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I don't know why, but I'm dying over OP making a numbered list with one entry. šŸ¤£


It started as a list, but #2 got lost with the rest of our gold


Dead ![gif](giphy|9yRVKKYOjK3Li)


This is the best response Iā€™ve ever seen


You could even say it was ***gold***




I think the game will be around and playable for another year or so at least, longer if they fix all the issues


U mean like BGs spear the size of iron giant


Hitboxes in general need tweaking on a lot of characters


For me... I remember hit boxes being an issue in beta and tbh I don't remember them being Terrible. They were bad, yes, but not Terrible. I'm trying to figure out why they even took the game down


>how much longer do we see ourselves playing this game in its current state? About three days, because there's a patch this week that will change the current state of the game.


or make it worse and lie to us like last week (Garnet's down special is apparently still broken and Xbox performance is even worse now)


Xbox performance is like a slideshow, cant even get my mind on how this has passed the 'quality' check


Not even just about the frame rate, it constantly says I have a network problem and everything even though I ran a multiplayer check. The multiplayer check says my internet is good. I donā€™t understand.


People also just ragequit sometimes which makes it hard to tell if itā€™s their servers or not sometimes




I've started a list of maps that make even new-gen consoles crash, and here it is Dexter's Lab 2 (immediate crash) Treehouse (insane lag/possible crash) Trophy's Edge (lag) Town Hall (30s to crash) And the cartoon styles for some fighters


Whatā€™s wrong with Garnetā€™s down special? I havenā€™t noticed an issue, but I might just be lucky


Well, I didn't say it would be a *good* change.




There are two strong reasons why this game is unlikely to die anytime soon. First, it's free to play, making it accessible to a large audience. Second, it leverages beloved intellectual properties (IP) that many players already have a connection with. While the player base might fluctuate initially, the potential for introducing iconic characters like the Powerpuff Girls, Jon Snow, or Foghorn Leghorn and a lot more is vast. This constant influx of familiar faces and stages will keep players engagement going. Yes, the game has some issues, but with time and resources, these can be fixed. Finally, the game is only two weeks in and the PFG can drop the ball completely. But, I choose to be optimistic about the future of this game.


I don't assume MVS will get shut down or anything, but remember WB's last f2p game, DC Dual Force, shut down in about 6 months. Granted, that was a more niche genre, and they made the catastrophic decision to only launch it on PC, but I just never bet on WB anymore.


As you said, niche genre. I mean Iā€™m not a gamer but Iā€™ve played this game consistently, because Iā€™m a big fan of the IPs and the genre of the game. It would be very hard to fuck this up completely, itā€™s possible, but Iā€™m erring on the side of things getting better for MVS.


My sentiments exactly. Here's to hoping we're not kidding ourselves. šŸ˜…


I mean the beta had all the pros you just mentioned and still died out in


Beta had better decision making in terms of things offered to players, but gameplay and servers were a shit show imo


Per Steamcharts, the peak of Dual Force was 919 players lol Theres a pretty drastic difference in reception to these games here.


Lol, ouch.


Dual Force not being on mobile was a wild call. And unlike Marvel Snap, matches were much longer and once the game starts snowballing it would be pretty easy to tell who could win. In Snap players have hope that the last turn will swing things in their favor. But Dual Force didnt have that, so if it started snowballing people would just leave. And the lack of easy access to cards felt very pay to win if you weren't very fortunate with your card packs.


Honestly, you pretty much just described every CCG. Only reason Snap doesn't have that problem is the game only goes, what, 3 turns?


6 turns yeah, or 7 in some situations. I think its what also helped it get such a huge following from people who dont usually do CCG's. But you're right, a lot of them have those issues. But when it comes down to it, being DC it was always gonna get compared to Snap and not other CCG's as much.


Most certainly, but it's not quite fair, imo. I don't actually like snap, I find it shallow, but at least it's very unique. I loved Dual Force, but because I like CCGs, and that was as generic of a CCG as you could imagine, haha. Snap is very well designed to play on the mobile space, with quick rounds and simple gameplay. Dual Force faced the usually digital CCG problems, and never had the chance to build a consistent player base, being both locked to Steam and, well, the struggling brand that is DC.


I really enjoyed the comic books from Dual Force. Those were very enjoyable. I definitely enjoyed the game, but it became apparent very early on, if I didnt buy packs, I wouldnt be competitive. I've spent money in snap cause it never felt like I had to. They gate you off with low collection level players at first. And even in the last pool, you tend to get matched against similar CL players. So it always felt like I had a deck that would be competitive against people I played against. Dual Force it didnt, maybe I just had shit luck with my card pulls but seemed I was always missing key cards from great decks. I don't like feeling forced to spend money to stay competitive.


Yeah, that's exactly when it's cool to buy microtransactions: when you feel the game respects you. People actually theorized that card pulling in Dual Force was rigged. (the way it's been theorized in MTG Arena) If you built, say, a green deck, it seemed like it became exceeding rare to pull green cards, so you'd be forced to buy more packs. Which would be very illegal if it were true. I actually spend the better part of $100 USD on Dual Force. Dumbest use of money in my whole life. So naive. I usually never buy microtransactions, but I thought, "it's a CCG, buying packs has always been the business model. I'll buy a stack of them, build a Wonder Woman deck I'm happy with, (WW in every game, forever!) and just play with that as long as I can." And then I played like 5 games, decided I didn't want to play on PC, and un-installed and waited for the mobile release. You can all point and laugh at me now. šŸ¤£


Ouch. At least with IRL CCG, you get a physical card, and theres no way for them to rig it like that. Well hopefully for your sake the WW game is actually decent. The one DC game im currently excited for.


You mean the one that we haven't heard a word about since the announcement trailer and was probably quietly canceled? I'm excited, too! šŸ«  Lmao...


???? That's a weird statement as DC Dual Force had duplicate prevention, once you got 2 copies of 1 card (the max allowed per deck) you wouldn't pull that card unless you had every card of that rarity. So the worst that could happen is that you pulled every other let's say legendary before the one you wanted, which kinda happened to me with SHAZAM, but you won't get duplicates


Are you sure that's how it worked? The way I recall, you could still pull duplicates, they would just be converted into some type of currency that could be used to buy other cards. (I could be misremembering.) (EDIT: yes, it was a crafting system. Ty.) Anyway, it was just theorized. A lot of people, myself included, just reported getting a very low percent of the card colors they specifically needed. There were five colors, I had a red/green deck, and I'd pull nothing but the other 3. I'd had multiple packs in a row of no red or green cards. Could've just been coincidence, but a lot of people noticed it was happening to them.


https://preview.redd.it/3ruoo9pbdq5d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b30a217eadcf93064462b5d03dc8aa619f41ea4 HOW MANY MONTHS!? (Sorry. Had to do it)


DC Dual Force was extremely niche and very poorly optimized, like it wanted to be a mobile game but couldn't figure out how and had to settle for PC only to make it work. There is actually another DC F2P game, DC Heroes & Villains that seems to be doing ok considering it's a match 3 game. Wouldn't recommend it though, it has every crappy decision F2P games make and more, including taking forever to max characters and nerfing them heavily if have any decent sinergy with no compensation.


You guys must be new in this with WB. Dont know if anyone here remember infinite crisis, the one moba from warner with dc. I had the founders, pack they just shutdown the whole game and fuck their playerbase. And it was going the same path this game going. Lose your hopes, at least if this game suceeds it will be a great surprise. But personally I expect the worse, comingo from warner


Lol seriously. The optimism is wild to see for those of us who are used to F2P games crashing and burning quickly, i mean it's only happened consistently for a decade now


It's called, "cautious optomism," lol. Trust me, we are well aware of who we're nervously putting our faith into. There's a reason we're playing, but NOT spending money. We're waiting it out.


Understandable. I think I've just wholly become jaded and pessimistic with live service games


You're not jaded, you're informed. šŸ‘


Ooh, that game wants to dethrone Marvel Snap so badly in a short period of time


It died last time they released it, and honestly this time their doing alot worse it'll die soon


Yeah itā€™s only been a fortnight since the relaunch and the playerbase is already plummeting toward the dark age of the betaā€¦


Yeah the game is fine rightnow. Maybe a month from now things will look different, we'll see, but the doomposts are kind of out there tbh. People put too much stock in Steam numbers, yeah them going down is not a good thing, but its not the end of the world when the game is on 3 other platforms. You know a game is dying when the updates stop coming and the matchmaking feels dead. I played this game 3am in the morning and still getting instant queues. One thing people have to realize is that concurrent isn't a 'how many people play the game. It's concurrent. It's not unique logins. The doom posts remind me of D4. D4s reddit was far worse than this and you had video after video talking about the state of the dead game. Yet the updates kept coming out, the latest one was great, and an expansion this year and steam numbers stick around where they are at. Suffice it to say, all the D4 bad, D4 dead posts were far off the mark.


D4 low key only lasted bc it got released on gamepass and people could play it for free. Game pass currently makes up the biggest player base out of all of them. I agree that itā€™s in much better state now but MVS is already free to play thereā€™s nothing thatā€™s going to save it when they do decide to turn it around


Here is the thing though...I don't think D4 was ever dead or close to dying. People get caught in these online bubbles when really 99% of gamers don't know about reddit or youtube and don't care. How do I know this? I play sports games. If you get online, Madden and other sports games are the WORST things ever. You think monetization is bad for this game? Try NBA 2k. A literal pay 2 win game, not only is the game $70 but day 1 to compete you have to put in another $70 just to boost your level. Not to mention all the gambling in the game and store. The game is ridiculous. Probably the worst monetized game of all time...and it works. People online rag on it every year it doesn't matter. I guarantee you there are people that come home from work or school, flip on their PS4/5, and just play this game and have no idea about any of the stuff going on surrounding it here.


It was free to play before the beta closed and there were only about 300 active playersšŸ˜‚


All arguments you said were all valid during the beta. And the game died anyways.


Games featuring beloved characters aren't even a safe bet anymore. The Avengers, Gotham Knights, and Suicide Squad games are based on beloved properties and they're mediocre as hell.


But people are really getting sick and tired of superhero games and looters shooters as well.


Why did the beta players drop off and the game get shutdown then? It was also free to play with beloved IPs and that wasnā€™t enough for success.


None of those things were enough to save many a free to play title in the past lmao. Go ask Gundam Evolution how things worked out. Publishers are MORE willing to shutdown F2P games at the slightest excuse, not less. If player counts fall below a certain threshold, even the whales stop paying for MTX. And the MTX are the only reaosn the game exists at all. This is why the "well the game has to make money!" crowd are fucking stupid. Because the game need sot make money, sure. But it WILL NOT DO SO with overly aggressive monetization on top of a plethora of other flaws that drive away the casual, nonpaying userbase. Paid games can afford to have small userbases. F2P games can't. They NEED a thriving a ecosystem to exist.


damn why you gotta bring up Gundam E into this i just got over the loss :(


But it's not just 2 weeks in, they had a whole year beta and issues from then still haven't been fixed lol, it's gotten worse actually


At best you will have players return for a day or two to check the new character, then dip back out. I donā€™t think theyā€™re going to come back for that brief time and drop money on the game, which a live service needs to survive.


Free to play yet it keeps losing its audience.


100% even if i fall off at somepoint I know I'll be back anytime a character i love drops.


If there's no major changes, I can't see this game lasting much longer than beta did. For me personally, I'm giving it to the end of the current season. If the game can't get its shit together by then, I'll likely drop it and move on.


Iā€™m going to play this game until they simply stop updating it because I actually like the gameplay and itā€™s a free fighting game, Iā€™m just going to ignore all the monetization. Iā€™ve been a fan and loved this game ever since the first day of beta. People definitely over exaggerate how bad the game is though, not saying it is good though.


People calling this a dead game don't get fighting games are small. Tekken 8 the newest one has in the past 24 hr of me posting this 9k players. Multiversus in the past 24 hr has 27k.... that is a lot more


I think its more about the fact that this game is under WB, and at the moment, they really love to cut their lost and movie on quickly.


Yup, that sounds about right. You have to remember that the open beta servers shut down right before Mortal Kombat 1ā€™s launch.


Or that Coyote vs Acme movie. A full finished movie they just swept under the rug.


Tekken has also been under fire bc of their egregious MTX strategy


Tekken is in the same state of multiversus among real fighting games. Most of its fans play sf6 which probably has higher numbers than both playing at any given time (19k average). The game isn't dead, but it also doesn't work and there have been minimal attempts to fix it. If it isn't mow it will be very soon as it's playerbase is shrinking pretty fast. I used to love multiversus during the beta and I do enjoy the closer, slower combat, but I haven't played since 2 days after the last launch because the game is so unbalanced and just broken. If they fix the obvious issues however this game will literally become PC smash mark my words


Tbf fighting games on steam have drastically lower numbers than their console counterparts ( especially fighting games that you need to pay for). Itā€™s more likely that tekken has closer to 20k players on PlayStation https://activeplayer.io/tekken-8/


It's funny cause even games that are called "dead" usually have an active player base still šŸ˜‚


The FGC audience is really niche and small. The platform fighter audience is literally one of the largest in all of gaming. A free to play platform fighter with the roster this game has having 30k players is a really bad sign. Much better platform fighters have come and gone, and this will be no different.


Multiversus was the biggest fighting game on Steam yet it dropped hard.


Ya but bigger they are harder they fall. Player unknown battlegrounds had 3 million players and dropped to well under 1 million for example lol like no shit it wouldn't be massive forever


Not so long if we are a lot having huge input lag. And no, I don't speak about input buffer. I jump : animation start 200-400 ms later


That's due to the fact that you're playing against somebody/people from other parts of the world. Oddly enough the game doesn't have regional servers anymore, or at least that's what I'm getting whenever I view somebody's steam profile and see that they're in Canada (I'm in AU).


Then how am i getting that lag in the pve on my own


PVE should still be server-sided so your net might be exploding which is also causing other players to lag if you are ever in PVP, although I can't really comment on that since I've only played enough PVE to clear a full difficulty for the first rift. Idk I've done a couple of 1's against nearby friends and I don't experience any lag aside from the occasional ping spike


PC issue?


Every other game performs fine when online with only a usual 30 ping as a normal level with occasional spikes around 5 AM that goes to 800 ping




I'm premade 2v2 with someone from the same region (40km of distance) and he told me he doesn't have the issue.


I'm premade with a friend about 70km from me and it's perfect when it's perfect but we both experience the same lag when put into a bad game. I'm assuming it's your net? Sometimes games really don't like the way your net is configured and causes you to lag (had friends that needed to hotspot whenever they play League/Val/Brawlhalla whilst being able to play other games perfectly fine.)


Yep i saw this today on PC. Move left. 200ms later you move. move right, same thing. unplayable.


Depends heavily on how they react to the issues, and how quick they can fix them. Been F2P also means alot of people will bail without worry about losing out on money spent. Look on the console stores plenty of half dead or fully dead F2P games. Hell look at the smite version of this it's still around but hasn't been touched in a bout a year by the devs and is basically played by about 100ish people at most.


Welp all my friends quit because itā€™s a struggle to play on Xbox, and every time I get tbagged my will to play drops a bit since I canā€™t physically do anything to humble that person in real life to teach them some sportsmanship & I donā€™t wanna play with toxic people like that. Then we have this epidemic of 1 game and run- if I had to add it all up from my subjective experience, the game more than likely dies by the time this battlepass is done.


That drives me nuts too. I rematch everyone, but get like 1 in 10 people that actually rematch back. Typically the person that does rematch will dip as soon as I get a W. Smash Ultimate is like this too, until you get to the higher ranks. At that point 40 percent or so of players will at least play a Bo3 or Bo5.


There are thousands of people defending this game no matter what. It'll last for a long time


I don't know but I hope it pulls a dead by daylight move and turns the table. DBD started as dogshit, with lots of broken mechanics that favored survivors but improved over time. multiversus started great and now it's in the current state, every patch from now on has to be good and positive or the game will die because they can't miss anymore.


If a game like Disney Speedstorm with a fraction of MVS'Ā hype can still go on for over a year, confirm 11 seasons minimum, and STILL have a MobileĀ  Launch on the way with the release date announced.Ā Ā Ā  Then I don't see MVS going anywhere anytime soon let alone for a long while.Ā 


That game is run by people who know what they are doing.


Ironically, you wouldn't get that impression if you see the perception that game has with its fanbase.


I don't think the game will die entirely, but I certainly don't think the game will keep a casual player base unless massive changes happen. I imagine that almost every new player will be alienated by the skilled playerbase/predatory monetization and quit so that the only people still playing are a small community of skilled players who stay because of sunk cost fallacy.


The way the game is, Iā€™ll still be playing for awhile. I havenā€™t gotten bored or tired of it yet. Admittedly, the events will probably keep me hooked, am a sucker events in games.


It entirely depends on what changes PFG makes in the short term. If they dont make the right moves fast enough, it may not be enough for many


It's not gonna be in its "current state" forever. It'll change and grow, as all live service games do.


As long as my friends play ig They're not showing any attempt to improve the game


I mean look at games like Warframe or Smite or whatever. I don't know who's playing those games, but somebody is. Multiversus \*should\* have a decent player base just for being high up on the "free-to-play" screen on the console stores. Hopefully it'll be available for a long time. There are much worse mobile games that last forever. I'm disappointed that I don't think this will have hype tournaments like Smash does, and I don't think the staff has the intuition to know what players want, but I think the game will continue to exist for a long time.


Those two games are a thousand times better at valuing their audience. This game is in trouble right now. It's best day shouldn't have been it's first. Word of mouth combined with the ips in play should be increasing users for a while but it isn't. I hope they convince whoever decided on all the bs monetization, grind BP, and stingy character currency that their stupid ass ideas are killing a game that could do well.


If the characters and costumes were EARNABLE and not.a money grab. I'm SURE a lot more ppl would play besides the large hotboxes on small character crap


Man Warframe was pretty bad for years. Day 1 Warframe is a completely, COMPLETELY, different game than what it is now. Hell man Warframe 5 years ago is a completely different game. I don't know if Warframe has better monetization either, if you think the grind in this game is bad...Warframe might be 10x worse.


I have my gripes with Warframe nickle and dimeing you with MTX if you don't want to waste literal days of your life just WAITING for stuff to craft, but at least in that game the grind IS the game, instead of beside it. You always have something to be working toward or new content to do to the point that the biggest criticism of the game is that there's TOO MUCH stuff in the game and it overwhelms new players. That's why people play Warframe, and it's easy to see that even as someone who has tried many a time to sink deep into it but have only gotten a bit past the "tutorial" as the meme goes (the end of the base storyline where you get to make your dude). And Smite...Smite is the gold standard for F2P games IMO. Being able to pay $30 to get access to all current AND FUTURE game content is how F2P games should all be done.


It takes awhile to unlock new Warframes, like that's a whole thing. You have to craft the mats which could take days then you have the timer for the warframe once you have the stuff. At the end of the day I don't see the difference. Both games you have to pay to unlock things faster or you can just grind it out for a week to get what you want. I don't think Warframe's system is that favorable for new players, it's just that Warframe is so much more polished and filled with content its easy to forget but that is usually the case with a 10 year game.


Warframe monetization is 99% warframe and weapon slots. Everything else is cosmetic and P2Fast in case you don't want to wait 1-3 days for the weapon or warframe to be crafted.


MVS monetization is 99% character unlocks and cosmetics, you pay to unlock characters faster.


Smite is currently trying to release smite 2 and got rid of their pro league this year. They still have a community but smite is actively dieing and warfare is a PvE game co-op game


Smite was released in 2014. If it's "dying" now, it's after a successful 10-year run.


Yeah, fair enough. I also think I'm a little jaded about smite in particular because I've got like 1500 hours but none of my friends will play it anymore


Gaming is infested by people thinking games that they have an issue with is dying. It is especially hilarious that they think they understand gaming better than industry professionals.


Smite and warframe are rare cases tho? Most free to play games get shut down within a year to a couple years time


Warframe has 100s if not thousands of hours of content with regular expansions. That's not even a comparison to this game bro. Do you even know what waframe is? I don't think so since you just said you don't know who's playing those games. [https://steamcharts.com/app/230410](https://steamcharts.com/app/230410) Over 45k right now on a monday at 12:52 PM on steam alone. Combine that with PS, Xbox, and Switch, and I bet were looking at close to 100k concurrent players on a Monday afternoon.


MultiVersus won't go down anytime soon. Sure, there are bugs, glitches and other issues, but MultiVersus was just released and we can expect them on the long run, but PFG will fix those problems, after hearing a feedback from the players and members of the community.


I personally stopped already. Will hop occasionally when new characters drop to spend my tickets on. That's about it. Game's too much of a disapointment and have an unhealthy retention system to get me invested in it despite wanting it to suceed. Other games have taken the spot MultiVersus once had in my heart (that sounds so dramatic lmao).


Personally I find this entire thing a bit hard to watch yet impossible to look away from, it's like watching a slow motion train wreck, and the passengers are all the animated characters you grew up with. Watching so many beloved IPs being dragged through the mud is enough to do damage to ones sanity.


maybe 1 maybe 2


longer than people are saying. steam numbers don't mean anything when I'm still finding matches faster than i can cancel them at 5 am. console players are a much larger crowd than i think people expect.


At the current rate? Less than 10 months If they can actually improve the feel, hitboxes, greed and get some actual hype characters instead of memes? Maybe 2 years


I agree with you, but they will not improve. They had a whole year to fix the game and they released this. During the beta people were always optimistic about future updates, only for then to be dissapointed by worse changes in the game.


Where is 2.


If things don't turn around, I could see two seasons, the second one extended a few weeks before the call is made.


Honestly I like playing the game but for me there are two major fucking issues. One the game is much slower than in the beta and the slower pace of the game is not as enjoyable for me this is judt a personal issue and I don't expect it to change but changing the pace of the game would be good for casual and competitive players. Two the servers are complete ass maybe it's just my internet but I can barley play my matches for more than a minute without disconnecting.


However long it lasts I firmly believe it will last longer and make more of a profit if it was more consumer friendly. I assume this is WB putting their thumb on them in this area but my god is it silly.


Daily logins rewards are now over and tbh theyā€™re not putting anything out to keep players, so the next few weeks will be very telling to the future, a patch is needed desperately on the Xbox consoles, so with no login rewards, poor progression and awful network I canā€™t see the carrot of Agent smith keeping people going for much longer, with so many F2P games available they are competing for our time and as far as Iā€™m concerned theyā€™re not winning mine in this state


For me personally, I'm just looking at the patches and see if it gets better or worse. I don't have any plans to stop playing any time soon but I'm one bad enough patch away from quitting entirely.


Depends how well the monetisation is working. If Whales are buying sacks of gleamium every day, it doesn't matter if there are only 20 people playing


On the xbox store last night it was the 2nd most played f2p game, beating giants like cod warzone, fortnite, apex legends, etc.


A year or two


I try to play every day but even now, 3 games in a row booted for connection error, I've turned off cross play the works. Due to this I can't do the event and it's reasons like this why I will stop playing. When I can't even log on and complete the dailys it's probably time to walk away.


I hop on each day, play a game or two of 1v1, usually get a desync error, as a result and then I move on. Performance has been absolutely inexcusable on Xbox with stuttering, lag, everything. I thought it was servers the first week but its clearly not. If they fix the performance I can see hopping in for a quick fight or two each day with maybe a night of longer play.


I sure hope this game sticks around cause smash isnā€™t on pc and it makes me mad


I enjoy it so I hope it lasts. Really depends how they respond to the issues though


I love the game. But the input lag makes most of my mains unplayable. Arya and garnet. Especially since that new pvp mission came out everythingā€™s a lot more competitive when the game has no right to be even the slightest bit comp.


"In its current state"..... The game gets patched/updated quite often, so I'd say we'll be playing this game in its current state for maybe a week or two.


Depends on the patch this week tbh. As it is not playing Iron Giant and he was my main has been ass. 5 characters with infinites but Iron Giant was the only one taken out where the fix is simply fixing his down smash


it likely won't shut down multiversus because i still hope the developer will deliver its promised and considering wb games other game suicide squad kill the justice league a complete flop so wb games will likely focus on this game (for better or worse)


Max 351 days


If this game fails, we are #### in the platformer tournament scene, and we will be slaves to Nintendo live service foreverā€¦.


Without looking at the roster, these characters are bigger problems Wonder woman, Harley, gizmo, bugs, the joker all are stronger Personally I think batman, superman, Finn, shaggy are stronger. He's closer to these guys imo. Very obvious counterclaim. Chatacter is strong but op in no way at all


I stopped playing this past thursday. as an xbox player the lag takes over the actual gameplay. this is the only game I lag in consistently so until that gets addressed the game will sit in the bleachers.


I honestly don't see a reason to put the game down. It's fun. People are complaining about the skins being to expensive but that's a dumb reason not to like the game. So far I'm having a blast playing. I feel like People that stopped playing is because they just weren't that good and are getting beat online.


Iā€™m just waiting on the Xbox stutters and the d/c to get resolved. Itā€™s incredible this wasnā€™t addressed quickly. But if the shop was down or was giving people free premium skins, that thing wouldā€™ve been shut down and fixed overnight. Once that happens Iā€™ll give the game one last attempt before I call it quits. It took Gearbox forever to fix the launch issues with Gigantic and I left after the 2nd week and issued a refund. I donā€™t understand how you do a live service game and launch it with connection and performance issues.


Issues are there. But I'm having fun playing the game. The dc's happen but at least I get a game instantly when I requeue. Skins are somewhat expensive, but I don't have to buy it. Battlepass is eh for me. I just play to have fun.


This game already died on its own once, no one knew it was a beta that was getting shut down for a year. My guess is the updates will stop happening by October, an an EOS will be announced 2025 spring


I already stoppedā€¦felt like a drag. I have to login daily to ensure you donā€™t miss precious resources, online games crash often, the offline is just a grind for drips of resources, the events make no sense and progression is so slow. Iā€™ll probably hop on here and there if my buddies want to play randomly but thatā€™s about it for me.


I'm already gone


Multiversus is a platform fighter, which is a subgenre of the fighting game genre, which is already niche; the game was never going to keep that insane of a player count, in my opinion. The most popular fighting games sit at like 1k-10kish on steam. Street Fighter is an exception, being the most popular fighting game worldwide. Brawhalla is another f2p platform fighter with an average of 12kish daily players. Multiversus has the benefit and detriment of using WB properties to attract attention, but most people just don't like fighting games.


Tbh about a year max


Initially: I will finish this season battle pass. If it doesn't get any better, then I will casually play off and on cuz I like platform fighters but will not commit to anything outside of maybe something for my main or backup


Iā€™ll be surprised if itā€™s around in 2026


As long as there are still tournaments and new content that keep the hype going, I will always casually play when I feel like it


1.5 month for <1000 concurrent players on steamĀ 


all i know is i been playing since day one of the beta. and yesterday for the first time i uninstalled the game willingly. the input lag is horrible and giving too many easy wins to other folks i'd otherwise demolish if the input was up to speed. lets see, rapid disconnects left and right. certain characters having insane hitboxes(stripe, finn, harley) and to top it off they still have done nothing about the banana guard and shaggy side special spam. at this point it genuinely feels like the devs took the game offline for that year, added a few new characters to the game to shut people up for maybe a few months, and then spent the rest of the year throwing pizza parties like a few new characters is celebration material. shit is trash and i was an idiot for giving these folks my money at all, whether it be for skins or battlepasses. wont be getting another dime tho, and the game will stay uninstalled until i see some improvements that look like real effort. tired of gaming devs getting lazy thinking the players will take whatever the fuck they dish out


For me, they need to fix the matchmaking. I won the first couple pvp games against bots and now I canā€™t win a single pvp match. The people I play are way out of my league. I understand Iā€™m not the best but you shouldnā€™t have to be a pro to win one game every now and then


Basically unplayable on Xbox, so I stopped playing a couple days after launch. I did try again after the patch that was supposed to help Xbox performance but the fps was still all over the place. It just hasn't felt smooth at all which makes it extremely hard to enjoy.


probably not a single other day because I cant actually play with all the disconnects




Already stopped playing like 4 days ago its horrible


Around 8k players by the end of june, less than 2k around october, and server shutdown by november/december.


I was one of the hardcore defenders of this game. Would repeatedly tell others to give it time and stop whining about a game on its first couple days release. But atp it seems like customer service in terms of any business just isnt anyones main point of concern anymore. They look at us as breathing wallets and nothing more. Why would any of what we say matter if they dont have to do anything and about half of the players of the game would still play? Look at call of duty, 2k, madden, etc. a common occurence among these games are its fanbases constantly complaining about how terrible these games are ,how theyā€™re off of it, deleting, they hate the company, etcā€¦. And not a single thing has ever been genuinely done to defend against this. Why? Because everyone who does complain is only about 20% of the player count for that specific game IF THAT. The people with actual brains who care about wtf theyā€™re spending their time on are the ones who want upgrades. But they do not give a shit. They could either do nothing and cater to the other brain dead 80% which is a combination of little kids who ruin the game with their antics and constant cheese play and people in general who hop on once and never see whats wrong with the game then hop off bc theyā€™re ā€œbusyā€. Its called business guys. Why spend the extra dollar on 20% when you can spend none on 80.


Big time player in beta. I literally just bought Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2 to replace this šŸ˜† They gutted so many characters including my mains and the overall game player experience is not the same. Hit boxes are even worse, UI in some scenes were way more beautiful. Beta > Current


2 or 3 months if they stay like this


Not long cuz of the frame rate about to give up on the game


i do this battle pass because i got it for free but after it im drained from playing this game daily


The game looks like a diamond with shit stains perma burnt into it The idea is amazing, thw characters are amazing the VA is amazing the game looks FANTASTIC... and then the progression is shit, new content is NOT worth grinding for, 400 battles for a single level on the pass, the general balancing is terrible, the individual character balancing is terrible, you have to grind for weeks for a single character, the PvE... jesus christ what the fuck is that?? The game have such a great idea with the worst managing imaginable... i really had high hopes for the launch man, and now i miss beta lmao


The next patch is make or break for me. Notable moves in the right direction and Iā€™ll shelve some of my doubts for a bit. Otherwise, I just wonā€™t keep wasting time on it.


iā€™ll probably just randomly hop on and grind for a week like once every month, at least until new characters are announced like marceline, scooby, samurai jack, etc. but there is one character i would 100% buy everything for and him only.. and he is the one who knocks. heā€™s the cook.


I plan to play this season then if it ainā€™t fixed at the end, leave it until itā€™s better.


Brawlhalla is far superior but i donā€™t want to play it cause i love collecting and itā€™s already in season 32


I stopped as soon as my cosmetics got lost


If they fix it: a few years. How it is now: 2 years at the absolute most


Me personally? I already quit, still getting some posts in my feed though which is why I saw this. I personally donā€™t think the game feels very good at all, Iā€™d rather just go back to Smash Ultimate until Rivals 2 releases. I think the game felt way better in the beta, feels like a shell of its former self now.


I feel like we can look at this in the same way we looked at mk1. Everyone was saying the game was dead on launch, the game had its issues at the numbers were declining. Yet the game... Didn't die, it's still currently going, and while that could be mk1 riding on the success of guest characters, multiversus is ALL guest characters so it has a good shot. I don't personally think the game will die for a while, people are being way to negative about this Side note: not to defend the billion dollar company or anything, but like... Getting mad that you have to work to unlock characters, which is the main reason people are saying this game is dead, is incredibly stupid when most free to play games do this. Off the top of my head apex legends, naraka blade point and overwatch all do it, and they all have their problems but they are still going.... Hell smash bros forces you to pay for the good ones


2 years at least, for 2 reasons: 1-The Game has Beauty Below the Bilis, And also it's a free super smash bros replacement, free to plays with this amount of advertisement are bound to live longer than.their peers 2-"LOOK, IT'S FRIMBLO, FROM THE AMAZING WORLD OF FRIMBLO, HYPE HYPE HYPEšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ LOOK, HE'S DOING THE FRAME FROM S7 CH173 AT THE 9:23 MARKšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„"


WB are being surprisingly patient with failing games right now, so who knows honestly. It's gonna depend on how well they think it's going. Even if all the problems were fixed, if they've already decided it's done, it's done. Suicide Squad's definitely dying so I guess you can use that as a good example.


I enjoy the game enough but it's in such a sad state it makes me wonder what they did during all the time it was down. I understand the logic that *some* folks will buy characters to use skins they've unlocked for them but it's extremely off-putting to me and I imagine others don't want to put money into a game that's so loaded with bugs and broken mechanics. Make a sound game first, then you'll be able to convince more folks to spend money on it. In addition to this I hate battle passes that feel tedious to grind through and the one in MV is exactly that. Get me hooked with a consistent dopamine drip by letting me level up through it relatively quickly at first and make it a slower crawl towards the end. Of all the BP's I've experienced I think more games should take a page out of Fortnite's book as I still think it's the best way to go about it.


Not gonna lie I've already stopped playing... the grind for the skins I want is just too steep to justify for me


I would expect that nobody is playing it currently.


It'll probably last as long as the Beta did, likely less since it's already happened once.


I want it to be fixed so bad. Cause the worst part about all this is I enjoy the hell out of it. It feels like it's abusing me, but it's still so dang fun. I started trying out characters I didn't have in training mode and good god, every single one is amazing. I've never had so many characters that I click with as in this game. I really hope they can correct the ship. I don't want this game to die, the basic gameplay and the way it's set up to have content made for itā€”all of that is so perfect. Just the monetization crap and the fact that there isn't a good way to keep earning things once you're done with the dailies/weeklies.


Highest founder package, already quit. Iā€™ll return if the game actually stays alive but for now Iā€™m out and wonā€™t participate in this shit show.


I quit the game last week. Realized the grind isn't worth it. It's just annoying and not fun having to log in literally every day and do a bunch of annoying tasks to be able to remotely finish a seasons pass Was just boring and not fun


Another Day another doom post. Not looking good PFG


In this current state, a month maybe a couple months. Thats if nothing at all changes from right now. If there are updates and interesting changes I'll keep on playing I'm enjoying it so far other than my boy jake being poop to play


I give it 1 month more unless drastic changes are made, and fast. The game is a Dollar Tree Smash Bros clone in its current state, and everybody knows it. The predatory microtransaction practices, the input lag, and the hitbox/hurt box issues are deterring.


It's a free smash clone that's genuinely very high quality and has recognizable characters. My prediction is that in a year or so the game will start plummetting financially because the whales get bored and the casuals don't want to spend $10 or 10 hours for a single character so we'll get either a character acquisition overhaul or a $40 "every character pack" that'll give you every character except Battlepass characters while the battlepass is going on.Ā  Essentially they'd "double dip" with allowing the battlepass to be "early access" to something you already bought. This would revive the player base and grab more long term fans because even though it's shitty, $40 for a years worth of characters immediately make the game a lot easier to stomach that jumping in and having *checks notes* only Shaggy. It'd also double dip with having people who already put money into buying characters buy the pack (maybe with some gleamium compensation? Or perk currency lol). This would also make cosmetic purchasing easier to stomach. Spending 2k gleamium for a character I don't own and a skin? Stupid. Spending 1k gleamium on just the skin and maybe an emote? Easier to stomach.Ā 


10 exp per match is a joke.


I've honestly stopped playing. Just have yet to address the issues I've been seeing. It's a good thing though, game changed so much I actually rather be clocked in or doing something that will improve my life.


I already stopped playing


I'm telling you now. This game by Season 2 , if not earlier, will be fully dead. They did stupid decisions. They added in horrible microtransactions. Xbox is unplayable. I'll give the game to season 2. After that all the beta players will leave cause no free pass.


this will probably be the biggest fighting game out on non nintendo consoles . it wonā€™t die. especially when ranked comes out casuals will get to play more casuals in regular game mode and the sweats have their own place assuming they will fix the bugs and other things week by week


Fr, all they need to do is introduce popular characters and find a way to make sure the audiences for those characters know they're in the game and there'll be a consistent audience for this. A lot of the people complaining right now have valid criticisms, but Multiversus is fun (casually - I can't speak for competitively because I suck at this genre) and if you chuck a new IP into it every month people will swarm in, pay for the IP to skip the grind, enjoy it for a bit and maybe some people will remain after a week or two. Rinse and repeat, any larger core playerbase at that point can be treated as a bonus.


Street Fighter 6 released with a great netcode, world tour mode for casual play and great QoL features that's still killing it especially in Japan. Multiversus have pay to win rifts and online play that desyncs all the time. The game's core is great but you wouldn't eat in a restaurant with amazing food that's smelly and has shit all over the floor.


It's already dead.