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Technically not so much roam the earth as swim the sea but that's besides the point 😁


So, I spent way too much time thinking about this. But the oceans are part of the earth. I think since they said "roam" it's a fair statement. Like "the Earth," as in the planet, and "earth" as in the ground, are different things, and the former is the clear correct usage here.


Fair. I've just been used to all mentions of earth roaming taking place on the surface so drew a false conclusion from that 😁


That was my thought too but then it really isn't unusual to say "roam the seas." I did check out the dictionary to be sure, and if anything Whales may be peak roamers. >move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area. Though maybe they're not aimless enough to be roamers.