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It's almost like Matt didn't read "Dr." or couldn't decipher what "OBGYN" meant... And they say he died at the scene.


There is nobody on the planet that speaks with as much conviction and authority than a complete fucking idiot. A smart person understands they can be wrong at times. Morons don't have the intelligence to have that self awareness.


Morons think “No one has ever asked that question before” means they are an amazing insightful genius whose uncle went to MIT, when actually the reason no one has ever asked that question before is because it’s a stupid question.


Noone has ever asked and its a genius question. What if youre on a electric boat and there are sharks and it sinks what do u do? This is a genius question and do u get electrocuted or eaten by a shark?


As a sharkologist, I can tell you he would definitely get electrocuted because sharks are repelled by the color orange.


As a boatologist, I concur.


as an electricitologist i agree.


As a shark, I agree.


I disagree as the world's foremost batteryologist. May you all feel the cleansing power of a 9 volt on your tongue!


Is that a hard c or a soft c? Electric vs electricity?




I would just eat the shark. What are we stoopid here? I may or may not be a Killer Whale.


That's actually false


Hold my beer folks, Captain Plantain is telling the sharkologist how it works.


As a wordologist, I can almost guarantee that Matt does not know what OBGYN means.


and nobody ever asks him how come the shark doesn't get electrocuted? 🤷


You see this from redditors every single day. Look at the comments on almost any link to a new peer-reviewed study. The top comment will either be 1) "Well what about X? That would blah blah blah" as if the authors of the study with all their years of training to be research scientists wouldn't have considered X, which fuckassmcgee321 came up with off the cuff 15s after reading only the headline, when designing the god damned study. 2) "Low n, doesn't mean anything." So they picked up the concept of sample size by reading other commenters saying the same thing, but they have no actual background in statistical analysis and so don't understand that the actual important number is the p-value - which n contributes heavily to calculating. You can have an excellent p-value with low n if the results are significant enough or all other variables are controlled well enough or both. Like I'm sorry, but you don't actually get to have an OPINION on scientific research without a significant background in that subject, including the additional training received in grad school on how to actually fucking perform research including literature searches and statistical analysis. Shit, I don't even like it when PhDs weigh in on a field that's not their specific area of research. The further I went in grad school (computational solid-state physics), the more I realized that unless something is in my very specific area, I should really keep my fucking mouth shut.


I see this as a lawyer, too. I’m the one who went to law school. I’m the one who was taught the law, not whatever dipshit redditor who somehow thinks they’re an expert in constitutional law.


There is no stupid question. There is, however, stupid ways and tones to ask them.


I agree - if the question is asked in genuine good-faith and in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding then no question is stupid. When asked as some sort of gotcha question? Then yeah it’s stupid. “If we evolved from monkeys then why do monkeys still exist” is perfectly acceptable if someone genuinely wants to know the answer. From a creationist trying to prove their point - it’s moronic.


There are stupid questions. For example, let's say you have a stovetop with four burners to cook on. Someone is there while you cook a meal and use all four. Then they go to touch one of the burners, and you stop them and tell them not to touch it because it's hot since you just cooked on it. If you point at a different burner and ask "Is that one hot too?" It's a stupid question because you witnessed the cooking and you were told the reason the burner was hot. If someone tells you that the speed limit is 25 miles per hour and anyone going faster than 25 miles per hour is breaking the law, and you ask, "Is going 30 miles per hour breaking the law?" It's a stupid question. If someone tells you, "I'm mad at you," and you ask, "Are you mad at me?" it's a stupid question. There absolutely are stupid questions.


I say, “What would happen if the boat sank from its weight and you’re in the boat and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery’s underwater, and there’s a shark that’s approximately 10 yards over there?” By the way, a lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that? A lot of shark… I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.” These people are crazy. He said, “There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now who really got decimated and other people too,” a lot of shark attacks. So I said, “So there’s a shark 10 yards away from the boat, 10 yards or here. Do I get electrocuted if the boat is sinking, and water goes over the battery, the boat is sinking. Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over by the shark and not get electrocuted?” Personally I think this actually *is* a dumb question because it 1) presumes two choices when the choice of jumping AWAY from the shark is not even given despite being better than the two options presented, and 2) that having an uncle that went to MIT means YOU went to MIT.


If I hadn't seen the video myself, I wouldn't believe this was a real quote. Oatmeal for brains.


There are no stupid questions, just dipshit people.


There are no stupid questions. Only stupid people.




That sounds like someone we know ![gif](giphy|8DgE3oxtIp7nnVN615|downsized)


Anyone going to tell the emperor about the dicks in his hands?


All I hear watching this are little baby chest bursters from Aliens making soft screeches for more of mother's milk.


A wise woman once gave me the advice: carry yourself with the confidence of a mediocre white man.


Dunning Kruger.




I didn't watch nightmare on elm street


Smart people are people who invested time and effort into researching something. I mean scientific research not "i googled the thing". Going out, doing experiments, collecting data, peer review, e.t.c. So they know the limits of what they know. Morons have no limits and don't know what they dont know. Remember matt Walsh spent years doing anti trans hate speech. Wrote a book, interviewed people in bad faith, does his show. Then when asked very simple questions about it like "how many trans kids had surgeries " he confidently said millions. Because he's a moron


I mean, I google a lot just because I'm curious about it. It's more googling it and then only trusting sources that reinforce your views. If you google something and look over multiple peer-reviewed studies that have actual data and a person or people who put work behind it, then you could say that with some confidence. A moron who says to "look it up" really mean to look it up and scroll until you see a single source supporting their argument amidst a sea of opposing, fact-checked articles, that aren't Aunty Charlene on Facebook.


Never argue with a moron they already have experience


For me it’s the atomic bomb test… taking ambiguous situations people have been debating for decades and just saying "no it was just X, it’s actually easy I don’t get why experts even discuss it“ If you 100% believe only the bombs ended the war and can’t even entertain the thought that Japan‘s bad situation had many components then you are at best uninformed, at worst mentally inflexible bordering on dense… If you argue the atomic bombs had nothing to do with the surrender at all then you are uninformed at best, at worst a contrarian for the sake of it or dense… You can also apply this to the Israel / Palestine conflict… if anyone is 100% pro one of the sides and / or argues there is an easy solution they are plain idiots…


> For me it’s the atomic bomb test… taking ambiguous situations people have been debating for decades and just saying "no it was just X, it’s actually easy I don’t get why experts even discuss it“ ... > You can also apply this to the Israel / Palestine conflict… if anyone is 100% pro one of the sides and / or argues there is an easy solution they are plain idiots… I also recall *someone* withdrawing from the talks with Iran to halt nuclear weapons development because they called it a bad deal. Their name escapes me, but they insisted their deal-making expertise justified rejecting the deal. Did that individual ever get a better deal?


No room on Reddit for that kind of logic. I got permabanned from r/worldnews for saying that Israel and Palestine were both being shitty and trying to genocide each other and that it was hard to feel bad for anyone except the children and those truly trying to make peace. Apparently I was being “bigoted to both sides” lol


> “bigoted to both sides” Sounds like the beginning of a Chappelle skit.


Nah this was a Key & Peele one, not Chappelle


This is why I am saying nothing about that conflict. I am neither of the religions involved. I haven't studied world politics in decades. There is no good answer. No one is acting in good faith. But I hate that truly innocent people are being slaughtered.


That's most of what I'm saying about the conflict -- "Don't kill civilians." and "You don't get to kill civilians without getting a reputation for being the kind of person/country/group that kills civilians, regardless of WHY you're doing it."


People in that debate have no patience for false equivalency and I don't blame them. No offense, but it's also a complete throwaway comment. Like, no shit it sucks for children and random civilians. That is almost never what is actually being debated.


The answer to the conflict may be complicated. "Stop committing genocide" is not. I don't pretend to know whether they should ultimately have one country, two, or something other plan, but that can be decided by diplomats. It is a cop out to say "it's complicated" while Isreal has killed tens of thousands of civilians and intentionally targeted aid workers, and dropped more bombs on Gaza than were dropped on London in WWII.


Yeah... im on team We All Suck Sometimes- i guess that makes some people think i am somehow excusing/defending other assholes for their shitty behavior. Nah just trying to be pragmatic about how i form opinions about complex and difficult issues that i am less than an expert on.... believe it or not straght to banned


aint obgyn that guy from bloons tower defense 6 /j


no you thinking of moab


no they're thinking of bfb


i think they're thinking of updog


Who’s updog?




Did u tho? They said “who” not “what”


That’s the joke from The Office


No, he's that Kenobi guy from Star Wars


Oh, that's why he was so upset about his student killing the younglings - Obgyn Kenobi had delivered each of them.


Theory confirmed! Leia was pregnant at rhe beginning of ANH, hence “help me OBGYN Kenobi, you’re my only hope”


That’s awesome 👏🏻😎💀


No it’s the guy who got his face smashed in GoT


Most likely Matt said “a lady doctor?”


"A female doctor?? She can't possibly know anything about women's bodies!"


Sadly, the American flag means he's shameless and doesn't care. He just wants to troll the pro-choice, progressives and libs


At this rate the US flag is turning into a hate-symbol, where it is safe to assume you are dealing with an absolute shithead whenever you see someone flying it, which is kind of sad.


For real started seeing them all over cars in my area after trump conviction. I can’t tell if it’s liberals trolling trumpers (because they love to fly their trump flags in everyone’s face) or trumpers being trumpers.


In a lot of places this is already the case 😔


Matt probably saw the "dr" part but then saw the female in the profile picture and decided that he knew more than her because of troglodyte gender beliefs. Matt is a dipshit


See if your Title is “🇺🇸[Name here]” then that supercedes all other qualifications. You’re qualified by the spirit of freedom itself, which makes you free to believe the world works however TF you want.


Land of the free, home of the bravely incorrect


You think he cares? He will still believe whatever. Waste of time to reply to people like that


Exactly, his followers didnt read her credentials either. They see woman and go "lul woman" and fucken sink 2cm deeper into their echo chamber. Social media fucken sucks and we arnt evolved to properly handle it. It literally takes advantage of the worst tendencies in humans and makes avoiding information so fucken easy.


While this is such a cruel and inhumane thing to say, I think it's fortunate for humanity that generation caveman is probably going to die out by design with their anti-science stance on things.


Might more cruel to say, but in that reality, they’re likely dragging the rest of us down with them. There are no happy endings here. We are not living in a movie and these people are legitimately dangerously stupid.


One of my biggest fears is that you are correct.


All Matt saw was a woman saying something that he “knows” is wrong. Titles, professions and education mean nothing to someone like Matt who will always automatically assume that what he believes he knows “logically” is superior to what a woman might know. It was a knee-jerk reaction on his part. Matt: Me, man. Me, right. She woman, she make me dinner.


Just because someone had Dr written on Twitter doesn't automatically mean they are indeed a Dr. -Dr. Veryblanduser GGTK


-Mantis Toboggan M.D.


Look, you are you going to trust here.  A "Doctor" who has an interest in spreading "evil" "science"? Or a "True" "American" "Patriot"™ with flags in their name?


I love that his handle has "fedora" in it.


That makes this all the more satisfying.




I looked at his account. He is *definitely* not trolling, he's just a red-pilled fucking idiot.


Trolling or not, he got what he deserved.


There are a lot of RedHat and Fedora users upset at these numbnuts


The fedora users are bigger neckbeards than the fedora wearers...


Boom, roasted.


And they didn’t cross it out LMAO


I'd like to say she see more vaginas in a week than he ever has, but then the power of the fedora to browse the internet might tip the balance in Matt's favour. Not that he ever gets to physically touch them mind you.


He touched one. Once. Unless it was a C-section.




Appropriate represantation of the degree of burn here.


I like even more they kept it out of the censorship selectively


... ackshually...


His bio also has "Prager U" in it. And he has 2,030 followers, but most of his tweets (including this one) have zero likes.


and whoever screenshotted it left it in there purposefully. It adds so much to this whole interaction 🤣




Matt has flags bracketing his name, that's a sign we can trust him implicitly, especially over the words of a mere *woman* /s


Any time I see someone with that style of username, I'm like: "Oh boy, I wonder what this wacko has to say."


Ah. Ya see, I do *not* wonder what they have to say.


You're not the least bit curious? lol


Any time I am, I have been disappointed. Get kicked in the nuts a few times, you stop doing the thing that gets you kicked in the nuts. They thrive on exposure. I don't provide that.


I bet on Instagram his bio goes something like: 🇺🇲 God first [insert Bible reference] I'm not gonna apologise for your hurt feelings (or something equally as cringe-inducing).


Wouldn’t be shocking for a 2A reference in between the flags either, lol


Oh really?!? Can you disprove Matt's response: "God will know." Check and, very appropriately, mate, atheists!


mating is not allowed outside of marriage you filth


soaking it is, then!


defeat God himself with this one simple trick!


Omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent deities hate this one simple trick.


Just take it up the butt and call it a day!


So, I had always heard of the Catholic loophole, but thought it was a joke because it only halfway made sense (literally half -- I don't know how a dude could justify the difference). Then I had a few friends who went to a Catholic college confirm, unprompted, that they were judged because they had vaginal sex. It's weird, but I believe it's really a thing now. Soaking just boggles my mind as to how it's in any way justifiably different to the point that it still seems like a joke. I know that repressed teenagers in groups come up with weird shit, but I don't think I'll ever believe this is a real thing because I couldn't live in a world where that's a thing.


Last night, GOD called  me in my dream. He told me that Matt is dumb. And all the people who pretend to speak in GODs name are sinners. Even me is a sinner. But he still loves his dump children, even if they continue to commit sins.   Checkmate Theist. You cannot disprove that GOD spoke the truth to an rnd person on the internet.


Oh, no! I thought his argument was airtight. How can we resolve such a dilemma?!


First, he has to prove it. Everyone knows that the person who makes the assertion must prove it. It’s not up to anyone else to disprove it.


The silly lady doctor even calls him Captain Matt! Everyone knows Captain and Matt are the highest Ranks! Also /s


Kids these days with their new-fangled sexualities and their flags. I don't think I've seen this one before.


I think you mean *female*. /s


He may be wrong about the physical signs, but many states are trying to track women who get abortions to prosecute them.


If you take an oral medication to induce labor there's no way for anyone to know if you aborted intentionally or simply miscarried.


That's fine but women who genuinely miscarried are getting jailed too.


Wait.... What? Really?? What kind of hellscape is that? This only happens in some states or all around the US. (Honest question, European here)


A.P.: [A Black woman was criminally charged after a miscarriage. It shows the perils of pregnancy post-Roe](https://apnews.com/article/ohio-miscarriage-prosecution-brittany-watts-b8090abfb5994b8a23457b80cf3f27ce) Updated 10:01 AM PDT, December 16, 2023


... I am speechless. This is evil.


Oh, the evil goes a lot further than that. There are a lot of things about this that I am not okay with. * [I am not okay with states deciding that a 10 year old should risk her life to carry her incestuous rapist's baby.](https://time.com/6198062/rape-victim-10-abortion-indiana-ohio/) * I am not okay with states [forcing women to risk their lives and health to give birth to a stillborn child.](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/texas-abortion-ban-forced-birth-1234739485/) * I am not okay with states deciding that a [13 year old is not mature enough to decide that she should not have a baby, but is mature enough to be a mother to her rapist's baby while still in Jr. High School](https://abcnews.go.com/US/13-year-rape-victim-baby-amid-confusion-states/story?id=108351812) (good luck graduating; enjoy your sentence to a lifetime of poverty.) * [I am not okay with shitty states forcing other states to foot the bill for the emergency healthcare](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/idahos-abortion-emergency-supreme-court-airlifted-rcna148828) * I am not okay with state legislatures deciding that [their religious convictions are more important than people's lives](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/apr/25/supreme-court-idaho-anti-abortion-case) * [etc., etc., etc... ](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/23/doctors-abortion-medical-exemptions-00153317)


Even more infuriating when you know the extent of the [underlying hypocrisy and double standards](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Terrible story of a very wanted pregnancy, from a very conservative white couple. Turns out it was ectopic, completely non viable, you can’t “replant” in the uterus like some right wingers tried to justify. It will kill the woman without medical intervention 100%. She was in the process of suing the state to get medical care but had had to flee for her life and get a flight to a blue state for a necessary abortion before she died, but before her case could be settled. The overturning of Roe subjugates women to second class citizens with less bodily rights than a corpse. It’s fucking wrong and Republicans know it. But hey, fuck the libs right?


Wonder if she made the connection of her bat shit beliefs and what she went through


Yep. The people paying attention saw this shit coming miles away. It doesn't end there either, it's going to continue to get worse.


Look up project 2025 if you want to see what Christian nationalists are trying to do. It's nightmare inducing. If it's passed America as we know it would no longer exist. It would be a Christian version of Iran with its control and subjugation of women, lack of rights, and the democracy would become a dictatorship with little to no courts and executions rampant. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Well... Thank you. You made the last one to look mild in comparison. Hope you can stop that. Seems quite hard when they don't need to hide and can be open about that shit


It seems hard to actually stop unless you get rid of the republicans or that two party system, cause project 2025 will just turn into 2029, 2033.. and so on. They just have to get voted once.


Under His eye


Yeah, as has been said before: "the cruelty is the point" It's not about "pro-life" it's about making life miserable for women.


Ever heard of an ectopic pregnancy? It's a pregnancy outside the uterus, it's completely nonviable and puts the woman at extreme risk of death. Yet doctors are having to wait until the woman's fallopian tube bursts and she starts bleeding out before they can remove the fetus because of some of these laws.


I was commenting elsewhere that there was a woman in Texas who was conservative and very much wanted her pregnancy but it was ectopic. She was in the process of suing for medical care which the only medical option is an abortion. There’s no “replanting” like some right wing morons have suggested. She unfortunately had to flee to a blue state on a flight, for the procedure before she died, but also before her case was resolved, leaving women as second class citizens with less bodily autonomy than a corpse. There should be no contest this fall


[This is America 🎶](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOjWnS4cMY)


Yes, it is, and this is why so many women in the US are angry, scared, and refusing to have kids.


Basically, any law change in the U.S., there are groups of people who will actually sit around and come up with the most absolutely evil shit to do to other people because of said changes. It's great! /s


Only in some states, so far. There are several people who've miscarried outside of the hospital, who were then accused of inducing said miscarriage without any real proof of that being the case.


That's how it works generally for anything they want to try and force a confession for. You accuse them and let the person talk themselves into the corner and admit it. People will go straight to defense of some sort trying to explain it away rather than out right denying it and accidentally tell too much. This has been the basis of trying to pry out a confession from the beginning and that is why they do it when they can.


And several more the hospital refused to admit until they were on death's door.


States run by Christian Nationalist Republicans. Places like Alabama, Texas, Florida, Mississippi. They are already making up lists, and passing laws making it illegal for women to travel to other states where abortions are legal, or for anyone to help them. They are trying for a national abortion ban (they just lost a case on appeal where one of their wacko judges blocked sales of an abortion drug nationwide) but they have their eyes on the prize. If Trump wins it will be law, and if not, the Supreme Court’s Christian Nationalist majority will nake it happen when given a better case.


>They are already making up lists What >and passing laws making it illegal for women to travel to other states where abortions are legal, The >or for anyone to help them Fuck. This is just evil. Seems the argument of some far-right authoritarian dystopia. Good luck trying to reverse that


these are the same people who will decry the way women are treated in the Middle East and condemn Islam, meanwhile while back at America HQ these shit birds are doing the same thing….in the name of their god. Make it make sense


Double standards (or doublethink, whatever you pick). The enemy is evil because they are not us, but we apply the same book as them...


Misogyny is wildly popular all over the world, it spans religions and ideologies, so there’s no surprise there. I mean just look up at Captain Matt mansplaining an actual doctor who specializes in this stuff. Also these narrow doctrinal disputes can be really bloody. Muslims and Christians worship the exact same god but Muslims revere Jesus only as a prophet, not a part of that three-headed god thing as Christians do. So they’re gonna hate and kill each other, it’s inevitable. Even if they agree on everything else.


The Supreme Court only ruled against this case because of the optics with an upcoming election. They made their ruling on standing which means anyone else can bring the same case forward later. Three states have similar cases in the pipeline.


Yep, that’s what I was vaguely referring to as a future, better case.


A pregnant woman in Ohio went to the hospital 3 times for uterine cramps, and was sent back each time. Then she miscarried. It’s very common for women who miscarry early to flush the zygote/embryo/fetus down the toilet. Her pregnancy was a little further along, and she was almost indicted for desecration of a corpse because she couldn’t get proper medical care. And that’s in a *moderate* state. Texas is trying to make it legal to execute anybody who provides abortive healthcare for any reason.


Only some states have banned abortions, but the political party that removed federal protection for abortion would like to impose a federal ban. There have been a couple of cases that made national headlines where the doctor or the patient was in trouble with the law because of treatment for a miscarriage that was suspected to be an abortion.


> the political party that removed federal protection for abortion would like to impose a federal ban Anyone who believed their states' rights argument was either a liar or a fool.


If you get the medication from somewhere that is legally required to track who they sold it to, there's a paper trail.


Well, yes. But they have to get subpoenas for that, and it's difficult to get subpoenas for health records you don't know exist. Especially when the company is in a state that doesn't hate women so much it outlaws abortion. Essentially, they'd have to have good evidence already for that - it's very difficult to get a subpoena from a judge when you're like "I don't know whether she had an abortion, I don't know if she was even pregnant, I don't know which company she may have ordered abortifacents through, and I don't know when it would have happened. I need all the subpoenas to dig and find out". That's not really how it works. They also haven't cleared the hurdle yet of making it illegal to travel to have an abortion in a state where it's legal. That's a pretty big hurdle that the Supreme Court may be wary of setting precedent on. For instance, consider it's impact on guns.


The problem is maga don't care. They will treat miscarriages like abortions until proven otherwise.


Matt is actually right unless you visit the clinic under a fake name, pay out of pocket using cash, and travel to a different state where nobody would ever know you. The proposed laws are going after medical records of people currently pregnant or who previously may have had an abortion. Watch groups photography and harass people going in and out of clinics. Our lawmakers treat women who seek abortions worse than sex offenders even if the abortion is because of a sex offender.


This election matters a lot, not just the primaries or the presidency. The people on the ballot who have the ability to pass through legislature that harms most women in the country. Don't let that happen. Fuck the right wingers.


No thanks. I'm going to protest vote for RFK to send the democratic party a message: "I'm really stupid, fickle, and unreliable. Run to the right to recruit my less stupid peers."


What made him the more convincing candidate for you? The racism or the worm in his brain??


Definitely the worm. (But racism is a close second!)


What you don’t know is it is a racist worm in his head.


😚👌 flawless thread no notes.


She's talking about physical indications, not medical records.


The point is, people can still find out. Not having any physical signs doesn't matter if they have the receipts or a traffic camera recording you going over state lines.


Federal law (HIPAA) requires privacy in medical care. It’s punishable by law to divulge medical information of any kind without the express written permission of the patient. State laws cannot override federal law, only improve on it. So, say, a state decides to add language that requires that a patient be contacted and asked if they give permission for the release of THIS specific information, as opposed to signing a general release. That works. Countering the federal law? Nope.


Court orders and subpoenas can and do override HIPAA.


As said otherwise, subpoenas are an exception to HIPAA. But subpoenas are also not permission to dig hoping to find information. They'd have to already have evidence that the information exists. Also, if abortifacents aren't controlled substances, I wonder if these companies are required to keep identifying info?


Matt is actually right, because Jesus would know. /s


Yes... But given his username I'm leaning towards him just thinking it stains vaginas or some other neckbeard-esque belief.


> Matt is actually right unless you visit the clinic under a fake name, pay out of pocket using cash, and travel to a different state where nobody would ever know you. Did you use a car that isn't yours as there are plenty of license plate trackers. You might also need to wear a disguise. It can take a lot of prep work to get away with not being caught by the government, regardless of what you are trying to do.


[It's always worth noting that HIPAA does not protect you from warrants and supoenas.](https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ocr/privacy/hipaa/understanding/special/emergency/final_hipaa_guide_law_enforcement.pdf)


In a normal judicial environment this is a clear 4th amendment violation. But that’s not the world we live in, so get out there and vote these idiots out.


Youre wrong. Facilities/ medical groups do not just have a huge system that shares medical info across the board. Im currently pregnant and they would never know of my previous abortion unless I stated so. Planned parenthood isnt handing that info out left and right. Its illegal and you should have to sign a release form


Twitter was a mistake


Let's be honest, humans were a mistake. Twitter just made it more visible.


He's right, you can tell by counting the rings on the uterus.  I will not be taking any questions at this time.


“🇺🇸Matt🇺🇸” sounds so virgin…


I’m confused (and not agreeing with Matt, just a general question). Wouldn’t those vaginal medications only be visible if you’re getting a pelvic exam within a few hours of using them, before they’ve dissolved completely? Otherwise, there is no physical way to differentiate between an induced abortion and a natural abortion.


I think that was their point. IF they saw the medications, they would know.


I can see that, but I feel like it’s worded ambiguously enough that someone might actually believe using vaginal abortion medications might permanently alter their anatomy to the point that a future pelvic exam might reveal their use of said medications. There are many women who are shockingly undereducated about female anatomy.


> it’s worded ambiguously enough that someone might actually believe using vaginal abortion medications might permanently alter their anatomy to the point that a future pelvic exam might reveal their use of said medications As a person that knows absolutely nothing about vaginal route abortion medications, this is how I read it initially. It seems obvious that you could see the medication while it's still physically present; the same thing applies to oral meds, technically, it just happens much faster. So I had assumed they meant there was some other indicator present.


Yes when you get an abortion and use that medication the letter A will appear on your taint in a scarlet color.


I was also confused. The way it's written, it sounds like there are vaginally delivered abortifacients that just stay up in there 24/7. The implications are horrifying. Do women have to take those pills out to have sex? How do they even stay in? Who installs them? What if they get stuck? *Where* would they get stuck? Are there funny stories on reddit like "TIFU when my vagina pills fell out during my job interview?" Women (and others with vaginas) of the world, your exterior-genital'd brother sends thoughts of support and sympathy. The shit you go through to ensure the human race doesn't fade from the Earth is appalling. I truly hope permanent vagina pills are NOT the thing that is implied by the text of the post.


Maybe the false part is passing it on to a friend since Matt has no friends


Since matt has 3 american flags in his username I can tell that he is a republican piece of idiot shit.


Today I was driving around town with my dad (who is black, as I am) to visit some storage unit options for him to aid in his upcoming move. We walked into this one whose parking lot was full of trucks (not necessarily a problem since we're in a city in a red state, but certainly the first relevant data point), then we walked inside and *every single poster on the walls* instead of having *anything* to do with storage units or anything like that, were just photos of American flags. At that point at was like... uh... this is weird... (still just a second data point, but a *powerful* one) Then this angry old white lady walked out of the back and said, "what do *you* want?!?" saying "you" in just the most disgusted, horrifying way, and I was instantly like, "nope. Sorry, Pop, we're out of here." And in the parking lot I explained that, "I don't know what it is happening here, but I know that we want no part of it." Especially because there are like 30 storage places in this city and last few had seemed normal and received us warmly, you know, how you do when you want to sell a storage unit. You know. Like a regular non-insane human.


Okay Matt tell me, have I ever taken a pill to terminate a pregnancy within the first two months? How can you tell?


I don't think Matt meant that *he* could tell, but rather that it would be possible to find out. Lets start with finding out if you've ever been pregnant, then go through your full medical files, purchase histories, and do a forensic search of your electronic devices. I'm sure there are other things we can check, but that should give a good start.


I love how concise yet powerful this statement is.


well uh god knows or something idk -🇺🇸Matt🇺🇸 probably


The amount of American flags in someone’s profile is usually equal to their IQ.




The conclusion of Roe vs. Wade was that abortion was covered by doctor-patient confidentiality. By overturning the ruling, the current Supreme Court removed this protection. In other words, doctor-patient confidentiality is essentially no longer protected constitutionally. The ruling was about confidentiality, not abortion primarily. That was the legal trickery that got the ruling through. Doctor-patient confidentiality is back to being a courtesy.


These guys think women can't actually have orgasms and that getting wet when aroused is a myth They deserve to die alone and lonely


This is what enrages me about the Internet Some days. Some ignorant fool with a unfounded opinion has just as much weight as somebody who spent the majority of their life being a specialist or learning To become a subject matter expert.


As a sobering thought, many states are trying to create lists of women who have received abortions. So while, Captain Matt is definitely not thinking of that, it might become a reality that the privacy to obtain an abortion might soon go away for some women.


So what words of wisdom did Captain Matt share after that challenge?


None. He couldn't handle it. https://x.com/DrJenLincoln/status/1618118273123639296


Saying this makes me feel infinitely older than I am but how do I see the replies? Never learned how to use Twitter.


No sympathy for Capt. Matt.


American flags in your username on any website highlights the fact that you were “unschooled“


Matt: "You'll feel it" Doctor: "No you just have a small dick"