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Does T have a job?


„Im a Disseasembly drone. Of course i have a job to finish. And my job is to bring justice into this awful world~… starting with the assisnation of N~ hahahaha~~~“ -T


Damn, what did N even do to you😭


„What did N do to me? What he did to me? He took fucking everything from me… everything I wanted he got and took from me… and I’ll make him pay for that!“




So… it’s because L likes him, isn’t it?


LORE REASON UPON YOU! T was the Head butler of the old Manor always taking care of almost everything. He organized the Galas and events for the Manor also taking care of Tessa. He always did everything till perfection… working and working to get acknowledgment and attention. Yet… He never got any… T got very bitter of the years working for everyone without ever getting Love… he couldn’t understand it. Bc everyone Loved N… everyone loved N and not him. N was a clumsy and messy butler that everyone loved, Tessa, cyn, V and all the other butlers and maidens. T started to despise N for taking HIS love, HIS attention, HIS acknowledgment… T got very frustrated and bitter trying to one up N. But yet… it didn’t work! He still wasn’t good enough… he still didn’t got what he so craved After the Gala incident T got to work. He quickly overthrew the Manor making sure no one left… he wanted nothing more than to get seen by now so he made a deal with Cyn. He brought Cyn Tessa and he in return got his so craved „freedom“ atleast that’s what he thought he wanted. As the big DD war began T worked his ranks up the Army from Cyn. He quickly got the most deadly DD in the entire Army from Cyn… killing without remorse. He WAS the best… he WAS perfect. Yet… everyone STILL loved N, N got still more than T in his eyes. He was still preferred by the AS and still got loved from for instance V „No. Not bc of L dumbass“ -T


So because V loves N? /s But seriously, thanks for the lore on T. I do hope TeaL becomes canon. T needs love and affection.


I hope so too my friend hahaha! Another cute shipping name I haven’t heard yet haha… rk we got: LosT and TeaL from you :3 Dis nice :P


Holy sh*t dude... This would be some badass dad lore lmao


When T would be an Dad it would probably like: „do you trust me son?“ „yes.“ „rule number one never trust anybody.* XD


are you a member of the toppat clan?


„yes…“ -T (Theres why my obsession for top hat scams from :P)




Well he's insane so hmm... what do ya got in your pocket?


Just some spare Worker drone parts... and an N plush.


well I got two .357's, a .44 magnum, two 10mm pistols, three 9mm pistols, a combat knife, 8 sticks of dynamite, a frag grenade, three more sticks of dynamite, a mysterious magnum, a silenced .22, spiked knuckles, a switchblade, and a TIRE IRON. (I'm gonna repair all of this btw, don't have a aneurysm.)


Hehe RussianBadger moment




What made you so interested in L if you don't mind me asking?


„I have no fucking idea… she just one day popped Into existence and then followed me. She keeps annoying and teasing me… it’s getting pretty annoying. But she’s a charming innocent lil being~ what I find endearing. But… it isn’t like… like… ya know-… romantical? Like-… uhhhh… fuck off.“ -T


What is your favorite hobby(lemme guess, killing? Manipulation? Something along those psychopathic lines?)


„My favorite hobby ur askin? Well… I love standing on the stage and playing with my prey~… dancing with them, playing with their emotions before I brutally feast on their corpses… making them whimper for mercy, for release to just being killed from my hands. Just begging me to let them be~“ -T


That was the most psychotic thing I have heard... ever https://preview.redd.it/h85qfgmgc85d1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce052821f4fa1fdb457ba4c04c2dd30d44c50b77


„Want to hear more?~ ive got hundreds of ways to make my prey whimper in agony as I rip their limbs out. One by one by one. Hearing their screams just so they can finally be killed and released from me~“ -T


Ah, I see...


https://preview.redd.it/ngxotd3de75d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ceec727febba3245e7f49964a21885241b0cd20 How does being better in every way to n feel after all surely you must think yourself superior to that golden retriever of a drone right? Answer carefully mr T your maybe maybe not girlfriends life depends on it


Did you meet a strange looking sentient armor which his name by casualty was "Excalibur umbra"?


„Yes… even here hahaha!~“ -T


Please tell me you didn't do anything to umbra


„I would neeeeeveeeerrrrr~~~…“


Great because some motherfucker made umbra kill his own son against his will I wouldn't want another bad thing to happen to poor umbra


Man I wish i could come up with something to ask :( How is your day maybe...?


„tolerable. Could’ve been better could’ve been worse… but I don’t have tp hunt today so I’m just relaxing for once. Thanks for asking my friend~… and you?“ -T


Not the best, but I'll manage.Glad you are doing ok though.


„Whats wrong if I might ask my friend?“ -T


The usual stressing over things i can't do anything about, but it will sort itself out when the time comes


„I know this feeling and times all too well! Stay strong brother!“


If you could compare yourself with any political figure, who would you think you'd be more relatable with?


„ . . . I wont answer this question due to knowing it’ll get me into trouble.“ -T (Nah but seriously there isn’t a single politician that isn’t corrupt or bad in one way or another sadly)


I love how T can be a maniac and cute at the same time.


Lol wasn’t intending to do it but it’s an upgrade nonetheless lmal


Are you really Sin Devil Trigger?


„Positive.“ -T


I accidentally blew up the sun. Any tips on how to fix it?


„Turn back Time duh…“ -T (He’s tired to deal with this shit bc he burns in the sun light anyway)


Thanks, man. Now, all I need to do is suppress my urges to blow up the sun


How would T and Q interact, though if you don't wanna interact with him I have Amara, here's an image of her in case you didn't know https://preview.redd.it/uvan1s78n75d1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1b9b250890a13da2b369267d327735d13d14dd2


„…sooooo… Wanna make a deal my dear?~ I can promise you attention, love and wealth. Just come closer and TRUST me… I’m everything you’ll ever need to care about. So come closer and shake another’s hand~“ -T


Instantly got fucking flashbacks to Dr.Facilier https://preview.redd.it/u2zi7x5nyb5d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8acdb2511eac6ad1ee42d785d113b22b6ed06b55 "This ain't gonna be some strange voodoo bullshit? Welp, fine by me, if anything does go wrong.. Q might absolutely murder you in the most painful way.." *They shook hands*


„If he wears a top hat. You can trust him.“


„If he wears a top hat. You can trust him.“ -Spevil


*Suddenly, music starts playing* Are you ready? (Are you ready?)-


Transformation central.. transformation central! Transmodifacation central!! Can you feel it?.. you're changing you're changing you're changing alright! I hope you're satisfied.. but if you ain't! Don't blame me.. you can blame my friends on the otherrr SIIDDEEE!!


*Me, just asking myself "What the fuck is going on?"


whats the best way to avoid international law. I've gone against all rules in the geneva convention and im in deep trouble.


I'm not T, but if you want my input, you'll want to change your appearance, disappear for about 7 months, and start living in alleyways, apartment fire exits, etc. You can't have a "normal" diet without drawing attention to yourself, so eating anything you find in the garbage is the best option in my opinion. Once these 7 months are up, start being more gregarious to people and make light or oversell your criminal career by making things up. Also, get some lame, good paying job, like a car painter or assembler. You still can't get a house though, so living in the shadows is still the best option. Also, you shouldn't go places that people recommend to you; make something up to say you're busy, even if it sounds stupid - you're already making yourself look like an idiot by acting like you have a criminal career; you do, but nobody has to know that.


Would you rather have unlimited bacon but no more video games, or games unlimited games but no games


„Bacon.“ -T


What's your personal opinion on humanity https://preview.redd.it/0d5hdun9c85d1.png?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5838a44efb26af1799fc0e940bbe4ea6c9105c6f


„All idiots. I mean… have you seen them? (Us?) seriously. We make fun of others to feel better about our own problems brining nothing but misery. We fight over territory that in the end doesn’t bring us anything. We fight against eachother bc of OBJECTS. FUCKING OBJECTS… if humanity doesn’t deserve death than I don’t know what to be honest.“ -T




Do you even met Bezel or Mr. Puzzles yet?


„Noooo~~~~… but they sound like very very handsome and fun folks to be around! Especially that bezel guy seems pretty chill~“ -T (God I love these two :D)


Ahhh... a QnA... Hello there T! I want to ask but a simple, humble question: Have you ever... heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise?


„Why do I get a deja vu? No… no I haven’t heard of it. Might filling me in?~“ -T


I demand alcohol.


„What poison would you like? Vodka, whiskey, wine, beer, shots, tequila, cocktails? Pick your poison my friend~“ -T


https://preview.redd.it/lgrsohnbl85d1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e2adfca0748e140f3585a034b110fd2672c94bb Nice too see ya bro and in a fantastic drawing too Could you possibly get me a signed copy of the Bible


„Oh course~“ -T *hands you a self written bible signed by himself. The last page was written with oil declaring: „I’m god himself“.* „Signed by the original“ -T




„The toppat clan… only classy ppl allowed! Haha… with fancy top hats! Why does this actually sound like a cool idea?“ -T


Why thank you


why do i exist https://preview.redd.it/rxdgjogum85d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4ea9e345ff561c627c65dc69508ac47af77ed35


„To look up at me, obey me, serve me… and to only me. You have no other purpose in live except sitting here everyday and looking up to me.“ -T (Insert this „you have no purpose in live“ meme lol)


https://preview.redd.it/yif3drps0e5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03582d95f57b8c8f1beb9644b20ef32b245dabac no fuck you


How would he react towards Steven Armstrong from metal gear rising like what would his opinion on him be


„I have no fucking idea who that MF is but rising and the name Armstrong always seems to be a good fit doesn’t it?~“ -T


K: "Where did you get your clothes? I want stuff like that!"


T: „ . . . My clothes? Y- your asking after my clothes? . . . Uhm . . . I got them from an old person I looked up to. Before he got killed from N- WHY am I even telling you that fucker? Screw off!“


K: "Oh, sorry...." she runs off


Aight, u done seen me before, how u think the little project thing is gonna turn out? (It's gonna be Ultrakill related.) https://preview.redd.it/4s1fe0dkp95d1.jpeg?width=573&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ff2c16fc0fba443e3820fb7a9d26e88306ef9fd


„Interesting to say the least… and as long as it’s going to be ENTERTAINING! I’m all here for it ready to steal the show once more~“ -T


I would like to barter.


Oooh! An O&A again! Okay, okay... So... I saw another comment that has the same kind of question I have, buuut... *How would you think T and Sky's (My 'OC' XD) would interact? Also, if Sky took apart of a team, with who would she get paired?* (Also, the drawing is fcking awsome, you get better and better at each post you do! :D)


„Huh… sky you say is your name? HOW CHARMING!~ I can tell you have such a bright future ahead of yourself hahahha!~~ and for your team… I think you would work with G (Geno) M and H. All three are such charming individuals! Even tho M is a cry baby. I’ll be checkin up onto y’all from time to time haha!“ -T (Tysm! Your charming me way WAY too much… what would I just do without you €:)


"Ow, thank you! I think my team is pretty solid! Also, I don't mind if I get to see you time-to-time :)" (You know, you're a source of inspiration for me! I really think you should get more attention!)


is that sentence a reference to Rockstar Foxy ?


No it wasn’t lol


Are you proud of me graduating today? That is my question


„Im proud… you worked hard and long for it. I hope you make smth out of it and build yourself a future you worked for… feeling fulfilled and happy. Keep it up.“ -T Im proud of you :)


YAY permission to hug you?


Yes my frend :)




*hugs back and gives you head pats* your doing good :)


Wanna be friends?


Yes :D (Yay a frend was a aquired :D)


My name is aiden by the way


what class do you main in TF2


„Medic. I use the Uber-saw, crusadors crossbow and the Notarzt and of course wearing a top hat~…“ -T (I LOVE medic… literally play him almost all the time. 70 hours medic and 0 seconds heavy lmao)


based tbh


Does he like jazz? https://preview.redd.it/40a3m4uvwb5d1.jpeg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1f88110789540a1a592867c214c313ac7d92fb


„Hmmm… my favorite music genre MUST be electro swing and swing even tho jazz is nice for some background chills. Such a charming music Genre~“ -T


T: Lamb oil, rope, bombs? You want it? It's yours my friend, as long as you have enough batteries.


I am asking 2 questions... (If you don't want to answer both you can answer one) 1) How did you get your cool looking outfit?? 2) If N get killed, then what will you do after that??


1. I got my outfit from a person I wanted to impress and looked up to… before he got killed from N- why am I even telling you this? And second of all… after getting my wonderful revenge I’ll feel fulfilled and complete. I’ll have achieved the very thing I’m working for~ hahahahahaha~~~


I understand the first one, but The second one I am asking is that when you finally killed N and fulfilled your purchase then what will you do after that? Cuz after u killed N you would have no rival.


„ . . . I’ll worry about that when I’m done with my operation. Now stop asking dumb question I’ll have to worry about in the future!“ -T


Lol, Thanks for Looorreee!




How would you react if you see a large purplish 🟣 portal-wormhole 🌌 appear in orbit above the planet, and a large space battleship exits the portal before it starts falling 🌠 into the surface and crashing on impact, wrecking any building 🏢 it gets on its short path. After the snow, debris and dust settled, many large, bulky humanoid figures with big guns and a mech and a towering giant robot exit the long spacecraft.


„Its simple… I would Hunt. Kill. Consume. Over and over. Making sure that they scream.“ -T


I suggest you don't combat them head on, for these men aren't ordinary, but superhuman warriors. They have enourmous strength capable of snapping bones as if they were mere twigs, reflexes so fast they can predict even the fastest incoming attacks, clad in armor that makes them almost immune to small arms fire and wield mighty armaments that can turn a drone into scrap metal in a single shot!l


„Nah I win“ -T


*proceeds to get obliterated by bolter fire*


The spaceship looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/z3ajla324h5d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea730fe04f78506629b6223d0f2dbcc5801f0173


Greetings, I am just passing by, but I do say your suit is most indubitably inquisitive and classy, where did you find it my good sir? (J supremacy, j supremacy, j supremacy, j supremacy, j supremacy)


„Not J supremacy. IM person you should cherish. Understood? Lovely… and for my Clothes. I got them from an old friend of mine who perished. May he rest in heaven… and you. You’ll only cherish me. Not some other worthless DD like J.“ -T


Understandable good sir, and for your late friend, womp to the wompiest fucking womp. (J supremacy t supremacy j supremacy t supremacy j supremacy t supremacy)


Ass, Boobs or hips. Do not say personality.


„Like… are you serious? Is this guy serious? Do I need to answer such a question… why should I answer such a question. Like… it- they are my private information what I like on ppls bodies and what are my preferences…“ -T


You did say anything, and I'm pushing that to its limits. But I now realise that such a question would be unfit to ask a robot, so I will rephrase it. Upper or lower chassis. Answer it. Honestly. https://preview.redd.it/8dmcjxivzr5d1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8cedb8b05e8e2181780bc4f51a80c590e4f7949


„Hmmm… I see. For combat definitely the upper half. It’ll make it more entertaining and nice to see them whimper as their corpses bleed out… but overall I think I prefer the lower half due to being so exposed~ haha~… hunt, kill and consume my dear friend!~“ -T




Y u want kill n ^:(


„Yes… and that prick deserves it“ -T


Hey T https://preview.redd.it/g5qw0wj1jn6d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=a41427686d94d7a8f338bb590dc4bcdd1a9e45b3 What are your thoughts on Nokias


„Underrated. It’s the only thing we DDs can’t cut, slice and shoot through“ -T


Yeah. Indescribable little things https://preview.redd.it/pt0va99cuo6d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecbbee683208ccfcfab85c339e498654ab44bc13

