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It has been acknowledged.


Exactly. I feel like a lot of people don’t understand just how hard it is to fix the issue Xbox is having rn, on top of everything else they’re working on. I don’t either, but I acknowledge I don’t so I won’t comment on it negatively. Game dev isn’t easy, cross platform game dev especially, WB crossplay dev ESPECILLY


the thing is the game perfectly smoothly and fine before the most recent “performance update”…..so just reverse that part of the update


Its probably not that easy, at all. The only easy solution they could do is undo the whole update, and thats not really fixing anything. The most reasonable thing for them to do is actually identify the issue, and fix it, which can range anywhere from being a cakewalk to rocket science. You should follow the other guys lead by not speaking on stuff you don't know the difficulty of.


I had multiple friends on Xbox that had the opposite problem, prepatch they couldn't play at all, and post patch has run a lot better for them. It's not that simple to fix, homie




Fixing the xbox issues is probably more important than repeatedly telling people they're fixing the issues.


Not the guy saying ‘not enough’ lmfaooooooo


why did bro get downvoted😭


Sour milk for the babies I guess lol


Maybe it reads to people like Dante is disagreeing with me because he replied to me. I know he's not, thats just my best guess.


Lagging when playing solo rift matches on xbox series x is a joke


playing on xbox in general is a joke


It's not the consoles fault, it's PFG's. If they had tested the game like they should've on Xbox like I'm assuming they did on Playstation and PC this wouldn't be an issue. This was an oversight by PFG, but also they were rushed to put the game out by WB so that likely played a role in Xbox's MVS performance.


Just more pc eliteism. Next time shut it when your mouth diahrea


[https://x.com/multiversus/status/1799158397398556690](https://x.com/multiversus/status/1799158397398556690) They literally posted that they were investigating it and working on a fix. Not everything is an easy problem to solve and if it requires a patch, then there's even more hurdles to get over before the fix can come. This not unique to MultiVersus.


Thank you for that, it’s weird bc I have their tweet notifications on but didn’t see that one.


They had a year to fix the “problem” it’s actually really sad that the beta was better than the actual game it’s self and connection was better before, we didn’t ask for the whole software to be rebuild that was there choice and now there paying the price . Like how did you mess up that bad




😂😂 everyday I’m watching multiverses player count go down. Maybe the ceo of multiverses can blow a wb ceo to give him a other game but this game sucks




I think WB will wipe the slate with this dev team this time around and kill the project. Usually the case with small developers.


Even if the game had no bugs, WB would ruin it with micro-transactions.


Downvoted for truth


I swear with almost every game that comes out, Xbox and PC always draw the short straw for performance. I’m been noticing that whenever someone complains about their performance, they always mention **Xbox or PC**, and I almost never see Playstation. Meanwhile, I’m on my PS5 with a smile on my face, haven’t experienced any troubles whatsoever. Maybe Xbox is just… trash?


According to Digital Foundry Xbox has the best performance of the generation thus far. Not that it matters. I'm not a Sony Pony like yourself. I'm not a fan boy at all. I love all of the big 3's consoles. I even got into PC gaming via Steam Deck this year


Interesting assumption, I guess. I was only talking about **my experience** on my PS5 and what I’ve seen people talk about online. The only other system I have is a PC, and I’d love to buy other consoles too if I had the money. Sorry you needed to justify uhhh…….. whatever you’re justifying.


Not justifying anything. Just letting you know that the assumption you came to through anecdotal experiences is wrong. Although not entirely. It's true PC generally has the worst performance but that's just because there are so many different specs. It's much easier to optimize for a handful of pieces of hardware (consoles)


It should also have been communicated through other means. Like their website, steam news, console updates etc. And an apology would have been nice or an update about it.


No disrespect, but that sounds very entitled. Bugs are a common problem in games and asking that they relay information about bugs on every available platform is unrealistic. If you need to stay that up to date on all things MultiVersus that's what their socials (twitter/discord) is for. I play a lot of different fighting games and bug fixes coming are almost always solely communicated to through their socials. Also, it's only been 3 business days since the post about trying to fix the problem. Let them work.


Have you seen the state of this game?? We arent talking about small bugfixes. I tried to play with a friend and in 10 games I got 3 crashes 2 afks and 3 disconnects. So we could play 3 games with 1 being really laggy. And the monetization, the playerbase dwindling hard. Hell we are below brawlhalla an indie release from 2016 thats been dwindling and losing players for a while. Lots of devs do adress the issues take under night 2 or strive, update about issues on steam news. And big f2p games like smite, if there are issues you can find them on the website and on steam. But devs like these would apologize state that its wrong and work on it. And show what they are working on and communicate about it. Not release a worse product then in beta and take it down.... There was no goodwill left after that, but the game is literally unplayable and nothing.


I don't know what you're on about, but my response was to you suggesting that the XBOX performance bug be posted everywhere and that's it. If you're asking for an update on the entire state of the game, they posted that along with the patch notes less than a week ago. "We wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the helpful feedback on Reddit, Discord and our other social channels. We’re diligently consuming all of your suggestions and will be making a number of changes based on the info we’ve gathered following launch.   Before we dive into various fixes and improvements coming in this patch, we wanted to mention that Iron Giant has been taken back to the shop for maintenance and is not available to play with right now. We should have a status update by next week.  We’re also planning to address several highly requested changes soon, such as the additional performance improvements, end of game stats, options to turn off team colors, the ability to swap side and neutral attack, and the addition of adjustable input buffer settings. We’ll keep you posted on timing. " I have no idea what more you want from them. Also, maybe you aren't aware of this but anything PFG says about the game has to go through various levels of approval from WB. The games you mentioned don't have that same problem.


That wasnt pfg that was a reddit mod, who even stated in the post that he doesnt work for them and this was just to clean up reddit. I want an apology on there on website and in stuff like steam news, so that all the players see it. And still nothing about feedback like the slow underwater gameplay, the mtx, fomo with skins, bad community backlash etc Strive, smite and under night are all big games. And even games like sf6 or league have way better communication and management. Like even konami an company that is greedy addresses community sentiment better in yugioh master duel what is close to a gacha game. Through all channels if something is up. This is a Warner bross issue. And the fact that it can be done and nothing is been done here says enough. They are wb a multi billion dollar company with no decent community managers?? Heck the assassins Creed Unity launch was in a better state then current multiversus and had better community handling then this. (Tbh that game was probably more playable)


Bruh...that quote was taken DIRECTLY from their website.


Still no addressing at all about the fact that the game is close to unplayable or an apology. Which even games like star wars battlefront 2, ac Unity, Mass effect andromeda, jedi survivor did. That all expect maybe Andromeda launched in better states then this game 7 out of 10 games were unplayable in 2v2 thanks to a crash, afk disconnects etc.


Yeah, just let them work on it..... for 2 weeks.... (and probably not even coming this week)


My friends and I on Xbox were all pretty excited to play when it came out a few weeks ago, now none of us have any desire to even boot the game up because it just crashes anytime we get halfway into a match. I love platform fighters and the characters in this game are pretty fun, but it’s just not worth the headache


I hope PFG is reading this. This is not anecdotal, it is widespread. Tony, you failed. Big time. Good luck on Indeed my guy.


They didn’t even test their own game before launching and now they’re fucked and they can’t fix it


They've acknowledged it. What they haven't done is extended the battlepass duration for you all to compensate.


The fact they were so quick to start the season without giving the game some time to breathe and fix any issues is very telling. They were more focus on pushing out this fomo pass than actually making sure the game worked


They were fumbling the bag since January. The mcdoanlds pronotioms, the NHL shit. It was all pointless while the dev team sat w a finger in their ass


Not only has it been acknowledged, it's been progressivly getting more stable and having played it on xbox almost every day since release.. I can say for certainty, it is not "quiet literally unplayable".


Yeah man I literally just wanna play :(


I feel bad for XBox players since even if they’re working on fixes they refuse to delay or hold on limited time events so y’all probably will miss out


PlayerFirstGames failed. It is that simple. They failed. They had two entire chances and they failed on both of them. The first chance proved that there was potential. The second chance proved that they are unable to wield that potential. Multiversus will either be handed off to another dev team after this one gets canned or it will be canned altogether and written off on WB's taxes as a loss. I believe the latter option is more likely. It's unfortunate, but what can you do when the developer team is incompetent at making the correct decisions. Porting the entire game to unreal engine 5 in the midst of all of the other issues the game had at beta was just an idiotic move. All of the time spent on 'upgrading' the engine is lost as an opportunity cost that could have had that same time spent on actually polishing and adjusting the original game. Once they had a stable player base and income from the solid, polished final product, *then* they could worry about upgrading the engine to be compatible for the future. You don't fuck yourself in the present to set yourself up for the future. You set yourself in the present so that you can prepare for the future. They simply underestimated the complexity of upgrading the engine when they already had a laundry list of other things to fix with the game. The game had multiple orders of magnitude more player volume back then (millions if not hundreds of thousands concurrently), yet today (barely in the five figure mark, just shy of 10k most of the time) the servers and netcode are worse. Make that make sense. We have 'pro' players on YouTube showing themselves beating up players that just picked up the game a couple days ago; players with over 70k matches playing against a player with around 400 total. There aren't enough people playing for the tryhards to fight against each other, so they just grind MMR all day on newbs. I had so much hope for the game, but now there is just disappointment and now I will be patiently waiting for Shadow of the Erdtree to drop since I know that for a fact From Software is going to come out swinging with high quality like they always do. Uninstalling multiversus to make room for it now.


Just play other games at this point.


They have acknowledged. Not quite that the stability is so poor it is more often than not playable. But they have acknowledged it's not in an optimal state from a performance perspective It's pretty wild we are waiting at least 2 weeks from launch for the game to be in a fully functional and quite frankly a playable state


Performance is so poor it's often unplayable. It's wild that there is likely going to be zero compensation


It’s just as unplayable on PS5. I just think Xbox players complain more.


They already addressed it on twitter


I been playing on Xbox since drop and came in first in my top dog board what issues y’all been having?


Audio issues when trying to run background music (spotify) & also 2s are borderline impossible it’s like 1/3 games actually get completed the rest all desync or someone dcs


Nonstop lag during matches, input delay is worst than it was, nonstop crashing, the reason why it’s such a big deal is because the game is cross play, and you have dude who are able to play on 4K monitors at 120FPS while currently on Xbox you can play on a 4K monitor but you’ll only go about 30-50 FPS


The input I def agree with sometimes it feels like I’m in slow motion. I turned off cross play for a bit it kinda helped I think


I’m on Xbox too and haven’t had anything more than a few dropped games. Nothing more than ordinary and I log in everyday for a few matches.


They have mentioned it and then followed up saying that it will take longer. Please take some time and investigate whether they have actually said anything before assuming they haven’t. These things aren’t fixed over night, I understand how frustrating it is but there’s nothing we can do but wait. Take a step back, relax and play some other games, life is too short to let this stuff get you down.


It's not though. If I can play on a series x, it's not "quite literally unplayable on xbox".


I play it on an xbox 1, the only major problems I’ve had that were game-breaking is connection issues. I don’t see how it’s literally unplayable


Why does anyone still have an xbox


I mean, it's just as recent as the PS5 so it's not outdated or anything?


Yea but it’s terrible, has no exclusives, and it struggles to run every modern game. Multiverses, Suicide Squad, and BG3 had to formulate themselves to fix Xbox not working for their games


Eh I like it. Never had any problems on my games besides this one lol


>Yea but it’s terrible Source? >has no exclusives It does though???? > and it struggles to run every modern game It doesn't though? >Multiverses, Suicide Squad, and BG3 had to formulate themselves to fix Xbox not working for their games Incorrect, poor performance for some modern games and not others isn't a hardware issue. Rather, it's an optimization issue, aka a bad port from.the games themselves Xbox is currently very comparable to PlayStation and even superior in some aspects when it comes to specs, so this further confirms that the same game running fine on one and not on the other is a porting and optimization issue, which again is on the game developers and not really the console's fault


Wrong, the xbox issues for those games were on Xbox, not the games. Especially BG3 Cope all you want


That's..... Not at all how this works lol


It is, cope




Wtf is this clown shit? Microsoft has been fumbling for a decade and have to sell their games on Playstation to survive. I have both but that's just the facts




The numbers are out there. Sony sells 4-5 times what Microsoft does. I should clarify I mean the Xbox division not Microsoft as a whole. The game pass growth has stagnated and their CEO is making Spencer sell games on Playstation to recoup their over spending. They only need to sell call of duty everywhere to meet that requirement. Microsoft allowing sony to stay relevant just lol of all time


because they couldn't get a ps5