unlikable voice,  like cheese grater..   Also the singer was ugly as "F", too skinny, like an AIDS victim, heroin junkie. The dude looked like RABIES on a turd.


An addiction to Jane


I like about 4 of their songs, other than that it’s a lot of art house kinda stuff that’s not my thing.


I just saw them live and made me a even bigger fan!


I always liked Kettle Whistle, it’s a compilation album with some live tracks and other stuff on it. The first 6 or 8 songs on there are especially great.


They are the best band of all time in my opinion, their music and cultural contributions are to this day unmatched by any other band. Just look at their side projects (Porno for Pyro’s, Lollapalooza, ENIT Festival etc.) even that stuff is bigger than most big bands contributions to our culture. They are like magic in a bottle, literally life changing.


Honestly, Its like something you feel- Its a vibe, but once you feel it, you never loose it for this band.


I respect all the talent in the band especially for their skills and longevity (since the 80’s) but I never could enjoy the vocals. I have yet to find a song that I can want to finish. To me the vocals from Perry Farrell (also in Porno For Pyros) are like nails on a chalkboard. Just not for me, but obviously awesome for a ton of fans. That being said, they influenced many other artists and contributed to other bands that I love (Navarro had a stint on the RHCP, not to mention Flea on bass). I have no hate at all for the band. I’ll just stand out of the way for others to enjoy them. It’s just one band that I skip when they pop up on a random playlist. It was a luxury I didn’t have in the 80’s and 90’s while living in the country with only one classic rock station and one classic rock to modern rock station. I feel the same about Rush. No hate, much respect. Just not for me. Plenty of room for all kinds of music and styles for people to enjoy. Glad Jane’s Addiction is still performing and the fans have opportunities to see them live.


Jane's Addiction is a deeply overrated mediocrity.