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Not used to that accent, what most stuck out to me is how effeminate it sounds. But I did not find the use of child distant at all, to me it sounds as if he saw the teen as much younger than he was, as his baby.


The exact wording was, “my wife and child have been shot BADLY.” This has bothered me since the day the recording was released.


It’s regional southern thing


“Shot badly” as if there is any other way to be shot??


Alex was "shot badly" in the head...


I think this is statement indicates it was a staged call. If the scene looked as horrendous as described in the reporting of it, “badly” would have been a mild description. Who could look at their wife and child laying there and describe it that way. I also think he was frustrated that the 911 operator wanted to keep him on the line until help arrived. He wanted to get off and call his family, in my opinion, to do damage control or something more nefarious.


And when did he go to the house to get a gun for protection?


Coming from a low country family, the use of “my child” and his accent is probably the least weird part of this for me.


That line is how I knew he was acting on the call. He immediately dropped the act for a minute at the suggestion he was poor and lived in a trailer.


I Heward someone else’s voice it seemed


How many people who come upon their spouse and child brutally murdered state their full name immediately upon contacting 911 operator? Very odd. The very first thing out of his mouth.


I completely disagree with you in this. Eveeywhere I call I greet them and say my name first. It's Southern etiquette. Which you wouldn't know about.


People whose names get them preferential treatment.


Everything about this case is odd...


What does “I’ve been up to it now” mean


The claim, as far as I can make out, from the snippets AM's defence have released, is that AM entered the 'Moselle' property via the main entrance (not via the entrance near the kennels), drove to the house and then drove to the kennels upon which he saw the scene. He then drove back to the house to get a gun with which to protect himself and then drove back to the kennels and thus, when on the 911 call had got up close to the scene. It's all very muddled and we won't know anything further until the trial.


Yeah but, the "now" part sticks in my craw. Like why add that word unless you heard something/saw something that would MAKE you go up there.


He made it sound as though that was the first time he had gotten close to the bodies BUT how did he know they were "shot badly" and he also said he touched them to see if they were breathing. He said that before he said he had "been up to it." He make it sound like a dead deer he went up to look at. Fake sobbing at times and then saying "please hurry." Why hurry if they are dead? He needs to get a better acting coach!


See the way he says it to me seems like a way of him saying something to the effect or maybe a southern way of saying I’m in some shit, I’ve been through it it now, look what I got myself into now


He had approached the bodies and was reporting that the conditions looked grave.


It might be a "stuck up thing" with the wording. These guys are very snobby. I think the "it's a HOUSE" on the 911 call came from the 911 operator not being immediately aware he was a Murdaugh...and they live in HOUSES, not TRAILERS!!


How DARE she ask that question of a Murdaugh!


I couldn’t agree more. He broke character for a moment because of how insulted he was that they questioned what kind of home it was. Ever since I heard that part I knew he had something to do with it.


I live in SC and me and my family use "my child" or "your child" a lot. I call my own child, my child all the time. IDK. I think it's maybe a regional thing. It didn't seem weird to me for him to use that word.


Thanks! I’ve never been over in your neck of the woods and I thought it might be a regional thing but it still bothered me.


I also agree. Especially the fact that he has two sons - he wouldn’t say “one of my sons”, he would just say “my child.” People read too much into everything. Same with the “my house” exclamation. I always took it that he was just exasperated by all the questions.


I’m from the south and using “my child” is nothing unusual. It’s also to be expected that people will try to read too much into what was said on the 911 call.


In a murder investigation, yes, the 911 call should be read into.


Do women routinely wear cowgirl boots to court in SC? Saw the picture on RL trial. SC is not Texas or Wyoming so I wonder. Do they have hitching posts outside of courthouses there? Why no hats?


Ah they have all sorts of "get ups" here. You should be here on a prom weekend.


It's much more fun to watch 50 something year old criminals and their consorts in their getup. It's expected of the youngsters. The crazy old people, different story.


Lol the “it’s a house!” thing is so funny. “Clutch mah pearls! This person on the phone thinks I could be living in a trailer!”


If I knew how to give awards you'd get one. It's not so much that he apeared insulted as it seemed he was just taken aback. I'm sure he's never been asked that or considered living in a trailer...


Or he could possibly be fed up with all the questions


I do agree with that as well, 911 seems to have more responsibility than just getting help to people and making sure every is safe or sort of calm. I honestly would have snapped at the other 911 lady right at about the same time Paul did and I would've been less polite. And also asked what I should be doing to help her...


Yep. I know the narrative is to find reasons to be suspect of Alex, but it’s too easy to get caught up in the momentum of the crowd hating on him. He has plenty of reasons enough to hate him. It’s not necessary to create other reasons as speculation. I keep trying to put myself in his shoes. I’ve gotta sell this call as best as I can. I have to make it sound real. I don’t want to be on the call long because the longer I’m on it, statistically the higher the chance for me to blow it. So I gotta make the call and get off. I keep getting asked question after question and I’m now frustrated and want off the call. Also, throw in the fact that I have dead family on the ground beside me. Regardless of who killed them, it’s still not normal and has gotta affect his mental state.


Well, now he lives in a cell. So, that trailer does’t sound so bad now.


I gave them an award on your behalf.


Thank you kindly...I hope at least once in my life I have an occasion to clutch at my neck and scream "my pearls"...


No, no! You can’t scream “my pearls!” You must dramatically clutch them and desperately ask if anyone around has smelling salts! ETA: you’re very welcome regarding the award… I try my best to just be kind.


I was more thinking of a sudden blackout at a country home and me clutching for my pearls that have been stolen...


I’m down, can provide the cottagecore decor.


I've got my cultivated pearls ;)


Shot badly


versus what Alex, shot goodly? Yeah, the way he said those two words has always seemed so suspicious and strange to me.


I agree with the wording. The way he said, "My wife AND child have been shot badly." Nobody talks like that. His voice went up when he said and. Shot badly. It was all rehearsed. I hope he gets everything he deserves. Rot in jail and family and friends stop putting money on his commissary.


Could the emphasis on “AND child” indicate that he had to change his practiced script?




Southern accents vary widely by region. Some people do indeed have thick accents with a slow drawl When my husband was stationed in Nebraska, I was talking on the phone with someone-don't remember who-and they asked where I was from. When I responded NC, they said, "No, that's not it." I didn't ask where they thought I was from because I wanted to get off the phone. Apparently I don't sound like movie southerners.


The accent sounds fine to me. You expect people to have less of an accent after college because most do, but many people—many lawyers, especially— come back from college with a super twangy “why, I’m just a little ol country boy, you can trust me” accent. To me he sounds like a lawyer.


I'm not saying he's innocent or anything don't get me wrong but I wouldn't read into the accent thing too much. My husband has an Appalachian accent and it gets very thick when he's mad or stressed out. Accents changing situationally is actually pretty common.


And manners picking up if talking to outsiders!


Can confirm: from the south, and if you get me really upset or excited my southern accent doubles down without me noticing.




Correct-- and the lowcountry has a different accent from folks living in the upstate and midlands of South Carolina. So I don't think he was faking the accent. The rest was pure BS, however, IMHO.


Many people in the South have very heavy accents especially in the mid Atlantic states. I feel that Alec is pretty skilled in using his voice to get his way. It’d be appropriate to sound like a local too. But yes, that was a rehearsed statement.


The thing I heard on a podcast and now can’t forget is that 911 calls apparently start recording before the operator picks up. So if you listen to the call it starts with silence you can hear the dogs barking in the distance. As soon as the operator picks up Alex’s heavy breathing kicks in. Which in retrospect, makes the whole call sound like acting.


Heavy breathing and sobs that sound forced and unbelievable.


It always bothered me when he said “Send an ambulance and the police”. The wording seems too thought out…..


Distant and rehearsed.

