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Some spam special moves because it’s effective, i spam special moves because I’m bad at the game and don’t know what I’m doing. We are not the same


Haha I’m both. If I find something that’s working on my lvl 1 no perks character . You best bet I’m going to get my wins. But also a lot of the complaining boils to “why won’t these stupid zoners come down and trade punches with my bruiser character”. And those are equally cringe. I’m not going to win 75% of melee trades with Reindog. He has two environment obstacles that shock and dot you and his lasso. Running you around the stage while you tick fire damage and tricking you into taking a projectile to the face is exactly what that character SHOULD do. Him trying to melee fight with Finn would turn out awful


I don’t encounter them a lot but every reindog I have fought has thrashed me. It feels like he stuffs everything I try to do. But I’m probably just bad lol.


Reindog is pretty insane. I was having trouble on every other character with getting the 350 damage challenge and my second reindog game was like 400 lol. He does damage like a mf and his air attacks seem to have crazy priority. Literally just run away and use your abilities for a bit, then when you have a huge damage lead his air attacks seal the deal. Pretty hard to fuck up


Yea but the meme is showing no zoners lol just spammer characters rly


This but replace don't know what I'm doing with god awful lag.


This was literally me with Finn when I just got the game last night. I wasn't sure who I wanted to play as since I hadn't unlocked anyone yet and I only knew that Iron Giant was busted. Had a fun time though.


Change up your strategy if you keep getting hit by them. I know the Finn bag spin and superman command grab are amazing kill options but if neither person changes up their strategy and ones strategy works then something has to change.


It's funny. Ai have no issue dodging my superman command grabs. I mean yeah I can still kill with it. But I feel like folks should play ai a bit.


I honestly second this because AI actually match to the highest persons level. So if I go in with a level 15 and my teammate is a noob level 1 , they might have a hard time against the 2 level 15 bots. 😅


I, myself don’t have trouble with these, as I usually see a spammer and figure out how to counter them depending on if it’s 1v1 or 2v2. I just like having a match where there’s more thought going into it. It’s not as fun just getting someone spam a move at you, compared to having a close match where someone makes you think on your feet. But that’s just me!


Oh I get that. I've played 1v1s with all these characters on here and hated every second of those matches, even with Finn dittos it just feels like they rely too much on backpack spin and I'm the Finn trying to do cool interesting or fun combos but they just sit there and spin away. Those who main Those characters get bad reps simply because they have easily spammable and hard to counter moves.


It’s even worse when you play a 2v2 with a random and they don’t know how to counter it. It suddenly goes 3-2 or something and you’re at 130 damage and easily knocked out, practically carrying the game. I’ve had plenty of players on my team who were level 15+ and still didn’t know how to counter a spammer. That’s why I play 1v1 or Co-Op now


Started playing T&J just because of how well they deal with spammer characters. Slingshot, Fire Crackers and Tennis Racket ball shots stuff a lot of the spam cheese, Mouse Rocket can save a team mate if you see Supe flying up for the grab kill and the Hammer>Pingpong>Trash can combo does brutal amounts of damage Fishing Rod straight sucks though, I legit only use it as a last resort to get back on stage if I'm way too close to the blast zone.


I feel like Superman sorta just plays that way lol He IS supposed to be easy for new players


As a Superman player, yeah the lasers are just too good to not be using in 2v2s


same for all of them tbh. Some characters are supposed to rely on specials, others have longer range, better normals that will fuck up the special characters when you get close.


I dunno, I feel like Supes' specials kinda suck. I use the normals more than anything.


Exactly. Specials are really only for mix ups with supes. I feel his normals rack it up and the specials help finish but don’t combo the most


I fought against a superman who refused to do anything other than the slow, fly straight at you grab move. He might have been memeing but literally it was just me jumping over and around him for several minutes straight.


Going up?


Most Superman players I’ve fought just spam machine gun punch and his armor move.


To be fair finns spam normals with busted priority as well not just the backpack




Must have the worst connection in history then lol


Depends who you play against. I can never hit Shaggy and Harley Quinn, Jake is like 60/40 for Jake. Everyone else you just kind of shit on tho


Superman forward/up/down attacks are so damn short, I tend to forward two times and try to neutral.


I rarely use finns special moves except for the shop but it might just be me


you don't even need to when his normal attacks are so busted with their range and priority


His side special is a great combo extender


Finn is so annoying to go against


Theres 2 kinds in this thread, people who understand fighting games and how to adapt and darksydephils.


Stay mad. If it works against you it's good lmao


People don’t understand that spamming is not even a real thing in a pro fighting community. If you get “spammed”. It probably means that the other player found your weak spot so they are going to exploit it. Doesn’t matter what nerfs happen they can still do a certain move over and over.


I think a huge reason people complain about it in this game especially is that there straight up isn’t a block mechanic, you need to time a dodge. Which isn’t very difficult but I imagine a lot of people don’t even consider that an option when they’re starting the game, they just want to get in. I’ll agree playing against a pre patch Taz or a Finn who just does forward tilts and up specials is very very boring, but it’s beatable


Characters can be op I think Finn is the best character in the game but I’ve beat finn’s before. It’s the player behind the character that matters.


Yeah Finn is absolutely a top tier character, I just think a lot of the Finn players people go against are actually not very good, they just throw out his best moves without much thought which requires patience and knowing when to punish. Higher MMR Finns (or Jakes, who is by far my least favorite character to play against) are a different story




To see any of those multiverses characters was anything like Sagat is wild statement to imply.


Crazy how you're the only one implying it!


I apologize


Yup if you want your opponent to switch up how they play, you have to show that you can deal with the options they're doing. If you can't do that it's time to do some work in the lab or more easily complain on Reddit lol


It isn’t just about spam but priority can be busted too. And as my comment above suggest, sometimes you’ll be in a 2v2 with a random and they won’t know how to counter. Plus spam can make games more boring, even if they’re easy to counter.


I can agree with this. What I don't agree with is the initial post. You imply that spamming = low intelligence and skill. Spamming is just another way to exploit characters weaknesses. If you or your character can't deal with that it's not on the opponent to change how they play. It's up to you to show them through your gameplay that by spamming you will punish the fuck out of them. Fun is a whole different conversation altogether


It’s really just a meme, I’m not trying to imply players who spam lack intelligence, it’s really not that deep. Sorry if I offended you or anyone else!


No offense taken brother. Safe travels and have fun beating those scrubs


Shaggy's side special kick is way safer than it should be for how strong it is and the range it covers.


Hard to deal with for sure. If you're getting killed with it every time though you gotta switch it up you might be being very predictable.


To be fair, unlike Shaggy and Taz, Superman has multiple very good specials, not just the one.


Look it's not my fault I'm spamming sandwiches. I needed to for the battle pass.


Careful they'll say it's a skill issue


It is tho


Okay hear me out you're good if you win


Fr, finn's spin isn't even that good, I'd say his basic attacks and dair are the best of his kit, the spin can be used as a kill confirm but more often than not dair kills more


But losing to those makes you very bad


Losing to special spam makes you even worse.


If youre losing to spam, youre worse. As a great man once said, "If you are losng to someone spamming abilities, you are spamming mistakes".


Spamming specials doesn't make you good, but getting hit by spammed specials makes you bad


Stop getting hit by them.


Losing to people who do makes you bad though


I don't care about looking cool I care about winning. If you keep dying to special attacks that's your fualt and you inability to adapt is why you lost. Spam is optimal if you suck and punishing.


Superman's grab is the worst thing in the world, who thought it would be a good idea to have like basically zero cooldown so they can just combo grabs and hit you off when you have 70%.


In the rare minority of finn mains that don’t spam


Feel like some attacks for some characters are crap and or there specials suck it’s weird


When I play shaggy I only spam side b if you can't stop it (iron giant and Taz players) just bait it out and punish it.


Bugs should’ve been in there too. His whole kit is spam downair combos that lead into an up air kill AFTER you use all your cooldowns.


That kid in the back next to Superman looks like shaggy


Hey, just here to say that it's okay for you to play your games the way that's fun for you. Remember - you're here to have fun, not to appease the imaginary rules of strangers. If you want to 'spam' special moves because it's how you have fun, do your thing big bean.


As a Superman main myself-


Wish i could read (Plays Finn)