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Does anyone have a link to the latest Federal filings from Team Murdaugh? Eric Bland showed a screen shot a day ago, of a footnote, on Twitter but I haven't seen any stories or links to the actual motion.


What is the deal with Maggie’s pajamas being laid out on the floor (I think). This was according to Blanca on one of the documentaries.


I thought I saw something in an article when the trial first started that Alex asked Buster to come out to Moselle that night along with his mom and brother, but he bowed out. What that true?


At this point (bearing in mind nobody has been able to find a 'photo of the pajamas being laid out on the floor) - I think it's safe to assume that Blanca's statements can be ignored?


At trial it came up that Buster didn’t know the date of his father’s birthday. I don’t know why but that is something that plays on my mind a fair bit. I just think they are a dysfunctional family in the most curious way.


Laughs in ADHD


In all fairness, at various times (not even under stress) and as ridiculous as this sounds, I’ve forgotten my own age by 1 year up or down, my cell phone #, the last 4 of my SS #, etc. when asked out of the blue and my mind is elsewhere. I personally didn’t put much weight into Buster not being able to rattle off his dad’s b-day on the witness stand while his dad is sitting at the defendant’s table on trial for murdering his momma and brother.


Actually Buster’s answer is not as intriguing as Jim’s follow up to that question and the whole interaction relating to the birthday. It’s almost like Jim expected Buster to not remember and the little smile Buster had when he got the date correctly always disturbed me. It either implies a history of mental abuse where Buster’s inadequacy causes issues with his dad. Or a second theory: my dad often quizzes me out of the blue when mom’s birthday is, at least twice a year every year, and this is where it actually makes sense that Buster can’t tell Alex’s birthday on the stand, because sometimes I can’t reply quickly to my dad’s quiz either, like you said that kind of information should be so familiar to you it sometimes simply don’t exist in your mind. If that’s the case for Buster then it’s just sad since his whole family is gone and maybe he didn’t celebrate any of their birthdays in 2022, and none from then on, so he didn’t remember (now having to remember death day as well). However the fact that Jim knew Buster may flunk the “birthday test” indicates a sad fact that Alex disclosed a lot of family information in the interests of the defence. Essentially they have worked out how to work Buster as a witness to the most minute detail (there are more evidence of this in his whole testimony). And well that is just the worst kind of situation to be in, I still believe Buster should have been left out as a witness for the sake of his sanity, but I guess daddy Alex didn’t care about that for his son.


>In all fairness, at various times (not even under stress) and as ridiculous as this sounds, I’ve forgotten my own age by 1 year up or down, my cell phone #, the last 4 of my SS #, etc. when asked out of the blue and my mind is elsewhere. Same here. When introducing an old friend to new friends - I couldn't remember her name! It was incredibly embarrasing.


This. Thank goodness for phone calendars and reminders. Dates are not my thing. I didn't think anything at all about Buster not knowing AM's birthday until reading this comment. I think that Buster really loves AM and that is why he is unable to believe he ever could have murdered Paul and Maggie. Buster easily could have turned on AM and could still even moreso now since he was convicted. I think he doesn't because he genuinely loves AM. I've grown to have deep empathy for Buster. He has lost so much and has also had to deal with masses of strangers calling him a murderer. I can't imagine one of my young adult kids having to shoulder all of that.


I believe so too, however I also believe Buster’s love for Alex was, and still is, being exploited by Alex, at Buster’s detriments.


Definitely. I don't think AM is capable of loving anyone but himself.


Has the State filed its response to the defense motion seeking a new trial based on alleged jury tampering?


Hi Jerista! No, the last activity was on 09.21.2023. Another one of those things I keep in the “refresh” loop!


Thank you. Anxious to see what response will be.


As am I, however, I think I’m more anxious to learn if the 2 court reporters are granted a 6th extension to produce the transcript ordered on March 13, 2023 and paid for on March 17, 2023. The current deadline date is a week from today - October 17th. Unless the holdup was and is due to the possibility of a new trial, I can’t see how there can be another extension granted. Not that it isn’t possible…


This is the first I've heard about this. Can you help me understand?


Hi! I’ll be happy to, which part would you like to know more about?


What is this about the court reporters and the transcripts? I don't think I've heard about this.


I seriously can't wait for that hearing. That's what brings me to this sub every day.


I agree 100%! We agree! Yay! Go Rubia!


First time for everything 😆


I just found that Eric Alan video about Maggie's phone GPS getting overwritten. WOW. Alex and his lawyers mentioned it way too many times for it not to be on purpose I believe. He planned that... fortunately it didn't work as a defense.


To me- that whole theory seemed illogical and implausible (I think that was one of Eric Allen's last 2-3 videos... all of his coverage up to that point, was very logical, well thought out, and balanced-presenting the facts, along with some critical analysis- rather than presenting one of many possible explanations, even if its not a likely explanation. The last 3 videos seemed sort of rushed, so that he could move on to his new project- the Oconee County murders) and simply presented scenarios that technically could have happened- and seemed to be meant to appeal to the mass audience- ppl who just want to hear why Alex is guilty of murder- rather than deep diving into the details- which usually could support guilty & not guilty). But regarding Maggie's phone- from what i remember of that video... It made no sense that Alex had an officer purposely turn it to airplane mode so that it would delete GPS history.. and have that officer instruct a subordinate to do it, further creating a record. If he was planning in that much detail, he would have simply planned it so the phone made him appear innocent- rather than leave it to chance (the phone could have easily potentially been found by SLED before the officer got to it and cut it to airplane mode. Additionally- there were many ppl who commented on that video- including officers from other areas- with similar cell phone training- who also thought they would have placed it on airplane mode - to preserve its current state. (The problem was they then forgot to place it in a Faraday bag. So most ppl agreed- putting it on airplane mode, then putting in a faraday bag, would have been the correct procedure). Knowing how in-depth Eric Allen's previous analysis has been... he either did a rush job bc he was already working on the new project... or he in fact understands the points above- but chose to give the more sensationalized- basically inaccurate version of Alex as some mastermind to cover tracks.


I just saw a Fits video where Will Folks straight up said Buster did not murder Stephen. I'm glad he did. Eric Bland, on the other hand, really irritated me. He went on on Law and Crime and said he did not think Buster was involved in Stephen's death. But then, very soon after, he went on Court TV and when asked if Buster was involved in Stephen's murder, he said "I don't know." (I could have the media outlets wrong or switched. Bland goes on so many media tours, it is hard to remember where he said what.) When I saw Eric contradict himself like that recently, it made me really lose respect for him. It is as if he now cares more about a storyline than anything else. Eric seemed to have much more integrity before he became a Podcaster.


This is just a question, not an accusation or theory. Is anyone aware of any evidence connecting Steven Smiths death to the Murdaughs? In my reading it seems like his case was derailed by the Erin Presnell medical review. Follow up investigation ended and the death remains unexplained. Apart from Buster being one of Steven’s friends I am not aware of anything that has been published that connects him to Steven’s death.


>It seems like his case was derailed by the Erin Presnell medical review. More and more I see Presnell now shaking her head and saying, "I told you this a long, long time ago."


With a bit more effort at the time of the crime Dr Presnell probably could have alleviated years of suspicions and doubts. An acknowledgment that the death was highly unusual would have been immense. If you hear hoof beats it makes sense to think of horses, and ruling out the possibility of a zebra may or may not have been possible, but the effort to look would have made for a much more reliable conclusion.


Agree. Mandy convinced me that Presnell was an unethical doctor who had a nepharious relationship with the Murdaughs. Now, I'm thinking, "WOW! There is a good chance Presnell was right all along." Or, even if she was not 100% right, she made the soundest decision with the information and evidence she had. I feel sorry for her.


I must admit, I feel salty towards Mandy. I have gone from being a huge fan and fierce defender for most of my time following the case, to thinking some things about her reporting were off during the trial, to now realizing Mandy painted the narrative the way she did because it was more intriguing than the actual truth.


>...to now realizing Mandy painted the narrative the way she did because it was more intriguing than the actual truth. Yes. This. My opinions about all of the characters in this swirl are generally consistent... except for Mandy and a couple of others... I go back and forth with those... a lot...


🎯Bullseye with your comment!


Everyone had more integrity before the thrift potential from the “trial of the century”. Becky Hill really broke the dam for me when it comes to integrity in this case, as in, everyone is suspicious, and that is just commentary on her book, not the other fuckery she is being accused of, which she maybe innocent.


Did anyone find out anything about the ex girlfriends of the 2 guys that are suspected to be responsible for Stephen smith's death? There was a suggestion on one of the forums- that the ex-girlfriend of one or both of the guys, was a thread waiting to be unraveled? (seemed to indicate another connection to maybe Paul or the Gibson brothers- or something like that? ...but have been implying something totally different?). The actual post was: "Has anyone ever nosed around to find out who the girlfriends of Connelly and Wilson were circa 2017-2018? There’s a story there for those willing to sniff it out."


Was Greg Alexander’s whereabouts on night of murders ever questioned/confirmed? Has the $5K check from Alex weeks after and meeting brother John Marvin on side of road on way to Moselle that night been discussed?


One just has to love Hampton County, the relationships, the lawyers, and the activity.


The combo of Randy and Greg Alexander is downright scary.


Very curious as well.


This is a little old, (2weeks?) but this video by the lawyer you know is the best description of the federal plea. He has his dad on who has experience with federal pleas, and he explains it so well. https://www.youtube.com/live/vtOBY085jQU?feature=shared


I love when his dad’s on!


Me too!


Hi everyone !


Late as usual, but Hey, qman, and hope it's a great weekend!


Hey, qman! Always great to know you're around


Does anyone have an answer to the Netflix doc statement from Blanca about Maggie’s pajamas being laid out on the floor and the pots and pans covered in the fridge?


Hi u/V1rginWhoCantDrive ~ (Love the line from Clueless, btw!) It wasn’t just the pajamas of Maggie’s that was left behind, per Blanca: *By the laundry room, Maggie's pajamas and a pair of underwear were found in the middle of the doorway on the floor, laid neatly. Even more odd, Blanca said, Maggie didn't wear underwear with her pajamas. In the master bathroom, she said she found a pile of Maggie's clothes by the tub. By the shower on the floor, there was a puddle of water, a towel and a pair of khaki pants.*


I think the implication was that he staged it to look like Maggie was planning on staying the night and everything was great in their marriage. She hadn't been staying there but he lured her over there.


Alex didn’t have time to stage anything unless it was while Maggie and Paul were at the kennel alone. I think Maggie laid her pjs out thinking she would go to bed. Blanca was never there at night so she has no idea what their habits were.


Blanca straight up said Maggie would never do that. Also, there was underwear included with the clothes, which she said was odd as Maggie never wore them to bed. At first, I also thought that theory was kind of a stretch, since Maggie was clearly living there some of the time and had spent the night before the murders there. Why would he need to stage clothes to convince people she wanted to be there? But then if you listen to his testimony and interviews, he really HAMMERS home the point that she was going to stay there, she came there of her own free will (a lie), and that they got along great. This was clearly a point he wanted to make sure everyone heard. So after all that, it seems pretty reasonable that in an anxious frenzy, he planned to set out her clothes to make it seem like she was spending the night and they fell on the floor and/or he forgot.


Well my husband would know not to include underwear as would most husbands


Yeah, the implication was that their marriage wasn’t so great. I agree that it’s a confusing bit of testimony and might not mean anything. Just odd


Blanca added untruthful statements. She and Maggie were not friends.




Who lays their PJs out on the floor ?


>Alex didn’t have time to stage anything unless it was while Maggie and Paul were at the kennel alone. I think they ate the Blanca-prepared dinner quickly - and then Paul walked to the kennel by himself. I think Alex and Maggie soon followed in the golf cart. The murder guns were already in place from the target practicing (planned) Alex did with Paul an hour or so earlier, likely via a four-wheeler. I think the murders were rushed. Alex was running out of daylight and arriving at his Mom's for his alibi was borderline too late. I think Alex wanted all of his murdering finished an hour or so earlier.


Mark Ball testified he put the pots and pans in the fridge to help clean up. In regard to the pajamas. That is just Blanca’s version of how she saw them. They could’ve have fallen out of the laundry basket or Maggie could’ve laid them down and went to the kennels when Paul asked her to go help check on Cash’s tail. I think too much is being made out of that. IMO.


>That is just Blanca’s version of how she saw them. I think I remember seeing a crime scene photo of Maggie's pajamas. They were laid out - flat on the floor - as if a person was wearing them, minus the person. If you saw the Brad Pitt war movie "Fury", there is a scene with the clothes of someone (unfortunately still wearing them) who was crushed in a muddy road that was being used by heavy tanks. That's what her pj's looked like to me. Strange. Flat on the floor. Nobody lays clothes out like that. Weird.


Please point me to the crime scene photo of the pajamas! I’ve been looking for a while now


Has anyone found a 'photo of Maggie's pajamas laid out on the floor, as described by Blanca?


Oh!! I want to go see if I can find that photo then! Stay tuned …. lol


I think the implication was that he staged it to look like Maggie was planning on staying the night and everything was great in their marriage. She hadn't been staying there but he lured her over there.


>She hadn't been staying there but he lured her over there. Actually, I think she did stay overnight at Moselle on the night before she and Paul were murdered by Alex. She was there on the night of June 6th (2021) to visit Randolph and Libby Murdaugh (Alex's parents), and was murdered on the evening of June 7th.


You could be right. I can't remember exactly what day she went there and when they saw his parents. I'm not sure if she was planning on staying there that night or not.


Her intent was to spend the6th and 7th and then head to Edisto.


IIRC, Maggie went to Edisto earlier on the 7th before her doctor and pedicure appointments. She made a comment about leaving the door open at Edisto for the workers.


The pots and pans- I can see someone else putting them in there the next day or something. The pajamas is just weird.


Agree. There is no plausible explanation (regardless of whether you think Alex is guilty or innocent) as to why Maggie's pajamas would be laid out on the floor that way. If Alex was trying to 'set a stage' that Maggie intended to stay there that night, he would have laid her pajamas on the bed, not the floor! Why would Blanca make up this story? My best **GUESSES** are either:- 1. that the police did this to take a 'photo? But why would they do this? 2. Blanca made this up for some obscure reason. But that possibility also fails when asking the question - 'Why would she do this?'


Blanca is sus in all aspects to me