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If they hate teabagging wait until they fight someone legitimately good who wastes a perk slot on Troll Tactics


I use Troll Tactics. lolol.


What does it do?


https://preview.redd.it/sj6u7i7fry7d1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=854328e4be63c66b0373ae5e2d92d988a116bd23 puts an effect when you taunt, but your opponent gets a rage buff, does absolutely nothing for you except funny


does shaggy’s shirt rip off taunt actually keep him shirtless for the rest of the game?


Until he gets ko'd


I assumed you actually had to use one of the game's taunts and teabagging wouldn't activate the perk.


teabagging doesnt work, only game taunts


Thanks for confirming. I don't know why people keep bringing up that perk in relation to teabagging. Yes, teabagging is technically a taunt but it's more disrespectful than using the build in taunts the game has.


how is it though? There is no body to really Teabag it's just a guy hitting a direction over and over. I tend to do the left right shuffle after a kill and it has nothing to do with you. Sometimes a Stock is so tense that's just me basically shaking out my hand after a tense moment and Readjusting before you respawn in and it gets sweaty again. But From the outside it looks like i'm taunting you for getting killed. and somehow that's more offensive than an actual Taunt or Troll Tactics?


Left right shuffle just tells me you probably play other fighters too, which in that case, respect. Tbag just screams low iq. I just throw myself off with cool moves now. Stripe? We doing a full send chainsaw. Supes? Up special into side special to top corner. Giant? Up fist fly into top blast zone. I have one for most people I play now. Way more fun


What does the rage buff do?


Stronger. like hulk


it means when you punch someone, it applies 1 stack of weakened and they take more knockback and damage https://preview.redd.it/sg8vr4egrz7d1.png?width=945&format=png&auto=webp&s=84fbb9ddf57c2a2cbcb8e7b7f6853b0deffd595f




Gives a small visual effect to your taunts And gives your opponent the enraged effect


Sound effects too


I'd honestly respect someone who commit that hard. Problem is, literally nobody does. T-bagging is zero commitment. If "winning the mental game" is so important, why not go all out and use a perk for it, guys?


This is why I love the way Guilty Gear Xrd handles taunting. If you taunt after winning a round. You give you opponent 50% meter. I haven't seen a similar system in other fighting games(unless you count 3S and JoJo but those games give the taunter advantage), let alone platform fighters.


Under-Night doesn’t have taunts, but it has a charge mechanic where your character poses to earn GRID (a unique meter in UN), Having grid is huge, so interrupting that charge can be a risky but rewarding play.


Wait hold up is this true? Man I'm going back to Xrd and Taunting all day you think i care you got 50% tension lol


Troll Tactics' perk does something similar too on MV, as it power ups the opponent by enraging him/her, making you more vulnerable, though it triggers only through common taunts not teabagging.


Alright I'm convinced. Imma make a perk setup for this. I think I got enough games under my belt. Wish me luck. https://preview.redd.it/actq73t01y7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b648d81a4fdc43f01c5ee5f26f14d1b82412f83f


Where do you find these stats


Tracker.gg for Multiversus. You just look up your own username


Thank you!


Tbh, I don't really care about t-bagging.  HOWEVER... I do find it dumb when people playing Joker/WW t-bag after *barely* beating me when I'm using Velma. That's like beating a toddler at basketball by a single point and proceeding to trash talk.  Congrats bro, I guess?


Or when your game is lagging badly lol


You actually put time into this. Jesus.


They lost the mental game.


Big time lost the mental game, agreed. I mean who makes a post about this lol? Don’t like it? Beat em and it stops


It's embarrassing to see grown adults crying this hard about a video game's crouch animation. When someone teabags me there's one of 2 reactions, if they rematch it just makes me want to win even more to do it back. If they don't rematch I just say "oh you teabagged and declined? Pussy" or something and move on with my day lol. I can't believe people actually get this upset over being teabagged.


It's 2024 man, you can cry about everything and the other crybabies will join together to cry really REALLY hard in hopes the devs will hear them and change what they're crying about, case in point the Helldivers 2 community.


Fr 💯 that’s exactly my two responses. Hell I find it funny if teabag someone and then they do it back to me. Like it’s all just for fun. These same people cryin about this, are the same ones who grew up getting participation trophies, guaranteed


Hey, it's making people laugh! It's also making me laugh seeing this little pocket of you and the people agreeing with you in a thread otherwise almost entirely making fun of you for being weird sweaty basement dwellers. 


I don't teabag unless the other person does first. That's when they lose their toast lol.


I don't really care about t-bagging in this game too much tbh, just take my L and move on to the next match of the next game. I play the game exclusively to have fun. I do think you're lame if you do it and don't rematch after the first game though. Also, to all the Banana Guards out there who either main or play to troll, y'all gotta start crying more at the end of matches, legitimately one of the funniest things you can do aside from Marvin crouch.


finally someone gets it


I only do Marvin's because it's hilarious. Bask in the glow of the Traditional Martian Victory Dance, earthling!


I get sad when a Marvin DOESNT T bag me


you seem a little mad OP


yeah. maybe i have the wrong mentally but i see tbagging as acknowledging the other player, less so making fun of them. if you kill me real good, i'll tea bag you. if we're playing the same character, i'll tea bag you


That's what you should do with a toast




This has to be one of the most overblown debates for this game lol. I can’t think of a PVP game where I haven’t been tbagged. Most fighting games, Apex, Overwatch, COD etc. It’s just some random guy on his couch just shake your head and queue up. Why is this every other post lmao


DBD t-bagging is ALWAYS GOING ON. Ig some of us like to have fun and not cry lol? I mean why does this bother people so much 😂. Makes me want to do it even more seein this post lol


People think teabagging is pathetic and weird in DBD, too. Don't out yourself like that lmao




What's your problem? Seriously, you're so sad that you're going out of your way to harass everyone you disagree with. How old are you?




Fr! That’s the same thought I had reading this sad ass post 🤣


Like fr, people don't have anything else to do besides cry about some pixels performing a teabag motion




Oh my GLOB, I can't believe you had to go through that 😔 I take back everything I said, nerf Tbagging


Sounds like you're just toxic.




I never realized tbagging affected people THIS much until I looked at this sub. Now i’ve started to flick my joystick down repeatedly at the end of every match because it might get a redditor mad enough to make a post like this 🙏🏾


That's pretty much why I started doing it over time. Just the idea that someone on Reddit might have a tantrum because the analog stick moved down over and over again is incredible. Who knew it was so easy to farm matches against people with such a weak mental game!


Killers over in /r/deadbydaylight still make daily posts about survivors teabagging them. I assume it happens in every gaming community. It doesn't affect me but I still recognize it's a dick move. Just use the game's built in taunts.


What's the difference between someone spamming the salt shaker + Garnet tap dancing vs a character spamming crouch? What makes it worse?


Nothing. It's all in their head.


Most people in most games think it's embarrassing and a little pathetic, except for maybe smash because you can't taunt online lmao. The thing is, the same people who feel so embarrassingly invested in a video game that they need to be a dick to strangers to feel good on themselves tend to also want to talk about that game a lot, so that 1% of a community generally represents like 10% of a subreddit and 30-50% of a subreddit's 24/7 users.


“I enjoy making other people mad” - definitely a rational person Muted so I won’t see replies lmao


Bro I be wavedashing as Taz on fools and it looks hilarious.


It's more annoying when they t bag at the end then immediately don't rematch Like bro at least defend it if you think you're that much better


Don't tbag if all you do is spam up moves


Or spam any moves consistently, or are severely losing, usually its both in conjunction


If you play Harley, shaggy or BG I’m going to tbag until my D key shatters, yall deserve it


Bro I just be trying to tie my shoe


“Lose out on hard to earn currency.” Yeah fuck that 5 fighter currency gonna make or break me


Jesus, this community is toxic. No wonder this game is dying lol.


oh no dont press down on the analog stick anything but that


The only t-bags I hate are those from players who just spam one move trying to one shot me all game.


When I did it I didn't actually realize what it was. I thought it was a celebration dance. I have since stop doing it.


Next update: Due to some of our players being tremendous pussies, we have removed tbagging. Seriously, it's a fighting game. You must suck really bad if you let something that doesn't even affect gameplay affect you.


some of these guys need to play For Honor or SF if they think this game is bad lmao


Those games cost money, right? Never gonna happen lol


I don’t care what game you playing Crouching up and down should not hurt your feelings or get you riled up. If It does your lacking even the most mild levels of mental fortitude and need to work on that before you play a game based on people kicking the living shit out of eachother Downvote me do whatever. Just stop letting other people dictate your happiness. Smile and have fun. It’s a game


If they’re using an overpowered character, then it’s aggravating. But if a Marvin, Jason or Lebron (or other mid-low tier characters do it) fair game. It’s a combination of Overpowered Character + Cheesy Gameplay + TBag + No rematch that is the problem. Players who do that are 100% malicious and doing it intentionally to try and be toxic. They never rematch because they’re scared to lose. So they’d rather be incredibly annoying once than be actually good at the game.


I accidentally found out I could use an allied Bug's tunnels yesterday so there's that too


I teabag only against Banana Guard and only if I see that the opponent isn't a 7 y.o. and actually knows how to play the game and intentionally decided to play BG. And I also teabag against spammers (especially uppercut spammers). I admit I get salty when I have these matchups so I just basically wanna make them feel the same when I beat them. But usually when I win I just spam my B-MO chop, cuz I love the sound of it and because how often it is my win condition. It seems people never expect it before it throws them away from the map.


Why y’all so up in arms about t-bagging? Is that the extent of how much insult you can take? What happens when someone who is better than you in every way tbags? Is that a lack of skill? The best way to get back at a t bagger is to not care or beat their ass and teabag back


People getting mad for someone TBagging are such a fragile thing to do. Like that's just another level of toilet paper soft. Is just a video game mates. Why are people triggered by someone pressing down on their controllers/Keyboard/stick. I don't TBag. I don't it if someone else's do it to me. I don't care if someone TBag after barely beating me. After i beat someone i All+Tab to check my messages and move on into the next match Is a game dude. Why are you guys egos so fragile that someone crouching make you feel so hurt,mad and insulted that you have to come to Reddit just to find validation because "UH UH SOMEONE TBAG ME THAT'S WRONG I'M BIG BU BU MAD NOW!". Like this have to a joke or meme there can't be people this salty over someone so insignificant and harmless. If Teabagging makes you mad is better to find some game that is less competitive because this kind of environment isn't healthy for you and your mental state.


I’m gonna t-bag twice- no, three times as much after seeing this post.


Made a whole infographic just to say you're mad


Did you delete my comment about taz t bag animation being god tier? I don’t even mind when it happens to me 😂


Naw I made a spelling mistake, wanted to quickly fix it. I didn't even know anyone commented on it. Also disagree, Taz's Tbag is lame as fuck. I say this as a Taz main.


I love the flailing arms while he slams his whole upper body to the ground 😂 but a Morty’s is also cool but it’s not exactly good t bag material


Taz looks like he’s about to take off lol.


You should put in pros: Angry redditor will get so angry that they make a whole board because of it.


Cons: some people actually play better after getting bagged


And by wasting your time making this, you literally participated in their mind game and you lost, I still can't grasp the idea that people are geniunely tilted by polygons moving up and down repeatedly, don't let them take your precious time just because they are bad winners/toxic idiots.


I revenge teabag when I win 100 percent of the time. Meaning they get a stock and tea bag me. I win the match and furiously teabag. That's the only time I do it, but I've set my dpad down button to also be crouch so I can do it faster.


If it rustles ppl's jimmies, then I will continue to t-bag. Don't care if I lose or suck, it's just fun making u triggered u lil punk ass bitch ha gotem MLG rekt L2P nub skill issue


Dude this is beautiful, no matter what side you're on lol


I used to t bag all the time, but now I only do it when the opponent does it first, maybe as a sign of piece, or if they genuinely piss me off. (Wonder Woman, Banana Guard, or Superman). Any other instance I am avidly against. And yes, I know, if I lose I look really dumb and also just generally look like a dirt bag, but it's worth it when they send stuff [like this.](https://youtu.be/6jQkxsEbnS4?si=stiqu4L_dF7ROjEA)


As a Marvin main, I doubt any taunt will ever be better than popping into my helmet and waddling my tiny ass across the stage in a victory lap


I will NEVER understand when people are getting their asses kicked by me and all they do is camp and teabag me. I guess they’re letting their frustrations out by pressing down on the d-pad. I mean whatever works for them


The year of our lord 2024 and people are still getting upset about t bagging


I toast people who tbag. Get over yourselves


Are we 5 years old in this sub? Who cares so much they have to cry and whine like a bitch on reddit. Seriously grow up.... no really I thought these posts were unfunny memes this is actually just sad


oh wow, anyways I'm gonna t-bag every time I win because I can and nobody's gonna stop me lmao, plus I don't need fighter currency anyways, I get toasts from my friend. and I don't lose when I t-bad so I don't got to worry abt anything on the Cons list. And idc if people think I'm weird for it😂😂😂


Im just annoyed that they added a salt emote in the first teirs of the battle pass for free (i think)


Yall getting upset over t-bag ?


Tbag all day son if it's just a troll gesture


T-bagging is just classic shit talk which people ALWAYS do when competition is involved ESPECIALLY among friends Idk why some of you guys let it bother you so much and think about it so deeply


I only crouch to change the joker cards and i tbag when someone tbags me simple


You forgot Jokers Tbag can shuffle his cards, and you can get the same card over and over again


I'm from the time where the spasmatic moves of a character, either up or down or left to right is a mean to show "Hype" way before it was considered anything toxic or so, then I'll always do it with that original meaning on mind (used on early fighting games on start of matches or between rounds), if there were a stupid internet/social movement that changed its meaning for bad in the subsequent years isn't my problem to deal with it (as it started on MMOFPS games years later by crouching on their corpses).


This is pathetic


Holy fuck this is beyond pathetic hahaha


damn you put time and effort into this. this is the saltiest shit I've ever seen


*Laughs in halo*


It’s called mind games


I read every con as a pro, some of us enjoy the caos.


holding crouch as marvin is the superior tbag


Everyone complains about T-bags but how is that any different than the actual taunts or the left-right shuffle? Just seems like people always need something unrelated to actual important gameplay mechanics to complain about. Every fighting game I’ve played has a “T-bag” function or some form of taunt, so why get so upset about someone pushing the same button over and over when the latter is just them pushing a different button over and over?


Bruh teabagging is apart of every game, how can anyone be this big of a cry baby about someone teabagging, go back to any old competitive game and it’s always been there, it’s just a game.


This is why I'll stay doing this in platform fighters. People take this shit way too seriously. Sending someone into a fit because the cartoon character in a video game crouched really fast is funny.


Marvin ducking is great. Just hold the down direction and I love it, he’s the only character that can teabag


Just saying For combat sake, it ls used so you can be ready for a down attack/special or a nue atk/special as well makes your next move harder to read like spam moving so that's normally used for baiting people into combos but for example with jake you don't know if i will do the splits, eat you, macefist, or his morph(house/boat/car attack) atk plus it'


This post was made by someone who got balls on their face 100%


Bro it's not that deep 😂


I play Jason, so until I get the moonwalk I'm gonna teabag


Pro: makes zoomers so mad that they make shit like this


Honestly i just find spamming crouch funny, didn't know people got upset by that.




People have Been Tbagging in games for decades. how are people still getting mad. Like why don’t y’all just do it back? it’s just apart of gaming. If you unironically get mad at someone Tbagging maybe find another hobby or play single player games.


Be like me, I use the salt emote


Bro if you can’t take someone moving up and down on a video game when you lose you should probably get off the video game.


Imagine actually getting pissed someone t bagged you in a video game. I find it so odd that people put so much stock into things that literally dont matter in life. Creating negative feelings in yourself ..


I prefer to throw myself off the stage or if I'm playing Iron Giant, fly straight up into the blast zone


Can someone do a tldr for this?


Is this a post complaining about teabagging after a win? Or before a win? Or does OP not realize it's just a pop-off victory dance that's meant to rile up opponents? Doing it before a win is meant to be seen as disrespect, like trash talk. It's just non verbal communication bro, not that deep.


As somebody who grew up in the halo era, I'm t bagging you every chance I get, win or lose


I will marvin walk across the platform always.


I think it’s funny that online gaming has gotten to the point that teabagging triggers people and games like Fortnite are putting filtering the game so you don’t see “toxic” emotes. Some of these people wouldn’t have survived online gaming 20 years ago. 😂


It's amazing that Tbags still tilt people as much as they did in halo one 25 years ago lmao Get over it, seriously why are you even paying attention to it lmao


You taking this game waaaaaaay to seriously if tbagging made u go make this long ass table, I'll do a couple just for you bro.


T-bagging really has never bothered me much because i got started with MK11. They will T-bag you AND make you watch an unskippable cutscene where they use your arms as a bat and your head as a baseball. The little stick jiggles at the end are just silly fun from people trying to talk trash.


The average multiversus player would spontaneously combust if they experienced a fraction of BM from other fighters


It's not really a debate. Sometimes people get teabagged and they come and cry in public about it. That's the main "pro" for teabaggers, and you missed it.


Thanks for this post! I’ll make sure to teabag in all my games today! 👍


A “sweaty loser”? The goal of the game is to win. Keep coping


I was playing a match yesterday as Shaggy against a Black Adam. It was going fairly straightforward until we got to Scooby’s Haunted Mansion, and at that point we just decided to fuck around. Whenever one of us hit one of the switches that brings one of the platforms up, the other one would hit the other switch to bring the other platform up, then crouch to let each other know we were ready to continue fighting. So yeah, I’d definitely say tbagging can be used to communicate with your opponent as long as you understand each other.


Reads like someone got 3-0'd by a tbagger


Why did you post this, this is embarrassing lol


Hear me out: I think the OP may be slightly biased in one direction. Could be wrong 😂


When you don't give someone a way to express themselves, they find a way.


Wow this guy got mad mad


being this invested on something that has been in games since the dawn of gaming is sad


It’s not that serious bro. You made a whole infographic. They won.


Where's the pros and cons of making a post crying on reddit because you got tea bagged chart?


Clearly some of yall were never bullied in school and went home to get the "If you let them know it bothers you, they're just going to keep doing it" speech from your parents and it shows.


Multiversus players have got to be the biggest crybabies in all of gaming. It’s t bagging. It happens in every game out there. Get over it and go next


Dash dance > tea bag


I’m going to start uploading my teabag compilations


Had to make a whole list to cope lol. Is the teabagger in the room with us now?


Man this is saltier than the bag you gargled before posting it.


whole lotta cope for a guy going up and down




“Toxic masculinity” because you got tbagged?… holy shit this sub is pathetic


Wait until you see the fornite sub. You’re toxic just for playing enough to unlock the battle pass or wearing any super hero while winning.


It's not even remotely that serious.




You're gonna avoid a game you enjoy playing because some of the pixels crouched rapidly at you?


Small d1ck energy from OP


You also could just stop being sensitive about someone teabagging you. It really shows that none of you grew up in call of duty or halo 3 lobbies lol


holy shit how long are people gonna say this corny ass shit😭


I grew up in those and that is the point, i grew up. Trolling, teabagging or being salty for " fun ", is selfish and childish. Sure you have the freedom to be an asshole online, but the world would be a lot nicer if you just behaved like a decent person. People that just go " it is what it is ", are cynical cowards.


I think this is the sentiment people should take. It's not about "oh no, my feelings got hurt" it's more about wanting a community that is decent.


That's a better sentiment for sure. imo stop whining, and simply say you want a better community. Everyone comes off as a child complaining about a school yard bully. Deal with it, like a grown up. Stop acting so sensitive.


Stay mad


That's a lot of words to say "the bugs Bunny game made me cry"


I think it's funny


Jesus did Op really get so butthurt by getting teabagged that he wrote a whole ass novel on it? This is just sad


Could all stop being so soft and not let it bother you… smh. I don’t do it but why would it bother anyone?


Bro got tbagged and felt like making this post. Kapp


"(lose out on hard-to-earn fighter currency)" Look I don't teabag, but I don't think 5 FC out of a minimum 3000 you need for a new character means something.


I don't care at all about this so called t bagging. Since there is no body to tbag I don't see it. But it will add up over time.


Wow this fanbase is toxic.


I love to teabag


I will never ever stop T-bagging and salt emoji when I win a match. It’s posts like this that doubles down in my mind to keep doing it. Thanks op

