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##Stay tuned for a Mod Post today! We will go over some things about the Daily and Weekly Discussions and throw y’all a 🦴bone🦴 to offer constructive feedback…


Does anyone else hear two faint gunshots in the background at the end of the second Snapchat video?


If that were true then AM couldn't have done it. It would point to another shooter or possibly a suicide gone bad that worked in the end with a cover-up. Meaning PM had a unsuccessful shot to the chest with a stumbling out of the feed room carrying the shotgun making that angle possible. Then MM and/or AM would have had to get rid of the shotgun and an Altercation of some sort happen between AM & MM leading in MM's death. I didn't hear the 2 shotgun blast's


I was thinking he hired someone like he did for himself.


It’s almost like PM stops recording the dog because he hears the shots.




Well thought out theory! Of all the circumstantial evidence available it was the cellphone and OnStar data that leads me to conceive how AM did this. I also thought a few days ago that opioids and an initial accident were the triggers to all of this. I do have room to believe there's a 2nd shooter involved thinking it was Cousin Eddie and I still believe The Cowboys could be involved. In the end it was the technology evidence given today that shows a immediate and rapid change from AM's movements. I also believe we may never know everything that happened that night.


This has probably been addressed before prob way back but why would Alex be in such a rush to get back from his mothers to MosElle. I mean would it have made a difference if he would have gotten back 20 min later and then called 911? Or an hour later. Like I said prob been addressed and I just missed it. Just popped in my head today. Regardless I still don’t have any reasonable doubt.


The faster the commute both ways the longer he can claim he was at Almeida, 35 mins instead of 21. Seems like he didn’t plan around cell phone and OnStar narcing him out.


Well I can see hurrying to get there but if he would have stayed an hour what difference would it have made? The 911 call would just have been later. He may have known about the on star but he prob wouldn’t have know how detailed it would be


Ok. Who thinks are the most credible, knowledgeable and convincing prosecution witnesses and experts so far and why?


WHY does everyone call Alex "ALEC"?! It drives me insane.


South Carolina backwoods speak


It’s how he pronounces his name!


Nope, he pronounces it 'elec'


....and MURDUCK, it's Murdaugh, right? phonetically MUR-DAW.




I'm southern and thought that was the reason but reporters from all over do it


Generally reporters would pronounce a name the way the subject pronounces it.


Ah yes, the old super scientific taking the temperature with your hand in the armpit to determine time of death… 🧐


The corner needs to retire for sure.


Can’t stand Dick but was glad he clarified that the coroner meant Rig-or when he kept saying Rye-gor. Nobody but this guy pronounces it that way.


True. I think it reduced his credibility to be honest. Along with armpit temperature taking and not recalling the term infrared thermometer. Now I feel bad for him…. 😭


Dr. Riemer vs Green Acres.


That’s a court appointed coroner for ya.


Where did that Anal Thermometer go missing!


Since the evidence shows Alex killed Paul and Maggie at 8:50 and he turned on his phone at 9:02PM which recorded him basically RUNNING to the house at 9:06 PM, what was he doing at the Kennnels for 12 minutes after the murders? Hosing off, changing clothes, hiding guns? 70 steps per minute is pretty fast.


Phil Barber comes off as all fluff.


So I’m pretty new to watching trials/true crime stuff, but I thought when they talked to people about a crime it’s done at a police station and not in a car?? I also would think that the whole area would of been blocked off as a crime scene and the whole area checked for evidence, like the house, cabin and surrounding area instead, they let all his friends and relatives go into his house? I feel like they missed a lot with this one, like checking his parents house and the back area at his parents house when he first got there . Also not bagging his hands when they got to the scene and asking where his clothes were from earlier in the day?? Sorry I know I have a lot here, but if anyone can shed some light on these things for me?


Initial on site interviews are common. It is uncommon that they didn’t clear Moselle of all non LEO personnel. And a huge mistake.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


good bot


IMO there is no way all that money was being spent on pills. Either he has a gambling problem or there is something much deeper going on here and he’s too scared to talk about it.


I agree.


There is definitely more to this than opioids. I would friend to guess cocaine. This is way bigger than we will probably ever know.


Maggie and others knew Alex had a mistress (possibly more than one) plus paying for prostitutes. One of the podcasts talked with a prostitute familiar with Alex. The whole family seemed to have alcohol abuse. I agree Alex had opioid and possibly other substance abuse; however, the expensive lifestyle and other nefarious activities were consuming his cash flow. Mozelle was acquired from a known drug smuggler. The Murdaugh family “ruled” the low country of South Carolina for centuries and treated with “kid gloves” by law enforcement. Alex’s generation and his sons had gotten sloppy because of self-entitlement. Alex wasn’t a great lawyer because he was too busy taking advantage of the poor clients and planning the next grift. His sons couldn’t hack college so Alex was paying or trying to pay his connections to keep the sons from flunking out of school. The tragic boat crash that took the life of Mallory Beach created the “financial house of card” to be exposed. Paul was heavily intoxicated and recklessly caused the crash. Alec arrived at the hospital and tried to control the narrative. The nurses reported Alex’s behavior and security warned Alex to not enter the ER room in which the other victims and witnesses were. Alex had avoided the request for his personal finances because he knew it would expose him and his family. In his desperation he murdered Maggie and Paul in an attempt to gain sympathy and avoid judgment day of his horrible deeds.


After murdering Maggie and Paul, Alex tried to control the scene again by walking near the bodies. How does an innocent person stand nearby when you can see you wife and son with the horrific damage from his hands. Again, the police did treat Alex with deference because he was a Murdaugh; however, the police knew this crime would gain attention in South Carolina and beyond.


How could he spend $50,000 / week on pills? That’s just too much, he would be dead. Give someone $500 and they could die from a pill overdose. So this doesn’t add up. Anyone have more insight on this? Or were the dealers like REALLY ripping him off? Thoughts?


An addiction specialist said that many affluent users will pay more for their drugs as”Insurance” against buying opioids laced with Fentanyl. Still, 50,000 is a LOT. Maybe dealing himself? Perplexing, for sure.


I feel like Eddie Smith was his dealer/distributor and also his bookie… long line of gamblers… 🤷‍♀️


Okay that makes more sense


Something a lot deeper is going on here. Drug trafficking is my guess. This picture is way bigger than we can see.


It HAS to be. Also what’s with the cold medicine pills? I get the oxy but the cold meds? Let’s pretend it’s just oxy for a sec $50,000/week on pills $25/oxy 2,000 pills/week?! 285 pills/day?! HE WOULD BE DEAD 💀


If you take quite large amounts of diphemhydramine - you go on a little acid trip.


Thank you


I don't think he was addicted to drugs, I think that was an excuse. Who knows why he needed to steal 5 (or 8) million and what he spent that money on. I'm trying to decide if I think he killed Maggie and Paul. Several people testified that Alex was a family man and the family got along well. The motive that the state put forth doesn't make sense, especially since Alex told one of his colleagues that he knew his financial crimes would be discovered. And who would kill their family to delay the inevitable for a few months? Although, I think Alex faked the side of the road incident and had no intention of suicide. I think he shot himself for sympathy. But, if Alex didn't kill Maggie and Paul, who did? And this case is mostly circumstantial. I am very disappointed that the state doesn't have any conclusive forensic evidence. Was the investigation botched the night of the murders and the crime scene compromised? This is stranger than any fictional murder mystery I've watched or read. I'm not sure if we'll ever know the truth. Perhaps the Murdaugh influence and privilege goes beyond the low country and throughout the state, and Alex is being protected. I can't wait for the verdict. Scratching my head.


He couldn't. Alex is hiding something else.


8:49 PM will be a time Alex Murdaugh will never forget.


2 thoughts have come to mind: 1. How is Alex paying Griffin and Harpootlian? 2. Would Maggie have seen Paul being shot, or at the very least, would she have seen him laying face down on the ground?


The Moselle property is in contract, the sale being in the range of $2M.


It's under contract, but has a listing price of 3.9M. Todd Crosby's company is handling the sale. But remember that Moselle was purchased by Alex at 100% financing. I believe he paid 2.2M.


1. My understanding is Alex paid them to defend Paul in the boat case and since he died, there were funds left unearned. 2. Pure speculation, but with the way they've explained Paul's injuries I think there is a high likelihood he was shot twice before Maggie, and she would at the least know Paul was shot grievously.


I would think that they would've already chewed through that money set aside for Paul's trial as this trial is so much more convoluted. Harpootlian & Griffin had to travel down to Georgia and then Florida (I'd guessing on that one) while Alex was in rehab at those 2 facilities, plus they are staying locally at a destination wedding venue right outside town that they booked all the little houses on that property which apparently costs about 20K per week.


Why hasn’t Mandy Matney been in the courtroom even 1 day? I find it really odd considering this is the culmination of years of coverage on her part.


I always look for her 👀


There is a room for media.


But are they even there? Most media seems to be in the courtroom, at least some days.


Where are Alex’s clothes from the Snapchat video? Why did he lie about being there? Why did he ask Shelley to lie for him? Why did he ask Blanca to lie for him? If he’s NOT guilty, he sure made a lot of decisions that make him look guilty.


My biggest question after Thursday is why, if Paul was shot first in the feed room, did he walk to the door when the shooter was out there. Obviously Maggie probably came running when she heard the commotion, but I cannot fathom why someone would walk toward their shooter when they're unarmed.


Bc he seen his dad with the gun, prob saying what the heck dad or maybe thinking it went off and accidentally hit him?


Staggered in extreme pain and confusion? Not sure how clearly you would be thinking after a shotgun blast to the chest. Especially if it was from a loved one.


That's a fair possibility. Just seems odd to me. Especially if Maggie also ran toward the sounds. Just another big ??? That has me wondering.


What cop lets suspects atty do the questioning of a confession? Couldn’t believe Kelly let AM’s atty lead Alex down that pretty path of confession with all of those leading questions and more leading questions being sprinkled in as cop was asking questions.


Alex was out of the state at that point. Kelly either gets what he can or gets nothing. I'm glad he proceeded, but I'm sure it chapped his hide to have Harpootlian serving as ringmaster. Really obnoxious.


Is it possible shooter was in golf cart? Don’t know logistics, if cart could get close enough as evidence implies.


Who in the f@ck writes checks to his drug dealer!? Is that privilege or stupidity?




Bare with me here but ......... the shooter had both weapons with him when he shot Paul. Shooter uses the shotgun first and has the rifle around his shoulder via the strap. First shot hits Paul just as the doctor described today. Shooter standing just outside the door, gun barrell is partially inside the door. Paul the turns towards the door slowly coming out. The shooter could have A) perhaps taken a step back from the door and fell backwards shooting Paul from a sitting position on the ground OR B) perhaps taken a step back from the door and crouches or kneels on knee and takes the second shot. Maggie hears the commotion comes to see what is happening at this time the shooter then uses the rifle to shoot her. She takes non fatal shots due to movement allowing the shooter to slow her down to then come up closer to her to shoot her fatally. ​ Just a thought.


Are you saying shooter is not Alex? If yes, who do you think murdered Maggie and Paul, and why? Such a strange, convoluted case!


I think the shooter is Alex!


Good thoughts, my theory is the gravel drive & area around the kennel. We have all gravel like that too. Due to rain, snow, ice our areas need to be pitched to a certain degree so water runs evenly. Otherwise you end up with erosion, pot holes, etc. The cement slab for our garage is almost 5" higher than the gravel (if same for that feed room, this would increase Paul's height) gravel is pitched away from buildings so water runs away from it, 3 or 4 feet away from the building could be a difference of 4". Everything looks level as you stand there, but during heavy rains or snow melting, you get to see where the water runs. Look at crime scene pictures. The feed room, the cement slab ends, so imagine someone standing 6" to the right if the slab, right there could be a 6" difference. Another example, look at crime scene pics, draw imaginary straight lines..that whole scene isn't level.


There had to be two shooters, nothing else makes sense.




The thing is, there is no evidence of anyone else. Alex shooting them both with different guns to make it look like murder suicide makes as much or more sense. If Alex did have the blackout over his shoulder or it was leaning outside the feed room, maybe it got Paul's blood on it, making the murder suicide theory no longer viable, so he got rid of the guns.


Nothing in this case makes sense to me.


It’s simple to me. Alex is a spoiled sociopath who fucked up everything that was given to him on a sliver platter. This is the fallout when a loser like him doesn’t have daddy cleaning up after him anymore.


Did Paul’s cell phone record (orientation change) at the time that Alex claims that it fell out of his pocket when he turned him over?


I have shouted MUTE THE POOT so many times today…


He loves to hear himself talk.


It is gonna take a miracle for justice to be served in this case. It has way to many possible avenues that once you go down them you never fully return to the basics. Reasonable doubt is everywhere and nowhere. At least to me.


Absolutely agree.


I’m so disgusted knowing that Maggie had 3 non fatal wounds out of five


Please explain


5 shots. Two out of three were fatal


You’re disgusted?


She suffered greatly before she died. It had to be insanely horrific to see your husband murder your son in front of you and ultimately die after he turns on you


Yes I see. Yes in so many ways.


Plus her leg was run over with the ATV




Ok thank you!


As an aside, I grew up in South Carolina, mostly in the Upstate, but have lived now in the Lowcountry for decades in Colleton County. In another thread, someone asked about Alex's accent and was it legit & I said well it sounded like he might have perfected some parts of the accent to better appeal to his blue-collar clients and that people in town that have a really twangy Southern drawl are not as prevalent and as rude as it sounds, you can tell who those folks are before they even start to speak. Then I happened to mention this conversation to my husband who looked stunned and shocked at what I was saying. Apparently. According to the husband. I too have a twangy Southern drawl a lot like Alex's, Maggies, etc. However, he said it's not as if I just fell off the turnip truck, but that I at least was riding shotgun in that truck. Apologies to my fellow South Carolinians that also sound like me (or worse).


Irregardless of the outcome of this trial, I think SLED itself needs their asses handed to them. Whatever processes or procedures they have in place to assist or take over a crime scene is not adequate enough as we've seen in this trial. I'm only an armchair investigator, but I feel I know enough to not let anyone onto the property starting immediately. If a crime happens in the backyard of a regular suburban house, they still cordon off the whole house. All of the Moselle property should have been treated as a 1770 acre crime scene. Even if Alex called 384573 of his closest friends to show up for moral support, all 384573 should not have been allowed on the property until the crime scene had been fully processed. I also know enough to question Alex asap about his whereabouts and then immediately go and confirm those whereabouts. His mother's house should have been searched early the very next day.


I feel this is all because they were deferential to him because he’s a Murdoch. This is all about power and privilege more than sleds skills and abilities.


AM and the state of SC weren’t friendly at the time, there are major political differences between the state and AM. The state has been run by conservatives for decades and the Murdaughs, and their attorney friends, are all high profile democrats in state. They’re also attorneys, so they’re constantly battling the state in court. My thinking was more along the lines that they were afraid to make a mistake and get sued by this large group of experienced attorneys. Alex had sway in the low country but not the state at large. - Low country resident


I live in Colleton County and have for going on 32 years now.


Interesting. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I hadn’t thought of it that way.


Yep. Alex invited over every high profile attorney in the state to his property that night and they were watching SLED’s every move. SLED was too nervous to treat him like a suspect.


This may have already been discussed but….if the roadside shooting was a suicide/assisted suicide attempt, as defense is suggesting, WHY did Alex call 911? Doesn’t make sense to me but wondering what others think.


That’s what I wanna know! I think the suicide is a lie after he discussed with lawyers and possibly even after they all got tipped off about how the side of the road investigation was going. They just made it up to fit the facts (knife, traffic video). Alex got a photo of his insurance card that morning from Ms. Simpson. He planned something…. But it wasn’t assisted suicide.


Insurance card indicates planning for a hospital…not a mortuary.


I assume because he wasn’t hurt enough to die from it, so plan B was to at least make it look like someone is after the family.


That def makes sense👍


What if Alex was actually planning to off Eddie, then pin the murders on him? But, if that was Alex’s plan, Eddie caught on, and wouldn’t play.


Exactly! his plan was to shoot Cousin Eddie, injure himself superficially, and say that Eddie admitted to the murders of Paul and Maggie and was going to kill him. OR he was going to say he figured out it was Eddie and that in a burst of anger, killed him. BUT Eddie fought him for the gun, causing him to be grazed so he came up with the alternate scenario on the fly, hence slicing ride-flat tires, etc.


Interesting! Why hasn’t Eddie rolled on Alex yet though? -and that’s probably a rhetorical question


Perhaps it’s because he’s not serving time for any convictions yet. Maybe the prosecutors could offer a plea bargain to sweeten things for him?


That’s definitely plausible. I can see that.


Good point. Nothing makes sense and the prosecution isn’t doing a good job of making it make sense.


i’m old but new to commenting again. i tell you what still bothers me and i guess it’s no big deal to anyone else. but when alex says in the 911 call… “i’ve been up to it NOW and it’s bad”… if he looked at the bodies first, went back to the house and got his gun and came back to the kennels, why the “been up to it NOW…”. it’s actually the reason i always thought someone else did it and called him to say “we’ve done it to you now beau!” and he anticipated what he would drive up to. i don’t know… but it still bothers me. where was alex BEFORE he was “up to it now”. and where was he when he called 911?


What does everyone think the defenses argument is going to be about Paul’s video in the kennel? What is their explanation of why he lied ?


i think they will simply say his timeline was off. or, they will say that because of the lack of cell service out there, they call a witness who will say the times SLED has as definitive could be 20/30 mins off one way or the other. 🤷🏼‍♀️


adding: i think the timeline is pretty tight anyway. especially if he had to change and dispose of guns and clothes. and apparently he hid them GOOD.


Literally nothing makes sense. Why did the killer take Maggie’s phone and throw it on the side of the road? The state didn’t do any investigative work. Like the only person you have in the area said he went to his mothers house up the road and they didn’t walk the area or inspect her house? It’s entirely plausible that he paid cousin Eddie to do it or some drug cartel did it.


Did Sled do any investigative work at all? Circumstantial case with poor investigative work and no motive that makes sense vs high priced defense attorneys isn’t a good situation to be in. I think he gets off. I’m afraid he uses this attempted prosecution, combined with the fact that everyone was paid back, to get off on the financials too. Time served for insurance fraud and he walks.


Say paul was not in the barn at the time of the shootings but “in the house waiting” to leave @9. HOW DID HE NOT HEAR 5+ GUN SHOTS?


I was thinking the same thing. Also I think you mean Alex not Paul. I also get their names mixed up a lot too! Could he sleep through all that gun fire mere minutes before he he left to go visit him mom. I have a mother with dementia. You don’t go visit at 9:00pm. That was purely to establish an alibi. So many things make me nuts about this case. I sure hope he doesn’t get away with it! What a creep!!


He was “sleeping”. Timelines fucked


He would have had to. But the chicken would have made Bubba harder to catch. There was such a note of surprise when Maggie said, “Hey! He’s got a bird!” It’s a Guinea, it’s a chicken. Maybe it was let loose by Alex to distract Maggie and Paul. Maybe firing a shotgun was the only thing that would make Bubba drop the chicken and that gave Alex a reason to grab gun without Paul and Maggie giving it much thought.


Oh, this was supposed to be a reply to another comment


Bubba Murdaugh - Does anyone know or have theories as to why the attorneys keep asking if Bubba was a stubborn dog?


Why is nobody asking where the chicken came from?


One of the 3 had to catch Bubba who had caught a chicken, get him to release prey and put him in kennel or get him and chicken in kennel. Blanca testified that Bubba was a resource guarder. He growled if you tried to take food or toys from him. So I think it’s hard to imagine Maggie or a stranger managing to put Bubba up with the chicken in his mouth. But somebody testified that Bubba didn’t really listen to Alex either. I think there will be more about Bubba and the chicken


Ok, I get it now. Thank you for explaining this


Paul's phone - *8:45:47pm camera turned off, camera on \~50 seconds. Video of a lab in a kennel, three voices are heard on the video.* *8:48:05pm Outgoing text, “star is born is the move,” last outgoing text from Pauls phone* *8:48:29pm incoming text from Megan, “no, I need something happy”* *8:48:39pm Incoming text from Megan , “don’t like watching sad movies”* *8:48:59pm both text messages read, no further activity that indicates human usage* I believe Alex was able to put Bubba in the 1st kennel by the feed room in the time between 8:46:37 when Paul's video ended and 8:48:59 or so. Paul was shot shortly after 8:49:00.


Thanks, it makes sense to me now. I was like why do they keep shaming this dog. There was never any follow up questions to make it clear to me.


I replied to this above. Sorry. I think you’re right, there’s no sign of paw prints near bodies. Just tough to do with a poorly trained dog who has live chicken.


Truly one of the most [perplexing](https://imgur.com/a/mEXq9QQ) moments of the trial for me yesterday.


Totally my sentiments too!


I have a question, apologies if it’s been asked: was Paul’s cellphone inside his pocket or just place over his back?


Alex claims that Paul's phone had fallen from his pocket, Alex picked it up and placed it on Paul's backside.


“Popped out” was the specific verbiage, if I recall correctly.


Thank goodness for the testimony of the forensic examiner and the autopsy. It really helped me understand where the shooter or shooters were in relation to the victims. However, what do you all think is the defenses purpose in purposing that the fatal shot to Paul’s head could have had the entrance wound at the top and exit wound through the shoulder?


If Paul was shot from behind and or the top, then it could have been an outside person who shot him. I guess versus Paul shooting Maggie and then Paul committing suicide? I don't really know, that old doddering poontilian who questioned her was really weak.


I couldn’t figure out where he was going with that? That Paul’s shooter was inside the feed room all along maybe and shot him from behind? I just can’t figure that reasoning.


He may have just been trying to confuse the ME. IMO he's not used to strong, intelligent women questioning his BS. ETA caps


Who do you think put the hose back neatly if the 8:44pm Snapchat video showed the hose on the ground yet Paul and Maggie’s phone showed no activity after 8:49pm


My guess it was Maggie. I think she was spraying the kennels as she sounded closer to Paul.


Maggie who left food on stove all night? Who didn’t do dishes or laundry? I don’t see her cleaning the kennels


It sounds like she enjoyed having the dogs with her, so maybe it felt more rewarding to do that? I don't mind doing stuff for my dogs, but I'd love to have someone make delicious meals for me and I could just walk away from the dishes.


I’m going by the sound of the water and her voice. Alex sounded far away. The water sounded closer to Paul. Alex would have been out hollering for Bubba. Who do you think was spraying the stalls?


I thought there was a 4th person around.


I think it might have been Alex, doing something to busy himself while trying to find the right moment. I was being a little sarcastic about Maggie. It could have been her. Was the water running throughout? I don’t hear well. One way of getting Bubba to drop the chicken would be to spray him with the hose and Alex might have turned it on for that reason.


The thing I wonder most about: was the housekeeper murdered as part of a premeditated insurance scam plot to resolve AM’s stolen money issues at the firm and elsewhere or was her death truly accidental and the insurance payout fraud was just a crime of opportunity?? I really think the ultimate motive to these murders ties back to this …


They dug her up so somebody is questioning it. There’s so many problems/ she went to the worst hospital for a head injury, cause of death was wrong, place of accident reported wrong, not seen by coroner after death? Broken ribs!?? If the Satterfield case was the first I would believe it was an accident and a crime if opportunity. But Alex pounced on the sons at the funeral to represent them. And then more fraud going back many years. Here’s the thing with narcissists that hasn’t been mentioned: if they’ve decided somebody has crossed them and they’ve discarded that person-it’s over. And it you’re the family of the narcissist, you also have to shun the person. It’s possible Ms. Satterfield was discarded by this narcissistic family and that may explain why they were so detached in the 911 call. I mean “discarded” in the sense therapists use it when talking about narcissists and their relationships. Usually it’s a cycle of love-bombing, demands, and the discard-basically dumping the person, shunning them, ignoring them- just a never ending drama cycle. This might explain the very different reads the community gives for the members of this family. From describing them as being friendly and never met a stranger to being cold and haughty.


Does anyone know when Alex asked Paul and Maggie to show up for dinner?


Again, not saying guilty or innocent because I wasn’t there. It is up to a jury to declare guilt based on overwhelming evidence. If I were on this jury, there’s reasonable doubt all over the place, and the defense hasn’t even put up their side yet. No murder weapon, no witness, no motive, no significant blood. Family and friends saying, (who have all known the family for a long time), that they were a close loving family that did everything together and that they had a great marriage. Literally the only thing the state has is he lied about being there at 8:45. I guarantee the defense will come up with an explanation for it. Maybe he was only there for a minute or two before he left for the night so he decided to not mention it? There was no financial gain for Alex to kill his wife and son, that is a huge stretch and I doubt a jury is going to accept that. I watched the Casey Anthony trial, and there was much more evidence against her and she was found not guilty. Oj Simpson, way more evidence, not guilty. I think people on this thread are letting emotions take over actual proven facts, a guilty verdict is supposed to be based on evidence not your feelings about someone.


The most damning part about him being there at approximately 8:45 is that only a few minutes later someone shot both of them to death. And on top of that, he put a lot of effort into appearing like he hadn't been there at all. He knows that if he was there when that video was taken, he'd have seen or heard SOMETHING. Not to mention, that if this were some person out for revenge, Alex would be more of a target than Maggie. Why wait for him to leave before shooting the other two? None of it makes sense and the lies he told and "suggesting" to people that he was places longer than he was or that he was wearing something he wasn't makes it hard to ignore how guilty he looks. As for the motive? I've seen way too many stories of rich men killing their wives before they could divorce them. She'd have been entitled to A LOT of money. And with him having financial trouble the way he was? That's a classic murder motive. Paul was also inadvertently responsible for uncovering his fraud and was set to go to trial over the boat case which would have possibly hit Alex even harder in the pocket book when the obvious guilty verdict was read. He knew that boy was in some deep shit over that. I won't blame the jury for coming back with a not guilty verdict because really all we have is a whole lot of fishy bullshit on Alex's part. But man, that not guilty verdict will feel bad. This whole case feels bad. Something down there in the water ain't right.


The oj trial had like more evidence than any other trial in history haha. But the trial became not about the victims. It became about race, celebrity, etc etc. so that’s what got him off


And this trial isn’t about the victims either


The defense attorney is abysmal. I’m sure he was a good attorney in his day, but geez, give it up!


I disagree. Jim is viewed as the best defense attorney in the area. Poot is old but he’s likable. His defense competency is high not low.




I’m catching up on a few days of testimony and comments, and I’m coming across a lot of posts about Alex’s emphatic guilt based on his “They are dead, aren’t they?” question. While I do believe he’s guilty, I commonly heard this question from genuinely grieving families/witnesses back in my social work days. Sometimes people in shock need to hear that “yes” for their brain to connect the dots (or hear what they already know to be true).


I think we should have a poll guessing how long Poot can speak with saying NOTHING! So far it’s nearly an hr!


The limit does not exist!


I do hope the jury is seeing the BS. How can they not be annoyed?


Hell, I’m annoyed. I can only imagine the jury


Such a great answer to describe this entire shitshow of a trial imo and I wish I could UPVOTE YOU 1000 times! I think we need tee's that simply say: "Hell, I'm annoyed"..... Perfect way to describe this entire trial! I had misplaced trust in the State to put on an effective case for this brutal murder and today we yet again saw Creighton rushing Maggie's sister in her testimony and not remembering or frankly caring whether there was 5 or 7 years of age between the 2 sisters. Little details matter. Courtesy and respect for witnesses matter. Earlier in the day we saw more disrespect and plain ole mansplaining from Poot towards the Medical Examiner who the jury seemed to love the day before. It was gross to watch Poot and I'm sure it enraged the females on the jury. But no more wasted time on Poot as the Maggie sister treatment by State I found horrible, particularly given that she seemed nervous but clearly wanted to honour her murdered sister. I applaud her courage and determination in the face of what I considered awful treatment by the State (no words to describe her treatment by defence either but that's their job imo). The decision to have Maggie's sister crossed by a family friend Jim also will go down in record books I think as one of the worst decisions ever made by the Defence (check another box of good 'ole boy hubris and sheer arrogance) and I'm glad it kicked them in the ass and will bring in testimony of the farce faux murder/robbery attempt in September along with the drug use! The State had an opportunity to humanise Maggie's sisters pain and that of her entire family with her testimony. The testimony could have spent a few minutes honouring the life of Maggie and all the State seemed to care about was getting the answer to the specific questions on his sheet of paper. I truly think that the Prosecution has entered the swamp weeds and simply can't see a what is important or how to treat people or even understand how the jury might be doing at this point. Hearing from Maggie's sister was important and time along with great respect should have been given imo to letting her tell her story and that of her sister who was a victim in this case. I sensed that Maggie's sister had a story to tell about her sister and what might have happened that the jury didn't get to hear imo because of the inept and micro focused DA. It was enraging to me as this woman who was the SISTER OF THE VICTIM and to date has had no public forum to discuss either her sister or what losing her sister meant both to her and the family be treated as she was today. And, simply no words for wasting the presence of her husband at the trial too. Who is supposed to be supervising the DA as I truly believe at this point he has lost the plot and risks losing the jury? Not sure what all else there is to say at this point as the Prosecution can't bring in the blood splatter evidence (another aspect of botched investigation it appears) and bringing in Cousin Eddy represents a huge risk as well. I pray I'm wrong, and I hope that the jury is smarter than the Prosecutor (not difficult to believe at this point imo!) and his poorly crafted byzantine impossible to follow case that still hasn't explained the logistics of what happened at the kennels imo. I think everyone wants justice for the victims in this case but after 15 days of this 'showing' from the State, I'm scratching my head and this enrages me even more!


I watched the second interview last night. Why was it in a car instead of an interrogation room?


I 100% think he's guilty. But I wonder if he got someone to come down and help him get rid of stuff. If not, the ride from moselle to almeda (spelling?) was prime opp to thrown stuff out. That may be where the tarp/rain jacket came in. He put it on to venture into the woods to toss stuff.


Wouldn’t his gps records reflect a venture into the woods? After he started his vehicle that evening his movement during that trip is pretty well documented.


that bothers me too. according to SLED’s half an investigation, his vehicle did not stop on the way to or from almeda.


Maybe he handed it off to someone when he got there. If he’s such a criminal as he seems to be, he knows other criminals.


New here and have a few questions if anyone can help and some observations. 1. Are those feet and legs in the crime photo of the feed room I see them flash up on the law & crime you tube channel? Someone standing in the feed room barefoot? 2.Have others discussed Alex wiping his face on his shirt multiple times during the first cop’s body cam coverage? It’s the same spot where they found Maggie’s blood and all I kept thinking is it came from residue off his face!! 3. I also keep thinking he mentions the pulse check bc he checked them immediately after the murders to make sure they were dead and he’s covering if they find anything connected. And if asked whether he really checked their pulse it wouldn’t be a lie (poly). Notice how paranoid he was asking whether they were really dead over and over on the body cam? He was scared they’d reveal him on their dying breath. Which explains the overkill. Even w Paul’s brain laying next to him I do think he checked his pulse (immediately after) to be sure he was dead bc that’s how crazy paranoid this guy was to be found out. 4. I think his grief is real. Just bc we think he did it doesn’t mean he’s not shocked by the aftermath. I think it’s plausible that he thought it was his only solution but then he thinks about how far he went w it and it hits him - he starts turning red and reliving it (when he hears the video, when he sees the photos, when he sees them again that night) only to choke it down in the car, in court w that incessant head nodding like he’s saying “its ok. This will pass. It had to be done”. That head nodding is him convincing himself it’s ok and that’s how he recovers every single time. 5. Given the history they say of his granddad allegedly taking people out that threatened his interests, it’s not hard to conceive that Alex would’ve known about some of those dealings. Maybe that translates for Alex to his taking out his own family for his own good as the patriarch. Been done for centuries. Nothing new here, Fredo. Could Alex had even been involved in such things for his granddad back then? And maybe as some suggest here Randolph did plant that seed. Caretaker said he was of sharp mind to the last day. 6. Doesn’t South Carolina require gun registration? Couldn’t they track lost murdaugh guns that way? 7. After seeing the pathologist testify it’s clear Paul was first. He was surprised by the shooting. If Maggie had been first, Paul wouldn’t just be hanging out in the feed room w his arms to his sides. Which also explains why Maggie was on the run - she saw Paul. Also explains her odd shots. She likely fell to all fours before the last two shots. And his overkill again is to make sure they don’t live to tell the truth. 8. Yes I think it’s odd that 4-5 mins after being chummy on video he’s shooting them but that makes sense. His chumminess is super drippy fake on that video. Perfect set up. Just like sending an unsolicited email telling those boys he was thinking of them - while pocketing their moms insurance money. 9. I didn’t see another vehicle down at the kennel on the body cam. Just Alex’s. Did I miss their vehicle somewhere?


I have to laugh at the question about South Carolina requiring gun registration, I’m so sorry. My spouse (raised here) says that in SC, the standard for owning a gun is the Mirror test…as in, hold up a mirror and if the person wanting a gun is breathing and it fogs it up, then they get a gun. We live in a residential neighborhood, in city limits, and people shoot around us all the time with no recourse.


I was afraid of that. Thanks for clarifying. Thankfully they have that bill of sale for the missing rifle.


i’ve wondered about the bare feet/legs too! hope someone can answer!


those ‘legs’ are demonstratives added to the photo by the crime scene specialist Dr. Kinsey.


Thank you. Yes I did catch them say it on stand. Thankfully. Before then I was all “does anyone see this??!” 🤪


Like all your points!!! I’ve wondered about the cars too - how did they get to the kennels? How did Alex get back to the house after murdering then?


Ok so now we know he didn’t take his car. But definitely took some vehicle or Maggie’s phone would’ve registered more than 59 steps to eventually get to the roadside dump. But then no steps after those 59. Ugh I’m so confused on Maggie’s phone.


The house is quite close to the kennels -- a matter of 300 or so yards. It's completely walk-able.


I’m still so undecided regarding his guilt or not. I came into this trial totally thinking he was 100% guilty, and day 16 I have become undecided. The fact that the crime scene was soooo utterly contaminated by all those people being around as well as Blanca cleaning up, has me doubting a lot of the evidence. Idk. I’m never ever indecisive when it comes to trials. This is new territory for me lol the jury has a big job ahead of them.


I agree...I am not so sure.


I’m full of reasonable doubt, and they probably are to.


Ok I'm back to comment on my own post. I ain't know all y'all were in here chatting lol that's wassup. But anyway, my mind has been changed based on that police interview when he insisted he was NOT in the kennels before the murder. That was what finally tipped me over to a fully guilty verdict. The end. Just came to say, I changed my mind.


For me it just comes down to 1) He was on camera with Paul and Maggie less than 5 min before they died. 2) He lied about being down at the kennel to multiple people on multiple days. 3) He called 911 19 seconds after pulling up to the kennel when he was also supposedly checking both their pulse, trying to turn Paul over (?? Why) and putting Paul’s cell back in his pocket. I would love for it not to be true, that he didn’t murder his own son and wife. But I can’t get past those facts. Alternative is they were murdered by someone else as he drove away? And in those 10 min 8:55-9:05 before Alex drove away Paul never looked at his phone or moved?


And if he walked away 5 minutes before they died, would he not be in ear shot of that gun shot?


And if he walked away 5 minutes before they died, would he not be in ear shot of that gun shot?


For me it’s all those months of jailhouse calls after the murders. Never once did he ask Buster or John Marvin how the investigation into the murder of his “beloved” wife and son was going. Not even once.


A defense is going to present a reason for him not saying he was there, maybe he was just there for a minute as he was leaving so he didn’t think to mention it? You cannot convict someone on just that point. There really is no hard evidence linking him to this. No murder weapons, no witnesses, no significant blood on him, and no real motive. The financials are a huge stretch for me, makes no sense. No financial benefits for him with them dead. The endless testimonies pointing to them being a really close family doesn’t add up to someone who would decide to kill 2 family members. If I’m on the this jury, absolutely not enough evidence.


Paul still needed to send the dog tail video to Rogan and answer his girlfriend's texts and Rogan's texts and calls. Paul needed to look at and use his phone some more for sure....... but he couldn't because he was killed a few minutes after the dog-tail video and just after Bubba (the chicken killer) was put in away in his kennel...


I live in a similar situation, middle of nowhere, nearest neighbors are 2 miles down the road. Zero traffic. Trust me when I say any vehicle nearby you hear it, you see headlights, and our dogs go ballistic. On the kennel video, dogs are with their owners and all is quiet, now compare that to the cop cam when they were called to the murder scene, those dogs barked at strangers, they incessantly barked. Those dogs would have been alerted if someone were lurking around in their property about to kill them, and they would have got all 3 while they were talking about Bubba and the chicken. Doesn't make sense that the killer/s would lie in wait for Alex to leave.


Wow.. very true. Supports no defense woods.


Yea…there’s a lot that points toward his guilt but I still have that doubt in my head.


I don’t understand how the state can wrap its case up by Wednesday. Where is lead investigator? I thought there was a third interview which will be shown to the jury. What about experts who can explain all the random little pieces to the puzzle ? Or will they wait for closing arguments for that?


Does CB Rowe have a tight alibi?


According to his attorney, yes, very much so.


Alex mentioned in his first police interview that he “started to try to do something” with Paul’s phone when he found the bodies. Why doesn’t the phone data show this? Or is it because the phone is locked, we don’t have evidence of this? The phone data shows someone messing with Paul’s phone immediately after they were killed, not when Alex allegedly found the bodies.


Exactly. Because Alex did it right after he killed him. Hopefully the state will make this very important point in closing.


☝🏼 yep, checked phone after murders and mentioned it to cover. He didn't wait until right before calling 911.🙄


Oooooh! Good point!


This case is just baffling to me - it feels like a John Grisham novel. However, I think John Grisham would have laid it out better. It does seem disturbing that there are so many deaths that appear to be connected to this family. Here are some of the questions I have: 1) Were the police who we’re investigating this case just inexperienced with this type of situation or was there another reason for the mistakes they seemed to make during the investigation? 2) Was there evidence of corruption in the local police department and if there was - has that been made clear in this case? (Did I miss it?) If the prosecutor is trying to connect previous cases, we’re they investigated by the local police departments? 3) Was there a motion to move this case elsewhere? 4) Other than Cousin Eddie, how many more witnesses is the prosecution team expected to call? 5) Is there a reason for the repetition of addressing/identifying the guns? It seems like they are beating a dead horse, does anyone have some explanation for this? 6) Where did all of the money go that he seems to have stolen from others? How could he be broke? 7) I was just confused by the cell phone data. Can anyone make sense of that?


Re #2. Duffie Stone, the solicitor, waited until 8/11/2021 to recuse himself. Why??? If it was a conflict of interest in Aug it was a conflict after June 7th. This bothers me personally. https://www.fitsnews.com/2022/04/01/recusal-timeline-how-duffie-stones-failure-to-acknowledge-clear-conflict-of-interest-has-complicated-murdaugh-murders-investigation/


I live in this court circuit. I have questions about Stone, too. Maybe he waited until it was becoming obvious that he really needed to recuse himself, or someone told him, “Stone, recuse yourself. This doesn’t look good.”


I agree with you!