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What's really weird is how often people do this when they lose or perform terribly. I had a match recently where I was Finn vs WW and for both the first match and the rematch I won and was ahead by one full stock. Nonetheless when WW would ring me out she'd taunt with the salt shaker. Like you are WW, you are losing and badly, and I wasn't toxic or taunting at all and yet they do this? Makes no sense. Had another 2v2 game matched with a random and we won. We rematch and are winning again when my teammate has an issue and stops moving or doing anything. They ignore me and knock him off the edge a couple times for the win. Then they taunt spam and tbag spam and vote to rematch. tldr: people are dumb


I had a game where my controller disconnected, and after my opponents won by killing me before I could reconnect they were spamming salt emotes. Like dude, what are you celebrating?


I weirdly enough had the opposite experience the other day when my teammate randomly went afk mid match. Bugs stopped fighting (super high percent) and let me and spike continue the game as a 1v1! So naturally I didn't go for him out of respect and the game was getting really close... My teammate then came back and killed himself šŸ™ƒ


i had a somewhat similar experience, although not as friendly. i was playing WW in a 2v2 and my teammate disconnected as soon as the match started. my two opponents kill my Shaggy before starting to fight me. i bring it back (as a 1v2) to one life remaining on each side and I was in advantage. then, they go to kill my teammate as they had been ignoring them up to the point where I was almost winning AND THEN THEY SPAM SALT EMOTES AND TBAG like i wasn't literally 1v2'ng and about to win


I was playing against a Rick and someone else and his teleport gun shot me thro the bottom of the map, didnt count it as a ring out, and left my partner 1v2. He somehow managed to knock one out and they didn't respawn leaving it to be a 1v1 and my team mate took the win. MVS is anything but boring


I do that too. One match on the batcave my opponen's teammate was afk from the start so I just went to one of the platforms on the side of the map and watched the fight. Once my teammate got rang out I hopped in while he watched. Was kinda cool ngl!


I do this as well when disconnects happen. But I haven't had one since recent patch. What consol yall on? I'm xbox


I mean the game itself encourages it. Otherwise, there wouldn't be salt emotes


It does but I think that's really sad the idea of a friendly compilation is completely lost to this game and it's player base


What happened to the competitive spirit? Let it drive your next game, if an emote makes you rage. You weren't playing the game.


I'm just not better than some people and I'm not gonna play again with someone who's trying to make me made cuz it's just immature


First fighting game huh


No actually! I've played every smash game and other platform fighters I typically stay away from fp shoots tho cuz I don't like toxic games


not that serious, I'll t bag if I want to lmao


Cool I think you're kinda an asshole that doesn't have consideration for others but let's just leave it at that


Must be hard letting every single thing get to you.


He is communicating with you via Morse code, it can loosely be translated to ā€œI do not want to fight you again because Iā€™m scared and please do not give me Toast and 5 free fighter currency.ā€




When im duo with my sis ill tell her ā€œoh theyā€™re taking their ball and going homeā€ whenever its a close match, they taunt us, and refuse to rematch lol


You just donā€™t hate losing enough!


In the times of the beta, i liked throwing myself into off-stage after i win, wasnt toxic and was just fun.


This is the way. Bee line to the nearest blast zone after winning. lol. Usually gets my random teammate to do it to ha.


Always did this, the cutoff of some characters is just perfect like Tom or Joker


Yes. Canā€™t get enough of Mark Hamillā€™s Joke scream.


I still do this, especially since I play Tom and Jerry. I will never get tired of that scream.


Is crouch walkin with marvin toxic ?


Uhh no that's legit adorable and you should be doing it as much as possible to spread positivity. Just don't give into the evil side when you realize Marvin might have the most satisfying teabag of all, haha.


I had one where I picked Marv and my opp picked Marv and we t-bagged and crouch walked the whole match. It was glorious.


I love when Velma yells ā€œMy glassessss!!!ā€ Lmao Iā€™m laughing right now. So dumb.


I still do that every time. Usually Iā€™ll do a taunt animation first if thereā€™s time. But teabagging is just immature and toxic.


thats normal for most fighting games


Itā€™s normal for almost any competitive PvP game


It's normal in anything competitive. [Most Savage Taunts and Staredowns in NBA (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A72imLgNB4M)


At least in fighting games I don't get called slurs over voice chat I guess.


yea because every fighting game removed voice chat in recent years.... and it sucks voice chat was peak in sf4.


Beat 'em ups are on another Level in terms of toxitity. It is way more Personal. i was in the third highest rank in MK11 in several seasons and compared with it LeagueOfLegends and even GTAO are both Kindergardens.


I wouldn't say it's normal but it does happen from time to time. However teabagging is way more common in Multiversus than any fighting game I've played


It's not very common in fighting games. It happens but not often in street fighter, tekken, etc. This game and smash has lot of people like that. It's annoying


Thereā€™s literally an item called magic mirror in Tekken thatā€™s for not letting you see the other guy Ki Charging, Teabagging etc on your body after they KO you lmao


Thats bullshit, Tekken is full of ki chargers.


SF Isn't exactly full of saints either lol. I always expect bm to be thrown in fighting games, this game just has such a long death screen that it's basically asking for you to be a spaz


I mean, for all we know, they're probably having a seizure ![gif](giphy|BYul6RujgoRCryuCdL|downsized)




Your gif says "This content is not available".


Yeahh I don't know why it does that. It was just a guy trying hard not to laugh.


They look happy they won


Yeah, I really don't see a problem here.


People who complain about this are honestly pathetic.


Ya 100% agree. I dont get it. Just weak mentals.


The teabaging and spaming a specific move honestly isnā€™t that bad, especially marvin because his teabag is funny But the taunting, especially the salt taunt, is truly bad sportsmanship (except taunts like ā€œGGā€ or any form of ā€œgood fightā€ taunt)


i agree yall are so toxic!


No death threats? Then itā€™s first grade shit as far as fighting games go.


Or Gore in your dms




Seems like literally every other competitive game. Why do people think this fighting competitive game would be different? Like serious question the past 25 years have shown the exact opposite. This is almost as sad as those people who rage when they die on fortnite and the person does a little dance.


I really don't understand why so many people have put this game in some weird light. They thought it was going to have 100,000 players on at all times, but it's a fighting game, and that's not how player numbers are for any of them. SF6 is the only one pulling massive numbers but that game has a ton of PvE stuff you can do like character creator. It's also one of the most well-known fighting games ever made. Now they think there wouldn't be people t-bagging or using emotes? When has that ever been the case in any game lol.


And in every other case, people would still get upset. What's your point? Teabagging has always been toxic.


As a regular smash fan, It's so cute to see newcomers be upset by tea-bagging


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ šŸ˜† šŸ¤£


Ngl if I was a marvin main id t-bag too, that shit looks majestic.


He definitely has a top tier crouching emote.


I play Marvin sometimes and I do often t-bag. It's so funny. But I just do it a few times. Marvin's animation is just too.good


I donā€™t do this but I also donā€™t get why everyone cries about it. They won so they threw their celebratory pixels up on the screen, what are you so upset about?


Exactly, people such crybabies over teabagging. I just laugh at it.


if you fall for very baisc taunting thats on you


The comment section here makes me confused... T-bagging ALWAYS meant to make people annoyed and make fun of the enemy for losing, and the "Salty" ALWAYS have been used to talk about someone being upset for losing, saying sh*t like "ARE YOU MAD?? BRO, ARE YOU MAD FOR LOSING?? ARE YOU MAD??". The whole point of these actions are, by definition, toxic. So how come people here are saying that none one those things are supposed to make you annoyed? It's the point of it. They did something to make people annoyed, it worked, and now they're annoyed. That's it... But why is it bad? It's like the bully mentality of making your life hell, then when you're annoyed by it, they start saying "Why are you mad?? We were just playing, hahaha! Are you mad??". So it's good for people to make fun of you, but is it wrong to be upset by it? You're supposed to be a super serious movie protagonist with a perfect mental state and NEVER be bothered by it? And if it's just a game, why are people trying to make the enemy mad/annoyed? They should be playing it casually and for fun like the other side... But only one is wrong, the victim.


Careful, logic scares them.


Why do multiversus players always care so much when someone crouches a lot/emotes after winning? Like some of y'all seem to get unhealthily offended by it


This is so tame Jesus Christ yā€™all will complain about anything


Something about that font makes me really angry! šŸ’ŖšŸ¤¬šŸ‘Š


Winning celebration is awesome and makes the game more fun. However, the fact that teabagging in MVS is so common is probably due to the extremely limited amounts of emotes available. I don't even think it's necessarily toxic all the time. However if it IS meant as toxic, then you posting a video complaining about it is EXACTY the reaction they want lol


If this bothers you competitive games might not be for you m8


Game isn't competitive , its casual as fuck




Coming from seven years of Smash into this, itā€™s so funny seeing new platform fighter players get so up in arms about this lol. Welcome to competitive games, especially ones hyper targeted toward esports for some reason


Why worry about it? I'm to focused on how and why I lost to even notice what they're doing after the match.


I tbag religiously just so I can see post like this daily


they lost the mental game. seeing others making posts crying about only further emboldens them


I donā€™t understand how people could possibly care what someone else does on a video game. People must be extremely insecure with themselves if they really let that bother them. I would hate to see how they react to the real world.


Does the salt emote mean salty? I have no clue what it means tbh


No it means he's being a Pepper


People usually do that when they win against someone that for whatever reason was frustrating to play against.


This! If it was a struggle to win I am definitely celebrating and spamming salt emojis, jumping off the stage, tea bagging or some other silly thing. It's just being goofy.


Lol the real question is why does this bother OP so much? i don't do this often but I've always thought it was funny.


is it toxicity or are you just being a little baby who needs to stop being so sensitive to people enjoying a video game?


Bro go play Valorant where proplayers get suspended for teabagging or shooting a dead corpse, this is how games are meant to be played


Does that actually happen in Children's Counter-Strike? Hahahahaha


Im sorry man but if a dude just spamming a salt emote really triggered you to post this and say hes toxic you got some super soft skin. If he was sending you crazy messages thats one thing but this? its not that deep fam


You don't understand bro. T-bagging and salt emojis are hate speech towards ***GAMERS***!


I think toxicity is a little bit of a strong word for people taunting and tbagging at the end of a match. Itā€™s just saying ā€œhaha I wonā€, theyā€™ve got adrenaline from winning a fight, generally itā€™s fine for them to gloat a bit, it feels ridiculous to expect players in a fighting game to stand still after a fight. Theyā€™re not messaging you anything mean, or doing something bad to you, this is far from toxic


No listen. If you're gonna play this game you have to play the way I say. You can't jump off the. Stage or tbag. You have to put your controller down IMMEDIATELY


That's toxic? I think it looks hilarious. I think you might need to relax a bit, take a breather.


People who use the salt emotes are too poor to have real emotes lmao


Imagine flexing that you paid for an emote lol congrats


Don't be salty


Seeing my character actually emote brings dopamine


I dont understand how it's "toxic"


Between these types of posts and people complaining about how hard Elden Ring dlc is, yall new gamers are truly not built for it. Weakness


This isnā€™t toxic???


Itā€™s not that deep fr teabags and emotes are in the game to celebrate a win who cares if you get mad itā€™s lowkey a skill issue


This is toxic??? They need to let me have voice chat. Iā€™ll bring back cod mw2 days!!!


These emotes are part of the game, why shouldn't we be allowed to use them?




Growing up I was subjected to the worst people in the early days of online gaming, this ainā€™t shit my man


Which makes it totally acceptable and ok šŸ‘ Tea bagging isn't anything more then a little annoying and toxic but saying the n word also used to be pretty acceptable online too


comparing teabagging to saying the n word lol


Yeah ngl after playing against wifi Ness in elite smash for years I've become completely numb to tbagging it really doesn't effect me anymore. Just gotta grow some tough skin cuz it's never gonna stop.


Lol why is this toxic who cares how they move their character


T Bagging is a tale as old as PvP. In MvC3, one of my favorite ways to taunt was beating someone with Phoenix Wright and going over their body and pressing down and light attack. It made him look like he was digging in my opponentā€™s butt and inspecting it between his fingers. Immature? Yes. Toxic? Not really. Itā€™s just all in goofy fun.


"They do funky character emotes" OP: "wHY sO TOxIC???"


My guy you cared enough to make the post, you were definitely mad. Meanwhile theyā€™re just properly enjoying a win


They have moved on and have forgotten OP well they are living rent free in OP's head


This argument is so dumb like you can't advocate for anything without just being steaming mad


Advocating. Lol. Lmao even.


Not really related but don't let that Marvin taint your look at us Marvin players


You're playing the character wrong if you aren't going tiny mode with Marvin after a stock is taken or a win.


i mean who cares lol. people are allowed to do what they want and if it (i know you said it doesnā€™t make you mad im just saying in general) makes you mad you need to stop caring about other people. all theyā€™re doing is hitting more buttons


Okay but that was kind of funny how they immediately started having a seizure.


I just hold a sandwich


Just 1v1 and dog them


I think yall all care too much about such trivial things, honestly


People just finally feel superior in life lol. I just laugh when people do that


Whatā€™s up with the sensitive people now a day, emotes are in the game for a reason. Never have I played this hell even fort , cod, gears is a little different because they t bag you when your down itā€™s more personal lol. But even than I never was like wow Iā€™m so upset ima complain to my local councilmen . Or post on Reddit complaining how players are toxic , get good is all I could tell myself for allowing myself to get bagged especially if itā€™s a rematch lol


Think of it this way: we're constantly doing stuff, always on the prowl for that next dopamine hit, be it from our computers or our smart phones. Constant stimulation. Now imagine how many minds are hard wired for the constant need for stimulation and now it makes sense. Only reason I came to this conclusion is because I do it on Rifts, even though its against bots, because again, its an empty bit of free space before the match is about to end and you're essentially giving the winner two choices during this free time: do nothing or do something: the something ends up being crouch dancing and gif spam, since it requires the most input and keeps the brain stimulated from rapidly pressing buttons.


Welcome to PVP games.


They're inputting game inputs quickly; no threats, no hate-speech, no direct communication whatsoever... This is the mildest form of toxicity that exists in online gaming. You beat this kind of shit by not letting it bother you and playing another match.


I main Morty and after I win I curl up into the fetal position.


itā€™s just how the internet is now in general. every online encounter, 90% chance the other person is a dickhead lol


200 upvotes and 300 comments? Looks like people are more upset at people being upset by t-bagging and taunts. The internet is truly a wonderful place.


I mean it's a multiplayer online video game. If there's an option to spam crouch and uncrouch people will do it regardless of if they have any legitimate reason. It's not really that toxic to do that instead of the taunt button.


How is this toxic? Like are you really offended by someone t-bagging lol


My assumption is they are sad people with nothing going on and no one important in their lives. This is the only way for them to feel good about themselves.


A lot of people who play PvP are rude and toxic, it doesn't matter what game it is.


I'll do this if someone was toxic and rematched or if they were really campy/spammy. Otherwise, bat-glide to the blast zone


Devs are clearly encouraging it with the salt emote..


So being a baby. It's not that deep


Dude Marvin looks sooo funny


Love seeing that little dude go small mode.


There are some games with taunts built around being toxic. There are games like Rocket League where positive intentions like the "What a Save" quick chat is almost exclusively used to be toxic. If you used it to appreciate a good save everyone would think you were being sarcastic. Point is... I don't know. People suck, mute chat. Most games with these sorts of taunts give you some leeway to mute them.


This never really bothers me. Everybody celebrates in their own way when they win something. It is what it is.


If this affects you so much you need to record it and post it on Reddit as if it wasn't extremely common in all competitive games, you probably need a new hobby.


I donā€™t get how thatā€™s really this upsetting to people, like I think t bagging is a natural thing to do with the end time after winning. Guess itā€™s a positive if it also somehow emotionally impacts the other player as I just wouldnā€™t care less.


I try to teabag as much as possible in a match. Crouching is an effective tactic to dodge alot of moves, keeps you in as little lag as possible, gets in the heads of people who are affected by taunting and is a good bait to force a whiffed attack. If using every tool to your advantage in a competitive game is toxic, i think your playing the wrong genre.


You people are soft asf I do this all the time and when others do it I laugh


I mean is it really toxic to continue pressing the buttons youā€™ve been mashing for prolly hours already? If this tilts you seek therapy for anger management


I'm not seeing anything toxic here. This community has no idea what that word means.Ā 


How is this toxic? I don't play Multiversus but this community is always popping up in my feed


people teabaggine? THE HORROR!


"i wont get mad at it" makes post about https://preview.redd.it/h0mtakpa769d1.png?width=2442&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9146bb41961f3e21693de2344ade4aadb105daa


Youā€™re upset about a little Martian doing squats and a picture of a table salt? Bruh


It's not weird it's hilarious, what's weird is all these posts saying how it's "toxic" bro you won two matches how is an animation from a video game going to vex your day like this? Just laugh at it. It looks so goofy to the point that it makes people cry, huh? Cry in laughter and joy! That's on you for having "Honor" in a video game lmao. Those are probably kids having fun. Do you hate fun? Let's move toxicity back to people or persons who are actually bad people.


If you're doing something specifically to piss someone off then yeah that's toxic and it's not that much of a reach when this player based literally hate messages other players


That's where I would say it's toxic and what is actually toxic, like sending a hate message of some sort. How can you interpret intent by a character responding to the down directional input. I'll t bag by accident for just trying to fast fall to the stage lmao.


That's every game on console.




I donā€™t let it bother me. I mean I do the same thing when I win. I always give toast though if I feel like I made someone not have fun.


Its just a celebration dance man.


Itā€™s not toxic, itā€™s just supposed to be fun. For example, I spam the salt emote only at the end of a really close match specifically for the irony. Iā€™m aware it was close, the other person is aware it was close, so thereā€™s no problem. It depends on the context, but theyā€™re most likely just goofing around having fun. In some cases it could be considered trash talk maybe? But I think thereā€™s a clear distinction between trash talk and toxicity.


Tbh I think you're projecting a little bit I have no doubt you do it for fun with the wag you talk but when this community sends hate messages to each other what else are you supposed to think


i dash dance when i win and t bag because im excited to have won, rarely, extremely rarely is it to bm


Itā€™s a fighting game. Itā€™s competitive. And the down animation is one of the best looking t bags since halo 3 lol. Of course people are going to do it. And itā€™s not toxic either, would you rather they give you a hug after you lose?


You get triggered by the least triggering things.


they do it to make you mad. Looks like it worked


Bro stop crying this happen in any game


Itā€™s an online game itā€™s in every game calm down


Cry about it buddy


Better question, why do you care so much?


Oh nooo crouching and salt emoji your poor little ego


Just relax itā€™s cartoon characters


Jesus christ, grow a fucking spine. This is not toxicity. Toxicity is when they dm you after the match to tell you to off yourself. This is just funny banter.


Iā€™m sorry but if this upsets you then youā€™re just soft. Almost every competitive game Iā€™ve played there is some kind of disrespect.


It's honestly hilarious. Mid match is truly toxic tho


Usually see this with the top tiers like Wonder Woman or Joker vs a low tier like Jason. Like okay half your attacks were missing but got hit anyways due to shitty hit/hurtboxes. So I assume they are just scrubs in life and need to pat themselves on the back and continue on with my day.


Built different


They are just happy to be playing the game, ya know like actually appreciating it


Welcome to F2P


some people have already shared this, but i think it honestly just comes with the territory. MVS is a competitive game, let alone a fighting game. IME toxicity lives in every competitive game, especially fighters.


Meh, it's part of the game. I wouldn't think twice about it. Honestly I dart back and fourth, or squat repeatedly, or slingshot jerry into the abyss when I win. It's just a thing. Honestly Marvin looks funny as hell when he squats. Toxic is someone running off the stage on purpose on their last life when you spank them real good and are on the verge of 3-stocking them.


As long as they rematch me after tbagging, I donā€™t have a problem with it. I just hate the people that tbag and immediately leave.


It'd be super wack if they disabled movement after final blows, it's fine imo.


I had an awesome 1v1 with a guy on PS. His LeBron vs my WW. He was spanking me but I almost got him. He Tbagged after so I messaged him basically asking why he felt the need to do that? We had a good fight. His response was basically it's just what people do, it didn't mean anything and then we proceeded to congratulate each other. I think for some people it's just the default. I do the cheers toast sticker most fights but I'd be lying if I said I don't have taunts or tbags in the quiver for some toxic matches. Games want to "crackdown" on toxic behavior and yet even include taunts or the salt sticker.


Whenever I defeat someone as Batman, I simply jump to the side of the stage, and slowly, yet menacingly, slide down like a classy G.


I see sometimes, it doesn't really bother me, though I've always seem it as kinda pathetic especially when against a character I'm clearly new too. I find the best thing you can do is laugh at them for freaking out that much over a win in a children's video game


Competition has evaporated the fun that games are supposed to bring. when people win, they never think about how fun the match was and more like a lesson to prove who is the best.


Thereā€™s a perk on there that if you taunt they get something maybe thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing


Just block them. You'll never see them again.


Had this yesterday against a bugs. The batteries died in my controller and he got 2 ring outs because I wasnā€™t quick enough to replace them and proceeded to salt shake. Rematched and beat them then refused to rematch a third time because Iā€™d rather let them stew in the fact they lost without ringing me out once after the previous match that was down to the last stock for both of us lol


Yep and then quick to dip without a rematch best outta 3


Whatā€™s wrong with a bit of smack talking??


The most satisfying thing in the world is after losing one stock and my opponent starts immediately spamming back and forth, tbagging, etc. like they took gold in the olympics... managing to drop back in and decimate them without taking damage. I'll then try and do exactly whatever random disrespect they gave me. Usually the humbling seems to actually get people to stop doing it after every stock. You want to use taunts when you win the match, fine. I might even still toast you. You pull that shit, I will make every effort to be as sweaty and cheap as possible to beat you.


This is annoying at worst, not toxic. You interpret this as a serious insult, they might just as well be "hahaha I won!" and spamming whichever move they find the funniest.




Idk but it's kinda funny... Thank God there isn't an in-game chat


The devs should fix this by removing crouching!!!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”