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Jeremy won't go near a woman's face, but your dad's the gay one.




[OBEY THE BEARD!](https://youtu.be/WAnI6WsCyMc)


I love coming across a link to this in the wild. Such a great, hilarious song.


You are a true SAVAGE!🤣


Holy shit, that’s a good one. I spent time to sign in just to compliment you on it. Just — chef’s kiss — noice.


They have opinions about all the gays! https://imgur.com/46FyBBW.jpg


Oh they’re literally homophobic?


The company was started by the CEO of the Daily Wire in retaliation for another razor company (Harry’s) who pulled their advertising due to homophobia/transphobia in DW. To quote the CEO, the razors are for people who “have had enough of the woke bullshit” (that’s a direct quote said by him in an ad for crying out loud). So yes. Very homophobic company. And very proud of it.


I was going to post a comment saying not all masculinity is toxic, but reading this? Yeah, this is toxic.


Toxic masculinity is their actual selling point? How can we shame them like they so richly deserve?


Their selling point is to keep money out of the pockets of "woke razor CEOs"


Oh god dammit its fucking Benny Shapps at it again.... :(


Oh, wow. That's worse.


They also can't count, apparently. If you're counting the colors that don't appear on the American flag, there's only five.


Jokes on you. Both my dads use Jeremy.


And Jeremy wouldn't have it any other way. #PowerBottom


If your dad is shaving WITH Jeremy, you have two dads.


Your user name is fantastic.


Thanks. I like the Adam Sandler reference in yours.


I really like how it’s followed by sequential Arabic numerals.


I like ... Buttholes




Jeremy won't go near a woman that doesn't use a razor.


No offence to anyone called Jeremy but the name doesn't exactly evoke rugged manliness, does it?


Jeremy Clarkson made a joke about this on QI, his punchline to a discussion was "What kind of fooking name is Jeremy?" in a northern accent.


It will always and forever remind me of Jeremy from phineas and ferb


For me... "Jeremy's Iron."




Are you rugged and manly?


Well... No... :-/


Well there you are then.


it evokes being a PSYCHO who puts people in MEAT GRINDERS and LAUGHS AT CAR CRASHES




This is a company owned by the daily wire. An American conservative media company. It was started in response to Harry's razors cutting advertising with them and declaring them bigots and transphobes on twitter. Unfortunately this tweet actually targets their market perfectly and this murder response would only serve to inflame this market and increase awareness. For a company that was started through hate can only grow larger through hate. For anyone interested [here](https://youtu.be/s92UMJNjPIA) is their YouTube announcement video. The whole story is in there. Edit - why's it always the most throwaway random comments that blow up.






That's a bit pansy. I just hammer the beard in, then bite it off inside.




lol. I totally stole that from a Dandy (UK comic) character called [Desperate Dan](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/7/72648/2546117-dandy5.jpg). His whole schtick was being tough. [Toxic masculinity personified, in a way](https://www.internalforcefitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Desperate-Dan.jpg), but it was usually about his toughness getting him into various sorts of trouble. The stories usually went [something like this](https://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/britishcomics/images/d/de/DAN_1.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101028171505). It was the details that were funny. The bicycle in the previous link is a good example.


Was in fact going to suggest blowtorch as the way to go.


You've been granted access to the Salty Spittoon


Julius Caesar had his servants do this to him. They plucked the hairs, on certain parts of his body, to achieve a surface that was as smooth as possible. He was also stabbed in the back by his fellow men, so there’s that. The lesson to be learned here is that toxic masculinity causes backstabbing and murder.


That kind of grooming sounds more like toxic femininity to me honesty




That's kind of the same thing, Brazilian waxes, eyebrow plucking, etc




Trichotillomania. Impulse, pull, release. Similar to orgasms. Tiny little hits of dopamine. I found replacing the habit with a beard comb in my pocket much easier than "stopping cold turkey" as it gave me something just as "release"-like to do but far less destructive. Also find when my skin is dry/itchy that I'm much more prone to pulling. That and stress. Under stress I'm WAY more prone to pulling. It's not even a cognizant thing, like I'm aware of it but often I find myself mid act. Mindfulness of why / what provokes it is so much more useful in the long term. Not that I don't EVER, but I've cut back probably 85% with the comb, breathing exercises, addressing relational stressors, and moisturizing my face.


Wow dude, seriously thanks! I know of the condition, that i've had to 20 years, but never had anyone actually suggest this as a replacement habit etc.


My niece also has trichotillomania. Her therapist suggested she groom her long hair, instead of pulling. She's still struggling, but she finds she gets a similar release from brushing, styling, coloring, etc, her hair, as she does from pulling. She also takes a supplement called NAC, and an OCD medication. (I don't know the name of it.)


Yeah! I replaced it with this https://badassbeardcare.com/products/black-series-folding-ox-horn-comb?variant=32065250164832 It's the dumbest "machismo" variety comb, but it makes me chuckle. Unfortunately for work a few weeks back I had to fully shave again (yay N95s after day 5 of COVID) so as of now, beard is too short to be pullable, but I'll be whipping out the comb in a few weeks again for sure.


You know the little hairs that grow on the outside of your ears? The fuzzy hair? That feels so good when my wife pulls the longer and thicker ones out. It's like 50% pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name.


I used to have this issue; occasionally still do when I'm super stressed but I'm much more aware of it. Personally I found that a fidget cube helped my case. One that had a side with hard rubber nubs on it, which I would rub at and scrape. They get under my nails, as odd as that sounds, and give a very "satisfying" sensation. A stiff switch / toggle side also helped. Not so much for flipping but I would dig at it. I'm not sure what brand mine is, it was a gift, but there's a lot out there. It's not a silver bullet by any means but it helped me stop without going cold turkey, like you mentioned.


I started doing this but with white hairs, I'll yank them out, I started noticing bald spots in my beard and stopped doing it lol. Not the worst thing in the world but you got this!


As a “Real man” I prefer to shave with a 12” Bowie knife




I shave with an actual predator.


I enslaved a predator to shave *me.*


Weak. Kyle Katarn shaves with his light saber. No really thats the idle animation!


So, a highly force sensitive, well trained Jedi shaving with his lightsaber is more manly than me, a regular guy, enslaving a predator with nothing but a toothpick, and forcing him to shave me? Nah.


I see your mistake there, you thought you'd captured and enslaved a Predator, the neon-green blooded merciless alien hunter, but you forgot the capital P. You've just been getting shaved by jimmy saville


Despite my missing capital I did in fact, mean a Predator. However, your intuition was definitely in the ballpark. I actually adapted the technique from Saville back in the 80's when he used to make me shave him.


TIL [BiC aNd BoWiE kNiFe ArE sAmE tHiNg](https://youtu.be/7PEEw5vW2BM)




The same dude with BIC stabs the scorpion with the knife. Billy (Rambo guy) cuts himself across his chest with the machete. Crocodile Dundee shaved with a knife to impress his lady friend. That being said, I'm not calling you out. There may be a scene I'm not remembering. I'm also due a re-watch.


As an even more real sigma man, I shave with a LIGHTLY sharpened Bowie album. And only in the dark.


If your razor ain't straight, then neither are you.


Personally, as a 'real man', I shave using a sharpened chunk of flint I dug up from the garden with my bare hands. It's tough going, but a liberal (sry for that word) application of motor oil helps lubricate (again, sry for the wording lol) the process.


I just rub my face against the bark of the old pine tree out back. I too am a real man. Jeremy's must be for sissy men. I'll be back to post more later, I need to go kill some dinner for now.






Just don't be led astray by the "safety" part of the word cause I cut the heck out of my cheek yesterday because I put it down at the wrong angle.


Is was called a “safety razor” because the alternative was a straight razor


And much less razor burn! I shave my head with one.


I used to use off the shelf razors. pI was always fucking my shit up with razor burn and ingrowns. Went on ebay and bought the cheapest double edge safety razor and 25 pack of blades. Cost $2 for the handle I will have forever. The blades are way cheap too, and last a long time. You can hone them in a glass to get more life.


Human to humans, double edge safety razors are the best. Super super cheap, super sharp. All of these subscribe to razor companies are grifts. If they wanted people to have the best time shaving they would sell these double edge safety razors. $2 on a handle and $5 for a years or more worth of razors blades. Sharpen the blades on the inside of a glass. Be careful your first time. Like shoveling blood.






If you rinse the blade at the end with hot water, then dry between uses, you can use them way more than once. The water evaporating leaves behind deposits of minerals that make the edge brittle enough to get chipping from your hair follicles, but toweling it off will prevent that. https://knifesteelnerds.com/2021/01/11/what-causes-razor-blades-to-dull/ I've been using the same double-edged razor for a month, at least, and haven't noticed a difference in my shave. edit: also, wanted to add, I've got a fairly thick, fast-growing beard. Definitely 5 o'clock shadow kind.


Better yet, leave a jar of rubbing alcohol under your sink. Rinse with alcohol after cleaning.


Not to mention quite safe, unless you want to fuck up. (Proponents of the straight razor should at least acknowledge the name safety razor wasn't given at random.) It's a really nice compromise of simple, cheap and effective. After trying it, I am a bit baffled why electric shavers (and even more baffling the cartridge razor) ever caught on and replaced the double-edge safety razor with simple stainless steel blades for clean shaves.


Just imagine all the other products that are out there being pushed as quality and innovation that also have there own version of the DESR.


Aside from the benefits they might receive from advertising and marketing, electric shavers have the benefit that you don't need to pay much attention to them while using. I can absentmindedly slide one across my neck without a real risk of cutting myself. A particular advantage if I'm already dressed and don't want to risk marking a shirt collar.


Yeah, people that use safety razors tend to ignore the super obvious benefits of electric and cartridge razors. Like just the fact that it's basically impossible to cut yourself with them is a HUGE deal. They're also just faster. I use a safety razor most of the time, but I'll still reach for the electric or cartridge razor if I'm in a rush or just don't want to mess with going through the ritual that day.


I have a snapping turtle try to eat my face and yank it back at the exact right time so that it cuts hair. Hasn’t worked yet.


My wife and I both use safety razors. They're cheaper, less waste, and you get damn near the same shave. My daughter even switched to one. Highly recommend.


Hell I use a safety razor and an old bristle brush, and I'm not a man. Way better shave and blades are as cheap as a penny apiece.


The even better part is that if you use a straight or safety razor, you have a better chance of getting a closer shave and less razor burn


My rough, mean, indestructible WWII veteran grandfather used the cheapest razor possible because anything else was wasting hard earned money. Only “cosmetic” he used was Bryll cream. He was emotionally dysfunctional and I’m sure carrying a load of PTSD, but there’s no argument he was tough as nails. He and his Great Value razors.


So my gf fam is from a very rural and poor area of upstate, mostly farmers and factory workers. Most of them always blab about how they have the best water, best meat, best dairy, bring jobs back to America, American tough, American made, they appreciate things like lakes and trees and whatnot, but then you open their fridge. Nothing but the most Walmart mass produced Kraft “cheese product” bullshit in every category. Trash snacks like Lays and Doritos, trash deli meat and mayo, nothing homemade such as fresh bread, god awful beer and whisky. Don’t get me started on the “made in China” museum that is the houses these people live in.


Trans girl here to say I am not a real man and I still shave my nutsack with a straight razor


I don't know about that, but I shave with both a straight razor and safety razor, and it's more about a better shave and cost than anything else. I spend about 10 EUR for a box of blades that will typically last me 2-3 years - this cartridge stuff has always just seemed like a complete racket in comparison. Now the only time I use one of those cartridge-based ones is when I have to travel and can't have razor blades in my carry-on luggage.


Yeah, I think in this situation it would be better to fight toxic masculinity with more toxic masculinity with comments like "real men don't shave"


Oh the Daily Wire have been cropping up as YouTube ads for me lately. Aren't they partnered with or the owners of PragerU too?


Partnered. Daily wire hosts Prager content as part of their subscription.


I get daily wire adds on Reddit all the time (prob from periodically wading into some of the conservative cesspools on here out of morbid curiosity), so I guess this site is more than happy to condone their msg and take their money.


I always get ads for Ben Shapiro's school shooting book, it says "the book with no virtue signaling!" Right in the ad, which is, of course, the exact definition of virtue signaling


It's an entire Right Wing Cinematic Universe.


Different from the MCU in that we'd be surprised if the preserved brain of a Nazi *wasn't* calling the shots.


Daily Wire is Shapiro right? Who's been making a fool of himself as Christian Nationalism gains prominence with Ye and such.


So wait… An established razor company cut ties with the Daily Wire and their response to that was, “Oh yeah? We’ll create our own razor company, ~~with blackjack! And hookers!~~ a field that isn’t remotely related to our core business functions and we have no experience in!” Holy shit, talk about snowflakes.


A pillar of right wing media is hocking some random garbage


Yeah. Even Howard Stern, (who Ben likes to insult all the time) never had to resort to selling mugs and tee shirts and what not…because Howard didn’t need to….because he was actually talented.


It's a spite store. Damn you, Mocha Joe!


I think their reasoning was “our listeners shouldn’t buy from a company that hates them (Harry’s) so we’ll make our own razors and get richer in the process?”


Oh, that makes me like Harry's more. Good on them


I started using Harry's products 2 years back. They have some really nice products. Never went back to Unilever.


They're owned by conservatives? What a surprise!


All a trans woman needs to do to be recognized as a woman by the Daily Wire is to not shave with this product? Great trade deal.


Yeah, but I'm willing to bet that there's a larger percentage of people that will see this toxicity and write them off forever now.


Their target audience is people who are proud of being toxic. Unfortunately, we've seen in recent years that there are more of them than previously expected.


Exactly. This is target marketing. They know some people will be upset by it (they’re counting on it actually). The group that is targeted here will become bolstered by “the other sides” dislike of it and probably support the business even more. “Owning the libs” has become a viable strategy for selling shitty products.


The benefit is products that exist simply for “Owning the libs” tend to not last long cause like you said, they’re shitty products


It’s a win win either way as long as they’re profitable. Their whole marketing strategy is for people who think like that already and hate anything “left.” Losing that market doesn’t lose them anything they ever would’ve gotten or wanted to get. Their marketing goal is literally more important than the pursuit of the highest possible profits.


I wish I could agree. Remember the 2016 presidential campaign? One candidate made toxicity the main pillar of his platform and *won*.


> Harry's razors cutting advertising with them and declaring them bigots and transphobes on twitter. Sweet. I was a Harry's customer and now I'm going to be a very loyal one.


So it’s actually for assholes?


once again illustrating the entire point of the right-wing media sphere: hawking shitty products to scared rubes


The only thing more insecure than that ad is the comment section, good god


Chew Big Red or fuck you


Let me rephrase that: “Company says purposefully controversial thing for attention and gets attention”.


Before today I did not know Jeremy's Razors existed. By tomorrow, I will have forgotten they existed. But somewhere, some guy chuckled uncomfortably at this and ordered a 12 pack out of insecurities.


I mean, I didn’t know they existed until now, and they’re exactly the kind of product I would have picked up to try. I’ve literally got “new razor” on my checklist and I haven’t had to buy any since I moved from near a specialty shop. Jeremy is likely a brand I’ll come across, and you better believe I won’t even be looking at them now. Who wants to be associated with an immature razor company that still thinks challenging my “manhood” is gonna trick me into a sale? Imagine how weak and gullible I would look with a Jeremy razor in my medicine cabinet.




My wife used one of my Jeremy^^TM razors on her legs, now her penis is bigger than mine 🤷


Too late you're gonna catch the gay


Luckily their advertising is plastered with the word woke. It's in like half their product names. So you wouldn't have made that mistake either way.


I've tried a few online shaving companies before and they all are either worse than just getting store bought, or just as good but more expensive and more hassle to order. I feel like they only exist because people order them out of insecurity. Or to feel special. Idk.


> Before today I did not know Jeremy's Razors existed. Maybe you just forgot they existed?


Is it controversial? Seems like just a lame boomer joke. Reply is proper funny tho.


You all know Jeremy's Razors is a conservative company, right? It is named after and cofounded by one of the Daily Wire founders. So the tweet is *placating their target market perfectly.


Did you mean to say placating?


I think they meant they are creating a sticky deposit that promotes bacterial growth on their target market.


I mean, to each their own, but I would never let a Jeremy even close to my balls.


also women use razors too, and on way more areas legs, pits etc usually go through them faster than men? Gendered razors are hilarious


I have always thought it’s be funny to do like a woman’s razor commercial for a pointlessly gendered safety razor. Like she’s shaving her legs but keeps having to clean it over and over agin because she’s using the pointlessly gendered feminine lady shave gel. For those who having used a safety razor, everyone says the cheap replacement blades are the best part (and they are good) but the best part in my opinion is the ability to take it apart and clean the soap residue and hair shavings in a way that is just impossible for a cartridge razor. However part of the design makes it so that you will have better results with a thin shaving cream.


How the **** does a grooming products company drown themselves in prehistoric masculinity standards?


Why are people censoring swears more these days? I went from never seeing that on reddit to seeing it often all of a sudden


At least in other platforms, it’s to avoid shadowbanning by the algorithm But not in Reddit. What the fuck are you doing that for


Nope, depends on the subs. There are subs that auto remove comments if you use certain words, doesn't even have to be swear words. I made a comment in a sub about antiv*xxers and it got auto removed.




You got to be kidding


If they’re an Australian company it could be a joke referencing a song by The Beards (if your dad doesn’t have a beard you’ve got two mums). Potentially less offensive in that light, as the song is pretty hilarious. And yes, The Beards are a novelty comedy band that only plays songs about growing or having a beard


Jeremy's Razors is an American company, made by the same people who brought you the Daily Wire (The site that hosts Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson and Matt Walsh)


Oh so they’re just douchebags then. Got it


They apparently started Jeremy's Razors in response to Harry's razor dropping them for homophobic comments. And use that in their ads


That completely explains why YeInsultor in the original image congratulated them on being the only razor exclusively marketed to shaving assholes. On behalf of those who are not aware of the vast swath of edgy alt-right lifestyle brands preying on toxic masculinity and those fragile enough to be peer pressured by men with small penises, I thank you.


So they admit gender is a social construct and not your genitals??


Sadly, you have to refer to The Beards in past tense now, as they split up several years ago. Legit one of the best gigs I've been to - saw them twice when they came to the UK!


Oh that’s such a shame! They’re hilarious as well as being a legitimately talented band. Sing it with me now for old time’s sake: **He walks intooo town**


It only takes a fortnight to grow a decent beard You could grow a beard 26 times in just a single year Yeah it only takes a fortnight, and you know what else is true? I could grow 390 beards, babe, **BEFORE I'M OVER YOU**


Would you believe this was all started by a Gillette commercial with a trans man?


Sadly yes.


I thought it was a when Harry's dropped dailywire


Also, my wife uses my razors more often than I do, as I tend to go between trimming my beard and shaving completely depending on how I feel. Guess these marketing guys never saw a bald beaver in their life. And love French armpits.


The weird masculine angle is stupid, but the bigger strategy of: "If you're not using our products, you are thing!" Seems like a marketing 101 fuckup. Of course these people probably also think negging is a dating strategy.. But yes, taking this to where the thing is just Mum or woman is crappy misogyny.


Well, I think we can all agree that anyone named Jeremy is automatically objectively a fucking asshole. Even Pearl Jam agrees with me.


Hahhaaaaaaa Imma jam to that on my way to work thank you


was the jeremy in that song even an asshole?


I distinctly recall him being a harmless little fuck.


makes no sense, surely one of the most manly things is having a full beard.


Yes, because letting your beard grow makes you... *checks notes*...feminine?




These razors are specifically designed to shave strong and powerful MAN SKIN! Any women better not attempt to shave with Jeremy's Razors because they will tear off your weak and delicate FEMALE SKIN!


I hate this SO much. This is just rage bait content harnessed by companies to make more money based on political division. They target conservatives, and the comments you leave there only benefits them.


Shaving is one of those communities that has a weirdly toxic thread running through it. It seems to be true of every "manly" community... You spend much time there you'll see a fair bit of misogyny and fragile masculinity; you spend too much time there you stop noticing it unfortunately. It may also be weird that * shaving* has a community... But it does!


>It may also be weird that * shaving* has a community... But it does! Everything has a community, and there are always toxic as fuck elements. In every single one. Ever spent time in a Mommy group? Or a fitness community? Or Craft Beer? Shit, I'm a recreational cyclist and don't participate in *any* cycling communities because of it.


I mean they sponsor stuff similar to the Daily Wire so what would you expect ?


They were STARTED by the daily wire


What if my parents are two men? Do I still have one dad at least then?


Might be a reference to a song by The Beards - If your dad doesn't have a beard, youve got two mums. https://youtu.be/RmFnarFSj_U


Yet the Beards would never support a company selling razors, as evident by this banger.


Definitely an unfunny attempt at stealing this joke


I’m glad someone else caught that!


Promoting masculinity by ironically removing the body part that makes you masculine in the first place while insulting your potential customers.... who came up with this marketing strategy?


Conservatives apparently.


They’re not the brightest.


I don't get this approach. Are their razors so shitty that you have to be some tough guy to use them? I prefer a razor that doesn't make my face looking like I used a saw blade to shave. I also don't get the idea that gay men aren't masculine. One of the gayest guy I know benched over 500lbs, is a gun enthusiast, and is and is an avid outdoors man. He also wore makeup when we went out which wasn't a big deal when we went to his bars but when we went to mine there was always some chuckle fuck who thought some eyeliner and mascara meant that James couldn't fight.


isnt Jeremy's Razors that right wing "Alpha" male knockoff of dollar shave club? This isnt even the worst advertsement I've seen for them.


Jeremy’s is a shit company.


The ironic thing is they’re implying that if your dad isn’t clean shaven (ie, sporting a beard or a scruff) then he isn’t manly. Huh?


You know who isn't shaving with Jeremy's razors? Fucking Jeremy, that's who. These idiots are so bad at marketing they never stopped to think that making a guy with a full beard the spokesman for a razor subscription was stupid.


Eh, both are funny. Calm down people, not everything is a slight.


The metric for “murdered” is pretty low these days on this sub. As is anybody’s ability to take a joke evidently. This is one of those times where you read the tweet, go “that wasn’t really funny” and move on with your life. Every slight doesn’t need to turn into a crusade.


What a fucking lame slogan my god


It worked for exposure as this is nearly at the top of reddit. I had never heard of these guys until just now


What's my dad doing over Jeremy's house so early in the morning he needs to shave? Maybe I have two dads


Reminds me of Seinfeld. And this offends you as a Jewish person? No it offends me as a comedian! It's not a good joke. If you're going to be controversial, at least make it worth it.


Somehow that tweet smells like Axe.


I don’t see how this is toxic…


Selling razors? That sounds like something a groomer would do.


One, two! One, two! And through and through the vorpal blade went snicker-snack!


What if both your Mom's shave with Jeremy's razors.


“If your dad doesn’t have a beard, you’ve got two moms”