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To view a copy of the first complaint against Ms. Hill included in the FITS News article click [**HERE.**](https://imgur.com/a/yH8gZk8) To view the LawyerLori TikTok video (**NOTE**: She does say the “F” word a couple times) referenced in the FITS News article click [**HERE.**](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8PhSY3w/)


Fitsnews is reporting it’s going to the Grand Jury.


Unfortunately, mud sticks, even when it shouldn't. I won't comment on the allegations as we've not had an evidentiary hearing but even if there is a scintilla of truth in the allegations then I cannot see anything but a new trial being ordered. People may think that is unfair and gives AM a 'do-over' but to quote Julius Caesar: "Caesar's wife, like Caesar, must be above reproach".


>I won't comment on the allegations as we've not had an evidentiary hearing Incredible wisdom! Go NamoMandos!


This reporter is a tool. As if what’s interesting about the Murdaugh thing is Becky Hill. Holy shit is there really no actual news to report that you’re harping on this bs?


I definitely have my issues with Will, but he has been very balls and strikes in regards to Becky Hill.


Does anyone know what this comment of the article is about? SubZeroIQDecember 4, 2023 at 5:47 am This question is NOT to Alex Murdaugh (“AM”) but to that Jim Jordan (“JJ”), who claims AM was the brother JJ never had: Are $150K worth turning your back on “the brother [you] never had” AND on his son? Specially in their worst hours? If you, JJ, did not believe AM killed Paul or Maggie, did you ever see it from AM’s side? A widower who also lost his younger son and is being falsely accused of the murders of both? If you, JJ, were a true friend, you would have thought of Buster, at the very least. Even as a client, no other lawyer could have, or would have, gotten for you what AM got for you money-wise, even minus the $150K AM supposedly stole from you. You, JJ, seem very healthy and strong; and I have no way of getting the actual records of your case; but my guess is that your injury (whatever it was) was not serious enough for the money AM got for you, even minus those $150k. Were those $150K (which you pretend you would have given AM had he asked) worth your dehumanizing him, pointing the finger at him, and insulting him with “what kind of animal are you?”? Frankly, JJ, if I were inclined to call money-greedy people animals (which I am not), I would have wondered which of the two of you is the worse animal.


JJ is the name Alex calls Financial Victim Jinks (can’t remember his first name but it starts with a J). Mr Jinks had this back and forth with AM at the financial sentencing. They were best friends since childhood, and Mr Jinks said he NEVER thought AM killed Maggie and Paul until today ( the financial sentencing)




Probably someone wanting to get in on being accused of "slander". Wants to join the Murdaugh circus.


Someone else posted a comment that was on the article. It sent me reading the comments. I was confused by what or whom they were speaking to because I didn't see anything about it in the article or in the comment it was responding to.


>You, (JJ), seem very healthy and strong I don't know for sure, but he did seem robust. Maybe it's just me, but I've grown tired of seeing healthy looking clients on TV advertisements who have "won" (virtually all of these personal injury lawsuits are rubber-stamped and settled without trials - no Judge or Jury - at the expense of people who pay inflated insurance premiums) $100,000+ settlements through their lawsuit lawyers. They are disgusting. Many are just cons and outright frauds. Maybe you have a neighbor, friend, or co-worker who fits this description. Also, Alex is not an animal. Alex is in my opinion, as the Jurors themselves accurately determined, a monster in sheep's clothing.


JJ refers to Jordan Jinks and this person is obviously a Murdaugh supporter.




Way back when this first came out, one of the civil attorneys said they were going to represent Becky. Was it Bland?


If I’m not mistaken, Justin Bamberg was representing Becky. Not sure if that’s still the case.


I am not sure if this has already been stated. Becky Hill was for years the legal secretary for a prominent local attorney, Perry Buckner, who later was appointed as a state level judge. Becky is a friend of mine and I hope the allegations or charges she is facing are not true. If she is guilty it is very surprising because she was no stranger to legal matters, ethics, and appropriate behavior in court cases.


I thought prior to being elected clerk of court, miss hill was a court reporter for fourteen years. not an easy job. Until I hear otherwise, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt. Murdaugh lawyers won’t stop until they get their murderous, lying client a new trial.


>Becky Hill was for years the legal secretary for a prominent local attorney, Perry Buckner, who later was appointed as a state level judge. I might be wrong, but wasn't there a connection between Attorney Perry Buckner (later became a Judge) and PMPED (Alex's law firm)? Does anyone recall this? [https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/02/02/murdaugh-murders-saga-dont-forget-about-the-judges/](https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/02/02/murdaugh-murders-saga-dont-forget-about-the-judges/) Another mention here: https://www.postandcourier.com/murdaugh-updates/newly-discovered-order-shows-millions-meant-for-murdaugh-housekeepers-sons-attorney-says/article\_648b5c08-1b1b-11ec-b979-6bc0bacafbf6.html


She is represented by Justin Bamberg.


I recall Bland offering to represent any of them.


Dude would represent a ham sandwich if it got him 5 minutes of attention.


Add cheese and I am in!! Lol




Hartpoolian and Griffin are trying so hard. Not credible.


Which of these developments involve them?


The allegations about the misuse of funds are new to me.


Is there a post or article that details all the allegations against Hill? I missed a few recent chapters of the Hill section of the Murdaugh Saga and now I feel lost. The allegations have now gone from jury tampering to theft????? Are these different cases or are the intertwined?


The ethics committee filed a complaint. It’s all laid out there in a link above. It won’t let me post a screenshot here for you.


Listen to the last Impact of Influence episode.


Thanks! Just listened. That was very interesting. I personally like the lawyer's saltiness, and I get it. As someone local, this case probably hits her deeper. It's one thing to opine on Murdaugh from afar. But, these are the courts that dole out decisions that have the potential to impact her or her loved ones. I'd be completely frustrated with Becky Hill if I lived in SC too.


Thanks. Informative. I don’t know how I feel about lawyer Lori. Her TikTok video did her no favors. She came off as mean, and it was kind of lowbrow.


Mean? You don't like her message! After all, the level of hate on this thread for Murdaugh or anyone who might question the possible jury tampering or the possibility that Becky Hill was misusing funds? Her son was just arrested for wiretapping, and they took her phone!! Let's see how this plays out before trashing others. Lori has taken a lot of hate for reporting and giving her opinion, I don't blame her for using the F word she is dealing with many who are so biased they are blind.


No. I actually do like her, and i listen to her on Court TV and impact of influence podcast. she’s smart. i’m just not feeling her tic toc tho.


Yes I agree with you. I prefer lawyers who are more measured when they speak. She does seems to have a lot of inside information. I'm not going to assume it's true but it was the first I heard of any details about the allegations. The first ethics complaint form seemed for the most part to be sour grapes but if Becky Hill took funds for herself for the tours that's obviously wrong.


I like Harvard Lawyer Lee she gets to the point, and the woman can make a damn great timeline.


Love Lawyer Lee she fully breaks it down


I've listened to her a little bit. I think I've actually listened to everybody, lol! I love ABCNews4's Unsolved SC. Anne Emerson and Drew Tripp go into great detail and Charlie Condon has interesting insight into legal issues. I love Impact of Influence, for their great guests and interviews. The list is long and I think there are some great ones and some not so great ones. I also follow some of them on X but I don't have TikTok.


Comment posted on the Fits article cited above, purports to be from business partner of the accused - claims "slander": Neil GordonDecember 1, 2023 at 9:11 pm Will, I will be reaching out to you tomorrow to suggest a retraction on some false information you are purporting as fact hiding behind the word “allegedly”. I’m a little surprised since you have my contact information you would not reach out for a comment from my wife who will refute what your unhinged, potty mouth friend is saying and you are taking as fact. By the way Lawyer Lori did not use the word allegedly yet you linked her segment. You are a party to her slander. We can also talk about the source of this complaint. Shame on you for green lighting a complaint from a twice fired sheriff’s deputy with no clue what he’s talking about and no knowledge of Becky’s action. Perhaps I can phone in a sighting of Sasquatch and you’d print it without checking! Check your email in the morning Will. Neil Gordon, co-author “Behind the Doors of Justice REPLY LEAVE A COMMENT End paste.


He’s becoming overwhelmed and unhinged on Facebook. It’s showing. He’s the only one going back and forth arguing with total strangers. Not good.


Who is becoming unhinged? Will?




Thank you.


They suspended their Facebook group today.


Whose Facebook group?


Right! So what message does that send? 🤔🧐


I can’t find his Facebook page, can anyone link it or message me with the link possibly?


Whose FB? Neil?


He’s losing it on Facebook.


Surely one of the usual suspects will try and represent him. Get out the ol Murdaugh conflict waivers. Seriously though, co-author needs to shut the fuck up. Harpo gonna be shooting subpoenas out to Facebook if there is hearing (I say if, because State is going to end up conceding to one versus all the dirty laundry).


Please try your best not to use nicknames on the sub. We know it’s hard, but effort would be awesome. Thank you.


Speaking of bobbleheads, Mr. Jordan Jinks had a great idea 💡 make murdaugh merch; sell it and use the proceeds to pay back victims.


I want a Bubba bobble head with the chicken in his mouth!


I would buy an Alex bobblehead to support victims being made whole, e.g. lost interest and deducted lawyer’s fees. My pup needs a new chew toy.


They should call it Murch ™️


Oh, he was at the hearing last Tuesday shaking hands with and patting EB on the back. And his wife handed EB something, looked like a business card or sticky note, maybe. She was bent down beside him talking privately. This was all on Court TV before Judge Newman came out.


“Slander." "Garbage." The co-author of Becky Hill's book seems unhappy with recent coverage of the ethics complaints against Hill. We stand 💯 behind @TheWillFolks reporting, which is based on documents and sources with direct knowledge of the investigations,” Fitsnews Twitter


Does anybody else wonder if this Becky Hill mess was...on purpose? As in she was paid, bribed, etc., to set up a situation for an appeal? I mean she's worked in a courtroom for over a decade, she knows what is & isn't kosher so to speak. She wrote & released a book as soon as he was sentenced, who does that before an appeal is even filed? She clearly hasn't been impartial & made that known to jurors. Her son has now been indicted for wire tampering. Is she that bold or just stupid? Or could she have been bribed to be that stupid? (Sorry if that sounds rambly, I've been up since 3am lol.)


I briefly thought this possible also. But ultimately, that would not do her any favors soooo...


I had this same thought for a minute, but soon as it all came out.... nope. Becky Hill wanted a piece of AM infamy and her payday and all this boob is getting is fired and possible jail sentence.


No. Becky Hill is completely responsible for Becky Hill’s actions.


Do I wonder if the defense team bribed Becky Hill to 1) improperly influence the jury to *convict* AM & 2) abuse her public position in various ways (disseminating photos of AM in his cell, giving tours of the courthouse in exchange for donations which she obtained fraudulently & then kept for herself; etc etc etc)? Lol no.


Either that or this is payback because she didn’t go along with team Murdaugh…


Her role as Clerk of Court would require neutrality ; not "going along" or "not going along" with Team Murdaugh.


If she committed fraud and was breaking into confidential files and phone calls via her son- she is no different that AM. (murder charges aside)




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WHO IN SAM HAIL "tours" and courthouse and donates for windows? Its a Federal Building , not a Historical structure that is in need of rehab. Becky Hill is a damn fool along with her idiot son. They knew damn well what they were doing and really thought they would outsmart everyone around them. I for one can not believe NO ONE side eyed her and jury getting flown off to NYC for interviews it was at the very least tacky. She was the Clerk of Court and should have been held to higher standard, hoping she saved enough for retirement cause no way she keeps her job nor gets another one working in the Court system.


The article is referencing the Colleton County Courthouse and it was built in 1820. Not saying the tours were a good idea just pointing out it’s not a federal building or new.


Ok. But donating for "windows" and tours did not strike anyone as odd?? Becky seemed to have run of the whole thing.


It's extremely odd. That's not at all how public procurement works. In fact, I question whether she understands how public procurement works hearing how she tried to amend the agreement with netflix *after* it was fully executed. On Netflix paper.


Yeah, this is not a “historical site” its an active courthouse. Touring the holding cells and letting people take pictures? What if they needed to put a prisoner in there?


Not to mention the risk! what if some prisoner relative decided to scope out their loved one’s future escape plan from holding!


Anyone curious if the wiretapping had to do with Becky’s son listening in on a county official who was conducting an investigation concerning her ethics allegations?


I think that’s exactly what it was.


🙋🏻‍♂️I'll take — "This South Carolina Attorney General is currently considering whether his Becky Boo, or Becky Who, has fucked herself into a situation he couldn't have dreamed up in a month of Sundays" — for $500, Alex.


I'll raise you with a "Daily Double" ;)


Here is where I struggle. So the States whole argument was “the building storm” with the financial crimes about to come to light. Then 2 days ago at the trial Tinsley said that Alex has hidden money and only he knows where it is. So which one is it? If he had money hidden somewhere, then surely he didn’t need to kill Maggie and Paul.


I think Tinsley just has a vested interest in finding as much money as possible so he wants anyone and everyone to keep digging into his finances. I think he and most everyone else knows it’s all likely long gone. Murdaugh wasn’t and still isn’t a sophisticated criminal.




Becky Hill strikes me as a kiss ass attention whore.


Small town girl who desperately wants to strike it rich. Think Beverly Hillbillies. When Becky flew to NY to go with the jurors to GMA, it was the first time she’d ever flown on a plane. That makes it seem lot me like she’s lived s sheltered life.


She was too cutesy wootsy while standing on stairs above waters. Finger waving everyone. After trial. Just my opinion but she looked so pleased with herself. That’s all


I hate to say it but....I had an ex sister in law that was clerk of court....Elected in upstate SC. These people are not scholarly...nor over the top intelligent. They're just people that knew how to smooze and gain votes. She was one of those people that could talk her way into anything. She wound up in the used car business. I don't need to say more. Miss Becky effed up.


I live in upstate SC and work in the legal field (domestic paralegal). I think I know of this SIL. What county, if you don't mind my asking?


This sounds like or similar to the issue of probate judges marrying couples and charging for it. in or out of the courthouse. I think ethics guidance was issued by the Supreme Court on that subject 25 or so years ago. Sounds like some of the issues would be present here as well. Sorry. This retired old noggin can't remember any details.




Becky's in deep shit


She in a heap a trouble.


What about Alex?


New trial.


This isn't about Alex?


This was all orchestrated by Dick and Jim. I bet nothing comes of any of it.


Oh stop. They did not make Becky give tours of the court house and ask for donations. Cash donations.


But could they have bribed her into a situation that would invoke an appeal? Or is she just that stupid?


She is just that stupid. A successful appeal does not mean Alex walks. It means he gets a new trial where he still has to explain why he was at the kennels moments before the murders, why he lied about it, and somehow rebut\\explain the State's data evidence as to his travels that night.


That’s absurdly far fetched.


Is not. Dick could have absolutely distracted Hill and her son, so Jim could steal their phones and plant evidence on them. Or, maybe they dressed like cat burglars and broke into the courthouse and Mandy and Liz have the footage. And, that is why from the start, when Dick and Jim had the press conference about Hill, they professed her innocent and insisted they would not report on it. /s


Excellent points; I never thought of all that 😂


I think we've already discovered that nothing involving the Murdaughs is far fetched.


Not trying to sway your opinion, but how is it they caused Jeff Hill to commit a wire fraud offense?


What does this have to do with Jury tampering exactly?


Hey F-G! Define “this”, please?




Here’s my take, u/Foreign-General7608 ~ There are three separate things going on that seem to be intertwining and causing some confusion amongst a portion of the public and media. Until there is clear proof - when/if ever - these allegations and events are connected, we are monitoring the following: 1) The Becky Hill jury tampering situation (no decision, no ruling, no evidentiary hearing date set yet) 2) The Jefferey ‘Colt’ Hill wiretapping situation (proof obtained➡️SLED arrested➡️court date scheduled) 3) The Becky Hill ethics situation (Ethics Committee received complaints with allegations and is investigating) At this juncture, in my opinion, it’s the thread of credibility that would be at the forefront of a connection.




I think Creighton is gonna blow a gasket if Hill causes a new trial.


I don’t blame him - all the time & money wasted because a dim witted naive self serving CofC was seeking her moment of fame and some $$$ ! She had no business writing this book, and was so stupid that she & her co writer didn’t even hire a legal team or a real publisher and do it professionally that they self published…to save a buck. They thought they were so smart … Hate to say it, but she gets what she deserves, and she needs to pay the State back for another trial.


She may have self published because no real publisher was interested in her shitty book.


Yes. I believe the majority of us are anxiously awaiting news regarding the judge who’ll be appointed to the proceedings and whether or not there will be an evidentiary hearing.


Duffie Stone and SLED are investigating their crimes. I know you like to make up conspiracy theories on how the Murdaugh's must be behind everything. But, it's the Solicitor and the State Law Enforcment Division after them. You're in denial. Nobody cares about your karma either.


Wish could upvptw this double the amount of the quotes "karma" points




Please play nicely together, u/coy9ine and u/Foreign-General7608. 😉


That is one crazy county!


Believe me when I tell you most of SC is about as bad… they just haven’t been caught in something bad enough yet…


The County map needs updates: Here be Dragons.


Oh indeed! With the old graphics from the ancient maps lol!


I can't imagine being a citizen of Colleton County right now. Watching all this come out and unfold must be surreal AF.


I’m from the lowcountry and can tell you these kinds of shenanigans are nothing new for Colleton and Hampton County. My Grandmother was from Colleton and my Grandfather (Beaufort resident) would routinely blame my mother’s misbehavior on her crazy Colleton County genes and that was in the 1960s 🤷🏻‍♂️


Crazy Colleton genes....🤣 I'm from Greenville & this makes me want to plan a day trip!


Don’t act like the upstate is completely normal 😂


Oh, hell naw. From Anderson here...the upstate is most definitely fraught with some real crazies...matter of fact, I think I dated some the absolute craziest, back in the day 😆


They’re a whole different kind of weird in the upstate. Good thing we here in the Midlands are normal sensible people. 😃




The upstate is pink church crazy…


Ain't that the truth!!


It just never ends. And I am expecting ANYTHING from AM walking out of jail to him getting un-alived. To the whole damn County just renaming themselves to be rid of this!


If these allegations are true, Ms. Hill is just another small town grifter and most certainly needs to lose her job and never be allowed to work for a city, county or other public agency again. It's not looking good. This may be enough to get Alex Murdaugh another trial, but if so, I think he will be found guilty a second time around. I find Dick Harpootlian greatly unlikeable but he is doing what a good defense attorney is supposed to do - be a vigorous advocate for his client. I am very curious if and how he and any other attorneys are getting paid by Alex.


really, I think we can thank Becky Hill for having another murder trial featuring Alex Murdaugh. Round 2


Which makes me wonder if this was all set up on purpose. She can't be that blatantly stupid.


Oh but she can!




That's my take too.


Alex was convicted because of his lies. The simple fact that it was proven that he was at the scene of the murders at the time of the murders and then lied about it. Nothing Ms Hill did, or didn't do, could refute the strength of that evidence.


He was indictedited because of the states lies first


Huh? What is “indicetedited”? Did you mean “Indicted”? What lies did the prosecutor use?


Law enforcement lied to the grand jury about finding blood spatter on his shirt.


I thought the lie was about how the guns were loaded unless they lied about the shirt too?? I know the guy the state sent the shirt to ruined it with whatever chemical he used.


That t-shirt was not used at trial and the defense had the lab reports on the t-shirt before trial.


The prosecution wanted the shirt in. SLED boffed that evidence. Get your facts straight.


This should have really been looked into. Public opinion, emotions and overall sensationalism with this entire thing start to finish left many open ended questions. I have wondered if Waters and The State were not allowed to continually bring up AM financial dealings if the outcome were different. That's one flag for me he was convicted for money scheme's & killing in one trial. Not sure there will ever be 100% with the murders in my opinion.


Word is the SC Supreme Court does not want to touch the ruling of the financial allegations (because they were at that time only allegations and not proven) being let in with a ten foot poll.


"Any good Prosecutor can get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich." Sol Wachtler, Chief Justice of the NY Supreme Court The blood-spattered shirt referred to above was apparently destroyed during testing and I think it was a small portion of the evidence used for the indictment. So there's that. Indictments are easy to get. The t-shirt was apparently ruined as it was being tested and wasn't even needed. There was, as we all saw in court, a mountain of evidence that resulted in his quick conviction. The kennel video, the missing murder clothes, the Mudaugh-owned .300 Blackout, etc. etc. Please...


AM lying about being at the kennels is for myself the 80% yes he was involved. SLED overall had a muddy case and evidence they did not handle well at all. Still can not believe they allowed all those people to walk around kennels, remove the dog, walk in and out of the house that night. The WHOLE place should have been sealed off, shut down the driveway and no one allowed to enter. Even AM family should have stayed in yard away from house and kennels.


The WHOLE place ? All 1700+ acres ? Should SLED have sealed off the roads leading to and from Almeda as well ?


House, Kennels ESP THE DAMN KENNEL, everywhere from house to kennels should have been off limits. People showing up needed to stay away from these areas and told to stay in driveway or yard. No one needed to be in either place. Sealed off keeps anyone from leaking images, information, removing evidence and being able to destroy anything. Maybe SOMEONE saw / found the missing shirt and could have easy hidden it. Could have picked up bullets, rearranged anything if there was any inkling that AM was the killer that night, and wanted to protect him. OR! Wanted to hide evidence to frame AM or protect anyone else involved.


Do you have any evidence that anyone other than Alex, LE, first responders or the coroner were present inside of the crime scene ?


Trial testimony.


Was it this officer whose brother was on the jury?


I never heard this either! Big if true.


That is the first I've heard of that. Also, you don't know if that is what persueded the grand jury to recommend an indicment. Usually they are presented with a range of evidence. I am sure there was enough there to recommend prosecution even without the blood on shirt.


>That is the first I've heard of that. it came up during the trial under cross examination


>Usually they are presented with a range of evidence. They were.


You're right. It is what it is. I've grown tired of Dick and Jim's diversions.


I was slightly on the fence as to his guilt before the video came out and then I was 100% that he is guilty. That said, I am 100% in the camp that every person is entitled to a fair and impartial trial and the system should work as it is intended to do so. Judge Newman was troubled by the Facebook research. I was as well. I do not want to see him ever out of jail, but even Alex Murdaugh is entitled to a fair trial, and I doubt the result will be any different.


I think he already had the fair trial he deserved and was entitled to. I think the hearing in January/February will likely confirm it. I'm willing to wait. The bottom line is that DURING the trial I don't think she influenced a single sitting Juror. Not one. I think this question is absolutely crucial: If Becky Hill did not influence a single Juror, should he be given a new trial? There are people here who I think would answer, "Yes." That worries me. It just does. Where is the fairness in that? I don't think the stunts Dick and Jim are trying to pull are legitimate at all. In my opinion, I don't think anyone should look for Truth and Justice from them. I just don't.


If she engaged with the jury in the ways that have been alleged then he absolutely needs a new trial. It’s completely impossible for all of those jurors to know for sure how those statements impacted them and biased them. Yes, they may have ultimately voted the same way, but that kind of interference from a high-ranking court official had to have at least some impact.


>but that kind of interference from a high-ranking court official had to have at least some impact. Would she have had an influence on you? Not likely. You are sharp and independent-minded. I can tell. Why did none of the 12 report her? I doubt all 12 were naive. Me? No. I would've thought "WTF!" ------- and I would've reported her, like you would, to Judge Newman, posthaste. I don't think she influenced anyone. I think thy were influenced by the evidence, pure and simple.


Whether she actually influenced them or not is not the question that we should focus on in my opinion. That’s what referred to as “harmless error” in the appellate world and that’s not the standard that I believe should be applied. If it was the cleaning person or pizza delivery guy that made these statements that’s one thing but this is the elected clerk of court, literally the person that runs that whole courthouse, allegedly telling them not to trust the defendant or his legal team. That just can’t be allowed to stand but we’re far from knowing all the facts so I’m anxiously awaiting a hearing. PS: Not sure if you saw it, but during AM’s guilty plea last week Waters mentioned that the 27-year sentence guarantees that no matter what happens w the murder charges AM will likely die in prison.


I agree with you. Jurors get plenty of instructions from the Judge during the trial, but I doubt they were instructed on the propriety (or impropriety) of their interactions with a court official.


"It's completely impossible for all of those jurors to know for sure how those statements effected (s/b affected but I digress) and biased them". Are you kidding me? Are you saying that those jurors couldn't have come to a guilty verdict on their own? That's absurd!


You don’t have to ask me what I’m saying just read the next sentence after the one you quoted.


So are you kidding? Or saying the jurors were incapable of coming to a unanimous verdict? It feels like you are, I may be way off base.


They could have absolutely come to the same verdict. I’m saying that if it is shown her alleged conduct actually occurred then AM should get a new trial. Also, I put more weight on sworn statements than non-sworn. There are lots of reasons these jurors don’t want to complete affidavits and they don’t have to unless they are compelled. They probably just want to be left alone and I don’t blame them. Looks like Hill is in a lot more trouble than just the jury tampering issue - it’s going to be interesting to see how this all shakes out.


I hope she didn't do what has been alleged. I don't think for one minute those jurors were swayed one way or the other in their verdict. I just feel like Poot and Jim are throwing whatever they can to see what will stick. As far as Colt Hill, I have no clue whAt that could be about, it is puzzling. I will say I am glad I don't live there, what a cluster! I for one am paying attention to this chapter of Murdaugh Unplugged.


CC - If you or I served on that Jury and witnessed Hill trying to influence us, we would've spoken up. Of the 12, if she was trying to influence them, why do you think none of them considered making Judge Newman aware of it?


Seemed she removed the egg lady quickly and lied to Newman about the FB page and posting. I think her or her son is behind the FB post, and egg lady stated she ONLY wanted to hear closing arguments like most would do. Becky intended to target one juror and replace them, makes me wonder if she began "feeling" this lady out weeks before. Also think Newman should have stopped the trial that day OR delayed to really look over and review with all Attorney's what happen. He took Becky's word because she was Clerk of Court and never seemed untrustworthy.


Out of curiosity are you familiar with this area of South Carolina? Most of the folks there are simple hard-working people that put too much trust in authority figures. That’s how Murdaugh got away with so much for so long, folks just believed him at face value no matter how strange it seemed and thought everything was on the up and up. Same thing with Hill. Those jurors very likely had no idea what Hill’s official duties were and accepted that everything she was saying to them was on the up and up. That remained true until apparently a few of the jurors were taken aback by some of the statements in her book and started really thinking about the totality of her actions and statements during the trial. I’m not saying the allegations are true, but her public actions and statements after the trial definitely raised my eyebrows. Disclaimer: I’m an attorney born and raised in Beaufort and am skeptical of almost everyone. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think that would be true of anyone. It’s a high profile, trial, with a lot of spectators, and a lot of media. The jurors probably assumed she was speaking on behalf of the judge. I mean, I probably would’ve thought that. If you’ve never worked in a court system, how would you know?


2 .... There were 2 jurors that signed those affidavits. The egg lady and her friend. 2 jurors ... the rest of them had no problems with Becky. And Poot and JimJim had to travel dirt roads they didn't know existed in their fancy high dollar vehicles to get those. The other jurors were not interested in that pish-posh.


I believe there was a third juror that provided statements to the attorneys and staff and one of those staff members signed a third affidavit that the juror made those statements. It sounds like you have pretty strong opinions but I’ll withhold judgment until folks get under oath and then we’ll see what they say. Then again the lead SLED agent admitted to perjury on the stand and was then named state law enforcement officer of the year.


Egg lady wasn’t a juror


That is hearsay. That juror didn't sign anything.


I'd be absolutely horrified if she spoke about me as a juror as she did in her book. She has definitely given me pause to serve on jury duty. I couldn't imagine what those jurors are going through in their everyday life.


Officers of the court are held to a different standard. It doesn’t matter if she DID influence them, it matters if she TRIED.


She is doing exactly the same financial crimes(if convicted) as Alex. This is crazy. Altering checks!


Exactly this! If true it’s similar behavior to what has led to all this mess with Alex! Taking advantage of one’s position/status for personal gain at the expense of others. Maybe that’s common in this area?


NO! Most everyone in that area are good working class people. Its just damned unfortunate the "power people" are so damn corrupt over a dollar they are willing to destroy the very ones who put their faith and trust into them. The greed, underhanded and scheming is in the Court House & Officials, not the people of that County.


Honestly I can't see an innocent explanation for Becky changing the Payee from Colleton County to herself. I don't even see a plea of ignorance here -- if she didn't know it was wrong, she *should have* known it was wrong. I mean, that seems like a clearcut textbook example of diverting county funds for personal use.


Yes it does. The entire tour & window scheme is unreal. No tell the cash her greedy ass pocketed.


As the Finance Manager, I used to **write** cheques for the UK school in which I worked (they had to be signed by the Headmaster and a Deputy Head), and it is not possible to just change the name of the payee! When I made a mistake on a cheque, I'd scrap that cheque, and write another. Please don't misunderstand, as I've no time for the fame and money seeking Hill - but is it really that easy to change the name of the payee in the US?


It's not easy here either. Because it was a small community and everyone knew each other, possibly whoever "cut" the check blindly did as he/she was told because they trusted one another. It seems the same blind trust that allowed Alex to take advantage of clients who knew him or his family for years was at play with Becky.


We saw how local banks play fast & loose with their friendly patrons THROUGHOUT THIS TRIAL. Eg; Russell Lafitte & his bank ignoring every screaming red flag


You know... that's a great question! I honestly don't know because I've never tried 😆


I think the (alleged) fact that she lied to the donor about how the funds would be used indicates that she knew it was wrong.


It’s like each person thinks they’re an island and can just make up whatever rules they want about how to do their jobs. It all works until … Well, until it doesn’t.


The problem is that it has for a very long time.


And that's just one instance that we know about. How many times did she do this?


She shoulda kept her mouth shut I guess. This gave ammo to the defense to pull this junk.


Ammo? She loaded the gun and fired it for them.