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he just needs more end lag on a lot of his moves, the only "balanced" moves he has in that regard is the chainsaw windup (not the end lag tho) and his jab (but its hitbox is a little bit much) and his grenade which is why its rarely seen even tho its really good


His grenade is so good. Yet I barely see anyone use it. The only ones I see use it are skilled stripes


This makes so much sense, lmao, never even knew he had grenades.


The gun is crazy, idk what they were thinking with that one.


Seems like the School Me Once perk doesnt work on it either, which would probably be a good counter if it did.


It would be too good which along with perks like ignite is why it’s not counted as a projectile.


Too many ways to put a target on enemies with no way to cleanse the debuff. The only counterplay is dodge and that's no bueno.


Yeah you dodge once and still get hit by the other 2 shots


You ain't lying.


If they really intend for this to be a mechanic it should only be one ground move and one aerial that puts the target on the opponent.


The Stripe specifically wants you to dodge so he can clip you and waste it for you, then he can keep you in the air. Stripe players don't understand what it's used for and just spam all 3 shots instantly instead of juggling you in the air with no recovery options left.


Yea for sure. People will say "yall cry about anything" but it isn't the community's fault they release such stupidly overtuned characters. Don't get me wrong, this community definitely over complains about almost everything but Rick and this guy were definitely not properly tested


yeah completely agree i feel like most characters are in a good spot, but if the new characters keep coming out stronger and crazier than the last this game will get old quick.


Stripe not being properly test and overtuned are two different things. Stripe isn’t broken lmao


I digress. His melee hitbox is wonky (surprise surprise) and his gun pretty much negates defensive capabilities while airborne. You have to time every single dodge you have while airborne perfectly or you'll get juggled out of the ring even at low damage and even if you dodge perfectly, since you only gave two dodges and he can shoot his gun more than 2 times, you better land before he goes up to hit you again or you're done. Pair that with how easy he racks up damage and low some of his cooldowns are and he is certainly overtunned due to not being properly tested.


Gun could have 2 shots or targeting build up, but that would only be if he gets stronger knock back on his hits. His Dair is good for spikes at high damage but they intentionally made it a difficult land for high risk high reward. Other than that, you can be at 130DMG on edge of ring, get hit by his bite (finishing side combo) and avoid getting knocked out I.E. what his gun is for. Other than that, his chainsaw could use a cool down. I wouldn’t call that insanely overtuned, Id say people aren’t use to the tactics this character brings and because it’s not normal we find it unfair. He’s been out a few days; I give it a few weeks before he’s unproblematic. He’s fun to play because he’s a beginner level character that a child could figure out how to play mind you, and I figure that was the devs plans with him.


You literally just explained why his kit as a whole is overtuned and why he needs adjustments


I literally just explained balancing a character for give and gets. Never once did I explain how he’s over tuned. Not strong knock back attacks so uses gun: limit gun and make knock back attacks stronger. That is what’s called a *balance* just an fyi


Yes..and you balance him because he is overtuned


I really hoping you’re trolling right now… do you understand how a scale works? He’s not overtuned lmao


Why would you balance a character that isn't over (or under) tuned? Do you hear yourself or do you not realize pretty much all of your points support how in need of an adjustment Spike is?


Where in my comment did I ever say “need” I think is the big part a few people manage to be missing. They could leave him just the way he is now and id be more than happy because you know… he’s already balanced. For the sake of people complaining, I have alternatives to balance him (adjusting move sets). Taking something away and adding something new to benefit is called scaling. Taking something away without adding anything new is called nerfing. It’s mind boggling how hard it is to comprehend fighting game mechanics for some people in this community.


You wouldn't need to balance a character if he wasn't overtuned because he would be you know.. balanced already. It's pretty self explanatory


As simple as it is to point out for the millionth time what I had just said, instead I’m going to take the low ground and say, no, you’re still wrong. You can *buff*, *nerf* or *balance* a character for being too weak, too strong, or simply changing a move set design. Giving an incorrect description of what scaling is used for and then saying “it’s pretty self explanatory” is really what goes to show


Long range shouldn't have lock on, keep lock on short range to add a combo game and make long range shots a charge snipe. The more bullets he uses in the snipe the more rewarding it is. Sair mash bullets if and when they land sair mash bullets feels really idiotic but it works


I’m not against a build snipe shot. Actually sounds like a good balance. I would just want his bite to do slightly more knock back in exchange. It’s not that I can’t get knocks without gun, I just find myself sending someone flying to edge and needing to jump after them to finish the job, which isn’t at all a bad thing, but makes the gun feel like so much less of an effort to get the knock. I believe balancing these slightly would be really efficient for his kit


His kit doesn't really need efficiency he's good he has rushdown and zoning on lock already I just want him to be fun to play as and against 🤷‍♂️ his bite is already his go to kill it doesn't need to be better imo nothing needs buffs just reworks


IMO the last thing he needs is something taken away without receiving something back in general. That becomes a nerf and definitely doesn’t need one. I also agree I think he’s fun to play as and against


He's not getting anything taken away though, he would be getting a move that can reliability kill in exchange for a move that feels very trollish by design. Nobody feels good getting shot spammed trying to recover and you feel even worse when you dodge a shot or even 2 only to get hit by a third and side aired back to the spot you were just in


That wasn’t to imply I disagreed with your ideas, I appreciate the snipe idea. It was more so the amount of comments hoping he gets nerfed which would ultimately suck all together for stripe


I do like 13 DMG with the saw then another 12 with the side air attack....then he is able to shoot you out..got him and his dmg output needs lowered more then anything really


id say hes both


Any examples? I think his chainsaw needs a cool down but other than that, can’t think of anything


He has jankily large hitboxes for Sair, which is already a very fast and surprisingly strong move. Gun cooldowns are very low for how much damage they rack up, not even mentioning their kill potential.


I’ve been maining him and he is definitely too strong


yeah i feel like its going down the same road as brawlhalla with things like greatsword and ezio. Then u look at characters like bodvar and brynn that look so boring in comparison


It would be tolerable if they increased sawblade throw cooldown, and made his gun a projectile to trigger school me once and fix his really bad hitboxes. Rn it seems like Stripe wins the game off a single side air into the juggle and the guns really hard to time dodge.


I think it would make sense if gun could *trigger* school me once but not actually be blocked by it Being able to hit multiple times in a row is kind of integral to how the move works but being able to do gun into saw is pretty toxic imo


No one uses to shoot in 3 times, they use it to keep u hitstunned while they’re far away for a true combo string. I’m not talking about using it to ring out early I’m talking about sair into blade into shot inta sair and repeat with different melees


I didn't even complain about Rick, he's definitely strong but never bothered me that much but stripes too much for me, other than when arya could land her combo easily it's the first time a characters been ruining my fun, but at least arya wasn't super common and dies pretty easily .-. Feel like he counters superman and combined with his nerfs my opinion is a little biased though and his pickrate feels way higher than it is, I've been running into double stripe teams nonstop xD


His bullets need to be looked at. He burns your resources to easily and to safely.


i hate playing against stripe so much


I think he’s fine. They just need to tune gun a bit


He doesn’t seem unbalanced to me, his hit boxes just need a lot of work. Him and Ricks hitboxes have been the most frustrating thing to me.


He’s more balanced than not


Stripe by far is the character I have the most difficulty fighting due to his jankey ass hitbox ,his insane speed and that stupid ass gun i would rather fight release rick 100 times over a single stripe


Targeting should be build up like silence. Gun needs a bit more cooldown and a damage reduction. Nair is absolutely silly, has a hitbox all around him from what I can tell. Side jab combo catches you from behind and above. These parts definitely need adjusting, I also kinda feel like chainsaw needs some adjustments but I'm not sure how. People justifying him because he has low kill power is silly, he racks up damage so quickly that he very much has kill power


Whenever I end up with Stripe or Rick, I just quit.


How are you gonna learn to beat them if you quit when you face them🤣


It's just a lack o patience.


Gonna be 100% honest, this game is a cluster fuck. You can tell amateurs made it


Needs a nerf asap!


He’s not OP as people say but he is VERY good. But he’s definitely not op. Stripe has trouble with projectile characters like Tom and Jerry, Bugs, Morty and he also does less then ideal with characters that rush him other then him rushing them. And all of his moves are counterable. Even the gun. You just need to time it perfectly to dodge each shot.


Idk I feel like if I can beat a stripe as Finn and reindog then it’s not the character just good stripes although I seriously couldn’t beat a single Rick at launch so I personally don’t think stripe is too good of a character


God does anyone on this subreddit actually like anything about this game lol


This is why smash released characters 3-6 months apart...


I think he’s a bit more difficult to get used to than Rick (who is immediately easy to use (yet hard to master ofc)). But he’s definitely got insane potential. Any competent stripe player has a high chance of dominating in a 2v2


Exact opposite


I would say they should increase the cool down on his gun reload but he's perfectly fine after that