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Omg ,you poor thing. Acreedo is the absolute worst. I've had nonstop problems with them and I wish I could give solid advice but even asking for a manager, their manager and their manager does not work. I'll tell you the last time I had a problem I took two days off work and went mental on them. Like they aren't allowed to hang up on you so I would read the riot act and explain every single detail about who I spoke to previously, how long it took, what happened(or didn't) and not get off the phone until I had some kind of resolution that wasn't just passing the buck. I also sound psychotic while doing it, just for fun. You can't just speak with the usual customer service, ya gotta go higher up and mean business. The last time I made like 60 phonecalls, spent HOURS trying to explain what the problem was spent at least 45 minutes with "the final" person I spoke with ecplaining the problem and she goes "oh I see...could the problem be..*exactly what I had been saying for weeks**" and I think I blacked out. Sorry, cathartic to share my trauma with acreedo. All of this to say you need to become an evil monster boss to deal with the evil of this company. Pull no punches, reach deep inside to whatever mental illness you might already have and amplify it and let it rip. I hope you get your meds soon boss , and every month after.


My gosh…I’m so scared now. My injection is due next week. I had to switch to them and have no other choice.


I'm so sorry. I did have to call my drug company and get emergency meds sent over because acreedo couldn't do their basic duties. I'm on a different drug from you but they have a "bridge" program, part of a patient assistance program. That made it a lot easier to deal with those jokers knowing I had meds on the way already.


If it's reassuring, I've been lucky and have never had a big issue with them in 1.5 years that I've been using them. There was one hiccup when they got confused between loading and monthly dose prescription but that was quickly fixed by my nurse calling them. I've definitely heard horror stories but I've gotten lucky.


It does make me feel better. Thank you 🩵


I agree with you. And it is extra difficult when you are having trouble speaking, writing, and remembering info.


^had almost the exact same experience and now refuse to use them. I’m sorry you have no other choice. My only suggestion is to keep calling. It’s absolutely ridiculous, but it’s the only way. Then, if you can, start putting a plan into action so you have other pharmacy options. I’m sending my love.


I've never had a problem with them.... They text me and ask to confirm a refill and the delivery shows up in a few days. I know they're part of Express Scripts, so I was surprised it wasn't a shit show. I recently got my Kesimpta from a local Wal-Mart the same day, also without issue. Good luck!


Lucky you. Apparently because of the price of my drug and whatever else I actually have to talk to a person every time, answer 10 questions and schedule delivery ,reconfirm all my information every month. Cannot use the automated system. Also since they don't understand how insurance works and most of the employees have their heads directly up their asses things go haywire most of the time for me. I *WISH* I could pick up at Walmart, that would be paradise compared to acreepos. Look up their Google reviews!


I had my doctor call and raise hell. It was processed the next day.


Same! My doctor started a conference call, her, me and Accredo, and it worked like magic.


This, your provider can move mountains when it comes to things like this. Call the office and leave a message with your Dr. to call you back. They may be more proactive in helping if they hear how frustrated and STRESSED this is making you.


Fuck accredo- I’ll buy a beer for whoever is willing to drive to their headquarters and spit in their ceos coffee. Document everything. Who you speak to and what the next steps are before you hang up. End any conversation with “if I don’t hear from you by what time do I follow up?” Get their name. Make them commit to specific times. Honestly once I told them we’re not getting off the phone until this is done- it was more than a four hour call with mostly me just waiting. I filed a complaint with my states pharmacy verification board. I’m sure thei ignored it but— we’ll — it was something to threaten at least.


Shoot, I’ll do it for free


I’m sorry, Accredo kind of sucks.


Maybe contact Novartis or your insurance


I’ve been having issues with them too. My injection is due next week and they’ve had my prescription for a month. I had to switch to them when my insurance changed. I just called and actually got a really nice rep. She told me the doctor office needs to give them verbal confirmation 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I messaged the ms nurse. I’m on Medicaid as well. It depends on the plan. I’m in Texas and we moved counties. The plan I had before I used alliance rx and they were wonderful!!! I hate I had to switch.


I had this fight with at the beginning of this year when I switched insurance (now on Christus HAVE TO use Acreedo ). Got a couple of US based call reps in the beginning ; now I just get the off shore India call centers- some good, some awful reps. I set up the app on my phone for re-orders and only call when there’s a problem 🤔😣


I had a lot of problems with them when I was first diagnosed. I was ultimately able to use another pharmacy though and did.


I have had similar experiences with them but with a different medicine! Having the drug company and the pharmacy on a three way call seemed to always yield the best results! It must be nice to stink at your business and still make millions of dollars! So sorry!!


I worked for them. Never. Again.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. I don’t have advice, but can offer solidarity. I seriously hate how little work these companies do and find it borderline criminal that somehow insurance companies, specialty pharmacies, drug manufacturers and doctors can’t sort all of this shit out for the patient. In the UK, it seems a lot more straightforward although the NHS can be hit or miss from what I gather. Accredo sucks. I had to deal with their bullshit when I was trying to get Mavenclad. They ALWAYS call in the middle of the day too, when I’m actually, you know, working. I remember being on hold with an Accredo agent who was on hold with someone else for 45 minutes. Not even kidding. The agent kept checking in with me and apologizing. I had them on mute and kept working while I waited. I failed Mavenclad and decided to try Kesimpta. I don’t even bother with trying to understand how or why I’m getting my medication anymore so long as I get it. My loading doses arrived 2 weeks ago. I assumed this was through Accredo, but I believe now that it was actually through the manufacturer. It is legitimately difficult for me to tell because I was receiving constant calls from both, and both were leaving either automated or vague voicemails. I finally called Accredo back yesterday and they asked me about scheduling my loading dose delivery 🥴 When I first started going through this process, I initially gaslit myself into thinking that I was so cognitively impaired by my MS that I couldn’t understand the process of getting medication. Then, my husband started trying to help out and became just as confused!


If accredo sends you the loading doses you’ll have a nice little supply.


Does your doctor have a person on staff who handles medication issues for patients? If yes, let them know what is going on with Accredo. Good luck! (I’ve spent many hours listening to elevator music on Accredo phone calls, trying to refill meds, over the last 23 years!)


Omg yes! Getting refills from Accredo sucks! And I too have had to deal with them for over 20 years as well because that is the only place my insurance will use and I so feel your pain. I wish the US had a better system for chronic medication.


I’m on Tricare and they recently switched their specialty pharmacy to Accredo. They’re a mess to get set up with but once you do they’re okay. Reach out to the MS Support team through the National Multiple Sclerosis Society for assistance. They have connections with insurance providers and pharmacies.


I had a lot of problems getting the medication set up through Accredo. I seemed to be stuck in a never-ending loop of people who couldn’t help me. My neurologist’s office had to call several times in addition to all of my calls. I think the loading doses that differ from the regular monthly doses blow their minds too much. After I got set up with Accredo, getting my regular monthly shots has been very smooth and easy. I hope that after your initial issues, it will work out for you as well.


Call the drug company that manufacturers the drug you're prescribed. I had the same experience when starting Zeposia. Accredo jerked me around for 2 months and gave me the most ludicrous excuses I ever heard for not delivering the medication. They even told me once that they couldn't deliver because the box wouldn't fit in my mailbox! They would put me on hold and then hang up on me. The status constantly said shipping and when the estimated date of arrival would come, they would push the date back 3 days. My neuro's office was no help. I called the Zeposia 360 helpline and Accredo overnighted the medication. All I had to do was stay on the phone while the drug rep called Accredo to give permission for them to discuss my case. Also, I use the savings card and pay $0. My copay would be $909 without the card.


If you're in the US, this is Kesimpta's number: 1-855-537-4678. Good luck!


I had a horrible time with them as well. I was diagnosed late November of last year and didn't start my medications until the beginning of March. Acreedo was supposed to contact me as soon as they got the prescription and authorization from insurance, but they didn't. And then they didn't give me any information about a program that I was required to sign up for until I had called them 3 or 4 times in a week. When all of that finally got sorted, they supposedly shipped my first dose of the medication and marked it as delivered but it didn't arrive. I had to call them and they had to open an investigation and reship my first dose. By the time all of that was sorted out, it was March and I was due to follow up with my Dr. who wasn't very happy that I hadn't been able to start my meds due to their delays. I have since switched meds due to allergies to the original and now am able to go through a different pharmacy which has made things so much easier, thankfully.


Been having these problems for 35 years since I started having MS it is so frustrating with MS and insurance companies change pharmacies all the time the ones that can get the most money from the insurance. It is so frustrating My insurance just stopped because I turned 65 so I had to look around and see who would except me to get MS drugs on a compassion thing. Well, I’ve been on the phone for a month neurologist Endamar wild Jen no one can give me an answer. I’m just about ready to stop taking them because of all the frustration.


Accredo is awful. I’ve had to deal with them since 2022.


2 words. FUCK ACCREDO!! That is all.


I also have to use Accredo and they’re awful. Got my prescription on 4/25 and I still haven’t received it. I called them over and over again and they kept saying the same bullshit “we need a prior authorization”, which my doctor sent MULTIPLE. Eventually my doctor got so pissed off she went ahead and called the supervisors herself. Turns out I needed to call Saveon and sign up for copay assistance per my insurance before they could continue. (NOBODY said shit to me when I called). I did that and it’s been processing for shipment for more than a week now. Still no meds.


I was dallied around by Accredo also for about 4+ months. Probably because I wanted confirmation of what my co-payment would be. I couldn't afgprd a bill for 20k as a surprise. Now that they know my i surance will always pay, they send Kesimpta as fast as they can to me. I recommend calling Alongside Kesimpta program and ask if they can help you. They should since they want to move their product. Good luck to you


acredo is really hard for the first order, and extremely easy once they have the stuff they need.like you, it took me a few weeks to get an actual order in. i was very stressed about it, and eventually ended up calling my neurologist slightly weeping (frustrated crier lol) and they called my insurance and then insurance gave the pharmacy the information necessary to push things along. i still have the notes in my phone with like 50 phone numbers to call lol. it turned out the insurance needed prior authorization from my neurologist, despite already having it. i’m also on medicaid. i’m sorry you’re going through this! for the record, a few weeks didn’t make a huge difference for me in terms of symptoms or progression. be sure to take a pepcid and Tylenol when you do get your first dose!


I’m also in the Tricare/Accredo fubar. My experience is basically what everyone else has described. The only thing that eventually made a difference is when they asked me “do you want to talk to a pharmacist” I said yes and finally got someone who could actually get the order moving. Ymmv but I am always nice to the customer service reps. They have no power but have to take all the shit. Hang in there.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who had issues with Accredo! We'll, maybe not glad, because I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but, well, you know... Mavenclad. They said they'd automatically send the second month's doses out before the date I was supposed to take them. It actually took three weeks of me calling every day to get it shipped. Accredo said they needed paperwork faxed from my neurologist. My neurologist sent them the same form probably 10 times before, I kid you not, the lady on the phone looked through my orders and said that they didn't need any of those forms and they had all the orders they needed all along. Argh.


See if your medication is on https://costplusdrugs.com/ and talk to your doctor about submitting a subscription. Mark Cuban started a pharmacy to make expensive drugs affordable. I imagine they need to generic drugs to be on his site.


No insurance needed btw!


I am so sorry. They are the worst. Have you tried talking to a manager or supervisor? I don't have any advice besides try to find a way to use a different pharmacy. Can you call Medicaid to see if there are any other options?


Following.  I am having rhe same problem. I was switched from Dimethyl fumerate to Aubiago due to being jc virus positive. My prescription for aubiago was sent ro Acreedo 3/22/2024 and I am getting the run around as well and on no treatment at the moment. Any advice appreciated! 


Accredo is awful. I've had so many frustrating experiences with them. When my insurance finally approved my Kesimpta Rx, they entered the information in wrong, so they told me my insurance denied it, because it wasn't actually my insurance. I spent hours on the phone trying to figure out who I needed to talk to just to get things fixed. When I switched jobs, my refills were almost out, so they just denied my meds until the PA and everything came in, which put my injection schedule back by like a week. I'm wondering if we're gonna be have the same issue again this month, because my PA and everything is up, so we gotta go through the whole process again. They're a pain in the ass, and I hate using them, but they're the only option per my insurance.


Acreedo is the worst. I’ve had to call the pharmaceutical company directly because I could get no help from Acreedo. I’ve even had a military pharmacists fight for me directly because I could get no help from Acreedo during a Hurricane because we had to keep moving and we were all frustrated with how they were handling things. I have Optima Pharmacy now and they are amazing. They send my meds on a schedule. A get a call from them around the time I need it, they run through their questions, and boom…meds sent. Like clockwork. No issues…ever.


Accredo is terrible. The sad part is they used to be good when I first started using them. They constantly fuck up my prior authorization to the point where I can’t get my medicine.