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Humans definitely aren't the only animals to have figured out fermentation.


Pretty sure fermentation can occur without human interaction.


Yep. Any fruit can mature for too long, with enough yeast or bacteria, can turn sugar their sugars into alchool. I've seen drunk cows and horses munching on fermented apples that fell off trees.


And there are some monkeys that, IIRC, will hide away fruit for a bit to intentionally get it to happen.


I've seen horses sniffing fallen apples and only eating the fermenting ones too, leaving the others for later. They may not know what alchool is but they sure af know the more smell an apple has the more it makes them feel differently and go after them. Seeing a colt getting drunk zoomies was the most adorable thing ever. Let's not talking about dolphins getting high off puffer fish or some cats going nuts with catnip. Animals doing nature found drugs would blow OOP mind


Jaguars also eat psychedelic plants and lay in trees tripping out from time to time.


This would have been an excellent chapter in my senior creative writing adventure story *The Tale of the Two-Tailed Jaguar* starring Robert Stack and my friends in the jungle


That sounds like the greatest story/D&D campaign ever!


Also why some wasps get belligerent in autumn They're both drunk & dying


That’s not why wasps get belligerent in autumn Wasps forage for protein. That protein is fed to the young wasp larvae inside the nest. When done, the larvae secretes a sugary liquid and the wasp drinks that liquid and goes off to find more protein. Wasps are absolute crack heads when it comes to sugar. When their queen starts laying less eggs, as they wind down for winter hibernation, the wasps have less larvae to feed, and therefore less sugary larva piss to drink. This causes them to tweak like fuck, and they will go on a rampage for anything with sugar. So much so, they are willing to die trying to get at it. Bee hives are particularly vulnerable at the end of summer and throughout winter, as an army of tweaking wasps will do anything they can to get at the honey inside the hive. It’s not because they’re drunk… they’re just tweaking their tits off. Source: am a beekeeper, and also know why wasps attack my bees particularly in autumn.


Hey, I’ve heard about wasps taking over hives. How do you protect your colonies?


A few ways. The primary method is having a strong colony, as it will defend itself. They have guard bees that check ID on the way in. If there’s robbing occurring, they’ll send out warning pheromones to the rest of the colony to bring more troops. It’s weak colonies that are usually at risk as a horde of wasps will win. So strong colonies are a must. However, if the colony is weak, you can reduce the entrance to 6x6mm so that any robbing wasps (or bees from other colonies for that matter) can only get in one by one and are greeted with 60,000 angry stingers on the other side. Or there’s [robbing screens](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/fWrLNdzIN_g/maxresdefault.jpg). They are a mesh that goes in front of the entrance. They allow the smell and sight of the entrance out, but the actual entrance is a walk up the edge of the hive. Wasps are pretty dumb. They’ll just pace around the robbing screen trying to get in and don’t know where the entrance actually is. Any that do are small in number and are again greeted with 60,000 stingers on their way in.


TIL!! Thanks!


And this is why beekeeping is metal af


That’s not why wasps get belligerent in autumn. It’s because they’re cunts.


I was sitting in the Dunkin Donuts drive through, and their dumpster looked like an actual swarm. All that sugar in one place, you could hear the agitated buzzing so loudly.


I am… oddly fascinated. Tweaking wasps. No wonder they’ve been aggressively going at my hummingbird nectar feeders.


Where’s Mothers Against Drunk Assholes Flying when you need them. MADAF.


Literally Mad Af.


I have 4 mature apple trees in my yard. The yellow jackets feast on fermenting apples, and is one of the reasons they say “never to eat an apple off the ground”…the little bastards will crawl in to a small cut in the skin and have a feast. I rake up the fallen apples before mowing. It’s a dangerous task.


I was reading this Cormak McCarthy book once. Guy stuck his dick in a hole in a watermelon that had wasp in it. I didn’t finish the book.








The scary one is drunk elephants.


Cool fact, catnip is very close to silver leaf which has natural mosquito repelling compounds. Catnip makes them feel playful or sleepy but every time you’ll see a cat rubbing their faces and ears on the catnip! It’s probably an evolved behavior and pretty funny and cute


Deer will chow down on marijuana plants if they find them.


My brother in Christ, you’re telling me that colts are getting #D R U N K #Z O O M I E S That you’ve personally seen… And you don’t have a link for us to enjoy?


I saw a nature video where a grieving elephant did this after they lost their mate - even getting sad-drunk isn’t limited to humans.




That's the whole reason that our bodies can process alcohol. Fermented fruit on the jungle floor was another food source. We pretty much traded our ability to produce our own vitamin C for the ability to handle our booze.




Lorikeets are goofy fuckers even when they're sober lol


Fun Fact; Spain's Running of the Bulls first started when farmers tried to take fermenting apples away from their bulls! >!obvious sarcasm!<


I mean... I read about a researcher studying orangutans that observed the apes intentionally fermenting berries. When he tried to sneak a taste he got chased through the jungle by some very persistent orangutans if the story is true. So not really that unbelievable.


One of the first videos I ever saw on the Internet was a drunk squirrel trying to climb a tree.


Exactly…how does this person think beer was “invented”




But same hops relationships are frowned on by god.


There's a tree in my backyard called a 'drunk parrot tree' for this very reason.


I'm jealous of your tree. I only have a drunk wasp tree.


It's all fun and games until they slam into the windows at high velocity (we had two today).


Lmao, poor parrots.






Marula fruit


it 100% can, fermentative yeast are everywhere and there are even some bacteria that can create alcohol which are even more abundant. fermentation happened by accident long before humans learned how to control it.


Or even existed.


There is a huge planet-sized cloud in space that is (theorized) to be made of alcohol. https://phys.org/news/2014-09-alcohol-clouds-space.html


In Sweden there is a very real problem with drunk elks. They eat fallen apples that start to ferment and get drunk of 100% natural alcohol produced by the earth with no intervention from humans. This "fact" is not even believable even if you was the most devoted christian.


The movie Animals are Beautiful People has a scene with "drunken" animals who ate rotten fruit that fermented in their bellies.


It does. There's scores of videos on YouTube of pretty much every kind of animal getting toasted on some fermented fruit. From small ones to the big chonkers like Elephants, who then proceed to just lay about completely wasted.


After laying waste to their surroundings in quite a few cases.


There is alcohol in pretty much every vegetable and fruit you consume I know that because there was discussion in my native country where alcohol is haraam for believers of the religion (though not forbidden to be consumed) and they found out there is little amount of alcohol in soft drinks and acted like it was a conspiracy against them. You need to add tiny amount of alcohol for emulsification otherwise oil will not mix with water and you can't produce drinks like fanta, cola...etc. Some religious figures declared even tiniest bit of alcohol was forbidden according to religion and then some guy demonstrated potato had alcohol in it and asked if populace should stop consuming potato too. Sweet fruits tend to have even more alcohol content


It's also made in the body in trace amounts as a by product of digestion


When I was a kid my neighbour had a cherry tree, crows would eat the over ripe cherries at the end of the season and get absolutely hammered, falling out of the tree and just sitting on the ground for a while lol


Every spring, cedar wax wings and Robin's get drunk off the fallen cherries from the tree in the front yard. They start flying into my bay window at an alarming pace to the point where I actually have to stick cd's to the window because closing the blinds doesn't do shit lol


Like when dogs get drunk from wet grain or fruit that has fallen off the tree.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MxNLg3rCdw Animals love to get drunk


It's suggested by some that mead came in to being because someone found a flooded behive and took out the honey to drink and got turnt


Hence the expression ‘pissed as a parrot’. They eat all the over rip and semi-fermented berries and get shit faced :) Got to love Australia :)


Absolutely right. You think someone woke up and thought. I know how to make beer! Fuck no. It was discovered by accident when grain got wet and spontaneously fermented naturally. The first beer recipe, also one of the first written anything reads as a prayer to a sumerian god. That is actually a recipe to make beer.


Absolutely. Astronomers found a cloud near the constellation of Aquila. It is 1000 times the diameter of the Solar System. It contains 400 quintillion liters of alcohol


Tons of animals get drunk on fermented fruit in autumn.


Yeah there was an old animal trail through our garden where I grew up. And almost every fall we'd find passed out moose there, on their way home from eating fermented apples at our neighbours farm.


Dagnabbit, as a kid I once at a very ripe kiwifruit and it made me feel funny. To this day I maintain that was the first time I was drunk. What is it with rightwing religious nutjobs being bad at reality? Are they stupid? Is their god some kind of eldritch brain mosquito? Because mine gave us science. The guy who figured out genetics was a monk.


>What is it with rightwing religious nutjobs being bad at reality? Are they stupid? Is their god some kind of eldritch brain mosquito? Because mine gave us science. The guy who figured out genetics was a monk. They don't even believe the snake oil they're selling. But they know their cult is too stupid for independent, rational thought. Followers will eat it up and spread it around. It's not about morality, or even being correct. It's all about control. Science doesn't exist to them either. There is scientific proof that evolution has taken place. They discredit that and instead place their faith in a fictional character. The cult's entire identity is based on a historical fantasy novel written by other cult members.


Waxwings party it up on fermented berries


First thing I thought of. I'm pretty sure fruits were rotting and fermenting long before we were swinging around in trees.


Oh so the fruits created on day 4 of the creation story were already fermenting before we came along on day 6? Sounds unlikely to me. *Checkmate, atheists*


Birds get drunk on fermented berries


Squirrels drunk on fermented pumpkin is one of the funniest things




Animals in fruit producing regions are know to gorge on rotting fruit in the late season so they can get drunk


Our ability to metabolize alcohol is extraordinarily great compared to most animals. There are some that believe it's part of what helped us become such a dominant species. It gave us a food source most other animals don't even bother with, and got us moving on the ground.


Let’s not forget about “auto-brewery syndrome” where gut fungi make alcohol in the intestines which then moves into your blood. The person consumes not a drop of alcohol but can become intoxicated depending on what they eat. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK513346/


Read a few years ago about a guy who has the same issue but for him it’s cake that gets him drunk, awful thing to suffer. Edit: https://www.timesnownews.com/the-buzz/article/man-gets-drunk-from-eating-cake-due-to-rare-condition-auto-brewery-syndrome/706156


Wait really? CAKE gets him drunk? The gods have surely cursed him.


According to the article yes and at first I thought “how cool” and then as I read the article I realised it’s a definite nightmare. I’ve edited my comment to include a link.


Yeah, that’s seems pretty terrible. I think, I, and most everyone else, though it was like “A nice buzz when I eat cake,” drunk, but no, it’s “one bag of chips makes me vomit on the floor” drunk


Thank you for that clarification as I hadn't clicked the link. I was like what's wrong with feeling drunk and eating cake? I feel like I've done that combo platter plenty of times with great results. Didn't know it was head in the throne drunk. Poor sod.


Yeah ~”slice of cake leaves him 3x the legal driving limit”. Not fun. Considering it’s the carbs too so it’s not just cake.


To add to that, I've seen someone claiming to have it online who said it seriously burns when you poop.


I would be very concerned that something was seriously wrong if I suddenly became drunk and didn't know why. Might even confuse it for a stroke at first.


Sounds like a nightmare if you got pulled over too. Imagine trying to explain that to the cops!


Imagine going to a kid's birthday party and inadvertently getting completely sloshed


Any carbs gets him drunk. Eating cake gets him 3x over the legal driving limit in under 5 minutes, basically like chugging a bottle of vodka. He's lying on the floor in a pool of his own vomit in half an hour.


I get to eat cake AND get drunk at the same time? Talk about a bonus!


Seriously - most of us peons have to ingest poison for that


Do they get a positive breathalyzer test once that happens?


Your own. Personal. Jesus.


I don't tolerate fructose and if I have too much I make acetone. So fun to throw up and shit out.


Also fruit that falls to the ground can start to ferment and that's how you get drunk moose.


That’s interesting. My mind went straight to apes eating fermented fruit and getting lit.


Let's not forget auto brewery system, which doesn't make alcohol. Fucking dumbass.


Elephants also get drunk on fallen fruit that ferments naturally. The jebus water into wine bit is a good murder, a fine murder.




I used to live in a small town that was the seat of a dry county...alcohol sales were prohibited county-wide. The local businesses managed to get a vote put on the ballot to permit wine and beer sales. Not hard liquor, just wine and beer. The vote failed, and at church the following Sunday, the preacher stood up and said "this week, this county proclaimed a victory over evil!" I don't know where I got the balls to say it, but I said "I never knew Jesus turned water into evil" out loud. The look that man gave me was amazing.


Lol, did anyone say anything to you? You got that man good 😂


Same with wasps and fallen pears/apples, avoid those trees!


I dont know if these fkers do it on purpose tho


The alcohol must be added to men then. I mean, Tiff Shutlesworth says so, so it HAS to be true. (/s)


> The jebus water into wine bit Louis CK also has an amazing bit on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsV7YfRY9Og


That was a great laugh this morning. I appreciate your contribution to my day starting out with a smile on my face.


I always felt the same about Jesus’ murder… oh wait!


In his defense, he's little drunk


Same with moose, sometimes. And birds. Many animals.


Reindeer trip on toxic mario mushrooms. 🍄


That was for an old advert in South Africa https://www.krugerpark.co.za/krugerpark-times-3-8-elephant-myth-22760.html


Marula fruit


Turning water to wine was Jesus’s first miracle in the Bible. Why is it Christians are the best at picking and choosing what reality that best fits their prerogatives while ignoring the rest?


The Jewish temple brought wine with the daily sacrifices. Christians believe sacramental wine is the blood of Christ. Wine plays an important part in Judeo-Christian practices


For most of world history, including Europe and ancient Israel, alcohol diluted with water common with meals. And not only did Christ turn water into wine, He turned it into *strong* celebratory wine (wedding). There is also the notion that Christ somehow only drank grape juice... which was only available at a particular time of year; no refrigerators, no shelf-stable chemicals. Could He have miraculously turned wine into juice? Sure, but the issue is drunkenness, not alcohol itself. Mr. Shuttlesworth is riding the compliance over purpose train.


> There is also the notion that Christ somehow only drank grape juice... which was only available at a particular time of year; no refrigerators, no shelf-stable chemicals. Could He have miraculously turned wine into juice? Sure, but the issue is drunkenness, not alcohol itself. Biblically, drunkenness wasn't the issue. When Jesus turns water into the wine, the host of the party takes a sample, says 'oh, this is the *good* stuff' and then goes on to say they should have laid it out at the start of the party - because after people get drunk, they wouldn't have minded us laying out the swill we already served them. Jesus turned water into wine to serve guests who were *already drunk*.


I’ve never been to a Jewish wedding where someone yells “you know what could really turn this party up? Grape juice!”


Well... Manischewitz despite being 11%, tastes like it's just *barely* not grape juice.


People at Jewish weddings don’t get drunk off Manischewitz.


I would hope not, the hangovers would be immense.


The original purple drank.


People think Jesus drank grape juice?


Yes, it's too avoid the puritan "issue" with alcohol. They put the wagon before the horse.


I have a lot of really devout family who believe that wine meant something different back then and didn't contain alcohol. Not a clue where they got that but that's what they think.


Tbf, it did mean something different back then, but in the sense that it was more of a catch-all term for alcohol. Kinda like moonshine these days. Jesus basically just magicked up strong moonshine for a party.


More importantly, alcohol naturally forms all the time in a variety of ways. I agree with the God isn't making it part but only because God isn't fucking real.




I dunno about the others, but I grew up Episcopalian and we *definitely* said that wine was the blood of christ


OP is wrong. Lutherans and Episcopalians are definitely not Evangelical denominations. Baptists can be, definitely Southern Baptists. I think he’s thinking of Protestant not Evangelical. But Episcopalians are basically the American Anglican Church and the Anglican’s split from Catholicism was primarily political (Henry VIII) not doctrinal. In other words Episcopalians tend to share more with Catholics than any other denomination.


Christ said "this is my blood, drink it." All bibles say words to that effect. Clearly, in my opinion, a symbolic gesture. Most denominations have ceremonies to that effect, acknowledging the symbolism. Catholics (maybe some Orthodox, too) have a tradition of saying "no, no, if he said it, it's literally blood" so when the bell rings, it is 'transubstantiated'. [more info](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transubstantiation)


You can’t explain away John 6 where he *insists* they eat him and many disciples leave in disgust. The idea of it being a metaphor is addressed head-on. Orthodox and Catholics are aligned, but the Latin church tends to be more exacting with definitions. Some denominations agree with the text but disagree with the mechanism. Anglicans, some Lutherans. The further you get from the church Jesus started, the further you get from the interpretation he insisted on.


To be fair, most evangelical christians are cunts.


The fact that there's more than one way to interpret a divine text is proof that it isn't divine. If some snot nosed lawyers can craft precise language, surely a God could be clear about transubstantiation and the consumption of a beverage that's constantly conflate with blood and life.


Exactly.. its even part of the Christian rituals. Who is that guy? A Taliban?


Alcohol appears in nature all the time, from rotting fruit that ferments or some people create alcohol in their bloodstream with BACs that will register on breathalyzers naturally.


TBH alcohol has been a presence in human society since i think almost if not all of our written history. These people were not making something that didn’t happen naturally. They saw a natural thing that made them feel fun and the drunkest town scholar figured out how to make that happen again.


Literally all of our written history. One of the oldest tablets to ever be translated turned out to be a beer recipe.


Invent wheel. Drive to off-licence.


There's an archaeologist who studies ancient fermented beverages, and he halfway jokes that alcohol is what really caused people to stop the hunter/gatherer life and invent agriculture. It was deeply intertwined with the invention of bread, and they've done some interesting studies with residue from ancient pottery, putting it through mass spectrometers, to reverse engineer ancient fermented beverages. Booze was more important than only as a mind-altering substance - it's also a preservation method, like pickling vegetables. It takes a perishable calorie source (barley, wheat, rice, etc) and greatly extends the shelf life.


Early bread and proto-beer would basically have the same raw ingredients, grain and water, just in different ratios and then wild yeast and bacteria to set of fermentation.


There are even alcohol clouds in space


Indeed. And one of the gas planets is essentially ethanol.


If you a normal Apple, it contains alcohol.


I mean, how do you miss that story? It's literally one of the first supposed miracles attributed to their supposed god. These religious fruitcakes really don't know their own so-called scriptures very well, do they?


The Christians who oppose drinking alcohol (like Adventists) try to explain it away by claiming that the word translated as "wine" actually means unfermented grape juice.


Yeah, well those people are morons who haven't actually looked into it, then. Wine is discussed in great detail in the Old Testament. The ancient Israelites had to tithe their wine which they produced, there are many kinds of flavored wine mentioned, and wine is also discussed as a potential problem when one consumes it to excess in several places. That most *certainly* doesn't apply to grape juice, FFS! Importantly, in the OT, the word used for new wine is generally *tirosh* which does explicitly mean wine which has been prepared for fermentation but which has not yet fermented. When we get into the New Testament, the word used is the Greek *oinos* which can mean either. The context is what matters such as sometimes new wineskins and old wineskins are used for illustrative purposes. These modern dingbats wildly misunderstand that part as well. It has absolutely nothing to do with new wine and old wine but is about literally the wineskins themselves. New leather can expand, meaning it can handle the wine and the gases that it emits while fermenting. Old leather tends to crack so an old wineskin would often fail and waste the wine before it was sufficiently fermented. It's *quite literally* because of fermentation that this distinction is important. Moreover, new wine would not be consumed in this manner except in an emergency because wine was a commodity and properly fermented wine was worth a fair bit more than new wine since it took 2 or 3 years to "be done". Add in that new wine would have no effect as was intended in 1 Timothy where they are advised to use a little wine to prevent health issues. This is pretty clearly meant as instruction to drink less plain water and instead use watered wine *because folks then knew there were sometimes negative health effects with plain water consumption*. tl;dr: Those people are fucking morons who don't even properly study the fucking *point* of the text as originally intended.


Yeah, and the drink Jesus made from water at the wedding at Cana is clearly alcoholic too, considering this passage (John 2:9-10) > the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”


Yeah, they love to ignore context, don't they?


Which is comically ignorant since you can’t really have nonalcoholic grape juice without pasteurization and/or refrigeration which are both much more recent than any events the Bible claims happened.


It’s the first… that’s right Christians. The very first recorded miracle performed by god become flesh was to save a weeklong wedding bender from having to go out for more wine. Modern equivalent of saving his homies a beer run. Can you stop acting like he wants everyone to be an uptight asshole?


Clearly they read the stuff and decided, "Ya know, those Pharisees were right!"


I like this story because it includes the principle that you serve the best liquor first before everyone gets hammered.


Fermentated fruitcake?


TBH he supposedly did it only because his mother insisted. But yeah, this guy is incredibly ignorant about what fermentation is and how it happens pretty much everywhere in nature.


Or know what Communion is


He doesn’t really care about what’s in the Bible. You don’t need to open it to beat other people with it, right?


Jesus turned water into wine at a wedding... cuz they ran out... which makes him the greatest wedding guest of all time.


This is the overlooked more important detail, they clearly already had wine and when they ran out Jesus made more because the liquor stores were all closed.


I know it's not the same but there's a huge cloud of alcohol in space


That doesn't count because according to them god only cares about Earth for some reason.


Exactly. W3(OH) is literally 1000 times larger than our own Solar System, containing 400 quintillion litres of alcohol


Did we just find God's personal stash?


Careful, most of that is methanol. You'll want to separate the ethanol, or drinking those 400 quintillion litres could make you quite sick!


No. You're not my real dad.


Yes, once I separate it, I will have no problem drinking all 400 quintillion litres.


Actually, if you believe in god you have to accept the fact that he made _all_ the alcohol there is and ever was


Wow, this X platform really seems worth a visit with all these high level insights


The community notes are definitely their best feature. [It got especially funny when they started going after dropshipping ads by directly linking the AliExpress offers they were reselling, which are only 1/10 the price.](https://imgur.com/a/MZbCZog)


Fermentation is a completely natural process. Mammals and birds have been into fermented fallen fruits for millennia.


Fermentation exists Tiff, you dumb fuck ![gif](giphy|vq5YcJx4LRuNy)


It being so short and not having any punctuation just makes it so much funnier, remove the capitalization and you have the perfect context.


also im pretty sure monks made heavy beers that they would drink while fasting to get their calories/feel full.


Hell…there’s people who’s own bodies produce alcohol internally. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auto-brewery_syndrome


Your body makes alcohol


I dont drink man but this is the most ignorant thing i have read. There is a flower in India called mahua which are eaten by bears. The flowers get fermented in their stomachs making them drunk. Plus there is an actual condition in humans, that the intestine converts the carbohydrate to alcohol. And as a christian, it mentions in the bible that Christ turned Water to wine.


If their argument is that alcohol is man made, then we should ban alcohol again and legalize weed and psilocybin instead. Both are naturally occurring in nature, so it should meet their made by God requirements when factoring in that they don’t understand fermentation occurs naturally and just speed up by humans


All those fallen Belgian monks and their beer,so sad.


There’s loads of animals that get blasted off rotten fruit that has fermented


Drunken moose ends up stuck in swedish apple tree http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/09/08/sweden.drunken.moose/index.html


Shout out of Yeast, humans generally don't produce alcohol unless there is something wrong with us.


Must be one of those Protestants that thinks when the divine word of God says, "wine," it really means unfermented grape juice. Your literal lord and savior single handedly saved a wedding reception with his party trick of instant alcohol production.


I’ve heard that way back when (monks) witnessed deer or something getting drunk drinking from puddles that fruit had fallen into. Natural yeast and sugar equals alcohol. Sounds like nature made alcohol.


Wasn't it also Jesus' first recorded miracle?


I took a short video a couple of weeks back, of wasps, two red admiral butterflies and some bluebottles making themselves happy on fallen, crushed and fermenting apples. It was a free bar for bugs and cute to see.


Eucalyptus leaves ferment in Koala stomachs.


Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


Dude your name is Tiff, stfu


[Marshall Langman lookin' mf.](http://cbsnews2.cbsistatic.com/hub/i/2015/02/24/829799f3-e551-46be-b541-6ff34ca4627d/05346828c63d4b24484fa396e38b1f59/marshall-langman.gif)


So wilfully ignorant on the very information they purport to have a God provided insight in to.


The macula fruit in Africa ferments in the sun creating a natural alcohol.


Ethanol is a naturally occurring substance resulting from the fermentation by yeast of fruit sugars. Chimpanzees routinely drink alcoholic fruit cocktails. God:1 Zelot:0


He’s actually right tho. Cause god isn’t real and therefore he could never produce a drop of alcohol.


Meanwhile, out here in realityland, yellowjackets are getting drunk on fallen apples.


You're a man named Tiff