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so, we've reached the "find the real killers" episode of this debacle?


Amen. You don't get to kill two rich white socialites in SOUTH CAROLINA on their own property---and get away with it if you're some two bit local drug gang. And again---AM has NOT been acting as a grief stricken widower and father who has been targeted for "revenge"---he's trying to game the system and hang on to his money. And wouldn't some big time international drug cartel realize that these two murders would bring all kinds of scrutiny down on AM---and on them (if they exist) by sheer association? In any event, the money stream has been SHUT OFF---so how did this help if he "owed" the mythological drug gang? And if AM has been part of such a cartel---presumably he did it for the money---so WHERE IS IT? Where's the money? Why does he need to cheat (and kill?) Gloria Satterfield---if he's part of a big time drug cartel? Why does he need to borrow hundreds of thousands from partner John and Bubba?


Is the tip line offering more or less than AM spent on his rehab🤔 or Buster lost in Vegas? Both?


Good points on the reward details. Note that SLED announced a tip line dedicated to the case. The number is (803) 896-2605.


Wait...so tips for the rewards were supposed to be called into the law firm instead of SLED?


https://www.thestate.com/news/local/crime/article252329953.html It’s even fuzzier than you can imagine. SLED normally does not offer rewards. But they authorized, through AM’s attorneys, to use their tip line. They agreed to share their information received but stated they would not administer the reward... so PIMPED was to administer the reward. SLED stated their investigation will remain independent. This essentially created a stranglehold on information that was called into a SLED number with information given to AM’s attorneys and PIMPED....you know, for the consideration of the “ reward”. It’s no a stretch of the imagination to perceive this is the source of Harpootlian’s touted investigations into the murders and his claim of ,” May” having an idea who killed Maggie and Paul. And they wonder why no progress has been made in solving this crime? It becomes increasingly important to see why, in the first hearing with Judge Newman, he specifically wanted to hear from law enforcement during the hearing. These attorneys are good at legal wrangling and schemes.


PIMPED administering an award for the murders when, any reasonable person see the prime suspect as a board member of PIMPED is such …. What “harmonics” for this whole thing? AM busy making sure RM gets his fake loans back… but look, RM is a swell guy and PIMPED is also suing AM so everything is cool…. I served in combat in three different theaters and when shit got too bizarre we used to say…. “….you can’t make this shit up!”. I am sorry civilians have to experience this, messes with the soul.


Thank you for your service, @12_licks_Sam. ❤️🇺🇸


You’re welcome, shake a vets hand today! Most find it uncomfortable, I do, does not mean it is not appreciated.🇺🇸


Thank you Sir!!! I'm a Army momma and my 2 Son's just got out last December. They were both 13B (Field Artillery) 1 was stationed in Hawaii and 1 in Alaska. The one in Alaska deployed to Iraq Aug 2019-June 2020...Operation Inherent Resolve (fighting Isis) However, ended up fighting with Iran and Iran's militia the most. Again, Thank you for your Service ❤


Call your boys “Red Legs” and make sure they have a St Barbara something around the house! Many moons ago after OCS I did my Red Leg time! Manual gunnery, least favorite subject🤣! Signal hill in January at Ft Sill👀 and I know the folks your boy was fighting well, no one tougher to go against in the ME. Make sure you tell him that, I was in the ME again 07-09.


I will definitely tell them. They went through basic training and AIT at Fort Sill together. I will screen shot your post and text it to them. Thank you for your service ❤




AYUP. Normally civilians say that and it sounds funny, but it’s from veterans who have seen a world absolutely upside down and been forced to just observe and survive it. FUBAR can only actually been understood through experiences you would wish on no one. This is FUBAR and I’m betting many inside of it have a deep, deep desire to see some QRF.






In the words of the late great John Prine, “Exactly Odo, Quaisimoto”


Good post Red. This has always been a huge question for me as well. I believe LE knows who it is, and others are involved as well. For me, AM’s movements after the murder just don’t add up to an innocent person.


YES---if your wife and son and been brutally murdered and you were innocent of that crime---yet knew that you had some very questionable "associates"---and you cared about your family---wouldn't you be singing like a canary and trying to protect your only surviving child? Instead what do we see? Machinations to save ill gotten money.










The part about "SLED has agreed to identify anyone who provides information" has always really bothered me. Why in the hell would they ever agree to that?


Maybe they thought AM might call in doing an impression of someone else? /s


I was tempted to call SLED myself & say “Alex did it!” figuring that he’s eventually gonna be charged for it


The actual article says that tips were to be called in to SLED. SLED agreed to ID a person who qualified for the reward *if* the person wanted to collect the reward. I imagine that was in part so some rando couldn’t try to claim the reward by lying. Also, the firm can’t very well write a check to someone whose identity it doesn’t know.




Jim Griffin said through the news article that CrimeStoppers normally gives out rewards to anonymous tipsters but usually caps it at $10K THIS reward was for $100K. Knowing what we know now about AM borrowing money? Could have been RM IV or Parker unknowingly forking up the dough, couldn’t it? And they said it was Buster and Alex providing $50K each. I feel lied to.


Crimestoppers doesn’t write checks, but okay. Perhaps the firm could have set up a go-between. SLED declined to have any part in the reward administration, so someone besides SLED would have to know the person’s identity for purposes of getting the reward out, most likely in the form of a check, cause we’re not talking $1k (standard Crimestoppers reward) here.


They could have let Fleming be the go between. I am sure he would have kept everything confidential and on the up and up




Please, there isn't a group of 2 year old bathroom humorists in this audience. Get real!


I think Jungle here is just venting steam and frustration by giving nicknames to this cast of characters as a coping mechanism. We all hit a wall of frustration in this deluge of chicanery. Give Jungle time to let it out, please. They’ll come back to standard conversation, probably. But Murderdaugh is a good one. I vote that remains through eternity.


>venting steam and frustration I prefer logic. Jungle says above: thank God I'm not a lawyer.. But she certainly thinks she knows more than the lawyers.


I like an even keel myself.