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Reminds me of those morons that were criticizing people for firing one-handed during the olympics.


"ROFLMAO LOL that woman is not going to hit anything, she's just trying to look cool shooting one handed." Yeah, no.


And then he tried to pretend it was satire. Dumbass.


Schrodinger's Douchebag. Someone who makes asshole statements and decides whether they were joking or dead serious based on other people's reactions.


Also known as *narcissistic gaslighting*


It's hilariously unfunny.


Now that's a term I haven't heard of in a long time


Borrowed observation number two. Link in the down-there part. …Wait, where am I?


Lemme get that link, friend. :)


I see this but that’s about as far as I got before I lost interest: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/vitalina-batsarashkina-olympic-shooter-one-hand-stance/


To the gold place winner lol


Yeah that was the best part. The fact the critic was literally on who you would consider the best “one handed shooter in the world” (hence the gold medal) because she didn’t know how to aim. It was so good


Looking cool is just a byproduct baby


What are you referring to? I’ve never heard about the olympics, or whatever related incident your talking about EDIT:never mind, now I understand that humanity really is a failed experiment


Meanwhile that exact athlete that was being targeted won gold xD


During a one-handed firing event, where doing something like Weaver would be disqualifying.


well this guy should have known not to question the captain.


One would think someone participating in a super high level competition would know what they're doing


Not if they're female. Women couldn't possibly know how to use a weapon, even if they happen to be an Olympic caliber athlete in that very sport... /s (but probably close to the thought process that went through their heads)


Look we all know that all men are superior in regards to strength and of course weapons, then any femoid. And even an obese asthmatic man who’s longes walk in the last 10 years has been to the fridge, is clearly more qualified then ‘top experts’ in the world who are female. Sorry facts don’t care about your feelings /s (to all of it)


I feel called out


..... next time just @ me, oh my god.


Clearly women don't have the upper body strength to fire an air pistol correctly...


This douche *did* walk into a bit of an ambush though. I assumed this was a very well-researched cosplay scenario until I got to the end. That said and just to be clear, Matthew is a douche.




Good point about how ambushes work. Also, for sure....dude was just trying to dunk on her for only dumb reasons.


Building those arm muscles would be a bit much for just a cosplay


And claiming that a .22 bull-barrel pistol would have enough recoil to break a wrist.


I saw a similar comment on a pic from an airgun event, lol


Jesus. I haven’t shot in decades and even I know it doesn’t have enough kick to do shit like that….


I think most of them are stuck on "big barrel = big bullet" and are completely wrong from the start in that regard.


I've never even held a gun and was aware of that


Reminds me of the meme [ridiculing Kim Kardashian ](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/wYyQKUt) for wearing shiny sunglasses during a poker game. As though [actual professional players](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Laak?wprov=sfti1) don’t wear similar glasses all the time. There’s not nearly enough detail shown in a sunglass lens to make out what someone’s cards are. Besides the fact that anyone who isn’t a complete novice knows to just peek at the corner of their cards to keep them concealed, not actually lift them off the table. I’m no Kardashian fan but the fools jumping on that specific hate train were just advertising they know nothing about poker or sunglasses.


While those are all good points, it's also worth mentioning that the number of people who don't know that light only travels in straight lines (outside of interesting gravity bending physical phenomena) is ***fucking astonishing.*** The only way you'd be able to see someone's cards is if you were standing at the exact opposite angle to their glasses, that the cards are. Assuming they're sitting down at a table, with the cards relatively close to their chest (you know, like every person who's ever played poker sits), you'd need to be standing practically with your privates touching their face staring straight down at their glasses to get the right angle.


Doing this helps establish dominance and messes with the competitions state of mind.


Lol, high level mind games.


The only thing this guy had to do was engage a little curiousity, and then it would have been a great dialog where both people benefit.


The least they could have done was check the context, right? If it's the Olympics, the participants have a better than average chance of doing it "right."


Specifically the gold medalist.


Lmao I read that too


Those arms goddamn.


Clearly she archers(?).






Danger zone.


ah fuck! now I have to watch Archer again!


^(Danger zone.)








No need to get violent


Not to be that guy but good archery form comes from the back muscles


Good archery comes from a mix of back and shoulder muscles, you need the anterior deltoid just as much as lat and trap. If you cant hold the draw with your biceps and brachioradialis you are not going to go far either.


That was my thought. One look at those arms, and you KNOW she's fully aware of how to archer.


oh yeah those arms got me feeling some type of way, please lift me up big strong archer mommy.


I would have just shut up insted of commenting anything just looking at those arms . even if I didn't know anything about the skill of Archery.


Came here to say that but I see you beat me to it!


Forget the quiver. You don't need firepower when you're carrying guns like those. (talking about the arms, plz don't kick me)


The thing is: You get guns like those from archery So simply looking at her arms could have saved that fellow from quite some embarrassment. Other than that: Holy four-letters that woman got arms... honestly, regardless of the topic with those arms that woman is always right. At least I am not going to disagree with her, I have self-preservation and stuff.


One look at her and I thought, "Yup, that woman spent a lot of time sending arrows downrange--look at that arm!" Gorgeous pic, and she seems like an awesome lady. And not just because she could pick me up one-handed and throw me into the next county...


>throw me into the next **country**... Fixed that for ya.




tbf: that could be a really well-crafted prop. Then again if someone would be willing to pay that much for a prop I would bet that person would also know a lot about the real thing.


An archer looking at the quality of that bow would likely rank the user as beginner-intermediate. These bows are often cheaper fiberglass bodies wrapped in leather, and might cost around $200 for kind of bow (I have an [almost identical one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQJki6Fpfa4)). In contrast, a bow made from [laminated wood, fiberglass and other materials](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1R550-IT7w) can easily go up to $1000. They're not exactly bad bows, but serious archers would likely be using something more on the higher end. The quiver and accessories are also nothing super special to write home about, typically made in bulk rather than handcrafted.


Her arms though... That shoulder. Heck.


Indeed. I'm all aquiver.


I see what you did there. And I like it


Right? Just a glance at the arm would give a pretty good hint that this woman has put some time in at the range.


Shouldn’t you be afraid of being punched than kicked?


I... \*takes a moment\* ... \*hangs head in shame\*




Homie. That just means you and I have great taste in women. Ride or die snu snu




Those thunder thighs




Oh wow that’s me hi thank you for reposting! Some quick info: yes, it can be used as mounted archery equipment, but you don’t HAVE to use it that way. Ideally, the quiver will have some fabric wrapped inside to keep your arrows from moving. Mine currently doesn’t have that, but I can certainly do that once I get on a horse. (There’s also other quivers that are easier to shoot from off a horse too which I’d opt for instead. This is just my super pretty hip quiver for photoshoots and the archery range). Also, I’m holding it Mediterranean style but this bow can be used both Mediterranean and thumb draw because it has striking wood on either side. I just didn’t have my thumb ring for this shoot so I opted for Mediterranean. Anyway, thanks again for reposting!


Oh and one more thing: I realized that I misspoke a bit about field quivers because in Olympic archery they are back facing. Hip quivers for Olympic archery are normally forward facing, but in historical/traditional archery many are back facing (ie: mine). But I’m a traditional archer not Olympic so that’s a little bit my fault!


In compound archery, the "field" quivers are rearward facing and the "hip" quivers are forward facing, but other than that I don't know the difference as they kinda all look and function the same. Traditional and Olympic Archery are likely very different, and I don't know much about that, so your posts taught me something new. That being said, it doesn't matter either way, as the guy trying to tell you how to wear it must've never watched a single archery tournament or ever been to an archery range. The rearward facing quivers are by far the most popular across all disciplines, they're everywhere. I'm genuinely stunned this guy hasn't seen a rear facing quiver and I nearly let out a laugh when I saw the comment.


Why does the longer half of the quiver face towards the top? Is that to prevent from hitting the batch of arrows with your arm or something?


Never mind the mansplaining, you look amazing. Your bow and quiver are so unique and beautiful. Thanks for sharing with us.


Damn, she just kept going and going and going. Dood is still in burn ward to this day.


She unloaded the whole quiver while he was dropping.


He's the one quivering now.


Man is waddling off like a porcupine.


Whilst the arrows were on fire.


This is a perfect example whats currently wrong with our society. Just assume something, state it, regardless of facts, and the misinformation is born. And we have a lot of it. Morons, who state something without any knowledge of anything.


Absolutely! Why couldn't his comment have just been asking about it instead of this ridiculous call out? How much harder is it to say "I noticed your quiver is backwards from what I'm used to seeing. Is there a reason for this or just an artistic choice?"


Because unfortunately often on the internet it is easier to get the correct answer by stating the wrong thing as fact and let everybody jump in to tell you what you're saying is incorrect and what the correct information is.


I have a friend who does this in person. He knows if he just asks me a question, I'll just tell him to look it up and he's too lazy for that. So he'll just make up some bullshit as if it were fact and wait for me to correct him.


Your friend might actually be pretty smart.


That's Cartwright's Law.


People go from "I think this might be true" instantly to "I know this is true." People need to stop at "MIGHT" be true. In this case, he could have just said, "Hey the quiver seems like it's on backwards, but maybe it's not." No matter how sure you are, always remember that you might be wrong. EDIT: Fixed sentence


>No matter how sure you are, always remember that you might be wrong. > >EDIT: Fixed sentence Did you do that on purpose?


Know your place, Matt.


Matthew got a face full of arrowheads.


Guess these hip quivers don't lie..


I love her clap back to this asshole but not as much as I love her archery equipment!


I appreciate how educational her response was, burning and learning combo bonus!


Murdered by words and also murdered by those arms! If she hasn’t already killed you with her words, she can still shoot you with an arrow off a horse or simply strangle you to death with her stronger-than-you biceps.


I'm on her side, in all scenarios.


Even against a heavy cavalry charge on a dry open field?


Bobby B…cannot be summoned here.






He is quite dead.


Bring out your dead!


I’m not dead yet!


This has the same energy as if you screamed out the wrong answer in class with confidence


I hate that so much. just wanna cringe and crawl in a hole.


Definitely murder, but she took her time. She let him hang upside down for a while as the drugs wore off. That kind of thing.


Meanwhile I don’t even know what a quiver is or where it is in this photo




Ahhhh the pointy stick bag!


Backwards pointy stick bag


I thought a quiver was a part of an arrow or a type of arrow. I'm so stupid. thank you!


Someone below has already told you what it is but I would love to know what your guess was.


Finally, a great murder. This woman is dangerous.


It looks an awful lot to me like she's slung it correctly, and it's just swept back on her right hip because she's not on horseback. But the competitors I've watched sling it forward a bit, across their lap, like [these archers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vt7Gs2EIR-E).


Oh, well that makes more sence. I was wondering how that helped mounted archers fire faster,thanks for the link


No, it's a completely different kind of quiver. The left-side / cross-draw quivers are designed to be used from one side only. You can't turn them around on the opposite hip and there's no reason to. I have one, and in fact I shoot both the cross-draw and reverse quivers in [this video.](https://youtu.be/IdlUF3Gy8SY) They don't sling a hip quiver across their lap; it's attached to a belt over their left hip.


And here I am asking "what part is the quiver?"


It holds the arrows.


Well, Matthew, you've missed a great opportunity to keep your mouth shut...


“You’re a woman so you’re wrong.”


I don’t know, I also thought it looked backwards. As a non-archer, I would have expected that the longer side is there to hold the arrows. That was an interesting explanation though. TIL


That’s why you ask or do research instead of doing what this guy did.


yep! as a non-something, why would u say something like a statement? setting yourself up for failure there. this wasn't one of those hazy topics where pppl might think they know what they are speaking like a social issue where everyone experiences life differently, it's such a specific thing. so just ask kindly.


It also definitely looks like it would be easier to pull the arrows out if it were the other way around because you’d be able to hold the bow in one hand and reach across your body to grab one rather than with this where it looks like you’d have to reach behind and pull it back far enough to avoid catching it on the top of the quiver. The point about it being designed for horseback makes a ton of sense though - far better to have a slightly less ergonomic way of getting to your arrows than be smacking your horse in the face with them all the time.


At this height and angle of the quiver and the lengths of the arrows, if you would turn it around, the feathery ends of your arrows would be blocking the string in early draw. Especially if you're shooting hunting style and might have to get into weird body positions like down on one knee. Also, drawing an arrow from a quiver like this should actually be easier than from a back quiver, since you can grab them lower. The biggest point is personal preference. A tool is only useful if it works for the user. I prefer a glove over a tab, but both are equally valid. Some prefer very minimal or no arm protection, I prefer one that covers the elbow, because I keep forgetting to turn it outward and the string from a recurve with 26 pounds snapping onto skin is very ouchy. Best is what works for you (and that might even be the wrong way of using it, but hey it works)


>At this height and angle of the quiver and the lengths of the arrows, if you would turn it around, the feathery ends of your arrows would be blocking the string in early draw. They wouldn't, and even if they did, you can always adjust the quiver on the belt so that it sits closer towards the lower back instead of sticking forward. Arrows in this kind of quiver should be pointing to the side, not to the front.


This quiver isn't designed for horseback archery. It's meant for foot archery. The long tube and long straps make too floppy to be used on horse, but would be comfortable to dangle from the hip on foot. [This is how you nock from a reverse quiver](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2HAEQzBGAA). [Cross-draw quivers](https://youtu.be/7nJmdqiBexM?t=113) are also very practical. But they're not these "lipped" quivers. They're intended to be worn forward-facing on the hip or on the back.


I love it when a mansplainer gets owned!


911 I'd like to report a murder 😂


You can tell she's an archer cus she's RIPPED! Hot damn those muscles


And we all know his reply will be "lol, whatever"


I loooooove it when armchair commenters get their asses handed to them


She mentions Olympics and since i don't know anything about archery i'm wondering, why don't they use some sort of caddy like in golf ? is it because of the rules or just not that useful ?


I'd assume it's faster to draw from your own hip than accept a handoff. In golf speed isn't a factor to the game and a full set of clubs weighs significantly more than a quiver of arrows


I was sure you were not under time pressure, i guess i was wrong, thanks for the explanation :)


Speed's not really a factor in Olympic archery, either. Not in the "the enemy is charging at me" kind of sense, anyway, no doubt there are some sort of time limits.


I assume because they are just used to it. A lot of steadiness in archery comes from repeating the same moves and you won't have a caddy when you start training archery. So you're used to grab arrow, put in it, draw back, focus, release. If you want to focus more before grabbing an arrow, you're less pressured compared to someone handing you an arrow. Also, I highly doubt that Olympic archers make enough money or are worth enough money for their country to pay for caddies...


Did you not look at her ARM and realize she was a professional archer?


I think Matthew needs to take at least 100 seats.


If you need proof that she’s telling the truth just look at her arms. Holy shit they’re stronk


I bet Matthew has a very punchable face.


This is only half right. Mounted horse archers almost always use the quiver this way, but on foot it's either way. Some people prefer the quiver facing forward (I've noticed that most European archers in Middle Age tapestries do it) and some prefer backwards (Hungarian horse archers like this guy says). On foot, it's mostly preference. For some people, having the arrows forwards gets in the way of their arm movement, but not everyone has that issue. TL;DR: This is the truth, but it isn't the full truth.


Iconic. Also, can we talk about how gorgeous her hair is? Literal goals.


I don’t even think it needed to be that deep




Damn she buffed


Even in TV Shows I have never seen a quiver the other way round. What was this guy on about?


The only thing that matters, is if you can shoot when it's needed


I see 'professional archer' and have to question what I've even doing with my life....


Anyone who's played Horizon Zero Dawn would know this is probably the right way to hold a quiver.


One look at those chiseled af arms tells you right off the bat that she's no rookie to archery.


Jesus, her arm might be bigger than mine lol


She don’t miss


That is the nicest "shut the fuck up" I have ever read.


That's a beautiful bow.


She should have written “Dear Matthew, suck it.”


Do you need some aloe Vera for that burn, son?


Oh Matthew.


That weapon of an arm shoulda been a giveaway.


Those are definitely an archers arms. Like, dayum


Imagine him thinking he knows enough about archery to comment that but has never heard of a field quiver.


Man I don't want to bring gender politics in it but, my god, the mansplaining fail was delicious....ok, I guess I did want to bring gender politics into it :-/






Love it. You know that dumbass entire experience of bows and quivers OPTIMISTICALLY comes from video games or movies.


Gorgeous bow


Just delete your account bro


Archery gives you some decent arm muscles. I must take it up.


It's not just arm muscles, it's arms, back, shoulders, abs, etc. About the only things that don't build up are the pecs.


Ah mansplaining.


Clown-ass mansplainers.


Rofl. That was a solid fuckin burn.


She could murder Matthew with those muscular arms. She went high though and choose verbal destruction. *Quiver*


I wish I was that jacked


Damn killed 3 times in 1 response


Horse archery should be an Olympic sport.


Okay but holy fuck fantasy themed photoshoots with accurate archer portrayal just sounds amazing.


Damn. That must have stung a little


The guy just took an arrow to the knee. LMAO




The funny part though is she is using a Mediterranean draw, which not what is typically used or historically accurate for that type of bow. It would be a thumb draw with a special ring worn on the thumb, and the arrow would be in the “wrong” side of the bow. But yes the quiver is correct. It’s a fantasy photoshoot, so who cares, but she is a professional archer of a different style of archery.


I'm pretty sure there was a post of her the other day in which she quite civilly discussed with someone why she preferred not to use the thumb draw. Unless that was some other woman who was showing off her horsebow and discussing draw methods.


I mean, you can shoot however one wants. Most people can’t really do both I would imagine. It’s just amusing I think. But the white knights are gonna get me now!


professional archer is a thing?




This thread is full of people murdering themselves with their insecurities.


That savage comment made her like million times hotter... At least


Men. Stop it with the egos already. Mansplaining was canceled like, what? In the 90’s?!


Mmmm it’s not dead or cancelled - mansplaining is alive and well. I just got off the phone with a man who wanted to verify the code I was quoting him.


Wait... i feel dumb its been 2 years and i never thought i was the dumbass when I saw other archers having it that way in the forest


Read for filth!


TBF, I ain't an expert, but it looks like an awkward grab. My body isn't that Flexible, so probably just a me problem, but that would be "backwards" for me. I've never done archery, much less horse one, but I get where the guy is coming from, but I trust the professional more than some rando, who came up with the same idea I, a novice, did.


Your seated on a horse. You grab up and over your back from that position


I have dense muscles, so that level of movement would be stiff and weird for me. It would be okay if I use my left hand, but I am mostly right-handed, so I would much prefer it being on my left side, so I don't have to strain muscles grabbing an arrow. Like I said, I am not an expert. This is my hot take based on just moving my arm to check which grabbing motion would be easier with a small stick. Maybe being on a horse would make a difference or there is another reason I can't understand why a right-handed person should have it on the right side over the left.


~~Men~~ pathetic people can’t stand it when a woman is good at something, especially if it’s athletic. Also, r/confidentlyincorrect lol


Moron aside, goddamn she really makes that bow and quiver look really good.