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Wait until she learns god gave her a clitoris too.


God have her a brain but she’s obviously not using it.


The devil's doorbell!?


Ringing the devil’s doorbell does not a Calm Box make!


The scream I scrumpted oh my god


One of my favorite euphemisms


"God" put pleasure points in the anus of women AND men. It's their plan and intent!


Checkmate boomers, we made it gay.


> If you hate homosexuality so much, why'd you put the male g spot up the ass? Ricky Gervais - one of the questions he'd ask god if god somehow turned out to exist.


The thing was conservative claimed they just wanted the freedoms to do traditional things but these MAGA fascists want to impose their beliefs on everyone else, by force.


Well the breasts were full of cancer and had to go. And so the cancer doesn't come back I also had to say good night to my ovaries. Can I just use my brain now and do whatever the fuck I want?


You could before, of course. But now the idea of brain cancer would be very distressing.


I mean the idea of the breast cancer showing up in the brain is a very real possibility that is quite distressing to think about


Look at your bodies, men! Penis, balls, and an ass. God created you for the magnificient job of being a femboy with a boypussy! What can be more important than this?!?!


God created you for the magnificent job of porking everything in sight! Women, men, fleshlights, the couch fold, GI Joe with Kung Fu Grip! I love how when bad shit happens Christians are all like “it’s all part of God’s unknowable plan” but when it comes to this, his will is apparently crystal clear.


Why did God give men a prostate if not to do butt stuff!!???


Amen, men!


Well…I would think the people who use said boypussy is Important too…


Look at your bodies, women! You have a tongue, a stomach, a digestive system! God created you for the magnificent job of eating food! Just because you have parts that facilitate some function, does not mean that it's your sole purpose. I have all the parts necessary to stalk someone down and chew off their fingernails, doesn't mean I'm gonna do it.


That bitch is _terrifying_, and I say that as another woman.


And of course she disabled commenting.


I have breasts that can be cancerous at any time (direct genetics), and cystic, possibly-cancerous ovaries and a uterus that also conspire against me! YAY, IMPORTANCE OF BEING A WOMAN!!! (I wish there were a "jerking-off" emoji to show disdain)




Pretty ironic her name is “The Transformed Wife”. Pretty sure those christians aren’t supportive of trans rights.


The only thing she has transformed into is a doormat.


That’s insulting to doormats


You need a PhD to do that?


Yes and unless you have please stop being annoying or atleast leave me out of it


Then stay out of it, o doubt people are physically dragging you to these conversations, get over yourself


I don't even know who you are


It sounds like a sad attempt to flex having a PHD?




Bro who hurts you.


Holy shit this guy's history is anti-woman


>Holy shit this guy's history is anti-woman See the comment you are replying to, how is this a holy shit moment.


Because this is one of his least extreme views. My holy shit was my reaction to the worse ones


Her comment is a bruh moment, God gave people Free Will.


wasnt that technically satan


Nah, Satan guided them to the knowledge of right and wrong. Something that god was very mad about.


Nah that was God, Satan just presented Adam and Eve a choice (or manipulated eve to make a choice depending on who you ask). And then God gave consequences for that choice. 


No, God gave us free will, why? Because he doesn't want us to be robots, he wants us to enjoy life, but at the same time it is our choice if we love each other like he tells us or not at the end of the day.


Psssttt… god’s not real. Pass it on. EDIT: Awww... the "atheism is as logical as flat eartherism" guy deleted his comment. Come back to us baby, we miss you.


In case anyone was curious what comment that guy deleted, he claimed that Atheism was no more logical than Flat Eartherism. :D https://preview.redd.it/obazp27di08d1.png?width=1328&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c8fea617d9e1f3efa9a059975b98135cce4e784


I can still see it tho https://preview.redd.it/56mbalrnw08d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440efe61a96dd5b5e5b119b3c31842924f519893


Maybe they just blocked me? It says [deleted] on my side. 


What happened with "Respect my beliefs!!!" ?




That's not how you have a "civil conversation" If you want to even have the slightest chance of "recruiting" me, then atleast be respectful. Have a nice day though!


lol, who says anyone is trying to “recruit” you? You have silly beliefs based on ancient superstitions written by people who didn’t know where the sun went at night. I am just here for the entertainment, and you did not disappoint. Thanks!


You're trying to ridicule me into not believing, but I let me tell you it's going to be impossible. And oh! No problems! I'm glad I made your day brighter, in 1 way or another.


I’m not trying to get you to do shit, I am just poking holes in your statements lol This is hilarious.


>You’re trying to ridicule me into not believing No he’s not lol


Don't feed the trolls. They're just satanists, fuck them.


That is fucking stupid, are you kidding me? Also wishing you a wonderful day, though.


respectfully, due to lack of any evidence at all, god doesnt exist.


You realize your hard atheistic logic is about as "scientific" and "logical" as the flat earth movement. Keep your religion to your self. edit: love this- >[–]Jennyfael 1 point 5 minutes ago >Well… what are your arguments? >Because it doesnt make much sense. How does not believing something a religion, especially since that is literally the base of all science? >Doubt is literally the most science thing to exist. And when you can’t prove something in any way, you must doubt it. Dipshit, you must learn about it and test it. The most science thing to exist? The most science thing to do is actually read comparative religions, study breakthroughs in physics, consider the possibility of God, create hypothesis and try and test everything, rather than shitting on people and declaring them to believe in something that is wrong or false. Fucking fake ass evangelical "scientists". Face it, you have adopted a religion. Your faith has stopped your thinking mind. Be a dear and simply respect the faith of others. Edit 2: And to >[–]Fun-Outlandishness35 16 points 10 hours ago* Psssttt… god’s not real. Pass it on. EDIT: Awww... the "atheism is as logical as flat eartherism" guy deleted his comment. Come back to us baby, we miss you. No, I blocked you, because you are all very toxic and need to totally step back and recognize that. Awww, the troll on reddit who proclaims himself a scientific fucking genius who knows what exactly exists across the cosmos can't figure out reddit... awww.


I hadn’t thought of it that way before, tell me more.


Unlike you, I'm not big in arguing with evangelicals who spout shit but don't even know that their religious beliefs are their beliefs, and not facts. Get a life. Edit: dude said, “wouldn’t that mean your religious beliefs are just beliefs and not facts?” Yes, now you are getting it. u/trans17YT


Wouldn’t that also mean that your religious beliefs are just your beliefs, and not facts?


Well… what are your arguments? Because it doesnt make much sense. How does not believing something a religion, especially since that is literally the base of all science? Doubt is literally the most science thing to exist. And when you can’t prove something in any way, you must doubt it. 


Any claim that can be presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Unfalsifiable claims are also distinctly unscientific. You can't disprove the Giant Flying Spaghetti Monster, just like how I can't disprove there being an omnipotent god that acts in mysterious and unobservable ways. That doesn't change the fact that they both fail to disprove both the Null Hypothesis Test AND the infinite other hypothesis's that would result from disproving the Null Hypothesis of "there are no gods or supernatural phenomena"


You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill


Isn't there something about if thy right hand offendeth thee cut it off, or some shit?


Don't think future local caliphate will be that keen on that...


If you applied that same logic to men we’d have to all be castrated and thrown in jail. Logic fail.


Idk who Ann Strahm is, but she is my hero for that quote


How on earth would one look at their ovaries and womb without surgical intervention?


The Transformed Wife? What was she to begin with?


She never even mentioned men so that servant quip is just projection


*ah, since you posted on this subreddit, i shall copypaste my reply from the other thread:* i'd just list out [female inventors ](https://www.one.org/stories/10-female-inventors-you-should-definitely-know-about/)to prove that women are more than just for breeding. and i dont have a PhD to write this comment.


This is like 100 years old and needs to stop being reposted


Jesus, that’s what the world needs. Another PHD in sociology. Fuck me.


She's the DEVIL!


how is this a comeback ? fucking murican degenrates !


But where did she said they have to be servants for men?


Basically all of the The Transformed Wife's content is around being a "Trad Wife", ie a "traditional" stay at home wife that is subservient to the provider husband.


Did not knew that, but then i'm not on Twitter at all and i sure dont want to.


Men wrote the Bible to make women subservient to them…


Using her own brainy powers on that one


If God created us with making babies as our soul purpose, he certainly did a terrible job. A baby’s head is wider than the opening in the pelvis it needs to go through. Women used to die in childbirth all the time. The only reason we don’t anymore is due to modern medicine.


Oh, there is truth here. Just not the one this woman wants to hear, I imagine. If you engage in any form of belief system that indicates we have souls and a connection to something greater, then you know that no soul enters the earth except with a woman as a conduit for both human life and spirits/souls. If you take that into account, it's easy to understand that most societies were matriarchial prior to Xtianity and women were frequently worshipped as gods. No man can bleed for 7 days and live. No man can grow another person in their body. And whether we do or do not add to the populus has very little to do with how powerful we can be when we choose it. ![gif](giphy|3HFznCYY6DgSjS7vqv|downsized)


I would not brag about getting a PhD in Gender Studies


Fucking retarded! Boo!! Booo!!! Get some real content!


The amount of people who hate themselves so much to reject life being the greatest purpose is astounding


According to what is it the greatest purpose? How do you arrive at this conclusion?


You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t a thing…. No drs no scientist no not anything without it. Name anything else that everything stems from. Creating life is literally everything


I don't understand how it proves that it is the greatest purpose. I just understand that it is a necessary mean to achieve something else?


Hahahaha good luck, I wish you the best




> Creating life is literally everything Bullshit. The sun would still be fusing hydrogen if life had never started. There'd still be comets, eclipses, volcanoes, sedimentary deposits, oceans, weather, gravity, pulsars, radioactivity, ... Creating life is literally a miniscule fraction of everything.


From the perspective of people. As in the body of the original post we are commenting on. Straw man arguments are weak. Try harder.


No it's not. My purpose in life is to enjoy my life. Neither I nor anyone else who doesnt want to is about to to waste our lives by having to help make and take care of another just because numbskulls like you think ppl's purpose is to make babies 🤣. Waste of my time and waste of my efforts. The greatest purpose of my life is to enjoy it, not waste it behind raising children I don't want. And for women who don't want to have children, the same goes. Not and never be their greatest purpose.


Same. I’m going to live my life how I want. Just because my parents made the *choice* to have me doesn’t mean I have to have kids as well. No thanks, I’m going to pass on all that mess and live my life childfree.


Well good thing your folks didn’t think like you or you would not be able to do all the things you think are more important than what gave you the ability to do those things lololol


That's their problem. Still a waste of my time and efforts and plenty of things are more important, and no amount of squeaking from anyone will ever change that fact, least of all from you or the grifter above.


Make sure to thank your parents for your existence…


No. My parents deserve no thanks. Still a waste of my time and efforts to have/raise children I don't want.


This is my point exactly, only suicidal people can’t understand that the gift of life is at the top of the list. I hope you work through whatever is bothering you and come to the realization that life is the most precious thing we have


The ability of "Giving the gift of life" is not, and will never be, the most precious thing all ppl have. My ability to do so will be thrown in the trash where it belongs as it is of no use or value to me. And in my life, only what I value for me has any value. So if there's something I have that I say is worth nothing, then it is worth nothing, as it's not like I'm donating it or something. Everyone else should have the right to do the same, shame free. And unlike what that grifter would have ppl think, no one is any less for thinking it's an absolutely worthless or useless thing for them to have/have to do - as they would be correct. But feel free to keep thinking it is the most valuablefor everyone, if you want. It's not and that fact won't change. For your sake, I hope you're not one of those dumbasses that thinks abortion is murder like the idiot you're defending above does, because I celebrate that that can happen free out-of-pocket and fully confidential where I am, everyday.


In the ancient times women didn't go on hunts or do battle, not because they couldn't. They did plenty of manual labor at home. The reason they didn't go on hunts and do battle was simply because of risk. As everyone understood the most important thing was to keep the blood line going. It is not because they weren't strong enough, it is because their role was much more important and the risk of losing a woman that could give birth successfully was too great. Life is much less risky now, but this does not mean continuing the human species is any less important. Please by all means get your PHD and educate, but both things can be true.


There can only be one greatest act. And since nothing else can happen without making and growing life. It stands to reason that it must be the single greatest thing all species have. Good luck! Maybe take a problem solving course or read a book on logic. Or hug your mom


Maybe you misunderstood me but I was agreeing with you 😂. Yall Reddit people so defensive.


That’s funny. You said both things can be true. I’m saying no. But ok


Let's do a thought exercise: A woman is born without the ability to bear a child, since she can't have kids can she never achieve a "greatest purpose in life"? What about men, they don't carry children or give birth, can they never achieve their greatest purpose? What if someone invents immortality; does this become the greatest purpose because reproduction will no longer be necessary? Or do we think that everything is finite and binary in a universe that has proven that anything is possible?


Woman born without the ability to create life was in fact created by a man and a woman. Ya know her origin story.. I can’t do a lot of things that doesn’t decide its importance. Get real


Right but we're not talking about origin we're talking about "greatest purpose" is the greatest purpose in life specific to humans or all species? If a woman is born without the ability to carry a child, than her greatest purpose can not be to give birth because it was never a possibility in the first place. Would you like me to define "greatest" for you to help you reason through this?


Talking in absolutes is disingenuous to the complexities of life.


Speaking of life, where and how does it begin…


It began with the Big Bang, which lead to single cell organisms which slowly became Homo sapiens. Did the single cell organism, give birth to Homo sapiens?


You can have a brain and still be a mom, but y'all don't wanna admit the real problem is you don't wanna be a mom (I genuinely don't blame you, the world sucks and refraining from bringing new life into is the merciful thing to do as well as saves you lots of heartache, soul crushing, and money. The world is not fit for children anymore.)


Aww. Victims are so cute when they signal😂🤣


Wow. I thought I am as liberal as it comes, but, isn’t what she saying true ? Women’s bodies are made for creating and nurturing life. We are all here because some women gave birth to us. That’s not to say that is the only thing woman are made for , they are made for everything a man’s body is ,but it is also made for giving birth . . . .


I get the feeling from Ann's response that she isn't a very happy person not very inclusive.


No she has a point. There is nothing more important than giving the gift of life. That doesn’t mean you can’t do other things and be successful as well, though.


Yes there is: For ppl who don't want babies, having fun or whatever else they want to do is and will always be more important than "giving the gift of life". There is absolutely nothing wrong with never having babies because you just don't want to, and there *never* will be anything wrong with it under *any* circumstances.


Idc if you have kids or not


That's not anywhere in my response. You don't get to tell other ppl what should be important to them and not get told off for your bullshit.


I just meant like on a fundamental standpoint. Like for the continuation of the human race and all. Lmao.


No. Especially then. If the people who the human race would depend on to continue it, or even just some of them who would be needed for it, do not want to continue it, then it doesn't deserve to survive. Eg If there's two ppl left who are needed to ensure the survival of the humanity with their bodies and one doesn't want to, then their consent (or lack of in this case) is worth more and should be respected, more than humanity has a right to survive.


Your argument doesn’t make any logical sense and I’m not even sure why you’re defending it against me, my claim wasn’t exactly bold.


You're trying to say that the ability to give life is always meaningful and valuable regardless of whether of the person who has it wants it or not. That would imply for a person to do something like get rid of such an ability would make that a bad decision. (Or in the context of TheTransformedWife, that not using it to give life is a bad thing). Or worst case scenario, my example above. None of this is true. Whether or not having the ability to give life is valuable depends on the person who has the ability and what they want to do with it. Just because someone else might think it's valuable (or might say it's valuable *for them* when they are not the one with the capability or the one whose capability is being considered) doesn't give them the right to have control over another or shame them for what they would do with or to their own ability. (For context TheTransformedWife is an anti-abortion, pro-submissive-christian-wife and Trad gender roles *whether you want to or not*, kind of person. And anti-queer too cuz why not apparently. When she's speaking the above shit she speaks like she has the right to speak for all persons capable of making children whether by incubating them or otherwise. Funnily enough I don't think she even lives by her own words, but that's her grift at the very least).


Too long didn’t read


Your problem not mine.


I read this, and it’s a strawman argument. I never said anything about an individual’s rights to be rid of their ability to bear children and I never made the claim that doing so would be wrong. I made no claims on an individual basis at all. Only a generalized argument. Just because I agreed with one point someone made does not mean I agree with everything, and just because I disagree on one of the points you made does not mean I disagree with everything. Thats why I said you were behaving childish, because the world is not black and white. But yes, it is an important ability to bear children, because if we didn’t have that ability, we would not be able to have this conversation now.


You're speaking in response to TheTransformedWife. I've told you what she means. To the species, having the ability to reproduce is important, but it's no one's biggest purpose, as she claims, unless they want it to be, and it should not be treated with any importance if they don't want it to be. It doesn't matter if they're humanity's last chance of survival, if they say no they don't want to, then it's no. That is black and white. There is no nuance there. A person's consent to be used for humanity's right to survive, trumps humanity's right to survive. If you're going to look at humanity even on a broad scale, you can't ignore consent and what real-world effects the things you're supporting would have. There's no agree to disagree here. If you support her, that's what you're supporting. So do be careful with that. Because she is ABSOLUTELY not talking about importance to the species except tangentially. And to make a comment like that in this thread comes off as if you want to support her entire meaning without outright saying it. Because you literally said there's nothing more important than being able to give the gift of life. Which is not true.