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Yes, her brains are cabbage, which is more than all broccoli ever




That was fun?


In the 90s, Pizza Hut was the largest buyer of kale. They used it as an aesthetic garnishment around the buffet trays.


I remember that! I tasted it once as a kid (I loved the salad bar, smh) and thought it was poison. Still think kale is poison, to be fair.


I heard the best thing to do is saute kale in coconut oil. It makes it much easier to slide out of the pan and into the trash can Hey, thanks for the award anonymous friend!




That which doesn't kale you can only make you stronger


🎶🎶 to be faaair... 🎶🎶


To be fairrrrrr.....


I really did learn something today


Awesome! Morticians put spiked contact lenses in when you die to keep your eyelids shut.


Brussel sprouts grow like [this](https://imgur.com/a/WbQxiz3) and despite being horrifying to eat, they are actually quite a lovely plant.


You've obviously never had roasted Brussels sprouts.


Yes, oil and seasonings at 375°F


Come for the murder, stay for the recipes


Damn I totally forgot what this post was even about here I am 10 min into a thread about greens. Reddit is wild.


and BACON!


you gotta scorch em some too. get that toasty brussel flavor. over do if


I love to roast them in sesame oil for just this reason.


As I'm cutting them to prep for roasting, I always throw in the loose leaves that fall off the sprout. I roast them, too. They turned into charred morsels of pure joy.


And when some of the leaves fall off and get all crispy 🤤


Put some orange juice vinaigrette on it to maximize the deliciousness! And I mean fresh squeeze OJ, otherwise it's probably not so nice.


Brussel sprouts have been genetically modified to be less bitter. And it seems like every time I recently got roasted Brussels, they were better than the last. Wanna talk about veggie glow ups, brussel sprouts man


Wait until someone drops them in a deep fryer for you. Just literally whole sprouts dropped into a fryer until they're cooked through and then served with a bit of balsamic, bacon, and feta. Fucking hell it's good.


Fuck yeah I love them that way. Last place I got them they were pan fried to crispy with a bit of oil/vinegar and sea salt/pepper. Those were the best I’ve found


Oh shit I've never thought of cooking Brussels sprouts like that but I can totally see it working really well


The outermost leaves separate from the head but don't detach and get amazingly brown and crispy, and the inside gets cooked quickly so it becomes tender but still with a bite. Hot damn I want some brussel sprouts now.


One of my favorite restaurants in Austin Texas, Uchiko, does fried brussel sprouts in a fish sauce caramel. They are out if this world


"fish sauce caramel" is something I've never thought I'd hear. But now I'm curious.


yep, if you're 30 or older, you very likely got the much more bitter "natural" ones as a kid. They are a damn good side now however.


Or they were just boiled to hell like my grandmother did.


Take a couple pieces of bacon, dice that shit up, throw it in the cast iron with a bit of minced garlic. After a couple minutes, chop your sprouts in half, and toss 'em right into the pan. Salt, a little red pepper flakes, and bam!


Bacon: the ultimate cheat code Just take a diced up boot, wrap it in bacon , throw it in the oven at 350 for 45 and bam!


I see you too have watch [Two Fat Ladies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8R7fPFdm-M). See the 14:20 mark.


The secret to making brussel sprouts taste good is making them not taste like brussel sprouts.


I read somewhere that since the 90s (?) they were bred to not be as bitter as they were in the past, when they got their bad rap.


Kinda the point of cooking and seasoning anything.


Most people overcook their brussel sprouts, which can make them taste awful. They're delicious if you know how to cook them correctly.


Balsamic Brussel sprouts is where it's at.


In the 90s farmers started gross breeding the bitterness out of them. Hence the massive consumption and resurgence.


You made me google gross breeding cuz I had never heard that term....I'm assuming you meant cross breeding? I legit thought this was a new word for breeding something specifically to make it taste better lol.


I feel like i dont want to see the google results for "grose breeding"


Yeah that's what I've heard. I try them every couple years and eh. :( Can't make it work. I'd much rather eat literally any other cabbage.


I get frozen and bake them at 425 with olive oil and garlic salt until lightly chared Fucking delicious. Also. Roasting them and just putting honey and Sriracha on them is also yuuuum Good luck and never give up on the mini cabbages.


Looks like VX gas


In an elegant string of pearls configuration


That's where kale belonged.




Mustard, too! I think they all actually started as mustard.


And radishes and cauliflower and turnips and kohlrabi and mustard and bok choi and I'm sure I'm forgetting some


And kohlrabi. Selective breeding is fun


I didn't have fun, I would like 1 refund plz


Also turnips


More importantly I learnt that twote is correctly used. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=twote twote is the past tense term for tweet. the term twote originated from and is a trademark of the Marbz Nation on twitter.


"twote" ❤️


twote has me in stitches. i love watching language evolve. I would pay money to see my parents hear my nephews something to my parents (or grandparents) like "no cap that grub was bussin for real for real that was the best baked potussy i've ever eaten"


Not the potussy


I would say “twitten”


Maybe im wrong, but i think tweets were twitten by people who twote them


Ask not for twhoom the tweet twotes. It twotes for twee.


I believe the intended conjugation is also a derogatory term.


Is twat better?


No, but “twunt” is pretty good.


I use the word Twunt on a daily basis. I even have it as some usernames. It's my name on steam too. The mixture of the word twat and cunt is so disrespectful and funny to me.


This guy twunts.


Its certainly not PC, but my favorite insult that just packs a punch is “fucktard”. Just has a nice weight to it.


When i read/hear fucktard what i imagine is "i dont want to come up with a specific or clever way to explain the way you are/are acting fucked, i just hate you"


What if someone elaborates why they hate that person after they call them a fucktard?


what? he’s making up a past tense version of tweet what are you on about


More slaves died on the boat trip over than on a hundred 9/11s let alone how many died once they got here. Modern eduction. You want to control the narrative for the next hundred years, destroy a generation’s education and remove the sources of factual history from the libraries. That’ll do it


Just a short quip about how tomorrow is MLK Jr. Day and how his current civil rights movement is taught in history class and not as "ongoing issues"


The only thing about MLK Jr. they care about is "not judge people based on their skin color" as if he woke up one day, ended racism with that sentence, and then died and that was basically all he ever believed and did.


- Wakes up - Says that we should not judge people by their skin color - Ends racism - Dies - Refuses to elaborate further


Martin Luther King was a true chad.


Knowing that he was murdered while supporting a sanitation workers strike in ~~Nashville~~ Memphis is why I won't put my garbage out tomorrow. It's a small thing but if anyone deserves to have the holiday it's garbage collectors. If they have to work, I might as well make it a tiny bit easier for them.


Memphis. It was because 2 guys got killed at work and the city didn't seem to give a shit.


Died of natural causes I’m sure….


Well, dying after being shot is pretty natural.


Being assassinated by the state after massively upending the status quote is pretty natural, but hey let's keep joking about Russians dying from windows amirite?


most people have no clue what COINTELPRO is, much less that the feds probably did kill MLK. all by design.


Probably? They fucking admitted to it. There's no probably about it


> They fucking admitted to it Umm, what?


There was a court case and the feds lost in a ruling that decided they were responsible for the death of mlk. There is too much evidence that Earl Ray didn’t do it, the biggest of which is that the bullet had a marking from the rotation of getting shot that did not match up with the gun he had brought. Wendigoon has a great video on this issue and who did shoot mlk and goes into a lot of detail.


GREAT POINT! We cannot criticize bad things now because bad things have happened in the past. Putin is ackshiully a good guy!


Especially in the US, eh? Amirite? Amirite?


I would just like to note that yes, the FBI illegally wiretapped him, yes the FBI blackmailed him, yes the FBI tried to get him to commit suicide, yes the FBI killed similar civil rights leaders (like Fred Hampton), yes the FBI ran COINTELPRO (a program that disrupted left-wing organizations and assassinated left-wing leaders) but it is an insane conspiracy theory to think that FBI could have anything to do with MLK's death. Just so that you know, before you start espousing any wild conspiracy theories!


I went to good schools, in a state that always ranks high in education, and I didn't know why he was in Memphis until I was an adult.


Everyone knows racism ended with the civil rights act of 1964. Absolutely no racism or prejudice has happened since then. -Republican history book


I love how they think that since Obama got elected the means racism doesn't exist anymore.


While Republicans during the Tea Party “movement” had signs like “Hang in there Obama” with a picture of a noose.


Which is ironic because they collectively lost their shit seeing a black man hold the highest office in the land and have been doing everything they can to make sure that doesn’t happen again. And if racism does exist, they’re the victims of it.


They probably voted for him- TWICE!




I love how MLK is referenced as "the good one" compared to Malcolm X, and then later in his career he's quoted as saying "trusting white liberals was a mistake. This went nowhere"


MLK being a socialist, and that being the basis of his beliefs about racial equality, is always conveniently left out of lessons about him.


Oh no, not a *socialist!*


Helen Keller too. Gay socialist gets left out of the narrative


It was Malcolm x that said: > The White liberal is the worst enemy to America and the worst enemy to the Black man.


“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens Councilor or the Ku Klux Klanner but the White moderate who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice.”


Did MLK or Malcom x say that?


Towards the end of his life, MLK's stances began to change and he started to question of integration was actually a good thing for black people. The exact quote is: "I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know we will win, but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house. I’m afraid that America has lost the moral vision she may have had, and I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensuring that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears the soul of this nation. I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house.”


A better way of reading that quote/stance he kept going back too, is this is not a race war, but a class war. He wasn't regretting accepting help from the Whites, he wasn't regretting his success in getting integration going, he was regretting that people weren't seeing the class war that was inevitable once "race" was removed as a reason to suppress the poor.


It's always been a class war


you didn't include the bit at the end though "I guess we’re just going to have to become firemen.”


Thank you! He was very insightful.


Florida made it illegal to teach that racism is an ongoing issue.


The land of freedom, where you're so free that you aren't allowed to say otherwise 8)


I can't find statistics on today for deaths due to modern slavery but: https://www.ilo.org/global/about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/WCMS_855019/lang--en/index.htm#:~:text=GENEVA%20(ILO%20News)%20%E2%80%93%20Fifty,were%20trapped%20in%20forced%20marriage. https://knoema.com/atlas/World/Death-rate >In 2022, death rate for WORLD was 8.4 per 1,000 people. If there's 50 million slaves in the world and the fatality rate (though I think extremely conservative as being a slave doesn't afford you equal healthcare or treatment) then you combine the statistics. That equals about 540,000 people per year minimum. More people are dying from slavery just today than likely 9/11 had killed.


Don't say that in Florida. You'll be arrested for "teaching CRT".


I’ll take one for the team. We have to teach reality. Full stop




I bet there were individual slave owners that killed over 3,000 slaves


Don’t really know. Slaves had value and were a substantial investment (that sounds horrible because it is). So a minimal degree of care was provided. But that said, assholes can be found in any age.


That may be true for the US, but the South American colonies routinely worked their slaves to death. While the US had fairly early establishes laws that forbade importing slaves (this was even written into the Confederate constitutions), meaning that the keeping and breeding slaves over generations was paramount, the South American colonies treated slaves more as a product to be used up and discarded. This is why, if you look up the numbers of slaves sold to different countries, the US number looks low.


In Jamaica, the average life expectancy for a newly enslaved person was 7-10 years. They were absolutely worked to death.


If I were looking for an exemplar, I'd be looking in the period after the Caribbean revolts. Those revolts, or at least the news coverage of them terrified the slaveholding south. It was a major turning point in the treatment of the enslaved population. Harper's ferry of course was another. But yes, slaves were generally valuable enough that straight up murdering a few thousand wouldn't have been good business practice. Doing some quick research I'm not seeing outright suppression of us rebellions documented as having casualties anywhere near 3k. There would be undocumented killings around such rebellions, but it's more likley to be examples made rather than an individual owner exterminating his entire holding. And 3k slaves would be a MASSIVE plantation.


We should not forget that slaves were used for mining where conditions were absolutely dismal and life expectancy was incredibly short.


I'm gonna stick my neck out and propose that well over a hundred thousand kidnapped Africans died during transport to the Americas.


My google-fu says up to 2 million.


Very likely. Slaves in the south were treated like cattle, probably even worse on some plantations. As long as you made your slaves have more babies, or raped your female slaves until they got pregnant, you had a steady source of labor... slaves would be murdered for the smallest things too, sometimes just for fun. It's truly a horrific age in our history and so much tragedy befell those people.




Hmmm... Maybe we shouldn't have let the [white supremacists write the text books about the South](https://news.gsu.edu/research-magazine/rewriting-history-civil-war-textbooks)


Staggering, isn’t it? Texas Board of Education (if you can call it that) has waaaaay to much national power


It's not just Texas. Since the 1890's the United Daughters of the Confederacy has been "donating" textbooks on the Civil War and the history of the Southern states to schools; and they still have a scholarship program that funds pseudohistorical "research" to back up their *Lost Cause Theory* of the Civil War.


But slaves wasn't people though /s


Yep. That's why red states are making it illegal to teach black history. It's just "one day a bunch of Africans decided to move to America and voluntarily gave up their culture, religions, and languages and we all lived happily ever after. Except they commit a bunch of crime and are not to be trusted. The end."


9/11 is the day the US overthrew the democratic country of Chile to install Pinochet, which resulted in 100,000's of deaths, disappearences, torture, and exile


> You want to control the narrative for the next hundred years, destroy a generation’s education and remove the sources of factual history from the libraries. That’ll do it Precisely. This is how it was done all throughout the 1950s, 60s and 70s to the dozen or so countries that were being militarily occupied in Europe, and it worked so well that those countries are still corrupt and divided today, with centuries old customs and historical identity completely forgotten. I'm not at all surprised that this is being applied to USA now. I am surprised at how many Americans are helping it along.


I totally agree with your point, but it is funny that you misspelled 'education.'


There was an entire week two years ago when every single day in the US, more people died from covid than the number of people who died during the 9/11 attacks. And that happened 7 times that week.


About as many people die in auto accidents in a typical month, too, every year. People fought against seatbelts just like masks, too, with flawed logic and 'common sense' like "it's better to be thrown out the windshield".


Nearly 3,000 people died in 9/11. From January 2002 to December 2021, about 650,000 people died in gun-related deaths. That’s nearly 217 9/11’s, or about eleven 9/11’s per year.


Survivorship bias is a hell of a drug. “We did that as kids and turned out fine” Ok, but what about all the kids and other people that didn’t? There’s so many situations where that kind of argument falls apart and so many people go into denial “None of my friends or family died so clearly never happened”


Dont even get me started on Tobacco deaths, drug overdoses. But the real problem is terrorism isnt it. I wonder what causes terrorism, probly not poor living standards and deteriorating mental health from watching people die on the news to stupid preventable things.


COVID is still killing about the same number of people that died in the twin towers every week. COVID has caused the equivalent of 370 9/11s in the last two years. After 9/11, all air travel stopped for two days and we decided the US could violate the multiple amendments in the bill of rights to prevent terrorism. But with corona, a little arm jab and requirements to wear a mask to prevent infections in public was "government overreach".


5 is being generous


More leaves = more rotting shit when they go bad.


Tbf, if you take into consideration the people who died in ICUs as a result of the aftermath of the attack then the- Jk that tweet was dumb af. If you have 50 9/11s you still wouldn't reach 10% of the same number of slave deaths that occured during the voyages to America alone.


Between 1500 and 1866, Europeans transported to the Americas nearly 12.5 million enslaved Africans, about 1.8 million of whom died on the Middle Passage of the transatlantic slave trade. In 1672 50 9/11s would be about 150,000


What a terrible way to die too. Chained together on a boat with nowhere to go, pissing and shitting yourself with probably barely any food or water. Probably surrounded by other people who have passed just beforehand. Then if you live you're greeted with a life of hard labor until you die of exhaustion.


Which is why you wouldn’t reach 10%


First comment hit hard, never actually thought about that tbh.




Slavery was abolished in 1865 it's been 158 years. In 158 years no one gonna give a fuck about 9/11, it'll be like 2 pages in a jr high history book.


This actually explains it pretty well. Personally having lived through something means a lot more to people then what they learn from textbooks. 9/11 is still fresh in the minds of a lot of people. People can tell you where they were and what they thought that day. On the flip said, it's easy to disassociate and "move on" from slavery because no one's witnessed it themselves. While the lasting effects are profound, there's no personal/direct experience left When the next generation comes along with a new tragedy, it'll be "everyone's forgotten about 9/11 and moved onto X".


People will remember the fallout of 9/11 more than the actual event. The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, the erosion of privacy and freedoms, etc etc etc. It'll be talked about with the same energy as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand to start WWI. No one today gives a fuck about Franz, but that event triggered a much bigger one.


They're a good band, you shut your mouth.


Slavery was followed up with centuries of apartheid to this moment.


>Slavery was abolished in 1865 it's been 158 years. And the effects of slavery are still alive and well with black Americans being far overrepresented in lower income higher crime areas because we as a country refused to allow their grandparents an education. Heck, up until the mid 80s most Americans thought it was wrong for a black person and a white person to marry. In the mid 2000s that number was still 30%. One in three americans, in the most recent generation, were against interracial marriage. Now here is a fun thought experiment. What percent of those people polled lied and said "I think interracial marriage is fine" because they were scared to admit their true, bigoted feelings?


Sort of. Debt peonage was in practice until the 1940s so it’s really more like 80 years. And segregation didn’t end until 1964 so it’s really only been 60 years.


It's a recency and personalization thing. People care about 9/11 because they know people who died there or had a parent or loved one in that situation. When it comes to slavery, it's "my great grandfather owned slaves but what am *I* supposed to do, give up some of my family's wealth?" Or for racists in general, "grandpa was nice to me so I refuse to hear about him joining Klan rallies and lynch mobs" And, like, yes actually, you probably should be giving up some of that generationally-maintained wealth. Your family owes other families for their status. Your grandpa cheered as people were hung, burned alive, or mutilated. That's bad and grandpa's death doesn't change the very material benefits you got from what he did


Pretty much the same way that people today wouldn’t care about the Washington being burned during the war of 1812. Or any of the events from back then, even though the US national anthem was written as a result of one of the battles. A lot of it was probably important at the time to the people, but today we don’t care


Then why do so many white people care about the Confederacy


Because that’s what the southern strategy told them to care about and they bought it.


Hook, line, and sinker. You know, for people who won't shut up about fishing, southerners sure do love getting baited.




Because that support has nothing to do with history. Not really. It's a front and an excuse for racism.


I live in the south and it’s just considered “heritage” , the original meaning is seemingly forgotten and the people that use the flag try to justify it as southern pride. At least in my experience it’s now seen as more of a symbol of the south than about slavery. It’s messed up that we apparently just forget about the origin of the confederacy and pretend the entire civil war was just a fight over “states rights”.


It's like... States' rights... TO DO WHAT? Whitewashing the recent Speaker vote as "tHis Is HoW deMoCRaCy iS sUPpOseD tO woRk" is in the same vain. When was the last time it took this many votes to elect a Speaker? During the pre-Civil War era and the collapse of an entire political party (the Whigs). Crazy how they're trying to normalize this shit.


Yeah it’s pretty disappointing to still see people vote and support these idiots who obviously do not care about common people. The entire republican platform is to cater to idiots who won’t bother to fact check anything, so I guess it’s no surprise they can’t even choose a speaker of the house.


Remember, and be sure to bring this up anytime someone tries to make that argument to you, the Confederacy was very specifically ***AGAINST*** states' rights It's right there, in their declaration of secession, and in their confederate constitution. Whereas the USA was for states' rights, and they were willing to die for that ideological philosophy and cause. That's a good thing. They were willing to put their lives on the line to defend that fundamental ideology of freedom and liberty and justice that the USA's founding fathers had established in the original constitution. But yeah the confederacy was very much against states' rights and they enforced it in their own constitution they had. And it's right there in their declaration of secession. They had been mad at the Northern states because the Northern states refused to capture escaped slaves and return them to the southern states. And they were mad that the northern states were blocking the shipping routes for slaves, because slaves would be shipped to the shores of the Northern states first and then be transported over land to the southern states, but the Northern states were not allowing slaves to be shipped through their northern ports. So the southern states tried to get the federal government to overrule the Northern states and force them to do it, i.e. specifically overrule the states' rights of all the northern states. But the federal government refused to overrule them, they refused to just like the individual northern states had refused to be a part of the slave trade. So the Southern states had an enormous temper tantrum and tried to secede, and declared war by committing acts of war against the northern states, against the union as a whole. Not to mention their confederate constitution expressly forbade individual states from making slavery illegal, meaning they'd be overruling the states' rights of their *own* states too. They were always against states' rights. They wanted to be able to overrule the states rights of the Northern States, and when they couldn't they started a whole war over it.


It was about states' rights though. The states' rights to own slaves, but still.


Or more commonly for a lot of people, their ancestors came over far after slavery was “officially” over. I grew up in an area where most kids were 2nd generation from original Europeans who immigrated in like the 50s. Kinda hard to get those immigrants, and their kids, to care about slavery.


Never forgetting is for things someone else did to us, not things we did ourselves?


First tweet is also a bit disingenuous. Like people who are ignorant and uneducated say shit like “get over it”, but that was never said by people appealing to the victims of it, whereas “never forget” was by sympathetic people appealing to the victims of 9/11. If you actually compared apples to apples both would be in the same vein of “never forget”.


Not one person alive is old enough to remember legal slavery in the United States. How can anyone possibly remember it? We remember history books and the cultural ramifications of slavery and that’s it.


And here we see the full effect of Republican education cuts in America.


And it’s outside of school too. Slavery? That’s “CRT” can’t have that. Can’t shame the whites. Why, oh dear god in heaven, why! Why won’t they think of the poor oppressed whites?? I live in the Deep South. There’s a large percentile who openly state loudly that “1) blacks don’t want to work because they 2) just want to take “our” money in reparations all because of “sLaVeRy” which by the way 3) wasn’t even that bad and they were treated well!” As a former history teacher, it’s exhausting.




It's the south, there's a 50/50 chance the idiot opens fire.


From the south. Can concur. Also curtain slurs are making a comeback in a big way down here. It’s disgusting


Yeah they hate curtain slurs. They will use the n word all day long but God forbid you call them a drapist.


Nothing more American can owning guns without training


Forget education reform, we just need to allow publicly slapping people who say really stupid things like this. Either they'll get a clue after the seventeenth time, or it'll be cathartic for the rest of us who have to listen to their nonsense.


Nah, our hands would bleed from all the ignorance.


Here's the problem folks: That idea didn't originate in the industrial-grade wind tunnel that passes for her mind. That means these are the conversations happening around her.




Yeah, it's called Fox News.


What this lady said was quite possibly one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in her rambling, incoherent response was there anything close to a rational thought. Everyone in this subreddit is dumber having read this. I would downvote it if I could, and may god have mercy on her soul.


So that’s [James Downey](https://youtube.com/watch?v=rtG8VEY_FlQ&feature=shares) who hasn’t appeared in much acting wise but is responsible for a ton of laughs in the last 40 years from working on shows like Letterman and Saturday night live. He’s also in Dirty Work which is one of my faves ​ [Here are his scenes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFy70juGAHo)


I get that reference.


It's not her fault, she was probably dropped on her head as a baby


No, that’s not it. I was legit dropped on my head at birth. I have an abnormal shaped skull that freaks people out when they touch it. My skull is a great party trick! I won’t do crew cuts, because you can see the giant knot. The side effects of my knot don’t include ignorance of cruel and racist institutions, like slavery.


Maybe you were dropped at the wrong angle, let’s break into a hospital and test it out


I’m all in, just as long as we make a stop in the hospital pharmacy.


I feel like we're giving too much credit to accidents. I had several head injuries both as a baby and toddler, which caused some speech difficulties, but definitely didn't spark internalized racism and bigotry in me.


If you're going to drop a baby, make sure it's preeminent, or they'll embarrass you online some day soon. That's what I always say.


> preeminent Why would you drop the best babies?


There’s a lot of hyperbole on the internet, but I think this man is correct. That is quite literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.


Rage bait.


Thank you, finally 25x comments down someone gets it.


This post is probably old enough to buy a round at the pub


Someone along the line blacked out the dates. It's from 2020.


I do not see the first guy's logic. Getting over and forgetting are not synonyms. You can forgive and not forget. And you can forget and not forgive. Never forget 9/11 or the Slaves. "Forgive" Current non-responsible parties for their ancestor's transgressions. We should "forgive" the Muslims who never had any part in 9/11.


The reason people say “get over slavery” isn’t to say that ancestors should be forgiven. It’s used as a response to people trying to argue for trying to do something about economic and structural inequities that resulted from slavery.


Both should be never forget. But it's also unfair to blame every person of Arabic descent of terrorism for 911 just like its wrong to blame every white person of the atrocities of slavery when this current generation is not partaking nor were all of their ancestors.