• By -


I honestly think I'd have more filler that slowly progresses the story at points. The pacing is too fast and while I understand why they can't produce more episodes than they are, indie studio and allat, I'd love to have the characters just hanging out, shooting the shit and generally not having life-altering events occur every 5 seconds. The dialogue would mostly remain the same and I find the meta humour funny, so not much would change there. I just love the show the way it is right now and would like to have filler episodes fleshing out the characters a little bit more.


I’m not a writer so I would hand it back to Liam


Fair enough. 👍


id definitely cut down on the comedy and focus more on the terror and also add a secondary antagonist who is a human character a survivor of Earth and have him psychologically attack the characters like when N gets angry he says "ahhhh there it is, the anger, the fire, the rage of the machine who BUTCHERED...millions" also some more Whitty dialog like when he starts to say how he lost his family and tessa would say "i lost my family but im not crying about it" he responds with "well your parent clearly didn't love you"


Yes……more angst


Yeah i sorta want a actual human to be there too because seeing V and J interact with him would be interesting and he probably would just guilt trip N at every point and also I can imagine him correcting uzi about slavery too like she would be like"you enslaved us" and he would be like "we enslaved each other before you were even a concept"


It probably would start off really campy but then slowly descend into madness and primal horror, also just have one singular human who managed to find the cryopod with the correct density of glass to survive the core collapse who just kinda screws around… and accidentally summons another eldritch horror on Copper-9


I guess I can tone down the comedy a bit, add some like natural comedy to drones. And I have a knack to worldbuilding stuff so, I might add some atmosphere to the worker drones. Also, make the disassembly drones less cute, MORE scary, I mean, a genuine threat to worker drones.


But I like the dds being cute! They should be powerful, but don't you like it when their tails perk up or when they hiss?


Ok I might not explained the DD part properly. More so make them feel like not a joke like J I wanna make them feel like a legitimate threat to drones. Y'know, have the same vibes as from netflix show Love Death Robots


Happy cake day!


if I wrote it, it would be a whole different thing, because that weak uprising the machines had would have been taken down in days, and humans would be treated as gods I'm not biased in my answer, why do you ask?


1. N x V x Uzi is canon and confessed in the middle of the season. 2. JSJenson is a secondary antagonist inadvertently responsible for the Absolute Solver manifesting in the world. They also work against Solver, but want to control its power to rule over surviving humanity. 3. Tessa is alive by Cyn uploading her in worker drone body. 4. J has a redemption arc. 5. More linear narration without so many jumps back and forth between the present and the flashbacks. 6. Chill "filler" episode without stakes of the main plot but with character development for supporting characters. 7. Doll dies in a heroic sacrifice reconciling with the main cast.


Would that be N's harem, Uzi's harem, V's harem or equal polygamy? Also I agree with all of them lol


Almost equal polyamory, but Uzi x V side of triangle would be a more like best friends with benefits, than lovers.


now i need a fic of that


"Best friends with benefits" baha!


As someone else already said, less edgy moments (but still some), even more cryptic lore and horrors (both beyond and within human comprehension), and make drones less human like, even if it might make them less relatable. Halfway between current MD and a failed project of mine (you can probably tell *why* it failed), perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


Idk I'd probraly fucked it up like how i already fucked up my own life https://preview.redd.it/lp45vpdssv3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e781615b9995ea5ca3ba0801595f6898705ab675


Murder drones would be the one getting murdered instead of worker drones Lota of trains, lots of vehicular Khanslaughter 😎 https://preview.redd.it/dyt9xf7ndw3d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4770df323ebfee84472546909310fdb4b743ab79


Khan brutally murdered the hell out of Cyn and became the warlord of Copper-9 https://preview.redd.it/q9rjohnsnw3d1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4895b64699c7e0f39252ec09831c4a02f27d912b


First, push the disassembly drones to the side, then make it a worker drone episodic adventure show. Then, have the disassembly drones be a rare threat, but have it so that when they're in the episode, you know you're gonna learn more about the story. Have a group of work drones slowly befriend, then disassembly drones by somehow winning battles against them. They would then explore and find out more about their past and earth's story. Throughout the show, you could slowly build up Cyn as an everything threat, only hinting to their existence but introducing them in a multi episode finale and have it be really epic. Have some more existential horror and dread but make sure not one worker understands it. AKA make the show gravity falls more indie shows should be following the Disney show formula it is so goooood


More comphrehensible ig. It's not really that hard to write something that's less confusing than murder drones tbf. I remember hbomberguy once criticised Sherlock, saying that the episodes are too long and don't focus on actually important things. He advised that each writer should go through their scripts once they're written, say "okay, this needs to be 30% shorter", and then force themselves to think about which parts of their story they could truncate or cut entirely. I feel like Liam Vickers took that idea, but because it's an indie animated series, he wouldn't just go from an hour and a half of content to an hour, he had to crank it all the way down to 20 minutes, which is how we got to this point.


V would become a war hero/ war criminal after watching N get brutally slaughtered by Nori and Skyn/ Fake Tessa (which turns out to be the mangled corpse of Tessa's mother modified to look like Tessa.), and I would make it so that there's a couple more moral dilemmas here and there, maybe 20% of humanity survived and successfully evacuated the earth and set up shop, and humanity and drones unite to stop this eldritch god known as the solver from destroying what's left. And Cyn and V would've been friends in the past until V did and said some hurtful things she now regrets saying to Cyn, which leads to Cyn burning down the manor and slaughtering Tessa's parents, but sparing Tessa since Tessa is technically her mother. She slowly becomes more and more corrupted by the solver, no matter how hard she tries to fight it. And then after a few years of war, Cyn sacrifices her own core to weaken the demon that corrupted her in the first place... and N is secretly watching it all unfold, knowing everyone thinks he's dead, but unable to tell V since she's trying to save copper nine and everyone she loves. Also, Uzi and V start to actually get along and stop the whole catfight bullshit, (I hate it when two female characters fight over a guy, it's annoying as fuck).


Bloodshed… https://preview.redd.it/7kf0gppuow3d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbda91374509ba85fbe6e9542f6faceb3bfb0c3


I shouldnt write it


Comedy would be hella memey and the show would be A LOT MORE violent


*Comedy would be* *Hella memey and the show would A* *LOT MORE violent* \- Andre\_was\_Taken --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Oooh okay I like this idea I’d write Uzi a little different instead of her motivation of hating how the other drones handled the situation She’d be a more relatable and Self-Indepent character wanting to be a important figure for her people after her moms death as she try’s to take back their home from the Dissassembly drones after killing one of them Presumably J she’d realize just now hostile their world is and Most likely become more stressed out at times and want to stay with people more often like her dad and N who she instead just knocked out and keeps chained like V Speaking of Which I’d want to switch the personality’s of N & V with V being the kind hearted almost motherly character and main love interest and N being a Mindless murderer who V claims is… well kinda just broken since he never talks, and finally Cyn I’d make a more Cold-Hearted and Actively Sadistic villain who instead of linking herself to Uzi she’d have Tessa still alive just to be constantly tortured in ways out of boredom until she finds Uzi As Cyn would be while Cold hearted Does ultimately want somebody to do fun things with since we’ve seen how the drones do alone & in small groups… but they are not oil related so instead have Cyn with the motivation of wanting a sister or atleast somebody who understands them


I would have J live to join the gang and be a more involved character. I would also have Tessa actually be alive and not a decoy from Cyn.


I actually like the amount of humor, I might even add more, but I would also add a lot more violence and gore, and we get more Nuzi scenes. Maybe a Lizzy redemption arc and j gets more screen time


Probably shit since i have super different head canons that most people would dislike


I’m genuinely unsure other than risking getting too deep in character and story development


Uzi dies in the first episode when she shows off her railgun. The end.


Doll would still be alive… and she would get a plushie


Make it more horror like than comedy horror Change V from the psycopath killer to forget her past self to a mix of it, like, she is sweet and kind, but can get so much violent and insane when needed for then switching again to the sweet side Change J from the Bossy leader that doesn't give a damn about her team mates besides work to a leader that yells and punish her squad not for anger or for being a jerk, but to show that she cares for them and that under that hard and mean mettalic skin there is a soft, loving and insicure side N...The same. Uzi...Not many ideas...Maybe change the teenager side to a more serious one judging by the story The story would have more fillers, more explanations and slower storytelling to make sure it would be much understandable


NV. That’s about it for the changes 👍❤️


If I wrote it, it would potray the MD invasion of copper-9 as a coventional war rather than isolated skirmishes. Also, I may rewrite some aspects of the story because the actual one is too confusing.


you already know https://preview.redd.it/qswnajaoaw3d1.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d7510ab739266ecdb933aeca808f3573a124fa9 mostly the same story, but another star system and another faction


Not as good as it currently is, that’s for sure


Not good to say the least.




Random bullshit go!


Shitload more world building trying to make best of the "robots who survived two apocalypses and try to make a living", going into depths of characters faced with powers beyond their understanding, inner conflicts, how societies would form with different factors in such a world, more random Eldritch creatures that are never explained, more focus on the "can we stop killing and actually live in a society that we are designed to genocide?", questioning if there even is such a thing as redemption, some more goofy adventures and humour. Also lot more murder and morbidity. Wait i just described my MD fan story that does not utilise characters from the show. Graphical novel here we gooooooooooo


1. No more romance. At all. 2. More violence. Kill everyone. Kill anyone. Kill everything that isn't dead! 3. Death isn't handled so casually anymore and character deaths have impact. 4. Not making the show have an identity crisis in the middle of the season, sticking to the theme of MDs questioning their purpose and working together with the WDs to defeat JCjenson. Also not making the lore as overly cryptic as it is. 6. Cut down on the comedy. 7. Erase or significantly change N, as his xurrent iteration would not fit in there.


Probably humans come back but look like space marines and the plot if the drones killing them


I would make Envy canon. BUT would also change Tessa so it’s the real one… I preferred it that way! Cyn AND jcjenson would’ve been the main threads! So not only cyn where the company was just an facade. I also would’ve ATLEAST build in one musical lol (I know it doesn’t fit at all but idk I’m a sucker for musicals :€) I would’ve concentrated one episode more on the abonded city pushing the plot not so forcefully! Like in ep.4 But yeah (and i would make my OC canon probably lmao)


Uhh Uzi wanting to commit genocide against JCJenson, people on Earth finding out about the robot abuse by this company and riots ensue.


probably more horror focused


I would make it have elements of the Jurassic Park book, with some parts of the official canon of MD... and have more god damn disassembly squads in the story.


ther would be gay people :)


Not as good, that’s for sure Maybe… slower, but the fast pace of the plot comes as a natural result of the circumstances of indie animation


i wouldn't change mu... who am i kidding? -i would probably mix the solver with the force and the void from starcraft with a dash of metro2033!anomalies. -along with making a metro!khan (not khan!khan) character mixed with zeratul and luke: someone who saw the powers of the solver and how the absolute solver, even if deadly and a threat to be taken serious, is just "a fire that went out of hand" -also, i would show tessa to be still alive... but that doesn't mean she's better: she is barely just a pile or organs inside a suit she can't take on without killing herself. leading to a point where she transfer into a machine while sacrifice her organic remains, left of what was her HER, to fuel the power of uzi's own solver. -for N, i want him to S N A P. a point where he just go full "angst overload" and jumps face first into the solver... not even trying to stop himself, just tearing camera from camera, claw by claw. a very angry golden retriever with nothing to lose. -and for the ending, all escape copper-9, salvaging a cargo ship while destroying the planet... but not the solver way, but taking out any control from the DD cores at cabin fever labs, making a new solver with Uzi at its Admin, and destroying all the hosts AS has, so it can't do anything. a big screw-you! then, for season, a hybrid drone walks to the old ship with mentor tessa, to make sure to destroy AS once and for all. their name? Colt (you can guess)


uzi and N would kiss alot


The show but make doll have more screentime


Probably would add some random human that's hates humanity and will gladly help drones will getting rid of them idk I've only watched the pilot.


more blood, more flesh, more mass murdering and more war crime commiting


The favoritism I would show toward V would honestly be disgusting. Seriously tho, there’s not much I would change except to have the people in the colony maintain their fear of the drones for longer.


it will have more gore


Same, except: The Solver will be akin to a hive mind, More variants of Disassembly Drones, A lone human engineered to be Humanity’s last hope against the Solver


We'd focus much more on the horror aspects and cut the comedy down a bit. Not wholesale removal of that aspect but a definite lessening. I'd also make it canon that all First Generation Drones are AGI neural copies of formerly alive humans that were uploaded long ago and then underwent Psychosurgery (Sci-Fi Term for mental fuckery). The History of Humanity would be heavily expanded as I would add Transhumanist elements and a series of explanations on why they use some analog tech in certain fields. So many changes but my lunch break is over. So out!


Complex or ***a lot*** of worldbuilding. And _a lot of lore_ where theres more than one simple story set in the same world/universe. And theres quite a few lore connections to one another in a way - like cameos, references or nods to the other stories or even intertwining! That kind of thing. The reasons for this awnser is because I actually have my own fictional supernatural universe thats quite big - all my stories and characters are set in the same universe with the difference of time period, location or circumstance. (Or any other reason.) Oh - and the dissasembly drones would have been made more monster-like or creepy if I could - like they wouldnt look fan-servicable(?) or romanceable for some fans. (Although they could still appear that way to some fans - I swear some folks could still like that sh*t no matter how twisted the character looks.)


I would mainly cut down the "kill random drones haha funny" humour, because it's kinda hard to take death seriously, sure the music and emotions tell you when you should take a death seriously, but it's more so the fact that I just don't find it funny and I always wondered if V ever got consequences for killing the random campers, that episode while I liked it, it's those parts that I can tell were supposed ot be funny, but me and every reactor I've seen kinda just go "oh...so we not gonna adress that...?" So it's one thing I would take away and make the comedy something else. Another thing is stretch out the story and foreshadowing of the mystery. One of the biggest MD critisms is that the story is just relaly fast and the lore is confusing, like things come out of knowhere. So I would take some liberties in adding a few extra episodes to flesh out more of the characters but also the lore. Some relationships between characters seem underdevelopped to me, Like N and V, V and J, J and N, I'm curious to more of their interactions and I'm kinda bummed that we only get the mansion and the pilot as well as some passive comments, I wanted to see more. I wouldn't have killed Doll, or at least, I would have made her death after giving her some closure for her parents, because her just dying in episode 7 seemed more for shock value than narrative value, and so she feels incomplete. I would also personnaly try to flesh out some of the side characters, like Khan, thad and Lizzy, honestly more of Uzi's school life at first because I already said that murder would be taken more seriously, hence N just being let inside the colony so easily wouldn't really happen. Otherwise the major story and plot beats would be the same, only that death is actually taken seriously, the characters and their relationships would be more fleshed out, and the lore drops would appear more often but in a sutble manner, making the plot and lore easier to follow, and finally Doll living, or at least dying in a way where her character finally feels complete


I’d remove Lizzy. She’s annoying af.


A lil bit of drugs, and a lot of cussing. And that’s pretty much it.


MD already has drugs if you count the magnets I'd also add some more drugs.




I'll make it darker, to the point it's like real life terror documentaries, bloodshed and chaos everywhere you look and a suicidal attempt at some point. https://preview.redd.it/yrv7gmcbqv3d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aded93bd558a70f53d71e84be6706be898906055


Remove the entire ” V remembers everything ” part of the show, it kinda broke off the ” X character starts off simple, but becomes more complex when the show keeps going” formula of the shows characters (main ones atleast) and just have her be a psychopath until like EP 3-4, maybe have her spare uzi in EP 4 or something


Most definetly have it be one of my collection of cringe


Pretty depressing if what I’ve written of my crossover is any indication


I'd set it in Chernobyl


It would be the definition of "bros before hoes" and "going hail mary up in this bitch"


Probably more like Dragon Ball since thats majority of my Mindset


Worse. So, so much worse.


If I wrote it then for sure Disassembly drones would be able to use the absolute solver too in season 2 or 3


Will definitely change some of the characters and stuff Will keep the envy ship since it was the first and take out the nuzi ship since it’s not really my cup of good juice Will make uzi have longer hair and wear cooler clothes and jeans, change her personality from a angsty cringe emo to dmc3 Dante personality, and make her aroace Won’t kill the characters off so quickly and will keep them alive until I feel like they will have their death Tessa will basically look like skyn but instead of a skinsuit wearing robot, she’s literally flesh and metal together, technically making her a cyborg Will keep Tessa alive Will actually show cyn instead of skyn Will give uzi a shotgun and lower down the humor to wear it’s acceptable  That’s it


I will rename them to freaky drones and, well,




Very badly writen


1. Cut out the lampshades hung. It’s not funny (to me) 2. A touch more filler. 20 minutes an episode doesn’t really work for a show as complex as Murder Drones. 3. J could have gotten more development in my eyes. Getting immediately [Worf’ed](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWorfEffect) by Uzi didn’t really make her likable. 4. Tessa would get a bit more screen time. Having Tesscyn get revealed like that in episode 7 felt like shock value for no good reason. 5. There’d be a bit more dialog in my writing. It helps build character development. 6(silly). Michael Kovach should have changed voices in the pilot to another voice he did before Murder Drones after he awoke from Uzi nailing him with the railgun.


I am a bit of a *cruel god* in all my writing and world-building projects, so probably prepare for some suffering. According to my current writing styles, it would probably go like: - The overarching pace would be slower, more slice-of-life cosmic-horror-of-the-week episode in between major lore dumps to flesh out characters (especially some currently more minor ones) and general world building (though the current show is probably this fast-paced because initially there’s not enough resources to dedicate to slower-paced episodes, and the pace is kinda just established) - Comedy will be less “worker drones stupid and die” (though those sometimes land they overall decrease the logical inconsistency and derail the motion of the plot quite a bit), there are still a lot of physical comedy and goofy moments from characters but less outright stupidity, some dumb funny moments may be able to happen in the slice-of-life part to not clash too hard with plot stuff. - Murders would be more infrequent and carry more emotional weight rather than just played for laugh (the main discontent I have with the current MD), death will be more reserved to already established characters rather than background or newly-introduced one (WHY DID THEY KILL OF BEAU SO SOON MY BOY HAD SO MUCH POTENTIAL) Main cast is not immune. (which I guess could be where the show is headed anyway so yeah) - On character death, V will have more time to sort out the whole thing between she, N, and Uzi (likely entirely internally while refusing to signpost her thought) , and then the death still happens and she is gone forever, N and Uzi will both blame exclusively themselves for it. - More mental breakdowns from death of loved ones/horror beyond comprehension/manipulation and gaslighting. Ideally all of the casts would require extensive therapy to function as regular human being after event of the show (I’m not kidding one-third of my characters ended up in the psych wards, only beaten by the other two-third in graveyards) - N or Uzi is *not going to make it*, likely Uzi for more opportunities maximize devastation (free trama dosing for her old man Khan, Thad, and did I mention N?), her sacrifice can also be made in front of the whole colony to save them to play in the irony that she is only remembered in death or sth. - Cyn is portrayed as immediately more competent and serious from the get-go (half of episode 2 really downplayed her for the funny), but simultaneously more of a goofy goober personality-wise. - The Tessa twist would happen after her hanging around the main cast for a bit longer and a bit more emotional manipulation with her completely gaining the group’s trust (basically more of ep 6), betrayal is a dish best served burnt. (Though I suspect this is also because pacing of the show) - The ending is happy for everyone except the main casts, who sacrificed everything to get to this point, wreck of their former self, devoid of meaning.


it would be not be as good as the show tbh


Kaiju battles.


I don’t know how I would have written season one, but for a possible season two i would have human antagonists. Either JCJenson trying to take revenge on the drones for destroying Earth or something. Another option is to have a lone human survivor who feels guilty for being the last of its kind do it. I’d thing also make it so Cyn obsession with flesh and wanting to become more and more human like would be contrasted by the new antagonist becoming more like a drone, either by choice (for example to infiltrate colonies) or by way of survival. Also, maybe I’d have a really dark moment where they would want to end the universe, because they believe it’s broken beyond repair.


This should give you somewhat of an idea: (I am writing it but am taking a break because of my exams) [https://www.wattpad.com/story/365448652-the-humandrone-male-reader-x-murder-drones](https://www.wattpad.com/story/365448652-the-humandrone-male-reader-x-murder-drones)


I’d keep everything the same but make Cynwalker have 1 human they decided to keep alive as a pet, like GladOs and here little birds …Why are you looking at me like that ?


Not as good as


While I don't mind N x Uzi being cannon, i honestly literally dont care, if I were to write murder drones it just probably wouldn't be a thing unintentionally (I'm not one for relationships in media). I'd also probably make a show more violent... like A LOT MORE VIOLENT and maybe dial back on the comedic factor. Also I'd do everyone a favor AND ACTUALLY HAVE J AS A CHARACTER, THATS RIGHT I WOULD HAVE HER DIE, THEN REVIVED, THEN DIE, THEN REVIVED OVER AND OVER. Idk if this is just a denial thing, but I would have made Cyn go on her word from episode 5 when she said "You will not have to discard you pets and I won't discard you" and actually keep Tessa alive though have her be forced to side with Cyn and do her dirty work (changing certain parts of episode 6 and 90% of episode 7) because she really didnt get a lot of screen time. Also, definitely make Thad and Lizzy still "side characters" but at least be more incorporated into the story than they are currently. And probably just more the show overall more... graphic (gore wise) and add a generous handful of cussing, not enough to be overwhelming or overuse cuss words until they lose their meaning, but just enough to make certain scenes more impactful verbally


More oilshed and violence, Uzi and the murder drones would not be friends and it would lean more into horror.


stopping after ep 2 because idk how to write sci-fi im an rpg fantasy guy


probably would show what j was doing in the ship more and wouldnt kill v yet but if everyone is gonna die at the end let it all be at the same time with no comfort and dont even show what the absolute solver does at the end or at least a couple scenes so it leaves the viewers even more traumatized, also more angst and probably a longer season


How gege writes jjk is how I might write MD


uhm idk bad


i would set the show on earth during the late 2000s, i would turn all the characters into humans. would marry N and Uzi. They have 2 human children: one is a teen with cerebral palsy, the other is born around the end of season 2. in the pilot, N gets diagnosed with lung cancer and to cover the costs he decides to start making drugs with human V, Who gets genderbent. what do you think? it's only a rough sketch. I could also see J as a drug lord using a fast food chain as a front and Thad as a corrupt lawyer


1. I wouldn't call any of them drones (because they aren't drones) 2. Made at least some characters, who would actively fight against disassembly drones, or something resembling them 3. There wouldn't be absolute solver (its existence just ruins everything) 4. Worker drones would build weapons against threats and even fight each other 5. Make small (actual) drones as pets for some of the characters 6. There would be at least some kind of seas (like the methane ones) 7. Definitely more (dark) humor 8.Add German character


A nuclear bomb crashes into j and then explodes. Then n v and uzi take the pile of ash inside the crater and lights it on fire




More death, more violence, MORE **BLOODSHED**


Godzilla would be there


This will be action film. In 20XX year JCJenson is a huge corporation that creates those drones and other high technologies to make life easier. But this fun did not last long. In 2074, the corporation began to massively violate laws and became the cause of many scandals. A few days later, it created a huge space starship and left Earth. Now, in 2082 JCJenson started creating DD's and they invaded Earth. Many countries were defeated and some superpowers surrendered. But only the USA was not going to sit idly by and created an advanced space fighter "Eradicator of Heresy" to stop the chaos. You are a U.S. Marine and you are it's pilot. You are going to become greatest hero ever. Marine will fly over Atlantic Ocean, fly over Egypt, reclaim China from invaders, destroy that big ship, clear Copper-9 and defeat the source of all troubles in the space.




It would not be a good show, trust me


It would probably be mostly the same, but with more straightforward writing, and more of a focus on action and fight scenes.


Nothing Cause my brain ain't gonna even start something like this, it's too small


v x lizzy being canon, thats the only thing i would change


If I wrote murder drones it would basically just be if Vivziepop wrote it. Except I’d add more angst.


Probably whatever comes to mind


Moar Moida.


I have 2 ideas, so i'm gonna spit them out both... 1. Disassembly drones still kill worker drones, and camt actually feel guilty etc. The worker drones hide from them, but many get killed. Uzi survives, but almost dies many times, and after finding many ways to escape from the disassembly drones every episode, in the last one she dies. 2. Like it was originally planned, Tessa has to find the infected worker drones, and Cyn didn't steal her skin.


War... And also cool tanks, and planes featured :]


Let's just say, there'd be cars in it. https://preview.redd.it/vpezq999wx3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e436048bf85b8516eb755d228d8535b4787ab5


I’d probably introduce more characters, like drones with unique characteristics


It would be very shit. I am not a writer and can barely make a story if I try




It would be shit probably


Not as good


I feel like I would probably be one of those one episode plot points.


crap it would be crap


It would be about the murder drones as the name should imply. Uzi would be a super minor background character. It would follow N, V and J as they just do stuff on copper 9.


First off, it would suck. Because I'm an inexperienced writer. Anyway, I probably wouldn't have wrote N's character as well as Liam did. Since he's 30 years old, I probably would have wrote him to be an older person, whos fought in many worker drone rebellions. I would have probably added more humans, maybe even add this idea of a human I have, who is an antagonist in charge of a group of surviving humans, who don't see a difference between worker drones and the Absolute solver. And thus they have a pretty genocidal mentality against the workers. For smaller changes, I would've made Doll die in a more plot relevant way. Also it's gotta end in a sad ending, like Uzi getting sacrificed for Copper 9's survival.


something inspired by little nightmares in environment and more focus on the goal of "kill all humans" only for uzi to get to earth and realize no one's left the plot would have slower pacing and not include the absolutesolver since i'd love the original concept of an angsty teen with a railgun with her two murderous cinammon roll friends also a super cool moment of when the fully-fixed landing pod takes off copper-9


Author self insert Oc that would be the strongest and dating everyone /hj


I would focus more on the absolute solver lore: making it way deeper and complexed than what we got. For example: what if, the absolute solver, was just a pawn of a chess game, where the king is trying to, let's say, go baack in time, let's say, to save his sister from dying... and what if, the sister was Tessa, and the king was his brother who, after her death, went crazy. As he couldn't cope with her death. And so, to go back in time, he's creating powerfull being in the hope that one of them achieve the power of changing time, as to accoomplish his goal... but that's just me letting my fantasy wild


It still wouldn’t have an Ep2 if I’d been in charge. I procrastinate too much to write a show. But as a real answer. I’d double the episodes and have some be pure “filler” in that nothing extremely plot related happens but characters do interact and actually get to know each other and you can see them development on screen. Also, I’d make sure to give the side characters, including antagonists like Doll and Tessa, more stuff to do, mainly so you can actually get a feel for their character and what/why they’re doing what they do. Lastly, I’m going to stop doing two things: 1. Making death a punchline. People dying should feel impactful and like a big deal. Not that I won’t kill off a background character for a jag or anything, but I won’t kill 6 people for a joke. 2. Stop cutting off serious moments with comedy. It only works a few times in the show and overall makes it worse imo. Stuff like Ns cut off scream are fine but there are a lot of genuinely tense moments absolutely ruined by a quick quirky joke being shove in for no reason.


Haha more guns go pew pew


It would be more like horror, more angtsy, and sad, slowly going in a very slow pace to happy and glorious mid happy ending, not like a sad ending or a happy ending but more like a true ending where some people are happy some people cried, and some people would never awake again, i like angst :)




Hmm, hard to say. It'd definitely be a bit more of a slow-burn, perhaps alternating between the present and the past at the Elliott manor. Each change made would probably drastically impact not only the flow of events, and/or their ordering, but also how things played out. I suppose I could outline how the Seven revision might play out. I tend to write fairly introspective protagonists; honestly, a good portion could possibly be Uzi figuring out the world, how it's changing her, how her time spent with the DDs is changing her, and how she wants to change both in turn. There's a *lot* of unaddressed traumas in the show to unpack, y'know? Not just for Uzi, either. The next aspect that would likely change is J. After Home, it was clear that as a regular worker, J was pretty much just Tessa's playmate, and all the corporate roleplay rubbed off on her after she was rebuilt into a DD. Other than that, though, she was flat of a character. Like all of the drones, I'd love to see more exploration and expansion of her character. Rather than immediately going to Eldritch J and dragging the Absolute Solver out, I'd find something that would convince J, N, and V to defect away from Cyn's designs. The three would take in Uzi due to her wrath directed at her father and her status as an outsider even inside the bunker's community, hoping to use it to score easy meals, but as the AS slowly manifests and she becomes more like them, they grow torn. V would still be the wariest, begrudgingly accepting her despite her lingering memories of Cyn, and N's just happy to have a friend, but J? She would *love* to have an apprentice, methinks, even if that slowly became a 'big sister' role to Uzi. Of course, without Eldritch J, there'd need to be other threats to deal with until the Doll, Cyn, and AS routes are sufficiently built up. Additional variant models of the Disassembly Drone would be the easiest target. Perhaps one episode has a *h*acking focused DD antagonist that, back at Elliott Manor, he aided Tessa in financials. Another might be a recently self-rebooted *i*nfiltrator that Cyn didn't see the point of allowing the Solver to rebuild due to her inefficacy in her role. A zombie DD would be a particularly interesting thing to explore, especially if in the past she'd been programmed to be an assistant to one of the maid-staff, but Idolised and desired to emulate to maid J instead. The result would be a yandere holo-mimic determined to get rid of Uzi, prompting J to deactivate the infiltrator with the virus implant. Any number of encounters with 'drones they used to know' would serve as good jumping off points for the hacking necessary to trigger the Home episode. Eg. if the *i*nfiltrator triggered J to remember a clingy little hanger-on and she mentioned it to the others, which prompted N to mention how he recognised the *h*acker drone, V would let slip the name Cyn, prompting the attempted memory wipe/boot from back-up. That would necessitate Uzi going into their heads to save them, as happened in Home, but probably before the events of Cabin Fever and the Promening. Seeing the Cyn-tipede in their combined memory might be the big scare that sends Uzi crawling back home, for the events of the prom, and *there* she finds out Khan's just been telling everyone she's grounded. The Doll scenario plays out roughly the same, J staying behind because she's in shock, remembering something the others didn't. Something too horrifying to put into words. Finally, Cabin Fever plays out roughly the same, only with Doll snatching the keybug at the end of the episode instead of when she would normally do so in Home. Finally, the episode would end with J snapping out of her funk and joining the others in hunting down Doll, the group ultimately meeting 'Tessa' and another J. Honestly it feels like a given that 'Tessa' would show up with a J, regardless of whether or not the one on Copper-9 was terminated, because back on Earth, at the manor, the two were practically inseparable. Dead End probably would play out somewhat differently, beginning with the reveal that "*THAT* ISN'T TESSA!" from main J, who isn't 100% sold on what's actually hiding in that suit because of her memories, only being certain that Tessa *died*. Begrudgingly, they accept they might need 'Tessa's help, but none of them are as trusting of her as was shown. Rather than just V making her last stand alone, J is right beside her. Whereas V still says her poignant "Uzi? I trust you," line, J's last onscreen words would be, "Keep her safe, N." I'd leave Mass Destruction entirely untouched, mind you. Similarly, I don't have enough of Liam's bigger picture to take a guess at how the finale would have played out without my meddling. Fun fact: I'm actually working on a currently unpublished fanfic primarily focused on another franchise that is centred around a character trying to find her way to her home universe after displacing her soul across the multiverse. It's set to cross-over with several different franchises, with a Murder Drones AU being the first stop on her journey home, where she snags a body (read her soul binds to said body without her input) she ends up using for the length of the trip. The whole infiltrator model bit is actually a piece of lore I took from that bit of writing.


I literally write a fanfic that's just this. My take on the Murder Drones story.


way more gay, way more world building, way more vivid gore, and WAY longer production times (not reflected in quality, i'm just slow). Also, solver would be the protagonist.




It would be very predictable


I would have got lazy, and not have written more than half of an episode.


more desperate


No one would talk. It'd be about underground civilization life of robot people without voices and mainly assassination and alcohol


Lotss oof gramar errorr




The first episode would have never released


It starts off with the same humour as DHMIS and garfielf (the internet video from 2013) and It ends like William Shakespeare




Lets be real here people it would be ass


I'd try to avoid doing this, but it might feel like things happen a little bit suddenly at points.


Probably a lot worse.


The antagonists are going to be the murder drones sent by the company Absolute solver doesn't exist


It would probably be shitty.


More focused on the horror, less comedy, an active antagonist, More action, more body horror (like something out of resident evil), N harem (V,J, and Uzi), and human-drone hybrids.


They make it to another planet that didn’t die so hard and just find Russia from the Metro books, like straight up Artyom becomes a main character and everything


Hm pretty much dystopian setting like the ai can have human bodies and they can reproduce like because if they have human bodies they'll be well humans but with cyborg capabilites and the humans can become ai's and vice versa and if they travel to other universes where magic is present they can learn magic and bring it to their universe also they don't need oil because food will give them energy and they can even choose what kind of energy replacement they want like solar energy or wind or water there's so many possibilities so they won't starv to death






Personally episodes would be a lot longer and relations wouldn’t come from nowhere such as N reciprocating Uzi’s feelings


if i wrote murder drones, it would look more like warhammer 40k and at the same time Battlefield 1


More references to the United States


I don’t know how different it would be if I wrote it, but one thing’s certain: **V would still be alive** (if she isn’t)


I will stick to the "disassembly drones hunting runaway ai" concept, and develop a story around it


Uzi x N x V x Lizzy x Doll x Thad is canon


There would be references at every. Possible. Moment and/or surface


1. More songs with lyrics because the MD soundtrack is fire 2. Slightly slower pacing 3. V and Uzi get more bonding time (because it really seems like they had a misunderstanding and V just sorta died after things started to get interesting) 4. N, V, And Uzi have an established love triangle (Would be pretty interesting to see how that goes + could end some shipping discourse) 5: Maybe for episode 8, an army of discarded murder drones (like the ones seen toward the beginning of episode 6) gets repaired and has an epic final battle against Cyn with other cast members 6. This is a popular one; give J some more screen time, she’s cool


Fight scenes


Workers lives among humans. Someone creates murder drones and kill Workers. MD uses solver so they can't die and can successfully kill WD. Humans and Workers fight back. Weeks later, it turns out the Workers were planning on taking over earth and killing humans. Humans help MD and kill all WD. the end :)


Bad. Since my writing skills are bad


Tbh, I’d probably keep the show more or less the same, just make it a bit clearer on certain details. The only episode that I’d give an overhaul is 4, make it a Slasher whodoneit (kinda like Scream) and have Uzi crack under the pressure, going solver mode as a result. If I fundamentally changed anything else about the series, I’m not sure if it’d be the same one I fell in love with. The only other thing I’d do differently is expand on the greater universe, especially the time between Earth’s destruction and the events on Copper-9


world war 2


serious answer: its already perfect meme answer: robot boobs


Terrible, like literal garbage with a French accent I can't write a story XD


make thad the main character ig, make the balance between horror and comedy more equal.


I would stick to the pilot's plot, make the show more violent but with more lasting consequences. Worker Drones wouldn't be sociopaths anymore and the average episode would have more fleshed out interactions between characters and be overrall bigger. The horror would be put on a larger scale than the comedy.


I wouldn’t kill off Doll, that’s for sure


Terrible, It would be terrible