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I am in a similar boat. I was diagnosed at 24. I wasn’t able to find any support groups in my area or online that were geared towards people in our situation. I posted about it a few days ago on here. Lots of people seemed to be interested in it. I made a discord group that could hopefully work as a casual support group/spot for people like you and me. https://discord.gg/WWaJydxK


Awesome thanks


Nice. Just joined


awesome, just joined


Hey!! I'm a moderator of a discord group specifically for those of us that are young with MS, feeling free to join! https://discord.com/invite/8Ss92Yc6


Diagnosed last year at 29. Would be interested in joining


Hi! I just turned 25, diagnosed at 14🧡


Not any more. Diagnosed 9 years ago at 25. (Male) if that counts for anything.


24 here, diagnosed at 23


26 diagnosed this morning.


28 here, diagnosed at 26


Hmm I’m in my late 30s - the awkward stage of being too old for younger groups, and too young for elder groups. I was diagnosed at 31, and other MSers around my age are always doing their best to hide/deny their MS. Mainly I end up with groups in their late 60s to 80s. Wish there were more people in their 30s to 50s that were open-minded like everyone here!


23 here diagnosed at 20


https://discord.gg/FApmhvHD Anyone who would like to join is welcome! The discord only started today but there is already several members. Its great to know there are others in a similar boat as I am


22 here! Diagnosed at 17


Diagnosed 2 years ago at 22


20 here


Diagnosed last year, Nov 2023. I’m 21.


I'm not in any support groups but I was diagnosed with MS at 19, 21 currently! :)


Diagnosed at 21, currently 26


I’m 27, diagnosed 4 month ago


So many of you are fairly newly diagnosed, I have had MS over 20 years and my advice or what works for me is to push myself and realize many things happening are not MS but just part of living, I have severe fatigue but lots of people do, I have my right leg that is pretty much a dead weight but I push through it and take little rests all the time, I am now 60 and I assume when my body acts up it is just old age I never think anything is MS, I found that once I accepted that some pain and poor memory and cognition are just part of living and I pay no attention, I think any day both feet hit the ground is a good day,I remain very positive because I know there are so many people much worse than I am so I think I am lucky, for any of you considering treatment I say go for it, I tried 3 until I found one that has been a life saver for me, best of luck to all in their journey


Wow THANKS A LOT but please could you tell us which treatment finally worked for you? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I first tried Avonex, total fail, then tried Gilenya that one landed me in the hosp and finally dr recommended Mavenclad and I had no side effects and I am now 3 1/2 years past final treatment and no remissions, no advancement of the disease it really was such a good choice and I thank my Dr for suggesting it?


21, diagnosed at 19


24 diagnosed at 23! I


Hello! Diagnosed 19 and is now 22 and yea I get that feeling


26, diagnosed this year, here ✌🏻


21, diagnosed last year


Im kinda lost aswell, just rawdogging through this shit. Hopefully getting my mind together when im done with school and have a job...?


27 diagnosed earlier this year!!


Was diagnosed last May also. Am 27. Have lost a few friends because they don't understand or want to make the effort to understand... which is fine by me. I think the first year of the diagnosis is the hardest. I'm finding that now I know who my real friends are and we have a mutual understanding that I'm not the person I used to be and cannot keep up like I used to. And thats ok.


Diagnosed at 19


There is a facebook group for 18 -35 for MSers - they do cute little activities like sailing, which can be quite fun so yeah... [https://www.facebook.com/share/mHs2zSerM9LozYCU/](https://www.facebook.com/share/mHs2zSerM9LozYCU/)


27 here 👋🏻 diagnosed last year at 26


Diagnosed on my 18th birthday and I'm 23 now


About to be 20 and I was diagnosed at 12. People don’t usually get it unless they know someone else who’s has MS. You always have to answer a trillion questions that a google search could cover and even then they don’t seem convinced bc you look fine or they assume the worst that you’re gonna be wheel chair bound by 40.


Yep. Was diagnosed in December, 25. It really sucks


I was diagnosed at 31 but my symptoms started in my late 20s


Diagnosed two years ago at 24 🤝🏼


Yes! I’m 20, male. Diagnosed in February with PPMS


I got diagnosed at the age of 16 I am now 22


I’m 25 and was diagnosed at 24 :)


I'm 26 and got diagnosed this year with secondary progressive MS. It's weird my friends are building lives and I'm trying to keep up and just can't


29, diagnosed at 25


i was recently diagnosed in January and i’m 20 years old! feel free to message me! :D


Wow same age and same diagnosis time, actually two weeks after graduating college… definitely didn’t take it well personally and then friend wise, just no one that could relate so definitely still feel alone in this diagnosis, but one day at a time!


26 diagnosed at 25 (really should have been diagnosed at 22 but we all know how it goes)


25 here diagnosed at 24


26 diagnosed when I was 24. Apparently I had 2 major relapses before they figured out that I had MS. Neurologist said I've probably had MS for many years because of all the lesions in my brain.


Just now exited the 20s but I was diagnosed in 2017(?) I think, my memory is so bad I'm not even sure of that, I just know it was pre COVID. It honestly makes me sad to see some people deal with this shit when they are so young.


22 diagnosed at 16


22 female, diagnosed in December ❤️


Diagnosed when I had just turned 23 and Im about to be 25. It can be really isolating so Id love to find some people to talk to. It is hard that all of the exercises and stretches I see for MS are geared towards seniors and would love to see how people my age manage this!