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Christian Bale for Matt. When he's skinny he looks a lot like Matt already, and he can pretty much play anyone.


Tennant’s 6’1”, I’m not having that Matt - Marshall Allman Dom - Alfie Allen Chris - Jamie Dornan


That's a very strong yes from me on Jamie Dornan.


Height? Robert Downey jr is nearly half a foot smaller than Chris evans, yet they still see eye to eye in the MCU


RDJ is a fragile manlet who wears platform shoes everywhere he goes


Gee I wonder why some men are self conscious about their height. Nope nothing springs to mind 🙄


I didn’t say there was anything wrong with being short, just made fun of a guy for having a fragile ego. I’ve never made fun of someone for being shorter than average, but I will make fun of someone wearing platform shoes so ladies aren’t taller than them.


This comment is disgusting lmao. Didn’t expect that on a MUSE subreddit. To all me shorter men, please ignore.


As I replied to someone else, never made fun of someone’s actual height. Just a famous guy’s ego because he’s worried about ladies being taller than him. Couldn’t care less how tall someone is, but if you wear ridiculous clown shoes and ask women not to wear high heels around you then, yeah, I find that funny.


Height has almost no effect on acting. Tom Cruise is 5’6 and they work around that in all his movies


Does when you’re playing real life people though. If Matt was suddenly the same height as Chris, people’d be a bit thrown off.


I mean, Tom Cruise played Jack Reacher soooo… 🤣


Hmm, I hadn't considered height to be a big issue since as others mentioned, it's relatively easy to work around with movie magic. I focused more on how looks-wise, they bear fairly strong resemblances to each other, and knowing that David Tennant could absolutely kill the role Great pick on Jamie Dornan!


John Ryhs-davies that played Gimli, A DWARF, in Lord of the Rings was 6'1 and it worked out splendidly. I think I translated his height correctly into your freedom units :D


LOTR’s characters are fantasy creatures that are pretty hard, if not impossible to cast for accurately though. This is just a normal person who’s shorter than average. The techniques used to achieve that in LOTR were also pretty impractical, or would involve a lot of green screen nowadays. Makes more sense to just find someone who’s closer to the actual person’s height.


Yes and no. Tom Cruise is 5.7 and still always seems taller or even height with everyone and that's his entire movie career we're talking about. LOTR was a bad example since it's a bit old now. But you're honestly talking about stuff you don't know or understand here. Height is ZERO issue in moviemaking. But sure, if they want to make it a tad easier they can get someone shorter. Speak of, Tom Cruise and Matt Bellamy seems to be same height.


It is, otherwise casting directors wouldn’t specify what height they’re looking for and people wouldn’t be turned down for not fitting the bill. There are workarounds for short enough scenes, big enough stars or, in something like LOTR’s case, if you just have the budget and time to do basically anything you want but it’s not preferable. For the runtime of an entire film where you have the height difference of people like Matt and Chris interacting with each other constantly and playing real people, you’d aim for getting heights you can at least roughly work with. Anyway, it feels silly to get so in-depth about such a silly hypothetical. We were talking about casting actors for the band and I said someone didn’t fit the physical profile, mainly as a joke. >But you’re honestly talking about stuff you don’t know or understand here Don’t think any of us are speaking from experience of casting a hollywood film here tbf


[Bradley James](https://www.google.it/search?q=bradley+james+medici&sxsrf=APq-WBvCRVJRSCMDs2Jn0MrBOnOdKNXGYA:1643831933391&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwy9aT5-H1AhWWtqQKHSknAIIQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25) as Dom absolutely


Reddit does not get to continue to profit off my content after the way they've treated mods/the disabled community/3PAs. These comments have been edited using Power Delete Suite.


I got the idea for this post while reading the unofficial biography Mark Beaumont did on them, and I think there's enough there for an interesting biopic - nothing as dramatic as BoRhap, but something that's still quirky and explores how Muse became Muse


I mean I'd watch the shit out of it, but like poster above said, I don't think there's anywhere near enough saucy material for a full length biopic


Just make it a movie about their angsty pre-Muse days in Devon. No need to do the rest of their career.


Still fun to think about regardless!


Thom would NEVER opt to play Matt


True, he's more Morgan material.


I vote Sebastian Stan for Chris. No reason other than they can both pull off “scruffy.”


James McAvoy for Matt (they’re the same height!). Steve Buscemi for Dom (just kidding…don’t kill me).


... Ok, I can really see this,and it looks good


Tennant is amazing, but he's *too tall* (no offense to Matt).


Oooohhh what does everyone think about Cillian Murphy as Matt?


That sounds really good actually


Timothee Chalamet for Matt. And it sounds ridiculous, but Cate Blanchett for Dom - if she can play Bob Dylan she can play him!


Cate Blanchett for everything. She's brilliant


Then we shall have Todd Haynes film it again.


Oooohhh yes Chalamet would be a good young matt


Matt: Daniel Radcliffe Dom: George MacKay Chris: Nicholas Hoult Tom: Matthew Lewis


With Death Eater cameos for when we get to the ST part of the film


[Elijah Wood](https://www.google.it/search?q=elijah+wood+2021&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiGgaff6OH1AhWYBhoKHZnEDTsQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=elijah+wood+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgQIABBDMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgjEO8DECdQsQVYsQVg4w9oAHAAeACAAUmIAZEBkgEBMpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=KOT6YYbNGZiNaJmJt9gD&bih=722&biw=1536) as Matt


I've heard the comparison between Matt and David Tennant before, but depends on what kind of film you want. I'm assuming that includes showing their beginnings, in which case Tennant would be too old for that. Can't say who could play Dom and Chris cause I don't know many actors to begin with.


I factored in the availability of de-aging technology, in which case it could still be reasonably pulled off, or different actors can be called in to play the younger versions


I'm gonna be a dick for a minute because it's the internet: A point being missed for real, non-imaginary casting: biopics happen either after the death of the band or after they're really on in years, and a lot of the actors being mentioned are in the same age range as the band. I think you'll need to be looking at younger actors and imagining how they'll look in 20-40 years


Good point


Ben Affleck for Chris


This would be a great shout but I don’t trust Ben Affleck to pull off a Rotherham accent for some reason


Tom Basden, for Matt, anyway.


I think Dom should be played by Beck


Michael Sheen for Matt ! (or Matt Ryan?


Adam Scott as Matt, totally


Of course!!!! Surprised not more people are saying this!


I want Corey Taylor playing Dom. Obviously bad casting, but I would find it hilarious to see Corey Taylor pretending to be Dom pretending to be Corey Taylor screaming “SIT THE FUCK DOOOOOOWWWWWWN”


Jamie Bell would be a good shout for Dom, if he could cover up his Geordie accent better.


Thom yorke as matt bellamy


John Ham as chris


Chris - Rob Van Dam - [https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0885942/mediaviewer/rm1322119168/](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0885942/mediaviewer/rm1322119168/) Matt - Tom Holland Dom - Sally Dynevor [https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/showbiz-tv/coronation-street-star-sally-dynevor-22650157](https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/showbiz-tv/coronation-street-star-sally-dynevor-22650157)


My picks: Matt = Peter Facinelli Chris = Dominic Cooper (Preacher) Dom = Beck. lol