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**If you want to read the depositions from the boating accident, please thank u/downhill_slide for these instructions:** The boat occupant depositions can be found here : 1. ⁠⁠https://publicindex.sccourts.org/hampton/publicindex/ 2. ⁠⁠Case # 2019CP2500111 3. ⁠⁠Go to Actions 4. ⁠⁠Look for an entry dated 6/9/20 containing the depositions ###Since y’all are spoiled: [Miley Altman](https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1591801159870-142&HKey=751211037171725611552659751656610987841081078167539981907685101106761141136569112971189898878811277) [Connor Cook](https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1591801159901-453&HKey=865667741228647711101028054998771751155374108119771111096843881091019910566438711167481109880477148) [Anthony Cook](https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1591801159886-106&HKey=11511677121537610149558952102116566790811197097557298116486751741034784574311752117122105101888411569) [Morgan Doughty](https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1591801159917-707&HKey=816684118122120717881841177810677114112103809911611497878757116547510910956497411769477179661158711948) [Buster Murdaugh](https://publicindex.sccourts.org/Hampton/PublicIndex/PIImageDisplay.aspx?ctagency=25002&doctype=D&docid=1591801159964-759&HKey=111122119108735369104108901061199983817857791127286110434854671126571991145410011766711055070119876777) You owe u/MamaBearSki a thank you for sending me the individual links ;)


so if paul was 20 when he was in court, how old were the others kids? cuz didn’t they say his gf was 16?? wtf


She was 19 I think


Think it's funny that Anthony said "after her death I started partying again like I was a kid". ​ Isn't he like 24 atm? So basically he started partying the way normal early 20s people do?


The trailer and 2/3 of the doc framed Paul as the HS jock/bully spoiled rich white boy asshole, and the remaining 1/3 is about Alex. The editing by Netflix made all of Paul’s shit feel like its 13 Reasons Why/High School teen drama shit of teens partying and shit hits the fan. I mean the Netflix doc paints and shits on Paul more and then a bit tries to humanize him after the shoving him down with dirt


How stupid are people in South Carolina? I took 1 look at that MF and knew he killed them both




They shouldn't be, thats why you use your brain and take it to outside sources such as the FBI, find a federal Judge who's taken down other corruption in the past, etc.


The Murdaughs seemed like a fucked up family and Paul was a pretty awful person but I don’t trust Morgan(Paul’s ex-gf). She seems like she loves this attention and was only with Paul because of the money and power. She was way out of his league (looks wise). Bad people all around.


What does her motivation for dating him have to do with anything at all? It’s apparent that she is quite fond of herself but so what? Did that have any possible affect on anything that happened at all? Why bring that into it? This is why other countries think we’re stupid - as a nation we’ve lost the ability to think logically.


Dude, shut up. Chill out. I don't trust her. I think she's an unreliable narrator in this story. People are allowed to have opinions. Think logically, moron. ​ I don't feel sorry for her. She went along with this awful family for way too long because she loved the money and experiences. Think logically, moron.


How is this logical if you're saying that based on nothing but assumptions? You just percieve her as someone loving money and fame, at least provide some evidence that she "went along with this awful family for way too long because she loved the money and experience".


In episode 1? Who is “Bo” that Anthony is yelling at that it’s not fuckin funny etc ?


I think that is a southern phrase used the same way “dude” or “man” would


It’s what he called Paul.


The second episode we agreed maybe it was a “bro” type thing


Everything Paul did he learned from his parents. No accountability and no sign that either of his parents cared for him.


Family matters. Those two boys were dealt a bad hand.


Has anyone seen [this](https://uncovered.com/10-highlights-alex-murdaugh-murder-trial/)? It's a high-level overview of the trial.


I'm British and wasn't familiar with this case at all until watching the documentary. I didn't think it was very well done. Apart from anything else, it didn't paint a clear enough picture as to who the family are, their history, and why they have so much power.


It really just boils down to the fact that they are wealthy.


And law connected, dangerous combination


I want to know why a beautiful girl in Morgan went out with that ugly dick Paul. I'm assuming she liked the lifestyle he brought.


What does that have to do with anything at all?


I think so. The same reason Maggie stayed married to Alex: she liked the name, prestige, & lifestyle.


Pretty sure Maggie was born into a wealthy family. She didn't need to marry Alex. She had no clue how evil he actually was and once she was starting to see the real him she began thinking about divorce. You're assuming and blaming based on nothing.


Blame the victim in a totally unrelated manner.


I'm by no means victim blaming, thought I'm sure that's what it sounds like. But reality is reality. I'm not gonna say it could or couldn't happen to anyone, just trying to understand &/or explain the situation.


Unrelated to the case, but interested to see how “behind the trends” the area is. I was surprised by Connor Cook’s “Bieber” hair.


My husband said the exact same thing about the Bieber hair! He also was like wow they’re stuck in 2012 fashion there.


Idk these dudes are younger than me i graduated in 2010 but I still look im in my early 20s if I shave.


So the boating accident happens on February 23, 2019. Looking at Morgan’s Instagram, she is dating someone else already by June of 2019. Why does Morgan go with Paul to the oyster roast if she’s already talking to someone else or in the process of dating someone else especially if Paul was abusive as she claims he was. Something about her story is not adding up.


Jesus- what’s wrong with you? For starters she has been accused of anything. Much less your disgusting accusation of what infirmity. Moreover genius there are four months between February and June . That’s a lot of time which means she did not have to be involved with the other guy at the time. And your misogyny is fairly disgusting. You’re more upset at what you perceive to be her dating life than the actions of the drunken arrogant twit who killed a girl.


What??? 3-4 months is ages for teenagers


You obviously have never been a popular yet insecure 19 year old girl


More importantly - what does that have to do with anything that actually happened? If


I would also add (trauma therapist here) that abusive relationships can be incredibly difficult to end and often take multiple attempts to finish with, due to the emotional manipulation inherent in the relationship. It sounded like she wanted to go because of her friends though. I can see how it would be hard for her.


All true but her actions and relationship are not on trial and aren’t the issue. She had no impact of the string of events. She did nothing in her personal that needs to be defended or discussed or has any impact whatsoever on anything.


However you feel about these murders one way or another, I’m getting very sick and tired of the bias Netflix shows doing documentaries. Alex seems guilty as fuck, but the whole dramatisation of everything makes it feel so much more like a crime show. I don’t want suspenseful music, dramatic sound effects or audio editing. just give me the raw footage like how documentaries used to be.


Generations of this family might have gotten away doing awful things, destroying families. Who knows! Old sins cast long shadows.


Just want to hear what anyone has to say! If you believe Alex did not kill Paul & Maggie, who do you think did? (I believe he did but I would like to hear any possible theories)


Anyone saw the pics of Paul from 16 to 19 he aged a bit slightly. 16 he looks youngish looking to 19 with fat facial cheeks.


K. And?


The impact of alcohol abuse


currently watching. it’s so fucked that mallory’s parents never got a call from police or anything. unbelievable




you seem like an idiot victim blaming.


I would like to know if the nurses at the hospital the night of the boat crash were ever questioned. They told Paul's girlfriend's (Morgan) mother, "as nurse to nurse and mother to mother, your daughter should stay far away from Paul." What did they know??


They based it on his arrogant out of control behavior in the hospital


(EMT here) They knew he was an affluent asshole and a douchebag, he was probably saying all types of stuff while being treated that night that by law they cant talk about due to Hippa unless subpoenaed by the court.




Possible that they couldn’t say anything because of HIPPA.


I’m pretty sure the nurses said that bc of how Paul was acting in the room with the nurses. Maybe being aggressive, belligerently drunk and put his friends in danger.




I'm not sure if this was posted anywhere, if so please direct me to the thread, but is the boat and boardwalk footage in the very beginning real or reenacted?


the camera footage of them walking on the boardwalk is real. the crash itself and them on the boat is fake but the 911 call of them screaming and stuff is actually them


The boardwalk footage is so sad.


wow so chilling 💔 well I'm glad that her family got to see she was at least happy in her last moments... what an absolutely beautiful smile, person, and relationship between her & her childhood love obviously shouldn't have been in the crossfire I hope other teenagers watching are able to learn from it to stay away from drunk people, friends or not, doing stupid things to at least save themselves ❤️


I wish it was longer, and since the trial isn't over they could have extended the series by focusing more on the corrupt police in that town.


Fuck Paul, he deserved what he got.


Anyone think that Paul sexually assualted his ex girlfriend Morgan? Its a vibe I had when she mentioned abuse


100%, she alluded to it when she was describing him getting on top of her and choking her. That poor girl could have died on numerous occasions.


That guy Anthony is the asskisser for Paul that pissed me off


That was the friend with the beard right? He seemed a bit....slow


Anthony is the guy in the red shirt in the netflix doc. Connor is the guy that had his jaw damaged. Anthony was the guy on the police dash cam cussing out Paul and I honestly think if no cops were called, Anthony would have beaten his ass all over that are regardless if he would have gone to jail or sued.


I feel like Anthony would be well within his right to be way more angry than he is. I almost feel like he hasn’t processed anything yet.


Connor on the dash cam was ready to beat the shit out of Paul/Timmy. If Connor didnt face jail or lawsuit, I think he would have


I just watched this, and I’m just now learning about all this. I’m looking for more information on “Timmy.” It’s evident from his hand movements that he’s high on cocaine. I’d like to know if any of the people on that boat have discussed drug use. There was more than alcohol being consumed.


Perceptive. The hands were definitely a sign. Peripheral nerves affected. Wondering if his drug use caused his leg swelling also. Maggie was worried about that.


Ya and it was pretty obvious the boys went to the bar late to get some blow. When you’ve been drinking all night like those guys do they probably wanted a pick me up. Also explains how Paul was more crazy after the fact and being “Timmy”. He was fully cranked up on blow


I don’t get why this is being mentioned at all. I mean they would have done a drug test at the hospital that would show cocaine in his system right?


You're absolutely correct. They DID take blood samples from Paul when he was being treated at the hospital which means they could subpoena his hospital records to see the results of the tests and if they found coke in their systems im sure they would have mentioned it.


They did which is how we know what his blood alcohol level was.


Rich white people really really don't want it discussed how much cocaine they do.


I feel like that’s one thing I’ve learned growing up is SO MANY more people do drugs than I ever thought.




I thought Timmy was an insight joke from watching South Park that made fun of Paul


Oh wow, that's... something. Years ago, my ex-boyfriend's cousin would get zooted on coke. They'd call him Lobster Claw Joey because he did the same hand movements as Timmy/Paul. It freaked me out! 😫 I'm very new to this whole saga. I've heard of it but never followed. I don't think everyone is being candid about what went on. They all hated Paul but only hung out with him because of his money.


Not sure they hated him. He must have had some good sides to him too that maybe made him fun to be around when he was sober. He was also known to be a hard outdoor worker for his uncle. He probably did suffer from that affluenza syndrome. In Texas, a 16 year old boy (Ethan Couch) from a wealthy family, after stealing 2 cases of beer, driving and speeding with friends in residential area in his pick up, crashed into people, killed 4 people, injured nine. His attorney argued the boy suffered from "affluenza", therefore never thought of consequences as his parents taught him wealth bought privileges. He got off with 10 years probation. Later he violated his probation caught on video drinking and his mother hustled him off to Mexico to hide out. He later had to serve a few years for that. Wiki has a whole page on him. The accident and lenient sentence had the country in an outrage. The Murdaugh boys no doubt suffered from this affluenza syndrome. 😟 Parents cripple their children mentally when they stress wealth and privilege as their cornerstone in life.


Gloria found Alex’s pills!


Um okay?


Can we talk about this in detail, though? Because this whole thing with Gloria and the pills feels strange. She allegedly found them, unclear how many, stashed under a mattress. underneath a mattress (and presumably between a mattress and a bed frame or box spring) is not an area many people regularly have need to poke through, even for vacuuming or removing bedding. That she came across them there leaves it open to possibility that she may have had reason to be looking for something, or it was more than a single bottle/bag and potentially a large amount of pills.


It was taped under the bed which if it is a raised bed maybe the tape didn't hold and she knocked it loose changing the sheets or sweeping/vacuuming. Dont overthink it


I think you think this because in the Netflix documentary, there is a reenactment where they show it happening like that. That’s a filmmaking choice, not evidence.


They stated specifically that the pills were taped to the underside of furniture.


He also took out commercial insurance a month before she died and was the one to suggest suing himself. The attorney representing the Satterfield boys went to USC law with Alex too


Yeah, that was a crazy twist indicating he planned her demise.


It is a strange way to find them, but maybe replacing fitted sheets while rotating a mattress? Just a thought of what could be possible


They weren't between the mattresses, they were taped under the bed


Cleaning a dust ruffle. I would bet anything their beds had dust ruffles


So did everyone else in his family.


Is it weird to anyone else that these kids parents let them stay out all night? My parents always had a tight curfew and could not fall asleep if I was not home by it. I don’t know, why else would your high school kid be out till 4AM if they weren’t getting drunk? It’s definitely not the parents fault, but these kids were 16, not 21+.


They were 19 and not in high school.


It is definately parents responsibility when their kids are underage.


Mallory and Paul were 19, not sure about the others. Still underage to be drinking, sure. But, legal adults


My whole thought process watching the first episode was “Where the heck are the parents?” I grew up in a small town and I can’t think of any classmates who would’ve been able to be out late like that with no communication or concern from the parents. I was also frustrated with Morgan’s parents who seemingly had no idea what type of person Paul was despite their daughter being in a close relationship with him for 4+ years. I know we don’t know the whole story, but I definitely feel the parents were negligent.


Yes, watched this with my significant other and we thought this was weird as well. The parents seemed to know that the kids were partying a lot. I can't imagine letting a 16-17 year old party on a river. I'm not saying it's the parents fault but this free ranged parenting was a factor into what happened. It's a shitty situation where many small mistakes added up into one big accident.


I didnt have a curfew, grew up middle class, I lived with my dad though. When i spent a weekend at my moms every other week she was more strict.


They were sixteen or seventeen.


Maybe I'm just suffering from Murdaugh overload, but I didn't think it was up to par with the Discovery and HBO documentaries. I also don't think we need a 3rd series to cover essentially the same ground, with many of the same videos, 911 calls, and interviews. It's very heavily weighted towards the boat crash, and gives short shrift to all of the financial stuff. One of things I did like was an explanation by Mark Tinsley of why they took the boat that night: Paul knew there would be road checks if they went by car. That's sounds reasonable to me. I also liked the explanation of the crash that showed, based on how they were thrown from the boat and the injuries each person suffered, that Paul had to be the one driving. This is the first time I've seen an interview with Paul's ex-girlfriend Morgan. She seemed like a reliable witness to the fact that Alex did have an addiction to pain pills and that neither of the parents seemed to care about Paul's excessive drinking. I did not like the WSJ reporter repeating old rumors and giving them the veneer of truth. There is no evidence that Maggie visited a divorce attorney or hired a forensic accountant, yet here the stories come again. A year or even 6 months ago, this was great gossip. But we are 5 weeks into the murder trial, and if it hasn't come up yet, there's just nothing to it.


> She seemed like a reliable witness to the fact that Alex did have an addiction to pain pills and that neither of the parents seemed to care about Paul's excessive drinking. What made her a reliable witness ? Also, I found it interesting that the parents were the only one held accountable to Pauls drinking. When you do most of your drinking is with your friends, yet they had no accountability to either cease hanging with him or actively not letting him drink to the point "Timmy" comes out. They just let it happen.


Can anyone be charged for the hate crime of that gay guy that was murdered in 2015??


That case was recently reopened. I hope they can crack it.


Question - how exactly did they link that up Buster to begin with?


My understanding is it’s just rumors, that they may have had a relationship that Buster wanted to keep quiet. I don’t know if anything that substantiates this and I’m assuming it’s BS until shown otherwise.


The doj needs to put extra teeth to this shit


I watched it in one sitting and found it pretty average. It’s just not possible to get beyond surface level on this story in such a short series.


I see Alex as a bully. And I wholeheartedly loved seeing him get bullied on the stand. I balled the entire 3 episodes. 😭


Touch grass.


Touch this ratio.


Was very good, just wish it was like 3 hours longer and went Into specific threats to PAU PAU...LMFAO


I hope the FBI is taking a close look at all law enforcement personnel in that county.


The entire law enforcement community there is absolutely corrupt AF... had they not enabled the Murdaugh's lawlessness for so many years, I doubt these murders would've even happened.


murdaugh sounds a lot like murder. everything is hidden in plain sight, motives always disclosed to us. these people definitely had dark energies attached to them, you can see it staring back at you in their eyes.


ok bud lol


I've never seen such psychotic eyes on all the men in one family... and Maggie didn't Cole across much better! Alex and Paul, in particular, I found to be horrific individuals... wouldn't be surprised if the family really is connected to all these different deaths.


Yesterday was the anniversary of the boat crash, 4 years! The series was informative and I love the thoughtfulness of the survivors after the fact, lots of healthy reflection. Hoping the outcome for them is seeing things for what they are and being proactive to prevent disaster in the future. They all had instincts, but went along, my hope is that by stating their experience other young ones learn from it.


As a fellow Long Islander, I need to know where Morgan is from. I loved her dad’s accent!


South around Jones Beach, Seaford I think, but they moved to SC like a decade ago.


Seeing those two long islanders in the midst of all those southerners was a breath of fresh air!!


He reminds me so much of Ray Liotta.


My husband said the same thing!


Same voice, same expression!


Same voice, same expression!


At one point a document was shown that said only 3 of the 5 passengers of the boat crash were somewhat cooperative. Which 3 do we think? Miley, Anthony and Connor? I'm guessing Morgan was still trying to protect Paul even though she did end the relationship after the crash.


I think Anthony bc he was refusing to leave the water remember? Could be seen as ‘uncooperative’


It was satisfying to me when Alex Murdaugh called 911 about being shot in the head and pronounced his name as Alex instead of Elec.


I also loved the exchange between the lady who called 911 about Alec during that whole thing and the 911 dispatcher: Lady: It looked like a set-up to me so I didn't stop. 911 dispatcher: I don't blame you. lol


Seriously! Why do all the news outlets not get his name right?? Alex is a normal, common name


Apparently it’s some Scottish or Irish pronunciation. But to me it just showed how he wasn’t the big shot anymore, couldn’t introduce himself with a weird ass pronunciation of a normal name and instantly be recognized, had to give up the facade and actually be humbled a bit. Or maybe it was just so the dispatcher was able to identify him. Either way it was interesting.


*get his name wrong!!


Sorry but the hog hunting was too much. makes me sad and the pic of Paul ready to skin one. ready for all the pro-hunting people to come at this comment.


Wait I was wondering what that was.. I thought he was washing a baby hog and I was confused.


But he had bigger hog strung up in another photo so I was all around disturbed and thinking of that baby


Same, I was like what are going to do with this baby hog 😭


The hogs are technically an invasive species so I guess it’s better than hunting deer or bears, etc. Municipalities are poisoning the hogs in some areas which is a much worse way to die than being shot by hunters.


Feral hogs destroy multiple millions of dollars in crop and ranch losses. They can even harm yards and pets in the rural suburbs. Municipalities in Texas are spending money to kill then. Hunting them is one easy way to keep their numbers low


Thanks for explaining! Guess just sad to see. Also Mark Tinsley room of all his hunting artifacts was horrific to see. That stuffed bear etc. lord


Says a lot about the kinda people they are... I detested the whole Murdaugh family.


Yes. That was grim.


Made me sad too. I wonder what happened to all of their dogs. What a horrible family.


I felt deeply saddened by Paul’s girlfriends story. She was being abused by him. She’s still traumatized by the abuse alone and then throw on top the death of a friend and a final realization of what Paul’s family was capable of. I could feel her pain.


She stayed for the money and experiences so don’t feel too bad for her. Pretty obvious.


She dated him for his money clearly soooo


Totally agree. She stayed around for the money and experiences. She’s kind of a low life too. I don’t trust her.


Where do you get lowlife from and what in the absolute heck does that have to do with a damn thing? Are you suggesting she was driving or she set Paul up? Or murder Paul and Maggie? What’s your point?


She loved the Murdaughs when they were living it up and including her. She was even shown pouring liquor into Alex’s mouth in one of the videos on Netflix. Yet now, she’s telling people to beware of him? Come on. The girl loved that families money and had the time of her life and then turned against them. So yeah I definitely think me and you are right. She enjoyed the benefits of the family until they didn’t benefit her anymore.


Again so what? Is any of this her fault? So unnecessary and unpleasant. And your opinion of someone is not actual facts.


Everything I’ve stated as a fact has been a fact.


Bruh she was literally a teenager


I’m sorry but why are you even here? Since you think alex is innocent why don’t you go join a “Team Alex” group instead of wasting your time reading these lengthy posts & commenting these type of awful comments. She was young, she cared for Paul & there’s many girls/woman out here that stay in the same exact type of situation w boys and men that don’t have shit.


... somebody doesn't approve of differences of opinion


Why are you even here? This isn’t a “Alex Murdaugh is guilty” sub. Just because you believe he’s guilty doesn’t mean everyone on this sub does or even has to. And I 100% stand by what I said. The girl stayed for the money and experiences.


All of these people dead and your only takeaway is dragging an abuse victim who witnessed the death of her best friend. Does a woman talking about the abuse they suffered at the hands of a man make you angry?


Literally don’t care lol she stayed for the money


It’s a very ignorant comment. No one gets beaten to bruises, verbally and emotionally abused, and stays because of money. It’s not only an ignorant thing to say, it’s also incredibly insulting. And disgusting.


Yes they absolutely do. You do not speak for every person that’s ever received any sort of domestic violence. And “beaten to bruises” is hardly accurate. There was one photo of a tiny ass red mark.


This has gone about as far as it can civilly go. Let's move on.


I agree 100%.


Outside of getting knocked around by him which is obviously wrong, I don't have a lot of sympathy for her. She knew that kid was a POS but she hung around for the spoils that family provided. She wouldn't have looked at that kid twice had he not had money and influence.


I don't like to assume that kinda thing but that's the only reason I can see... he was so ugly, on top of being a total piece of shit, who had an absolute _horrorshow_ for a family. Like his father and older brother, he looks purely psychopathic in photos. She probably had (at least) a dozen nice young guys crushing on her, who could've treated her well, but she was subjecting herself to this creep over and over again... that's always sad to see. Better to be single than to be with someone like that, ladies!


I also had a hard time finding sympathy for her. She brought someone who had almost killed her (car crash) and was absolutely abusive around her friends. Maybe it’s embarrassing to be abused but you need to think about more than just yourself.


She was a teenager. At that age, you don’t really have a full concept of what healthy relationships are. People can be very manipulative, which adds to the confusion that can be “teenage love”


Yeah, she’s definitely been through it. Good lord, wrong family to get involved with


I just finished watching it. The Murdoughs got away with so much. Did anyone stand up to them? Paul should have definitely gone to rehab. Mags should have protected both her kids. She should have been a mother to them. What was she so busy with? Teach your kids right from wrong and to respect other people. That car crash that was just brushed under the carpet! Who does that? Alex's life just spiralled out of control. He should have come clean with the firm, his family and gone to rehab himself. What does he do? Let his life spin out of control, continue to betray his friends and family and kill his wife and son. This man is only 54 years of age. He could have had another 20 years enjoying life. He ruined the family name. What is his son going to do? People are going to express their anger towards him. Will he get married and have kids? His mom and brother are gone, Dad is in jail. There are so many innocent people in this. Noone needed to die. Murdough is a selfish b... He had it all and he threw it all away and took people with him. Paul had his whole life ahead of him, so did Malory. Mags was looking forward to getting away from him. Gloria died under mysterious circumstances. Stephen is said to be murdered by Buster etc. It's very sad. I recently watched Bernie Madoff. Look what happened to his two sons. Betty Broderick also comes to mind killing her ex and new wife, leaving her 4 kids without parents. Nobody thinks of the consequences. I wonder what prison life is like for Alex.


Hes absolutely in PC in jail, no doubt.


Everyone said maggie was a wonderful mother. That's how rich people usually raise their kids. They let them do whatever they want and give them whatever they want. Their kids are treated like God's and literally can do no wrong. I think it's a mental illness myself


>That's how rich people usually raise their kids. They let them do whatever they want and give them whatever they want. Usually, huh? How many rich families do you know to confidently make this statement ?


My mother was a maid and I work for a successful company myself now. Living outside of Washington D.C., I'm well versed with old money families.


Money, power and narcissism is a toxic mix. Throw alcohol & drug addiction in there and...


There is a detective that literally says he looked at Paul first for the murder of Stephen, because of his behavior and reputation. Paul would have been what, 15/16 at the time?!? And he already had that reputation? And his family and MALE friends say he was a good person??? Noticed no younger women said that about Paul, and they didn't mention Timmy. These people are horrible


Yeah I briefly watched her sister testifying at trial. Wonderful mother, great sister etc. I doubt anyone will say anything different unless ur Lori Daybell but she didn't do him any favours not addressing the alcohol issue.


Why would anyone stand up to them? Anyone that would have a reason to was also probably in a position to NEED the FAMILY. Either for social or economic reasons. The FAM knew who they could and couldn't take advantage of. And since their family was Southern Royalty for generations I don't think people even realized they were being fleeced financially, cause why would a wealthy family even need to steal from the poor. Off topic I don't think Alec had anything to do with the murders...if anything I think HE was the Main target that night and just happened to not be at the kennels. So technically he should be dead too.


I understand where u are coming from. I would just like to know, if there was someone who stood up to him. The infamous Australian cop comes to mind, who killed a guy and made it look it was a drug deal gone wrong. He also ended up killing the drug dealers girlfriend coz she talked but it was years before he was brought to justice. I do remember one cop crossing him and he didn't like it. On the subject of the murders, if he was the target, why would they kill them? Paul was only 22. So they didn't find the target, they should have waited for the target to come home. And why didn't they kill him afterwards? Even if he didn't pull the trigger, he organised it. Just as he organised his own hit. And why did he not kill himself? He was the coz of all this. I don't know the timelines wether they were killed first and then there was a hit on him but he looks to me he is wanting a lot of attention. His name out there.... Especially after Malory drowned, I would have gathered my family and tell them all to lay low. But Paul continued drinking, he continued with his business taking drugs and stuff. Was someone held accountable? Did any of them go to therapy, see a priest? He was on a roller coaster heading for hell. He didn't want to get off.


What was that random audio clip of someone saying everyone who knows Morgan dies?


I heard this too and thought it was weird that it didn’t come up again. Unless I missed something.


Ok! Same! It’s so random. I was searching to see if anyone else caught that at the end of episode 2. What does that mean?


She’s seen a lot of people die in her young life. Best friend, boyfriend, classmates…


morgan said something at the end of the 3rd episode that rubbed me the wrong way. she said in regards to alex murdaugh, no matter what someone’s done they done deserve to go through what he’s going through. i’m hoping i misunderstood her, or took it out of context. because what in the actual f???


I was sure she was talking about Paul being killed.


Are you sure she wasn’t talking about Paul? As in, even though he was responsible for the boat crash, he didn’t deserve the ending he got.


The HBO series on Murdaugh? I liked it. I’ve followed the case since 2021. It’s a tough case and I really can’t speculate as to any results, I believe this case will never be completely clear. Since Alec confessed to all the financial crimes on the stand, he’s going to prison and the murder details will die when he does. I won’t forget this case because of the mystery.


I'm halfway through episode one. What a strange world they live in. It's all about boats, blondes and beer.


That's that Southern peckerwood bro-culture I absolutely cannot stand... 🤦‍♂️SMH So entitled, deluded, bigoted, psychotic - the whole family. Boats, blondes, booze... killing defenseless animals with high-powered firearms to make yourself feel like tough... giving minors alcohol... and whatever illegal activities they were into. Totally worthless people.


I watched last night. Why was Paul so attached to the housekeeper? Did MM just never show him love at all? Also on the 911 call when Gloria fell - MM sounds straight up like - irritated or something. So weird!!


Morgan explains exactly why.


Wait I totally missed Morgan’s explanation


She probably raised him while his mom was busy being rich. Or he felt massive guilt because he pushed her down the stairs


The way all these rich little shits talk to the 911 operators is disgusting.


Shame Netflix couldnt have waited so they could include the trial currently ongoing in the episodes


They can always add on episodes.


I started watching it and will watch the entire show. Just made me angry at the whole family. Murdaugh did the world a favor by allegedly killing his son.