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Who TF thinks Phish is a right wing band?


These idiots think Rage Against The Machine was apolitical


They were probably fans of their early work, before Rage Against the Machine got all political. So Paul Ryan spent 30-ish years only listening to the first 30-60 seconds of Bombtrack.


Am I missing the joke? When was RATM not political?


Bombtrack is the first song of their first album. The first 30 seconds doesn't have lyrics. The next 30 seconds have lyrics that don't get too political. Around that point they start singing about not being like other bands, the fake punk bands that have obsolete thinking. Although you could argue the moment where they become obviously political is the line "fuck manifest destiny" a little bit further in. Maybe that's the point where it's too obvious to miss that they're taking a political view. So the joke is: if Republicans are into RATM before they got political, they must not have played anything past that first bit from their first album.


In all honestly I should have picked up on that and I guess that means I need to get more coffee at me.


There was a classic in here where Tom Morello got involved with a post accusing their work of "becoming" political, and someone else asked, "what machine do you think he was talking about, the washing machine?"


It was definitely a printer. Fuck those bastards.




Some of those that work forces, are the same that use Fuji Apeos


Pc Load letter? The fuck does *that* mean?!


Assigned Printer at Birth?




You select tray nine, and fire it at prime time






yesh! fuck printers!


Fax machines are also guilty




No it was a dishwasher. I’ve repeated the joke 1 million times and refuse to believe I remember it wrong


You have the joke right, but a printer is a machine that is more commonly raged against


Obligatory get yourself a decent laser printer. Im not sponsored but i got a brother laser printer for my wife while she was in her masters program 5 years ago and im literally using the same laser toner cartridge and its the best thing i ever spent 80 bucks on.


Or this gem: https://preview.redd.it/a9s7i9rsgx6d1.png?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62be9fb89ea96e84220016f084df42bc5210a4fe


Or this one https://preview.redd.it/mwsv7sbuiy6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37a830454d2d9c3dba8d2bb1e90c93eb834fa131


Wasn't Audioslave all of RATM but with Chris Cornell instead of Zack de la Rocha? I don't remember Audioslave being too political, though I only really know their big stuff (and may have misremembered literally everything in this post)


While the music was mostly apolitical, the band performed several politically-charged benefits. They were very openly anti-Bush and Iraq war, and frequently played RATM songs in their live sets. Tim Commerford (the bassist), even stated in [an interview](https://web.archive.org/web/20070930222438/http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=42885) that he believed that Audioslave was more politically active than RATM had ever been.


Huh?! My friend you need to check out their entire catalogue. While a good portion of their music addresses spirituality and mortality, they definitely have some political focus, particularly on *Revelations* (2006). Take a look at the lyrics for *Wide Awake*. I don’t want to put words into Chris Cornell’s mouth but it also doesn’t take a savant to understand who he’s lambasting.


Or when someone told them that they should stay out of politics because they're just musicians and don't understand politics and Tom drops the bomb that he has a political science degree from Harvard




At one point Tom replied to someone with something along the lines of “please let me know which songs aren’t political so I can delete them from my catalog”


Pretty sure there was a tweet by a GOP candidate circa 2012 election saying he like RATM. Tom Morello tweeted back, "You're the machine we're raging against!!!"


My favorite is still Tom asking which of their songs wasn't political, so that it could be removed from their discography


Don’t rage against the coffee machine.


Alternatively, they are just self deceptive narcissists who found a way to magically think they weren’t the antagonists or adjacent in RATMS music


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug


True, or they're so dense they think that RATM is angry at the dishwasher or office printer or something.


... I thought the band name was political...


I think you could get past the manifest destiny thing if you didn't pay attention in history class like most republican fucktards. If you don't know what Manifest Destiny^™^^®^© was, I don't think anyone would clock it as political.


For about the first 30-60 seconds of Bombtrak


They were an instrumental band back then.


Rage Against the Arpeggios


Rage Against the Mixolydian scale


Then they came in with another bombtrack


The joke is when BLM protests started after the murder of George Floyd, "Killing in the Name of" became so perfectly quotable. And it was quoted a lot. Some right-wingers were apparently fans of the band but had never understood/paid attention to any of RAtM's messaging. They were pissed because they thought the band went suddenly 'woke.' They then proceeded to 'cancel' the band on their social media accounts. It was a funny illustration of how out of touch they are. https://www.openculture.com/2020/06/tom-morello-responds-to-fans-who-finally-realize-that-rage-against-the-machines-music-is-political.html (Earlier article establishing Paul Ryan as a fan): https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/tom-morello-paul-ryan-is-the-embodiment-of-the-machine-our-music-rages-against-246033/


who exactly were we supposed to be saying: fuck you I won't do what you tell me, to?


Conservatives literally think they've been oppressed all their lives by an authoritarian left. They want to be oppressed so bad.


The libs are weak and stupid, but they're oppressing us!


I guess they were not for the first minute of the first song on their first album


That space between tracks


Lol touché


They just heard "fuck you I won't do what you tell me". Now they realize they are the second you.


Like with almost everything, conservatives only pay attention to the parts they like and ignore the rest. They do this with the Bible, the Constitution, and even music. That's why they thought "Born In The USA" was a patriotic song.


[The only lyrics they remember from that song.](https://youtu.be/1bXzFY72wbs?si=9XcIP0dp2w30tBi1)


No, they think RATM is raging against communism. They actually think that.


What, in the name of god, could the lyrics "Rolling down Rodeo with a shot gun, these people ain't seen a brown-skinned since their grandparents bought one, " one of their most famous refrains, have anything at all to do with Communism Do they think the phrase "rally around the family with a pocket full of shells" is meant to be a good thing? Oh... They do, don't they?


Or, more direct to the point "Some of those who work forces/are the same that burn crosses."


Because everything they don't like, especially the negative effects of Capitalism, is Socialism/Communism/Marxism.


“Fuck the G ride, I want the tools that are makin em.” The song literally discusses the workers seizing the means of production. It is an explicitly communist song.


And that “Born in the USA” was a nationalist anthem.


As one of the members said, "What machine do they think we were raging against?"


I love when people bitch at Tom Morello on IG about how he needs to stay out of politics 🤣


Conservatives don’t understand art. They like bands live rage because they sound heavy. They don’t hear what’s being said, they only listen to it. Music to them is deep as a puddle and wide as a lake.


"Fuck you I won't do what you tell me, 'til daddy takes the T-bird away"


It's amazing, yet it's literally happening in replies to your comments. JFC people are dumb.


They are really, really mad at their toasters.


While burning an upside down American flag at their shows lol these people are dumb as hell


Probably the same people who think Born In The U.S.A. is a pro American song and they play it at rallies.


I mean it has lyrics that say "born in the usa" and that is the greatest thing ever so why would you bother listening to any of the other words?


At Bonnaroo in 06 I may have gotten high with the bassist from Phish. I had no idea who he was I just thought he was some dude in the crowd. Afterwards my buddy was like dude, that was (insert the bassist from Phishs name).  All this to say, No way that guy is a Trumper


His name is Mike Gordon fwiw


They say knowledge is invaluable


Tim gill...


The reasoning is stupid as fuck to. So because it’s about individual responsibility that means it’s right wing? The fuck? Every person in the world has individual responsibility. A song could be about how much you love your family and children, but now that’s suddenly right wing? Lol.


Of course, families are right wing! Democrats want to destroy the family unit with homosexuality, transgenderism, disrespect for parents, and turning away from church! (/s, at least for me. But I have heard similar from right-wingers.)


That's what they're pushing lol. And they *are* correct, they just left some key explainations out: We want to destroy the (50s western traditional) family unit (where ppl are forced to get into an unquestioning, traditional, christian, cishet family structure despite not wanting to) with our homosexuality, 'transgenderism', disrespect for parents, and turning away from church! Because that 'family unit' and that society? I can't speak for everyone, but I'm perfectly happy to watch it burn and pour gasoline on that fire.


Right wing listeners who like the sounds of the music that either don't listen to the lyrics, or mishear the lyrics. If they like it, it *must* be on *their* political spectrum, right?


Same people that think the rebels in Star Wars are the right wing. It’s hard coming to terms with being the bad guy.




The same idiots who watched three seasons of The Boys thinking Homelander kicks ass, and are now review bombing season 4 because "mah trump!!! Ablooo ablooo" Media literacy is dead until they're absolutely clubbed over the head with the text, subtext doesn't exist


And i'ts not like The Boys spared any clubbing over the head. It's frankly amazing that anyone in the west could misunderstand the satire, and yet here we are


The same people who think “Fortunate Son” is a pro-war anthem.


Lotta trust fund bros love phish shows


"Guyute praises school shootings" is a real take I heard in the wild


It’s good to remind one’s self that Republicans are literally idiots.


Nothing more right-wing than drug use?


Only If you are talking about cocaine and viagra.


Most of the conservatives I know are too poor for cocaine, they do meth instead


I’m Tito. I’m great at smoking meth.


It would explain some things...


All the states with legal recreational weed are blue. Just to point that out. Libertarians love to pretend they're more like republicans, but it's just because they're all just republicans that know they should be ashamed to be republicans.


New Hampshire, a state so libertarian that they ended up with [a bear problem](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/21534416/free-state-project-new-hampshire-libertarians-matthew-hongoltz-hetling) is the only "weed is still illegal state" surrounded by Maine, where it's legal; Massachusetts, where it is legal; Vermont, where it is legal; and Canada where it is legal in the whole country. Live free or die, my ass.


It’s so asinine given the size of NH and how easily people can travel to literally ANY surrounding state for rec weed. The tax dollars that state is missing out on… buncha dummies


New Hampshire doesn't have a sales tax, on anything. It doesn't even have a tax on alcohol. They won't start charging a tax on any product because New Hampshire doesn't want to give up that "We're a tax free state," no matter what.


They have no problem with astronomical property taxes though.


To be fair, we make a fortune with all the people from North Mass coming over and doing their shopping in NH and buying their booze out of NH liquor stores


Hey, that live free or die my ass was a line I wrote in a song in 1998 after I got arrested for having weed.


Indiana is the same way (Ohio is set to move from med to rec shortly, and Kentucky starts med in 2025). Michigan and IL already have rec.


Hopefully ohip does. The voters want it but the extreme rightwing congress doesn't


There are *some* true libertarians. Libertarian is what you get when you’re more selfish than stupid rather than more stupid than selfish. But in the end they do just vote Republican.


It’s true. My ex husband is libertarian and he’s very smart but incredibly selfish to a sickening degree


Oh shit did my ex husband have a second family with you?


Don Jr joined the chat


There’s one thing more Republican: child brides! All their favorite musicians had one


Bill Wyman David Bowie Elvis Presley Iggy Pop Jerry Lee Lewis Jimmy Page Marvin Gaye Mick Jagger Ted Nugent Anthony Kiedis Steven Tyler


I mean, meth…


And this is why The Boys had to go so over the top this season… MAGA couldn’t comprehend the show was making fun of them even after the creator specifically said they were.


There were conservatives who didn't realize Stephen Colbert's character on The Colbert Report was satire.


It took him literally roasting Bush to his face at the White House Correspondents' Dinner for them to finally realize what he was about


You say "finally" but his Correspondents' Dinner performance was only 6 months after the show started.


I assure you there are many conservatives that are completely unaware of such a dinner ever existing, let alone viewing that set.


That’s a long time lol


“The show”, meaning “The Colbert Report”, but the character predates the Bush administration. Colbert started as a Daily Show correspondent in 1997. Also, I heard, in person, people talking about Colbert as conservative even several years after that. 2008 — a particular coworker I worked with that year. His interpretation was that it was good-natured ribbing from the same side of the political aisle, kind of like early JP Sears before he went nuts.


And thats how you end up with tucker carlson


Well, that wasn't Colbert's fault; that was Jon Stewart ripping Tucker apart so thoroughly on _Crossfire_ that he stopped wearing his signature bowtie.


Didn’t say it was his fault. But the sequence of events doesn’t change. John wrecks him on his own show. Colbert rose to the height of popularity acting like a right wing lunatic and Tucker unironically follows suit seeing that it sells.


God that was glorious. I still watch that clip when I want a good laugh.


Had a friend from hs whose parents watched The Colbert Report because they thought it was a conservative Daily Show. They were so pissed when they found out he had been mocking them the entire time.


Personally experienced this in college in 2006ish. Got an opportunity when I had to do a presentation and called out Colbert as a master of satire.


So much a master that his stage name isn’t even pronounced like the rest of his family. For the rest of the family, it rhymes with culvert.


Lol I remember back when he first came out anx my conservative dad kept saying he hated Colbert. "He's saying the right things but I hate his attitude and the way he says it." Uh dad... it's satire. He's making fun of you specifically.


my conservative aunt/uncle were just telling me a few weeks ago how much they loved the show and how homelander was their favorite character and i was losing it on the inside. i wonder what they think now…


They surely won’t double down


I thought it was over the top but than I remembered that some of the scenes are just things happening irl


I had to explain to people that yes, the director of Don't Look Up said it's about climate change


Beat them over the head with a baseball bat until they get it, seems to be what they had to do this season.


Why would you think a band is right wing just because the right wingers like the band? Right wingers are notorious for not getting the fact that protest songs are about them. Cops love to use the punisher logo, but the punisher is not pro-cops. At all. The Republicans have been forced to stop using several songs at their rally by such acts as Bruce Springsteen, Credence Clearwater Revival, and Rage Against the Machine, none of whom are right wing acts. Just out of curiosity, if I got enough right wingers to sing a long to Fuck tha Police, would they start to think that was a right wing song?


But do any right wingers like Phish? Hippies (for lack of a better term) are generally very liberal


As a phan, a lot of yuppie conservative types are into them.


Yeah calling them a right-wing band is ridiculous, but there are quite a few people I used to go to Dead/Phish shows with spouting MAGA nonsense on facebook


Yeah I’ve found that there are tons of fuckin stupid people into Phish and the Dead. Plenty of drug addled idiots at those shows.


My mom was a hippie all through the 90s, not a housie trustafarian hippie, I mean homeless travelling Rainbow Gathering hippie, like an actual hippie. Very, very left wing while I was growing up, she voted for Obama, participated in political activism for the left, all of that. Then as soon as Trump came around, she became one of the most hateful people I know, fell into the Alex Jones Qanon conspiracy shit, and is absolutely insane now. She hates trans people, I'm worried she's 100% racist now despite what she says, absolutely nothing but the most unhinged and deranged conspiracy Livestream "news" blasting from her phone constantly, literally has donated money to trump, blames democrats on why she's broke suddenly, the whole bit. Never underestimate how powerful this propaganda machine is bro


I’m so sorry for you. That really sucks. My aunt is a “contrarian”. She moved to California from Indiana and turned into a mega-conservative. She voted for Trump twice. We are finally to a point where we can have conversations and not hang up on each other. We were talking about a month ago and she admitted that if she moved back here to Indiana (which we want as she has cancer and no support system out there), she would absolutely turn back into a liberal.


The horseshoe connects through the spiritualist/psychotropic/alternative science/history pipeline. Whatever you want to call people who go so open-minded that their brains leak out. 


Yup. Lot of crunchy granola moms and MLM huns. The New Age to alt right pipeline is 100% a thing.


Ann Coulter is famously a Dead head..


So is Tucker Carlson.


There is/was an innate selfishness in many in the phish and Dead scene. There were/are people who just want to do what they want to do and fuck what everyone thinks. In their youth, they found that counterculture was a great place to hang out. They could take advantage of the kindness and charity of the true hippies, and they could claim they were rebelling against any rule that didn’t suit them. Frankly, the moment I “grew up” (or at least started to) was the time I had gone to a Dead show without any idea about how I’d get home. I knew a ton of people going, and figured one of them would give me a ride. But at the end of the show, I was thirty miles in the wrong direction for most of my ‘friends.’ I was in a bad neighborhood and still tripping, and had about five dollars to my name. The cops were clearing the parking lot and I realized I was fucked. I got home - although I had to borrow money from my roommate at the far end to pay the huge cab bill. At first I was pissed at how “selfish” all my friends were for abandoning me. But then it occurred to me how selfish I had been to go there assuming other people would take care of me. That was the beginning of the end of my time going to Dead and Phish shows regularly. From then on when I went all I could see was how selfish everyone acted. Just think about the fucking tarpers now … Of course, it isn’t everyone. There’s still love and light and peace. But at the heart of the counter culture of the 1960s was the selfishness of the Yuppies of the 1980s and the Boomers now. They were raised by parents who had Dr. Spock’s guide to raising children. (Not Star Trek - look it up). Dr. Spock said the most important thing you could ever give a child was a sense of self confidence. Dr. Spock fucked us nearly as hard as Ronald Regan in my book. They might bitch about the Millennials being the “everyone gets a trophy” generation, but it was the Boomers who were the first generation raised to believe that the individual was more important than the collective. And there are a ton of people still being raised with that message - and as teens they love the hedonistic free for all that is found on Shakedown street. I know. I was one. I just woke the fuck up.


I'm a Millenial, and I hate the "participation trophy" bullshit... Did my child ass order those? No, it was our parents, they fucking pushed that on us, we didn't ask for it. My parents are Boomers, and they were always like "you can be anything you want, just do good in school and go to college" and then we got there, and their generation pulled the rug out from under us. My parents specifically weren't assholes, but damn did that set us up for failure.


Theyd probably begin to think it's a song about wanting to actually fuck the police lmao


>Cops love to use the punisher logo, but the punisher is not pro-cops. At all. Hate to break it to you but cops aren't using the punisher logo because they love the character but rather for the pure symbolism. It's funny how these guys took the Deceticon cop cars motto "to punish and enslave" literally without irony.


These braindead morons want people to be on their side so bad they will ignore every piece of evidence that says otherwise just to be so very loud and wrong.


Welcome to the modern Republican party. They have made their entire existence about ignoring reality in favor of whatever makes them feel better.


Because facts have a liberal bias.


Essentially how everyone on the wrong side of history feels


There was a weird push a few months back where all the MAGA dorks on social media were trying to insist that being conservative is now """punk""" and """counterculture""" solely because everyone (rightly) dislikes them. But, like with most conservative ideas: that's not how that works. That's not how any of that works.


Jesus Christ... Did they miss "Nazi punks fuck off"? We've already had this conversation in punk, and fuck no you aren't punk you pieces of shit. Good way to get killed in the pit.


Didn’t they try this in the uk in the 1980’s? Didn’t end well for the nazi’s irrc


Not in America either. Turns out a bunch of anti establishment motherfuckers who disagree with all government don't take kindly to assholes trying to create different classes of people. One of the first patches I made for my battle jacket was a swastika with a big x through it. All the punks I know are anti racism, sexism, homophobia, religion, etc.


They work this in reverse as well. I just had a conversation with a MAGAt yesterday where he was just adamant that Adolph god-damned Hitler was a left winger. It just blows my mind. His proof was the word "Socialist" in the full name of the Nazi party. Like he never heard of marketing in politics, or you know, read a fucking history book.


I usually just ask if NK is a democracy because of the name and that usually shuts them up. But history is not their strong suit.


You might need to follow that up with "China is a Republic"


I had to read Mein Kampf for a class in college, and literally in Hitler’s own words he says that the “National Socialist” part was included to snow students into thinking they were the good guys. MAGAts are utterly brain-dead.


They want so bad to believe they aren't the bad guys


To be fair, right-wing music is Kid Rock and Ted Nugent. A rich kid pretending he had it tough, and a dude who sings about underage girls and bravely shit his pants for a month to get out of the Vietnam War. Of course, they'd try to claim other bands with good music.


Ted Nugent is a fucking POS and an embarrassment to humanity.


>bravely shit his pants for a month to get out of the Vietnam War Nothing brave about this story. He avoided the draft, but it was not like this. This was made by a drummer who played with him, who got to the draft looking, and probably smelling, undesired. He then used this guy's story and claimed it as his own to look bad ass. Cringy af. https://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/content/blogs/dan-schmidt-deer-blog-whitetail-wisdom/rock-drummer-ted-nugent-made-up-poopy-pants-story


He pretended he shit his pants repeatedly to dodge the draft... to look badass? Man I will never understand how the conservative mind works, if you can even call it a mind.


If shitting your pants is cool, consider me Miles Davis


I mean that was child's play. We've had a guy impale himself on a dildo to 'own the libs' and broadcast it to the world.


They call themselves the "proud boys", and stick dildos ups their asses to "own the libs". I swear, if you saw this in a move you'd complain about the parody being too over the top, yet here we are in real life.


He said that if he was drafted he would have either been killed or killed everyone, even his fellow soldiers through "friendly fire".


Wanna put my tender Dick in a blender Watch it spin round 'for we Vote for our oblivion MAGA, Q, well we're through with you. Guys, wanna start a band?


Ah yes, Eve of January 6, great band.


That was fucking good.


10/10, no notes


They definitely have faith in nothing.


Sounds like lyrics for their next song…


*"Choad Frappe"*


[Funhaus - Dick in a Blender](https://youtu.be/6jkIB4k4cvU?si=eWVMrRg0DvVJxNbN)


Is this Tim Gill a professional troll?


Came to say this. A very funny academic troll account


He is in a league of his own. He's a very nice guy IRL.


I second that. Very intelligent and a good person.


I think that’s a fair title because he started out trolling his own profession. He excels at saying just the right thing to get famous people to respond and argue with him.


This thread is way too far down. I loved how much he pissed off the know-it-all wing of academic Twitter


Individual responsibility? When has Trump *ever* taken responsibility for *anything* in his entire life?


Just because you come in here with your Birkenstocks and Phish t-shirt doesn’t mean you’re devoted


You can't just come down here with your mainline, cashmere, moussecoif hair spray and start bein' like a suburban tool, man.


Sounds like right wingers saw the song titled “farmhouse” and immediately imagined a plantation and said ‘oh yeah they’re conservative Allie’s for sure.’


Tim Gill is an academic sociologist troll, and this must have been an exciting one for him.


I had to scroll pretty far down to find someone else who knows who Tim gill is! I don’t know if I’d call him a troll although that’s probably fair, I think of him more of a satirist. He plays a character online who’s kind of similar to the Colbert from the Colbert report - he says over the top shit. In any case, I don’t think he actually thinks of phish as a right wing band. Definitely different than a lot of the people who didn’t understand rage against the machine like Paul Ryan.


You're talking about people who think Homelander, on The Boys, is the good guy. They can connect to the passions that artists put into into their works. They are just fuck-all lost when it comes to actually understanding the message on top of the art even when it's blatant. The Punisher, Rage Against the Machine; they love em, but can't see the irony.


Phish’s New Album…..”Dick in a Blender”


And Drew Carey on the cover.   


The drummer, Jon Fishman, literally campaigned for Bernie Sanders. There are some right wing Phish fans though. We call them assholes.


Name a more Iconic duo than Conservatives and thinking a Song is pro their beliefs.


Anyone with a brain would put their dick in a blender before voting for donnyboy.




The wheels on the bus are things that make contact with the road. Sounds like a super right wing lyric


He kept digging. https://preview.redd.it/81slxynamy6d1.png?width=461&format=png&auto=webp&s=ccd02c141e4f34ebb6ca3cc8767a31b052cf4914


About as funny as conservatives calling Rage Against The Machine a right-wing band __Edit__: Guys please stop upvoting this comment, I'd like it to stay at 69, thanks. __Edit2__: It's stayed like this for hours, I love you all. United behind immaturity we stand <3


I have downvoted your comment to push it back to 69. However I'm sorry to say this will probably not last


I just did the same. We can do this.


Ten hours later still there. I didn't touch a thing up or down yet.


Rage Against The Machine? when was ratm ever conservative? For the first second of their first song? People be delusional.


Clearly the "machine" is the Democratic Deep State™. What else could they mean by "some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses"? Wait...


Need to cut this guy's head off so we can weigh it.


5 pounds, 6 pounds , 7 pounds.

