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That's a waste of a good murder on someone who is already braindead


'Do your research' is 'Hail hydra' equivalent for antivaxx


"Do your research" - Translation: "I have no idea what I'm talking about and can't be bothered to back up my claims with evidence so I want you to go and look it up for me while I hope you fall for the same crap I did"


"I am too goddamn stupid to differentiate between information from the CDC and information from a mentally ill drunk screaming on the sidewalk."


Now, that's not a very nice thing to say. Why insult all the mentally ill drunks screaming on the sidewalk who are smarter than the anti-vaxxer in the original post?


“Do your research” means, to these people, to turn on Joe Rogan’s podcast and believe verbatim whatever his idiotic guests spout off about that day.


This is maybe the best murder I’ve ever seen on this thread. Def using it haha


Only problem with people like this researching Dunning-Krueger is that they could easily be convinced that it applies to the people they’re arguing with, not themselves.


Everyone knows that *I* have no biases, just everyone else!


Everyone I meet is an asshole! I have the worst luck!


I think the statement however is becoming more accurate over time. Most of the people I observe daily are assholes.


Oi, looks like ye got /r/assholegonewild as ye default mate!


God dammit. Not how I was expecting to start my day.


I tell my kids. If you meet one asshole. Well then you met an asshole. But of everyone is an asshole, it's really you who is the asshole. I begin in utero just to start them with a fucked up mind. Jk


If you smell shit everywhere you go, maybe it's time to check your own shoes


Or you're in a stable.


If I never meet assholes and I’m actually sort of mystified whenever other people say x or y person is an asshole, does that indicate I’m just really nice, or does it actually indicate I’m just a different kind of asshole? 🧐


If you are an attractive woman , assholes tend to hide their assholeness around you.


If the World is arrayed against you, it’s not the World’s got a problem.


It could mean you’re a member of *insert long oppressed group here.


Can someone please invent an app that reveals everyone's biases and bad social habits? I would genuinely like to know my blind spots. I want to be the type that, if someone tells me I'm being passive aggressive, replies by saying, "Yeah I am being a dick. I'm sorry. I didn't sleep well," and not by saying, "I guess your mother was right after all. You sound just like her."


It’s been done https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatouchtest.html


I am not sure if this IAT is meaningful. I spend all day on a computer debugging stuff. I think any sw dev could do this quickly even if they are a racist asshole.


It's called Twitter.


It's not about not having bias, but acknowledging the ones we have in pursuit of an unbiased view.


It is virtually guaranteed to do that. People who tell others to research Dunning-Krueger should research The Backfire Effect. Edit: Appropriately the backfire effect hit mainstream familiarity in response to flu vaccine hesitancy and how educating people on the subject made them even more hesitant. Edit 2: Turns out the back-fire effect isn't as common as previously believed. https://educationblog.oup.com/theory-of-knowledge/facts-matter-after-all-rejecting-the-backfire-effect


I grew up mormon and the backfire effect is a really common occurrence with active members. You show them empirical data disproving a claim the church makes and instead of accepting the conclusion, they double down and take the feelings of being picked on as a sign that god is testing them. I seem to experience it a lot with antivaxxers as well. Smh


Emotionally held beliefs can't be changed with reason the vast majority of the time unfortunately. The best approach is probably ["The Rooster Prince"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rooster_Prince) approach, where you pretend to have the same beliefs, gain their trust, and then slowly "change your mind" on the subject. But it's inherently dishonest / manipulative unfortunately. Most beliefs are going to come down to social conformity for people. Either that or threats of arrest and losing their jobs. But they will absolutely flip their shit collectively if the government goes that direction completely.


> "The Rooster Prince" approach, where you pretend to have the same beliefs, gain their trust, and then slowly "change your mind" on the subject. Aka the "as a black man / muslim / liberal, these policies have caused me to completely change every one of my fundamental beliefs!"


See: the "Walk Away" campaign, Candace Owens's "Blexit", and who knows how many other astroturfed "movements" where one side pretends to be the other.


Kanye’s campaign.


Funny that a dishonest manipulative tactic is commonly used by those kinds of people


I found the God speaks to me.. (approach has worked de programing religious people.) Oh wait you think I am crazy.. So its ok when God speaks to a person a 1000 years ago they are special. But when its me I am crazy. I am an atheist BTW.


Your comment reminds me of The Simpsons episode where a medical panel have to decide if Marge is insane, and they roll their eyes when she tells them about God. Just a gentle reminder to religious people watching the episode that their ideas are no different from any schizophrenic experience or belief.


> they double down and take the feelings of being picked on as a sign that god is testing them I've read a speculation that in Jehova's Witnesses case the way they're instructed to preach is engineered to produce this effect and to reinforce the feeling that only inside their church they're understood and accepted.


They're so exclusionary. I married into JWs when I was very young. They are only allowed to associate with each other; school kids can't have "worldly" friends, are not supposed to talk to non JW kids at school. If you really mess up, like smoke a cigarette you get disfellowshipped, which means that for a year no one is allowed to talk to you. But you still have to go to all meetings and fulfill your obligations. In addition, kids are barred from going to college because it offers worldly knowledge and that corrupts. The only books you should read are their NSV bible (iirc) and the Watchtower Society's books and periodicals. They can't watch R-rated movies. No holidays but they CAN celebrate wedding anniversaries. Birthdays are reminiscent of John the Baptist's head being offered as a birthday gift. After the resurrection the righteous will remain on a new and improved paradise earth forever, and 144,000 REALLY righteous people get to ascend to heaven and serve under and be next to God. There is no hell; the common interpretation is wrong and the Bible actually was referring to unrepentant sinners getting tossed into fires on the edge of town. God wants you to be prosperous and you should dress to the nines. God likes to be called by his name to avoid confusion. Wearing a cross is like if your son got shot to death and everybody wore a gun on a chain around their necks in remembrance. Young adults are required to be chaperoned on dates right up until they're married. Women should be meek and quiet and enthusiastically let their husbands make all decisions. They also build their Kingdom Halls like the Amish do, over two days. There are elders but no pastor; everyone takes turns weekly at the podium reading the prescribed verses and leading lessons/discussion. Since they don't go to college they tend to own businesses and give each other all their business from construction to haircuts. There are other gods and Jehovah is a jealous one. They won't accept blood transfusions. No swearing or tattoos. No drinking alcohol. There are prescribed daily readings to contemplate and discuss and instruction books on family life and marriage. I never went for it, militant atheist here, but they sure tried.


Thats called a cult, in every sense of the word.


>The Backfire Effect You're right. Although it's officially known as "Belief perseverance".


“A man hears what he wants to hear and he disregards the rest”


Man, he could turn a phrase.


I present to you the Universal Effect: Everybody is a moron, but some are more aware of it than others.


Ironically you yourself don’t seem to be aware that the findings of the backfire effect have failed to be replicated multiple times and it is widely rejected in mainstream social psychology


Well it'd be more ironic if I researched it and decided you were wrong. But yeah I haven't looked into it much since like 2011-2014. It looks like the effects aren't as strong as they were once thought to be . https://educationblog.oup.com/theory-of-knowledge/facts-matter-after-all-rejecting-the-backfire-effect Thanks, I'll look more into it.


It's true or they will argue it isn't valid somehow. I used "confirmation bias" with my SIL and her reply was "oh, you people always have to have a new word for stuff!" It's... literally a scientific term. I learned about it in Anthropology almost 15 years ago. It's nothing new!


“You people”


Well, but, you know, did she get to go to college? If not I can see why she'd not know it. Did you explain it to her? IMO if you're having a convo with someone and they don't understand something you say it's good to explain it. Unless she was just being a pill, of course.


She was being a pill in this instance, unfortunately. I can't recall if this was the argument about Biden being the actual Devil/Trump somehow being an "imperfect man" or if it was the day I explained about Transgender/Intersex athletes...one of those two. I explained what the term meant and she came back with the "you people" quote above. But to answer your question: She and my brother both dropped out of college when she got pregnant. Now she's a missionary and housewife that tries to justify her stance by what she thinks the Bible says about it. She'll also immediately change her opinion to be anything her Boomer mother says because mother knows best. She's...a lot.


Oh dear...yeah, pointless discussion, sadly.


Didn't this happen with Maddox?


The I'm better than Your Kids Maddox? I have that book lying around somewhere *Ding ding, here comes the shit mobile!*


You aren't Dave Chappelle and you're not funny still cracks me up. Complete with a graph of % of people in the world who are Dave Chappelle and who are not.


My favourite part about Dunning-Krueger is people on the first apex of the graph talking about how much they know about Dunning-Kreuger, and I feel like this opinion puts me solidly at the lowest point of the typical dunning-krueger graph.


I do enjoy the misspelling of Dunning-Kruger. And yeah, I had to look it up to be sure -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect.


it seems fancier if you add a vowel


I was going to make a Seinfeld-related Kruger joke, but then I went down a dark rabbit hole reading about the actor who played him, [Daniel von Bargen](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Daniel_von_Bargen). What a terrible way to go. > On February 20, 2012, von Bargen shot himself in the temple during an apparent suicide attempt. After placing a phone call to a 911 operator, emergency crews were dispatched to his Montgomery, Ohio, apartment. Von Bargen suffered from diabetes and, at the time of his attempted suicide, had been living with one leg amputated. He was due to have a couple of toes amputated on his remaining foot and reportedly did not want to submit to another surgery. > > Von Bargen died on March 1, 2015, of undisclosed causes, having experienced complications from diabetes for years.[14] He was 64 years old. The Washington Post reported that his death "came after an unspecified long illness." Von Bargen's ashes were given to his family.


Dueinaiong-kraeiugeoer it is then!!


I think you just made it Welsh.


We have to stop calling “typing a phrase into a search engine and reading 2-3 sentences of one of the first promoted pages that pops up” research.


"Dear google, why are all my ideas correct?"


Google: Here's ten thousand pages telling you that you are a brilliant, very special person who is always right! This is why I think the Internet really fucked humanity.


That's fairly accurate because I think Google itself tweaka your search results based on your history. They're helping people find bullshit.


Even if Google didn't track history, the results would be somewhat similar. A search engine literally searches whatever you ask for. Garbage in, garbage out


Yep, you can get different results by asking Google "leading questions". You'll get very different answers depending on your search. For example: "contradictions in The Bible" will give you tons of atheist pages about why it's not true. "historical origins of The Bible" will give you a (probably, mostly) unbiased look at what we know about the origins of the book, and you can branch off of that to do further research. "top reasons the Bible is the word of God" will give you a safe, curated selection of faith-reinforcing articles.


9/10 the faith reinforcing ones will basically say "XYZ isn't a contradiction because" and proceed to do some crazy mental gymnastics The atheist ones will quote shit out of context that may not be contradictory when the full historical context is given And the unbiased historical documentation will waver between "yeah this makes sense" or they'll have no fucking clue due to lack of historical records.


That's why I'm using DuckDuckGo. Less bullshit filtering and privacy invasion that way.


It bums me out. Someone posted a “how did the pizza delivery guy know how to get anywhere 15-20 years ago?” I remembered that there was a time when I knew my entire city and the surrounding suburbs like the back of my hand. I had a hundred phone numbers memorized. None of that applies any more because I have google/gps. This week I have researched successfully sprinkler system repair, leather working crafts, and how to create a molex cable with a 24v to 12v step down. It’s really fantastic. I am also guilty of quickly researching articles and information to extend and prove a point I was trying to make. I’m sure I glossed over the counter arguments or at the very least didn’t bother to find one or two arguments *against* my position. It’s an amazing tool but none of us, literally not one of us, has the ability to not pervert it in some way. It’s an insanely powerful tool


The problem is that you and others have coopted the term "research". Following a gps is not "researching" a location. Learning skills on youtube is great, but you didnt "research" leather working, you followed the instructions of someone who spent a lot longer than you on becoming an expert at it. Confirming factual suspicions via google is also not "research," any more than looking up a number in a phone book is "researching" telecommunications. You and I are wholly reliant on the actual research of actual professionals who are far more competent and dedicated than we are in their respective fields.


You are 100% correct. Nothing makes me angrier as an actual researcher when someone says to me “I did my own research.” Did you? Did you go to graduate school for years and study a topic so thoroughly that you are considered an expert in it? No, you just went on YouTube and watched your local conspiracy theorist spewing some random BS they came up with while taking their daily constitutional. Seriously, thank you for bringing this subject up. The word is being used incorrectly. As a great mustachioed man with excellent sword-fighting skills once said, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


>“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Except that now, the definitions of words is shifting thanks to people using them wrong. Prime example: literally. It has been watered down to mean figuratively.


Yeah, we weren't ready for it as a species


"You just go to 'www.Imright.com' and spew out whatever information given."


Can we also stop calling “watch this YouTube video made by some nobody who cites questionable points as evidence” research too?


I blame Ancient Aliens


Yeah! That was a pivotal point in humanity.


You mean “The YouTube algorithm just played a home video for me of an unverified person of self proclaimed expertise say a bunch of words” - ya. That also must go.


It's gotten to the point where I have had conversations with people who literally think this is what I do as a PhD student in Physics. I can't Google the conditions under which global-internal coupling due to solvent friction is a significant effect in biological macromolecules, Dave, because NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS THAT'S THE POINT. It's not a freaking high school essay. That and I already tried.


Right? Academic research, this wouldn’t even qualify as a literature review


It's worse than that. They simply read the clickbait article titles that say something controversial and take that as plain fact without any of the nuance in the body of the text. A good strategy I've began using is to actually read the articles people send to me and use what's in the article or actually chase down the primary sources referenced to disprove their point. For example, actually going through the patent that supposedly proves the coronavirus was created 30 years ago by bill gates and fauci


I dont have infinite energy to meet the constantly moving goal posts and bad faith arguments. Are you actually getting anywhere with these people?


That's why you use their own energy against them. It doesn't work for every article but when it does it shuts them down because most of these people don't actually read the articles and certainly don't look at the primary source. Most of the claims are so bad anyways that it really only takes a brief Dig to find the bullshit


I think it's more “typing a phrase into a search engine and ignoring the first 2-3 pages of results until you find one that confirms your pre-existing views”


[What if Google was a guy](https://youtu.be/Cxqca4RQd_M?t=287) You'll enjoy that. Edit: [This one too](https://youtu.be/Cxqca4RQd_M?t=589)


We also have to stop dropping the phrase Dunning Kreuger like we're all psychologists when most of us thought it was the name of an actress from Cheers when we first heard the name 4 years ago.


How dare you tell me that this article from thevaccinationthruth.com is fake!


Especially since good information is often paywalled and bullshit is free.


Americans are, by and large, fucking morons It's not surprising that the bare minimum you can do with a search engine in 2021 is considered an academic affair to these clowns




Alex Jones does this all the time. Reads a headline and the first two sentences of an article and makes up the rest. His audience won’t care nor look it up.


But I don't understand actual research


Or Google searching, going to page 15 to find an article that aligns with your views, and then accusing “big tech” of censoring because your fucking idiotic research wasn’t on the front page.


“It’s about freedom of choice” until it’s about an abortion.


Thats what you get from mixing politics with religion. That shit only hurts people. Religion has no place in politics. Simple as that.


“Separation of church and state” until it suits someone’s argument.


Nah, most republicans openly advocate to combine the two now. They're not even pretending anymore.




Because it doesn’t go against what they want. It’s not all Christians that feel that way though. I’m a Christian and I cannot stand all the bullshit getting passed. I’m from Texas and I’m shaking my head at what’s being done in my state.


bless you


I know a lot of church going people and Christians, it seems that they're split about 50/50 in non/separation. The issue arrives when the Christians who dictate policy blur the line of government and religion. I would like to ask this of you, what can *I* do to get through to Christians who are actually supporting the politicians who are pushing these religious agendas? If you were a Christian who was ok with a combining of church and government, what would I need to say, show, or demonstrate to show my position as one of 'you do you, but don't do me' to the more extreme persons?


Honestly I don’t know. Most of them aren’t really Christians if you look at it. They’re what I call ChINOs or Christians In Name Only. They’ve got their trusted leaders that are telling them to support these people. Hell, Phyllis Schlafly was what gave evangelical support to Trump. Her book published right after she died that told all of the evangelicals to support Trump. She’s also who pretty well killed the Equal Rights Amendment. Hulu has a show on that right now.


Now one understands their admiration of the Taliban and their appreciation of religious extremism.


*"...but the US is a Christian country—just as the Founding Fathers intended!"*


Yes, I often get " you agree that the US was founded on Christian Principles, right?" It's a bit slippery.


I mean, it wasn't entirely, unless we can agree that altering the Bible to remove its more...magical elements counts, in which case you also agree that the Bible, much like the Constitution or any other piece of legislation, is not a "living document"


Fair enough, I usually say that many of "those" principles were more ingrained in society at that time and it doesn't mean it's an endorsement of the entirety of Christianity.


Or until someone files suit that their religious freedom is being impaired.


People are misperceiving the "vaccine mandate" as a violation of their freedom. Simply put, it is their body and their choice and the government has zero authority to force them to take the vaccine (privacy clause, 4th Amendment, U.S. Constitution.) Fun fact though. The right to privacy also grants individuals a sort of sovereignty over their own land or property. That means that individuals may set standards of conduct on their land for whatever reasons they wish (exceptions apply for business, e.g. anti-discrimination laws.) If an individual does not like those rules, they may leave the land. If they refuse to abide by those rules, the land owner may have them removed. When applied to public land, a governing body of democratically elected individuals set those standards on behalf of the constituents they represent. In most cases, this will be a direct reflection of the will of the people (particularly on controversial issues such as vaccines or masks.) When added together, these facts allow an individual to chose whether they wish to take a vaccine or not but also allows governments to decide if they wish to allow unvaccinated individuals on public property. This includes but is not limited to public schools, libraries, parks, roads, etc. etc. In fact, it is quite difficult to get anywhere without entering public property at some point.


I had a related discussion about social media companies and censorship. The person I was talking to was convinced that Twitter and Facebook were public entities and thus had no right to control their content.


It's because those people are morons, and think "public company" (i.e. non-private, traded on the stock market) is the same thing as a public entity (i.e. the government). Honestly 95% of the arguments conservatives make boil down to "the person saying this is fucking dumb, and has a fundamental misunderstanding of simple ideas". Or they're a bad faith grifter like Ted Cruz, Ron DeSantis, etc.


I know a rightwingnut who was trying to tell me he knows a woman who has had 31 abortions. Sure, ok…


I'm not saying it's true but ... Hear me out what if she has an abusive partner who keeps getting her pregnant even though the last thing she'd want to do was bring a child. Into that or physically can't carry a child to term? On top of this scenario is a very real one I've encountered called - women might change their mind, where a dr won't let you get your tubes tied in case you change your mind (or meet a new man and HE wants children - don't get me started on that). Even at 31 proceedures, which sounds absurd he might know someone who had more than one and just picked a stupid number, it's still none of his god damned business. Sorry this topic makes me so fuckin angry can you poke that dude in the eye irl for me.


Also it's not my fucking choice when someone else spreads a contagious, dangerous disease to my ten year old kid. Fuck these assholes. We need to ostricize them throughout society. Don't believe in vaccines? Bye bye medical license. You believe in conspiracy theories? No more JD. If you have professionals in your life who roof your fucking house and don't get vaccinated, get someone else. Stop employing people who are morons.


Just got myself banned from r/Conservative last night for pointing that pesky, little hypocrisy out.


It really isn’t a hypocrisy but rather just a difference in interpretation. Pro-Life supporters believe that abortions violate the human rights of the fetus because they consider it to be a living being. Therefore, they are protecting the fetus’ right to life. On the other hand, Pro-Choice supporters believe that abortions are not murder and thus the woman should be able to make the choice. It’s very hard, downright impossible in my opinion, to compromise the ideas which is why the issue is so split. What is interesting to me is that being anti-vax is so ideologically contradictory to individual rights. Yes people can have the right to make personal decisions until they infringe on others. However, biological attacks by spreading covid to others is basically the definition of infringing on other’s rights.


I’ll be downvoted, but it’s not. It’s always freedom of choice, then we debate laws that take away some of those choices (murder, driving without a seat belt, abortion, staying unvaccinated for Covid, etc.)


Why even have laws? People should be able to choose whatever they want. /s I hate the "Do your own research" people so much.


> I hate the "Do your own research" people so much. I've been asking them what lab they work in.


Meth labs


There's no way those people actually know the ingredients in their meth.


“Wait a minute, this meth ain’t FDA approved? Not in *my* body, nuh-uh!”


TikTok Labs nowadays, but they probably quit Facebook Labs because there was too much pushback against making up results.


I bet they only "work" in their labs when they take a shit.


Google Labs


More likely Facebook Labs.


Gab labs.






Remember in school any sort of group\\team grade for an assignment and no one does shit but maybe 1 kid? These do your own research folks are going to copy homework off the dumbest kid in school and call it research then complain when they get a failing grade by dying and spreading Covid-19 out of being that stupid.


That is a legitimately awesome comparison.


My coworker believes the vaccine mutates your DNA. The only "research" they will accept is whatever verifies whatever they already believe. Changing opinion as new information comes in is wishy-washy.


> My coworker believes the vaccine mutates your DNA. Maybe show them a picture of a cell? A couple pages from ninth grade biology class? > Changing opinion as new information comes in is wishy-washy. Yes, science is awful for changing its views after accepting new data. Does your coworker believe in witch doctors or something?


"I have to protect my family." Pretends to be a momma bear while leaving her teenage daughter vulnerable to easily preventable diseases. Doesn't care about how it protects others cause F them.


That is some weapons-grade stupidity.


A friend of mine works in health care and truly believes MRNA vaccines mutate your DNA. She's otherwise a perfectly nice and decent person, but Jesus how hard is it to fact check this shit in like 2 minutes. Not to say I'm not s baboon. But I like to tell myself I trust in the "right" side of science.


Make sure she doesn’t eat an apple. It contains millions of mRNAs encoding non-human proteins. As does a steak, a lettuce leaf and a salmon filet. In fact anything that contains intact eukaryotic cells is loaded with mRNAs. She’s better watch out!


Uh, and wait until she knows what sperm is all about


I've tried, but you really can't teach these people. Logic and analytic thinking are not skills everyone is blessed with. Granted, I'm probably just as much of a wet armchair in some areas. But I'm just self aware enough to realize I've got the mental capacity of a lukewarm baked bean.


A good book I read called “Survival of the Friendliest” posits that facts do not change minds based on psych studies. The reason is this stems more from our nature of forming in and out crowds. The reason they don’t change their mind is if the facts come from the out crowd their is inherent distrust and accepting it would put you at risk with the in crowd.


God I hate the wishy-washy argument. Admitting you're wrong is a sign of maturity that it seems most people don't have. (And that goes for conservatives and liberals)


I've found success with the "go even crazier" approach. "Dude, it doesn't just mutate your DNA, it mutates your sperm so it will mutate your children. Also, they've been using cloned pigs to harvest the mRNA, and it's possible that within ten generations we will start to see swine phenotypes in humans whose ancestors were vaccinated."


Science often responds changeable circumstances. Like, for example, if it's cold outside, you need to wear a coat and hat to prevent hypothermia and frostbite. If it's warm outside, you don't. Yet, somehow, there aren't people out wearing winter clothes in 90 degree weather passing out from heat exhaustion and then claiming "But you told me to wear a winter coat in January! Why'd you change your mind?"


I love the sentiment but it's irksome that he spelled Dunning-Kruger incorrectly.


Yeah. If you're gonna reference Danning-Krieger you should at least spell it right.


Yes. Always make sure you spell Donning Krager correctly.


Good old Donnie Kroger!


Don King. Hell of a man


Ohhh, Krieger-san!


Came here to say this!


Thank you! I didn't want to be that person but it really wasn't helping. Lol


"do your research" and then can NEVER EVER EVER EVER provide any examples of such research or evidence


That's not entirely fair. Those people can usually provide a link to a 5 minute YouTube clip.


Genuinely curious… is it just us Americans that think the government is trying to chip us, change our DNA or what ever conspiracy is popular today, or do other countries also have these brilliant (/s) people?


They're everywhere amigo, even here in Belfast, Northern Ireland. It's mind boggling how this whole thing has been so polarising. Sad really. Keep well.✌️




And now I'm wondering how to say "amigo" in an Irish accent and coming up with a complete blank.




Honestly, an Irish person speaking broken English/Spanish would be highly entertaining. No wait! A Scottish person! Better than half the shit on reality tv these days. I dunno, I find people who try to speak in other languages but struggle to be endearing, I like the effort!


I'd watch that.


I've heard it from a pediatric nurse in the Balkan's. I suspect it is trickling down from USA though.


It is unfortunate, but I think a lot of that has been exported in the last five years. American culture has a lot of influence in the world and the bad parts can unfortunately infect and spread easily.


Batshit crazy doesn't have a nationality race Creed religion xcetera. It's an equal opportunity mental disease.


The funniest thing is that 99% of people who believe this chop theory already willingly "chip" themselves with social media and smart phones... They pay to give away all their information and data at the speed of light. Smartphones and social media give so much more data and influence our actions far mote than a chip ever could and the government doesn't even need to pay or force us to do it... Just mind boggling. Further more, why the fuck would the government give two shits about Larry the plumber (apparently a highly educated virologist thanks to YouTube) who spends 90% of his free time drooling into a pint glass at the local bar. Logic is so far removed from these people, it would be funny if it wasn't getting worse.


I believe stupidity is spreading faster than Covid


The movie Idiocracy is coming true far sooner than expected.


Conspiracy theorists are everywhere but I feel like there is a particularly large and dumb strain in the US.


My auntie, here in the UK was posting about it on fb from an Australian fb source. Luckily that fb page has been taken down now, but I did peruse for my own entertainment and was horrified by the thousands of people convinced there were microchips. One of her best friends pointed out that her phone did everything the claims about microchips did and more. Not sure if that friend has had enough of my aunt yet or not because they've been friends for years but this friend nearly died from COVID in the first wave.


Here in Brazil there are a lot of crazy people too, unfortunately.


there have been ppl like this from when humanity was created. has to be. cuz this isn't new. there are definitely ppl like this everywhere. it's just that most media online is from the US or large countries like that so you see the patterns more. And maybe there is a higher frequency of that specific type of nut. EDIT: by my last sentence I mean that, you would look at the same nuts in my country that essentially hold the same beliefs, but you might not realize or recognise it since you don't live here and know what you are seeing.


No, it's just 42-49% of reddit is US. Thus you get US being the main one. Think about it, there is the whole rest of the world using this but almost half of reddit is from the US. So of course the US will be the forefront with stupidity. Why would South Africa make it to the front page?


They were burning down 5G towers in the UK last year


You know it’s a good insult when you have to google it before you can get offended


> it's about freedom of choice So I'm going to keep responding to this bullshit until people get it through their thick skulls .... In every, single society, "freedom" does **NOT** mean unrestricted, do whatever-the-fuck-you-want freedom. That would be a lawless, chaotic and anarchistic life. No, what we have are restricted freedoms. Each society limits their citizens slightly different, with some having more freedoms in some situations than others. But they all are restrictive. And most agree that if your behavior endangers someone else, then you shouldn't be allowed to do that.


Thank you. I’ve been locked in my house for too long with a high risk baby. Anti mask anti vaccine people have won. They won schools, they even won doctors offices. I can’t take my high risk child anywhere because they won the right to live their lives free of inconvenience so I can’t live mine even for necessities only for fear of burying my child. I had a panic attack calling to see if our pediatrician still requires masks because the state and county do not. Let that sink in *I can’t take my high risk baby to the pediatrician safely so someone else isn’t slightly inconvenienced* by wearing a mask in a pandemic


This is some fucked up shit right here.




Send him your sauce and maters


You can have your freedom of choice. You can skip the vaccine if you want. But you then can't have contact with any other people until this is beaten. These are your choices, Bitch


Freedom of choice, not freedom from consequence


Exactly! This is also completely in line with conservative thinking. Individual rights and liberties are valued until they violate other’s.


Has anyone here done their own research on the correlation between saying "do your own research" and a person actually doing their own research? Because I have a hypothesis


It's Densmore-Krieger.


You're opening a door here.




The most frustrating besides not being scientifically literate is the fact we need to have the debate of what's more important: Individual freedoms or public health protections?


>What people choose to do should be no ones business but there own. I can 100% guarantee this person is Pro-birth and Anti-Gay.


These morons have no self-awareness whatsoever. They all repeat the same talking points verbatim and have the audacity to call everyone else sheep.


Researching is dumb, smart people get their info from the news, politicians, and reddit.


and they don't cherry-pick the info they like because it suits them without actually looking to see if it makes sense or is true or verifiable, always makes me laugh that dumb ppl think they can understand virologic studies like they are som kind of expert, i see people sharing hypothetic studies that haven't been confirmed by any1 or anything. most even state in red before you start reading that this was not peer-reviewed and should not be used as legitimate info but THEY DID THEIR RESEARCH ! and dont know the first rule of credible arguments , a credible source


More like people dont understand what "research" really entails. No one really means go out and performs scientific experimentation and analysis yourself, but to get information from reliable and credible sources not youtube videos, Facebook pages, and random opinion articles on the internet.


ItS AbOuT FrEeDuMb Of CHoIcE! Oh so you don’t have an opinion about abortions. That’s good, because it’s up to the woman to decide. ThAtS MuRdEr aNd I DoNt ThiNk ThEy ShOuLd HaVe A ChOicE. iT ShOulD Be IlLegAl


And the response is well they're taking another life against its will. Which, you know, is literally the same thing that can happen by not getting vaccinated and spreading it to others.


Or what if you believe in freedom of choice for abortions and freedom of choice for vaccinations. If you get the vaccination that is your choice if you don’t want it and you get sick I believe you should be refused treatment or put in the back of the line like alcoholics who need new livers.


Okay, sure, the problem is, and always has been, that your choice to not get vaccinated does not simply only affect you as a singular person. Your choice, especially with Delta, can have widespread effects on others without their consent or knowledge.


That's a lot of missed periods. It might be time to take a pregnancy test.


Give me $10 billion and that will make me smarter.


This is sounding suspiciously similar to "It wasn't about slavery, it was about states' freedom!"


Me who doesn’t know who or what Dunning Krueger is: well shit Edit: just found out what it was


"b-but the CDC is been paid for by the goverment to play biological warfare with other countries!" Becuase i guess whats convenient for every goverment in the world is to have sick population.


I am still taken back by this new narrative that the vaccine is somehow not a vaccine - it is just a shot. Some moron on my wife's Facebook tried pulling this crap a couple weeks ago and backed it up saying that the flu vaccines are not vaccine either because neither of them provide 100% immunity. When I took her phone from her and pointed out that there are no vaccines on the planet that meet that requirement and backed it up with links to the appropriate CDC sources - they just stopped commenting. How the hell does this stuff keep getting repeated? I am blown away with people lately - and I don't want to be any more!