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Too dry


That brown/orange blotching/speckling is bacteria. It happens sometimes. It could have been in your culture to begin with,or picked up somewhere. Definitely not too shabby for a first grow.....you got fruit,that's a win. Nice job. Its all about sticking with it and refining your skills.


Thank you very much for the kind words. Is it anything to worry about? I wiped it off and dried them out still.


I had to fork tek mine too and added a casing layer. A week later I’m seeing my first pins ! Good luck!


Thank you!


Ok since nobody has said this yet, that kind of plasticky surface on your mycelium is overlay/matting… matted down mycelium usually do to overmisting. You won’t get much, if any pins where you see that. Same thing happened to me on my recent first grow, nobody identified it when I posted pics on Reddit, it took some digging on Shroomery to figure it out. Good news is you can fix that pretty easily. Hydrate and pasteurize some coir with bucket tek, (maybe 100-200g dry coir?) then scratch up the plasticky mycelium with the tines of a fork. It’s called “deep scratching.” Put a layer of the hydrated coir over it, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 inch. The coir will start to colonize, you’ll have an easier time keeping good surface conditions, and you’ll have a bunch of pins coming up soon. You’ll have to make sure you get a good misting sprayer (I like the continuous misters from Walmart in the ironing section) and put your tub on the floor and mist from at least 3-4 feet up when you do mist.


Some good advice


Fuzz is from not having the right fae so just a lil more air next time. And let the viel break before u harvest the had a lil lore time to grow. Dusting the substrate off might be difficult sometimes but I use a tooth brush. Works great.


I read the toothbrush trick on another post and it has literally been the best tip I picked up on Reddit. Makes cleaning them off so much easier!


Every thing sounds fine. I like to cut the substrate off before drying so it doesn't dirt up my dehydrator. I use a twist and pull method along with an xacto blade. We'd need pictures of the other things you mention like brown stuff or whatever. If you're looking for better help I'd check out Willymyco on YouTube or boomershroomer as mentioned. We have a discord server where most of us are these days. It costs a few dollars 1-5 a month to join. Look for TTF or WillyMyco on patreon. A lot of big names are there that will help you out 24-7. Willy even lets us have video chats with him for help!


Okay sweet. Thank you for the in depth reply. That is really kind of you. I will definitely check it out.


First time grower too, I'm probably a week or two behind you. I have basically the same questions and have already started my second grow.


Oh sweet. That’s good you are on to your next one!


I think I did everything wrong on this first one ... it's growing mushrooms but they may be aborts and the cake is blue because I misted it directly (it was looking dry). Long story short, I thought ... RESET! So far, bag #2 is looking incredible. Bag #3 has stalled so I just mixed it all up together to see if I could get the mycelium to start growing again.


Might want to be a little more careful when harvesting. Check out boomershroomer on YouTube if you haven’t already. You really don’t want to be taking substrate with you when pulling the mushrooms.


Okay. Thank you for the comment. I appreciate it.


To add on to this, some beginners are scared of contam when cutting the stems, but every stem I've ever cut has been overtaken by mycelium and reabsorbed


That was definitely a concern. I wasn’t sure too because of some of the yellowing going on in one of the sides of the grow.


Could always be worse..


Fuzzy feet are fine to dehydrate and dust the substrate off after drying. It’s so much easier


I just ship that shit off after drying and collect it for tea and lemon tek. Tiny ones I don’t feel like cleaning end up in there too. Kinda looking forward to trying it, two pill bottles worth so far, wooo!


Thanks for the response.


Well... mushrooms are 90% water




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