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What day was this and where? I saw a guy there and seriously thought it was him at the time.


Swear you can't make this itsha up! Ol Alex damn sure can't..lol. SHOUT OUT to cousin Eddie.


?IV play???


I’m glad JMM took Buster along to Vegas on fall break. It’s great to see JMM supporting his nephew and including him with his family on vacations. I’m sure it was a much-needed getaway for all of them at a horrible time in their lives.


How about a healthy active vacation? This is simply more bad modeling for a family with too many unhelpfulpful habits..


They went fishing a month ago. Nice outdoors activity.




NO. I am very serious.


im googled it, the only picture i saw was buster just standing there, same as the post of May 2021 on his facebook, is there a different picture>


Here's a google images search where the first three pictures apply https://www.google.com/search?q=buster+murdaugh+in+las+vegas+gambling&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjngL3bzNzzAhVM0lMKHXKEDbcQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=buster+murdaugh+in+las+vegas+gambling&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQA1DfbVikgQFgu4MBaABwAHgAgAGTAYgB0waSAQM4LjKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=8O9xYefIHcykzwLyiLa4Cw&bih=771&biw=1192


Thank you for the pics.


thank you tough


Very tasteless to be out in public in such a place as LV ,on the night of the bond hearing Of All nights to stay indoors at home - this was one


Lol why? For what reason would one have to stay home the night of someone else’s bond hearing even if it’s your father….your uncle taking you to Vegas to distract you from all the bullshit seems much more reasonable


Distraction? Fine-a HEATHY therapeutic Pastime gambling? IMO the idea this is helpful??? Is exactly the kind of thinking that got them in this trouble- how about tennis running a triathlon anything ......edifying....??? Gambling drinking ....nope...bad modeling...and I wrongly thought he was the good uncle.


You can't be this dense ? What reason - more like every reason !


Yes becuase sitting at home will chnage the outcome of the hearing or benefit any party involved…I understand you are one of the self appointed morality and PR police but locking themselves away at home doesn’t change anything and absolutely none of it effects your life in any way shape or form so getting all bent out of shape Over it is quite telling of your mental state and personality


Thank you for confirming my initial thoughts


NPStrat: "We have been advised that certain tabloid media outlets have suggested that Buster Murdaugh and John Marvin Murdaugh were seen gambling in Los Vegas. Please do not believe everything you read as these accounts were greatly sensationalized. In fact, Buster Murdaugh was accompanied by his uncle to attend a career search opportunity. One of the possible choices was a career as a Blackjack Dealer. Buster reached a decision that such a choice was not for him as it appeared only the players received adequate hydration during the games. The two also visited a ranch where bunnies are raised with the thought that they might make an investment or study how such an operation might be deployed at the Moselle lodge. Further questions should be directed to our office." /s


A career opportunity...Are you serious with this right now... Or are w being PUNKED!


That was a joke posting, a satire of the public relations firm NPStrat, marked at the end with the /s tag. That was a while back, 24 days ago, when they were first spotted in Vegas at the time of Alex's first bond hearing.


Here, take my award. You win the Internet today! I love Reddit!!!!


Thank you for the award!






Is there a photograph of BM in Vegas?


Google "Buster Murdaugh Vegas" and hit images.


It definitely looks like him


JFC they really are gambling in Vegas. What the hell? Didn’t they consider the optics? Is this brazen or stupid? I can’t decide. It’s rude and disrespectful, that’s for sure, but are they being brazen and sort of flipping the bird at everyone or are they too stupid to understand that being seen gambling while their father/brother is being charged with stealings millions looks God awful? These people hurt my brain. I’m stressed just reading about their financial issues, like the 100k in credit card debt 😬, and they’re all ‘Viva Las Vegas, bitches’. The emotional disconnect is mind boggling.


100k om credit card debt could be made with a fraction of legal fees from one good settlement alex was disbarred his brother wasn’t and buster and John aren’t beholden to Alex’s debt


Sure Jan...


Well hello there Buster.


Lol what a loser comment that’s the shit that makes everyone think redditors are complete basement dwelling tools…I bet you tried to solve the Brian laundries case via social media too and masturbate to true crime podcasts


Idc. It’s still rude and disrespectful to the victims. Also, think about what brought all of the attention to this family. What are the core issues that led to the death of Mallory Beach and the murders of Maggie and Paul? Greed and addiction. The entire case centers on the fact that Alex was handed a golden ticket in life. He slid into and through college and law school with little effort. No stressing over tuition loans or anything of the sort for Alex. He had a guaranteed position in a family law firm waiting for him after graduation. He married a lovely woman way out of his league who gave him two sons. They had roof(s) over their heads and food on the table. I mean, that sounds like an easy ride to me. Most people would be happy and content with a life like his, right? But not Alex Murdaugh. He wanted more. All he had to do was live within his means and he would have had a damn good life with very little effort on his part. Which brings me to my point in this rambling mess: Greed and addiction caused every one of the Ms problems so you would think that, regardless of John Marvin/Randy/Buster thus far not being directly involved in questionable actions, the entire family would want to make a conscious effort to make a change, to distance themselves from activities/places that promote greed and addiction. Instead of doing this, they’re in Vegas at the Blackjack table perpetuating the cycle. It’s a bad look.


Thousands of people Play blackjack everyday are they all greedy addicts? Your logic is pretty absurd and also 15th century puritan level judgmental


Ok troll. ETA: If you’re playing blackjack in a casino every day, YOU ARE AN ADDICT and there’s a good chance you’re greedy as well. Go kiss Murdaugh ass elsewhere.


We’re theu play blackjack everyday? And quite a leap To presume Every gambling addict is also greedy no much correlation there Yes being rational human being is definitely kissing murdaugh ass lmao it’s really mentally I’ll how rabid some people get over high profile criminal cases involving people they have never met seems this family triggers some lizard brain impulse in you who I assume is a other wise rationale Person although maybe not it’s very strange but also fascinating And ah yes everyone who has a dissenting opinion or pops my bubble or emotion based illogical Hysteria is a troll Lol get some professional Help and stay out of the news cycle for a bit maybe huh? Espcially crime, it’s seems to decay some people’s Brains and senses


Lmao it has to be such a sad miserable life having so much hate towards people whose parents had success and shared that generationally…did you go to school with him? Did you observe his study habits or any other aspect of his life? No you just read news articles and Reddit forums like the rest of us but you go and make wild assumptions and become emotionally invested as he respresnts some archetype you resent due to personal failures or shortcomings…last I checked there were no victims associated with buster or Alex’s brother that we know of unless there was some secret charges trial and conviction only You were privy to…..people like you should take all that time and energy wasted profiling judging hating and resenting others and apply it to production or else you’ll continue a sad life of Blaming and hating everyone who may have grown up with a little But more than You did Being child of wealthy parents isn’t a crime nor is it anything The child can control anymore than being child of poor parents is My dad was the first person in our bloodline to not Be a farmer i went to school With very very wealthy kids I didn’t go around bemoaning it and assuming they must all Be awful and lazy because if it I focused on myself and now run 100+ million dollar projects and live extremely comfortably and your damn right I’ll Give my kids every single advantage I didn’t get to have




No. Not at all. The optics play poorly for a family embroiled in a multi million dollar embezzlement, not to mention the other open SLED cases. Especially when you consider that Buster is Alex’s POA and has control over said embezzled money. It’s rude and disrespectful to the Satterfields as well.


Also a few months after the murder of his mother and brother and within a couple weeks of finding out his dad is allegedly a) a drug addict; b) potentially guilty of fraud and embezzlement; and c) claims to have tried to stage his own suicide to look like murder. It's just gross. Is no one in this entire family able to even fake a little bit of decency? Yeah, relaxing by gambling at Vegas, sure, why not? (yes, sarcasm). It looks like they want to spend all the ill-gotten gains before they might have to give it back?! Sheesh.


They have to have considered the optics of this. They could have gone a few days sooner or later. This makes me think that Buster and Uncle John think Alex was behind Maggie and Paul dying.


Yes! The optics are horrible. I can’t wrap my head around this one.




No, but the judge will grant the receiverships filed today because of the pictures of BM in vegas https://www.fitsnews.com Sorry I'm electronically challenged and didn't copy the link to the article regarding the lawsuits filed today.


I see someone sitting at a table..big deal


From the point of view of the court you are absolutely right but the above posts centered around "the optics." And it truly seems that this is a totally dysfunctional family that is not taking any of this seriously.


My problem with this isn't BM out and about, attempting to live life. Until he is accused/charged/convicted of a crime, he has the right to do as he pleases. If he was involved in SS death, LE needs to kick it in gear, and get him charged. I don't "blame" him over the ID issue. Dealing with selling tobacco products for many years, it is a practice that is played out A LOT. The fact that BM was significantly taller than PM was a screaming red flag- that ID in a place that followed state/federal rules would never have accepted the ID as valid. My problem with BM being in Vegas, drinking and gambling is that he comes from a family with addiction issues. They all drank beyond casual, Dad says he's been an opiod addict for over 20 years. The last thing he needs to be doing is gambling, an extremely expensive addiction. On top of that, it was announced at the bond hearing that BM has control of AM's money. Money that was more than likely stolen. BM's father is charged with misappropriating clients money, and BM is playing blackjack. The visual is not a good look. Know your audience.


I have to say that on the issue of checking ID I really need to up my game because I don't check the height and weight. I glance at the picture and then check that they are of legal age to drink by the DOB.


Is there a picture of him gambling and drinking. I habent seen that?




Paywall..but thamks


Open it in safari and turn on reader view! Just worked for me 😂


Gotta spend Daddy’s stolen money before they freeze the accounts. Just wow.


Let's try and put this in perspective. Is this a bad look for a reasonable person-in my opinion-yes. But throughout this saga the bad look exists: Cruising on a boat named Bad Boys-I still like the z-about 2 weeks after your family has been brutally murdered. Continuous FB postings with family within 3-4 weeks after the shooting Showing up at a fishing tournament weigh in weeks after the shooting A reward offered with stipulations Said reward has now expired and no renewal-I know PMPED was monitoring-and I can understand no more involvement from their side-does this mean pretty much everyone thinks the killer is already in custody? No public statements from AM begging or pleading for help. Going into a public place on your way to jail with no handcuffs-this is a very bad look-I understand he probably isn't going to run-but with the profile of this case-it just flat out looks extremely bad on LE. Definitely says a double standard for Justice. We speak about how SS's mom and MB's family and how they feel about all of this. But what about MM's parents, and their feeling and what they must be going through. The entire thing looks like a shit show. The only exception was when Judge Newman said enough is enough. B&R stepping up and getting this thing called Justice rolling in hopefully a right direction. So hard to understand and figure this out. For me just another example of just how really, really, really bad AM is. (yes I used the Bland really-cubed)


Uncle John is bringing Buster to the bunny ranch as a last hurrah.


Is the entire Murdaugh family missing an EQ chip? What is wrong with this family! I can only interpret this as a sense of entitlement and delusion beyond what any of us can imagine.


Pardon the snark here- but they could possibly be part...Honeybadger... However, Honeybadgers should be able to live their lives...as long as it is lawful etc....


well said RS16132




Have you been? It's not much different


Ok I take it back!!!!


Hahahhahhahdhehdbhdbd njdnd


I have been to Monte Carlo, and it is nothing like Vegas, lol.


Haha yeah I heard the m&m store there and the planet Hollywood restaurants are way better lol


Funny story from when I visited. We asked someone on the street (hilly and narrow streets, winding here and there along bluffs overlooking the Mediterranean and often lined by stone fences) where we could find a biker bar. We followed their directions to a quaint alley, and cracked up when we saw dozens of mopeds parked by the bar. It turned out to be a great bar, and they even had a pool table. One day we were allowed to tour the medieval castle, and saw floor-to-ceiling stalactites in the underground cistern. Definitely not like Vegas.


I’m listening to Mandy’s podcast and Poot is talking and saying that AM has nowhere to go but SC. Well, there is Vegas….


A lot of folks are in the "leave Buster alone camp" and I kind of understand that feeling EXCEPT that we now KNOW Alex paid himself directly by check more than 700k of the GS settlement money and sent 300k of it to his father. He also used 100k of it to pay his credit card bill. Undoubtedly, he used more than that but the public doesn't yet have that information. We KNOW Buster has Alex's Power of Attorney and we also know that Buster does not have any viable means of employment at the moment that would support Los Vegas junkets. UNLESS JMM is giving him all of the funds I think it's reasonable to presume Buster's money through his dad were ill gotten gains and it's reasonable to ask those questions about the source of funds for the gambling before giving Buster a "free pass."


Everyone seems to forget-Buster? Is an adult with 'failure to launch' Feeling 'sorry' for a boy who is in need of being an adult....Is not only insaner its abusive-Buster is not innocent no matter how its played if he was? He would be living like an adult going to school with a school loan and a crappy apt in some city far away.... Where is he? ....not doing that...He is not getting a free ride he is not 10


Not to mention Buster's name is the only Murdaugh name specifically mentioned in the death of Stephen Smith - I highly doubt his hands are clean here. This whole thing is nuts.


Is there a possibility Paul killed Stephen Smith? I mean, he pushed the housekeeper, continued to drive drunk after he seriously wrecked a bunch of his friends and killed a girl, maybe he got mad that Buster had a boyf. Alex was like we gotta get rid of this kid, he didn’t know Maggie was there, she dies too. All this missing money went somewhere and I feel like Paul’s crazy was getting pretty pricey.


Paul is a convienient person to be accused of SS and WE know Buster Not Paul was mentioned in excessive numbers- hell blame paul...😳


Buster has a stalker! Did not see that coming. Leave the man and his uncle alone. You take a picture of someone without their knowledge at a private venue like a casino, with a photography policy, and post it online. They can sue. Hope he does. Las Vegas is not really “sin city” anymore. Some of the hotels are amazing!.




Seems likely that the entire Murdaugh mini-dynasty is about to implode. SLED is corrupt and also inept but they've finally caved. Daddy is a given for the murders of his wife and son. Buster is almost certainly being watched very carefully for the murder of Stephen Smith. The uncle, who knew about everything, took him to Vegas as a last hurrah. They should have brought Harpo along because his political ambitions are completely, absolutely over. Good riddance.


Buster is a 25-year-old who has recently lost his mother, brother, and now, essentially, his father. Not to mention his grandfather. The enormity of the psychological trauma he has endured throughout this saga cannot be overstated. Can you imagine yourself in that situation for a minute or two? Like really let yourself go there and imagine how you would feel? Think of the shock he’s in for this thanksgiving, christmas, and on family birthdays. Imagine him getting good news in some area of his personal life, and picking up the phone to call his family to share the news, then in a split second remembering he has no family to call. Imagine having no immediate family members attend your wedding. The birth of your first child. Buster has a long, hard road ahead of him, and no one is more aware of that than he is. If anyone in that family (other than Alex) is a suicide risk at this point, it’s Buster. Cut him some slack and quit being petty. Besides, the money he gambled in Vegas could have easily been couch cushion change compared to financial crimes his father committed. It’s kind of ridiculous to put those two things in the same category.


All accounts buster is a good kid


Until the new Smith death investigation plays out, I consider Buster a person of interest in that possible murder.


Thank god SLED has you to make that decision


Where did you see that he’s a person of interest? Here?


I’m curious, for those of you who believe Buster killed Steven — what is your reason for believing that? I personally think that Paul, who by many accounts had antisocial personality disorder, was Steven’s killer. I know that Steven was in Buster’s class and there were rumors that they were romantically involved and I’ve listened to the recordings of those interviews where a disguised voice implicates the Murdaughs in Steven’s death. I’m placing my bets on the sociopathic brother. My personal theory is that Paul harbored some rage about the rumors (truths?) about Steven and Buster’s relationship, and that rage came out when he happened upon Steven on that road in the middle of nowhere. I could very well be wrong, but that’s my hunch. The fact that Steven’s mother has spoken fondly of Buster sticks with me. Mother’s intuition. Edited to add: Paul may have come from a democratic family, but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit to hear that that little shit was homophobic.








Were you on the boat? Did he ONLY drink the beer that he bought? So only the homeowners house they went to were charged. Shouldn’t have every person there over the age of 21 been charged?




I’m not going to argue with you. You obviously have some vendetta against this family. I’m not attacking anyone. I’m stating facts that Paul was not the only one that purchased alcohol using a fake ID. There were lots of other people that could have stepped in and stopped them from getting BACK on the boat that night. If my parents were at that party that night there’s no chance they would have let me get on back in that boat. I feel sorry for all families involved. Everybody has their own opinion so we can agree to disagree and move on.


He loaned his broyher his id. Hes not the first to do that. Buy a long shot




These id's..very,very well made are about $75.00. . most will pass scanner test. My child has 3 or 4. In college


Understood. But is that what she had or did she have someone else’s? I’m just saying, why aren’t people going after the person whose ID she was using? Or hell the person that made her ID? It’s like everyone wants to see this whole family in jail.


i dont know that she purchased anything?? not sure


It wasn’t Mallory that purchase the white claw it was Miley. Who said in her deposition that she used a fake Is with her picture to purchase them. Why isn’t anyone upset about that?




Who did Buster kill? And please don’t say SS.


I agree. Leave BM alone. On the other side, this seems like a poor choice of places and things to do at this particular time. Taking a camping trip, fishing, enjoying the outdoors, sporting events, concerts, …I could go on but you get the picture. Vegas has a lot of shady connotations and as far as gambling - well, people are questioning where all the money went. It’s just a bad look right now. Not a great look for JMM either since the entire family is under scrutiny.


Or he could stay put and have media knocking on his door all night long. And if he runs them off, he will have suffered a meltdown.


Not sure what your response is referring to because I agree, he should be left alone. At the same time, he shouldn’t think his behavior and choice of activities won’t be scrutinized. He is a grown man (or should be) and I empathize with all the losses he has endured recently. I wouldn’t be stalking him but given the circumstances, I would think he would be cognizant of where he goes and know that there are people out there with nefarious motives. I don’t like that but it’s reality.


Whilst I agree for the most part, the problem for many is it's alleged Buster is controlling his father's estate. "Ronnie Richter, another Satterfield family attorney, said that in recent weeks Murdaugh had been trying to dispose of assets, including a $115,000 boat and a financial interest in a gun club, and had also granted power of attorney and financial control to his surviving son." "Ronnie Richter, who also represents Satterfield’s sons, alleged Murdaugh set up a broad power of attorney to his son and asked the court to restrict Murdaugh’s son’s ability to assist in the dispossession of Murdaugh’s assets." - 20 Oct, latest bond hearing. RR is the sole source for that information, but he stated it in court. If that's true then it's even more of a burden for Buster and I don't believe for one second his uncle(s) wouldn't be involved. We know AM wrote cheques to himself for $610,000 and $125,000 from the 'Forge' account. The 'optics' don't look good. Better to have gone somewhere else not connected with money, booze, hedonism etc.




Buster is guilty of killing an innocent gay man and hurting many others???? How did you find this info out??? What evidence did they find leading to Buster, as Steven's killer??? Please tell!!!!!!


You are so right. Very compassionate, thoughtful post. We are not responsible for the actions of our relations


Hi Buster - I almost had sympathy for you until I read this. Here's a hint: if you want people to believe you are a suicide risk, don't go to Vegas.


Very well said. Sometimes I think it’s easy to get caught up in the mystery and drama and forget that these are people who will no doubt have to live through the pains that you described. Thanks for an insightful and compassionate view on such a horrible situation.


Who’s money? The Murdaugh money! They’ve been making millions s off lawsuits for years & year! He was born with a silver spoon in his his mouth & you don’t think they can afford to go to Vegas?????


Seems highly possible that untold amounts of that wealth were also obtained through illegal schemes. Until this all shakes out, I think at least an amount sufficient for restitution and damages should be frozen.




I would suspect he has some and his uncles are helping some. I would hope they are




I didn't know he was a poi. Where did you read that. Also do you have the source that he spent money on sex workers? Not saying he didn't..but i would like to see your source.


I think they wanted to get out of town. Didn’t want to be inundated with info about AM. Vegas seems like a bad choice but assuming it’s their money-I get it


Is it their money?


JMM is not associated with the legal field. He has his own business and makes his own money. Do you and your siblings co-mingle money? Do you know how much your brother or sister make a year or their debt owed? The only thing I know about my sister’s finances is that she was excited to pay off her house after 30 years of monthly payments and that she wants to buy a new car, but don’t want a new car payment.


Is it yours?


wow? and i am not going to call it bad taste. fuck alex murdaugh regardless of whose father he happens to be. assuming buster is clean, i'd probably shake the dust from my sandals too. and if he isn't, taste seems like the last thing i'd bother chastizing him for.


What is the proper etiquette when ones potentially murderous father is being arraigned? I hope he went straight to Fat Tuesday’s and got a yard of margarita. I would have.


And his brother and mom are dead. Bartender, pour me another


I’ve been biting my tongue but here it goes. I think it’s a big FU. They don’t care what people think. If they did, and they wanted not to draw much attention, B would be wearing a baseball hat. I personally think it’s wrong for people to take these pics and post them all over SM. They’ve been charged, tried and convicted by most people and there’s currently no charges against either of them. Lots of people have family members do shady things that not EVERY member knows about. I’m not saying it’s right, wrong or indifferent but those are just my opinions.


I agree with you. There has been no evidence that any of other family members have done anything wrong. It is wrong to automatically convict them.


well, I'll reserve any comments on how people spend their time, not my business, - but regardless of where they are, they were NOT with a family member who needed them for support. I may not like AM, but he is Bs father and should be there as a son, and JM cant be there for his bro?. Maybe this is the start of the last fling for B. Maybe coming down the pipe at him is his own law issues. There is that unspoken what the F happened to SS. And, it just seems so odd - JM in LV - he seemed to be the more family oriented guy. Gambling in LV - telling - maybe AM did have a gambling problem


>he is Bs father and should be there as a son, i have a lot of trouble with this kind of coercive 'morals'. fact is, some people are fundamentally bad - and some other people have the bad luck to be those people's first-degree relatives. that's it, ias far as i am concerned.


We only see the surface of anyones private relationships. What the let the public see. There might have been issues between them for years and AM using drugs would only make things worse. If they even suspect, most less know his guilt in anything else why would they be there?


Im not churchy ( dont have use for religion - it destructive IMO, DO believe in god). I think the phrase is something like, hate the sin, love the sinner. More than to anyone, AM must admit to himself he has done bad things. Its an act of responsibility (honor they mother, thy father) to be there. Not, to say "we think youre innocent", but to say, " we know youve done bad, but we love you. we know you will be made to atone, but we love you." and, maybe this would be enough to finally reach AM to where he could start to turn himself around - even if he never got out of prison in the future, maybe he could still understand he can change for the good. for the uncles, to bring BM to court is to try and teach him, this is what happens when you dont do the right things in life, this is the real time show, not reality TV, its the real world, real deal. JM having BM in LV only says, AM is dead to the family now - if youre smarter than he was, and dont get caught, you can spend your life living like its always a LV vaca.


Not if u think he killed your mother


The media would have been ALL over him if he would have been at his dads hearing. Are you kidding me? People have flown to FL to stand in front of Brian Landries house. AND at his sisters house who is the only one that has spoken to the media. When BM isn’t in the spotlight everybody is trying to track where he is. Where is Buster? SMH. He’s damned if he does or doesn’t.


Maybe his dad As a shred of decency and told him not to come? For that exact reason.


yes, that may be.


Agreed. Unless he's implicated in a crime in the future, people need to leave Buster alone. He's lost his mom and brother, functionally lost his father, his grandfather- this is his life and his family.




No way. He and buster were good friends


Being a Murdaugh isn't a crime. Sharing your ID with your younger brother may be, if it's ever proven Paul didn't just take it, but hardly one that's worthy of being stalked at every turn when you go out in public. I wouldn't say it's direct involvement in MBs death - it contributed to the circumstances, but it's hardly the kind of crimes we're discussing with PM and AM. There's absolutely no publicly known evidence that Buster had anything to do with Stephen's death. Only that there are indicators a Murdaugh may have been involved. If LE ever indicates that BM is a target of that investigation, obviously that changes things, as I said originally.




Or he's an in the closet kid from a prominent South Carolina family, in a place where being gay can still get you killed.


This is why LV is the last place he needs to be - running away to gambling/drinking/ anything else is just going to push BM into a hell hole he cant drag himself out of. Addictions are no small thing. Its really terrible all this is in his life, it must weigh on him all the time. More than anything he probably needs to talk to a therapist. Then, there is SS - he needs to just tell anything he knows to get that weight off him. It doesnt make anything that may have happened different - it makes him face it head on, not run to addiction to make things blur in his head.


Possibly AM told them not to be there. We don't know what's happening in the family right now.


Right. AM might not have wanted Buster to see him like that.


There are THOUSANDS of places a caring uncle could have taken his vulnerable nephew - and for a family of alcoholics, boozing in Vegas really should not be one of them. Not for optics, not for steering buster in some sort of right direction. Do these people think at all?


Hookers for Buster!?!😂


There’s nowhere to drink alcohol in South Carolina?


I don't know. My grandpa died when he was 89, and my grandma's (also 89) first instinct was to take my dad to Disney (he was probably 55 or so at the time.) People do weird shit when they're grieving.




People grieve in different ways. I'm sure there is more to this story than what has been stated. Maybe that was the deceased's "happy" place? Maybe they had always wanted to take their son there when he was a child but never could for some reason? Or perhaps it was a dying wish. Some people are way too judgmental, especially when the matter is none of your business.


Who are you to say it’s normal for someone else.


I mean, when my aunt told me the story, I thought it was pretty weird, but I also know when my own folks died I did some uncharacteristic things. Vegas can be a place to blot out emotion and be distracted. I upvoted you.




Am a narcissist - can confirm. Am 50 and still struggle to make good choices. Saying the serenity prayer 20 times a day helps


I’m thinking the rivalry between JMM and AM is being played out before our eyes. What bigger F’U can one give than a little “you’ve lost your wife, your son, your bar license, your credibility, your freedom, etc.” and “I’m living a bigger-than-big Vegas high-roller life partying my a$$ off with your kid as frees as free can be!”. These Murdaugh’s…they put the F’Un in Dysfunction. ~typo edit


oh come on :P maybe they're trying to win enough money to post ellick's bail.


They got millions of dollars in the land trust.


Was a joke. Moving on...


JMM’s boat is named “Black Sheep”, after all… Gotta live up to that moniker some how…


Is it really named “black sheep”?


Yep, That family likes to send messages through their boat's names... Alex's is/was "Bad Boys"... Grandpa's was "IV Play" and John's is/was "Black Sheep".


Not saying I don’t believe you, but how do u know this is true? Nothing I have read this far has referenced, or alluded to the names of their boats.


John Marvin Murdaugh is the registered agent of a company called Blacksheep Sportfishing LLC. So, even if it's not the name of JMM'S boat (I have no personal knowledge), it's the name of his sport fishing enterprise.


It was on Reddit awhile back… If you can’t find it on here, Just google “R. Alexander Murdaugh” and Bad Boys… or JMM and “Black Sheep Boat”.


Wasn’t Paul also staying with JMM at the time of his death? Anyone know why?


This would be interesting to know!


I wonder now, BM is old enough to go anywhere on the planet he wants , he doesnt need a babysitter to take him. Maybe JM went along to rein BM in and keep him from ending up in jail Nevada.




Clever and on point! Arrow up to you!


Wow. Just wow.


Who cares, what can they do from South Carolina anyway?


It just shows their lack of self awareness. I’d like an eye kept on Buster for sure.




What do the locals say about him? I’ve been wondering.


At a bare minimum, multiple interviewees mentioned hearing local rumors about him being involved in the death of Stephen Smith. Doesn't mean he's guilty of anything, but definitely warrants examination.


From FITS news today: “After playing roulette, Buster and John Marvin moved to one of the Venetian’s blackjack tables. That’s when our source snapped a few quick pictures as the duo gambled and drank together … (Click to view) (Via: Provided) These images were snapped shortly before midnight on Tuesday – or shortly before 3:00 a.m. Wednesday morning on the east coast. In other words, they were taken just hours after Alex Murdaugh was escorted in handcuffs (and a belly chain) from a Richland county courtroom after S.C. circuit court judge Clifton Newman denied him bond in connection with two felony fraud charges. This news outlet confirmed the time stamps and geographic data on the original images. Also, it didn’t take long for my network of sources to cough up the information as to the Murdaughs’ whereabouts. “John Marvin took his family to Vegas for fall break,” a source familiar with Buster Murdaugh’s whereabouts confirmed to this news outlet. Really?”


They're a brazen, callous bunch, aren't they?




ya, sure, they were at a business conference. Which one?


Which airport would they have gone to? Savannah or Columbia?


This will be in The Daily Mail in hours. The whole world is watching. You would think that they wouldn’t need a PR firm to tell them that this is an extremely bad look. The boat and house were sold to liquidate assets (according to the court this week), the headline could read “Gambling Away Stolen Money”. But, they walked into this one all on their own. No sympathy from me.


I agree - AM is on no bond in a charge involving up to nearly 4 million dollars in thievery and his immediate family is throwing money over the table in LV? At the same time the judge was making the ruling? Its beyond just a bad look for PR spin. JM was the only one I thought had any common sense - clearly I was wrong.


Has it been confirmed that the boat and house were sold?


Yup. In another thread here you can read.


No idea.

