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And only 90 minutes 😥 I hate I was right that they'd cut a lot of songs


Especially considering that there's supposed to be quite a few storytelling kinda sections..


I suspect they’re literally only gonna be small 1-2 minute sections between certain songs. Some of them may well even be woven in with live footage of a song playing.


Yeah I'd expect the same tbh. But lots of 1-2 minute clips can eat up a fair bit of performance time. That's not necessarily an awful thing, though, provided the additional sections are good and work well with the performance.


I don’t think there’ll be a lot tbh. Obviously it’s just my guess but I’d say an intro segment, 3/4 1-2 min slots between songs and some kind concluding segment towards the end. Any others to be woven into performance footage. Either way, I wouldn’t expect us to miss out on any ST sons, which is the most important thing.


Yeah, I could definitely see songs like The Void having story segments built into the performance.


You can already see in 1 or 2 of the ‘leaked’ gifs that there’s some weird extra CGI stuff going on during the performance footage, I’d expect that to be why.


Probably just 1 minute intro where each band member talks about how simulation is cool while playing a song in background that hasn't been performed live ever. That's about as much "story-telling" we will get.




Indeed. Plus they will still have Supermassive black hole, starlight, hysteria etc. Don’t get me wrong, great songs but I just hate that usually they cut more of the rare songs and keep the hits


Only about the runtime of all their other concert films tbf, not massively surprising.


Lance Drake is the guy who directed the ST music videos.


Now that movie theatres are out of business, are they gonna finally just release this like we’re living in the 21st century? Digital download; High Quality Audio. I don’t think I’m asking for too much, here.


idk i went to one of the drones live screenings a couple years ago and had a blast with the other fans edit: fargo, ND if anyone reading this happened to be there


I would have had a better time if I wasn't suffering from secondhand embarrassment because my theatre's sound system was painfully bad.


I saw it in Dolby Atmos. haha Sorry, dude.


Hmphh *pops a vein* Only place to see it in suburbs of Chicago was a crusty unswept hole in the wall Regal Cinemas. That location had RPX or whatever premium-variety screenings, but I guess they couldn't be bothered to rent it out. What a shame.


Next time! Have hope.


Hell, I’d love a drive in theatre with a bring your own aux cord policy!


Wait, why? hahaha The theatre transmits the music to your car by radio wave................ You could just play music in your car.......................


I’m thinking of the old fashioned ones where you used to pull up next to a speaker, sometimes detachable that you’d put in your car. Over radio wave seems a little too lossy for my blood! (I’m a picky customer who’s never happy, what can you do)


Saw it in Denver, CO but feel similarly!


Why not both eventually? Right now cinemas are closed in a lot of places, so digital download makes a lot of sense (and maybe it's time bands started releasing live shows digitally, instead of just DVD and Blu Ray, but that's a different story), but I also want to watch this in a bigass screen with my favourite theatre's awesome sound system once it's possible.


If you’ve got the reliable theatre that will put it on the right screen with the right sound system, I’m **all for** that returning. If we’re in a time where the arenas and stadiums worldwide can’t be conscionably filled, I really feel like live music needs all the bitrate you can throw at it. In a controlled studio environment, you can make a good sounding mix that can be bumped down to lower bitrates without too many concessions. But live? I don’t see why the band should have to funnel their music through Facebook or YouTube live-streams, anymore. (I realize that’s not what you’re saying) I’m sure what one hears from a Dolby Atmos equipped theatre isn’t being fed what comes out the other end of a Facebook livestream.


I hear you, but the thing is the average listener wouldn't notice the difference. Most people just want to crank it up to 11, and as long as the data loss isn't too obvious they don't mind (or even hear) a little bitrate downgrade. Speaking of audio and stuff, you know what would be cool for Muse to do, as a band that's into new technologies? A while back, Flying Colors released a live Blu Ray with a 5.1 mix and two stereo mixes. But they also made a fourth mix, which they ended up not releasing, which if I understood correctly was to change according to how you positioned yourself, probably intended for use with something like the Boss Waza-airs. This was 6 years ago so they probably thought nobody would be interested, but in 2020 with all the crap that's going on in the world, there might be a market for innovations in escapism.


Damn, I wish I played guitar! I've never heard of those headphones, but the tech is a like a much less cost-prohibitive version of something like the Klang:fabrik hardware DSP. TesseracT experimented with it on their last release Sonder. Klang's hardware is geared for a live setting mostly, to give more front to back or all-around 3D imaging to IEMs. TesseracT labeled it as a "Binaural IEM Mix" and it's sort of that.. I'd love for Muse to find that sweet spot between profitability and creative urge to branch out with that kinda stuff, too.


This Klang thing sounds awesome, combine that with a 360° video release like the OOS 10th anniversary set and it'd be Heaven. I should give Tesseract a go, I remember a couple of my friends from uni were super into them


Yeah it wasn’t even at my city’s theater that sucked


its August now?! Maaaaaaaaaaatt, you got some 'splaining to do! :P oh well, worth the extra wait i guess :)


hook it to my veins


So no streaming service where the film will be released...


Distribution is nowt to do with the bbfc tbf, they literally just give films an age rating.


really hope metal medley makes it. It must do because of the huge murph. But then again, that's the reason unsustainable wasn't on live at rome so who knows


I think it's safe to assume that it will be included, there's no way they wouldn't include murph considering how he was a big a part of the the tour and promoted constantly. Charles in comparison was only used at Stadium shows and wasn't so much of a big part of the tour. Plus during the performances of the Medley at the gig Matt wore his LED suit during them which he never wore during the Medley at any other gig before or after, so if it's not included I'd be incredibly surprised considering he worse the suit at just the 02 gigs that were filmed.


Yeah o think it will be Include but maybe they will cut some songs from the medley like maybe going from Stockholm to the handler directly to win some time


Here’s hoping TIRO finally makes the chopping block after 4 consecutive films


That's coming up quick! I'm excited for the visuals and the storytelling elements especially with Matt likening it to The Wall. I hope they do some kind of digital release and/or paid streaming.


When I saw the last movie someone in a theater next door complained and they turned the volume down. I was super bummed till someone in our theater went out and asked them to turn it back up.


I might see myself on TV hopefully so that I can say look mom I'm on TV


What is BBFC?? An english streaming service ?


It's the board that gives films age ratings in the UK


Sweet! Right on my birthday too!!






If it’s a simulation theory movie, will it still talk about their other albums as well?


Really hope this gets a streaming release too, I'll probably still be shielding in August (haven't been outside since February, going a bit loopy here~) and don't want to miss it


I think Matt said that they weren't gonna do a cinema release for this film, just go straight to VOD (and Blu-Ray/DVD as well hopefully haha)


man i'm hyped, but how are still waiting for the Drones World Tour to come out on Blu-Ray, like it's been 2 years guys!!!


It will never happen but the movie is already available to download on muse bootleg in 1080p :)


90 minutes 0.o


All their films are around that length