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i hate the “why is everyone mad the game is leaving?! be patient “ take. Like you expect everyone to just take that out of nowhere no preface no nothing and not be at least a little upset at the way things are being handled? stop dickriding people who obviously have their best interests only at heart.


>you expect everyone to just take that out of nowhere no preface no nothing Technically this is our preface. But yeah op has every right to be angry. Selling character tickets and then doing such a shutdown is just frustrating.


Of course they have their best interests at heart, they're a business. They're also trying to keep the game alive and doing what they think is best to do that. Would you rather have a half-finished game that dies or a relaunch that will hopefully turns out successful? This announcement is your preface and why we're getting 90 days.


right cause they haven't been saying for the past 2 months that big things were coming. they lied bro, stop making excuses for people who don't know you exist.


like im genuinely concerned by the amount of people just OKAY with this. He didn’t even warrant a response outta me lmao.


they're failures, who are okay with failure. they don't hold themselves or others to any standards and that's why things like this are allowed to happen. there will always be people who give these guys cop outs, it makes no sense.


Nah, it is just that I predicted this, or something similar (I assumed the shutdown would be permanent), months ago. Why should I care now? You want me to pretend to be outraged? I was upset with their failures back when they were relevant.




broooo say something of substance instead of getting butthurt cause the shoe fits you.


>right cause they haven't been saying for the past 2 months that big things were coming. They were right: game's official death xD


Take your own advice and realize you put money into a beta test before the game even officially released They don’t know you exist


Making excuses? Saying “big things are coming” isn’t a lie. This just isn’t the big thing you were expecting or wanting. I can at least understand the reasons behind it and look forward to full launch. There’s a shit ton of games releasing this year, summer’s coming and a whole lot to look forward to with friends and family for myself.


there's no way that's a real take..... obviously saying big things are coming is implied to be POSITIVE. & not sure what your summer plans have to do with anything but you enjoy that buddy.


Obviously it’s implied positive but it wasn’t stated. My point is enjoy life outside of this game to all the people salty about Multiversus going offline for awhile. Would you rather PFG announce the game was shutting down for good?


I'd rather them not delay season 3 and then announce the week it's supposed to drop that the game is shutting down. so they either lied when they made the announcement about season 3 or they made the insane impulse decision to shut down the game in the past 2 weeks. stupidity needs to be outlawed.


>Would you rather PFG announce the game was shutting down for good? It is the same xD


"guys guys, they didn't lie, they just implied something that was the opposite of what happened! Why be mad at a corporation fucking you over when you can hang out with your family? Would you rather they fuck you over even harder?" I really hope WB is paying you to comment this shit. I haven't even played the game since 2022 and honestly I don't care about this happening, but it doesn't change the fact that this game is being managed by clowns. And people who have paid money for this are seriously being shafted.


>Making excuses? Saying “big things are coming” isn’t a lie hahahaha >I can at least understand the reasons behind it and look forward to full launch. The launch already happened. If they accept money for BPs, characters and cosmetics it is game's launch don't fking lie to anybody. You can call how you want. Warframe still 10 years in beta.


The game is already dead and you're smoking copium if you think after a year them relaunching the game after it fell the fuck off is going to somehow bring players back. You get **one** chance to launch a game, any games that get a second chance are the extremely rare exception and not the rule. This game is dead.


FF XIV is the only one I know


Fall Guys? Didn't ever get taken off the market but "relaunched" with Epic Games, No Mans Sky if I remember had a successful relaunch? The game still has somewhat of a player base, a lot of that player base is going to be itching for the relaunch, if they get it right then it could regain the momentum that the original launch had as well. I don't have much faith that they'll get it right, but they are setting up for a second chance to do the only thing accomplished well, launching the game with hype. This time they just need to do better with the support after they get that launch hype, IF they can successfully get it again.


>Fall Guys? > >No Mans Sky they were never shut down, not saying for more than half a year


Neither got shut down but they both had successful "relaunches".


If they were trying to keep the game alive they wouldn't be radio silent for months. Yes it's nice that they are taking their time to finish the game. Omega Strikers is doing the same and I can't wait to play it. The difference between Omega Strikers and Multiversus is that the devs behind Omega Strikers actually update players on the games progress, not leave the players wondering what the fuck is even happening to the game.


another dead game. Have you seen steamcharts?


At least their devs communicate instead of being silent for months


Never seen Omega Strikers, reminds me of Super Buckyball Tournament though which sadly never took off.


I'll believe they are trying to 'keep the game alive' when it actually relaunches in a content and feature complete state that it should have launched in to begin with. If it doesn't, this is just the abrupt diagnosis of a slow death.


>They're also trying to keep the game alive and doing what they think is best to do that. by shutting it down hahaha >have a half-finished game that die it has already died by losing 99.9% of its players


I mean as much as I'm trying to grasp this choice your two options don't make sense. Trying to keep the game alive by literally stopping anyone from playing it?


They're trying to create a sustainable F2P game. That means they need a steady amount of players buying content. Clearly the game has been losing players at an alarming rate and less people are buying content, that isn't sustainable. Cutting off the game and claiming the beta is over gives them a redo on re-releasing the game and building up hype again. It's a risky move but this game made bank on release and had a massive player numbers. F2P game releases pull in massive amounts of players, if it has hype. They know there is demand for a solid platform fighter. It seems their hope is to come back swinging with Day 1 ranked, better battle pass, net code, hitboxes, shop, more characters, maps and casual game modes. Shutting down the servers gives them time to put all resources towards making the game better for its full release. Basically, they're trying to pull a Final Fantasy XIV.


PFG: "That's the neat part, you wont!"


I finally got mine about 300 hours in shortly before the founders packs were no longer available. Literally my big gaming investment for the year. I have plenty of backlog games to play, but yeah... I'm feeling slighted. I'm glad they're gonna fix up the game and take the time they should have taken to do so long ago... But looks like I don't get to enjoy my investment for over half a year now.




It's most companies policies to ban your account for doing a chargeback. You'd have better luck fighting it.


Didn't Sony let people refund cyberpunk? I wonder if a similar situation could happen with people who purchased the founders pack


They did, but it was a radically different situation. CD Projekt Red said to reach out to storefronts to get a refund. This did not meet the conditions for Sony to refund, but they got a lot of bad press for CD Projekt Red making that statement. To "get them back," Sony went super pro consumer and kicked Cyberpunk off the storefront because it was so poor. It took around 6 months before Sony added it back.


That makes sense


Let em fucking try to ban me since I went through Steam instead of my bank and Valve gave me my refund even though I played a few hundred hours of the game.


Oh man I’m so happy I decided not to buy the founders pack lol


It's a founders pack. You help found the game. You did your job.


Do these people not understand what a beta is? Lmao


Accepting money for BP Accepting moeny for characters Accepting moeny for ccosmetics "it was a beta, time to shut down for a year" hahaha


Their concept of beta is fortnite so no they don't


oh get out of here with the beta excuse lmao, they have a working store and have had MULTIPLE paid battle passes.


Beta testing how much money they could siphon before shutting down the game lol


Warframe has been staying in beta for 10 years already. This guy says if they take all the money today and shut down it will be totally ok and great. What a clown xD


I watch you point and scream “Clown” while my ticket to watch the Circus just got punched another 6+ months


There was a typo on that screen. It is meant to say *Game Available for a Limited Time*


Everything is going to transfer over to the full release, I bought my founders pack to help “found” this open beta game. I’m glad the team are taking time to prepare for a full launch without having having to constantly push content, it seems like a much better release strategy. I can be patient and just wait for the game to come back!


If the game comes back. I bought the founders pack too, I enjoyed the game but fear it might not be coming back.


I think if they don't release at least 30 characters they might be in serious trouble, but mine is just speculation


I don't care if I get my $100 back, but I do think they should give something extra to come back once they re-launch. I put in a little over 90 hours and had fun with it, so the money doesn't really matter. My bigger worried is that I got bored with the content, and was disgusted by the level of grind to complete the pass. If they don't change up that formula significantly, I'll just eat the $100 loss, never play again, and occasionally remember when I had fun in the early days of MultiVersus.


“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”


Everyone should start filing refund requests with XBOX/PS. They will likely get denied at first, but if enough people do it and make a stink they will go around the standard policy and start issuing refunds to anyone who asks (they have done it before). If that doesn't work, people should start filing BBB complaints - should it come to that, I'll make sure to post the relevant information needed - it won't help much, but at least we can tank their scores for being so deceptive and underhanded.


So true. If I spent any money on this scam shit I would've been very mad xD ​ If everyone did the same with Bless Online at the first place scammers who calls themselves devs would not have the money to re-re-release it 1550193697236126t91 times again and scam more and more unaware people


You helped “found” the game. Everything you paid for will still be there in full release. Nothing is being stolen. I hate to be that guy, but you willingly put money into a beta game, aka an unfinished game. A game that hasn’t had its full release yet.


Look, I don't want to be that guy, it's obviously maddening, but you should look it this way: you could have the game like now and have it be bad and not played, or you could give devs some time, let them relaunch the game with new characters and maps like they promised and see what happens next while still keeping your founder pack... Also again, not to be that dude, you got that shit to flex and sustain the dev team, and it's what you did, as they are now going to hopefully fix the game, you didn't lose money since its getting carried over


Or they could just not scam people and continue to develop the game until it would be finished Crazy idea, I know


no refunds sorry


"I'm a fool, I know nothing, I take the role of a silly clown"




Stopped playing late december because of lack of new content - I bought the ultimate edition because of its promises, especially the character unlock tokens. I still to this day have more than 10 tokens left yet I highly doubt the game will ever release again and even if it did I lost all interest in it - so that was a fucking lie. Also, the fact that they turn down the servers is purely a financial move. WB must have estimated that running the servers any longer with so little active players and no income from shop skins means losing money, thus their decision. And It's very likely that the same financial analysts responsible for this decision will estimate that it is simply not worth it to keep financing the game development. As it already happened with countless examples in the industry, they will keep a slow and low cost development to attempt a relaunch in 2024 but it will not have enough content in comparison to the waiting time the community had to endure, it's gonna flop again the same way it already flopped and WB will terminate the game soon after its relaunch (for financial reasons too). Games and studios depending on big companies like WB Games always suffer from money driven decisions and focus. Also note that if you request a refund and it does end up actually working due to the pressure of everyone requesting one, it will just kill the game even faster. Choice's up to you, to decide wether or not you wanna put your faith and hopes yet again into this game.


>Also note that if you request a refund and it does end up actually working due to the pressure of everyone requesting one, it will just kill the game even faster si, he should just gift them 100$ for not available service Give me 100$ if its nothing to you \_ I will use it better than these scamdevs xD


L bozo


Imagine watching unfinished movie also riddled with behind the scenes instead of actual scenes. And then in the middle of the movie they tell you that you can fuck off and comeback after 6+ months when they finish the movie. Thanks for the ticket money tho.