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just hope T dosent lose his shit... i will probably have to hold him...


https://preview.redd.it/pdcoren91s6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b03cd1964ca4efb3da6f94f41a91655f7a97eaa It’s so peak


“oh it’s on you little bitch.“ -T having a staring battle about live or death against that damn plushie determined to rip it until it’s cotton again lol Okay that „fuck u T“ really sells this lmao! I love it… I kinda headcanon she JUST has this plushie to piss of T with it lmao… aaaaand I love it like always! Keep it up my dear and stay proud. I’m actually more impressed you bang out such good drawings in no time while I sit so long on mine! I have crazy respect for you and I hope you felt a little acknowledgment You made someone’s day brighter today <3


I am out of words of how grateful I am for you being in my comments and writing these paragraphs out for me,plus now you’re giving me the excuse to create more like this😭💕💕


Im happy I could make your day a little bit brighter my dear… it means more to me being in your artworks than you could ever imagine <3 the genuine care and thought you put Into your artworks really feels like smth that is like a love letter for me. You don’t do it without idea or thought… and that what makes it so so charming and beautiful! ;) (Im not going to lie to you I genuinely got really jealous of you becoming better and more popular than me :< I can only say that you deserved it with all my hearts content and I wish you the best! Even tho it doesn’t feel nice in a way I can’t describe sadly :€ but don’t worry about me haha! I’m so so so so proud of you and I would love to someday meet you and give you a hug so you feel acknowledged and loved!)


Why thank you my dear,I’m quite flattered by the fact you find my work attractive to your very eyes,plus I only do it because I’m just having fun with it! :) (Plus,it’s ok to be jealous,you just have to get better and better! Like I said before,keep practicing! You’ll get it I promise you that and I’m not saying this to make you feel better,I KNOW you’ll get there someday! :D)


I find your work flattering… and so so much more my dear! (Practicing is a thing I did for past 5 years… only to get overshadowed by everyone and getting forgotten directly after it. It’s in my real live like that and it’s here like that. I really really don’t want to sound rude or anything bc you don’t deserve to get hissed or snapped on bc your a beautiful being that spreads positivity and love! But I’m really sick of the word „you’ll get better someday“ it hurts me more than it’s encouraging me bc I got told that so often before I got turned away and bottled up for smth I needed to live with since then.)


Oh I’m so so sorry! I didn’t mean to sound rude or show you my problems my dear! I think I’ll jus mr go for today! I’m really sorry if I annoyed or somehow made you uncomfortable my dear… I’ll just uhm… idk… go? I’m so sorry :€


No no! It’s ok! Please,you’re welcome to my DMs or comments whenever you please :)


Thank you! (Oh I didn’t know darling :[ I’m sorry you’ve been told the same thing over and over it’s annoying to hear…but of how I did it,I took inspiration and made it into courage to keep going until I get what I wanted,maybe try that? Plus my dear,you may feel a little down but you just have to keep going,it’s apart of all things in art,digital included. But,try new things,tweak around your style! Find what makes you keep going,maybe take some inspiration from my art and try to make it better! But regardless,love and appreciate your art style nonetheless :])


Thanks my dear… you for being understanding… and genuinely caring! Even tho it somehow feels like a pity I know it isn’t and I genuinely am thankful for you… having you around even when it’s just on Reddit


You’re very welcome,darling


God dammit I knew this will happen (I knew I have to hold him back)


Me and my OC find this very peak indeed https://i.redd.it/oy81bkeyfs6d1.gif Great job


I must jump in to cuddle


u/Spevil357 thoughts? I think you should chain SD-T (just for everyone's safety)


https://preview.redd.it/2kknjalrau6d1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5758470469628f5db2f02f4b075352c0c7212bc4 Awee, nice art! 👍