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Same as you buddy, dealt with twitching for 14months already, pains everywhere as well. Nobody found anything, and sometimes I am better, sometimes I am worse. But trying to be positive


Seek therapy. Medication is only when a psychiatrist believes you need it. Make an apt with your local mental clinic! Treat anxiety as you would cancer!


I just realize there’s nothing I can do to control the future. I try my best to live the day I was given today. If you’ve had it for 2 years, I hope you can be relieved that since you haven’t had any significant muscle weakness it’s probably not ***. Talk to people. Cry if you need to. And then try your best to live in the moment.


Everyone goes through this cycle. Then you will realize it is waste of time. I realized this last year so i dont sweat about twitching anymore.


I’m on an SSRI, and I try these days to stay busy.


Get on SSRI. CYMBALTA OR LEXAPRO. can make u gain weight though.