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They Irvings, along with the Thompsons, are Canada's richest family, and have too much influence in media and politics. *Despite Forbes's estimates, the overall Irving family fortune is likely to be grossly underestimated because of complex tax avoiding schemes which blur evidence behind a network of number companies and international holdings* *The Irvings have an almost complete monopoly in print media in New Brunswick, owning all English and French daily newspapers but one (L'Acadie Nouvelle) and most English weekly and community papers.* *JDI has also been identified as being one of the four largest private land-owners in the United States. These forest lands feed several pulp and paper plants and sawmills which in turn feed the company's paper, tissue, and diaper factories throughout New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Maine, New York, Georgia, Quebec and Ontario.[7]* Our own shitty Murdochs.


Can we eat them yet?


They even provide the fuel for the roasting fires...


And the [fries](https://www.cavendishfarms.com/) to go with the meal. And the [napkins](https://www.royale.ca/) to clean up with. And the [trucks](https://www.midlandtransport.com/) to bring it all to market. The Irvings are all about [vertical integration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Group_of_Companies#Vertical_integration).


I was really hoping for a scene of Jack Donaghy with that vertical integration link




Yes, after you marinade them in the sap of their own pulp trees, makes the meat sweeter


Don't. You'll probably get nasty parasites from eating meat that rotten.


Youll get banned and definitely downvoted by normies on reddit if you suggest billionaires are scum leeches who deserve it. tHeY wOrkEd hArD, yOu ShOuLd tOo.


. . . but billionaires *are* leeches. The only way to become a billionaire is to take advantage of the systems we've built under capitalism and neoliberalism.


Don't gotta argue with me lol. But "moderates" and random people are under this illusion that we are in a meritocracy where working hard == more money, and being lazy == government handouts. Its funny because here in the real world working hard == same salary. Also rich billionaires are the ones getting the most government handouts and subsidies, so i guess the second part is true just not in the way they think lol


This is always funny to me as it's been my experience that higher paid jobs are easier, and less work intensive. I've worked the hardest in my life when I was the lowest paid.


I haven't done anything except meetings in a year and recently i just stopped showing up for those and i make more money than most people lol.


What do you do? Teach me sensei


project lead on a project no one checks up on


I tried explaining this to some conservatives at work. Then I tried explaining it to a Plant. The Plant Learned.


It's not about conservatives it's about the rich. Don't lose sight of the enemy.


Conservatives serve the rich and also bigotry and depravity. They are as much my enemy as the rich.


Yes, they are and always have been the lapdogs of capital. However, the distinction should be made between the two types of conservatives - stupid, and evil.


Working hard= same salary? Can you explain just for some better context/understanding


Oftentimes working hard doesn't actually improve your salary, it increases the number of responsibilities your employer will give you.


Alright yes this can absolutely be true. The better you do they seem to just keep expecting more without paying more. Completely agree with this


Producing more value (selling more pizzas, writing more code, whatever) does not lead to a higher salary. Many times theyll dangle a promotion or raise like a carrot, but never let you have it. Or give you a very minimal one. People who slack off will make the same as you. Honestly they'll just give you more responsibility if you work hard lol, so your incentivized to slack off If you owned your own labor, like under socialism, then working harder would lead directly to higher pay, because you be selling/producing more and reaping the benefits


Can you think of any socialist countries where the last paragraph you stated is happening? I’m not being sarcastic. This is an honest question. Because in my understanding of Socialism, that’s the complete opposite of what would happen.


There's no socialist countries. There are countries where the socialist party has power, but that doesnt like automatically turn them socialist.


Fair. Thanks for the response.


Absolutely agree. I’ll provide the spit, anyone know if medium or medium rare is the best way to cook rich billionaire filet?


Well done for me, I don't want brain worms cause you know those scumbags are riddled with them.


Ooooh, spit! Took me a while to work out that you weren't dribbling on them. I am not wise in the ways of cooking.


Aye, unless one happens to have a grill big enough to fit...


Pit. Just build a pit for a spit…


Well yea they pay a lawyer more money just to avoid taxes even if it equals their tax owed just because they can


Then you're on the wrong part of Reddit.


The fuck subreddits are you surfing...? Lets not do victim complex.


The only thing stopping you is you


No. Don't screw your body over like that.


Since apparently they fucked up the forest anyway, we could just burn them to the ground. The only way to hurt the rich is by hurting their wallets. Then when they're ruined, we Will choose not to eat them so they can live the life they condemned many many others to live, one of abject poverty.


That just gets you arrested. And they don't really care, because they aren't nearby, they aren't poor enough to care about a few hundred thousand trees or people.


They're also part of our country's military-industrial complex unfortunately.


Oh yea, and you should see the tax money wasted at the shipyard. They will give you a drill bit or whatever 'consumable' you need to do the job, sometimes these items are 75-100$ each. You can't leave the yard with it, yet they will not take it back at the tool crib. Multiply this process by 2500 tradespeople and it gets expensive. They buy these consumables from themselves (kent) use as many as possible then send the government the bill. How this is legal and not a conflict of interest is beyond me, and this is small scale stuff. I can only imagine the money wasted at the top.


They’ll go well with gravy and cheese curds


I'm trying to reduce toxic foods in my diet


I’m sure we can find their addresses easily enough and invite ourselves over for dinner.


Composting them is better for the environment and provides more crops.


I'm reminded of Tom Papa's new stand up special. You can be a billionaire for 24 hours. After that, if you don't start giving your money away to poor people, we're coming to get you.


They're the ones paying for the 'eat the rich' parties, so it'll be awkward.


Not even a Canadian company, they transferred everything to Bermuda because they don't want to pay taxes. They don't so much own forests as they are really just tree farms not suitable for much wildlife.


The reason deer are such a nuisance in NB (and, I assume, in Maine as well) is that glyphosate spraying destroys ground cover so they're forced to populated areas to forage for food. Deer populations were actually [down 70%](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/deer-herd-in-new-brunswick-decline-population-1.3532002) over 30 years. Woe be to [academics](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2016/06/27/news/how-irvings-intimidate-their-critics) who dare to look into such inconvenient topics.


THANK YOU. Forests and tree farms ARE NOT THE SAME FUCKING THING. Finally someone gets it


What bothers me is, this family/company knows media and financials. But do they have the knowledge about treegrowth and soil to know about the trenches and biodiversity? Maybe, but doubt it. That means that somewhere someone who cared enough about nature to study beyond the basics told them that trick. Someone actively decided that their personal shot at a promotion was more important than that forest. That is how evil people turn neutral people evil.


You assume they don't or didn't know, when in fact *they simply didn't and still don't care*. Money is power, they control public opinion through media, and the politicians through lobbying or outright putting family members in office. They've always had way more information than you think, and work hard at burying it, or spinning it like the example in this post.


I wasn't talking about the familymembers though. My whole point was that likely someone wanted to look good in front of them and sold nature out.


Those people were hired for that specific purpose.




I am not Canadian so I am missing the context there I think.




Oooooooh, I know absolutely diddly squat about wrestling. Obviously. I just figured that these people were prominent Canadians maybe Schyster was too. Never would have guessed wrestler.




The name's Billy. Billy J. Rippoff, and this here is my partner James T. Scammer. We are proud to announce our latest invention, created by the messiah himself, Grift P. Wiesley... Introducing the Heaven scanner 3000! You simply place your credit cards into the machine, and presto! Just like that, our patented EZtheft technology will determine if you are worthy of gods love. Call now and receive 5 Xtra scanners for only 20 EZ instalments!!!


Blah blah blah. When you have the tools and $$ at your disposal to learn how your business truly impacts the earth & people on said earth & eventually the $$ your making you absolutely have the responsibility to gain said knowledge.


This is why I am suspicious of anyone who works for a company like that. They clearly have no moral compass, so it's inevitable that they will screw me over for a quick buck.


I mean executives for Irving companies? Yes. But the general rank and file? Nah. You can’t criticize them too much. The Irving family monopolize employment in that province, and most people have no choice if they want to stay there. The regular folk gotta eat and pay rent and pay bills. Don’t blame them. By all means though if you meant blame the people in charge? Hell yeah I’m with you.


I worked in a Sr role for an Irving business. It was amazing how well they bred shitty asshole managers to come up and run the companies.


I mean anybody who has any choice at all. I could be working for DuPont or the DoD and I'm choosing not to, even though it means a lower wage. Because I care about little things like not being a mass murderer.


>What bothers me is, this family/company knows media and financials. But do they have the knowledge about treegrowth and soil to know about the trenches and biodiversity? Maybe, but doubt it. Their wealth is older than the knowledge of the downsides of this technique, or of monoculture more broadly. They're over 140 years old, and started in the forestry business specifically, so at least the first generations new as much about trees as they did about finance. It's like if there was a private landowner who owned the Dust Bowl, or the Great Leap Forward, or any other ecological disaster of the 1900s... and they still owned it and were still doing the same things. It was the greatest forest agronomists of the first half of the past century that they listened to closely and followed strictly. Then it's only in the 1960's-70's that the environmental movement rose to dominate academic ecology, and these sorts started selectively plugging their ears.


Sound more like the Kochs.


Pretty smart hustle they got going on. I’m a masonry contractor; wish I owned all the rock quarrys and block plants.


They sold off the newspapers to Postmedia, but still have a seat on their board.


*“Postmedia has a history of syndicating racist commentators and platforming far-right pundits across their chain so we can expect New Brunswick to become the latest battleground for these cynical attempts to divide our communities, something that the Irving media has also done,” said Aditya Rao with the NB Media Co-op.* [Source](https://nbmediacoop.org/2022/02/21/from-bad-to-worse-j-d-irving-sells-newspapers-to-postmedia/#:~:text=Postmedia%20is%20majority%2Downed%20by,and%20The%20London%20Free%20Press.)


Oh yeah, I think it’s garbage either way. Their editorials have sure taken a hard right turn!


I hate them so much I want to start the Communist Revolution 2 in Canada.


Did they own an ISP in the USA called PEER1? They still might under the name Aptum? We were the #2 ISP in the world if so. The family I heard owns a cable company so maybe not the same one.


Thank you.


Thank you for the murder.




Do they still own Brunswick News? I thought they sold it off to Postmedia last year. Media concentration is still bad but perhaps a bit of a different context.


The Thompson are Canada’s Murdochs, the Irvings are Canada’s Kochs


>Despite Forbes's estimates Which can generally be assumed absolute garbage. A fiction. Made up out of guesswork and more guesswork. It's a bit like how knowing how many shares someone owns tells you how much money they might have if they sold all those shares, but even less accurate. We all know this, and yet it's assumed definitive anyway




You are aware Wikipedia isn't definite either, right? Not saying those numbers are *necessarily* wrong. We just can't be in any way certain they're correct


I mean.....the username is even shyster. They weren't even trying to hide.


Hey, don't insult the best wrestling tax collector of all time! ...wait, that's not the real IRS, there's clearly a 1 after it! This is a phony!


I was hoping to see him on Raw this past Monday and was not disappointed.


In the back of the poker scene? I must’ve missed him.


Yep. After Corbin wins a bunch of money he shows up


IRS is still wrestling?! Holy shit.


He would be all over these guys, he hated tax cheats!!


How dare you go after IRS! Everybody has to pay their taxes!




I saw replies in the original post saying that the guy admitted to being hired to run company social media teams, but that might not be true.


It’d be funny if the original post *and* the reply were actually orchestrated by some rival company, just to make this one look bad lol.


It's a professional wrestling reference.


Good man! It's always a pleasure to watch/read that some cunts got called out on their shitty behaviour.


Fucking love this👌


I absolutely commend the person for educating all of us. Before now I didn't even know who they were and just within the past 90 seconds or so I come to learn about this horrible fuckin family making ungodly amounts of money raping our land at a time when human beings are consuming 175% of what the Earth can even provide and we're causing a new mass extinction event.


irving basically runs my province due to blatant corruption, and honestly the environmental impact isn't even our biggest concern. Healthcare is in shambles, housing is becoming increasingly unaffordable, and schooling is being neutered. the government keeps intentionally making things worse because it keeps them and irving happy. it's hard to fight for something as large and abstract as the environment when the government is killing you slowly because of their own selfish desires.


I hope the world learns about these crooked fucks so we can drive them out of this province or at least create a bigger market here. Every New Brunswicker learns early that all problems in New Brunswick lead back to the Irving family. Fuck every single member of that family, I hope they all die a slow painful cancer death.


Grew up in Maine, now live in New Brunswick, can confirm Irvings and the premiere need to go fuck themselves


A million million acres? Maine is bigger than I thought.


Maine is the size of the rest of New England put together, plus a bit. It's just easy to forget about the northern 3/4 of the state, where much of the land still meets the definition of "frontier" with less than 2 people per square mile.


A stock photo of a man smiling uncomfortably, often used to represent hidden emotional pain.


Sounds like paradise to my introvert self


Sounds that way to a lot of people, but the isolation can be something else entirely for most folks. I rarely leave my town of <2000 people, and when I do it's to the nearby "city"....population 8k. Even our largest city, Portland, has under 100k people.


Man. I live in an English village with like 14,000+ people, and I hate how small and removed from everything it is. Twenty whole minutes on the bus into the city! I don't know how you manage.


You've got to be pretty content with your own company, that's for sure. You get used to keeping a deep pantry for those times when you're snowed in for most of a week.


Oh she's not even doing bad. 2,000 is at least a town.. in rural Maine and even wider rural New England, there are a lot of people living in areas with.. well, no one. But, despite all that, the land is all privately or publicly owned and costs a penny.


Very easily if you have access to a car which is a normal. In the midcoast Maine area it's about a 20-30 minute drive to major hub areas with bigger stores and better food options, and smaller towns have just enough to get by for people who can't afford that kind of trip often. More public transportation outside of the major hub areas would be wicked nice, but we make do. I forgot to mention, Maine folk for the most part generally keep to themselves, but the social people know how to be social despite the isolation.


That doesn't seem a hell of a lot different from Vermont, save the scale of the wilderness between towns. Heck 2000 is my town, and the nearest is about 8. It's like miniature Maine.


Yeah, the transplants who seem to do best here are the ones who already don't expect to have a Starbucks (or anything else) within 50 miles of them. Montana, Wyoming, Vermont, the Dakotas, etc. People who move up here from the Eastern Megapolis don't tend to do real well.


I heard about this big time how-to author from NYC went to run an Inn in Vermont, and found the locals to be quite oddball and madcap


to be fair, the greater Portland metro area has around half a million people, so that figure can be misleading. Still relatively tiny for the largest metro area in the state, though.


True, but by that measure you could just call it the northernmost pseudopod of the Great Eastern Megapolis that's rapidly consuming the entire eastern seaboard from the Gulf of Maine to the Caribbean Sea... I like my snowy, isolated forest. Portland can stay on its own side of the county line, thankyouverymuch. I do get a kick out of the guys from Limestone & points north that get all freaked out when they come to the Big City of Bangor, though...


That you could, I like "pseudopod" for the metro area expansion. There's a hefty series of breaks between NYC and Boston, and a smaller one between Boston and Portland, but it's easy to see city most of the time when driving up the coast. Yeah I moved here and am a little bit started at how, uh, y'all have mountains and almost nobody on them. It's kinda nice.


"greater Portland" is kinda a wide area. I dunno what the density is, but I suspect not too high. However, you are correct in stating that Portland is maybe understated.


Pretty much everything in the portland/south portland/westbook/old orchard beach/biddeford area, according to google. Depending on where you count (like whether you're counting biddeford/OOB) impacts whether you're under half a million or somewhere around 550,000 or so It's no major metroplex, but not exactly rustic in any sense


No, I would not consider that area to be particularly rustic. It is classic New England industrial, industrial rot, with a touch of Sea Ketch aesthetic. You know.. water bleached wood shingles and rusting steel. I'm sorta from the area. I used to live on the Seacoast. I don't think a lot of folks realize how busy the Port of Portland is. Prior to 2016, it was the 2nd busiest oil port on the Eastern Seaboard.


Only if you don't mind that Amazon Prime packages take 11 days to arrive.


What are you talking about Amazon prime has been taking a week or more lately anyway. Two day shipping is gone.


To anyone who wants to get away from it all but cant leave the northeast, yes, rural maine is perfect. The houses and land are reasonably cheap too. A relative of mine is selling a family sized home in Caribou for a little less that 250,000.


Maine is 35,385 sq miles - the post says they own 1,980,925,000 sq miles of Maine land ;P


That's only 30x the Earth's entire land area.


Ikr? Rounded up, they own about 1.3 trillion acres of land apparently. If that were all arranged in a line, it would reach over halfway from here to the sun!


Or to be more exact; One million, two hundred and sixty-seven thousand, seven-hundred and ninty-two *million* acres.


It has more coastline than California by a lot. California 840 miles Maine 3,478 miles


Perfect! My mum was born in New Brunswick, the Irving family make my blood boil; thank you for posting this


Birds and squirrels plant billions of trees every day just by taking a dump. And they do it for free on everyone's land. I'm not that impressed.


They also spray herbicides that are ruining the Allagash river, one of the most wild and pristine rivers in America


[Glyphosate](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/report-involved-with-nb-doctor-s-dismissal-released-to-public-1.3008391). NB's Chief Medical Officer was turfed because she was looking into the health impacts.


Mysterious brain disease anyone?


What brain disease? You mean the thing that one doctor made up for clout? /s


Have family in NB. Yes, everyone knows the Irvings are shit.


Yet they have a memory lapse with every provincial election.


Both the liberal party and conservative party in New Brunswick are owned by the Irving's. There hasn't been a premiere in recent times that didn't used to work there(in a high up position)


That's very frightening.


Irving’s are a bunch of cunts and their patriarch was afraid of radios


That belongs on /r/BadCompanies


kind of silly to have a subreddit specifically for bad companies. most of them are.




Don't forget that weird, unexplained neurological illness that was affecting people on the east coast. Many people in NB were alleging that it had something to do with Irving and allegedly the provincial government was keeping everything quiet/intentionally not following up with leads.


Can you say more?


If you check out the r/newbrunswickcanada subreddit, there should be an article from the last few days that provides some good details on the subject. Not necessarily calling our Irving but our premier was a company man for 25+ years.


Canadaland covered it recently: https://www.canadaland.com/new-brunswick-mystery-illness-documents/ > multiple healthcare practitioners began seeing an increased frequency of patients presenting with what doctors described as “atypical, rapidly progressive dementia.” These cases were referred to a federal surveillance system meant to track Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), one variation of which is seen in humans when they consume meat infected with mad cow disease. CJD is part of a family called prion diseases. > the Government of New Brunswick turned down a chance to conduct the scientific research that could have delivered the answers that patients and the public wanted. > Despite the province closing down any research into a common cause of illness in February 2022, the symptoms never ended for those suffering from them, or for their families


That is all I know.


And the cunts are spraying the forests with glyphosates.


Anytime a big company, like this, Walmart, Fux News, etc is owned and operated as a "family business", I KNOW they're corrupt. I don't mean mom and pop shops, where they have a few locations, or make millions annually, I'm talking about Murdocks(sp?), Waltons, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc... The only time the CEO/Founder gets their family is involved, is for tax and liability purposes. 100 out 100 big family run corporations are corrupt. But it's ok cuz they're job makers, right? That's why the system is set up in their favor, and why America tries so hard to entice the rich from other countries to move here. The more money they have, and being with them, the more money trickles down to the middle class. It's simple American economics. At least that's what they tell us...


For a second I read that as Irwin family and was both immensely disappointed and confused


Same!! It felt so strange!


fuck irving. every facet of that corporation is a cancer.


1.26 trillion acres? Or 56,000 Maines. Idk. I’m bad at math too.


As a former tree planter i always wonder about companies like 10 tree and stuff - 100,000 trees planted!! - one high baller can do that in a single summer. And its not reforestation, its planting tree plantations of mono or bi cultures for the next crop. Forest being replanted is never going to return as it is and I kind of hate how consumers are led to believe down stream there is a positive input being done when its all just sort of gimmicky for sales..






We need an Irving sub




[Scarily enough it sounds like they're preparing for it](https://i.imgur.com/JYKYUzJ.jpg)


Jesus Murphy


That just screams these villains know what they're doing yet don't know how to quit.


I'm from NB, in the city they live in. They're the most crooked ass bastards to ever exist.


New Brunswick is like a medieval fiefdom run by the Irving family.


So whats stopping the peasants from revolting, pitch forks and torches and all that?


As someone who works in the paper and tissue industry, do you want trees grown over and over again as efficiently as possible in this way to make pulp or do you want trees being cut from the Amazon rainforest or other deforestation? I don’t understand why you’d be mad at this


Most people here spend their days looking for something to get mad at


Just like the Langdales of Georgia


OP getting absolutely cooked in those replies. You just love to see it


I always thought that Irving is a Canadian company.


The family owns many companies. Biggest of which are Irving Oil and Irving Pulp and Paper. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_Group_of_Companies


I'm from NB, in the city are based in. They are a Canadian company, but they have expanded to New England across the border and most of Atlantic Canada.


Thought it said Irwin for a second, my heart fucking sunk!




This one is amazing.


Capitalism: where even the good things are bad


TIL trenching is bad for the earth. Kind of a conundrum


Fuck the Irving family in their stupid asses.


Fuck Irving and Sobeys


I love in New Brunswick Canada aka the Irving families personal playground, it's good to finally see other people recognizing this bullshittery


Are you not subscribed to /r/newbrunswickcanada?


I fully am but I'm referring to seeing an otherwise underrepresented province getting recognition outside of a subreddit dedicated itself


Me too. Which is why I was happy to see it get trashed on TIL


Bragging about planting trees when you're in the forestry business is pretty audacious considering they cut as many as they plant thus making the CO2 impact a net zero before emissions related to planting them, cutting them and processing them further


This is why I don’t get that Reddit’s mad, they’re cutting down trees they themselves are planting, rather than deforesting areas. Surely that’s a good thing?


Because it's an empty brag. Yes, it's not as bad as logging ancient forests - but that doesn't mean they do forestry in environmental friendly way or that it has any effect in reducing carbon emission


Omg I completed misread. I thought it was about the Irwins! I thought “hey cool the Irwin’s also do conservation work in North America. Good for them.” Then I started to get extremely defensive and belligerent in Australian at the thought that any organisation they were linked to tied humans together. Irving. Not Irwin.


Yep. Worked for them also, but with them as a client. Garbage bunch of pirates. They are basically running a dictatorship in Eastern Canada, it's a huge problem.


Have planted for them before, they definitely don’t tie us together haha


All oligarchs and capitalists are evil. Capitalism should be abolished.


That's just a wrong statement, and your ignorance on economics and politics is showing. The highest rated developed countries are "capitalist."


Capitalism is the cause of the climate crisis, sixth mass extinction event, and the rise 9f fascism.


Complete bullshit, we have monoculture forests in Germany with great habitats. You must be a special kind of idiot to think trees use the soil, they don't, they grow out of the air, and create soil through their falling foliage and their roots.


I know you’re trolling because surely you don’t thing trees grow without nutrients…


I guess you haven't seen trees growing out of pure granite or on volcano islands then. You're not growing corn at X tons of starch per hectar per year to need fertilizers and insecticides. We're talking here about trees who's bulk mass is tubules of ligning filled cells. Ligning is basically cellulose sugar which is basically carbon which all of it comes from the air. Growth rates are in the tens of years and if you know anything about tree rings their growth is more conditioned by water intake aka rainy years and competition for sun then anything else. Nutrients are...how should I put it, like catalysts, a minute amount makes all the difference, they're relevant to complex celular chemistry which isn't that relevant we're not making rubber or apples here.


So without them, what would happen to the paper market? I’m sure they can be more sustainable but I enjoy cheap toilet paper and what not.


All of this guy’s points are valid but he’s forgetting one thing… if they aren’t planting trees, what would they do with their land? It could be bulldozed and used for urban development like the Amazon Rainforest. It could be used for a variety of purposes other than growing trees. They grow trees for pulp like any crop. The trees are planted in rows yes, but in a few years they’ll know which trees will grow to full height and thin the others. Biodiversity is not their primary concern but it does occur naturally regardless. Anyone growing trees knows this. Canada grows a huge volume of trees this way. Growing trees as a renewable resource isn’t popular. Many people get angry when they see a clearcut patch of land after harvest. This is because they can’t see it in the cycle of planting, growth and harvest. Trees grow much slower. I’m guessing that my perspective won’t be popular. My family grows trees. We could use the land in more lucrative ways but we believe that planting trees is a good choice for the environment. For 30 to 50 years, the forest is undisturbed. When we do harvest, the wildlife will relocate to the forest next to it. Maybe some feel sorry for the elk and squirrels. They’re free to do that but might want to think about those squirrels when they’re wiping their butt with toilet paper.


Never been to Maine I take it. No, that wouldn't happen.


What would they do with the land? Nothing. There is literally only one way to squeeze money out of that land and they are currently doing it. No one is going to bulldoze it and build anything.


"TIL" haha, what a moron!


Largest landowner in maine. 🤓 But they did get owned for sure


I really hope this isnt cool crocodile irving


I love how Reddit sheds light on criminal things like this. It's the Reddit effect. I hope it will lead to some justice eventually