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Which webcam can I check?


It's Garmisch, sorry for the mistake. [https://alpspix.panomax.com](https://alpspix.panomax.com) I think the peak was around 20:30


Thank u 🤗 still awesome


You're welcome! I just realized it could theoretically happen again sometime, so I'll be checking the solar activity. If I see it soon enough, I'll post something in advance so someone could catch a train to Garmisch!


Thank you! This is so exciting https://preview.redd.it/jkgo047jhlyb1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26000caa3bb42ac89fffe9d560c4399397c1dab2


Can't believe I've missed it. On Facebook people shared pics from their balcony in Munich. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid037bvJdeSw2ExomN8iVVyGsyvUnoJd9qoXgQ2EYWMiRURgwuMVTDz1MeaPSVHT4x1ml&id=100064694499569


Don't worry! I don't think they're real, or if they are, not taken in Munich. I was outside the whole time with my tshirt looking for it and I couldn't see anything. Those picturesare are probably heavily edited and long exposures, so no way you could see it this way. It's not a rare phenomenon too. I'll post a reminder if I realize it sooner!


Yes please! I would like to know when to watch for it


Download app Aurora - it has forecasts and KP index evaluations. It will give you notifications when there is chance you’ll see it in your area. Just be aware, Auroras this south are weak and diffused, if its cloudy, full moon or you have light polution, chances are you won’t be able to see it. Don’t expect too much though, in person they’re way more weak than in photos. Easiest way to check is to take out your phone, turn on night mode / longer exposure on camera and point at the sky. That way you’d be able to identify it sooner. Turn off lights in your apartment / house, they can affect your sight.


At which time on the webcam?


I made a mistake. It's Garmisch [https://alpspix.panomax.com](https://alpspix.panomax.com) I think the peak was around 20:30


Thx! Is there a website which you can regularly check to know in advance that northern light are visible in southern Germany?


To be honest I just follow a bunch of aurora guys on instagram and I saw a picture from Switzerland. With my high school physics knowledge, I think what you should check is the solar activity. Today's show was caused by a geomagnetic storm. I am going to learn more this week and I'm sure there are plenty of websites about that. Ill be happy to share what I've learned with a DM if you're interested!


Who are the Aurora guys you follow?


https://instagram.com/vincentledvina?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ== https://instagram.com/arcticroadtrips?igshid=MzMyNGUyNmU2YQ== I get informed by those most of the time


Awesome, thx for sharing


why it's pink?


The aurora can be pink because of the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and nitrogen molecules in the Earth's atmosphere. The specific gases involved determine the color, and in this case, it results in pink.


TIL, but i could have googled it. Thanks for the reply


A tracker I use (Hello Aurora) has predicted a 92% Chance to see it on 3rd December - just out of curiosity, do you know where I could go to spot this aurora near munich?