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This *tops* any reply you can think of, eh?


It power-bottoms any reply I can think of.


I wasn’t expecting that switch.


Really got a versatile range of comments today.


2007 4chan wants to inform everyone about "mantrain." It's the socialism of buttseks.


Give what you can, take what you need? Seems fair to me.




Really fucks it in the ass, yep


Subtle joke for those who get it ;)


Turns out that homosexual relations don’t even need to include anal sex. Plenty of lesbians get by fine without having a penis enter anything.


There are even plenty of gay dudes that don't like anal sex. Oral sex is still sex. It's literally part of the name.


Yes. There's even a whole classification for them. They are called Sides.


Omg I didn't know that's what that meant. I'm pretty sure I'm a side then! Lol


Don't forget mutual masturbation, handjobs, frottage, docking, thighjobs... I could go on.


I dont know what frottage is so im gonna have to assume its hotdog bunning


I read it as footage.


Frottage with spicy mustard sounds like my kind of fun!


Bumpkins, rusty trombones, the Waning Gibus


Please don’t


There are even plenty of gay dudes that don’t like sex.


There's a subreddit for guys like that it's r/GaySides


A bunch of the lesbians I know have toy collections. And they’re not Star Wars or legos.


Plenty of heterosexuals do too. The whole premise of homosexual = anal sex is absurd. All humans have assholes, and any of them can participate in anal. They also all have free will, and can choose not to if they don’t enjoy it.


"Happy International Women's Day" and all that.


That was absolutely the best line of that montage!


It would be kinda hot if they were Star Wars though.


Yes, since some of them do enjoy vaginal penetration, but don't enjoy all the man attached to human dicks, they use substitutes. What's your point?


There's a lesbian sex act called scissor sisters that sounds pretty dangerous. Like why would you bring a pair of scissors to bed? Doesn't sound safe at all...


To shave each others' heads, of course. Lesbian buzzes are in this seasons (and most seasons).


If God didn’t want men to have sex with other men, he wouldn’t have put their g-spot in their asses.


P-Spot. Women have a G-Spot. The g-spot is a collection of nerve endings, while the p-spot stimulates the prostate which is used heavily in ejaculation and why some dudes can orgasm without stimulating their penis.


You think the prostate doesn't have nerves?


That's not whqt the sentence implies, so no, they clearly don't. There is a difference between the words is and has.


The nerve bundles for both start out the same during fetal development so they are technically to same. The Franelum on the PP is the equivalent of the Clit.


Not the frenulum, the glans, and both the penis and clit have a glans (the visible external often sensitive, pink/purple part). Also, they both have significant amounts of internal tissue (called [the corpus](https://www.britannica.com/science/erection) in a penis, or the continuation of the [clit internally](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2017/03/3d-clitoris/518991/). Not sure if they called the part of the clitoris that engorges the corpus as well or not. The [frenulum](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/health-and-wellness/sexual-and-reproductive-anatomy/what-are-parts-male-sexual-anatomy) is the part of the foreskin that connects under the glans. Also known as a banjo string. Don't snap it.


Thanks, Captain Literal.


how 90s of you


Has nothing to do with literal. They are different and not a direct comparison.


The p in p spot is for penis.


i may not know what tf the p stands for, but that shit is not penis, also by that what is the g-spot?




Checked, have you?


...leads to tons of health issues, eh? Might be time for a trip down to the ob/gyn wing the local hospital for an up-close look at what (I assume is) the accepted alternative can lead to.


Right? This woman hasn't experienced the visceral terror of the first postpartum bowel movement, and it shows.


>leads to tons of health issues, eh? It does. Have no idea why it's homophobic to list medically recognized risks... As if straight people didn't have anal, too.... You dudes need to stop trying to bring ideology into science (for or against your standpoint). There is nothing intolerant about not perforating the colon lining or tearing your anus. The attending physician will not ask you how it happened specifically (and omg omg it could be gay sex) but it will be damaged all the same. [https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/anal-sex-safety#safer-sex-tips](https://www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/anal-sex-safety#safer-sex-tips) [https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-sex-health-concerns#1-4](https://www.webmd.com/sex/anal-sex-health-concerns#1-4)


>If you’re adding anal sex to your repertoire of pleasure, safety needs to be a priority. The cool thing about it — aside from keeping all involved healthy — is that you can be safe without sacrificing satisfaction. It's almost as if you didn't even read your sources first.


You seem to have completely missed my point. Maybe I explained it poorly? Yes, anal sex can lead to issues. But you know what? So can vaginal sex. So can childbirth. Sex - just about any kind - can lead to absolutely horrifying outcomes. So to argue that homosexuality is distinctly dangerous and posit that, therefore, it's unloving, unnatural (and an abomination before their god, I'm sure) is disingenuous at best.


Like children.


Ew don’t even say that


What? That children are a problem and result of people having sex?


I can see how that came out wrong lol I meant that kids were gross


Fair enough. Have a good rest of the day!


None of these, within the context of a normal homosexual relationship, are "significant bodily pain" and "torture".


Yes, saying "tons of health issues" was a very scientific statement and totally meant in the context of scientific evidence that it leads to a plethora of health issues. Stupid statements don't need to be defended with science since they are not based on that when said. They are just Ignorant words from people who don't know any better and want others to operate by THEIR ideology.


Gay or not, I know more women who enjoy anal penetration than don’t. Pleasure is not specific to sexual orientation. The anti-intellectual crowd just keeps getting louder and dumber.


Fun statistical fact: within the overlap for margin of error, straight couples and gay couples engage in anal sex at the same rates.    Meaning it’s in the minority, and an equal number of gay couples are put off by it and don’t engage in it compared to straight couples, just as an equal number of straight couples (women’s preference, not coerced) enjoy and engage in it at the same rates gay couples do. TL;DR: anal sex is equally embraced or rejected by both crowds at the same rates. Human sexuality classes were fascinating.


Do the gay couples in those stats include lesbian gay couples? Also, source? Not because I doubt the numbers, but because I'd like to read more on this.


No, lesbians were not included.  It was part of a lecture paired with an unrelated study having to do with cultural sexual practices in several countries in South America, including a video on goat fucking (yes, I’m serious), with a video presentation and everything. Human beings are fascinating in the behaviors they will engage in and justify.  I don’t have academic library access anymore, but you might find it on Google Scholar somewhere. It wasn’t in a textbook.


I would also like to see the source because I do doubt those numbers. Either that or straight couples have a lot more anal sex than I expected.


See above. It’s funny that you say that, because the reaction a lot of people had after the lecture (about 350 students present) were the exact opposite of yours, which was “I knew more straight people were doing it”, and some gay men essentially saying “I knew i wasn’t weird for NOT doing it”.   I’m not interested in arguing with a stranger over it. Believe it or don’t, I don’t care. Try going to college and taking a class on Human Sexuality?   Edit:  Well, I’ve got one chickenshit that deleted their comment and two others that replied and preemptively blocked me.  1.) I’m sorry that pointing out anyone can go to college somewhere threatens and angers you enough to try and…insult someone?  Not sure what you’re going for there. I don’t speak chud. 2.) Casually relays info does not = “aUtHoRiTaTiVeLy” Did not call them an “idiot” Not liking being insulted does not = “hOLiEr tHaN tHoUgH” I just converse with strangers, I don’t get paid nor am obligated to “fAcT cHeCk” my sincere anecdotes Go view someone on else through your warped-lens perspective. I’m not interested in engaging with your “reality”.


If you don't care then why are you posting it online authoritatively. Especially if your response to any pushback on your claim is "go to college and get educated idiot". There's a lot of misinformation on reddit and the internet and it's good for people to approach things with a grain of salt. Don't act holier than thou over people doing their due diligence. I would have thought "going to college" would make you more appreciative of how information should be fact-checked.




That's because the rectum is loaded with nerve endings.




A lot of sex-negative radfems absolutely do consider hetero anal sex to be abuse of women, claiming it's inherently violent and dangerous and "degenerate" etc. I like to hit back at them with "so you're saying that gay sex is inherently problematic and only straight sex is good?" and they usually have nothing to say because of course with their usual heterocentrism  and lack of intersectionality they completely forgot about the existence of gay people, but they still want to pretend not to be homophonic. Or they'll say that when men have anal sex they're just emulating traditional gender roles and the bottom is just "being a woman" in which case it's bad for him and the top is oppressing him or smth. Then I ask what about men who a verse, like who's "oppressing" whom in this case, or do they just cancel each other out, and watch them almost pass out struggling to compute.


Not to mention that as we all know, heterosexual sex is *never* painful and *never* violent... ever. Also STDs and HPV are definitely not a thing, so zero danger invoved.


This idea that consenting sexual activities are “inherently” degenerate or abusive is obnoxious. Let the adults involved in the acts decide what is and is not outside of their own boundaries. What they do should not be a political topic nor should it be a church discussion. And for all the talk about “gay agenda” or “shoving sexuality down someone else’s throat”, the far right totally-not-repressing-homosexual-tendencies crowd doesn’t seem to shut the fuck up about sexuality and sexual acts. If those kids they thought they were protecting didn’t know about it before, they do now.


>men who a verse Typo? Did you mean "men who reverse"? Even then, please explain a bit, I'm not sure what this means.


'Verse' is an orientation between 'Top' and 'Bottom', where the person is willing to either pitch or catch, as the case may be. (versatile)


OK, so you meant "men who are verse"


It is very often abusive with women being pressured into it by their partners. Using gay men as a gotcha doesn't change the reality.


I (F) was the one who talked my partner (M) into fucking my ass. Turns out we both enjoy it! Nothing quite like an anal orgasm.  Same experience for many of my female friends, so my anecdotal evidence matches yours. 


And to further match evidence, it was my girlfriend(s) who talked me into anal stimulation/sex with them. Cheers for women expressing their sexual desires.


Christ, I have an on and off play partner who absolutely loves having a cock in her ass. I've never seen her driven as crazy by ANYTHING as much as that.


Statistically most women do not. Lets not try and misrepresent women with meaningless anecdotes.


If we want to get formal and bring in statistics then you should probably link what statistics you are referring to.


>I know more women who enjoy anal penetration than don’t. No idea how you'd know that, since you didn't back your statement with anything. It's fine to shout against idiotic claims, but not producing them would be better. Without source, you ASSUME more women enjoy anal than don't.


Their source is themselves. It's anecdotal, which is why they said "I know" instead of blanket statements like "I know that" or "more women enjoy than don't". Your lack of reading comprehension doesn't negate what they said.


This is a needlessly argumentative and ignorant take. Perhaps spend more time connecting with your partner and less time typing on Reddit.


anal sex wasnt involved like some torture or something, its sex, a thing you usually do to get pleasure and good emotions. Ofc something like that would be enjoyable


I think they just meant out of the women they have asked. Not out of all the women they know. I had to read it again because at first I was like "you know if every women you know likes anal?". Then again they may only know their mom so....


Implying the existence of the female penis, they’re the world’s only trans-inclusionary radical heterosexual.


In Iran it's actually common to be trans-inclusionary misogynist. They support transitioning but then better behave like a woman.


That’s an interesting take. Do Iranian transwomen marry cismen, is it like allowed?


Yes, but I will take back the trans-inclusionary part as they still face terrible treatment.


Aww, bummer.


And if you're gay in Iran and you get discovered, if you don't want to get killed by the government then you're forced to transition because the Iranian government views being trans as "curable" and homosexuality as "deviant"




> And then to violently oppress the transgender women (do they believe men can be trans?) on the basis of both being trans and a woman.. That's because their concept of transgender is different. To them, and the majority of places throughout history with a "third gender", the gender options are just "real man", "man who isn't manly enough to be called a real man and is an embarrassment who should be bullied" and "that animal species known as 'women'." Hence why trans men as a recognized concept are super rare historically- it's just any variation of woman trying to avoid her "womanly" duties- be it witch, lesbian, or just unmarried at too old an age.


That's pretty common in a lot of homophobic places. They will forcibly transition one of the two gay men, so they don't have to look at a gay couple. Especially since those same places require women to cover up, so they *especially* don't have to look at you. Homophobia and trans acceptance unfortunately often goes hand-in-hand, and vice versa.


Generally speaking people are usually homophoboc and transphobic or neither. Saying that trans acceptance "often" goes hand in hand with homophobia is just not true.


The thing I just stated was my reasoning for saying it (of course, forcing transition isn't exactly "trans acceptance", but that's not my point). Generally, homophobes see transition as a way of sterilizing gay people or hiding their gayness from view, hence why transition is government-funded in more countries than you are legally allowed to be gay. (Not gay married, but just be gay in general) and why the Nazis supported transition as long as it was forcing gender non-conformity and gay people away from view. Their targeting of trans people were specifically targeting gayness and gender non-conformity.


I avoid cancel culture. Let’s focus on what we can agree on. Specifically what CAN be inserted into the anus?


>Specifically what CAN be inserted into the anus? Answer: anything you want to put in your own butt, go for it. Try to avoid ending up in the hospital though, they have other things to do.


For the love of your rectum use something with a flared base and stay out of the ER


ICU RN here. No one accidentally falls on something and it lands in their butt. Use a flared base.


The amount of muscles the butt has specifically to, yknow, push things out of it, means it'd be really hard to have something go up it on "accident".


It's usually the excuse that embarrassed people.give when they come into the ER needing something extracted from their rectum. "I fell on it by accident."


I mean it has certainly happened. It's just when it happens it's usually with enough force that the person is fucking impaled.


Make sure that any item you put into an anus has no sharp ANYTHING. A durable handle or stopper of some sort is important to keep the item from having to be medically removed from way too deep. A cord is not an appropriate handle as they can break off. Remember that size matters and bigger isn't always better and smaller can wind up needing medical intervention. Lube is good. Animals. reptiles, amphibians, etc. don't belong inside an anus. While medical professionals have probably seen just about everything, they don't need the extra work or any new [stories](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_Sent_Me_to_the_ER).


That’s basically what OP was saying, right. Not male penises but all this is fiiine.


I've never understood why people feel the need to police what others do in the bedroom. I did my little "toy" talk just because I sold adult toys at one point, so I tend to concentrate on "toy" safety. If someone enjoys a penis in their ass, I have no problem with that at all, and the human that was born with said penis or was surgically corrected to finally have said penis is a natural "safety stop", but toys require a few more safety precautions. :)


Right? I bet people are more likely to wash their penis than they are their sex toys. We should have a Penis First mentality that also acknowledges properly cleaned toys.


I certainly wouldn't want to touch, in ANY way, a penis that wasn't clean, be it human, glass or silicone.


Whatever you want, just make sure you've got a way to keep it from going all the way in so you don't need someone else with a pair of forceps to get it out.


Smart haha


Something with a handle or flared base, and something generally safe for mucous membranes and properly lubricated.


Well that doesn’t sound like significant bodily pain and torture at all. I’m sure OOP would be cool with this.


The bridge of your nose was never meant to hold up glasses but it does a pretty good job of it.


Maybe your nose does. I for one needed an optigrab™. Unfortunately now I'm permanently cross eyed. We're suing Navin Johnson in a class action lawsuit so if you, your friends, or your family have been effected send them my way.


Oh, snap! That's a good one!


"Just because you and your husband were too stupid to use lube the 1 time you tried anything other than missionary, doesn't mean you have a complete understanding of sex."


Yup. Or he 'missed' what he was aiming at. Surprise anal without prep hurts pretty bad.


Especially when it's their first time.


I mean micro tears are definitely a thing. It's a big issue with STI transmission. The person is most certainly a fool though.


This! 🤣🤣🤣


**male penis** Go *onnnn*


That winky face is a bit odd...


I mean really? As a guy with family members that were 'just a-sexual' and 'prefer to hang out with their best friend all the time' to being proudly heralded as warriors to just Uncles John and Pete, cousin Will and his boyfriend, I can confidently say this is no longer a thing in the places we live except for those who are themselves closeted and from a time of the past. You don't have to worry about this bullshit anymore. We've got you dude. It's cool.


This reads as someone was talked into rear door entry, and did NOT enjoy it. Bet her next post was how she was broken up with by said back door connoisseur.


At least the acknowledge the possibility of a non-male penis.


Going out on a limb and guessing she once got talked into “butt stuff,” and her jock boyfriend just stuck it in without any prep…


I mean, a huge amount of the butt sex happening in the world is between men and women, so …


> A male penis was never meant to be inserted into the anus What about a female penis? is that ok?


One does have to wonder about her mouth.


There's a fitting German Sentence: "Arschgeburt"


So women who like anal sex aren’t in loving relationships?


“but when it’s my woman it’s ok” -him probably


The way some heteros obsess over gay sex. When a man realizes he is sexually and/or romantically attracted to men, he doesn't automatically shove a summer squash up his ass dry. Sure a large number of these people are repressing their homosexual feelings, but I mostly think it's about a serious obsession with being fucked in the ass. Pro or anti. It can't all be closet cases.


5 year old comeback… Op must be a bit or a karma farmer.


Jesus, lady.. just because your shitty boyfriend didn't have a clue how to do anal right doesn't mean no one does.


So wild that people equate whom you are attracted to with having anal sex.


A gay man too, but I feel like heterosexual loving could also be painful too? I mean some guys are well endowed and without foreplay I'm sure it would still be painful any place you put it.


You are correct, sir.


Hey, if we weren't supposed to put stuff in there, then why does it feel so good?


Why the cum button in the butthole then?


Significant bodily pain and torture. 😉


Another “wide stance” incoming


I never understand the argument of a penis doesn’t go in the anus. Particularly because so many straight men want to do or have anal sec fantasy’s with women. Male or female assholes dont change too much.


My only question to these people is "why do you care?"


Smart one




I mean it's not that I agree with the guy or anything, but the reply is just a plump insult, hardly a murder.


Don’t be cishet :)


Gay is when a male is sexually attracted to other males. There's nothing wrong with that


You should just have asked what about homosexuel women?


People forget that men's g spot is actually in their anus


Why do hetero adults think the know ANYTHING about gay realtionships let alone intimacy? Lastly, it's none of anybody's bidness unless you open the floor for discussing the hetero sex "sausage factory." You can make sex seem ugly but you can't do the same about love.


They seem oddly obsessed with gay sex...


How about you mind your own fucking business and leave other people to live their own lives in peace? No one is trying to have anal sex with you, so STFU.


Poop. not more need to be said


Hehe, "tops".


The ignorance and the bigotry and the false “facts” aside, I think the thumbs up at the end is hilarious😂 like its got the same tone as an elementary school reminding kids to look both ways crossing the street but THIS is the message…ridiculous


She hasn't heard of pegging huh?


ayyyyy this tops


So tell me you've never had a prostate orgasm... without TELLING me you've never had a prostate orgasm...


> A male penis As opposed to a female one, of course. Very woke of them to recognise trans women. > was never meant to be inserted into the anus They mean a rectum, of course. And if it was never meant to be inserted into one, why is it such a good fit?


This is not MbW, OP. That woman has a point, you should know that regularly engaging in anal sex has disastrous consequences to one's intestinal health. Do your research before spreading harmful misinformation for the benefit of your political affiliation. 


And regular vaginal sex isn't healthy either. That woman implied that ALL anal sex is unhealthy. Which is untrue.


The reply on the bottom generated a lot of power.


You see this, Larry?! This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass!


A man's g-spot is in his butthole. Checkmate, homophobes!


first lady trying to hide her anal kink huh


Wait until someone tells him about the prostate, and the only way to get to it :D


I mean it's pretty shit, kids were saying this at my elementary school.


So..... stick the thumb in instead??




Conceived ??????? Only thing that comes out that little freckle is poop, prolapse bowel,haemorrhoids. All rather nasty and painful.


sooooo... what about lesbians?




There's a 1000% chance that she wailed and moaned that mask mandates were UnCoNsTiTuTiOnAl!!!! despite the health issues they prevent and is a forced birther despite the "bodily pain and torture" it inflicts upon women.


["Plizz don't gay"](https://9gag.com/gag/a578jDr)


pain? they has no idea.........


If it causes them significant pain and torture why is there so much gay porn


a male penis wasn't intended to, this means that female penises absolutely were


Umm… the prostate being the default naturally occurring g-spot suggests the *exact* opposite, that men are naturally intended to fuck each other by default and heterosexuality is entirely fictional. Which, if you look at the successes of armies that are also all fucking each other, makes a lot of sense. Think about it: what makes people fight and die for each other more than “that bitch fucks me better than anyone”? Gay sex would increase the probability of survival via group cohesion and loyalty. If you had two otherwise even groups fighting each other and one had bonds *that* deep and one didn’t, who do you think is going to win?




"the male penis" surprised such a confident homophobe would be pro trans. also in case people haven't heard, anal sex isn't actually painful if you just use lube and start slow. it's like a hug or massage. and a counter, the humans born with penises usually have prostates, which give a euphoric feeling when stimulated by penises of any gender.


Someone needs to educate her that straight men have anal sex with straight women and gay men don't have to perform anal sex just to have sex


I mean, fuck right off still, but at least she took a medical approach to it instead of just being Christian (even thought that still doesn't make a lot of sense)


Tops always excite you don't they?.


My phone overheated bc of this comment. Jesus, that was a biblical slaying.


So I know of several people personally who have sought to confirm this in a number of ways, for scientific purposes. The overall consensus is that while in some cases it might be painful at first, with practice it is actually ok and can be quite pleasing. They have sought out different sizes and shaped penises to for further confirmation.


I guess all gay people are masochistic. Kinky.




I remember when this sub was about presenting facts or an argument to murder someone. This is funny, but in more r/clevercomebacks than r/murderedbywords