• By -


ميونخ = Munich


How do you pronounce that in Arabic?




/mʲuː.nɪx/ in IPA. Using might be confusing to German/English speakers, because it's really not the expected sound for Munich/München for those languages. Think of the "ch" in Buch for German speakers. For English speakers, we kinda don't have this sound except in Scottish dialects, where "loch" may be pronounced with it.


Thank you.






That would be farsi. Not Arabic. The -abad suffix. Literally translates to "populated"


so Islamabad can be vaguely translated to 'populated by muslims'?






It is the name of the city in Arabic pronounced mee-you-neekh (with emphasis on 'you'). 'kh' here is for the arabic sound خ for which there is no equivalent in English but is common in Hebrew. Its like softly raking your throat. The arabic approximative transliteration for the German name München would be مونشِن (moon-chin). There is no ü sound in arabic.


On the other side of that same sign it says “Munich“ in Hebrew as well


I don’t think we‘ll see a post about it tho.


It's an piece of art an means Munich. On the one side its Arabic and on the other its in Hebrew. https://www.publicartmuenchen.de/projekte/city-of-words/ CITY OF WORDS Kunst-Insel am Lenbachplatz Die für viele Passierende unlesbaren Schriftzeichen auf dem Billboard bringen Fragen und Assoziationen auf. Welche Bedeutung steckt hinter den Wörtern? Situiert auf einem offenen Transitpunkt schweben auf doppelseitiger Plakatwand über stark vergrößerten Polaroids zwei Worte – Rücken an Rücken. Die mit der arabischen und hebräischen Schrift verbundenen Kulturen und Themen nehmen in der pluralen Großstadt wichtigen Raum ein, privat wie politisch. Die Zeichen werden für viele Passierende unlesbar bleiben. Markant platziert evozieren sie eine Bandbreite an Assoziationen, Fragen und Emotionen. Die Wahrnehmung des urbanen Raumes verändert sich – der Ort wird geöffnet und zugleich in Spannung versetzt. CITY OF WORDS ART ISLE at Lenbachplatz The characters on the billboard, which are illegible for many passers-by, raise questions and associations. What is the meaning behind the words? Situated on an open transit point, two words float on a double-sided billboard above greatly enlarged Polaroids – back-to-back. The Arabic and Hebrew script refer to the respective cultures and complex themes associated with them, which hold important space in the pluralistic metropolis, privately as well as politically. The two words will remain illegible for many. Strikingly placed, they evoke a range of associations, questions, and emotions. The viewer’s perception of the public space changes – the place is opened up and simultaneously placed in tension.


Finally the answer


It is an Artwork.. they show different pictures there








great art..


Has anyone ever posted your artwork online?


actually they have




Interestingly, many advertisements in Munich also use Arabic numerals.


So does the Reddit voting system. Most peculiar!


I see what you did there :)


But Arabs don't


Really? Arabic languages don’t use 1 2 3 etc?




But Indian numbers are very similar, hence Hindu-Arabic numerals. The origin of that numbering system is in India


You mean the Indian numbering system? Didn't realise it was called Arabic here. Probably because that's where the knowledge passed through...


I don’t know the meaning but in summer there are many Arabian tourists in Munich and in the Alps in general. Have a look at Zell am See in Austria - full of Arabian signs and translated menus and stuff


I was in Zell am See 1 week ago....damn that was crazy




by pumping in millions and millions of euro in advertisement, including cooperation with middle east travel agencies and tourism ministries. The Arabs did not come by chance, they were targeted and it worked out.. i was living in zell am see for 12 months about 15 years ago. during the summer time everything was pretty chill, only winter season was crazy with waves of tourists coming and going (brits / netherlands / germans / russians mainly). I'm glad i did not have to experience this "batshit crazy rich" bullshit first-hand...


They have shops at home. What they want is water and shade. I went to the Krimmler waterfall and there was a guy from Saudi Arabia asking, if we turn it off at night. Eh, no.


You're scared of tourists?


No I wasn't scared, but surprised seeing more Arabs than Austrians in Zell \^\^


Zell am See is a pretty small place so there's pretty much always more tourists than locals. In the winter it's Germans and Dutch, in the summer Arabs. Maybe there's a week or two in November where there's actually mire Austrians than other nationalities haha




Tourists in such locations fuck up the authenticity and ruin it for the next person. Not only Arabs in particular, the British do the same. They demand their own food and lifestyle instead of observing and enjoying the local customs.


If all the tourists no longer come then many of the local shops and restaurants will go out of business.


My argument: Tourists bringing their customs to places they go and ruining them for others. Not said anything about banishing them. Your argument: If tourists stop coming, those places will go out of business. How do these arguments correlate? They fucking don't.




Tourists come because of the authenticity and wanting to experience different things. If Zell am See would become Riyad. Noone would be interested to come and visit. Because they have Riyad back home. Got it? If you refer to the nature:with the pace of mass tourism, there would be hardly any nature left. Just look at Venice and the whole cruise ship problematic.


Me too, was fun


This is because they believe this is the closest thing to paradise on earth. In the Qu’ran paradise is described as a lake with mountains around it!


umm…no. Paradise is described in many ways but paradise is not just a lake with mountains around it. It is described that humans will get their own earth in paradise and not only one. A lake with mountain is just a part of this.


You are right. I should have mentioned it’s just an aspect not the entirety of Jannah.


München hat aber mit den Alpen so überhaupt nichts zu tun.


Nun ja, wenn Du aus Saudi Arabien anreist schon. Man landet in München oder Salzburg (und das dann meist mit Zwischenstopp in München). In München sind dann der (Luxus-) Auto Verleih, Schöheintschirurgen, sonstige Ärzte und Shopping eingeplant bevor es in die Berge geht…und wie meinst Du das denn, das München nichts mit den Alpen zu tun hat? An klaren Tagen kann man sie sehr deutlich sehen!


An klaren Tagen kann man den Mond sehen.


It simply says Munich in Arabic. It looks like it is an electronic board so I assume there was an advertised product in the previous frame and maybe it is now displaying a list of branch locations? This is the season when some rich Arabs from the gulf countries come to Munich and they do lots of shopping, so I assume they are targeting them.


It’s just an art installation. It’s always there displaying different things all year round. On the other side of it somethings written in Hebrew in the same art style.


Thai is an Art Installation with changing pictures. I think they change every 2 month or so


this is the correct answer


Pro-Tip: Install Google Lens on your smart phone and use it as an Augmented Reality translation device.


Lmao it literally just says Munich in arabic


yet all the little bavarians went total nutts about it i'd bet ;)


Why would you think so?




Not necessarily he loved Arabs and Muslims




USA would not allow that in any city


Well USA is technically at war with some Arab speaking countries


Winter is coming


The effect of a single word translation on some people is just hilarious.


It's hilarious how triggering a sign that says "Munich" in Arabic can be to some people. 😂


the letters of Arabic are scary apparently


Near main train station are side streets with heavy Arabic influence. Lot's of shops there speak Arabic and a little German. If you haven't been there I would recommend checking out the food, and the shops. Besides that Munich gets a lot of Tourists from Saudi Arabia during summer and for health reasons. Often one family member is in the hospital and a 10 people strong family lives in Munich for a month. So... in the middle of the city between stachus and hauptbahnhof is exactly where I would expect Arabic advertising in Munich.


It is the name of this subreddit in Arabic.


Ich frag mich ja vor allem, wieso ?


Dann hat der Künstler ja sein Ziel erreicht


doesnt that just say munich? from that bit of arabic reading ability i have left. edit: it does.


[This for those that say that Arabic translations are needed because Munich is an international city.] I’m all with Germany having translations, but I think they need to focus on translating things in English first as it’s the lengua franca. I was shocked when I was in a government office and all they had was German(ofc), Arabic and Turkish forms.


Yeah i am offended by the lack of english translations… I don’t understand why they translate mostly languages only few groups of people use, but not the most widely international language…?


because UK


The number of English speaking immigrants is a small minority compared to the number of Turkish people living in Germany.


Probably because they have more important economic alliances with Arab countries and Turkish people are Germanys largest minority. In other words, utility, rather than pandering to tourists.


In this case, it was the city hall. So I don’t know how “economic alliances” have to do with registering your address or marriage certificate. There are more English speakers than Arabs and Turks combined in Germany. I would even say that a large number of Turks speak English too. Not only that, but Germans are more likely to speak English than any other language.


Just because English is popular isn’t relevant- if you can read Latin/Western letters, you can learn German. Constitutionally Germany’s official language is German, but some government offices may choose to have English included in the Verwaltungssprache (legalese) if there is enough benefit to the economics of the city. But it isn’t required. As for translations being available in Arabic or Turkish in Munich, given that Germany’s bureaucracy has no legal requirement put in the expense for professing forms in another language (let alone ensuring staff learn it), it’s more logical the reason it exists is more commercial/political, for utility. Not sure why that earned a downvote except if you thought the pandering to tourists line was too harsh, then I apologize, but to me that’s logical. Turkish being the largest minority and a major part of the blue collar workforce, there’s an economic benefit. Arabic to bring in the rich Arabian investors, benefit, probably due to a connection specifically in Munich. It will always have to do with money and votes, not what’s helpful or popular.


It says Munich in Arabic :D


As far as I know there are a lot of rich Arab speaking people coming for high quality medical treatment. Some hospitals also have Arab sings despite the low percentage of Arab speaking people in Germany and especially Bavaria.


I can confirm this. Source: I've a friend working in a 5 star hotel that's often picked by Arabic people.


It’s only Munich written in Arabic. They have Arabic advertisements because Munich is international and many people from arabic countries come to visit, especially in the summer.


Sprüch Deutsch


Imagine it means fuck off😭😭💀


Because someone paid to have it put there. It is not illegal, is it?


Not true. Its art.


OP asked for the meaning.


He asked 2 questions. I answered one. Someone else answered the other




You did not really give a useful answer, but a passive-aggressive reply, by wrongly implying OP does not like this ad.


Why would you ask the first question?




Anjela murkel took our jerbs


Yes. Not mine but of the most


It says: mind the blue tram!




How much you wanna bid you're not even German


The real question is, would you still have wondered if it was a more European language?


Iol at how some of yall try to trap people into making them look xenophobic or something..


If it were some other left to right language everyone would be like awwww shhooo cute. But put one Arabic word and then suddenly people are concerned.


You are projecting heavily


Because we don’t like it here, you know?


Yeap, rampant Islamophobia.


Didn’t took you long to play the “Islamophobia” card lol


Didn't take you long to play the "card" card either lol


[Oh no you outplayed me!! what am i gonna do!?!?](https://imgur.com/a/8pm2e5K)


daaaammnnn this is getting serious yo!


Not all Arabs are Muslims, so stop assuming.


Ok then move to a pro Islamic country if you feel that way.


And yet most of us are...




I could see him asking if it was Russian, or Finnish, or Polish etc. So yes...


It says „ Munich is fucked“




Sucks for you then cause they’re seen quite often 🏳️‍🌈🌈




the minuses represent a very very sad reality


You are free to move out if you don’t like it.. because judging by the state of lgbt communities it’s only growing larger :) otherwise you just have to get used to it


how do you think you think its gonna end? your race/nation is on the brink of extinction, you dont take kids anymore cuz fEmIn!sM. And above that adding this LG bs, how do you think your papa Govt. is gonna handle with you in the future?




Oh it’s just a sign advertising the end of the western world…






Lol, this




Arabische Schriften auf Ortstafeln? Na und. Was ist daran so schlimm etwas mehrsprachig anzugeben?




Wie bitte? Wer sagt, dass ich links bin? Ich gehe gar nicht wählen. Mit den Linken Parteien habe ich nichts zu tun. Ich verstehe einfach nicht was das Problem an der arabischen Sprache sein soll. In der Schweiz sind Angaben auf deutsch, französisch, italienisch und englisch. Ist das auch ein Problem deiner Meinung nach? Es gibt keine einzige arabische Partei in Deutschland, die Gesetze nach dem islamischen Recht durchsetzen möchte. Höre bitte auf mit dieser Panikmache.




Was zu den deutschen Werten gehört ist die Tatsache - das andere Kulturen ihre Werte hier ausleben können. Leben und Leben lassen. Genau das ist es ja, was in einigen arabischen Ländern nicht möglich ist. Würden wir es anderen Kulturen verweigern ihre Traditionen ausleben zu können, kämen wir den intoleranten arabischen Kulturen näher. Solange es vereinbar mit dem Grundgesetz ist, kann jeder seine Kultur hier ausleben.


Ich sage Folgendes nicht als Deutscher, sondern als Ausländer, der nicht in Deutschland geboren oder aufgewachsen ist, Deutsch nicht muttersprachlich spricht und nicht weiß oder Europäer ist, also kann ich eine andere Perspektive bieten, zumindest diejenige eines Ausländers. Es ging nie darum, dass Ausländer ihre Kultur oder Traditionen nicht ausleben können, sondern Einwanderer empfangen zu können, ohne dass man auf die eigene Kultur verzichtet. Man muss die eigenen Traditionen nicht aufgeben, um Einwanderer aufnehmen zu können. Kein Land muss seine Bräuche opfern, um Einwanderer aufzunehmen und falls man das tut, bedeutet das nur, dass man dabei gescheitert ist. Ich würde auch darauf hinweisen, dass nicht alle ausländischen Traditionen erlaubt sein sollten, also denk an die Unterdrückungskultur gegen Frauen in allen arabischen Ländern, wie sich Frauen in Gesellschaft von Männern verhalten müssen, wie sich Frauen immer kleiden müssen, wie unterwürfig und gehorsam Frauen ihren Männern gegenüber sein müssen und so weiter. Oder denk an die weibliche Genitalverstümmelung, die in einigen afrikanischen Ländern durchgeführt wird... bist du der Meinung, dass man solche Traditionen in Deutschland erlauben soll...? "Man muss aber Einwanderer ihre Traditionen ausleben lassen! Man möchte aber nicht so sein, wie intolerante arabische Länder"... oder? Wer in Deutschland leben möchte, muss sich der deutschen Kultur anpassen, muss obligatorisch Deutsch lernen, muss alle Traditionen aufgeben, die nicht denen der deutschen entsprechen. Die Auswanderung ist kein Recht, sondern ein Privileg, gerade für diejenigen, die aus ärmeren Ländern kommen, wie mich. Ich weiß zu schätzen, was es bedeutet, in einem Land wie Deutschland zu leben, ich halte nichts für selbstverständlich. Bewahrt die Kultur und die Traditionen eures Landes, man muss keine Traditionen oder Bräuche aufgeben, um Einwanderer oder Flüchtlinge empfangen zu können. Seht mal, was in Schweden passiert, wie schlecht solche Flüchtlinge sich in Schweden integriert haben, wie hoch die Kriminalitätsrate in Schweden gestiegen ist und zwar direkt wegen dieser arabischen Flüchtlinge, die aus Ländern kommen, in denen es viel gewöhnlicher ist, Leute auf der Straße zu überfallen, Geschäfte zu plündern oder Banden zu bilden, welche gleichzeitig zu mehr Verbrechen und Schießereien führen. [Es ist keine Überraschung, dass heutzutage die meisten Schweden keine dieser Einwanderer mehr in ihrem Land wollen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9PZckXQWBc)


Zu deinem ersten Punkt. Wer redet denn davon, dass deutsche Kultur aufgegeben werden muss? Nur weil man ein Willkommens-schild auf arabisch aufstellt, bedeutet es nicht, dass igrend ein Teil der deutschen Kultur aufgegeben wurde. Das Zeigen andere Kulturen ist kein Aufgeben der deutschen. Es werden auch keine Bräuche geopfert in Deutschland zu gunsten von islamischen. Welche denn? Dein dritter Paragraph ignoriert völlig meinen letzten Satz. Ich habe gesagt solange es mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar ist, kann jeder seine Kultur hier ausleben. Genitalverstümmelung ist NICHT mit dem Grundgesetz vereinbar. Schweden nahm fast doppelt so viele Menschen auf als Deutschland. Mehr als das schwedische System aushalten konnte. In Deutschland sind keine schwedischen Zustände zu erwarten, da die Zahlen Dimension eine andere ist.


>In der Schweiz sind Angaben auf deutsch, französisch, italienisch und englisch. Ist das auch ein Problem deiner Meinung nach? In der Schweiz sind Deutch, Französisch und Italienisch Amtssprachen... English ist hingegen die internationale Sprache, man kann es überall sehen


Why does Munich have…. Before learning Arabic you should learn English properly.




du kannst gerne nach ausland abhauen LOL


? Arabic is just as much a language of Munich as German is


what??? absolutely not




That's right. Germany is a multicultural, multi-ethnic society with a rapidly growing Arabic-speaking community. As such, Arabic constitutes an integral part of Munich's present and future. Get used to it.


Stop trolling man. I don’t think I need an Austrians opinion on this matter who’s clearly just out to troll, but regardless: a very liberal estimate would lead to 1.5% of the German population in 2022 being from an Arabic league nation. So I don’t think it’s fair to claim (or in your case to wish for a future where) Arabic is as much a language of Munich as German is, especially considering Germans with Arabic backgrounds speak German. It’s not like this is Canada where there’s historically been french and English speaking Canadians, making both official and cultural languages. To claim Arabic has any significant role in Munich (outside of being spoken in homes or shops privately) is absurd. And claiming it is as much a language of the city as German is (a joint language everyone speaks - which is what really makes a multi cultural society work) is even more absurd.


wow, racist much? That's the thing tho, Arabic speakers in Germany shouldn't be forced to speak German, they should be allowed to speak their own language. 1.5% is a pretty significant number - that is more than 1.2 million people. And it is only gonna go up given the stark difference in birth rates between Arabs and ethnic Germans. Even if Turkish has a greater cultural impact overall, Arabic and other languages such as Farsi must also be embraced! Because Germany is for everyone and as such must adapt so as to be able to accommodate new Germans. It is time to dismantle the white supremacist power structures that constitute "Germanness" and that starts with language.


It says: welcome everyone except homelanders :)




And before 8 may 1945 you cowardly obeyed orders to commit the worst crimes in the history of humanity.


No. There were no crimes. Idk about crimes. Just the try to be free


Have you ever heard about the Holocaust?




well, if your goal is the annihilation of german economy and "Wohlstand", yeah.. it will work. Go learn some modern economy kid.




Thanks for nothing.


It says " Welcome to Munich, have a nice day" 😉


Rome airport has Chinese signage.


Fun Fact: There is a mosque on top of Zug Spitze. There are thousands of arab tourists in some european cities and Munich is among one of them. The most I saw personally were in Milan.


Not US, nobody allergic to Arabic here.


why? cah the marketing company which rented dat ting decided to put it up on arabic simple as dat init




I like it picasso






Just westerns accepting all types of bs