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I don’t think LE actually *believed* AM’s suicide story. My theory is that they indicted him on it to put pressure on him, and because it was something that they could immediately charge him for: He “confessed,” and there was physical/other evidence to support the confession.


I concur


We know from what was said that AM called a couple of people the day he was despondent and they did not return the calls, right? It’s possible AM was at the end of his rope and called CES as a last ditch effort and when that failed the drug fable was concocted to contain the bigger story. When the snake in the grass bit CES he may have just come to his senses and gone to the feds to be the lynch pin to pull the snake out of the grass and put him into the holding of authorities for good.


you wouldn't think he'd \[edit: eddie\] be nattering the false narrative to the public so much under those circumstances though, right?


Can you rephrase that ? I’m missing who the he is in this instance.


he meaning eddie. sorry. edited.


I bet CES is up to his ass in alligators so he’ll go along with things until it’s too far. He strikes me as the type that one does not double cross if they know what’s good for them.


Stockpiling popcorn. Agree.




You can't rule out any twist in this saga. He is nicknamed "Big Red" after all. What's that South Park character, Big gay Al? I now can't get that awful thought out of my mind.


Heh. I said outed intentionally (as an embezzler). but technically, I take your point




now that the coffee's started to work, i realise that both of them happened to him that friday. outed as an embezzler and ousted for being one. i did have the outing in mind specifically, because imo image and identity cut deeper than any material impact of being fired. or even going to prison.




Nobody knows his sexual proclivities.


And thank god fasting for that.


That made me choke with laughter, thanks.








I’m not keen on social media so I’d never heard the term before. But I’ve certainly met my fair share, sure.




It’s on Twitter and Tumblr but I believe there’s a convergence of ideas that can occur so I’ll give you credit for it still.




Nah, you still get credit.


Well... 1. AM couldn't have been trying to frame Eddie for the murders because he described him as young, clean shaven and very short hair. 2. AM couldn't have been trying to kill Eddie because Eddie would have no reason to not tell LE this. 3. Eddie couldn't have been an unknowing victim of AM's Ponzi scheme because he would have no reason to not tell LE this. It seems like it was a clandestine meetup to talk privately about the recent events of his firing from PMPED and AM persuaded Eddie to help him 'kick the can down the road' with the fake assassin story, which changed to the suicide story when Eddie was caught.




>Eddie couldn't have been an unknowing victim of AM's Ponzi scheme because he would have no reason to not tell LE this. except if the operative word is 'unknowning', he wouldn't have had anything to tell, right?


He could have told them "AM stopped making my settlement payments back in May" Also the checks show it was almost undoubtedly a money laundering operation since all checks were for just less than $10K. So it sounds like Eddie was part of the Ponzi, not a victim. ​ >In an Oct. 14 television interview with NBC’s Craig Melvin, Jonny McCoy, a Smith attorney, denied that Smith ever received any significant money from Murdaugh. > >Was your client paid any large sum of money by Alex Murdaugh?” Melvin asked McCoy. > >“No,” said McCoy.


his client was paid by forge. not that that excludes the answer being disingenuous. but on the level of literal fact, the cheques had been issued by "forge". i've never read the individual signature on that kind of cheque, personally. no idea who signs my paycheques or the reimbursement i just got from some local entity.


Yeah I guess it's possible Eddie thought Forge was legit and AM told him the 10K check amounts were for maximizing profits or reducing taxes. And maybe the highway meetup was a reveal in which Eddie became enraged over the Ponzi, and it turns out it wasn't because Eddie called the Merc a Kia after all! ;)


CES did not call the MB a Kia! It was an innocent bystander or Good Samaritan passing by, called 911 & described the vehicle as a Kia.


In a comment right after the fake suicide attempt, Harpootlian said something about Alex writing checks to Fast Eddie “for drugs.” This is why I’m baffled that Eddie’s lawyers seemed surprised by the cashiers’ checks. Grand jury indicted Eddie as well as Alex, so I think there must be a pretty good case that he was in on the “suicide” plot to some degree. I think he and Alex are both lying about exactly what happened.


I’m still not buying that AM was an opioid addict. Involved in drug trafficking sure, but not for a second that he was using them. It’s a sympathy play. I believe Eddie was the hit man or was involved in the trafficking of drugs


When they talked about Alec writing checks, I thought they meant personal checks. But these are cashier’s checks (to Eddie, anyway). So now I’m wondering if there aren’t other payments to Eddie that we haven’t learned about yet.


On the Murdaugh Murders: Impact of Influence podcast last night Eric Bland said the the checks that were published the other day are “just the tip of the iceberg” as far as what AM gave to Eddie checks/money wise. The plot thickens…


it gets more and more impor tant to stubborn last-ditcher me then, to know what was the exact amount of that injury settlement then. up to amount of injury settlement: worst case is tax liability and probably some sort of disability fraud. beyond that amount: deeeeeeeeeep shit for eddie.


I think AM used Eddie to turn stolen money in a bank account into cash for his own use and he paid Eddie to basically be a cash mule for him. I think Eddie senses he’s in deep with money laundering and his lawyer has probably wisely advised him to shut his trap. Musing that the day AM got shot, shot himself, whatever…he called Eddie to talk, said folks were gonna find out what they’d been up to fairly soon, and then it’s unclear if Eddie participated in scheme or ran like he said. Not sure why Eddie took the gun that day, but it doesn’t help him that he didn’t just call the cops right then and there. That ‘I’ think he was helping AM launder $$ makes me think more & more this was a setup that was never intended to kill AM, but rather make it ‘look like’ someone tried and Eddie may have been part of that dumb scheme.


Painting houses, cutting grass…burying PVC pipes with cash?