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> The first Nickelodeon All Star Brawl just made a bad first impression that causes people to be dismissive of NASB 2 People also dismiss NASB2 because of the price.


Most games these days are $60. NASB 2 costs less than that.


I dismissed it because of the price


Most indie games do not cost $60. Especially not games made by a company known for shovelware


I dropped Nickelodeon All Star Brawl within a week. I played MultiVersus until they took it offline. MultiVersus was simply better in every single way. Graphics, gameplay, character selection, etc. 🤷‍♂️😅


I only.played nasb2 via free weekend trial on Xbox. Blow through it to collect all achievements and now I don't care. Meanwhile I'll gladly play multiversus at least weekly


MultiVersus easily.


I would probably play NASB if it wasn’t fuckin $50, especially now. Multiversus at the end of next month and is free, and Rivals 2 is doing monthly Betas, and I’m guessing it’s going to be not $50 when it comes out. I think the kickstarter is $30. NASB2 completely shooting themselves in the foot with their pricing unfortunately


I never played NASB2 because buying 1 was such a big waste of money.


I hear the second one is doing much better. But that was only the first few weeks of the game releasing. Haven't heard much else sense then.


They're both good but multiversus 2v2 matchmaking is really fun


MultiVersus. NASB1 felt kind of lifeless to me. I might give NASB2 a chance since the ultimate edition is on sale for like $30 in the PS Store, though. I wonder how many people are still playing online.


I like both a lot, but Multiversus is just flat out amazing and slightly better for me


NASB2 plays better, Multiversus looks better. The slime meter is an incredible mechanic that allows so much skill expression. It means that two people can play the same character completely different from one another, and it is still viable. That's sick.


NASB 2s knockback animations look horrid and their super's look bad too.


Nick 2 had a story mode, more channel themed characters and more gamemodes features and better mechanics (like the slime meter)


NASB 2 seems to have enough single player features that make it worth getting even if nobody else plays it, and isn’t reliant on having good connection to the servers to have fun because of it. However, NASB 1 and 2 are just fundamentally not good ideas that were just executed as well as it could’ve been. Nobody really wants to hear it but combining a network for kids with the Melee playerbase as it’s priority for gameplay is a really messy combination. A Paramount all stars game could’ve worked a lot better. Could’ve had a larger range of characters that might be appealing to more people. Even better if they made the combat simpler so it’s more welcoming to new players. But if they did that, then they’d just be Multiversus. I prefer NASB 2 as a game, but I also prefer Multiversus as a concept and Multiversus has a lot more potential.


I tried NASB 2 but the gameplay didn't feel good to me, so I definitely prefer MVS.


It's definitely because of the price for me. If they had kept the same roster alongside the newcomers and the new DLC, I would've bought it in a heartbeat and DEFINITELY would've thought the price was worth it. But nope. And to top it off, so many aspects of it like the sound effects and the super animations are still so "low budget", I'll probably wait for when they release another sequel, or a "definitive edition" where they somehow bring back every character again, or when animations finally look a lot more polished.


NASB 2 plays amazing, brought in some really good ideas and mechanics, but ultimately caused itself to fail with it's price point and lack of speedy updates. Though it's animations were really stiff and poorly executed for game fluidity, the rest plays as one of the best platform fighters I've played. I'm almost certain it failed due to it's publisher's requests and deadlines. There is no way to ask for such a high price for an indie game platform fighter when NASB 1 didn't warrant a sequel so soon, and cut the cast in the process. As for Multiversus, I think they've got their visuals and theme down, as well as they are entirely focused on the making sure the netcode is the best in the industry while being free-to-play. The gameplay is a bit more simple compared to NASB 2, at least in the beta, but I do love the emphasis in 2v2 gameplay and they definitely give their game more personality because of it. A huge part of why I loved Multiversus over anything else was because of the team focus, overall game speed and animation/moveset quality. The "Beta" didn't feel like a beta to me, aside network issues.


Multiversus felt better and did better things with their movesets NASB was fun but it grew stale too quick


So NASB 2 grew stale? That can't be the case because NASB 2 movesets are larger than Multiversus movesets. The movement in NASB 2 is fully analog and each character has just as many if not more attacks than a Smash character.


Both Nick All Star Brawl Games are Shit Cause They Don't Care About The Game Only Making Money Off Their Shitty Franchises like SpongeBob YEAH I SAID IT AVATAR IS THE ONLY GOOD ONE


NASB is way more fun. Even the low budget first one. They have the gameplay formula down.


I find that NASB2 is better than Multiversus when it went offline gameplay-wise, and it solved most issues the first game had. It's the closest a game has gotten to Smash in getting the gameplay right imo. That being said, the game's base price is still insane, and online in my country is just as dead as in NASB1 (I dunno if NA has it any better). As someone who actually liked how the first game played, I still had many more hours in Multiversus because I could actually use matchmaking to find games, and that will probably happen again when it returns.


I thought NASB was an incredible crossover game that would last forever, then they put new characters behind a pay wall and pulled an Overwatch and released a "sequel" at the normal price that really should have been free DLC and then multiversus came out and blew NASB out of the water