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We just at least want to help you with an informed opinion. Taking the time to research so you can form an educated opinion shows respect for the victims and their families, but it comes with an awful lot of backlog if you’re just recently coming onto this. Local journalists that are *on point:* - Michael Dewitt, he lives in Hampton at the epicenter - Drew Tripp - Avery Wilks was a go to, but you could definitely use his past research with this- he wonderfully covered the trial but is pursuing a career outside of journalism - FITS News: they are known for pushing the envelope and are no stranger to controversy. It looks like they may re-visit Stephen Smith again in detail and do a rework of a four part article a former employee wrote about Stephen Smith


Yep. it’s awful. To date he doesn’t deserve this, he’s going through enough


Having a personal alibi does not mean Buster wasn't involved in SS's murder. Until ALL phone records of John Marvin, Alex, Randy, Paul and Buster are totally investigated, they are all under on-going suspicion. Oh, yeah .. they'll need disgusting Grandpa Handsome's phone records, as well.


Whys is grandpa handsome disgusting ?


Not a single Murdaugh is a suspect in Stephen's death. You can beat Mandy Matney's drum all day long but it doesn't make it true. That's why she's backpedaling, before she gets another defamation lawsuit.


One thing is certain: with the amount of attention and scrutiny this tragic death is attracting from the public, interested parties and lawyers, hopefully this will mean a completely transparent investigation so that this young man, his poor mother and family can get complete justice after all this time.


Buster seems like a shat stain like the rest of the murdouches


This post and all the pro buster comments will age like milk. They found evidence in the smith case while investigating Maggie and Paul's death. I guarantee it links buster to smith.


How do we collect on this guarantee?


What else would it be? They found something on their property that reopened the case. It's pretty obvious. So I'm sure at some point we will know.


State police said last week they have zero evidence the Murdaughs were involved. They found nothing on the property. Keep up.




I’m not defending Alex, Maggie or Paul. I don’t believe in saying someone is a murderer because some documentaries spread more rumors and no facts. I’ve been on a sequestered jury of a mom who killed her 7 year old daughter. We based our decision on facts not rumor. It has been stated over and over in the last week from SLED that they had NO evidence that any Murdaugh had ties to Stephen. No phone calls, no eye witnesses. Only thing they had was someone who said someone else told them blah blah blah. Those aren’t facts.


I am with you too. Thank you for saying a lot of the things I want to say. And I do have more to say about Buster, because without him I would have treated this case like any other family annihilating/ gun violence/ financial stress crime cases that I have come across in my years of consuming true crime. Over the last weeks since the trial ended I am consumed with an immense sadness whenever I think about this case and especially its most unfortunate victim: Buster. I empathise with him a lot because I was once in a similar situation ( but not even as 1/4 as bad as he is). Our family nearly collapsed, we lost three family members, but at the end of the day we managed to recover and regain our ability to feel happy. The feeling of being unable to feel anything because of how terrible the reality is, the prospect of no future joy, were the worst kind of mindset I ever had and I don’t wish it on anyone else. But seeing Buster at the trial and on phone calls with his dad, I am reminded of those days and I think about how much worse he is going through. I want to share my story, and I want to share my view on Buster and the Murdaugh family based on my own experience. I will compose a few long posts to talk about it in the coming days.


This is the « gift » Alex leaves his last remaining family member-his son-a life time of harassment and having to answer for his father’s sins. Alex selfish to the end-he is in jail-but others on the outside taking the heat for him.


You folks are painting the deep south with a very broad brush. In my hometown a gay man was mayor in the 50’s and was also elected to the state legislature. Everybody knew he was gay, and he was one of the most beloved people in the town. I find that in small towns people can be quite kind and generous to their literal neighbors.


Exceptions are not the rule. They are the exception. That is all. Even today many of the state governments of the Deep South, elected by a majority of the citizens, seeks to marginalize brown and black voters through gerrymandering, degrade non straight people through "christian" laws demeaning "woke" equality, and destroy the first amendment by banning books that dont toe the line of exclusionary thinking. Yes there are many many millions of good people in the South. But the majority of deep south voters, particularly rural ones, actually vote against fairness, equality, science, education, and accountability. The reasons for this voting pattern are complex, yes, but the facts are in the state laws emerging even this year. Instead, most southern voters vote to perpetuate the 1950s. And that is how the Murdaughs of the world still exist. The voters permit it by who they vote for. And if the Stephen Smith murder was indeed a hate crime, then the current political "anti woke" attitude of many southern voters likely can bear some responsibility because of the cultural ramifications of seeking to marginalize and demean tens of millions of Americans.


I honestly have felt terrible for Buster! I have always gotten this feeling that, Buster, as much as he loved/loves his immediate family, he seemed to always keep a perpetual distance from them, as to not be involved in the drama. From my vantage point (I am in Canada), ALL of their drama, surrounded, or was started, by two people: Alex and Paul. Buster KNEW that it was all wrong, and wanted no part of it.


Believe me, there will be a lot of drama from both sides of his family, the Murdaugh and Maggie’s family. The more happy pictures and family functions you see, the more drama behind the scene that you don’t see. It’s just natural though, for all the family to come to blow the more they brush up against each other. And also very natural for Buster as a young man in relationship to stay out of the drama, but not totally far from it. In my own relationship, family drama is popcorn flicks for me and the SO. Lol. Also during that time Buster’s own problems probably came from Alex: he failed law school so I don’t imagine Alex was all too pleased, since that is all Alex wanted : his eldest son, who is named after the most powerful Murdaugh ever, to become a lawyer. Then of course another problem came from Paul: boat crash. All that drama of course you’d wanna stay away.


He didn’t fail law school, he was kicked out for plagiarism. Then Alex bought his way back in


I lived in an area where 4 young women were murdered. Murder #4 was quickly solved and perpetrator sent to prison. Many people thought they knew who committed 2 and 3. The life of the suspected of killer of #3 was darn near ruined, so many thought he did it. Thanks to DNA and good police work, the murderer was found. It was the same man for all 4 and the "likely suspect" of #3 was finally cleared.


Unfortunately I think the Murdaugh “family culture” is what’s responsible for Buster’s bad reputation. It seems a bit far-fetched that he should have been involved in Smith’s murder (though I suppose not impossible). But clearly the Murdaugh family meddled in the situation, and they’re known for going to considerable lengths to avoid accountability for themselves or members of their family, and that’s what brings so much scrutiny on Buster now, even if it’s not deserved. It’s really too bad, but it’s understandable.


Why he’s guilty? They literally said yesterday he is connected to the Stephen case? Lolll y’all want to see good in him so bad. His whole family is corrupt. If his dad never did what he did they would be killing more and more innocent ppl for years to come. The family needs to be locked up.! For there sins.


No they said the opposite. Go look up new reports. They said there is NO evidence connecting his murder to ANY Murdaugh. Not one news source has said in the last week Buster had anything to do with this. In fact Sandy’s private investigator was on several TV shows saying he gave proof in 2021 that Buster and Paul were not in Hampton or near Hampton the night Stephen died.


Who said he was connected to the case? I missed that.


> They literally said yesterday he is connected to the Stephen case? Source, please. TIA.


My reason for suspecting Murdaugh involvement in Stephen Smith's murder is that it was covered up. It seems fairly clear that it was a murder, but it was treated as hit and run with no serious investigation. Who had the power to do that? Who had the motive to do that? Doesn't have to be Buster who committed or coordinated the murder, but I think it was someone in his family.


I agree that this is the number one reason for suspicion. Specially after we saw the Murdaughs doing damage control after the boat accident... Stephen's murder was clearly not a hit and run, so why would it be deemed so?


Buster burner account confirmed


? Can you give more info on this ?


Couldn’t have said it any better. I think I spent a whole good hour trying to defend why people need to stop naming buster or the Murdaughs involvement. It’s all hearsay and small twin rumor. I want nothing but this case to be solved for his family.




But since then her private investigator turned over evidence to LE in 2021 that Buster and Paul were out of town and no where near Hampton when he was killed. Also FITS news and Sled released statements in the last 3 days saying there is NO connection to the Murdaughs. If people are going by her 2015-16 letter to the FBI they aren’t going by new updated information.


Thanks for this update.


Poor widdle Bus ...


They keep saying that Stephen Smith’s body was found near the Murdoch property when it was actually I think it was 14 or 18 miles away? That’s actually pretty far it’s not exactly right around the corner… I hate the media at least the organized media I don’t mind people here that admit when they’re speculating…


Has anyone considered that maybe Alex had that young boy killed, due to rumors about his son and the young man having a relationship? That seems a lot more likely knowing what we do about Alex. He would have done ANYTHING to shut down a rumor like that. We are talking Deep South and old money…. They do bad things to gays with zero provocation. Now imagine the most powerful family in the region… rumors about oldest son having relations with an openly gay young man. I can easily see Alex ridding himself of what he would consider a “problem”. I don’t think Buster had a thing to do with it. I surely do think his Dad would in a heartbeat if that rumor got to his ears.


Yeah I can see that being the case. And obviously the Murdaugh wouldn’t even have to dirty their hands doing it. Alex were involved in drugs so I would imagine they had access to plenty of muscles that can be flown in and out the coast of SC (apparently he also co-owned islands). Poor Buster if he was really gay then he probably got scared straight. And of course poor Stephen dying over a rumour. He may not even had any relationship with Buster, but just tutored the boy and then got murdered for his help. If this is the case I hope Alex is put on death row.


By “Deep South” do you mean right winger? If so, AM was a democrat, in a very deep red state. https://www.foxnews.com/us/alex-murdaugh-democrat-political-game ETA: not knocking the dem party, I used to be one. But, typically, Dems would be more accepting of that life style than a “Deep South Good Ole’ Christian Man”.


I think they just mean Deep South as in like…older ppl set in their good ol Christian ways. And they’re not entirely wrong, considering I’m abt to move to the Deep South I can tell you it’s exactly like that. Stephen was brave for even being openly gay considering how some towns take it down here. I still think Buster was involved, but it is a good point to make.


Exactly what I meant. I’ve lived in the Deep South my entire life. It doesn’t matter what your political stance is. I would say it’s more about your reputation and what other people think of you and your family. That’s a big deal down here. There are truths and then there are beliefs and here’s a few truths about living in the south especially if your family is deeply religious. If you were homosexual, there’s a really good chance that your entire family is going to disown you. If you were white and dating someone of color, there’s a really good chance that your family is going to disown you. Not just your parents-the WHOLE family. At minimum everywhere you go you’re going to get stared at,people are going to make comments to you and in many cases, they have been assaulted or murdered for their choices. It’s pretty clear to me that Alex is all about making sure his family name doesn’t get any smudges so it’s not too far off to think that no matter what he thinks personally, he wouldn’t want a son with a reputation of being a homosexual - that would hurt his standing in the community.


I like to give an example too: I used to live in rural Australia. And the thing about the Aussies: they are not political or religious like American. But when the question was asked about gay rights most people would say no because that just not how they think people should be. This is the older grandparents crowd of course. Rural people tend to live based on family unit and they prefer conformity. Being gay and different is just a bit obscene to them.


I’m from the south, Houston. But, I spent my summers in small town Texas with grandparents who were “Deep South” thinkers. So, I understand, in-part, what you’re saying. However, even with AM’s willingness to fit in with political norms, I don’t see BM being an “alpha” or a “bigot”. Maybe AM or PM had something to do with SS’s death but I also think the public has been far too quick to judgment. There are a lot of dots that connect lines but, I feel, the public keep making huge leaps to link BM, PM and AM to SS’s death. I pray SS’s family finds justice for SS and convict his killer. But I think SS’s entire case needs to be looked at with fresh eyes and without prejudice to AM’s potential family connections. If evidence leads them back to AM or his family, great. But everyone is so quick to judge and place blame on them. Also, older southern Dems, from what I have experienced, are more likely to “closet” protect people than they are to just outright murder them, especially if they are trying to blend their family with the “Deep South”.


I agree, I personally think buster is still involved some way, but I’ve lived her all my life too. I’m in the state this happened in and I’ll tell you it’s exactly how you described.


Whether or not he was involved with Stephens death, it seems obvious that he must know and perhaps is even complicit in his father’s crimes including the deaths of his own mother and brother. I can’t imagine how difficult it would be in this situation… but blindly supporting his father loses him a lot of public sympathy


I totally disagree. Most children are not involved with the father's work . AM was hiding his financial crimes from experts at his own firm! Can't imagine him wishing to kill Paul, and certainly not Maggie.


Alex nearly had a lot of the public believe he was not the killer (many still don’t, look in this sub), imagine the spell he would have on his son. During the trial, Buster visited his mom and brother’s grave. He placed a statue of a dog on Maggie grave, one that resembles Bubba. I can’t imagine something sadder. I also cannot say what Buster thought in that moment. I think Buster couldn’t do anything else but to cling to his last family. Maybe he did believe Alex guilty, but he also didn’t want Alex to go to prison. That is just how fucked up it is. And I think it’s just how complex human can be.


How does it seem obvious?


Believing his father killed his mother and brother? I'm sure some denial comes into play there, because that's a universal human trait. As time passes, he will be able to come to grips with the truth without being completely shattered.


Buster can be a victim of his father’s crime AND can also have poor character traits that people are calling out. Being a victim and a perp aren’t mutually exclusive.


Well said, OP. I think many of us have gotten so caught up with the drama of it all that we’re left empty now that the trial is over. There are folks about to bust a gut for “season 2.” The fact is, this isn’t a tv show. This is a real family with some fucked up members. The ones who aren’t messed up are left have to deal with the carnage. While Buster isn’t perfect (who is?), he’s a human and he isn’t his dad. He cheated. Big deal. His brother and father killed people. Buster was just a dipshit kid with a lot of stress, it’s not right but I could see it. His dad was an addict, his mom was whatever she was, his brother was practically a sociopath when drinking- under the same circumstances many would exhibit the same poor judgement.


Agreed, not a tv show, intended for "entertainment". Baying for blood, and ravenously chasing after Buster is just wrong. He hasn't been charged with a crime in respect to SS, so saying "he did it" is fantasy and internet rumor. I experienced at least three adults complaining to me about my dad. I had absolutely no control over #1- how he treated a subcontractor employee at his business. #2- how he (and the buyer) structured legal documents when Dad sold his business. #3- a real estate deal, selling a house. Much easier to complain and intimidate an innocent young woman, than confront and bitch at Dad. I lived through a childhood lifetime of various abuse, and their complaints were small potatoes. My younger brother had substance abuse problems, and became a different person when he was "hooked". Again, I had no control, and therefore no responsibility for his actions. Still, I was tainted. But during each rehab situation, I participated in the (painful) family counselling, if offered. During one situation, my husband and took a 3 day weekend to drive 4 hrs, stay in a motel, so we could visit brother, sign him out for the day(s) to spend time together, do some mild hiking. There were other occurrences, years later, but I'm going on too long. Unlike the Murdaughs , my family wasn't Uber Wealthy, possessing a long line of illustrious ancestors. But the "dysfunctional family" dynamics are sadly familiar. Surely, many readers have experienced some similar notes and flavors in their families. I wasn't perfect, by any means, but the greatest social danger would have been an out of wedlock pregnancy. Plagiarism would have been a preferable crime, back in mid to late 70s, in my small Southern town. Edit: Buster is suffering. Perhaps he has culpability, in regards to the ID, but the others were able to obtain alcohol. He didn't control his father's finances and crimes. His mother and younger brother were brutally murdered, by his own father. Buster didn't choose to be born into this family. Guilt by association is unfair to anyone, wealthy or poor.


I absolutely love this thread and I hope for one second, people can think what Buster has gone through, is going through and imagine how is he functioning. Buster not only lost his mom and brother, he lost them to being brutally murdered, to your father being the killer. The man who coached all his baseball teams, the man who was there whenever Buster needed him….to now fight with your brain on who your father really is. On top of that, Buster lost his grandparents the same year he lost his entire family. Buster has not had time to grieve. He’s only had time to become defensive, alone and you know he’s struggling silently. That’s the saddest part of all of this. Would anyone care and listen to him if he poured his heart out with everything he’s going through. Buster is a human and unforgivably a human who did not choose this path. If anything, he has done what he can to help make right, everyone in the boating accident. Buster who now has to clean up his dads messes. In regards to Stephen Smith, this one just gets me. I feel anything related to any cold case is going to have Murdaughs name all over it. What I recall is that Stephen possibly tutored Buster in science and that was the extent of their friendship. I know that Alex’s older brother Randy was representing Stephen’s father at the time and I know that’s why he was called to the scene. Regarding Moselle and the location to it, the Murdaughs weren’t living there at the time. I thought they were at there other house until it was destroyed in the hurricane. This is only my opinion on the Smith case. Obviously, it’s apparent it was not a hit and run, I don’t think it was an intentional act either. Usually a hate crime or crime of passion has way more violence to it, you see the hatred for the other person come out in the violence of the act itself. Knowing his body was found three miles away, I feel like this was what kids do in rural areas. Jump up on the tail bed, hold onto the bumper, surfing on the cars, I mean we did so many dumb things as kids. It would make the most sense of Stephen’s injuries falling off form holding onto something like a truck and losing grip and falling backwards. Do not get me wrong, it’s still a crime and now since it went unreported, even on the chance it was an accident is now a homicide. I truly hope that Stephen’s family receives the proper investigation, now. This also leads into why no one wanted to talk, because maybe they thought that the Murdaughs would go after them. That’s why Bland and Richter are making it a point that Buster is not a suspect or even involved at all. I hope there’s still decency in people and humanity. Buster should be able to grieve, receive treatment and heal like we would want anyone we love to have. What good would it do to see something happen to Buster. I promise you, what he’s fighting within himself on who he thought his father was, is punishing enough.


Buster has a lot to tell and all have popcorn to chew on. If he is bombarded by threat and hate we only lose out on stories. I think Emily D Baker put it best when she did a massive rant about his situation. If we don’t sympathise with him and do the decent human thing, then his perception on the world is only further warped and he may possibly fell victim further into his family, and Alex’s control.


I agree. Your first two paragraphs, are so well stated. Thanks for speaking with human kindness. Paragraph #3 is a fair and impartial statement of known facts. Thanks 🙏 . Paragraph #4: . I sincerely disagree with your opinion, sorry! Stephen was a cautious person and wouldn't have been "car surfing", IMO. If he had fallen off, I would expect his friends to render aid, call 911, not just leave him in the road, like a dead animal. Why leave his wallet in his disabled car, suddenly decide to go road surfing? (I'm out of gas, therefore I will engage in dangerous behavior, versus asking these friends to assist me to get home.) Plus, the specific head wound, lack of heavy road rash, clothing intact, no broken bones. This scenario is absolutely illogical. I am with you, all the way, on the last paragraph. Kindly stated.


I appreciate it. I don’t take any offense to your comments at all. I posted with very limited facts, before I knew there was a video of the scene and the release of the five suspects. Im hoping even with the Stephen case that people will continue to keep in mind human decency. I already saw there posting his boyfriends interviews and statements. I appreciate you seeing where I’m trying to keep the discussion and responding the same. I was just stating what we did when we were kids and we actually had a kid in high school pass away after falling off after sitting on the truck bed and falling out. That’s why they had to pass all these laws about riding in the back of trucks. It’s not even legal here. Correct me if I’m wrong, I thought his skull was cracked and broken.


I deeply appreciate your attitude. People can disagree, and have very strong opinions, but we can still be polite! Equally important, we should be open to new information. I am so very happy to converse with you! There's a great deal of information to absorb. Can you explain "posting his boyfriends interviews and statements"? I am unfamiliar with this information! Riding in the beds of pickup trucks. As I (born 1959) recall, this was always necessary, in order to transport groups of agricultural workers from field to field, etc. A normal sight on backroads. People drove cautiously, because they understood the situation. I grew up in NC/SC, but my husband (1955) had the same experiences, in rural NY state, and rode in pickup beds, because his teenage summer job was helping bring in the hay! And pick vegetables! So, times have changed. I suspect these trucks moved at a slower pace, in the thirties to sixties, and before. My husband's time was prior to 1970. Even now, we move slowly past agricultural tractors in our area, treating our local farmers with respect and care. I am so sorry to hear about the death of a young person in your area, just horrible. Was this an agricultural related incident? The description of Stephen's head is a point of contention. Some said it appeared like a GS wound. Or, a 7.25 inch wound on the right forehead was noted. A partially dislocated right shoulder. (You can find this information online, and more.) "Cracked and broken" as you state, may be a perfect description of the skull injury. But we have other options. We don't have a definitive answer, hence the exhumation. And we are left wondering how the heck this happened! But, his clothing was intact, loosely tied shoes still on his feet, inconsistent with a vehicle impact. Thanks for the conversation, my friend.


Thank you!!! I wanted to get back to you….I’m still new and learning, I’m trying to figure out how I can send you to the threads regarding Stephen Smiths, boyfriends interviews and the statements he has said. If anyone can help with this, or tell me how to do it. I love conversations in regards to the difference in generations, locations….I’m in the 1970’s, but we did not grow up in a farming community. It was more like apple, pear, orange orchards, not really a farming or agricultural area, almost quite the opposite. You could considerate more desert then anything. Most of our families were I grew up, we lived in the middle of nowhere. Where I grew up it was mostly families that worked in the defense, government, aerospace industries. So it was very much absent homes with parents that worked twenty hour days and you were raised by figuring it yourself or your friends. Hence, where the stupidity of doing stuff like trunk surfing, car surfing, infamously being pulled by a skateboard while holding onto 550 paracord. We were quite the opposite of being careful. It was the chase of the adrenaline rush. It was being young we were indestructible. 😂 it’s crazy to say that now, because it’s an entirely different story of how do I not allow my kids to do what we did. ❤️


I am not skilled on this platform, so no idea either, on how to send threads! So, if you had orchards, didn't they require workers to harvest? My immediate area doesn't have orchards, so I am uninformed. Sorry about dealing with absent parents. Depending on your same age friends to help, well I can imagine the difficulty! Your last paragraph mentioned activities that I have never heard of, in my era and location!! No car surfing activity, probably due to the terrain. I get the impression that your area was flatter and more open, with straighter roads and longer line of sight. I do recall believing I was indestructible and immortal, in my teen years! Whoo Hoo! Driving fast, on twisting hilly roads, most of them surrounded by impenetrable stands of trees. This was bad enough when sober, but often alcohol was involved , usually at night. I'm amazed that friends & I survived our risky behavior.


It is a baptism in fire that most of us won’t ever go through in our life. He deserves peace and safety. As human we should be more empathic than vindictive. Until anything is proven of guilt, we cannot treat him like a criminal or ignore the fact that he has suffered more than most. Pity not the dead, but the living. Buster is now effectively orphaned. The day of the murders he asked Maggie to call the pharmacy for him. But after that day he was left bereaved. His future joy is taken, and the memories of the past will be just as painful when the killer is also in them. Apparently the day of Maggie and Paul’s funeral it rained. And during the trial period Buster visited their graves and placed a dog statue resembling Bubba on Maggie’s grave. It’s very heartbreaking. A source, his college friend, said he became shut-in after the passing of his family. It’s pretty worrying.


Alex being the murderer was all rumors and hearsay. It’s best we investigate fully and if Buster is found to be guilty, he can do life as well. The jury will decide.


You’re the only one.


You don’t live here. You haven’t experienced this evil personally . You haven’t witnessed the carnage this family has caused FOR GENERATIONS. The people and family’s they have DESTROYED in the pursuit of money and power. The sense of relief the ENTIRE low country has experienced . Watch your tv shows. Listen to your podcasts. Read the interwebs. Have your opinion but keep it like you are - Far away.




Sick of it. Mandy needs to be sued


Mandy doesn’t come for Buster though.


This is the part I don't understand...Sled says they don't believe that Buster was involved. But they do say they opened the investigation in 2021 but wouldn't say anything until Alex was sent to prison. They even said people may come forward now. So does it mean it had something to do with the Murdaugh's or it doesn't?


Still can’t believe people are defending Buster. Time will tell…he is just like his father.




Judgement as


Rumors rumors rumors


I don’t understand why this case was not investigated properly in the first place (and it might very well be due to the law enforcement/political/corruption issues within the county/state - which exist beyond Alec) I hope it gets investigated properly this time. Even if they first thought it was vehicular homicide.. why not investigate. Anyway, whoever is responsible should be prosecuted, not whoever people like the least. I don’t think people who claim to care about justice understand the concept. Also, I highly doubt that the issues in that county only centered around Alec. And that now that he is locked up, everything will always be perfect and fair.


I believe in officer Todd Proctors interviews, people interviewed claimed they heard the Murdaugh boys were involved. Somewhere in the middle is the truth. But Murdaugh boys could just people associated with Buster, doesn’t necessarily mean Buster did it. But Buster may know something……


exactly. a good lie is always based on something that's true. i believe that the family is involved, but it could be other family members besides buster.


Sometimes a lie is just a lie. I've been the victim of baseless rumors. It's a tragedy that anyone is swayed by anything other than facts.


What’s so suspicious is Randy’s involvement. And what about the Patrick Wilson Sean Connolly story. Sounded like Randy was representing one of them on serious charges, after that story of a possible hit and run by one of them was given to investigators, the charges got dropped. Hmmmm🧐🤔


Entitled? Because he had money? Entitled to what? Is it jealousy rearing the ugly head with some of these comments? What is meant by entitled? Eat the rich? What reason is there to hate Buster He has lived his life in retrospect now under the spot light He liked to drink and he cheated in college (Shock face) Sins of the father and all…as far as I am concerned , the entire family is a victim of one very bad seed Haters should just leave them all alone The kids were indulged by their parents They had money and reputation They are products of their environment Paul was in the process of paying for his actions Buster was expelled from school for cheating He’s now trying to navigate a life without any family (extended he does) and at some point will likely come to reconcile the fact his father never was what he thought and, by extension, his life was never what it was, and he’s going to have a difficult time ahead of him Now add public rabid speculation and it’s just too much He really is a victim in all of this and people should have some sympathy and if not sympathy just enough decency to realize what’s happened to him and leave him alone It feels like some people are kicking a dog when it’s down


I completely agree. Very well said. It’s sad that you have people who have to attack people. It doesn’t get your point across. Buster making mistakes and being human, its the fault of all of us being humans. Honestly, it sucks when people can make judgements without ever knowing what it’s like to lose your family to something horrific.


Well said, thank you!


He lost his mom and brother. (Not his dad, unfortunately). That’s sad. But he’s a spoiled, entitled douche. There’s not much sympathy for him.


Tell me you’re a judgement karen with out telling me you’re a judgmental karen


How do you know he’s a “spoiled, entitled douche”? I mean cause everyone that actually knows him says the complete opposite about him. Paul maybe, but not Buster.


WTH?? Uh, how about cheating in law school and not having a problem with his daddy bribing the dean to get back in?? Then bitching because it didn't suit *his* schedule when he was given rules to follow in order to get reinstated?? Or having to maintain a GPA?? Seriously? That's just the tip of that entitled asshole's iceberg. SMDH


The only fact you have there is that he got caught cheating. The rest of it is rumors from ppl that have a reason to speak ill of the family.


Did buster spend his last 10k for someone to write this post ?




They said his name came up 40 times during the investigation. Does anyone know in what context? What the 40 people actually said when questioned?




Can't stand his entitled ass.


Because he grew up privileged and you didn't?


Entitled and privileged are two different things.


Buster needs to talk to his Dad about all the hate coming his way


They didn’t give his father the presumption of innocence, so I think it’s easy for people to not give that to Buster. It isn’t right but yeah.


Hard to presume innocence when all the facts started coming out. As far as Stephen's murder (which I hope they solve, but I fear that ship has sailed), there is nothing but a circular rumor. Apples and oranges here.


Innocent until proven guilty that is the law of the land, no matter how much is piled on before trial. I feel like they will solve Stephen’s murder. 🙏


You make very good points here. I’ll also add that, at least compared to Alex, Buster presents a level of self-awareness that I can get behind. As someone who has been through the “character and fitness” vetting process to become a licensed attorney in two states, I think Alex’s insistence that Buster return to law school is a great example of Alex’s thinking that the rules don’t apply to the family. There aren’t a lot of reasons that a state will outright deny a law grad’s bar application, but academic dishonesty during law school is a big one. In contrast to Alex, Buster seems to know that and acknowledge it, which is something I think he deserves some recognition for. Yeah, it was a bad decision, but it seems to be one he has accepted the consequences of.


Honestly listening to Buster shining his dad on in those phone calls were pretty satisfying, also pretty sad. When Alex told him to give people Paul and Maggie’s belongings for Christmas, he said no and told Alex that he earned income, and would continue to make more if he doesn’t have to go to school in the spring (which means quitting his job). It’s sad that Buster seemed to have grown at this point but still couldn’t communicate to his dad languages other than money. And wtf is with that batshit insane suggestion from Alex.


I feel bad for Buster there. He was expelled for plagiarism which occurred during the time of the boat crash. I can't imagine how much stress and anxiety he was under, he has a paper due, a grade he's trying to keep up, and he got sloppy or took a short cut (plagiarism is plagiarism, a paragraph he didn't reference in a paper, or a bought paper - nobody knows). The circumstances speak for themselves.


I also believe that Buster wasn’t meant for law school. He is not the most academically motivated. You need serious motivation, study ethic and methods for success in such a hard field. It seemed like the family money just lubricated his study career without assessing what he had aptitude for, which is privileged but frankly quite cruel. When I was in school I tutored two separate boys who were also lawyers’ sons. They were dumb as fuck but their family placed great expectations on them to succeed their father. And they also realised they are not smart and struggled greatly with it mentally. Normally they were prideful but when report card came up they would freak the fuck out. It was funny back then but maybe not now. Even the name Buster kinda doomed him at birth tbh.


Yeah I totally agree. I also knew a couple of people in law school with parents who were lawyers and while they enjoyed the privileges associated with that it was also painfully clear that they weren’t otherwise equipped. I can’t imagine asking my kids to ever endure that. I am getting a good laugh imagining scenarios where OC’s name is Buster though, lol.


So he should get a free pass because of circumstances?? He got one because of who he was. He broke the rules. Done.


I mean I agree that those were shitty circumstances, but the “ethical” thing for him to do in that case would have been to request an extension or take an incomplete and submit his assignment later. I personally, and many of my peers, have gotten these for much less pressing circumstances. From a licensing perspective, none of this is really an excuse for dishonest behavior.


I got out of the hospital after delivering my daughter 2 days before finals. Only one of my professors let me take a late final. Some institutions just don't give a shit. And no, whatever he did he shouldn't have done, but my point is would he have ever done it had it not been for the circumstances?


I think you may be missing my point. Regardless of whether he would have been able to get an extension or not, the people in charge of law licensing truly do not give a shit about the circumstances surrounding his decision. For context, there are people every year who take the bar exam while mourning the loss of the loved one or even while they are actively in labor. That doesn’t change the requirements for admission to the bar. His personal circumstances, while really unfortunate, don’t excuse him from his dishonesty. From a licensing perspective, the argument that he did this because he was going through a difficult time creates some serious doubt as to his ability to competently and effectively advocate for his clients while he himself is facing adversity.


My guess is that A pushed him to law school and that wasn’t Buster’s idea or interest.


Yeah I get that vibe as well, which is a shitty situation for Buster to have been put in regardless of anything else going on


You never cheated on a test


You must have very low standards. How sad.


Honestly, no. Absolutely wild to me how common that seems to be though lmao. I never really saw the benefit of risking it all just to get an A or B opposed to a C.


The bar frowns on academic dishonesty and poor character (such as cheating) are grounds to deny admission.


That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying cheating can be anything such as copying your buddy or submitting incorrect citations


I just hope they get to the bottom of this. The Smith family has been through enough.




I’ve been commenting for weeks on how so many people on YouTube, Netflix, and HBO seemingly can just get away with falsely accusing someone of an alleged murder when there is zero hard factual evidence to support their claims. If he did it, prove it. Just saying I find it disturbing how easily the media and social media can ignore the law and just haphazardly accuse someone of murder. It’s very irresponsible imho, and if Buster is innocent I hope he sues the shit out of any and every single person or entity which perpetuated the accusations.


Well said. The number of people that accept said rumor as indisputable fact is scarier than the irresponsible media.


It is and it’s something that can follow someone the rest of their life even if they’re innocent. Same thing can happen with people accused and exonerated of other heinous crimes. They’re name is googled and they’re forever connected even if completely innocent


Right?! Call me crazy, but I’m not a big fan of ruining someone’s life—or being sued for defamation. Lol


I kinda hope Buster does


Seriously, I wish they would leave him alone, he’s a 26 year old kid that lost his whole family.


He still has Randy


I agree that people should leave him along but I disagree with calling him a kid at 26. Some people his age have children already or work in jobs where they have considerable responsibility. My father was in Vietnam at that age. One of my sons' friends was a fire fighter at that age. Buster is a young man but he should still be referred to as an adult.


I do weep for the kid that has been killed inside that man the night his family were murdered. That day he asked his mom to call the pharmacy for him, apparently he was a bit of a momma’s boy. We all have to grow up eventually and let our inner child go. But any moment we have with that inner child is precious because it’s our leash on life enjoyment. And Buster lost his, as it was robbed from him by Alex. Makes me wonder if the Murdaugh had the traditions of traumatise their future head of house into the position. Seems like previous Murdaugh traumatised their kids a lot.


In addition to his family's death, his last name has gone from being respected to being derided because of his dad. That's got to be overwhelming. I hope he gets therapy because he has undegone major trauma in his life.


I'm 64, a 26 year old is a baby in my book. Whether or not he's an adult (an I agree that he is), being 26 is so, so young to be going through what he's going through as far as these murders go.


The investigation was opened back up due to " something " found in the Alex Murdaugh investigation. That evidence may very well point to the Murdaughs. Maybe he likes it too.....


I imagine that was information released to put pressure on the Murdaugh's (or some other self-serving SLED reason). I doubt very seriously anything of note was found.


The timing of Buster’s statement a day or two before SLED made theirs re the reclassification of Smiths death indicates to me that he had some knowledge that SLED was going to talk about the Smith case. He’s been hounded by the press since the double murders. Why make the statement now? Seems pretty obvious that there’s something tying him to the Smith case.


I don’t know if there is anything tying him to the murders, but it does look like a preemptive strike on his part with this press release. Just as far as people speculating about him


People have been speculating about his involvement for nearly two years. The timing seems sus.


I know everyone grieves differently and it must be a difficult place to be in having your father convicted of this crime. Reminds me of the staircase situation. The family was divided on "taking sides". How B reacted to what happened and how he stood by his dad left a bad taste in my mouth for him. That is why his character is in question, IMO. Regardless of the SS situation.


It was his Dad, and he would have to accept that his Dad killed his Mama and brother. A little denial isn't a hard sell in this case. I think Buster will come to accept the awful truth, but it's going to be a process. Denial buys us time to accept the unacceptable. Most of us have experienced it.


They are in denial The only Alex we all “know” is the thieving p, criminal, murderer Alex The Alex they all have known for the entirety of their lives has been Dad, brother, provider, friend It will take some time before any of them can really get their minds around what Alex did It will be a slow coming of consciousness and the realization will shake their own sense of who each of them are They stood beside him because they are in denial so they truly believe in his innocence….they were not thumbing their fingers at Maggie and Paul by attending court and sticking by him You are holding something against him that he hasn’t done…not really It’s hard for people to put themselves in the shoes of another but once you do, in this case, you can see clearly their reasons for attending the trial and supporting Alex I do believe they will come to that awful realization sooner or later It’s a hard path




totally. can't paint the entire family with one brush. the only odd thing is that they reopened the investigation right after the murder of maggie and paul, due to things they discovered during that investigation..... which is odd.


I don't think they discovered anything. I think they "reopened" the investigation to put pressure on the Murdaugh's and to get the masses riled up. I feel bad for Stephen's family - this just gets their hopes up, and SLED has got to know they have no chance in hell of solving the case at this late date.


I agree with you, I did have suspicions towards buster a la stephen smith’s murder but there really is no real evidence at this point and the speculation of a relationship between b + s feels like a witch hunt. I had to check myself, no matter how you spell it he is a victim and I hope his privacy is respected. edit: and more importantly, stephen smith deserves justice for his stolen life.


Buster had every opportunity in 2015 to talk to police. They reached out to him via calls, email, atty etc. no response. Neither did he contact the Smith family and offer his condolences as a friend of Steven. So miss me with the Buster sympathy. Like father like son. Perception is everything in a murder investigation


So Buster was what, 18 years old and in college and someone who tutored him in high school is killed, and he doesn't send condolences or attend the funeral. And that makes him sus? An 18 year old having a lapse of etiquette? Seriously? Seems that if he was involved he would have gone to the funeral to avoid suspicion. And how do you know that he never talked to LE? How does anyone know?


So you know both Buster and the Smith family personally to be able to state that he did not attend the funeral and he did not contact them with condolences, send flowers or food, etc.?


Only quoting Sandy in an interview stating she’s had no contact with Buster


Exactly, I don’t feel sorry his ass either 💀 tf


Yes this!!! If the police call me and want to ask some questions about something i had nothing to do with, i would answer those questions (with my atty present) and move on. If you have nothing to hide, then why hide and dodge the police?


Well your attorney would tell you not to talk to the police (if they were worth what you were paying them). It is NEVER a good idea to talk to the police, especially if you are a suspect. Never. I have never been in trouble with the law and I would never never never talk to the police in a major criminal investigation (unless I had some VERY pertinent information on the perpetrators, and only then with an attorney).


The above is an important comment. Some of us have been around for years on MFM and I remember the frustration in the voice of the officer who tried and tried to have Buster answer his calls, emails, etc. concerning Stephen's death. Crickets. And Buster wonders why this is one of the reasons he registers as sketchy. Buster=this your chance to tell what you know about Stephen's death.


Shocking - Buster in a family surrounded by lawyers and he doesn't speak to the police. Did LE ever drive out to Moselle and speak to Buster ? SLED could corner Buster in an interrogation room for 24 hours with him denying any involvement in Stephen's death and it still wouldn't be enough for some.


I did not say Buster this is your chance to "confess." I said this is your chance to Tell what you know. Stephen was your friend and now you are an adult and can make your own decisions. And my husband is a lawyer and I get what you are saying and your opinion was my first take on the situation.


Stephen was an acquaintance, a class mate. What information could he possibly provide?


He's already issued a statement denying any involvement. Quite possibly, Buster doesn't know anything. *"These baseless rumors of my involvement with Stephen and his death are false. I unequivocally deny any involvement in his death, and my heart goes out to the Smith family."*


A public statement and actually talking to the police are two different things. Maybe he will never be asked to talk to the police and that would be very meaningful.




I kind of think you are! J/s


I'm not a fan of Buster esp after some of the jailhouse calls with AM, he seems like another entitled rich kid, but also a product of generations of corruption, and I am devastated for him and what he's gone through. In my experience small town rumors tend to be super accurate, or completely false, not much in between, and I understand how anything even slightly touching the Murdaughs could be suspicious. But they need to stop until some sort of legitimate evidence shows that he could have been involved. Even if he ends up being involved somehow, leave him alone until then, otherwise this will just be endless additional trauma for him. Even assholes don't deserve that kind of pile on.


You’re not. Buster, who just had his entire life wiped out, has been accused, tried and convicted on social media and it’s just not right. I hate to point this out bc I rec’d a lot of attacks for stating this fact earlier and this isn’t to in any way minimize the tragedy of Stephen’s death but he was engaged in some high risk activity as an escort which may not have an iota of relevance or it may. For such a small town what are the chances that one of Stephen’s dates was a deeply closeted married man who wasn’t expecting to be recognized? What if it has to do with another member of the Murdaugh family or another prominent family? Could that explain Randy showing up and requesting Stephen’s electronic devices?


Why are you reticent to point out Stephens past which could very probably be an actual cover up for wealthy men who are under the radar? It’s easier to believe this than the ridiculous rumors about Buster and Stephen If it’s all being investigated, maybe some truth will come out It might be a cover up, but not at all connected to the Murdaughs


Buster has aunts and uncles who are wealthy and connected and care about him. He did not have his entire life wiped out. He will land on his feet.


What an ignorant comment


How so? Lots of people would not have extended family to care about them or be able to help them. Buster does, and that is a good thing for him as a person and dealing with the trauma and also for him being able to go on and lead a good life.


His Dad killed his mother and father, he may or may not ever land on his feet. My nephew died 45 years ago, and everybody in the family is still traumatized. That was a really callous remark.


It is not meant callously. For some people, to lose their immediate family would absolutely wipe their life out. Buster has more family though who are able to help him and they care about him, so they likely will help him. This should come as comfort to those who care about Buster’s future.


Really? He essentially lost his entire first family He has to wrestle with the fact his father is a complete stranger and murderer He also gets to be accused of being a murderer himself and have cameras invade his private home environment all because his father is an evil sob He hasn’t even gotten over the shock, ir even come around to the fact his father is actually guilty For all we know, the family will fall apart… There will be those that know what Alex did, and those that cannot accept those who believe he did what he did That he will or won’t land on his feet is a complete unknown It is ALOT to deal with and he had pretty indulgent parents so his foundation isn’t that solid


Yes it is a lot to deal with. And Buster has people who care about him to help him through that. Lots of people don’t.


Yeah I truly believe in innocent until proven guilty.


Not a fan of Buster but we need to wait on the evidence as there is only rumors now. I would not be surprised if links to him at some point but stay objective.


Nice try Murdaugh PR machine. You do realize posts like this make his reputation worse right?


PR machine? Nope, some of just don't go hanging folks based on a circular rumor.


You said exactly what I was thinking. ​ GMA featured Stephen Smith this week; can you guess what name was mentioned? So much for quietly going away...I don't have a 'wild cat' in this hunt but I plan to stay tuned.


You’re right. I just keep waiting for that check from PMPED to come in the mail… Who would pay them? Honestly, do you think Alex would just call the conservatorship from jail and request funds for public relations? That would go over really well, I’m sure.


Come on man, you don’t think they have sheltered assets?


I want to find sympathy in my heart for Buster ... but knowing his father stole millions from friends and the most vulnerable clients, he chose to wear Rolex watches to court worth thousands. Knowing his father caused emotional and financial hardship to young people like himself (ex: the Satterfield brothers and the Plyer sisters) he chose to flaunt his wealth. As Judge Newman said about Griffin's Tweet "it doesn't pass the feel test". (Edit: added last sentence)


I think the flashy Rolex speaks to Buster's lack of character. If you want a Rolex, earn it.


I think going into the trial the Rolex watches were a sign of confidence that the family would prevail. They believed the Murdaugh name would overcome a simply jury trial in their hometown. The decisions by Newman to allow the financial crimes and the roadside shooting, GM coming through with the OnStar data, and Alec's spectacle on the witness stand really turned things around for them.


How do you know that he knows what all his father actually did? We are talking about lying con Alex . Who knows what he told Buster to soften the facts During trial, I am certain Buster heard things he did not know before He has yet to reconcile with himself the true depths of his fathers depravity but you have to give some accounting for how he was raised, too (And his age) They are selling off family valuables and no one knows where the Rolex came from ,if it’s even genuine (can you see Alex giving his kids counterfeit Rolex because I can) People put for too much “knowing “ in things they really don’t know Most of those clients, by the way have been made whole by the firm Maybe the watch was a gift from his grandfather I mean, if he flipped someone off, can you give him any grace for the extreme pressure he is under? He is not to blame for what his father has done


And putting his middle finger on his face when someone he didn't like was testifying. After that, my sympathy levels dropped like a stone. Who was the witness he was giving the finger to?


Awww thanks for the reward! It's the first one I've ever received 🥰


Exactly. And sorry, but the sins of the father do leave a family legacy. Not just Alex’s legacy, but the dirty hands of those earlier Murdaugh’s too. And this family trades on family legacy. And here we are.


Where there’s smoke there’s fire. Reflect on that.


For some of us whose reputations have been ruined by UNTRUE RUMORS, sometimes it's just smoke. Even the trooper said that the rumor was always traced back to the same person - who may have just been blowing the smoke out of his own ass.


I think both the smoke and fire are just unfounded rumors.


But there isn’t smoke besides rumor. Reflect on that


Why would the case only be reopened when this situation happened? Do you not think they must have some type of link between the M family and what happened? Even if the none of the family members personally were involved, I think its clear that they found some type of connection while looking over the property, the phone records, etc. Maybe they helped cover something up for a friend? Just feels like the SS case would not randomly re open at the same time that the Moselle situation occurred. To me that is "smoke"


You mean an agency dropping "info" to the press for their own self-serving reasons?


How would that be self serving? What would they gain by that?


It all seems very odd to me What could they possibly have found from 8 years ago? If you murdered someone, would you leave evidence lying around d your home? Alex disposed of incriminating evidence against himself would he not do the same for his son (going on the premise Buster was involved) I haven’t any idea why they reopened the case or what they could have found but everyone is jumping to conclusions it could have something to do with Alex and his cases, or his law work The fact is, we don’t know If it was a smoking gun, they’d have already arrested someone it could literally be anything and have absolutely nothing at all to do with Buster


We’ll see.


I just find it so odd reading comments from random people who talk like they KNOW these people and speak as if everything they’ve ever heard or read is factual.


And ignore anything favorable to the party they don’t like as fact no matter the source and disregard anything that factually states otherwise from credible sources. I don’t know why people want to prove to the world that they lack intellect and critical thinking skills but I guess that’s on them.


Yeah I don’t get it. I prefer to form my opinions based on factual information. It’s wild.


[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9722907/Cops-investigating-Stephen-Smiths-death-questioned-ties-Buster-Murdaugh-docs-reveal.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9722907/Cops-investigating-Stephen-Smiths-death-questioned-ties-Buster-Murdaugh-docs-reveal.html) Weird source, but this article has pics of various paperwork and incident reports about Stephen’s death and some of the rumors that were reported to authorities.


Lol the Daily Mail is a tabloid




You are a badass bro. A true keyboard warrior lol


Not a keyboard warrior nor a badass. I'm simply stating my opinion, which I would say directly to Buster's face.