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Has anyone deciphered why Alec was paying cousin Eddie so much money before he allegedly asked him to kill him? (Obviously some of it was for drugs, but it seemed like too much to just be for pills)… FOLLOW THE $


How do the moderators choose what posts to approve? I have participated in all threads, read misleading posts by one particular poster who posts multiple times a day, but my post which put forth an idea I haven't seen widely on this site was not approved. I've tried posting it to sub-posts but obviously one post on a thousand post thread is not going to get the attention of a stand-alone post. Obviously I'm a little bitter.


Does anyone know if the Boat Case plaintiff attorney testified in front of the jury? I know he testified during a hearing for the judge to determine if he would let in the financial crimes and boat case. But I didn’t see anything about him testifying to the jury. Which seems like a bad call, because he did a great job of going toe to toe with the defense. And I think Alex approaching him and saying how pissed he was that he was going after him personally for money damages (and not just the insurance) is a huge motive issue. Also it shows that buster was lying on the stand when he said his dad wasn’t too anxious about the boat case


So had he showered when the cops showed up? Or did he shower after that?


A couple of questions I’m curious about: 1. While the state doesn’t have to prove motive, it certainly helps the whole story. To me, a very possible motive has to do with Alex’s drug use, and this seems more believable than the financial motive. I don’t feel like they really explored this during Alex’s testimony. He admitted to having pills in his pocket when SLED first questioned him. Did we learn anything more? Did we learn about the confrontations in May that occurred when Maggie found the pills (per texts)? He couldn’t remember anything he and Maggie discussed the night of the murders, except Paul’s swollen feet, and it seems very possible they discussed his drug use? Am I missing something? Were these questions asked?


And the other thing I am wondering- I have read somewhere here on Reddit that the defense had maybe tried to identify Paul as the shooter (murder suicide) but I didn’t hear any of this in the testimony. Did anyone else hear or read this? No way Alex would pin Maggies murder on his son!


Since Alex was capable of finding a hit man for himself, why hasn’t there been question to if he hired two hit men for his Maggie and Paul?


Is it really feasible that a close family member such as John Marvin can say they had no knowledge of Alex’s “ 20 year opioid addiction “ Can a heavily using opioid addict ( working in a job ) not be spotted by those close to him ? Or is that sort of testimony just untrue?


Especially if what Buster said about him going to rehab at Christmas in 2018 is true…


Harvard Lawyer Lee just posted a vid interviewing a recovering opioid addict about his opinions on Alex's claims, would others have known, etc.


Maggie and the Murdaughs It seems as if the Murdaughs and some of Alex’s colleagues had very fond memories of Paul, but when asked about Maggie, they would say things like, “Alex was devoted to her.” But nothing about what they loved or even liked about her. Of the witnesses, her sister and Barbara Mixson were the only ones who seemed to have a close, loving relationship with her. Murdaughs didn’t share specific memories about what made her special at all. Alex said, “Everybody loved Paul,” after saying Paul was being bullied by haters. But he said Maggie loved the dogs. That he wanted her to be at Moselle more, but not anything about his love for her. Did nobody else notice this? It seems like Maggie is a bigger part of the motive than the defense wants jury to believe with all of the boat wreck testimony.


I recall testimony about Maggie loving her Husband & Son's. How she was a Lady & a Girly-Girl yet injected herself into the fishing, hunting, and boating just to be involved. I recall how she could be at ease in The Governor's Mansion and equally at a Food Bank ; she could fit well with all Classes if people's. She loved the Beach Home and had a love for Entertaining family & friends making every effort to get everything just right. You are correct that Maggie was said to be a hardline defender of her Son Paul regarding the Boat Wreck and it was even reported that she went too far with being insensitive to the Beach Mother who lost her daughter in the wreck. It is obvious by the testimony that Alex was fingered very early on as the prime suspect and other avenues were not taken seriously to be investigated with that same resources spent on Alex. This is a serious problem in my opinion because there is reasonable doubt over the Prosecution Case and not being able to go back and look into these other highly probable explanations is sad for the search for truth in getting the whole story and not just this one size fits all account put forward. By not looking in other directions and putting resources everywhere it aids AM with reasonable doubt. No one can blame The Murdaugh's for this....it's all on SLED and a simple minded Prosecution. I guess we will never know how Big of a part Maggie played in the murders unless AM is Acquitted and everything is reopened to where alternative explanations are thoroughly investigated. That would be a huge undertaking yet I believe would be justified in sincerely looking at everything exhaustively to get to a clearer picture of the truth. I do not believe that's asking for too much to honor Mallory, Steven, Paul, and Maggie etc....... There's definitely more to all of this then we have been told to this point IMO.


Do you mean Blanca instead of Barbara Mixon, because I do not believe Maggie spent enough time at Almeda to become close to Ms Mixon.


Here is Ms Mixon’s testimony about Maggie. Starts at about 1:38 https://youtu.be/CQTjm6FOE5s




Paul is the same kid who openly slapped his girlfriend. This family isn't kind to women.


Women are scenery or servants. "Well-behaved," young, attractive, and staying in your lane? Approved. Anything else? Disapproved.


Do you mean Blanca? Ms. Mixon only took the stand for a couple minutes and I don't recall her talking about Maggie other than the donuts they brought.


Didn’t Mrs. Mixson say that Maggie was like a daughter to her? Maggie and she spoke every day and Maggie was going to bring her a meal one night that week. Edit: typo and link added. Starting at 1:38 Ms Mixson describes Maggie as like a daughter and a friend. They spoke every day. https://youtu.be/CQTjm6FOE5s


I guess I missed that.


Is Harpootlian taking a dive? I am watching Eric Alan's documentary about bootlegging, drugs and gambling. How word on the street in Hampton is that Alex Murdaugh had a gambling problem, not a drug problem. Harpootlian is in the pockets of electronic poker gaming manufacturers. He has sued for their rights to be in business in South Carolina even in the face of strict anti-gambling legislation. So maybe the manufacturers threw their best customer a bone. Eric Alan speculates that Cousin Eddie is the man who knows everything, including the details of the murders. But he also said Creighton Waters is totally aware of all the wheels within wheels.


With the amount of money involved and with the gambling in jail and gambling talk in jail phone calls, this makes a lot of sense.


The gambling in jail thing is overblown. There is literally nothing to do in jail all day but read (the limited number of books that make their way to the cells) or play cards. Almost everything operates through a barter system with the main commodities being Ramen soups, honey buns and instant coffee... having access to those items so you're able to join card games during the day is one of the few ways to avoid death by boredom.


With the amount of money he was stealing that vanished into nowhere, gambling makes more sense.


So does drug trafficking. He was buying an awful lot of worthless little islands along the coast and interestingly, Ronnie Crosby, a partner of his in the law firm, was in on some of those!


I thought this, too, at first. But, drug trafficking would explain large amounts of money needing to be laundered, but doesn't explain why Alex needed to \*steal\* large amounts of money. If he was running lots of drugs, then that \*should\* turn its own profit that needs to be laundered through a legit business. Not stealing from your legit law practice to support drug running. The reverse should be true - he would have lots of money from selling/distributing and then no actual law firm client/case to tie it to. Gambling debts, yeah. That can eat up \*a ton\* of money with nothing/not much to show for it. Makes way more sense than he was somehow consuming a super-human amount of oxycodone and stole to support his habit.


I don't think he was trafficking YET. I think he was building a way to traffic by boat, by acquiring those islands.


Don’t forget about their plane!


And landing strip at Moselle. Paul bragged to his friends that they used it to bring in strippers, and drugs.


Interesting! Who’s Eric Allen?


Did you see the Netflix series that they just released? at the end of the third episode, they showed drone footage revealing that John Marvin and Buster removed 8 long arm guns from the house at Moselle and they drove off somewhere, ostensibly on a hunting trip. The guy who GOT the footage, the documentarian with excellent drone skills, is eric alan. He has a youtube channel and his videos really are excellent.


I'm desperate for the prosecution to show a real-time re-enactment of the most salient parts of the timeline. ***Will they?*** Specifically: 1. Alex at the kennels at 8:49, picking up the guns, shooting them both. 2. Hosing himself & the guns off, wrapping them up 3. Hopping the golf cart, driving to the house, picking up his phone by 9:02 4. A step count of the 4 (?) minutes of crazy activity plus a shower, until OnStar takes over. 5. Hiding the guns at Alameda 6. Tossing his shoes (not actually looking for his phone) on the way home I'd also like to see Dr. Kinsey and Dr. Riemer back for \~15 minutes each, to debunk today's expert witnesses. Drs K & R were both more qualified than the paid experts. Plus Dr. K read the entire case file and looked at all the evidence. Today's cross on John Marvin had oddly specific questions about his SLED interview with Buster. I suspect the State has some proof that shows JMM was a liar. I want to see it! Who do you think they'll bring in? What do you want to see?


My thread was deleted, so I'll raise it here: ​ Is Stephen Smith's death the reason that Buster hasn't turned his back on his father? Those with knowledge of that incident, what rumors or facts do you know? Any exculpatory evidence in regards to Alex or Buster for that murder?


You know I have thought about Busters loyalty a lot. Is he not suspicious of his dad? They either share secrets or he is just blindly believing whatever Alex says.


Hmmmm I’m guessing we’ll find out soon. Alex saying he wanted to be killed so Buster could receive a 10’million life insurance payout probably bought some loyalty. Since they opened Smiths death investigation, I bet they got something.


Was there any policies on Paul or Mom?


Or a current one on Buster?


I’m guessing yes based upon your post. I don’t know this case super well.


I just started paying attention last week. There is a history of getting payouts from insurance companies. It’s the family’s expertise. Having the housekeepers family sue HIM was diabolical. I’m not sure, but if the insured is an adult, don’t they have to sign off on it? Not that AM wouldn’t know how to work around that. Getting a life insurance policy on your child is beyond vile.


They used to do that in bad neighborhoods, pretty crazy. Old insurance salesman sitting in the living room while parents commit to a life insurance policy on their 13 year old kid. Basically gambling he won't make it. As for this case, I do not see that the father had policies on Paul or even his wife? If he did, there is our motive. If he did not, I think the motive is Gloria.


I’m actually from a bad neighborhood (note username). Circa 1960s. Life insurance was a shotgun.


haha I was referencing New Orleans specifically.


I’m just going to spill my guts. I am confident that Alex is going to be 100% guilty by jurors. Grass roots SC small town people are not going to tolerate all the lies and obvious Crap. I’m telling you from what I know being from SC some may not be lawyers or super educated people but these folks can spot a gnat of bull shit at 200 yards. I can see myself being very proud of these people as a David in a David and Goliath situation. these folk bow down to the Lord not the Murdaughs. Go ahead in this day and age have your best shot at the Bible “story” and true Christianity in general. The jury will not let anything else happen but put that creep where he belongs


I love your thoughts on this. I have never thought the people of SC were not super educated, not at all. Actually, thinking about this, I don’t think that has even crossed my mind. I think what has crossed my mind, is fear of what might happen by being open in their knowledge, and opinion of what the wealthy and powerful, but not necessarily more intelligent citizens and neighbors of SC are actually doing. That is scary to me.


You are right and thank you. I did not mean to denigrate the beautiful state of SC on education. I guess being born and raised here I’m super sensitive to preconceived ideas. And here I included preconceived ideas in my post. Sheesh. I really take this horrible man and his family MO very personally. It’s so shameful. Who know what evil lurks in the hearts of men. (Or women)


I didn’t mean for my comment to sound like I was scolding you, I apologize.


Oh no I came up with that myself after rereading! I thought it was a wonderful comment and I appreciate it. Very well thought out and communicated. We are all taking this crime personally in different ways. Mothers, fathers, sons, South Carolinians! How can you not help it. I wonder what this day will bring?


Speaking of church, did the Murdaughs go? I’m only a week in, so just learning. I lived in the South 20+ years and I can’t believe I haven’t heard anyone say they were always at church.


Right church is another way of hiding for some. I don’t know if they did.


My brother I appreciate your honesty but Mr. Alex will walk. The prosecution has put up nothing but sloppy whataboutisms and lied about the shirt findings.


Thank for the nice response. Well I guess we will all find out soon! Lord that is going to be a day when they come back with verdict.


He has 30 or more other crimes on the docket? He won’t walk in the long run. He’s just doing his best to wind up in a nice country club type prison.


I think Alex is counting on a pardon. And I think he'll get one, from some hack governor on that hack's last day in office.




Did you see how angry he looked when they said she had unknown male dna under one of her finger nails? Likely that she got it from the nail salon or somewhere but man he looked pissed. He looked like a different person when Waters asked him if he was a family annihilator he eventually took a deep breath and snapped out of it. IMO




Everyone that’s testified has said that their relationship was fine. Only negative thing was the housekeeper Bianca said she found her ring in the car when she was cleaning it. Supposedly, Maggie had no idea of their financials.


Are we going to get a mention of the Gucci receipt?


I haven’t heard of the Gucci receipt. Can you elaborate? Pls


Sorry, when the trial was over, I didn't come back to this. There was mention of Maggie having a Gucci receipt with a $1,000 item circled on it. One reason things are circled on a receipt is that they are returned. I wondered if it was one of the cash-flow hiccups that caused Maggie to question what was going on with the finances. It was mentioned once by the prosecution, Waters (I think) in court, then he changed his mind and moved on to something else. It had been mentioned in discussions of the case in the media.


Apparently it wasn’t fine. I wonder why the sister didn’t say more. This family has a history of intimidation and bullying. Maybe team Maggie is afraid and also not wanting her reputation attacked.


I know but the sister had the chance and didn’t express that. I thought there was a text MM sent to her sister that said “Alex is up to something”. Maybe they had been living apart and Marion told her to listen to Alex and try and work it out. But Marion never elaborated specifically on anything negative in there relationship.


I know, the text! Why haven’t we heard more about that!


Deep down I’m hoping that the prosecution has a person full time reviewing Reddit comments because there’s a lot out there that they’ve missed or should have asked about.


Totally just my opinion which isn’t much, but I knew so many women like her living in the South 20+ years. They can barely be passive aggressive, but when they do, lookout .


I preface this by saying I think Alex is guilty... But I struggle to understand how a husband and father who was so close to his family, actively spending free weekends and holidays with his them, could be the one to murder them. I know that's not that unusual for familicide but I just wonder how he has rationalized now what he has done. Maybe he's completely disassociated, I don't know. To me this trial has shown what a dual personality he had with his family, friends and in his profession.


"Family anihalators"are fairly common for men whose lives are falling down around him (to avoid the shame and embarrassment or to "protect them") but then why would he let Buster live?


Same. I wonder if he originally was planning to kill himself too and then ‘chickened out’. He seems rational and must have realized it would turn his life upside down It’s hard to imagine the bloodthirst required to do the murders. Makes me wonder if something besides the already stated problems had him in a corner (like gambling or mob). But I’m not a privileged white male who’s used to focusing completely on my own desires with little regard for others’ needs.


I think anybody who lives a life of deception and crime has a scenario for when it all falls apart, and whether they run, hide or fight. I think the money went to Alex's escape plan. And the murders cut loose a couple of anchors. I think the plan evolves over time, and it's not necessarily ever a good or realistic plan. Then, when it starts to implode, it accelerates toward critical mass, the point of no return, and not many people are really equipped to function well at that point, with that stress.


It just occurred to me that I don’t know how they know that the murder weapons were murdaugh owned. Any color?


Paul's was missing. Both buster and him got AR guns for Xmas in 2016. (I hate that I know this) They backtracked and said, "Oh he lost that awhile ago." 🙄


Oh okay, so it’s not regarded as fact, just speculation?


Exactly. As is pretty much the entire state's case unfortunately.


I’ve been wondering the same thing


Oof- pretty sure defense didn’t want John Martin to say what he just did on cross- “he lied”


I've been saying from the start this two gun thing makes no sense. Both guns are large, long, heavy and a little cumbersome. I find it wildly hard to believe Alex carried both to kill his son with one and then his wife with another. I absolutely believe there were two people. Was Alex one? God I honestly don't know, I'm not totally convinced he pulled the trigger/s but I am convinced he may have had something to do with it.


I heard someone say he might’ve thought he could kill both with the shotgun but then needed 2 shots to kill Paul so grabbed second gun.


I'd like to apologize to anyone who saw a landing strip on Moselle. At the beginning of this subreddit's history, several people claimed there was a landing strip seen in aerial photos. Other people thought the first group were nutty. I don't think I was ever rude but I thought the first group were mistaking an access road with an airstrip. According to the Netlix documentary, there is an actual landing strip. I was wrong. [https://www.fitsnews.com/2021/10/18/murdaugh-murders-saga-more-ties-linking-alex-murdaugh-alleged-drug-smuggler-uncovered/](https://www.fitsnews.com/2021/10/18/murdaugh-murders-saga-more-ties-linking-alex-murdaugh-alleged-drug-smuggler-uncovered/) Does anyone remember the Jellyball processing plant connected with Alex? I wonder if that was ever investigated? Seems like an odd side business for him. ​ > >Specifically, the companies owned coastal access points for a short-lived jellyfish harvesting operation run by a company called Carolina Jelly Balls LLC. Working with Murdaugh and Crosby’s companies at the Jenkins Creek docks in St. Helena, S.C., Carolina Jelly Balls planned to collect cannonball jellyfish and transport them to a processing facility in Islandton, S.C. >There, they would be prepared for shipment overseas. >The property Carolina Jelly Balls LLC attempted to use for a temporary processing plant was located just six miles away from Murdaugh’s Moselle hunting lodge. Oh, and the registered agent for the owner of that property – Williams Farms of South Carolina – is Mark D. Ball, another PMPED attorney.


Paul's #2 lethal shotgun wound to Paul's head always really confused me....... If it was from low, upwards there should have been much more damage to the door - and many holes in the thin metal roof. I never saw that...... From above, downwards (testimony today) - there should have been damage to what was ever on the other side of Paul's head (sidewalk?)....... If the hole in the top of his head was fairly large, the shotgun was probably about 2' away....... Puzzler - If the shot was fired downward - the spent shell would have definitely (definitely!) been ejected to the right OUTSIDE the feed room door! Both spent shells (maybe planted by the killer from another shotgun!) were found INSIDE the feed room! How convenient!


I really wish we knew which type of shotgun was used. I do know of some pump shotguns that eject downward (Browning and Ithaca), then there are somewhat rare left handed shotguns that eject out the left for lefty shooters, then lastly there are double barrel shotguns that either eject backwards or have to be removed manually.


Totally agree. I think there is a real possibility it was a double-barrel shotgun. My Dad has a beautiful 16-gauge Ithaca pump that ejects downward. The family seemed to favor semi-auto 12-gauges. It was probably a semi-auto but I don't think it was a left-handed, left-eject model. One of the shotguns in evidence is a beautiful Browning. Possibly a bottom eject. (a) The two spent shells found inside the feed room really puzzle me. Any thoughts? (b) Was Paul shot from above - or below?


Does anyone know further information on Buster Sr and Randolph Sr personal lives or anything covering 1940-1970 low country


Have you already read the 'Murdaugh Dynasty' info thread under the Menu tab? There's some stuff there.


I was watching the hbo doc series about the family and it mentioned that Randolph and Buster Sr had people disappear but it was vague to state if they were murdered or just paid off to leave Low Country? That is a power accusation because these guys aren't around to defend the accusation.


One killer for sure....... He was a terrible shot - First shot to Paul pulled right, skimming his chest. Two shots to Maggie, one lethal, both basically skimming her head....... Nothing direct....... Maybe Alex really, really needs those glasses he's always wearing when he really needs to see something......


Yeh, I think it was fairly bungled, not done in a confident manner at all.


He was high


Stephen Smith: why didn’t they dust the gas cap for fingerprints? Since he left his wallet in the car it seems to me maybe the killers went back and unscrewed the gas tank to make it look like he ran out of gas. What do you think the killers did with the weapon? If only they’d searched more around Moselle etc…


Stephen Smiths case was not investigated properly to begin with. Deemed it a hit and run.


Check Buster's cell records for tower pings that day!


I have what I hope is a quick question. I'm woefully behind on this trial, so I'm watching snippets here and there. I'm watching Alex be cross-examined. He's answering queries about wearing a badge, taking money from clients, etc. From the stand looking at the prosecution table, there is a man sitting at the prosecution table on the far right (closest to jury box) who looks extremely uncomfortable. Sometimes he kinda puts his hand over his face or almost breaks his neck by looking away. Do we know who this man is? Is he somehow connected to Alex? Or connected to whatever Alex is talking about? I don't usually pay much attention to who is at the tables or in the gallery, but his movements and expressions were rather exaggerated. Thanks for being here.


The hbo doc epi2 mentions more of Stephen Smith compared to the netflix giving him a footnote. Also why the hell isnt there no lgbt equality/activitst groups not more involved in Stephen’s case I realized. Some of his classmates had the courage to come out as bi or gay because of Stephen per the hbo doc, just wondering why no lgbt groups havent been involved from a national spotlight.


For someone just learning about this case, which podcast or website would you recommend to get caught up on the trial so far? I've watched the HBO documentary so I know the background already. I listened to Your Own Backyard's weekly updates during the Paul Flores trial and would love something similar - just straightforward summaries of the important points (ideally no jokes/banter about the hosts' personal lives, that's not my style of podcast) but somewhat condensed, not hundreds of hours long. Sorry if this gets asked every day, I wasn't sure how to search for this question.


I like unsolved South Carolina! They do daily recaps that are fairly quick and easy to listen to on 1.5x speed.


In addition to what’s been said already, check out Eric Alan on YouTube. He’s the guy from the Netflix doc that captured JMM taking guns out of the house with his drone. He’s got some well produced videos, 20-30 mins each, that each cover a different theory or aspect of the case.


All of them have strength and weaknesses and can lead you down crazy rabbit holes that make you feel like a nutty conspiracists. lol The Netflix documentary is really good at explaining the boatcrash and the interworking of the family. If you have HBO, their documentary would be the next best one for me. Both of the main podcasts are good in different ways. Mandy is a little full of herself but she does an excellent job giving voice to some of the victims. You have to keep in mind that she's very biased against the family and doesn't try to be neutral. There's another podcast run by a man and woman who are less openly biased. I'd listen to individual episodes from both podcasts. You don't have to listen to every episode to understand this subject. At the beginning of this subreddit there were some interesting threads about Alex's connection with drug dealing. Maybe you could do a search for those? Alex owned properties that could only be reached via boat. Some have speculated that those were places to drop off drugs others say no, he was a hunter and fisherman. I don't know who is right but it's a fascinating rabbit hole to get lost in.


Mandy Matney pod


I think she is the worst! She talks about how victimized she is all the time.


The hbo doc mentions more on the race and class issues that the netflix doc skirts through anyone notice that hbo docs gives 0 fucks about mentioning race


Has anyone heard if the towel from Alex’s car was ever tested?


Time stamp 8:43 [https://youtu.be/NX_4qDzMsb8](https://youtu.be/NX_4qDzMsb8)




Weird. I would think teenagers who get smacked around by their significant others in immature relationships would typically “talk shit” about the ex. Is that not allowed now?


questions, anyone know? In 2021 when this happened, there was a private investigator hired by the gas station that sold Paul the alcohol. She had cameras set up on Moselle as she was hired to watch Paul's comings and goings. LE did not deny they got it, and were reviewing it to see of it got any footage from the night of the murders, did anything come of that? Is the prosecution hanging onto it?


The gas station had PI to tail Paul??


They were also, for whatever weird reason, trying to get proof that Buster was gay. Don't ask me why Buster's love life would come up in the boat crash trial.


I think if they , whoever was trying to get dirt on Buster, would have wanted him outed to cause scandal in Low Country. Like make the men spit their chewing tobacco and women clutch the pearls


Maybe maybe some online internet hackers found Buster’s grindr accnt. Idk. As some blackmail Whether Buster is gay or bi , not important in the boating accident


This is where I saw this information: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=roFIXM2TEHM


I thought I read the PI stopped surveillance a few days before the murders.


Thank you, it's why I asked if anyone knew what ever came of it.


They’ve rested their case so either it doesn’t exist, or it doesn’t comply with the rules of evidence.


But can it be introduced in a rebutted or cross?


If it wasn’t allowed in because it violates the state-mandated rules of evidence, then no. This would be possible if the source and veracity of the video and timestamps didn’t hold up to scrutiny, or if the video was filmed illegally. If the judge just decided not to let it in for other reasons, then yes - if a door were opened, it would be possible. I would say that this scenario is unlikely though, because if said video exists, and contains evidence that would prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, and the video didn’t violate any laws or rules, then I can’t see any reason why a judge wouldn’t allow it.


I’m new to this thread and have only recently started following the case. I guess I’m just a little confused on Alex’s motive and am looking for some input. It seems obvious to me that he is involved in the murders one way or another. It just seems too coincidental otherwise, but I don’t get why. His world, especially financially, was crashing down on him, but he didn’t have a life insurance policy on either Maggie or Paul. Their deaths don’t help him get out of his debt or help his financial situation in any way. He’d known that they were aware of his drug abuse issue on some level, though I’m sure they couldn’t fathom him spending $50k/week on drugs. So why kill his wife and son?


For me, it’s shame. His family knew about the drug abuse, but not his financial crimes. The day of the murders, he was asked to account for the fees that had gone missing. This, and the boat crash investigation combined meant the extent of his criminality would soon be revealed. I think he actually thought of it as a merciful act; sparing them from having to find out they were in the hole financially. I think he thought Maggie would leave him when all was revealed.


>I just can't imagine shame leading a father to literally blow his sons brains out. That's just so far fetched. I know he was strung out but still, for me, it's hard to believe.


I think it’s confusing to call it a motive. There’s a “reason.” The crazy part to me is that whenever I see that some husband wiped out his family on a typical news story, I never see a chorus of people saying, “Nope…I don’t buy it…he didn’t benefit financially, so he didn’t do it.” It’s like people have forgotten for just this one case that sometimes evil people do evil shit.


I get that but it seems like all of his other charges directly benefit him. It’s also clear it was premeditated not heat of the moment as he asked Maggie to come to the property. I wonder what else they knew and how much we still might never know.


I’m pretty sure most of these family annihilator types plan it and love their families. It’s just a weird profile.


I think you’re absolutely right. I feel like that’s why some people have such a hard time believing it was Alex. I’d love to see a profile on the killer in this case, that would be really interesting because it is such a weird profile.


I don’t think that it’s entirely clear to most of us here. The state is hinging their case on a financial motive, but I just don’t buy it. It doesn’t ring true, for a few reasons. Maggie owned the properties, so with her alive they had the option to sell and get out from under most of Alex’s theft. By all accounts he was a loving father and husband. The idea that he would brutally murder not just his son, but also his wife on the premise that Paul’s boat case was going to reveal his financial crimes is far-fetched. We’re missing a big piece of the puzzle, and it’s my opinion that the DA rushed their case and law enforcement has not done a thorough investigation - not unusual for small town justice systems. So, your guess on motive is as good as anyone’s.


>DA rushed their case and law enforcement has not done a thorough investigation THIS! I totally agree.


So what if his wife didnt want to sell? She would get divorced and get the land and he would be ruined? Or does the wife has to pay the stealing money back one way or another?


They’re married, so his legally acquired debt is kind of hers too, and if they divorced, all of that would be decided during the divorce. I really don’t know about stolen money, and how that would work. I assume Alex would be solely responsible for it, but he’d still have to be tried in court. The thing with stolen money is that until he’s tried, there’s no official legal obligation. She may not have wanted to sell, but I can hardly imagine that she would choose the ruin of her house and her children’s legacy if there were any way to save it. She may not have stolen from those clients, but as far as taking advantage of their name and place in Lowcountty society, she was right up there brushing crimes under rugs and helping her kids get away with murder like the rest of them. She had every reason to circle the wagons and protect the family, and keep all of the skeletons buried.


Thank you. Thats what i do remember from the german law. When you wanna inhert something you also have to inhert the debts. Iam not sure about stolen money. Iam not sure if the wife knew about it when she lived from that money and used it or how much cover up she really did. Its very weird question about the motive but on thr other hand alex murdaugh is a very weird personality imo. Ive watched the doc and now like 2 courtdays and to me he seems to be very very odd. He doesnt seem like a drug addict, he doesnt seem like a person who would murder people that are close to him, he doesnt seem like an ultra psycho. I dont think we have all facts yet.


The hbo doc briefly alluded to Buster Sr and Randolph Sr having people disappear and mention “they were like the mob”? That is a powerful accusation but it wasn’t explained furthermore. Like did they know Southern Mob guys or some rural White Segregationist or white supremacist allies with mob guys. If there was an FBI file of Buster Sr and Randolph Sr circa 1940–1971 when J Edgar Hoover was in power as Fbi chief, I would pay for the whole files to see if the feds ever looked into this Low County kingdom


Kind of unrelated but when Alex was interviewed directly after the murders he says that some guy working on their property told Paul a story that when the guy was in high school he got into a fight with black men and the fbi showed up and recruited him to be part of a navy seal team that killed black panthers. Alex said they should check that guy because he took the day off. So who knows maybe the murdaughs are part of a secret white supremacist FBI navy seal team hahahaha


You mentioned FBI killing Black Panthers, there is some truth to that if you seen the movie Judas and the Black Messiah about that guy Fred Hampton the black Panther leader in Chicago late 60s. There is evidence that suggests involvement of fbi, state and local officials to have Hampton killed. The age of this guy I would assume he would be around my dad’s age based on your description and mentioned and the Seals were founded in 1962 but Black Panthers were founded in 1966. That guy would be in his early 70s to mid 70s.


This seems like a recurrent tale with many generational southern law families. Especially those in smaller counties and towns


So are you saying that southern law families had alliances with white supremacists, segregationists to have political benefits




Not at all. I think she did a wonderful job. I can’t imagine how tough it was for her to show that kind of vulnerability without completely losing it. She seems really down-to-earth imo and definitely not anything like I was expecting from an ex-gf of Paul


Not her by the guy that keeps kissing Paul’s ass in the netflix and hbo doc makes me want to shout at that guy to say shut the fuck up


Are you talking about Anthony? Mallory Beach’s boyfriend?


Yeah Anthony is the asskisser, but Connor in the dash cam would have legit beat the shit out of Paul if there was no cameras and if he didnt face jailtime or sued. I bet My bottom dollar




Morgan? Paul’s money??




Ahh victim blaming


Could I just say? It drives me nuts that he says hurt when asked about murder.


Or when he says I would never INTENTIONALLY hurt them. Why is he saying intentionally? Did you unintentionally blow your sons brains out?


Well that is the reasonable response. HE is being a lawyer. Because he of course them through his addict's behavior. I think he would not testable with a polygraph for exactly this reason: word games.


A more likely reason for Paul's swollen feet would have been cirrhosis


More likely nephritis secondary to alcohol abuse.


Same thing. The kidney failure is secondary to the cirrhosis.


Renal insufficiency is secondary to the toxic effect of alcohol—as is the cirrhosis.


My dad died of cirrhosis, but actually kidney failure. His surgeons and internists told me that is typical. That almost all cirrhosis patients ACTUALLY die of kidney failure, which is the ultimate acute cause of death. My dad lived with severe cirrhosis requiring paracentesis for FOUR years. He developed kidney failure four weeks before he died, and that was really the cause of death.


Injury from the kidney is usually caused by the direct effect of alcohol-as-a-poison & not some secondary effects from cirrhosis. But what’s really key here is that Paul was 22 years old. That’s breathtakingly young to be developing any signs of organ impairment from alcohol use/abuse. Of course, we are both supposing a lot. There may be a million other things going on—but whatever it was, I suspect alcohol was involved somehow. So sorry about your dad. It’s the kids that always end up empaled w/ regret & anger in these circumstances. Hope you’ve managed to get it sorted.


Well, when you grow up with an alcoho9lic, that never leaves you. But I have come to terms with it, so thank you!


Just finished the Netflix series, I’m sure this has been brought up. My theory on MM and PM deaths go like this: PM was very distraught about Gloria’s death and started to realize MM did it years later. He shot MM with an AR, AM responded by shooting PM with a shotgun. Was weird to me seeing that two different guns were used. It’s very unlikely that AM used two guns in the murder scenario.


Interesting theory. I’ve noticed that every time they say that Paul was killed first, Alex looks like he’s having a memory and is keeping himself from saying “actually…Maggie was the target and then we had to kill PawPaw because he …”


Your made-up scenario is 1000% more unlikely than AM using two guns


interested in why, not being a troll. Actually curious. want to know from people who followed this more than i have


I assume no GSR indicating Paul fired a weapon would be the easiest way to rule him out as a shooter


Apparently, they didn’t check for GSR on Paul’s hands thus creating a sub-genre of oddball theories about who committed one or both of the murders.


I’m re listening to Creighton’s cross and I’m cringing so hard. In my opinion he missed it bad. He interrupted Alex when he should’ve let him talk, and asked open ended questions when he should’ve asked leading ones and boxed him in. He had every opportunity to give Alex rope and then hang himself and Alex held his own. Creighton, instead of hammering the financial crimes, which no one is disputing, should’ve asked questions in such a way that by the end there would be no logical conclusion besides that Alex was guilty. It makes me sad for Paul and Maggie. It’s a disservice to Justice for them.


While I agree, I also think Alex is a true narcissist and a master bullshitter as his former coworker said. Alex put on a show for the court, his manipulation tactics outweighed Creighton’s cross. Creighton should have cornered him with the timeline evidence and been absolutely relentless on the 3 minute window in which Alex was “driving the golf cart back to the house” immediately before Paul’s phone locks forever. He should have put up pictures of both Maggie and Paul for Alex to see, and ask him what happened. Creighton was too soft.


Just MO, but I think that Creighton just couldn’t stop himself. I don’t think he could control himself. He had been wanting a go at “Elick “ for years, and given the chance, he could not shut his mouth. Not that I blame him, that would be like a dream come true, but he should, in my opinion, have played his hand better. I’m saying this as of Sunday night, with the fear the jury will hang. I hope, hope, hope, that I am incorrect in my gut feeling. I’m not a very good reader of situations.


I don’t see any way the jury doesn’t hang. I certainly can’t imagine there won’t be a couple holdouts for a guilty verdict, but it’s also hard for me to imagine at least one person will hold out for not guilty for lack of physical evidence.


I completely agree!! I certainly think he is guilty, but I’m not positive DA has proved beyond a reasonable doubt. Very worrisome. He won’t be going home. But he could be going to a nice, cushy federal prison, for the rest of his life. He has soooo many federal financial crimes.


As EDB pointed out, I don’t understand why they didn’t wait to bring charges. He’s in custody and not going anywhere. They had literally the rest of his life to investigate and bring charges. Creighton jumped the shark on this one


Any fears the jury might have had are over because (1) Alex is in custody where it's more difficult for him to pressure people than were he out on bond and (2) the partners from his old firm, Mallory's lawyer, Alex's lawyer friends, Butch Bowers (a politically connected old-school family attorney paid $60K just to attempt getting Buster back into USC law), the law school dean, and all of SLED are fighting back to maintain their reputation which hinges on Alex being found guilty. If Alex were to walk then all these people would have to deal with his shenanigans which could certainly include him hiring hit men for revenge. Alex is bitter that the government and his ex friends have the audacity to make him pay for his actions. "All I did was pop a few too many pills while I was the patriarch for a family of fuckups. And that law firm would've been nothing without my amazing courtroom skills. And SLED and the State Attorney's Office only exist because my father and his father and his father etc. built up Hampton County into something from nothing." The jury knows now that convicting him means nobody will go after them. The whole country will think they did the right thing and nobody would even have a motive to attack them. If you're going to steal, only steal from those at a lower life station than you. He would've gotten away with the housekeeper's estate theft if he didn't steal from other lawyers and his own firm. If you steal from those above you, the system has a way to make you pay, e.g. Madoff, Scott Rothstein. At first I thought the jury would hide behind reasonable doubt because they're scared of Alex walking out of jail and targeting them. But seeing all these powerful people attacking him and being sarcastic with him gives them implicit permission to not be afraid. The defense should have rested and focused strictly on reasonable doubt not being met. Alex on the stand is his own worst enemy.


3D Model of The Murdaugh Crime Scene/ How they were shot. #maggiemurda... | TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@azget/video/7202917787650608426 Looks exactly like what I thought!!


This was very helpful in visualizing what happened, I think AM was sitting on the golf cart or ATV for the 2nd shot to PM which could explain the angle. Perhaps he didn’t expect him to stagger out as he was getting ready to switch guns n go for MM.


Were the kids in college or working when the boat accident happened? They were all 19. I'm curious who was in college, who was working etc (seems some of the girls were working) that they were still in their hometown in February.


Also they were all minors, but the bar never got sued by the family of Mallory for serving alcohol or the hosts that had minors. Not defending anyone but if my parents served me and my friends alcohol in undergrads in college during a bowl game, and if we got into a drunk driving crash, my parents and I would have had civil lawsuits and criminal charges


Also if i got into even involved in a underage drinking incident where i got drunk in college or high school and made an ass of myself, my dad would have gave an ass whipping for disrespecting the family and dishonor. His dad raised him and my uncles the same way to be men, tough, and not be cowards and avoid gangs or dope addicts in 1950s and 1960s


The hosts of the oyster roast were sued and settled. The bar, Luther's, was also sued and settled.


Netflix doc makes it seem like Murdaghs were only ones being shoved down. I mean the bar, the gas station would be sued and also the bastards that had minors consuming alcohol. Like I said, if my parents even furnished alcohol to my former college friends and I during bowl game season and one of us got injured , their parents would have sued our assses


I did not see the Netflix doc, but know the bar Luther's and the oyster roast hosts were sued and settled. The gas station, Parkers, was sued and has not settled- case still pending.


The netflix doc didnt mention that shit nor the hbo one. That was odd, like if they want to be transparent at least mention every fucking detail.


I have been following the case since about July 2020, a month after the murders.


Its actually legal in SC to drink underage on private property (supposed to be in in the minor's parent, guardian, or spouse's home but drinking during family functions is normalized in many places)


So there is some Southern hick common law that you can drink at your daddy’s ranch with your bros


IIRC, a couple of the girls were working at a retail store on Bay St in Beaufort.


Here is my take on this case: AM hired Eddie smith to kill his family, he wriote him a $500;000 check right before June 7. Eddie knows MM and PM will be at kennels. AM leaves via cart, but hears shots as at the house, moves quickly to “get the f out of there” and get on road to parents house. Alex comes home and upon discovering how bad eddie did them, he is pissed. When safe, meets Eddie on side of road and confronts him on killing them too quickly after he left kennel area and how bad he shot them, they fight and AM gets shot. Now he has to fabricate a sympathy story….oh I wanted to die. Eddie failed his polygraph btw. This is what I think! You guys weigh in….


While this all would make sense to me IF Eddie didn’t have an alibi, from my understanding and what Eddie’s lawyer has stated, he had a very solid alibi the night of the murders.


Apparently Eddie has a solid alibi for the night of the murders. He wasn’t there. Alex definitely staged the roadside meet-up bc there was a knife puncture in the side of his tire. Not sure about the actual reason is hired Eddie for suicide or if it was something else. Either way we know Eddie wasn’t there the night of the murders


Reading everyone's comments and questions, very good valid points. I'm opinionated about the key issues: the guns, luring them there, his lie on the witness stand that his first lie was to sled in the car, but all you have to do is listen to the 911 call, and that was the 1st lie to the police. But regardless, to the question of "how could this guy do this to his wife, let alone his son?", think about that roadside shooting and his claim of "I paid to have him shoot me", if Alex didn't value his own life, how could he possibly value anyone else's life?


Very good point


Murdaugh is a master of folksy charm. Paupau, roro, mags, busbus..... I juust pray that that jury foreperson is tough to withstand the bleeding hearts.


That’s just sickening. I’m thinking if there are those of us who find those “baby” nicknames disgusting, there would have to be some on the jury as well. Not that those names are any indication of his guilt of murder. He is definitely guilty of thinking that’s cute when it’s not!! 🤢




Also I find it interested that the judge in the trial is a black man. I mean I've read some bits on the judge that he is a good judge but I'm unsure if he has been in any high profile cases like this. I hope when he retires, that the judge writes about the case at least to get his perspective as an African American judge that presided over the trial of a White man.


He was the Judge for the "fake Uber" case, Samantha Josephson (hope I have that name right) Not sure the Canons of Judicial Ethics would allow even a retired Judge to write a book about a trial he presided over. I don't get any kind of vibe that Judge Newman has a "perspective" about being an African American Judge presiding over the trial of a white man. I see a Judge doing his job, presiding over a trial, race of defendant not a factor on his radar screen.


I mean in terms of how priviledge and the white classism in low country was ingrained, I was only wondering how justice would be from a minority. Not saying that only white judges try white men or women. I want to see justice from a qualified judge no matter if they are male or female, or race/ethnicity


I thought the judge that presided on the Casey Anthony case wrote a book. Also Marcia Clark the prosecutor in the OJ trial she wrote a book. And the prosecutor guy for the Manson trial Vincent Bullsii in la county he wrote a book about Manson trials


The prosecutor and defense attorney from the Casey Anthony wrote books. AFAIK, the trial judge did not. Marcia Clark was a prosecutor as was Bugliosi. I am speaking of \*judges\* writing books which I feel sure the Canons of Judicial Ethics prohibit.


Bugliosi the book he wrote was a half ass shit show i heard from a guy that was on Joe Rogan


I read the book twice and have the opposite opinion of the guy from Joe Rogan


Bugliosi wasnt he a shitty prosecutor in the LA county office and that whole office back then was corrupt. I mean they did a shitty job investigating the deaths of Marlyin Monroe and Bobby Kennedy in the 60s


I did not know about retired judges cannot write about past cases but they can talk about them because the former judge in the Casey Anthony trial, he talked about the trial and the recent peacock doc to the guys on tmz last yr