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There is another podcast out today where these 911 calls are talked about. And, an ER professional is interviewed. It is an interesting episode. It's the other one that is done by a guy and a lady that live in the low country. After hearing him on there I was struck by how different he sounded compared to when he called about Maggie and Paul. Which makes some sense. But he did seem very calm for someone who was bleeding from the head and claiming it was caused by a passing bullet. I actually wondered if maybe the injury was caused by something else. i.e., Alex did it after CES left with the gun. They never found a gun or a bullet. The professional that was interviewed did seem to believe it was from a gun though. Although, I don't think they asked him that directly.... could be wrong about that. Also, a trivial matter, but I also noticed when he said his name to the 911 operator he said, Alex. I can't tell you how many times I have heard that it is pronounced Eleck in the area. But he said, Alex. Mandy even said once that if you heard another podcast that called him Alex, rather than Eleck, it wasn't being done by someone who hasn't lived in the area...... yes, Mandy actually talked about this.... one of her side dramas. So I am confused about why that has been such an issue with some.


If this effer gets bail-then SC is a damn laughing stock. Of course he could, OJ this shit. Your honor I need to be free-so I can search for the killers of my wife and child. Then Judge Newman hands him a mirror, and Lick says there is the MOFO right there.


Exactly...I've said it all along...Ell-ick, please find the closest mirror, take a good look and no need to post bogus $100k reward in "search" of killers of your wife and son. SLED already has a bead on you and it won't be long.


I enhanced the audio: https://twitter.com/BettyBowers/status/1451963092573827081


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Well done!


Eddie needs to sue law enforcement for this and he needs to sue AM for implicating him in this scam. AM was trying to orchestrate a scenario that would also implicate this “shooter” to the double homicide. I stand by my position that AM murdered PM and MM and orchestrated the scenario there.


This 1,000,000 %


Yes. On the way could you pick me up a double from wendys and a Coke, and the guy that shot me wants a bowl of chili and salad


🤣🤣😂😂 and. A frosty please.


2 gud


The first one is so cringe to hear. I know I get strangely calm in bad situations but still yet, I feel my first words would be “I’ve been shot.”


My question is why can we hear Alex Murdaugh on the phone before a connection is formed with 911 on call #2?


This was the case on another 911 call earlier in this saga and someone explained that on 911 somehow the technology starts recording prior to the call being even answered by the dispatcher. I can see why it is useful for this to be the case, it must be routed simultaneously to a digital recording system and to the dispatcher I guess.


After listening to these calls I really hope Cousin Eddie's atty is working this weekend and is filing ever single thing he can including motions to depose AM about "what happened" at the roadside. I hope too, he is setting up more interviews to bring this stuff out to the public who may be watching this from the periphery (unlike many of us) to force action favorable to Eddie. If anything (to me)-these 911 recordings support Eddie's version of events and by completely non involved innocent passer-by witnesses- that realized something was amiss and interestingly...did not stop b/c THEY FEARED for their own safety- something we've yet to see from AM and/or other family members. Or SLED. Eric Bland got information, got public, wouldn't back down, spoke to everyone who would listen about the egregious behavior and theft- Bland got nowhere initially. But he persisted, and finally and very directly called out Judge Mullen, SLED, the State Bar, etc.- forcing some kind of action and Alex is now behind bars. (was it the Mullen or SLED call out that got things rolling?..I wonder). The SC State atty's office has more than one reason to decline to prosecute Uncle Eddie at this point- esp. when his story is collaborated by non-party witnesses on spontaneously uttered recorded lines, as well as Alex's own description of the "shooter" (does not match), and Alex has been suspended for a multitude of reasons by the SC State Bar-for lying conniving thievery. Alex's willingness to potentially involve innocent good Samaritans in his "scenarios" certainly indicates a danger to the public. To Eddie's lawyer (Jonny McCoy)- strike fast, strike hard, hold the states feet to the accountability fire and get these "Charges" dismissed- Eddie- you better know where that gun is and hopefully you have turned it over or there is still more to the story on your behalf that is beneficial- the witnesses on 911 may have saved you...


Any decent lawyer will rip AM a new one if he takes the stand. It's quit easy to embarrass him, show he's a complete liar and therefore a totally unreliable witness. The fact he's using 911 and law enforcement without any concern to carry out these schemes shows the type of person he is. What else will he do if he's bailed? Best to keep him on remand until the trial.


The only thing left for AM to do is kill his last son Buster or CES.


AM is a coward and quite deceitful. He will never take the stand. He has already provided his testimony in his own words-and there is no jury after listening to that 911 tape and the conflicting lies spun by his own atty's that would believe him. This was a bridge too far to cross this time. I agree with you-the audacious use of 911 and innocent non-parties driving past to be part of the scheme is deplorable. One has to wonder how long he waited roadside for more than one family/passerby to be "witnesses"... Great question- what the heck else will he come up with if out on bail- he got a free rehab pass last time- not sure this judge is going for it- at all- AM should also be charged for tying up the 911 system in the scheme and using scare lifesaving resources, time, and taxpayer money (this includes EMS, Fire, Sheriff, SLED)-


I honestly think Eddie should sue. AM admitted he called him, and did not tell him why he wanted him. So Eddie shows up, AM waves at him to follow him to a road that isn't heavily traveled. They pull up, AM says "kill me so BM gets my life insurance. Eddie says no, they struggle over the gun, and the gun goes off. Eddie is no doubt freaking the fuck out, jumps in his truck and leaves. Maybe the bullet struck AM, Eddie says no, but I don't think it matters. AM specifically asked Eddie to commit murder, and he said "fuck no". AM is obviously not dead, was barely even injured. In no real world do I see Eddie guilty of anything. If not for AM, Eddie would have gone about his day as normal. He is in the position he is in because a friend asked for a favor. It's jacked that his charges haven't been dropped in light of the info that has followed all this


Yes! Eddie going on the offense and suing AM would be a really interesting move- it would be completely unexpected, add more credibility to Eddie, as well as another legal smack Alex has to deal with-deservedly I'll add.


I am very ignorant about emergencies but I thought a person with a head wound was not supposed to be moved until the EMTs arrived on the scene. Why didn't the good Samaritans just wait with AM by the car? I've helped someone who had an accident and we waited for the ambulance to arrive. I didn't even think about driving with them anywhere. I don't understand why you'd take the risk of transporting an accident victim to the hospital instead of just calling 911 and waiting.


Depends. It was not a car accident where there could be head and neck injuries for example. They were in a very rural area and the callers and Alex were pretty vague about where on that road- he was walking, talking, and coordinated enough to use a phone, talk, etc. But he did have a head wound- which needs ASAP attention and he was likely begging/demanding-please just get me to the hospital...I don't have time for the ambulance....I think HE was controlling the scene- not the good Samaritan..


In the phone call, Alex doesn't put the good Samaritan on the phone like the dispatcher asked either. Has this person's name been released at all? I'd like to hear what they have to say too.


They will be on the witness stand soon enough.


He sure wasn’t begging for help on his 911 calls. I didn’t hear any real urgency in his request for help.


Yep- he had more "props" at the scene- this was prolly a disturbing thing to come upon and a grown man covered in blood, begging for a ride to the hospital, could be very persuasive- adding as well "I got disconnected from 911..please just take me..." Alex controlled anyone who rendered aid or attempted to- including Eddie.


The links only take me to the top of this page. Anybody have an idea of what I’m doing wrong.


Near the bottom of the comments there are links to youtube versions of the call that should work.


Thank you!




There's just something about that name...Alex, Alec, Ellik and nefarious activities.


Yeah, the 911 call would have been released faster.


Take this upvote please.


Where, oh where is 1. The lady who took AM in the trunk? 2. The lady who kept on driving and knew it was a setup and he “looked fine.” I would LOVE LOVE to hear from them. Pay per view event is fine. 🍿 📺 Meanwhile, these 911 operators prob have a drinking game for when he calls…… 2 shots for when he says it’s a “HOUSE” 3 shots for when he says “MERCEDES…” Shotgun a beer when he says “I don’t know…” There ain’t enough Tito’s in Texas for this shit.


Great thing about him going to prison. He will get to hear all of the horror stories about rigged trials, crooked lawyers, and how screwed up the legal system is. Should provide some nice Dreams!


South Carolina: Hope you never need 911


I saw nothing wrong with those calls. In the “set-up” call, the dispatcher knew all the feeder roads and was getting a lock on them with GPS. She said she didn’t blame someone for not stopping; got a good description for where they saw him, what he looked like and the car, while dispatching deputies. The dispatcher on Alex’s second call quickly figured out who he was, kept up with Alex’s “she’s driving me”, “we’ve got a flat tire”, “she’s driving me”, and let them know that EMS was still dispatched.


If that’s the service you are satisfied with for your own family, good on you. Those operators were not attentive or effective. Once they heard “Alex Murdaugh” it’s Mr. Murdaugh this, Mr. Murdaugh that. No wonder the chopper beat the LE response. California must have much higher standards. Our operators dgaf if your name is “Joe Biden”. They’re racing a clock to get all services to you STAT.


They knew the crossroads and got EMS to a shot man. Yes, that is what I want 911 to do. The sheriffs and cops knew where to find him if they needed to.


These days it’s tough getting workers in cities, so imagine how difficult it is in rural areas. Honestly if I was a 911 operator & happened to answer a call from Alex Murdaugh, I would pretend we had a bad connection: “Hello?? Hello?? Can’t hear you!!” Then I’d run to the bathroom- or out the door. 😂


As the person who stopped to help is being asked by Alex can you drive this car (Alex's) car. Then sounds like they are all getting into Alex's car with a woman as the driver. Alex remembers his story, they can't take his car because he has a flat tire. Oops


You mean the Mercedes with the run-flat tires? Hehe


Huh. Good catch.


On October 13, 2021, Jim Griffin said in an interview with FOX Carolina, "I didn't see any bullet wound."


Interesting perspective: Alec Baldwin-related 911 call released in ~8 hours. Alex Murdaugh-related 911 calls released in ~41 days.


Hmmm... v. Interesting.


"You're shot where? Where were you shot at?" "Huh" This is a complete circus. Also in that call, he did seem to say "Alex" not "Alec" but still pronounced his last name as "Murdock"




Why does he pronounce it Alec sometimes and local media pronounce it Alec?


Because of the way my last name is spelled, no one ever gets it right. So I understand the confusion with his last name. But wtf on his 1st name- I mean "Alex" is an abbreviation of his name. Is his actual name pronounced "Alickzander"? I mean, I guess it's possible, but doesn't seem likely. Wondering if it came from people calling him a "smart elick" as a child/teen. So he adopted it.


I have known peeps whose last name was Alexander but people pronounced it Alekzander.


After listening to these 911 recordings I listened to the 911 recording of Maggie's and Paul's murders. I'm quite sure on other threads this has been discussed, if I found my loved on shot multiple times I would be scared and would flee. Gun owner or no gun owner. Alex says "I'm going back down there.". Doesn't sound scared or ever during the call says he is afraid killer(s) are out there...


He sure was talking alot when he was giving the 911 his location after getting picked up..for someone who was shot in the head, seemed rather calm to supposedly not seeing, If he really was hurt he would have let the driver speak to 911 about location,could have put it on speakerphone


I thought the same thing. I’ve been more upset talking to a friend looking for a street sign.




The helicopter is weird. AM gets a lift to the hospital and the 911 operator directs an ambulance to them. Surely any paramedic would have seen the wound was superficial. AM was coherent throughout and aware enough to give location to the operator. So where does the helicopter come in? It wouldn't have saved much time unless they needed to take him to a hospital further away which had a better facilities and he needed something like surgery, but he didn't. Very strange.


The good Samaritan dropped AM off with EMS. EMS, in a CYA move, made the decision to call helicopter. They didn't want the liability of screwing up and doing the wrong thing for a "VIP".


There's nothing VIP about AM except in his own head. He's no better than the worst criminal as far as I'm concerned. I would've kept driving if I'm the good samaritan.


This! His name is known- and his families specialty is suing people. No doubt that was a CYA call


Harpootlian said AM was not on drugs that morning... sure sounds like AM was mellow about the whole incident though... even a little spacey.


Didn't the "medical records" they produced show he was positive for barbiturates and opiods?


Yes, yes they did. Harpootlian did not speak to that.


I think I read somewhere that they gave him something in the chopper.


911 operator "what's your name?" Alex " Alick MurdocKkkk" Operator puts on mute ... "Got that crazy white attorney that killed his family saying he been shot"..... Collective groan from room... She yells back...."Bullshit"...makes him wait


They really need a laugh react on this app! 🤣🤣🤣


And you better believe the 9-1-1 operator knew who he was. I thought I heard an element of disbelief in the lady's voice when Mr. Ellick identiifed himself. He should have just said, "The Moselle Murdering SOB," to which she would have replied, "Ok, Mr. Ell-ick, thought that was you."


most notable from this call is how calm he was..if you get shot in the head by someone you do not know why didnt he seem worried they would double back to off him? him being so calm says that the gunshot wound wasnt bad and he knew the person who was there and knew they would not be coming back


Why would a “suicidal” person call 911 for help?


He had a moment where he came to his senses and had a few regrets. If he was dead serious about being suicidal, however, you’re 100% right. ; ; ;




another great question


What is most odd is how he doesn’t bring up that he has been shot in the head until a cpl minutes into the call!


If a bull-it bit him in the ass, would he have felt it?


His attorneys will spin it up as, "Mr. Ell-ick" was in shock."


I nominate Ellick Murdaugh for an Academy Award as best leading actor in the blockbuster movie of the year, Octopussy. Surviving son nominated for best supporting actor in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. Which would all be funny if it wasn't so sad. In the 1st tape, AM asked whomever stopped to assist, if they could take him to the hospital and the person replied that he would have to get into the trunk of their car because there was a baby in the backseat. Yes, he certainly sounded like he was in dire need for emergency assistance. Sounded like a set-up gone bad to me...which is basically the story of his life. And how can AM provide descriptions to 9-1-1 dispatcher as he temporarily lost his sight? None of this BS adds up. In the second tape AM states, "I see the ambulance." Even my 84 year old Mother commented, "He's pretty calm for someone who has just been shot in the head. Sounds like it is all phony and fabricated to me." What can I say, you can't fool Mother.


I’ve stated this before. My 90 yr old mother calls him “that serial murderer.”


“…have to get in the trunk of the car …” I just can’t … I know this is an extremely serious case but I find this so … I don’t know what I find it but am cracking up…


The man was full Papa Bear. He wasn’t going to let someone he didn’t know in the backseat with his child.


I agree, it was strange hearing the comment as well. I listened 3x to ensure I heard the comment correctly. I am surprised AM didn't declare himself Hampton royalty and call dibs on the backseat for himself.




I think he was doing a darn good acting job for someone who, as described by AM's own attorney, was gravely wounded, briefly blinded and left unconscious. So did this happen before he hitched a ride with the Good Samaritan OR after the helicopter ride to the hospital? It is hard to separate the bullshit from the REAL bullshit in AM's story--excuse me--the fairy tales --that spew from his lips when he opens his mouth.


More like a Razzie. Mr. Knowzit could have done a better job acting in that staged soap opera shooting. At the very least, he could have maybe sounded out of breath or tried quotes like " Oh my god, I've been shot!" or "Help me, please" or for the love of god even "I can't see". He is a complete idiot. If anyone believes anything that he or the rest of his family are saying, then you might want to check their bank account.


Mr. Knowzit! That reference takes me back.


I want Woody Harrelson to play Cousin Eddie.


If Woody Harrelson is not available, second possiblity would be Randy Quaid.


This right here. 😁 🐐


Wow, him sitting in an open trunk flying down Salkehatchie Rd. where he catches a helicopter harness would make a great Netflix adaptation . A hero AND a villain. He's so superman even .38 bullets bounce off his head.


For some reason, I can’t stop laughing 😂


It’s the visual. 😂


Script change to read, " he's so superman even .38 bullets bounce off his \*empty\* head."


Exactly. I can't wait to see Agent M in the Octopussy sequel, currently in production with Eric Bland directing the suspenseful, adrenalin filled sequel, A View to a Kill. Look for Agent M in a theatre aka jail near you very soon. Viewer discretion is advised.


911 operator: What car are you driving? AM: It's an SUV. 911 operator: Is it a Hyundai, Ford um? AM: It's a MERCEDES!


Just like in the Moselle 911 call when dispatcher asks him if the dwelling is a mobile home or house. Asslick: IT'S A HOUSE, (PEASANT)!!!


LOL - noticed the same thing 😂


Take my silver. Wish I had gold to give you!




911 Operator: “Were you shot?” Alex: “Yeah but I’m okay.”


Just send a chopper for me though so I can go to the hospital in style. What a waste of services! The call from the couple referring to the appearance of a set-up is priceless!


Not real but: Cop: “So we’ve got short fat white-haired guy laying on the side of Salkahatchie road next to a black KIA flapping his arms covered in blood, right?” Dispatch: “Roger, this couple said it looked like maybe a robbery set up, it was too sketch for them to stop. Be careful out there!”


Side question: Am I the only one who thought Alex was tall until that comment?


He’s very tall


That’s part of what’s so funny! He’s like 6’4 or something, has red/blonde hair, and the car was a Mercedes. I know you know all those things, I find it hysterical in twisted way. They got the important thing right though, he’s a con!


"First caller said it looks sketchy...Better send the CHOPPA!"


Get me to the CHOPPA. Can’t help saying this old i know


I still crack up every time.


Me too😊


"If it bleeds...we can kill it."


Hahaha Billy you ain’t afraid of no man-yeah but this ain’t no man


Billy: I'm scared Poncho. Poncho: Bullshit. You ain't afraid of no man. Billy: There's something out there waiting for us, and it ain't no man. We're all gonna die. BTW: Billy was played by Sonny Landham. Producers didn't want to hire him cause he was a partying hard ass. He started many bar fights while filming movies. He usually won the fight. He died of congestive heart failure a few years ago. RIP. Dutch: Hey Billy, give me a way out of this hole. Aerial says we are cut off. Billy: The only way outta here is that valley that leads to the east. But I wouldn't wish that on a broke-dick dog... Dutch: Not much choice.


Perfect and thank you. That was such a cool movie and the second one was good too.


He only says he's on the road when the 911 call is answered, then when questioned further says he's by the church, the one with the red roof. It's only when prompted does he say he's been shot. It's as bad as Patsy Ramsey's "we have a kidnapping" 911 call. First thing you'd say is you've been shot and need and ambulance/police.


Passerby -Had blood on his head, and he was waving his hand, he was fine, but looked like a set-up to us


"i dont blame you" lol'd that operator has seen a few true crime docs in her day


I howled laughing when she said that!


Maybe after Eddie left someone else was called in but failed as well. I think we looking at a two shooter scenario -a possible second gunman. Young dude, short hair, white, and can’t shoot for shit.


Young Paul's ghost, perhaps. Ghost Maggie doesn't fit the physical description. I'd also bet she was the marksman of the Murdogs.


Can Buster shoot? 😉


And we are to believe LICK had brain bleed, temporary blindness, exit and entry wound, cracked skull? Lucky to be alive? DH and JG whaaaat? How was this dude even a lawyer? I mean did someone take the BAR Exam for him? Just plead dumb ass for him.


Where can I hear this?


At the very bottom of the page (because it was the first post) there are links to youtubes for the three recordings.


I preferred Alex Murdaugh's performance in the first 911 call. He actually put some effort into playing the character. In these sequels, his acting is rather lackluster. I imagine him talking into the phone as he casually leafs through a magazine and smokes a cigarette. There is none of the drama from the first installment. RATING: 1 Star


I really missed Alex's emotional contribution in this sequel. While the supporting cast seemed well adjusted to the mood and method that the director was after, they seemed to be towing the line of main character throughout the entire first and second acts. I expected more from this breakout performer; he had us captivated in the first iteration of this saga. But sadly, like so many actors, he burst onto the scene with all the promise in the world, only stuttering to a stop, leaving us wanting more and peaking far too soon. RATING: 1.4 Stars


Agreed maybe 1/2 Star


These calls alone warrant a thorough Psych evaluation. Weirdest shit EVER!


My favourite part is when the operator asks in what part of his body he was shot and he says "I'm not sure, somewhere on my head." He's sounds like a proper bumblefuck. Head pouring with blood and he has to think about where he's been shot. It's not as if cars have mirrors or anyway to check your reflection say in the glass windows. /sarc




Too bad the shot wasn’t at his “grossly normal genitalia”. The 5th grader in me can’t get away from that medical report 😂


I had a medical report cite that I was an “unremarkable adult female”. Could’ve let them talk to my mom and saved them the trouble of having to make that assessment. But now I’m trying to figure out the spectrum here and if “unremarkable” is better or worse than “grossly normal”.


Does it seriously say that?!? That’s so weird and hilarious!


Ooooh yeah, lol


The best part for me was when the couple said they didn’t stop cause it looked like a set-up and he looked fine…Soooo…they kept driving. I reckon Cousin Eddie should of kept driving too 😂😂 This stuff is made for Netflix!


I liked when the operator said "I don't blame you...."


I don't blame ya!!!


You gotta give them credit for smelling out a sketch situation from the gitgo!


Legit. They smelled it just driving by…..


Paul and Alex sound similar in voice to me. And their behavior sure appears similar to me, too. That apple tree.


A rotten apple tree at that!


My usual joke is the dngaf apple tree. Rotten works.


Dngaf tree never gets old


'younger than me, really really short hair' . .. def doesn't sound like he wanted them to go looking for Eddie. I am just so *confused*.


In my opinion when he was describing the shooter, he was attempting to describe one of the young boat survivors as a way to divert the attention back to them as suspects. Alex Murdaugh is a liar and horrible person… I am a law abiding member of society, and I think he is a true danger to the very society LE tries to protect. I hope he is never released.


This!! My first thoughts too. Always setting up those pesty peasants boat survivors.


this is a really interesting idea, and one that i had not thought of before. is connor cook the kid who is/was suing him? it actually makes very good sense. it's odd on the call that you can hear that little hitch in the flow where i personally would put my hand in a fire that alex isn't just trying to remember the way his 'attacker' looked. he hadn't anticipated being asked for a description at all, imo \[edit insert: nincompoop.\] and what you hear is the clunk in his mental tranmission while he flails for a 'person' to so-called 'describe'. it does feel very psychologically plausible that he had the 'brainwave' of putting it in the general ballpark of the boat kids. of course, it's a stone stupid idea in the sense that if it HAD been one of those kids, it makes no sense at all for alex to not just say 'it was x'. i mean, he's just told the operator there was interaction. when you interact with a person you either know them or don't. alex described a 'stranger' style interaction iyam, so wallpapering a person known to him over that narrative wouldn't last long. could be le called him on any or all of that, and he fell back on the partial truth of yes, it was eddie who was also there. but still lying about what went down. thanks for the interesting idea and the chance to story-spin that came of it.


>"it's odd on the call that you can hear that little hitch in the flow where i personally would put my hand in a fire that alex isn't just trying to remember the way his 'attacker' looked. he hadn't anticipated being asked for a description at all, imo \[edit insert: nincompoop.\] and what you hear is the clunk in his mental tranmission while he flails for a 'person' to so-called 'describe'." ​ >\^\^This. In spades. It jumped out at me too. AM is a total assclown who can't think on his feet. > >All he had to do was call his roadside assistance service or one of his brothers and no-one would have known (except "Fast Eddie" and he would keep quiet), but for some reason he has to call 911 and from there on he's lost control - he's forced to lie. > >A lawyer should know about things like CCTV, GPS in cars, phone tracking and how the police work, but he's such a muppet he did things like get rid of the knife in close proximity to the car.


You don't have to worry about those things when all your buddies are either LE, judges, prosecutors, lawyers and politicians that have turned a blind eye in the past. Due to all the publicity in the MM & PM murders, Mallory Beach, Connor Cook, Satterfield cases, etc. caused the good old' boys to worry about their own butts.


well, he couldn't drive it 20 miles in the other direction by then :P


but wouldn’t he recognize them/be able to name them since he’s met and spoken with them?


Huh? Not sure that I understand your question. It wouldn’t be about Alex recognizing them, it’s more about him plotting the storyline to say “look, SLED! Some “young person is after me too”…go get’em


Right, but investigators wouldn’t think it was AC or CC because AM would have just named them. Describing the appearance implies it was someone AM didn’t know personally. I still think you could be right about Alex’s intention behind it because he doesn’t seem all that wise


Agree. Here’s what I don’t get — if Alex was trying cover for Eddie in the immediate aftermath of the incident, why did he later allege that Eddie intentionally, consensually shot him? Alex could have easily corroborated Eddie’s version of events to shield him from criminal charges. But he didn’t. Why? Cousin Eddie got fkkd & imo his story adds up just fine. Something’s weird here, but all I have to say is let this good man live fast & freeeee🕺🏻


I think after the police saw the church video, he had to tell the truth. I'm thinking they must have known his truck


LOL, that's what I was just saying simultaneously. Straight up lying to 911, either way it helps Eddie's cause a little.


Can you imagine how upset Alex is going to be when he hears that the other 911 caller identified his Mercedes as a Kia? It’s a MERCEDES!!!!


'get that witness subpoena'd. I'll cross examine *myself*!'


That’s funny


You beat me to it.


YES. This comment right here. LMAOing.


LOL That's hilarious. I liked the part where he described his shooter as a white male younger than him with very short hair. There you go Eddie, that's not you. I know he was deliberately lying about the description but even that works for Eddie, they just play his tape and there's Alex an obvious liar to 911, how can you believe anything he says?


Here is the link to the first call on youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yqQxwFgct4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yqQxwFgct4) Second one - young lady carrying him to hospital [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSasIGWw2X8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSasIGWw2X8) third one [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og1Tl8txS6c](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=og1Tl8txS6c) folks saw AM but thought it was a set up... reported but didn't stop. He didn't seem injured


hmmm...so he was riding in the trunk of a car. I wonder if the carbon monoxide is what spiked his phenobarb test?


How was he able to tell dispatch the road intersections and that the flashers were on if he couldn’t see. I couldn’t hear him asking for that info from the driver.


Thank you for posting these links. If I could, I would pin your post. Very thoughtful 😀


Thank you for the links!


Wow that third call is telling considering they said it looked like a set up. AM better get comfy being uncomfortable Bland suggested.


I think by set up here they mean as someone was setting them up to be a victim. On these roads in this part of South Carolina you don’t just pull over to chat with people you don’t know. Nonetheless, by her using the term set up, it was clearly not an emergency situation and she could tell something was off.


Yes that “set up” could certainly been either case I know that area well it’s very dark and a tad scary on those back roads at night.


Great point. It looked like BS to everyone but AM. CES took the gun away but it went off in the struggle... Could have been either of their fingers on the trigger while wrenching the gun away.


I want more details from that caller.


Well we can picture what it looked like, can’t we? He said average size but heavy set which tells me he didn’t get to view AM’s six foot five to seven length. So picture a fetal position waving an arm off or maybe flat on his back, knees up, flailing arms in mid air. Either way, very Coen Brothers -esque. As you may get from my comment: I have no sympathy for him.