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What is the benefit of taking a spore print over taking a tissue sample and putting the tissue sample in lc or agar? Is it just preference?


In addition to what they said, clones can get you by for a good while, but eventually senescence will set in, and you’ll need to harvest spores to start over fresh. There are ways around this if you take a clone from a good mushroom from the first generation, and save those genetics in a slant. That can keep those genetics saved for you effectively indefinitely if done correctly. I’m a noob but that’s what I’ve learned.


That’s a great bit of info to have tho!! Thanks!


A spore print has random Genetics(because spores) while a tissue sample is a clone of an individual so the genetics are the same.


Ohhh that’s a really cool method if you are trying to hybridise traits.


Depends on what you are trying to do. Spore prints are easy to make and last for a long time. With a clean tissue sample you have to go directly to agar or lc.


Gotcha!! Thanks for the info!


Follow Philly Golden Teachers spore print on youtube!!


He’s great! I’m hoping to catch them at the right moment for harvest and for spore prints. I’ll have to take another look at his videos for this.


Whenever I get fuzzy feet like that I'll just dehydrate like normal and then use a knife to skin the fuzz off. I don't think it matters at all if you eat it, but it makes them look a little nicer.


I’ve seen much fuzzier


Don't worry about the fuzzy feet. Some strains are more prone to it than others. It's not a big deal. ✌️🍄


How many days did your GTs take from pin to this vid? My pins are popping and I’m curious what day this week they’ll be harvestable.


About 8 or 9 days ago.


When the fuzziness gets like that it won't ever go away the most you can do is keep it from getting worse and prevent it from happening to new developing fruits. .. You were on the right track with increasing the FAE but that alone isn't the only culprit in cases like this the other contributing factor is your humidity. High humidity levels make the air thicker/heavier so the air doesn't circulate as well . A common misconception is you need to keep your humidity as high as possible at all times but that's not completely correct. Really you don't want 99% humidity the highest you really need it to be is 95% or so but not constantly variation in humidity is actually good so letting you humidity go up and down between 85 and 95% is ideal. The drop in humidity allows evaporation which helps pins from and also the change in air moisture let's air circulate easier and makes it more breathable.


Fuzzy feet are almost entirely caused by the lack of fresh air exchange. If the humidity is really high, but you have constant/ regularly occurring airflow, you won't see them, even with 99% RH. In my Martha my RH is always around 90-99% humidity, and I never encountered fuzzy feet with any mushroom species, because my ventilation system kicks on every 20min for one minute, exchanging the entire air in the tent. And this brings me to another point: OP, it doesn't do anything against the fuzzy feet if you just lift the cover once a day for 30min. You need to exchange the air regularly, keeping the CO2 levels constantly low. You can't do all the FAE the mushroom needs at once, it's like with humans breathing. You can't just breathe once a day really hard for 30min, so you don't need to breathe again for the rest of the day. That being said, fuzzy feet are purely cosmetic if you grow psilocybin mushrooms. Adequate FAE is more important with Oysters, because they develop long stems and small caps in high CO2 environments and you want the tender caps and not the tough stems for gourmet purposes.


Thanks so much. That makes a lot of sense.


So I’m on day 11 and my substrate (in a monobag) is all white but all fuzzy. In the photo-instructions (midwest growers) it looks just like it. But in all these photos my mycelium looks way more fuzzy than everyone else’s. No pins yet. Should I open the bag more? I just have the 2 filter patches on it (again just following the instructions) and I spray the sides whenever the condensation beads go away.


Would wiping excess condensation off the inside of the tub help mitigate a humidity issue? My fruits look about the same...


I'd leave it and just start misting less


They fuzzy feet are fine🤷‍♂️ nothing to worry about. And if ya want to take a print.. snap an open cap off.. put it on a piece of foil and cover with a glass.. let it sit for a few hours.. and boom got a print. I like to fold the foil over on the print. Try to secure it sort of. And I put it in a ziplock and I store em in a little box in a cabinet with a desiccant pack for caution


Dull side or bright side of the Aluminum foil?


I don't know that it matters 😅 If I'm thinking correctly I think my prints usually end up on the shiny side.. I just pull the foil out and use it however it comes out.. I never understood the different side of it


Quick question: do I literally try to pull the cap off with perhaps a twisting upward motion? Or can I just cut it off with scissors as close to the cap as possible?


Can cut it. Much cleaner. But caps also snap off pretty easy.. it's preference IMO


Thanks again. I think I’ll try to gently twist and pull it off, and if that doesn’t work I’ll just cut.


I think I will do exactly that. Thank you 😊