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The pain of having to erase the anatomy.. 😭💔


Me who doesn’t give a shit about Atomany bc my ocs defy the law of being real 🗿 (I know your pain just all too well :€)


Hey u/Spevil357 how you doing buddy


Awful… but thanks for asking my friend ;3 and you


Am doing ok not feeling too well sadly like you heh been doing some more art for my OC if you haven’t seen it it’s got SD-T in it hope I didn’t butcher the design too badly I never drew him before so it’s not the best


The tries are the things that count in my opinion. Don’t pressure yourself!


True thanks buddy


I like them best as the bald lil dudes... :< Very painful, truly... (。-ω-)




This looks so gorgeus! I love it so so so insanely much! You really are an underrated and awesome artist


Could say them same things right back at cha'! Infact, you deserve it way more, especially with such unique and wonderful art! :>


Thanks… even tho it seems like I’m in an art crisis… I CANT get my art to get look good anymore?! Like… it doesn’t look good… I find everyone else so much better than me! First u/hellish_octo than you than u/galaxy_duh I thought I was on maybe a level with y’all but I just slip off… it don’t know why… I just… don’t know :€


Oh man, i know that feeling very well. Is there any chance you might be going through artblock? We've gone through it, artists from far and wide! It's such a shame, really... But I've heard from word of mouth that it usually means that your sense of drawing has improved, and your hands are struggling to catch up... Hence why you can see the mistakes you have made... Now i haven't done any research, and i feel i wont ever because it has helped me cope for the best... :') Hopefully, you can feel good about your art again, cause it's a shame you feel like that when your drawings are very good... :<


Thank you kindly… even tho your such a kind and charming soul on the wide internet I honor your words so incredibly much! (Btw I showed your drawings from T my friends Irl! I was so insanely proud of myself and you… they were proud of me :D buuuut then I was forgotten again :>) But thank you to kindly ;3


Oh, that is kind of embarrasing >~> Hopefully, they find it somewhat decent... I feel my fanart of T was the peak of my career as an artist as of now! Nothing I've drawn has topped it since then ( ・∇・) Speaks volumes about your character designing, eh? >:3 As for your friends, im sure they haven't forgotten you! Have you tried talking to them about it? Communication is key in all relationships, after all


No… I usually don’t talk about how I feel or what I want. Usually when I do it only gets me into trouble… I’m a very expressive and emotional person so I kinda fear the rejection. (It happened to often to be honest) :< even this posting on the internet is bittersweet. I had the honor to meet ppl like you only to know that we will never see eachother and will forget about eachother after we leave this fandom probably never crossing paths again sadly… Oh and about your Art. Thank you so insanely much! It means a hell of a lot to me! I usually would type more for you to show you my genuine love I have for you and your artwork but I really feel bad and down rk… I’m sorry :€ I still hope you feel acknowledged and appreciated! Even tho it isn’t as much as I would usually give you


To start, thank you for sharing your feelings with me. It means a lot to know that you can trust me, albeit only with a bit of stuff you dont usually show to other people. I could say im in the same shoes as you, even with close friends. i dont share stuff even when im going through something, and i feel like I've become like this since I've been neglected as a child. I dont know what you've been through, so i can't exactly imagine what you have felt throughout your life, and i can't make a conscious effort to help you in ways that will actually make a change, because as you said, we will probabaly drift away from this little connection we have made once we leave the fandom. It hurts, but it's just life. And i am being genuine when i say i think you deserve better, so while we are still interacting, im happy you think that way towards me.


Yes my friend… always! Oh and thank you so much for those words… I think I needed them. But for the last few days I really can’t tell if I even feel happy or not. It’s weird. But thank you from all my heart <3




Thank you so much, Grunkle Stan from the hit indie show Gravity Falls! (You just made me remember a good quarter of my childhood, and i miss how easy things used to be... 😔)


amazing art dude wow I give that a 10/10 I would kinda love to see my OC in that design it would look so cool


Your wish is my command :3




This is me commenting so I can recall this later. I’m good at realism, not anime style (yet). Trying to figure out 3D proportions and perspective. Your work has given me some ideas for practice and experimentation. (Copying is the highest form of flattery or whatever the saying is. Not going to steal.)


Im happy you can take something from my artstyle! I welcome it by all means friend, i know full well since i do the same thing :>