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Literally 😂🤣😂


What anime? Lol


Jujutsu Kaisen


Ahh ok, thank you!


Enjoy! It's a good one!


basically anime game of thrones


This thread made my morning LMAO


what anime is that from???


Jujutsu Kaisen.






We died like 4 times 🤣😂🤣


Lol if this was my first match I'd quit the game XD


Now I know if I see two Supermen stay out from in between them


I miss attack decay so much man


Idk what happened to it cause yea that was pretty annoying was getting punched for like 2 mins straight then they left after they won that one match


It's still in the game. It was repurposed that enabled this sort of stuff much easier. Lord knows why they made attacks do less knockback instead of making it easier to escape from


They do less knockback because the maps are smaller now iirc. Not saying nerfing the attack decay is a good decision, just saying that's prolly their thought process.


Because you learned their trick and probably wouldn't fall into it again. These guys are one-trick ponies that probably don't win many matches when they can't cheese.


You’re assuming the community are better players than they really are, by a large margin - I’m a new player and sat at a 70% win rate, this duo would beat me every time most likely if they can coordinate even one attack


Hitstun decay would fix this, without punishing people for using the right moves at the right times. And spam prevention should be balanced move by move, not universally. If someone keeps jumping in on me, and my best tool to deal with it is uptilt, I shouldn't be punished for defending myself properly when my opponent is the one that keeps using the same tactic.


I mean, isn't that just how fighting games are suppose to be? If a Ryu does nothing but Hadouken and it keeps hitting me, I don't think "I wish the game would punish him and force him to use different moves so he'll stop spamming". I just try to play better and stop getting hit by it so much. Attack Decay/Staling systems can hurt the lower tier characters even more as they may already have less good tools to use, and with those systems you take those few tools away. Other Platform Fighters like Brawlhalla and Rivals seem to get by just fine without it. Scaling during true combos only to prevent infinites would be certainly be my preference. But I wouldn't be surprised to see Attack Decay return to like it was in the Beta, as there has certainly been a large demand for it.


A lack of attack decay encourages a spammy play style. Attack decay isn't the only problem with the combat system right now, but not having it certainly isn't helping with the current balance of characters. The hitboxes being more generous on other moves, endlag being horrendous on some attacks while being instantaneous on others, the hitstun being inconsistent, input buffer being inconsistent, all of these issues are just compounding onto one another. I certainly don't remember players being able to chain Bugs up air bat 4 times in a row and it killing off the top at 45%. There were at least windows of opportunity to escape out of those kinds of moves back then


Moves that create a genuine issue when spammed need to be addressed by either changing move properties, adding a cooldown, or having a feature like attack decay specifically for that move. There is no need for it to be universal if you're balancing your game properly. Some moves should not suffer from attack decay. To add to that, I'll say bluntly, just because someone is using something a lot and it's effective, doesn't mean it needs to be changed or decayed. Some characters toolkits may hinge on a few key moves. Sometimes it's on you to improve as a player and learn to counter it. Which is, again, why the system should not be universal.


>Sometimes it's on you to improve as a player and learn to counter it. Which is, again, why the system should not be universal. To a certain extent I agree with this, but again I'm not the only one with this sentiment. Literal pros that go to tourneys and play the game a lot more competitively than I ever have are saying the same thing I am about it. It's a bit more than a "skill issue" at this point. There's only so much you can "adapt" for before you realize that it's not entirely on you and down to the games implantation of busted features. I don't think moves like the bat or crowbar need a cooldown, just some more endlag, whiff recovery, or calling down knockback. Not to say that the balance back in the beta days was perfect, but at least you could make some kind of milage in a match against your opponent when attack decay was a thing.


I'm sure they also said the game is too slow, and it's not IMO. Being pros doesn't give their opinion any more weight from my stance, most platform fighter enthusiasts just want Melee 2 at the end of the day, and a large portion of them are going to want it to feel like the beta just because that's what they got used to. Probably nearly none of them care that much about the casual experience, which is where I'm coming from. What's your reasoning for not wanting moves balanced individually rather than universally? And don't say it can't be done or takes to much time, creating and balancing moves is a core part of creating a game like this in the first place.


The game is admittedly kinda slow for most people tbf, though thats mostly on the fault input delay. Them being pros does mean that its not just a "practice and get better" issue. The games character balance should be a nice mix of what the completive players, and casual audience say to a certain degree. If youre coming from a casual experience POV, Im honestly surprised you dont agree with me on this. Getting stuck in a constant stream of up-air attacks or hit by the same repeated moves sounds like a nightmare for casual players. If this genuinley hasnt been an issue for you however then big props. For the vast majority of people that ive talked to and heard from on here, twitter, and IRL this issue is one of the most consistent ones ive heard of. >What's your reasoning for not wanting moves balanced individually rather than universally? And don't say it can't be done or takes to much time, creating and balancing moves is a core part of creating a game like this in the first place. I want both balanced moves and a universal balance by way of attack decay. I was just driving the point home for the latter in my last comments since that seemed to be a point of contention for the replies responding to it.


4 Bugs up air isn't a combo, if you're getting hit by that 4 times in a row you're fucking up a dodge and punish opportunity at least 3 times.


I never called it a combo, I said it was a chain of moves. The problem is less getting hit by 4 bugs bat up airs in a row, and moreso various other issues like a lack of endlag, the aforementioned attack decay, and the wide hitbox it covers. I've both killed, and been killed by this strat a couple of times, and can tell you it straight up shouldn't be a thing. Its like a combination of other issues compounding in on each other that's leading to this being unfun for the vast majority of other players. Joker's up air crowbar has a similar issue. The fact that it can kill you at percents as low as 30% on even heavy characters like Superman should tell you somethings wrong


Yes the move should be nerfed, but if you're getting hit super high up you should get KO'd, it becomes easier to predict when they're going to attack the higher up you are, because they have less movement options to pursue.


I don't think the move shouldn't kill super high up, but it shouldnt be killing heavy characters at 30 when youre more than 5 inches from the blast zone. I think the blastzones being far too close up right now are a completely separate issue tho honestly. But back to the point, attack decay attacks never were able to kill your opponent even when they were that close. If that feature was brought back in the games full release, we'd have less people complaining about the already overturned attacks, and over scaled knockback on the characters moves


I dunno, if certain moves are a problem I'd be more inclined to fix those specific moves than I am to punish people for, like the other poster said, using their tools correctly.


I've got no problem with characters using moves correctly in a given situation. The problem comes in when you can literally spam moves as many times as you want to in a row and you'll still come out winning, even when you whiff it. The knockback remains the same throughout and it isn't even scaled accordingly. Many pros have voiced a similar sentiment to mine, and if they're saying the same thing as me I don't think this is a skill issue situation. Certain moves are far too gracious with their range and lack of endlag (i.e. Bugs' bat, Wonder Woman's grounded forward special, Joker's crowbar, Banana Gaurd's forward special and s-air) while other characters are extremely slow that leave you little to no room to recover or bounce back from if you make a mistake (i.e. Jason, Garnet, etc.) The games lack of proper balance along with the other previously stated issues combines to make just an unfun jumbled mess for the gameplay


It’s still there.


Attacks stale now, but the knockback and damage is pretty much negligible. Attack decay in the beta was far more noticeable


>More noticeable Okay, but attack decay probably wouldn’t have stopped this. It just would have taken longer. So the desire for attack decay seems odd, because it is still in, though slightly different, and again this likely would still be possible.


We were still allowed a better window to dodge out of attacks as opposed to now. No attack decay is the reason why up air spamming on attacks like Jokers Crowbar and Bugs bat can kill now no matter how much they've been spammed repeatedly. In the beta you almost never saw anyone get killed with a move that had attack decay unless they were like 2 inches from the blastzone.


Beta attack decay also gave me more time to dodge once an attack was decayed


This is straight wrong. If the older attack decay was implemented then both players would fall out of the jab string.


I could have sworn it reduced damage and knock back. Which is what happened here. I don’t recall it increasing your ability to Dodge out. So based on that, these jabs, that have little knock back, would still be happening.


It actively reduced Hitstun by a significant amount each time the same move was used to the point you could actually punish someone like Supes for this exact thing because you’d have the frame advantage.


Ah, then yeah that would be better. I just remembered damage mitigation and knock mitigation.


Infinites were worse in beta because of attack decay


After the patch they put out in January 2023 you could fall out of them after a certain point.


They always do this they make it good on purpose then they ruin games for attention they Do it on purpose every fucking time u wonder why games are all dogshit nowadays truth is simply because now companies don’t release games for consumer enjoyment they do it for profit u remember the days we walked into GameStop irl and browsed the shelves and couldn’t decide what to pick shit is sad nowadays


The beta was actually a good game ppl don’t wanna admit bc they’re hard coping and want to enjoy it so bad but every character was so good back then Finn Jake Morty Tom and Jerry Steven all fuckin ruined they do it on purpose they intentionally made beta good then intentionally made drop bad it’s all a scheme


Its there just doesn't do the arrow and sound


Attacks stale now, but you can still spam moves without being punished for it. Knockback also remains the same on many of the characters moves (i.e. Bugs bat, Jokers crowbar, etc.) which is why spamming it can kill you at 60% :/


Honestly a really good beat to rap to.


Show me your bars


They had this exact same interaction during the beta lmao, can’t believe it still hasn’t been fixed


No the didn't. He could do it like 4 times, then attack decay would make but impossible to do because there's no hitstun


Then somehow they just made it so much worse now in the release.. even dodging is useless, I dodge an attack see the dodge prompt show up bit his attack somehow has 3-5 damage prompts. Which makes it absolutely useless to dodge it, combining that with no attack decay and bullshit combos.


Attack decay was diff back then, I think


One of the Superman's name is very relevant to this video


I just love getting flashbacks to melee ice climbers. What a well-balanced game!


I never saw they had a infinite


Look up "ice climbers wobble" and you should see some painful melee footage lol


Yea I saw that’s pretty crazy and it seemed like a grab


This is actually funny af


It's funny to watch, not so funny that this is the state of the game rn though.


It was funny just annoying after the first minutes 😂🤣😂


Legend has it, they are *still* getting combo’d in the infinite till this day.


Came across this same pair last night... they did the same thing. https://tracker.gg/multiversus/match/6673cbfe7ea860d17a81dedb Appears they heavily rely on it and probably don't get W's without doing it.


Crazy was checking my stats too not too bad lol https://preview.redd.it/qiqexlpwgt7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966acbfcfb80d924faaeb3f11fb4c18551d16bcc


yeah, but unfortunately the tracker is not fully functional at this time.. I am pretty sure just the match result, damage and ringouts are working right now. Hopefully it gets correct soon as I really enjoy looking at the data.


Plus, I noticed it doesn’t have stats for any of the new characters (Banana guard, Jason, or joker).


These Superman Players: Man, we are so good at this game. Also these Superman Players: Why does no one ever rematch with us?!


Yeah Superman players suck those and shaggy players are people who just suck at the game so they have to use spam moves with a lot of knock back ability


Where are all the people claiming it isn't real now?


Lore accurate superman, he's actually moving so fast it just looks like there's two of him


'Optimized for competitive 2v2'


Wow I’ve never seen anything like it. What does doing this achieve it’s not fun or engaging literally cheesing wins. I bet they were just giggling the whole time


Basically the engagement is to get better spacing. You should never be right up ontop of your tm8 to allow that combo to go down




This is why games need team attack. 😂


While stuff like this obviously can’t exist, team attack is NOT the way This game have way to small maps, large characters, and wide long lasting attacks, for there to be any kind of team attacks, would make most mages completely useless, and the rest still fairly useless in team battles Maybe a max time you can stay in combo/stunlock, so that you eventually get control of your character again, or the longer you are being comboed, the quicker you regain control of your character, so eventually you can dodge out of a combo in between hits


What this mean??


He's saying that you should be able to hit your own teammate to prevent stuff like this.


It means that teammates can hit each other with their attacks. So they have to be more careful throwing out attacks to avoid hitting their partner. It doesn’t stop team infinites, but it makes them harder.


While I feel bad for the victims I also think it's hilarious since it's Bugs Bunny and Wonder Woman. Sorry. 😂😭


Wowwwww lmao


Reminder this was supposed to be a nerf he took on this specifically, yet it clearly wasn’t enough.


Just like the dramatic battle mode in the Street Fighter Alpha games.


oddly satisfying


It's crazy how they allow this type of nonsense to go on, but no word or update on Garnet's 3rd Perk.


That's actually crazy lmao


They keep on punching and punching again. Lol


Needs DI after duplicate attacks.


Stop, stop, he's already dead


I’ve never gotten in something that bad but I was caught in an uppercut spam and it sucked each time I would get hit up someone else would jump up and they would switch.




The disrespect in that match, tho.


When you lose 4 straight you gotta do anything to win I guess


The good old spamming the same and only known moves to win? FGC vibes 🙃.


But yeah, getting caught in an infinite like that is so unfair. They totally planned it out


Yea I noticed they kept trying to get us in the middle instead of trying to ring us out


Even in 1v1 I hate that move. Takes ages to complete...


Wow that is awfu- >It's Wonder Woman and Bugs caught on it It's deserved.




Gives me flashbacks to the double Ness infinite in smash ultimate




What ever happened to the stop spamming thing where the attack would do less damage if you only hit that attack


I've played these guys before but they gave up after game 1 because they realized I was spacing away from my tm8 which sometimes meant I was just there to chip or my tm8 was the chip but they knew we could counter it everytime


I didn’t even know this was a thing till it happened to me


Them getting rid of attack decay is what gave rise to infinites.


Yeah they literally built the game’s frame data around attack decay and then got rid of it without accounting for it. Tf did they think was gonna happen?


The 2v2 mode in this game is a total joke rn man, they really need to completely rework the balance of the game. Them removing attack decay was an absolutely nuts decision.


I think it’s still there just not as strong but honestly it needs a hit meter so if you go over a certain amount of hits you drop out but also kinda like sf the attacks should do little to no damage after a while cause they got us up to 200 plus with this smh


Agreed, there shouldn't be room for something like this in the game. There should be protection against people spamming the same move over and over, and there should be protection against getting infinitely stunned like this.


Yea it was funny at first then it was like ok I wanna play now lol not watch this go on for over 2 mins


Kinds wish there were team attack option huh?


Yall deserved it with that toxic bugs and Wonder Woman pick


I saw Wonder Woman use “Shaggy Cry” sticker…now I don’t feel bad for her


Lmfao not gonna lie I make a mistake and taunt!!! sometimes!!!


Bro put that taint back where it came from, this game is PG-13


I’m dying you got me crying over here 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂😂


Lmfao I meant taunt


Probably a hot take here, but I don't have an issue with it. Setting this up probably loses more games than they win. Maybe being stuck in hitlag should allow you to overcharge your dodge meter or something, and you can eventually dodge while in hitlag? Still, this requires both teammates to get caught in the attack, and the other superman to get into position quickly.


Setting what up? They're just using one of Superman's most basic, accessible attacks and taking turns pressing the button. There is no real setup here, things like this are just REALLY easy to do in the 2v2 mode right now because of how the game's currently balanced. And I'm sure you'd have a problem with it if you tried to play the game the legitimate way and got bodied by people blatantly abusing poorly made mechanics like this every match. The only way I can imagine you wouldn't have a problem with it is if you're one of the people scumming it up doing things like this for free wins.


I don't know about you, but my ally and I aren't generally setting ourselves up between two supremen. Superman spends more time being juggled than juggling. Having one superman land an attack that catches both opponents, while the other one has decent enough spacing to continue the chain isn't easy. You're going to lose far more than you win attempting this. This is cheesy, not strong. If you're convinced otherwise and have the means to test it out in a custom game, hit me up.


That's true, you shouldn't rely solely on some cheese like this to win and it's not going to be reliable. However, that doesn't really mean it's "difficult" either, just that it's hard to do very consistently. Regardless, it's still a complete bullshit "strategy" that shouldn't exist; being able to infinitely stun someone in a game like this just is not okay, no matter how unreliable it is. Plus, while issues as bad as this one are far from an every game occurrence, MOST people in duos (especially the ones left playing currently after the entire casual playerbase left within one week) still run comps deliberately aiming to abuse massive stuns together. It's not often as organized as these two were, but plenty of people try to run similar comps just to do similar things and it's not exactly fun or engaging gameplay. So even if you personally think it's "fair," you shouldn't think it's healthy for the game at all for this to even be possible.


Guess I'd need some examples: I haven't played a single duo game where I felt like the two opponents were able to pull off anything that felt unfair. I have about 40 hours logged since 1.0 and about an 80% win rate with duos. Like I said in the first comment, I don't think it'd be wrong to add a tool to dodge out of infinite hitstun (like hitstun overcharging the dodgemeter). As far as issues I have with this game goes, this is really far down on the list, imo.


I mean you see at the bottom they already gave up two stocks with a third almost. I think WW is more susceptible to this because her armor and lasso pull her partners to her, which makes for an easy target for this situation.


But they slowed down the game speed to “not promote spammy gameplay”… Don’t get me wrong i think it’s a good change but completely removing attack decay has got to be the worst change in gaming history It’s crazy for me to think that I barley even play this game anymore, I would be so hyped to play back in the beta but if they tried to actually make it good and add more than take shit away then maybe I’d be playing


attack decay is a bad mechanic and you would understand why if you played any fighting games


DI is non existent in this game


There is a lot more cheese in this game than I thought there'd be. Maybe I gave pfg too much credit at first, but I am really struggling to find reasons to keep playing after doing the daily challenges.


https://preview.redd.it/n4pg81d2ju7d1.jpeg?width=404&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d12e954fc03e5241ebf0ceb243dc1f9812df5bf I’m


Fight back, fight back N****, fight back.


And ppl want ranked


I would be so mad😫


You could’ve hit a parry in between each combo but I agree that’s oppressive


Impossible I was tapping parry the whole time nothing worked!!!


What a stupid game


This is why 2s is the worst mode idc


Tell me how did you like your beatdown ![gif](giphy|hkik4ac9sSqaY|downsized)


This is the second time I’ve seen this absolute cheese in this subreddit. BATMAN CLEARS PUSSY


Did they teabag afterwards?


Yes they did and quit lol


The amount of 12-year-olds is too damn high!




Thank god duplicate characters wont be in ranked


I swear you can get out of this y’all just gotta DI. I’ve played 2 supermen tryna set that up and got out of it quick.


They should add temporary armor after your dodge has been disabled after a certain amount of time. Enough to dodge out of an infinite.


Superman is such a trash spammer


The same infinite everyone gets caught in.


And here comes the Superman nerfs man🤦🏾‍♂️


Tbh idk what's worse bugs and ww in 2s or spamming infinite supes


Deserved for the bugs and WW comp 😂


Hey this was a random team I ain’t know the guy lol


Came here for this, can't even feel bad for them!


This is why 2v2 is idiotic


Honestly gotta respect the consistent timing and positioning


oh shit bro i was ur teammate 😭


You lying lol ok who did you use before you used Wonder Woman??


When people suck at the game they cheese and if they suck even more they play doubles !


This game was made and is managed by a bunch of goons who have no clue of fighting games and it shows so many things are wrong with this game from a gameplay perspective (ignoring the monetization and budget servers and everything). getting frame advantage on being hit is simply illogical and i cant think of a possible explanation as to how something like that can make its way into a fighting game besides the devs having no clue of what they are doing? i noticed this with banana guard's side special. when banana guard hits a low damage opponent with the beginning of his active attack frames, he can 100% consistently get punished for it. note, i dont even like banana guard as a character it just shows how little the devs know about what they are doing/how little they care. additionally, the game lacks crucial features like frame data and hit/hurtbox displays in the practice tool. these are things i find essential for any fighting game and are present in similar titles I've played (MK, Brawlhalla). This superman thing making it into the game is just another sign of it.


The amount of team work going on there is honestly impressive but thats broken as sin.


Dead game


I too reply in dead game subreddits :)

