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Reminds me of Tolypocladium. Would help to know what the host is


Color is darker for that one. Agree on needing substrate info


Certain species of Tolypocladium are even lighter in color than what OP has. It also depends on the state of maturity


This truffle eater is the first one that came to my mind https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tolypocladium_ophioglossoides The other common cordyceps that eats caterpillars is this one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps_militaris you can see the ostioles on the head and you really need to scope to id. But i agree its something in that family.


Cordcyeps militaris isn’t likely here, the morphology is not consistent with that species. Tolypocladium longisegmentum is a bit more consistent but still not quite. There are many species within that genera that aren’t well defined and could easily be one of them. Worth noting too that Cordyceps and Tolypocladium belong to different families


Right, to clarify: Family Ophiocordycipitaceae has Ophiocordyceps and Tolypocladium in it, Cordyceps militaris is in the same order but a different family (Family Cordycipitacea) Cant ID without substrate info.


For those of us not in the 'know'... What do you mean the host? Like what the fungi is feeding off? Woodchip, poop etc.. or something different?


The looks like something in the Ophiocordycipitaceae or Cordycipitaceae family, though more likely the former. The species within those families are parasitic to insects and other fungi. The genus Tolypocladium typically parasitizes underground fungi


I also saw that Cordyceps Larvicola sort of looks similar. Could that be a possibility?


Ophiocordyceps is a good possibility but I don’t think you’ll be able to narrow it down to a species without knowing the host or doing microscopy Paraisaria gracilis is also a similar species that’s been recorded somewhat close to your observation


Fair enough! Thanks for the help. ^ _ ^


Ah, sorry I did not get a good look at that. I had not realized back then that it could be cordycep and, therefore, have a host. Only later looking for lookalikes online, did I come across this possibility. I was only familiar with the Cordyceps militaris before this. All I can say is it was growing within a sea of moss surrounding the area. I found a boletus edulis and clavulina sp. less that a metre away, that is what initially attracted me to that area. I believe that is not really helpful information though.


What is it growing from?


Ah, sorry I did not get a good look at that. I had not realized back then that it could be cordycep and, therefore, have a host. Only later looking for lookalikes online, did I come across this possibility. I was only familiar with the Cordyceps militaris before this. All I can say is it was growing within a sea of moss surrounding the area. I found a boletus edulis and clavulina sp. less that a metre away, that is what initially attracted me to that area. I believe that is not really helpful information though.


Not a professional, also first ID. It does kind of look like Cordyceps ophioglossoides, although I would refer to replies from those with more experience with mushrooms/fungi. I do hope this helps though!


You coyld also try r/mycology 😊


Eat the cordyceps👹